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, FEB. 8, 2017| PAGE3

Wolf seeks to plug

$3B budget gap
By Marc Levy ing government rather than
and Mark Scolforo
proposals rejected by Republi-
cans to wipe out Pennsylvania’s
Wolf’s 2017-18
stubborn post-recession defi- Spending Plan
HARRISBURG — Building cit with a major tax increase on
on an ambitious bet that he can sales or income. -$32.3 billion in total spending
squeeze savings out of state In the background is fear in the (An increase of $1 billion, or 3.2
government, Gov. Tom Wolf Capitol that Wolf and Republican percent, in spending from the
asked lawmakers Tuesday to lawmakers are headed for the 2016-17 budget of $31.3 billion)
help fill a $3 billion projected kind of monthslong stalemate
deficit by imposing a tax on that marked Wolf ’s first budget. Plugging the $3B deficit: Michele Crowe/Associated Press
Marcellus Shale natural gas Democrats embraced Wolf ’s -$1 billion in raised taxes Jon Stewart, left, with host Stephen Colbert during a visit to “The Late
production and signing off on plan, while Republican response (largely from imposing a new tax Show with Stephen Colbert,” in New York on Jan. 31.
potentially touchy cuts in spend- was mixed. on Marcellus Shale drilling and

Colbert reaches
ing, including transportation aid House Speaker Mike Turzai, eliminating tax loopholes)
to schools. R-Allegheny, said Wolf had moved
The Democratic governor toward “a more pragmatic -$2 billion in spending cuts and
also wants to charge local gov- approach to governing.” efficiency measures

ratings milestone
ernments that rely solely on “The governor certainly took -Sales and income tax rates
state police for law enforcement a few pages from our playbook,” would not increase
coverage and lease the huge Turzai said. Still, he said he
Pennsylvania Farm Show would like to see more empha-
Complex in Harrisburg in sis on privatizing government $200 million more for public By David Bauder demographics, Nielsen said.
expectation of a $200 million services, reducing debt and schools, special education and ASSOCIATED PRESS Another late-night story
upfront payment. Education fostering school choice. early childhood education. It may temper NBC’s disappoint-
would get more money, albeit Senate Republicans suggested would maintain services for the NEW YORK — He may cringe ment. “Saturday Night Live” is
more modest amounts than Wolf that items like leasing the farm vulnerable, and fund caregiver at the thought, but is Stephen booming, with its most-
had sought in previous years, show complex, raising the mini- help and day services for anoth- Colbert the late-night man for watched season in 22 years, and
and programs for the poor and mum wage and slapping a tax on er 2,000 people with intellectual the Trump administration? Melissa McCarthy’s imperson-
vulnerable would remain intact. Marcellus Shale production face disabilities or autism. Colbert’s “Late Show” ation of White House Press Sec-
“Our commonwealth has steep, if not impossible, climbs in However, it would cut $50 mil- won the late-night ratings retary Sean Spicer last weekend
been operating with a structural the Legislature. The plan seeks $1 lion from school transportation competition last week over became an instant classic.
deficit for a long time,” Wolf said billion in tax increases, including aid because of lower fuel costs, NBC’s Jimmy Fallon for the Only three prime-time shows
during a 22-minute address to a what the administration views as slash tax credits by $100 million first time since Colbert replaced last week got better ratings
joint session of the Legislature loopholes in taxes on sales, and try to push grant programs David Letterman in September among the 18-to-49-year-old
in the ornate House chamber. corporate profits and insurance onto unidentified outside sources 2015, the Nielsen company said. age group than “Saturday Night
“That means Harrisburg has premiums. The Marcellus Shale of money. It also would eliminate The margin was so small — Live.”
been living beyond its means. drilling tax has been blocked by an approximately $30 million 2.77 million average for CBS, Meanwhile, President Trump
Households can’t do that, and Republican lawmakers for near- grant to the University of Penn- 2.76 million for NBC — that lost a ratings competition to his
neither can we.” ly a decade, in favor of a lower sylvania’s veterinary school. CBS didn’t want to jinx its good predecessor. Trump’s interview
He called his proposal a per-well fee that largely benefits In the meantime, state fortune by making an execu- with Bill O’Reilly on the Super
“responsible solution to our drilling communities. government would rely on tive available to talk about it Bowl preview show was seen by
deficit challenge and a different Wolf ’s plan touts a $2 fewer employees and consolidate on Tuesday. 12.2 million people on Sunday,
approach from the way things billion grab bag of spending agencies and functions, while But it reflects a turnaround for compared to the 14.9 million
have been done in Harrisburg for cuts, efficiency steps and closing the state prison in the troubled show since former who watched CBS’ Gayle King
almost a generation.” revenue sources that do not Pittsburgh and potentially an “CBS This Morning” executive interview former President
Wolf had touted the budget involve raising taxes. undetermined number of state Chris Licht was put in charge Obama on last year’s show.
plan as one built on streamlin- New spending would include health centers. backstage and steered the show In fairness to Trump, Fox
toward more topical content to aired the interview 25 minutes
match the times. earlier in the pregame show than
The “Late Show” won two of CBS, which showed it closer to
the five nights on which Colbert kickoff.
and Fallon went head-to-head The Super Bowl gave Fox the
last week, but it was enough to easy win in prime time. The
win the week. network averaged 29.7 million
One night was Tuesday, viewers in prime time, followed
when Colbert’s former Comedy by CBS with 6 million, ABC with
Central pal Jon Stewart came 4 million, NBC with 3.7 million,
by to offer an impersonation of Univision with 1.8 million, the
President Trump. CW with 1.6 million, Telemun-
The other win was Monday, do with 1.4 million and ION
Colbert’s first night back from Television with 1.2 million.
a week’s vacation and his first Fox News Channel dominated
show, he noted, in the Trump the cable networks, averaging
era. His monologue that night 3.15 million viewers in prime
recorded 4 million views on time. HGTV had 1.58 million,
YouTube, CBS said. USA had 1.55 million, MSNBC
“You’ve got to give the guy had 1.42 million and TBS had
credit,” Colbert said of the new 1.34 million.
president. “He gets a lot of NBC’s “Nightly News” topped
stuff undone.” the evening newscasts with an
It may be Colbert’s first average of 9.1 million viewers.
weekly win in over a year, but ABC’s “World News Tonight”
Collegian file photo
he’s been creeping closer in was second with 9 million and
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf greets local lawmakers after his press conference in Bellefonte on the ratings since the election. the “CBS Evening News” had 7.3
Tuesday, March 29, 2016. Fallon still wins among youthful million viewers.

