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Toolkit for Video Conference.

Important files:

---- Jitsi-meet-master/interface_config.js


* the toolbar buttons line is intentionally left in one line, to be able

* to easily override values or remove them using regex



// main toolbar

'microphone', 'camera', 'desktop', 'invite', 'fullscreen', 'fodeviceselection', 'hangup',

// Left_panel we will need this:

// extended toolbar

'profile', 'contacts', 'info', 'chat', 'recording', 'etherpad', 'sharedvideo', 'settings', 'raisehand',

'videoquality', 'filmstrip' ]

---- Jitsi-meet-master/modules/UI/UI.js
import Chat from './side_pannels/chat/Chat';

import SidePanels from './side_pannels/SidePanels';

import SideContainerToggler from './side_pannels/SideContainerToggler';

import messageHandler from './util/MessageHandler';

import UIUtil from './util/UIUtil';

import UIEvents from '../../service/UI/UIEvents';

import EtherpadManager from './etherpad/Etherpad';

import SharedVideoManager from './shared_video/SharedVideo';

import Recording from './recording/Recording';

import VideoLayout from './videolayout/VideoLayout';

import Filmstrip from './videolayout/Filmstrip';

import Profile from './side_pannels/profile/Profile';

---- Jitsi-meet-master/react/features/components/Toolbox.web.js

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