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in the Trade Unions | Socialist Party Trade Union Bulletin | TUC 2010

he TUC conference this week has an
opportunity to give a clear lead to
the trade union movement against
the government’s massive attack on the
public sector.
The cuts have already begun even before
the formal announcements that will be
made in the comprehensive spending
review due on October 20th.
There is already massive anger at the
breathtaking proposals to cut between
25% and 40% of spending on the majority
of government departments from the Civil
Service to Local Government.
Unfortunately, despite the many speeches demonstration in the main composite they weren’t prepared to wait until
by some union leaders, there is a fear on defending the public sector is a step Sarkozy’s proposals to cut pensions was
that the TUC are leaving it to late to begin forward, but this would not have happened implemented. Instead they acted now to
the anti-cuts campaign. And are not yet without the pressure of the left unions stop it happening later.
reflecting the massive anger there is in the like PCS and the RMT and a number
ranks of the trade union movement. Right-wing
of others as well. But to postpone the
Some right wing union leaders fear that
Brendan Barber was absolutely correct national demonstration till March 2011
taking action against the government,
to say last week that the anger against is totally inadequate. Six months after the
whether this is a national demonstration
the cuts could turn into another Poll Tax Comprehensive Spending Review is too
or, ‘even worse’ to them, being seen to
rebellion, but what he didn’t say was that long to wait. We need a demo this year,
coordinate industrial action across the
the massive anti-Poll Tax campaign of non as a step towards a one day public sector
unions over jobs and services, would be
payment - with 18 million people either general strike.
electorally unpopular and jeopardise the
refusing to pay the Poll Tax or not being Whenever the demo takes place, we need chances of getting a Labour government
able to pay it - was led and organised from to make sure it is a massive success. In re elected. Even if this is nearly five years
below. It wasn’t down to the MPs as Barber preparation for it, the TUC and the whole away.
seemed to be saying, but down to the trade union movement must ensure
willingness of ordinary people to organise This hesitancy is inextricably linked with the
that in the week of the comprehensive
against the barbarous unfairness of a tax ongoing election process for the New Labour
spending review of October 20 regional
that meant “the duke pays the same as leader. The right wing want a continuation
demonstrations and other activities are
the dustman,” to quote the saying at the of the type of policies implemented by Tony
organised in every major city in Britain.
time. Blair and Gordon Brown. There was no
Some in the trade unions seem to think fundamental difference anyway between
The campaign against the Poll Tax was that the cuts proposals are supported by the two of them. For example in one of
organised through anti-Poll Tax Unions the wider population because at this stage the main composites at the conference
at local regional and all Britain level with no alternative has been posed. the TUC has included the sentence from
Militant, the predecessor of the Socialist the GMB’s resolution: “Congress deplores
Party, in the lead at that time. But as the French workers demonstrated
the coalition government’s demolition of
last week, with 2.5 million public sector
National Demonstration the public services it took years of Labour
workers on strike and on the streets in
The proposal to organise a national investment to rebuild”.
a series of massive demonstrations, continued over... | Socialist Party Trade Union Bulletin | TUC 2010

he Labour government might have what it is doing.
overseen an increase in public
The other main reason for action sooner
spending prior to the banking crisis
rather than later, at least in the form of a
- through the introduction of extra stealth
demonstration, would be as a warning shot
taxes on the working class in the main and
to the government that they will be in for a
the rising economy. This was based on the
fight if they go ahead with their programme
increase in private debt, as a result of the
of cuts. There is one sure thing – if there
housing price bubble. But this spending
is not action to oppose the cuts, the Tories
was primarily to boost the profits of big
will proceed with a free hand.
Local Demonstrations
Privatisation & PFI
As part of the preparation for a national
The privatisation of the public sector
demo the TUC regions should be
continued at a relentless level under New
pressurised to at least organise regional
Labour. One of the greatest scandals is the
demos in their areas in the week of the
Private Finance Initiative (PFI), introduced
comprehensive spending review, this is
by Gordon Brown as chancellor. Now the
what was talked about at meetings of the
public sector is lumbered with making
general council but other than Scotland
huge repayments to the private sector
nowhere else has yet said they will organise
regional demonstrations’ in the week of
The cost to the public purse is way above the spending review in October. Where it
what it would have cost if the projects had has been raised by some of the left unions
been financed directly by the government then the right have opposed even these
borrowing the money at much lower rates measures
of interest than the private sector was able The same thing has happened in other
Events around the South East region of the regions. For example the south west TUC
to do.
TUC (SERTUC) have shown the desperate showed no enthusiasm for a regional
TUC leader Brendan Barber has being measures being used to stop a regional demo either. The left in that region have
trying to persuade the union leaders to demo. SERTUC met last week and the now organised their own demo with a
support the main composite on the cuts by PCS had a proposal to organise a regional coalition of left unions in Bristol, led by the
references to the willingness of the TUC to demonstration on 23 October in London, PCS and the NUT organised in an anti-cuts
organise “activities” around the country in involving the whole of the south east from committee.
the autumn. A statement will be issued to Brighton to Norwich, including London.
Congress next week saying that there will Other regions should do the same thing;
But this was totally opposed by Unison organise demos from below and call on
be a national demonstration against the
in particular, so instead a compromise the unions in the regions to support them.
cuts in March next year “with the date to
position was adopted to have a regional
be fixed later”. Whatever happens there will be mass
The argument against an earlier demo is opposition to the government’s cuts.
The actions of the right wing trade union
that the unions need time to mobilise their The lobby of the TUC organised by the
leaders are effectively blocking a campaign
members. They argue that motions from National Shop Stewards Network is an
against cuts. The logic of their position is:
the PCS and the RMT which call for action important early step in organising against
“bring back Labour, we can live with their
by the TUC sooner rather than later are too the cuts and gives an indication of what
cuts. Demos and strikes will only make us
early and that people do not yet know of can be built over the coming months.
unpopular with the electorate”.
the precise nature of the cuts to come.
The details of all the cuts are not yet clear National Shop Stewards Network TUC Fringe Meeting:
but that is not the point. The key role of a
leadership worthy of the name is to raise
the level of consciousness by a campaign
of explanation of what is being proposed 5:30pm, Wednesday 15th September, Friends
by the government. At the same time
building up support for a fightback by
Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester
giving the average trade union members (5 mins walk from conference venue)
confidence that the leadership knows Speakers include Bob Crow, RMT Gen Sec

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