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SPWLA 35th Annual LoggingSymposium, June 19-22,1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

1. Abstract the stepsif a meaningful result is to be achieved &

Pickett plots, over the years, have become a time-
honoured formation evaluation technique used by BecausePickett plots are so easily constructed, it is
petrophysicists and geologists around the world in sometimes easy to fall into the pitfalls without
their search for hydrocarbons. This powerfd knowing that anything has gone wrong. With the
technique has gained wide acceptancebecauselong simplicity and power of the Pickett plot, quick results
sections of wells, especially exploration wells, are often are achieved. By plotting log Ra versus log +
evaluated quickly with a minimum of petrophysical (with Rw as the intercept) and drawing a ‘best fit’ or
data. regressedline through the 100 percent wet points, a
slope defined as ‘m’ is obtained. This ‘m’ value,
Pickett stated that “the apparent porosity-resistivity Archie’s cementation exponent, then is used to
plotting technique is not a panacea” but his message evaluate other wells in the area or the remainder of
has not always been heeded. The pitfalls of Pickett the zone. A series of SW lines parallel to the 100
plots can be broken down into four areas: percent wet line then are drawn to determine
uncertainty in Rw, errors in Rt, errors in the potential hydrocarbon-bearing zones (see Figures la
determination of porosity, and the grouping of all and lb).
carbonate depositional environments on one log-log
plot. Two questions remain, “How good is the derived ‘m’
value?” and “How reliable is it?”
Often, the result is an erroneous ‘m’ value that has
serious consequenceson the calculation of water The following are steps that should be followed to
saturation. Casing/abandonmentdecisions as well as check its reliability:
volumetric reserve estimates are strongly inlluenced
by the ‘m’ used in the water saturation calculation. (1) learn as much as possible about the various rock
Once ‘m’ becomes established for a formation, it properties,
becomes difftcult to change it unless a significant (2) attempt to find/derive a reliable Rw from water
amount of work is completed. chemical analysis,
(3) understand the differences between laterologs/
This paper provides examples of where thesetypes of induction logs in hydrocarbon-bearing and wet
pitfalls have occurred in the evaluation of carbonates zones,
and how they infhrenced the abandonment/ (4) understand the principles of capillarity for the
completion decisions made at that time. It also rock types present, and
provides guidelines for improved use of Pickett plots (5) establish a proper open-hole log/core porosity
and how to apply them more judiciously. relationship (don’t neglect stress).

2. Introduction 3. Rock Properties

Pickett plots are an extremely valuable petrophysical Before even beginning to construct a Pickett plot, the
technique and are used by geologists/petrophysicists petrophysicist must stop and think about the rock
to make important decisions in both exploration and properties that correspond to a particular
development wells. They are usually used to assist depositional environment. 1 With the aid of a
in the following: geologist and petrographer, valuable geological
information that ultimately will affect the Pickett
(i) casing/abandonmentdecisions, plot can be learned at this early stage.
(ii) volumetric reserveestimatesby correctly
estimating ‘m’ and consequently SW, Furthermore, if time and resources (i.e., drill
(iii) better estimatesof OWCYGWCYFWL(Free cuttings and core) are available, the petrophysicist
Water Level), and should examine them with the assistance of the
(iv) developing new geological/petrophysical plays. geologist and petrographer. Even if they are
unavailable, or you are working alone, the brief time
Even such a powerful technique as the Pickett plot spent looking at the rocks will not be wasted. With
can produce the correct results only if the proper some training, perseverance, and learning on-the- GGG
stepsare followed. During the processof construct- job, the rocks will provide invaluable information in
ing a Pickett plot, attention must be paid to each of the construction of the Pickett plot. Some of the
types of information to be found are:
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