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Chance the Rapper,

catching blessings
By Rachel Vick
“For Chance, the music
Chance the Rapper — a is more important than
musician, father and now Gram-
my-nominated artist.
the recognition.”
Chance has broken the bound-
aries within the music industry Where many artists grow and
by not only choosing to remain shift and lose a lot of what gives
an independent artist — he’s them individuality and personal-
turned down being signed by sev- ity, Chance has been able to
eral major record companies — grow without losing his sense of
but by keeping his music avail- self. There is so much growth
able to stream for free. His suc- from his first mixtape “10 Day”
cess has come at an opportune (2012) to his present day works,
time, and thanks to the Gram- not only regarding his art but
mys’ recent rule change regard- also as a person growing up and
ing the eligibility of streamed learning about life.
music, he has been nominated The shift in his life and music
for not one, but seven Grammy is most pronounced in the
Awards. difference between Acid Rap
He is up for Best New Artist, (2013) and his more recent
Best Rap Album for “Coloring projects, which have heavier
Book,” and his song “No religious tones and address his
Problem” is up for Best Rap own personal growth. He put
Song and Best Rap Performance. out “Surf ” (2015) with Donnie
In addition to his own work, he is Trumpet and the Social Experi- Courtesy of Patrick Mansell
also up for three awards through ment, without having his name
directly attached to the project. The Playhouse Theatre will feature “American Idiot,” a rock musical based on Green Day’s album by the same
his collaborations on Kanye
West’s songs “Ultralight Beam” For Chance, the music is name, from Feb. 14-25.
more important than the recog-

