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Serial Title of the paper Author/Country/ Description

No: Organization
1. Challenges for Competition Authors:Nicolai VAN GORP The paper discusses the
Policy in a Digitalized Dr Olga BATURA challenges for competition
Economy Europe policy with reference to
European Parliament’s digitalized economy. The
Committee on Economic and study also deals with
Monetary Affairs various aspects of
digitalized economy and
how it affects competition
policy. The study also deals
with the economic and
legal analysis of the
competition problems
caused by the digitalized
2 Competition in Authors:John W.Mayo The paper discusses about
Telecommunications: Elisa V.Mariscal the US and EU experiences
Global Lessons for Policy Andrea Renda over the years in telecom
Development in Mexico Mexico sector and analyzing on the
policy that could be
The Georgetown Center For relevant for Mexico as it
Business and Public Policy seeks to capitalize on the
potential of its adopted
constitutional reforms in
telecom sector.
3 Competition in Telecom 42 Annual Conference on The paper is the transcript
Markets International Antitrust Law and of the speech at the
Policy,Fordham University conference that took place
in Fordhan University on
2nd Oct 2105..It contains
the views of the speaker on
the state of competition in
telecom industries in
European Commission with
reference to the merger
between mobile operators
in Brussels.
4 Competition in the Digital OECD/World Bank The article consists of
Age :Between status Quo & agenda to be discussed in
Unknown the panel discussion by
world renowned experts
from various domains like
public policy, academia
technology and
development sector on the
future of competition
policy in the digital age.
5 From Monopoly to Author:Phil Wilson The article discusses about
Competition: How the Geri C. Gibbons three rules and how
three rules shaped the telecom companies that
telecommunications persisted with consistent
Industry approach of the three rules,
drove its performance. The
rules discussed are:
1)Better before Cheaper
2)Revenue before Cost
3)There are no other rules
6 Abuses of Dominance in Author:Simon Roberts The report studies about the
Developing Countries :A Javier Tapia challenges faced by
view From the south with Center For Law, Economics and competition authorities of
an Eye on Telecoms Society CLES Chile and South Africa in
assessing and addressing
possible abuse of
dominance .
7 Competition and Disruptive Presentor:Antonio Gomes The presentation describes
Innovation Head Of Competition Division about the disruptive
OECD Innovation .It also presents
the regulation related to
7 ASEAN Competitive disruptive innovation and
Conference,Selangor,Malaysia challenges faced by
9th March 2017 Competition Agencies with
regards to Disruptive
8 European Commission Staff European Commission The paper consists of
Working Document: background for the relevant
Commission products and service
Recommendation on markets within the
relevant product and Electronic communications
service markets within the sector as an aid to gain
electronic communications recommendations.
Sector susceptible to ex ante
regulation in accordance
with Directive 2002/21/EC
of the European Parliament
and of the council on a
common regulatory
framework for electronic
communications network
and services Date 9-10-2014
9 Commission European Commission The document contains the
Recommendation of Commission
9.10.2014 on relevant recommendations on the
product and service relevant product and
markets within the service markets within the
electronic communications electronics communications
Sector susceptible to ex ante sector
regulation in accordance
with Directive 2002/21/EC
of the European Parliament
and of the council on a
common regulatory
framework for electronic
communications network
and services Date 9-10-2014
10 A primer in Antitrust Law Hanno F. Kaiser The paper deals with
and Policy antitrust law and policy
.The economic analysis of
the antitrust law has been
discussed in detail .The
document also covers
discussion about the all
know how of Market power
and predatory pricing .
11 The state of competition in Author:Martin Masse The paper gives an
Canada’s Paul Beaudry overview of the telecom
Telecommunication Montreal economic Institute sector in Canada. It also
Industry -2014 discusses about the
competition in Telecom
sector and the policies and
steps taken to regulate the
12 Telecommunications Author:Rhys Williams The paper focuses on The
Regulations and Partner changes that needs to be
Competition Law Simmons &Simmons introduced and their
Franco –British Lawyers implications for UK
Society telecom markets after the
Communication Bill. It also
discusses about the
regulatory approach in US
as well as UK and whether
the lessons from US are
applicable to UK telecom
13 Competition Issues: Market Presentor:Sofie Maddens The presentation was aimed
Definition ,SMP and Head,Regulatory and Market at discussion about
Dominance Environment Division Effective competition and
defining market in different
ITU-MCMC International jurisdiction like New
Training Programme Zealand, Europe ,Malaysia.
26-28 August 2015 The presentation also
Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia briefed about the
Significant market power
/Dominance and criteria to
determine SMP and
remedies available in
different jurisdiction to stop
anti competitive conduct.
14 The Economics Of Data Author:William P.Rogerson The paper deals with the
Caps and Free Data Charles E. analysis of pricing
Services in Mobile Emma H.Morrison strategies employed by
Broadband mobile broadband service
provider for data caps and
free data services. The
paper discusses the strategy
from economics point of
view and discusses about
regulating competition.

15 The interplay between European Commission The paper deals with the
Telecommunications relationship between
Regulation and Competition competition law and
Law. telecommunications
16 State of Broadband Report Broadband Commission for The report contains the key
2016 Sustainable Development findings about the
broadband markets and the
current trends in the
broadband market.