(i) How are the pores connected? processto break out rock types and better understand
(ii) Are there both matrix and vuggy porosity types log responses.
(iii) Are the vugs touching? Sometimes,depending on the thickness of the zone,
(iv) Visualize what the rock would look like in 3D only one cycle (or one dominant rock type) may be
in the subsurface. present. In moving laterally, updip, or downdip, the
(v) Imagine what a capillary pressurecurve would rock types may change completely so that a ‘new’ ‘m’
look like for the rock. must be applied or derived.
(vi) Are there any infill materials such as calcite,
anhydrite, or solid hydrocarbonsthat might At this point, it is sufllcient that the petrophysicist/
reduce permeability? geologist is aware how depositional environments
(vii) Are limestone and dolomite interbedded? can inthrence the Pickett plot. Figure 3a illustrates
(viii) Are the grains large, small, or mixed in sizes? schematically how this might look. Figure 3b shows
some of the possible problems if a reservoir with a
Both broken and slabbedsurfacesshould be variety of rock types is evaluated as if only one rock
examined. type was present.

A lot of what will be seen will be a function of the 4. Water Resistivity, Rw

depositional environment and any diagenesis that
has taken place. The water resistivity, Rw, is the intercept on the log
Rt versus log Qplot. It is the tie point that is used to
In carbonates,the depositional environments can be establish the 100 percent wet line on the Pickett plot.
broken down very basically into the following: At 100 percent porosity, only formation water will be
present and Rt = Ro.
(i) ramp/platform
(ii) fringing reef, bank barrier reefs,patch reefs, Note: If hvo separate water resistivities are believed
barrier reefs, atoll reefs (after James)*O to be present, then hvo separate Pickett plots must
be constructed.
Many variations of these depositional environments
are possible as water depths will vary (i.e., The water chemistry of a formation is a unique
transgressive versus regressive) over geologic time fingerprint that can only be determined directly by a
(see Figure 2). As water depths vary, so will living wireline MDT, DST, or production test. In many
conditions for the many organisms; in other words, a cases, a significant amount of drilling fluid or
borehole may penetrate a formation that is composed production fluid must be flowed before a true
of numerous cycles that may or may not readily be formation water is obtained. All too often, a
apparent to the petrophysicist at a first glance contaminated fluid sample and its corresponding
because of the apparent uniform gamma-ray resistivity are used mistakenly in the Pickett plot.
character. These cycles may be small or large,
depending on the geologic history of the area. For Precautions or checks on fluid samples must
example, a formation might have a sequencewhere carefully be made before the fluid resistivity is
grainstones are found on top, packestones in the determined to be the Rw of the formation. Some of
middle, and the wackestones on the bottom (a thesechecks are:
regressivesequence;seeFigure 2). The rocks in each
of these cycles likely will be very different. The (i) construct a Stiff diagram (compareit to other
grainstone might be an Archie Type III; the produced formation waters available in the
packestone an Archie Type IIIBcz, with some area and the drilling mud); seeFigure 4a and
associated non-touching vugs; and the wackestone 4b;
an Archie Type 1-111~~~ in a tighter, muddier matrix. (ii) check the drilling mud properties;
Each cycle will have its own ‘m’ or variable ‘m’ (iii) check the Cl/Na ratios (should be 1.1 to I.7
relationship. Each one of these might constitute depending on water type)
reservoir rock if diagenesis, fracturing, etc., has (iv) check the pH (should be between 6.0 and 8.0);
preserved enough permeability for them to be (v) check for the presence/absenceof secondary
productive. cations/anions that will provide clues to the
reliability of the sample being formation water.
Capillary pressures,$/k crossplots, thin sections,and
SEM work can be used later in the evaluation
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