Behind the scenes

and “Famous.”
Chance’s well-deserved fame nition.
has steadily increased from a The album was on a totally
small dedicated fan base to some different path than any other he
of his tracks on SoundCloud had done and was definitely a
being played more than 20 mil- risk worth taking. His music

of “American Idiot”
lion times. He was the first tells a story, paints a picture.
unsigned artist to perform on The raw energy and emotion
Saturday Night Live. He’s head- coupled with the music often
lining multiple festivals on this evoke strong reactions and a
year’s circuit. He’s done a Nike deep appreciation for his art.
ad and performed a moving trib- Chance also continuously By Sarah Price starts out as being “initially very volved speak very highly of each
ute to Muhammad Ali. Barack makes an effort to give back to THE DAILY COLLEGIAN bitter to the world.” other. The tightknit cast and
Obama even included him on his the community and hosts open “You get to kind of pick the crew intend to present the best
Presidential playlist. And just mike nights in his hometown of Punk rock is taking over Play- character’s background so I view performance possible.
this week, he was the first to Chicago. He gives kids who house Theatre. Heather as a strong, aggressive “This my third show with Erin
release a music video by might not otherwise have With direction by Erin Speer woman who grew up with a sin- and what I love about her is that
livestreaming it on social media. access to opportunities regard- and musical direction by Loclan gle mother that went through she is willing to experiment with
People are drawn to his ing the arts. He headlined a fes- Mackenzie-Spencer, students drug problems,” Lauren Moore the actor,” Moore said. “She will
personality, undeniable charm tival at Chicago’s U.S. Cellular dedicated to teamwork perform never tell an actor no. It is a very
(senior - musical theatre), who
and integrity. He doesn’t shy Field in an attempt to provide “American Idiot,” a rock musical plays Heather, said. unique directing style, naturally
away from his ideals — he easy access to music where it’s
based on Green Day’s album by As a punk rock musical, letting the actor experience the
embraces and amplifies them, not always affordable and pay
the same name. The musical will “American Idiot,” is held to a dif- character to create the picture
even if they aren’t necessarily homage to his roots.
run from Feb. 14-25 at the Play- ferent degree of difficulty than that she wants.”
popular opinions. He doesn’t hes- The simple fact that he keeps
his music accessible instead of house Theatre. other performances the cast and There will be two previews
itate to speak out against social
just trying to capitalize speaks “From day one my team has production members have been Feb. 14 and 16 at 7:30 p.m. and
injustices or cover controversial
volumes to the sanctity of the been all-in, ready and eager to a part of. evening shows start Feb. 17, 18,
topics. In an industry where it’s
music. It’s about the art and not tell a story that is stunningly “I’ve been a pianist, music di- 20-25 also at 7:30 p.m. Penn State
become increasingly difficult to
find someone who isn’t a sellout, the money, and his passion timely,” Speer (graduate – the- rector and conductor on a whole students can receive a ticket for
Chance is like a breath of fresh shows. atre) said. lot of different shows both here a discounted rate.
air. Hopefully that passion and “It has truly been one of the at Penn State and in various “Erin, Michele and I have been
Part of the appeal is undeni- faith gets recognized at the most rewarding creative proj- places around the world,” Mack- in discussions and meetings for
ably the evolution of his music. Grammys, but even if he doesn’t ects of my life, and I am honored enzie-Spencer (graduate - the- well over a year to really delve
While his albums are full of witty win for all his efforts and and humbled to have helmed atre) said. into the material of the show,”
references, classic rhyme accomplishments, he has this production.” “But none of them have quite Mackenzie-Spencer said. “I am
schemes and a strong focus on proven that it’s possible to be The plot is based around a the same challenges as ‘Ameri- lucky to have colleagues who are
the music itself — which has successful without compromis- group of adolescent Americans can Idiot.’ It also makes signifi- so familiar with Green Day’s mu-
unfortunately become something ing ideals, and that you can beat searching for meaning in their cant demands of our cast’s vocal sic and so attuned to the musical
of a rarity — the actual content the system keeping you down. lives and the world around them. and physical stamina to perform and vocal requirements of the
has grown and changed as he The story’s main character is such intense material night after show.”
has, without losing the Jesus of Suburbia, who is de- night.”
factors that initially drew people To email reporter: scribed as an anti-hero. While it may be a more chal- To email reporter:
in. Follow her on Twitter at @rachel_elyssa Alongside him is Heather, who lenging piece, the students in- Follow her on twitter at @Sarahprice920

