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Christine Lina

Ms. Bird

Environmental Studies

16 February 2018

Best Work Reflection

The best work that I chose is my Sustainable City project I did for my AP Environmental

Science class. For the project, we were responsible for “building” a city from scratch, with the

intent of making it environmentally friendly and sustainable. We were given a graph paper with

multiple biomes on it and we had to strategically place buildings and energy sources in areas we

deem suitable. For the PowerPoint, my partner EJ and I went over environmental advantages, the

services our city provided, environmental precautions we took when planning our city, and also

the environmental impacts that a lot of cities leave.

In the process of creating our city, I did a lot of research on my part in order to figure out

where would be the best place to put solar panels, a national park, a sewage treatment plant, a

timber company, a farm, wind turbines, an airport, stores, houses, and the port/docks. This

project did indeed require critical thinking because as a city planner, one just cannot place

something wherever. There has to be a reason behind it. One cannot perform a significant action

without proper and valid reasoning, and they have to do it with the intention of benefiting the

community and not only themselves.

I learned that every action we make has a consequence, and in this case, environmental

consequences. Maintaining sustainability is an important value I picked up during this project,

and although it proved onerous, I learned that in every difficulty one faces, there is always a

panacea — a solution.

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