If the petrophysicist is fortunate, the formation is Open-hole logs are subject to borehole nrgosity
permeable enough and the DST will have had long effects, mudcake effects, pore-filling with secondary
enough flow times to produce a true formation water. minerals, and thin-bed effects so they must be
Now, a water resistivity at surface temperature will calibrated to core wherever possible. Core analysis
be available but for the bottomhole, one must still be can also be in error due to sampling biases, plug
determined. What is most commonly done is to pick versus whole core measurements, insufficient
up the first log available and read the BHT. The cleaning of the rock, etc. In my experience, the
water resistivity at surface conditions is them simply errors in core porosity on average are + 0.05 - 1.0
corrected to that BITT. The log measuredBHT may p.u., whereas errors in log derived porosities can
be in error for many reasons: range from + 2.0 to 5.0 p.u. Usually, core porosity
values are more reliable than open-hole, even though
(i) the mud may not have reachedthe formation the volumes investigated are quite different.
temperature; Depending on rock types and borehole conditions,
(ii) less emphasis(care) is paid to reading open hole logs and core usually have excellent
temperaturesin wireline logging, agreement, but these checks must be made if a
(iii) temperaturesmay sometimesbe recorded meaningful Pickett plot is to be obtained.
according to regional geothermal gradients.
Before constructing the core porosity versus open-
To try to overcometheseproblems, Homer-type plots hole log porosity plot (seeFigure 5a), core or sample
using temperatures plotted against time since examination may reveal heterogeneities. Further
circulation has stopped,can be used in many cases.5 evidence of this is present in porosity/permeability
Furthermore, temperaturesrecordedfrom DST’s may plots (see Figure Sb). For example, a wackestone
be more reliable and much higher (20-50°F) than log may have vugs in a tight matrix, whereas a
recorded BHT; however, the temperature recorded grainstone has primarily interctystalline porosity.
on the resistivity log should be used for Rw These two rocks would have their own characteristic
corrections and the calculation of SW.~ Finally, core porosity versus log porosity relationship. These
supervision of logging jobs at the wellsite should derived relationships would then be used to
emphasize the importance of accurately recording a determine the formation porosity using open-hole
BHT. logs Again, by using a Pickett plot variation such as
Figure lb, errors in Atm or an incorrect sonic-At
In many instances, no nearby formation tests of the relationship will produce errors in porosity and
zone in question will be available. An attempt at this consequentlyerrors in ‘m.’
time should be made to determine the Rw from the
SP log. A couple of variations are possible; such as, For example (for Rw = .025):

(i) the Schlumberger method,16or Method At * Ro m

(ii) the Silva-Bassiouni method.l7 (ohm-m)
Wyllie 180 11.0% 6 2.48
In many cases, limited success is realized in Raymer Hunt 180 12.5% 6 2.64
determining Rw from the SP in carbonates. The Packstone 180 18.0% 6 3.20
currents in many carbonate zones travel deep into Grainstone 180 9.5% 6 2.33
the formation and often will produce a ‘wandering’ Mudstone 180 5.0% 6 1.83
look to the SP log. Nevertheless, these methods
must be attemptedas a last resort. One further step might be necessarybefore open hole
logs can be used to determine formation porosity,
Looking at the SP log aboveand below the formation and that is to correct for stress. This step is often
may provide some clues. The SP log responsein a neglected because it is often assumed that stress is
known tested wet zone may provide some limits or insignificant. It may be insignificant but that
ranges of what the Rw may be. Finally, the Rw in assumption should not be made until it is checked.
the hydrocarbon-zone may be different than that in Based on rock compressibility studies and core
the wet or aquifer zone (check the Cl/Na ratios). measured porosities at stressed conditions,
atmospheric porosities will be reduced by 0.5 to 1.0
5. Porosity p.u. or typically stressedQ = atmospheric + x 0.9 to GGG
The porosity values that will be used in the Pickett
plot generally will be derived from open-hole logs.