Jokes not politics when Steve

Martin, Martin Short team up
By Mark Kennedy partisan,” said Short. them to laugh at it. In time, it’ll
ASSOCIATED PRESS “It’s like when you have a fight be fine. In time. But right now,
with your wife. It’s always diffi- it’s like, ‘Are you with us or
NEW YORK — Comedians cult for either side to admit they against us?’”
Steve Martin and Martin Short were wrong. Right now, no one’s The show will have costume
are gearing up for a national going to admit that they were changes, improv, bluegrass
tour, offering a show with plenty wrong.” from Martin’s six-piece band,
of jokes and music — but pre- The show, which visits dozens Steep Canyon Rangers, and
cious little politics. of states from North Carolina show tunes from Short and
The duo say they’ll be to California, includes stand- his accompanist, pianist Jeff
stepping gingerly around the up comedy, film clips, musical Babko.
topic of Donald Trump and numbers and conversations There’s even a bit of cross-
the election during their “An about their lives in show busi- dressing. (“We do that mostly
Evening You Will Forget for the ness. Martin thinks it’s too early backstage,” Martin joked.) The
Rest of Your Life” tour, which after a divisive election to add comedian Catherine O’Hara has
launches Friday in Sarasota, partisanship to the mix. called their act a children’s show
Florida. “I believe that the community for adults.
“I think it’s more important of America is extremely vola- “The form is loose enough
to find safe islands where you tile right now,” he said. “I think that we can keep changing bits,
Jordan Strauss/Associated Press
can put all this endless nega- it’s time to lay off it because for taking bits out that we’re tired of,
Steve Martin and Martin Short pose at the 43rd AFI Lifetime Achievement tive energy aside and celebrate people who are vested one way adding new songs, adding new
Award Tribute Gala in Los Angeles on June 4, 2015. something that’s perhaps non- or the other, it’s very hard for comedy ideas,” said Short.

Think you you can’t be fooled?

You just were, read it again.

By Vincent Lungaro to avoid a fifth straight loss in

THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Champaign. The last time the
Nittany Lions tasted victory at Il-
Peyton Banks
Ahead by 19 points with 9:29 to linois was a 38-33 win in 2009. back on track
go, it looked as though Penn State On a team filled with freshmen
was going to walk out of the State and sophomores, redshirt junior Points: 24
Farm Center Payton Banks ultimately made Assists: 0
with an easy win the play to get the Nittany Lions
MEN’S over Illinois on back on track.
Rebounds: 1
BASKETBALL Saturday. Needing a bucket to silence Plus/minus: 1
Instead, the the crowd and halt the Il- Field goals: 8-for-12
Nittany Lions had to fight off a lini momentum, Banks drove Free-throw line: 5-for-5
furious Fighting Illini comeback to the paint, jumped stopped,
attempt for the second time this spun toward the baseline, drew 3-point shooting: 3-for-6
season, eventually holding on to contact and finished with a
collect the eventual 83-70 win. little kiss off the glass. Tuesday night, in Penn State’s
Just four minutes after taking Banks sunk the ensuing free 70-64 upset of No. 21 Maryland,
that 19-point lead, Penn State was throw, which was followed by an- Banks had a game to forget.
suddenly ahead by just four, after other and-1 converted on the next He was held scoreless on 0-of-4
a Tracy Abrams 3-pointer capped possession by Lamar Stevens. shooting. In the loss to Rutgers
off a 14-0 Illini run. The dwindled lead was now on Feb. 4, Banks scored just three
“Watching the Illini beat North- pushed back to 11 and the Illini points.
western, I knew that this was never threatened again. Chambers attributed Banks’
going to be a difficult game,” Nit- “I’m really proud of the way struggles in recent game’s to fa-
tany Lions coach Pat Chambers we responded, especially in the tigue.
told Big Ten Network. “I knew second half,” Chambers said. “A “As a leader, as a captain, I
they were going to compete and similar thing happened at Penn think he was kind of running out
they were going to get after us.” State. We had a little bit of a lead of gas for a bit there,” Chambers
The young Nittany Lions were and they came storming back. said. “He was trying to bring
wavering as Illini fans, who had “We made our free throws. We these younger guys along and
little to cheer for up until that won the rebounding battle. And there’s no time off with leader-
point, suddenly awoke with thun- we held them under 70 [points],” ship . . . So that wore him down a
Antonella Crescimbeni/Collegian
derous cheers. Chambers added. “That’s huge little bit I think.”
Penn State needed someone for us. That’s our magic formula To read full story, visit Coach Patrick Chambers yells at his players during the men’s basketball
to step up, and quickly, if it were right now.” game against Maryland on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017.