17 Defining the Relevant OECD Secretariat The report details about the
Market in experience of the OECD
Telecommunications while applying market
definition concept in
telecom sector .The
findings of the study are
then related to existing
regulations in Colombia to
verify whether the relevant
market defined in
regulatory decisions are
consistent with the
competition economics
approach to identify
relevant markets.
18 Demystifying Blockchain Cognizant The paper gives a overview
of Blockchain software and
how it works and its
usefulness in various
domains.Blockchain is a
software that enables public
distributed ledger system
and allows tracking and
recording of assets and
transactions without
presence of central trust
19 Predatory Pricing:A Author:Himanshu Sharma The article deals about
synopsis of Indian Telecom Martand Nemana concept of predatory
Sector Singh and Associates pricing with respect to
Indian telecom sector.It
also briefs about Rjio
pricing strategy ,and gives
views about whether Rjio
strategy to be considered as
20 Report of the ICN Working International Competition The report discusses about
Group on Network the various issues relevant
Telecommunications to competition agencies in
Services fulfilling their enforcement
and advocacy roles in the
telecommunications sector
such as promoting
competition by eliminating
switching costs and
artificial barriers to entry:
termination charges;
accommodation of new
technologies; vertical
separation; access and
;noncommercial service
obligations and market
21 Next Generation Bain and Company The report discusses about
competition :Driving the state of play of the
innovation in European
telecommunications telecommunication
markets. It focuses mainly
on the consumer segment
and describes it pasts
evolutions and its drivers.
The report also provides a
perspective on possible
future market structures
and potential pathways
going forward.
22 Comparing the Author:Alvaro Garcia The article compares two
incomparable ?An analysis Delgado merely incomparable sector
of the enforcement of abuse Andrea Redondo and try to analyze how
of dominance rules to the abuse of dominance are
energy and technology dealt in both sectors
sectors in Europe .Article also does a
comparative study whether
the abuse of dominance is
dealt in same or different
way in both of these sectors
and whether the lessons
learnt in one is transposable
on another.
23 Dominance in the Author:Cani Fernandez The article discusses about
telecommunications Irene Moreno-Tapia the work of competition
sector:An overview of EU authorities in the field of
and national case law telecom sector. It discusses
about the dominance in
telecom sector and analyses
work of competition
authorities in various cases
of abuse of dominance.
24 Background of the Public European commission The paper gives the
consultation on the background of the
evaluation of the regulatory consultation .It discusses
framework for electronic about the Digital Single
communications and on its market in Europe and
review. change drivers in Europe
market .The paper is made
to provide information for
the consultation and gain
information on the future
connectivity needs of
citizen and businesses.
25 Review of the Australian Writer:Mr Richard Hooper The essay answers some of
Communications and Media CBE the questions related to the
Authority future structure of the
Economic Regulation issues Australian
for the ACMA review Communications and
Media authority.
26 Options to Strengthen the Author: John Dahlsen The paper deals about the
misuse of Market Power competition policy in
Law. Australia .The paper
THE EFFECTS TEST reviews the competition
Section 46 of the policy in Australia and
competition and Consumer proposes amending Section
Act 2010 46 of the competition and
consumer Act to introduce
a simple Effects Test. The
paper also deals with the
economics for the proposed
27 How is competition Law Writer: Paul Stone The article is an
being applied in the investigation by the writer
Telecoms and Media Sector on how the competition law
is being applied by the
European commission to
the telecoms and Media
28 “Effective Competition” in Author: Christian M.Bender, The article discusses about
Telecommunications, Rail Georg Gotz some of the new issues
and Energy market Benjamin Pakula concerning competition in
network based industries
such as rail ,telecom and
energy markets
29 Questionnaire : European Commission The questionnaire contains
Predatory Pricing information on ICN
members analysis and
treatment of predatory
pricing claims.
30 Convergence of Regulation Kenya The paper investigates
and competition in ,identifies and addresses
telecommunication and the gaps and potential
Finance :A proposed overlaps between existing
regulatory Framework telecommunication,
financial and competition
regulatory frameworks in
Kenya ,and to provide
safeguards without any
hindrance to the telecom

31 The impact of regulation on AJIC journal The paper discusses about

competition in how the competition
telecommunications and authorities in South Africa
piped gas. deals with anti competitive
pricing and other forms of
conduct in
telecommunications and
energy sector.
The paper analyses the “ex-
post” exercise of
jurisdiction by the
competition authorities in
the telecommunications
sector in Telkom case and
legislations to the decision
of supreme court of the
appeal on the case.
Paper also analyses the
“ex-ante “powers to
regulate competition
bestowed on ICASA
Communications Authority
of South Africa ) and
NERSA(National Energy
regulator of South Africa)
in terms of ECA act and
Gas Act
32 Establishing Predation? Publisher: Oxera The article deals about the
France Telecom and Article France Telecom case of
82 reform abuse of dominance. The
article gives a brief about
the CFI judgment on the
case .The article also
discusses about how France
Telecom judgment affected
the review of Article 82 by
European Commission

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