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

Total porosity is plotted on Pickett plots. Neutron All of these new tools have added tremendously to
and density logs will measurethe total porosity, and our knowledge of formation resistivities. In some
sonic logs are believed to measure only the matrix cases,it has even forced us to rethink our original
porosity. Other investigators, such as Nurmi,12 have conceptsof invasion. For example, what happensto
found that the sonic log in carbonates does not the resistivity of the wet or hydrocarbon-bearing
always behave according to commonly believed formation with time after it is invaded? How do
principles of just measuring geological secondary induction logs and Iaterologs (MAD - made after
porosity but it can be atfected by pore geometry. drilling) compare to MWD logs? Cunningham4
Nonetheless, the total versus effective question can described how the laterolog agreed best with the
yield valuable clues regarding ‘m.’ If the ineffective MWD in hydrocarbon-bearing zones to resistivities
porosity is due to vugs, then ‘m’ will be increased as as low as 10 ohm-m, whereas the induction log best
the effective/total porosity ratio is decreased.11 agreedwith MWD in wet zones. This leads into the
next discussion on resistivity log principles.
6. Resistivity
Many Pickett plots are believed to be “true The service companies have worked hard to provide
resistivity” Pickett plots because the apparent us with two types of resistivity logs (in the lower
resistivity, Ra, is taken directly from the resistivity frequency range 25-250 Hz): (i) induction logs, and
log and crossplotted against porosity becauseRa is (ii) Iaterologs. What could be simpler? Only two
thought to be proportional to Rt. Often this is not types of resistivity logs, but still the elusive answer to
the case. A Pickett plot may incorrectly be labeled the Rt question is not easily attained because of a
true resistivity because of the proportionality that host of other factors that are sometimesbeyond our
sometimes exists between Ra and Rt. This, is the control:
secondlargest contributor to the misinterpretation of
Pickett plots (after mixing geological environments). (i) geology - rock types, fractures, bed thickness,
Resistivity logs measure Ra, and with careful surrounding beds, etc.
corrections and understanding of resistivity log (ii) mud design - type, weight, fluid loss, days of
principles, the petrophysicist must try to establish Rt. open-hole.
The true resistivity, Rt, may be as much as 2-5 times (iii) formation pressure- over, under, normally-
less or 2-5 times greater than Ra, depending on the pressured.
resistivity tool used, bed effects,borehole effects,and (iv) drilling operations - coring, number of trips,
the saturation of the reservoir. Rt, in most instances, surge pressures.
is not proportional to Ra.
These are someof the factors beyond our control, but
Pickett plots serve many purposes but two of the what about the ones we do control? We do, for
most basic are as follows: instance, control which resistivity tool we run and
use for Rt.
(i) establish Ro (the resistivity of the rock 100%
saturated with formation fluid), and
(ii) identify potential hydrocarbon zones (by comparing
Let us quickly examine the principles of resistivity
it to the established Ro values). logs. Very simply, the induction devices will seek
out anything conductive in the formation
The aim of the petrophysicist should then be to (electrolytic or electronic). Many deep induction
establish Ro in the wet zone and Rt in the tools are designed to obtain 50 percent of their
hydrocarbon zone. This may seema trivial exercise reading 100 inches from the borehole but in fact this
at times, but many generations of tool design have may not always be the case. The induction tool,
strived to overcome the single largest nemesis of measuring currents in parallel, may find the largest
petrophysicists: invasion. conductive loops only 30-40 inches from the
borehole and this will dominate the recorded
Large strides have been made in recent years to resistivity, Ra. The laterolog, on the other hand, is
better estimate Rt. Some of the tools and their designed to be a resistivity-seeking device and will
principles are as follows:7 be dominated by resistive substances in the
Measur-t Type Tool Types
formation. This may be mud filtrate, (especially
Measure Rt before invasion has MWD when Rmf > Rw), hydrocarbons, residual
occurred hydrocarbons, calcite/ anhydrite/solid hydrocarbon-
Measure a&r invasion has occurred Laterolog/induction log
with multiple resistivity logs open-hole devices
filled pores or anything else resistive. The laterolog
Measure beyond invaded zone MPI tool is designed to read approximately 100 inches
from the borehole, but its depth of investigation may

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22, 1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

also suffer. It is a series-typedevice and if sufficient induction tool will be adversely affected by invasion
resistive barriers such as mud filtrate (Rmf >>Rw) in a hydrocarbon-bearing zone (i.e., Rt > Rxo). Ra,
are encountered in this area near the borehole, then as measuredby the 6FF40, will be too pessimistic in
the voltage drop and consequently the resistivity will the invaded hydrocarbon-bearing zone but will read
be dominated by this area and will not be influenced much closer to Rt in an invaded wet zone (i.e., Rt <
by what is further away from the borehole. Rxo). Conversely, the laterolog will be too
optimistic in the wet zone when Di > 10” but will
Combining induction log and laterolog apparent read closer to Rt in the hydrocarbon zone. Other
resistivity readings on a single Pickett plot will people such as Wyllie24 described this same
simply add to the confusion of determining a proper principle of laterolog devices being affected by
‘m’ value or values. Only after the apparent invasion. Summarizing their work leads us to the
resistivity readings, Ra, are corrected to read the true following:
resistivity, Rt, can they carefully be combined.
(i) use the induction log for Rt in wet zones,
Even in his original paper, Pickett points out an (ii) use the laterolog for Rt in hydrocarbon zones,
anomalous plot (Pickett - Figure 7) that had an (iii) be careful of both logs when Di > 30 inches.
induction log that looked wet but “was completed for
one of the better oil wells in the area.” This may be Note: the high resistivity recorded on the laterolog
largely due to invasion as well as other effects. may be due to invasion and not a high ‘m.