Lions will go as far as Smirnov takes them Hall

FROM Page 6.
By Mark Fischer Penn State won 16 of those hockey, Smirnov scored three Hall got a takedown and four
THE DAILY COLLEGIAN games, launching the program to
the top of both the PairWise and
goals to go along with two assists in
Penn State’s sweep of the
Smirnov’s nearfall points just one minute
into the match when he put
Penn State has loads of talent United States College Hockey Badgers. season Ugalde in a spladle. He got the
in net and on both sides of the Online Poll for the first time ever. While Smirnov didn’t complete- pin at the 1:14 mark, bringing
ice, but one player may be able to But as soon as Smirnov tailed ly disappear during Penn State’s First 19 games: 11 goals, the black out crowd at Rec Hall
indicate whether off, so too did the Nittany Lions. mid-season woes — he still gen- 18 assists to its feet for the second time in
the Nittany Lions Penn State went winless from erated chances and was a staple Next 5 games: 0 goals, three days.
MEN’S will win or lose on Jan. 20 to Feb. 4, losing four on the powerplay unit — some-
HOCKEY any given night. times, while picking up an official 0 assists Although his pin on Sunday
thing was noticeably off with the came fairly quickly, it wasn’t the
Freshman star tie against Ohio State, a game winger.
Last 2 games: 3 goals,
2 assists fastest one he’s had this season.
Denis Smirnov started causing many consider a loss because Coach Guy Gadowsky told Hall’s fastest came while com-
opposing goaltenders headaches the Buckeyes picked up the extra reporters after Saturday’s 5-2 peting unattached during the
as soon as he hit the ice this conference point in the standings win that Smirnov was “physi- opposing defensemen. Michigan State Open against
season, putting up 11 goals and thanks to the shootout. cally healthy,” now, meaning the Teams tend to mirror how Northern Illinois’ Quiton Rosser
18 assists in his first 19 games. Smirnov was held off the team’s leading scorer had been their star player performs. at the 0:33 mark.
Smirnov was among the nation’s scoresheet for all five games, fighting through some sort of un- When it comes to these “I’m just trying to do my part
leading scorers, and his produc- as Penn State fell in both polls, disclosed injury. Nittany Lions, they better hop and score as many points as I
tion caught the eyes of NHL causing fans to move their hands Although it’s been just two on their 5-foot-8 Russian’s back, can,” Hall said. “I know I can
scouts and landed him alongside closer to the panic button on the games, enough reason to tem- because the numbers say they’ll compete and wrestle with any-
teammates Peyton Jones and An- season. per your excitement, Smirnov go as far as he goes. one in this weight class.”
drew Sturtz on the Hobey Baker Against Wisconsin, a team looks like his old-self, finding
Award ballot, annually awarded
17-KJ-0021.Michael that entered
Kors Collegian_AD.pdf 1 this past
1/13/17 2:12week-
PM open corners in the net and mov- To email reporter: To email reporter:
to the top college hockey player. end as hot as anyone in college ing the puck through and around Follow him on Twitter at Follow him on Twitter at @t_king26.

