Thelma Louise Notes

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Feminism and Feminist Theory

Throughout time, women have struggled to gain the same rights as men. This is in large part
due to patriarchy, a social structure in which men have power over women. Patriarchy exists in
many societies throughout the world, causing women to struggle for rights that men have
always had. Feminism arose from a need to fight the patriarchal system and bring about

Feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions to society are valued. It
strives for social, political, and economic equality for women. Anyone can be a feminist -
woman, man, child. At its most basic level, Feminism is a movement to end discrimination
based on gender and challenge the notion that men are somehow superior to women.

According to Lois Tyson, English professor and critical theory expert, Feminist Theory argues
1. Women are oppressed by patriarchy politically, economically, and socially.
2. In patriarchal systems, women are marginalized and defined by their differences from
male values.
3. Western society is based in patriarchy from our governments to our religion.
4. Biology determines our sex (male and female), but culture determines our gender
(masculine and feminine).
5. Gender issues play an important role in all aspects of the human experience, including
the production of art and literature.

Common questions when viewing film through a feminist perspective:

● How is the relationship between men and women portrayed?
● What are the power relationships between men and women?
● What constitutes masculinity and femininity?
● How are these traits depicted in the characters?
● Do characters take on traits from opposite genders? If so, how does it change other
character’s reactions to them.
● What does the film reveal about the way patriarchy works?
● What does the work imply about the possibility of sisterhood as a means of resisting
patriarchy? What does the film’s reception amongst the public and critics tell us about
the patriarchal system?
Thelma & Louise

Take notes in the table below from the two listed perspectives:

Your own response to the characters and events of the Feminist Perspective
film. This may include thoughts on cinematography. Respond to the film by thinking about the questions on
the previous sheet

Example: Thelma’s husband seems like a real jerk. Example: Thelma’s husband has all the power in the
relationship. He seems to decide what she can and
cannot do.
Thelma & Louise

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