In this paper, two examples are given where both Corollary: correct the resistivity log for invasion, but
induction log and laterolog resistivity logs were run do not raise the ‘m’ to explain why the zone flowed
on the samewells. The first example (Figure 6a) has salt water.
an old set of logs (IFS and LL7) in a wet well
whereas the secondexample (Figure 7a) has modem 7. Capillary Pressures
logs (DITE and DLL) in a gas well. In the first
example, LL7 is approximately 3-5 times greater Although capillary pressuresare not plotted directly
than the IFS. If only the LL7 had been run, the ‘m’ on Pickett plots, their effects can determine the
determined from the Pickett plot would have been behaviour of one. A basic understanding of capillary
3.1. The core description and permeability pressures is mandatory because in a hydrostatic
measurements from the well would not have system, the fluid distribution of the reservoir is
supported such high ‘m’ values. In this wet case governed by this simple principle. Furthermore,
@ST tested 2300’ salt water) the IFS log would have pore geometry effects, as measured by capillary
been the correct log to use to determine ‘m’ values of pressurecurves, will strongly affect the ‘m’ values.
2.4 in a fossil moldic rock. In the second example,
both a DITF (phasor) and laterolog were run. The Figure 9 illustrates the capillary pressure principles
phasor resistivities of 150 ohm-m fall into the “gray” and how they manifest themselves on a Pickett plot.
area (i.e., will it produce water or hydrocarbons?)of They are as follows: (i) the FWL, (ii) the OWC, and
carbonate resistivities, whereas the laterolog read Ra (iii) the top of transition. The capillary pressure
values of 1500-2000 ohm-m = 10 times greater than curve of a grainstone will have the sameFWL but a
the deep phasor. The rock type was a micritic (20- different OWC and a different top of transition than
50 micron grain size) limestone that was deeply a packstone. In other words, the FWL will be flat
invaded (seeFigure 15). but the OWC and top of transition will vary
according to rock types and their corresponding
Note: Tornado chart corrections would further permeabilities and pore size distribution. In very
reduce Ra. In the second case, Rxo is less than Rt highquality reservoirs, with high permeabilities, the
and the tornado charts cannot be used in a top of transition, OWC and FWL may almost be the
hydrocarbon zone. This was confirmed bv the DLL- same. The differentiation of these three interfaces
MSFL combination, where Ra (DLL) was greater will be further affected by the fluid types present in
than Rxo (MSFL). The principles of induction log the reservoir.
and laterolog responses in wet and hydrocarbon-
bearing zones are summarized by Souhaite et al. la The two basic fluid types discussedwill be:
Figure 8, by Souhaite best illustrates these invasion (i) gas-brine system,and
principles and their effects on induction logs and (ii) oil-brine system.
laterolog devices. After 30” of invasion, the 6FF40
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