Renovations to Intramural
Building nearly complete
By Dan Bisi

Although it may seem like

business as usual at the Intra-
mural Building , new renovations
have caused excitement about
the building’s potential.
In the years before the IM
Building was revamped, space
was cramped: there were three
gyms, and six basketball or
Courtesy of the Kocher family
volleyball courts.
Lauren Kocher stands with her husband during their wedding. The renovation has added an

State High to hold

extra gym and five additional
courts, Director of Recreation
Sports Tom Lovins said.
“That’s allowed us to meet the

auction supporting
additional demand for basketball
and volleyball activities,” Lovins
The IM Building’s renova-
tion has been broken up into
Courtesy of Mortenson Construction
three phases, each improving a
different aspect of the facility. A digitally created impression of planned improvements to the Penn
Phase I was completed in March State Intramural Building.
By Nicholas Capri page has raised over $38,000. 2014, phase II in May 2015, and
FOR THE COLLEGIAN The auction is fully organized phase III is expected to be I. Additionally, all the offices for “When everyone
by classmates of Kocher’s, finished by August 2017. intramural sports and fitness
The State High community is known then by her maiden name “When everyone gets back classrooms were installed, while gets back in the
rallying around one of their own Tanner, from State High, where in the fall, everyone will be able the main entrance was upgraded fall, everyone will
in her fight against cancer. both she and her husband, Matt, to go everywhere and use it all, to allow check-in via students’ ID
Friends and classmates of graduated. The two started Josh Davis, Assistant Direc- card. be able to go every-
Lauren Kocher, who graduated dating at 16 in 2001. Now 32 tor of Campus Recreation for The first phase was completed where and use it
from State College Area High years old, they have been Membership Services, said. in early 2015.
School in 2003 and Penn State married for almost seven years During the second phase of Along with the indoor track all.”
in 2007, organized an online auc- and have spent half their lives construction, the indoor track and a gym, the IM Building’s
tion to benefit the Kocher fam- together. heating and cooling system was Josh Davis
was expanded. It overlooks
ily. Doctors recently diagnosed The Kochers have three chil- renovated during phase II. The Assistant Director of campus
many areas in the IM Build-
the 32-year-old mother of three dren, Calvin, 5 years old, who suf- IM Building is more energy Recreation for Membership Ser-
ing, which Lovins believes will
with stage 3 anaplastic astro- fers from ichthyosis, a rare skin efficient now than it was before vices
improve turnout for intramural
cytoma, a rare malignant brain disorder with medical expenses activities. the renovation even though the
tumor. of its own, and twins Anna and “It has certainly brought building has gotten larger.
The Auction for Lauren Ko- Bennet, 3 years old. people into the building, and “Just by updating the light-
cher and Family will take place Kocher studied human who knows, if you’re up there ing and the cooling and heating, the IM Building renovations
at TIME on Tuesday, Feb. 14, on development and family studies running, you might see a friend it saves a lot of electricity and through their student activ-
a Facebook page of the same while at Penn State, and elemen- and join a[n] [IM] basketball energy,” Davis said. ity fee. The entire project costs
name. tary education at the University team,” Lovins said. Among the additions that approximately $86.5 million.
Friends, family members and of Pittsburgh. Kocher worked The renovation project has are still undergoing construc- Phase I costed $26.1 million,
Penn State sports teams have in Pittsburgh for Big Brothers, been a massive undertaking tion during phase III are a turf phase II totaled around $31
donated over 150 goods to be Big Sisters, a nonprofit, before that has been planned for years, field and a climbing wall. The million and phase III summed to
auctioned off, including a photo deciding to stay at home with Davis said. The time and table-tennis area is moving to $29.34 million .
shoot in State College, Matisya- her three children. Her husband effort has paid off because the a new room to allow for more Head Building Coordinator
hu tickets for the State Theatre, Matt graduated from Pitt, where IM Building has had more usage gym space; a yoga room is being Mark Lozinski confirmed these
and a Family Clothesline gift he now coaches wrestling. Their now than ever. added; and Campus Recreation costs, estimating a total in the
card. Donations are also being family currently resides in Pitts- A fitness center – the largest is moving all its offices to new mid-$80 million range.
accepted via PayPal to auction- burgh. on Penn State’s campus – that rooms in the IM Building to enjoy, To read full story, visit can hold up to 250 people at a extra work space. To email reporter:
and the family’s GoFundMe time, was added during phase Penn State students pay for Follow him on Twitter at: @dan_bisi.

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