Becauseof larger density differences in the gas-brine One additional comment about capillary pressures
system (gas = 0.20 gm/cc and water 1.00 - 1.20 and Pickett plots must be made. Pore geometry
gmkc) water saturation changes will OCCUT more effects will strongly a&ct man rock pro t-ties
quickly, over a shorter height, in the reservoir. In an including ‘m.’ Work by Towle,2a Wardlaw,R and
oil-brine system(oil *: 0.65 - 0.80 gm/cc) the density Stout19 emphasize the variability of pore geometry
differences are not nearly as large. Therefore, in systems in carbonates. Many times in lower
comparable rock types, the height will be much porosities (i.e., < 10%) the + versus Rt (in a 100%
larger betweenthe top of transition, OWC, and FWL wet zone) will produce a culved and not a linear
in an oil-brine systemcomparedto gas-brine. relationship. This has been documented by other
investi ators such as Focke and Mutut,* B~rai,~ and
This adds further complications, or pitfalls in the use Wotfa.s3 It is my belief that the observedbend is not
of Pickett plots. For example, in a carbonatewith 10 due to just tortuousity effectsbut can be explained by
percent porosity and 5-20 mD in an oil-brine system, the shape of the sheet-like pores (Wardlaw), pore
the top of transition (zone of water-free production) connections (Towle) and surface area. In lower
may exist at a considerable height above the FWL porosities, the pore throats are mostly the same size
(i.e., 100 - 150’). Any wells drilled into a formation and becauseof the uniformity of the cross-sectional
that is above the OWC but below the top of areas and the sheet-like connecting pores, a low ‘m’
transition will flow essentially all salt water with will result. These effects will be present in Archie
varying amounts of oil flecked mud, oilcut mud, etc. Type I and micritic rocks.
The relative permeability to oil will not become
significant in many carbonate formations until a 8. Examples
water saturation less than 20 percent is reached.
Further changes to the relative permeability of the Three examples from Western Canada will be given
formation are causedby the drilling process, which illustrating some of the variations in Pickett plots
makes it easier for formation water and mud filtrate and their relationships to depositional environments.
to flow and harder for oil to flow in the “transitional” They are:
20-60 percent SW range. Even with fracing the
damagecausedby drilling is often irreversible. (i) pinnacle - formations include the Devonian Keg
River, Winnipegosis, Nisku, and Leduc.
The petrophysicist in establishing the 100 percent (ii) ramp - formations include the Devonian
wet line, must first try to find wells (or zones) that Wabamun, Devonian Blueridge, Mississippian
are located below the OWC or FWL. Wells that are Elkton, Triassic Charlie Lake.
below the top of transition but above the OWC must (iii) bank margin - formations include the Devonian
ncJ be used to establish the 100 percent wet line. Swan Hills, Leduc, and Nisku.
This will result in erroneously high ‘m’ values that
would not be supportedby rock examination work. The first example is a pinnacle from the Keg River
formation. Figure 10a illustrates a cloud of points
The top of transition, or the first break/decreasein with a best fit line of m = 2.04. This is the
resistivity, is often incorrectly identified as the petrophysicist’s common fallback value (i.e., in
OWUGWC. This is incorrect. And, as Willinklg carbonates,when in doubt, use m = 2.0). A more
points out, it leads to many misinterpretations careful examination of samples and capillary
including the plotting of resistivities below this pressures from the area reveals an Archie Type
depth as being below the OWC. To avoid these IB3C2D2 carbonate with tremendous variations in
types of problems, the capillary properties of the matrix and vug proportions. A single ‘m’ value is
rocks in the area of study must be understood and not justified. Returning to the original Pickett plot
measured. in Figure 10a and calculating an ‘m’ value for each
and every point results in a plot such as Figure lob.
Another simple check, if available, is the core The ‘m’ value, in fact, ranges from 1.8 to 3.2. Using
analysis. In many cases,fluid saturations will have a low value of m = 2.0 would result in unnecessary
been measured as part of the routine analysis. if testing of this zone. Furthermore, if a nearby
residual oil, So, is present (5 - 10 percent) and the pinnacle did contain hydrocarbons and if the same
water saturations are low (30-50 percent) then there rocks were present, the use of a low ‘m’ would
is a very strong likelihood that the formation in incorrectly predict the OWC/FWL and significantly
question is above the OWC even though it may have overestimatethe reservesin place.
produced all salt water on the drill stem test.

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

The second example is a ramp from the Triassic rock types in the wet wells were Archie Type IBCDS
Charlie Lake. In the ramp environment, mudstones with abundant intlll materials and non-touching
are dolomitzed to form microcrystalline rocks that vugs, whereas the rock types in the discovery area
form the primary reservoir; however, many were Type III B2C3D4 with excellent matrix and
variations of rock types can occur in the touching vugs. The latter rock had excellent
supratidallintertidalisubtidal environment (see permeabilities of 500 mD to 2D. This rock from
Figures 16, 17, 18). Leaching of organisms can visible rock examination would support a much
cause vuggy porosity to be found in fine to coarse lower ‘m’ value than the previously used ‘m’ value of
dolomite matrix porosity. Figure lla illustrates a 2.65. Special core work confirmed the ‘m’ value to
Pickett plot from this environment. The grouping of be from 1.8 to 2.1. This was significantly lower than
100 percent wet points is quite ‘tight’ compared to the previously used ‘m’ value of 2.65. In this case,
the previous one. Constructing an ‘m’ versus Q plot, no 100 percent wet zones were found in the
as in Figure lla verifies this. The range of ‘m’ dolomitized grainstone so the Pickett plot could not
values is from 1.9 to 2.25. Again, the Pickett plot is be used to independently determine ‘m’ from logs.
governed by the rock types present. In this case, an By using the lower ‘m’ values of 1.8 to 2.1, it resulted
Archie Type IIIBC, or Dunham dolomitized in a significant increase in the original reserves.
grainstone/packstone as revealed from samples, 4/k Furthermore, by using the correct ‘m’ values a better
crossplots and capillary pressure curves reveals the determination of the top of transition, GWC, and
relative uniformity of the. rocks. With the good FWL were possible. In many hydrocarbon zones, a
matrix permeability provided by the coarser Type III FWL is often not evident9 and the transition zone
dolor&es, the ‘m’ will be low provided no infill produces water with little or no hydrocarbons. As
materials such as anhydrite, solid hydrocarbons, and mentioned previously, wells encountering a zone in
calcite are present in the pore throats. Crystal sizes transition (i.e., above the OWC but below the top of
are significant in this environment becausea coarser transition) cannot be used to determine the 100
dolomite (> 200 microns crystal size) with some percent wet line.
intill materials may not significantly affect the ‘m’
value; however, a finer dolomite with infill materials The three examples were from crystalline dolomite
may significantly reduce the permeability and reservoirs. Although dolomitization at times
increase the ‘m’ value > 2.2. This is due to the increases porosity and usually permeability, the
greater surfacearea per pore volume. processcan often create a greater variety of rock and
pore types than was previously present in limestone.
The final example is from the Devonian Swan Hills. The greater the variety of rock types, the greater the
This is a bank margin example where a tremendous likelihood of a variety of ‘m’ values. Another way to
variation in rock types is possible over short attempt to understand carbonate ‘m’ values is to
distances (i.e., % to % mile). In bank margin areas, think in terms of order and disorder (personal
many depositional environments such as the lagoon, communication - H. King, Canadian Hunter). The
bank margin, upper/middle/ lower foreslope and more ordered or uniform the rock, the lower the ‘m’
micritic basin may be present. These sediments may value. This is often evident in limestone and
vary rapidly both laterally and vertically. In other dolomites present in the samereservoir. A limestone
words, this may lead to a wide variety of rock types of the samerock type will generally have a lower ‘m’
in one wellbore or in nearby wells. Some of the value than the dolomite becausethe dolomitization
rocks may become dolomitized while others remain process may create a variety of crystal sizes. These
as limestone. Figure 12a illustrates the Pickett plot kinds of differences in ‘m’ values for dolomites and
from one wet well. This rock flowed salt water from limestones have been reported by Pitch. l5
higher resistivities (as measured by the induction Furthermore, diagenesis can continue to further
log) and confirmed the higher ‘m’ values of reduce the better permeability that was created
approximately 2.65. during initial dolomitization.

Another nearby updip well was drilled that led to a 9. Summary of Pickett Plots
discovery. The resistivities were extremely high and
even using the high ‘m’ values of 2.65 calculated Figure 13 summarizes some of the ‘m’ versus +
from the downdip wet test the zone calculated to be relationships seen to date in Western Canada.
hydrocarbon bearing. It was hydrocarbon bearing as Figure 14 attempts to summarize the underlying GGG
confirmed by DST and production tests. Later work factors that affect Pickett plots that may not readily
revealed that the rock types in the discovery area come to mind when a Pickett plot is first constructed.
were much better than the nearby wet wells. The
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

Stepsto a better Pickett plot:

As petrophysicists and geologists, all the information
1. Look at the rocks. in newly drilled carbonate formations must first be
2. Understand the geology and depositional observed and then interpreted. Use all available
environment (consider making a separate plot wells, cored, drill cuttings, logs, and capillary
for each rock type or depositional environment). pressures to arrive at ‘m’rm’s. The Pickett plot in
3. Use a porosity/permeability crossplot to guide carbonateswill rarely be one straight line.
you on the variability of rock types.
4. Carefully check drill stem tests, production tests,
and SP logs to determine a proper Rw (Note: ACKNOWLEDGMENT
two different Rw’s may be present in the same
zone; one in the hydrocarbon zone and the other I would like to thank Canadian Hunter Exploration
in the wet zone). Ltd. for allowing me to publish this paper, the
5. Correct resistivity logs from an apparent petrographers and carbonate geologists for their
resistivity reading, Ra, to a true resisitity, Rt. many useful discussions, Donna Pidgeon for typing
(Note: errors can be significant if Di is large the manuscript, Ruth Nixon for preparing the
and resist&y logs are adversely affected in figures, and Jon McGovern for his SEM work.
hydrocarbon and wet zones. Furthermore, the author would like to thank E.T.
6. On the first attempt at a Pickett plot, use only Connolly, D.F. Hunter, and H. Ring for reviewing
the 100 percent wet points. Do not mix zones of the manuscript and their helpful suggestions.
lower water saturations.
7. Understand the concepts of capillary pressures
and how the resultant ‘m’ value may be affected. REFERENCES CITED
8. Calibrate open hole porosity logs to stressedcore
porosities. 1. Archie, G.E., 1952, “Classification of Carbonate
9. Consider variable ‘m’ relationships where +/k Reservoir Rocks and Petrophysical
plots, rock types, and capillary pressuresjustify Considerations,” AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 36, No.
it. 2. pp.278-298.
10. Rememberto consider lithology (i.e., limestone
versus dolomite), fractures, grain sizes, and pore 2. Borai, A.M., 1985, “A New Correlation for
intill materials. Cementation Factor in Low-Porosity
11. Iterate! Do all the stepsyou went through make Carbonates,”60th Annual Technical Conference
sense? Is the resultant ‘m’ value(s) supported by and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum
your original rock examination? If not, make Engineers of AIME, Las Vegas, Paper SPE
the necessarychangesto honour all the data. 14401.

3. Connolly, E.T., 1972, “Geothermal Survey of

CONCLUSIONS North America, ProgressReport and Associated
Data - Gathering Problems,” 4th CWLS
Pickett plots in carbonates can be subject to large Symposium,May 1972 - Paper F
variations in porosity, porosity types, resistivity, Rw,
and depositional environments. Be careful how they 4. Cunningham, A.B., Gpstad, E.A., Sep.&t.
are combined to arrive at the elusive ‘m’ value or ‘m’ 1992, “Use of MWD Formation Evaluation in
values. the Endicott Reservoir North Slope,” Alaska,
USA, The Log Analvst. pp. 439-449.
Look at the rock. It will lead you to the correct ‘m’
value. The corresponding capillary pressure curve, 5. Dowdle, W.L., Cobb, W.M., Nov. 1975, “Static
when measured, will support your observations (or Formation Temperature From Well Logs - An
the petrographer’s) on the proper ‘m’ value (i.e., Does Empirical Method,” Journal of Petroleum
the resistivity increase according to the rock types Technoloav, pp. 1326-1330.
present above the FWL?) Good pore connections
will lead to lower ‘m’ values and quicker changesin 6. Dziuba, T.T., 1986, “Mud Filtrate Effects on the
resistivity. Archie and Pickett14 both cautioned us Laterolog in Alberta Foothills Carbonates,” 37th
on the variability of carbonates. Rememberthey are Annual Petroleum Society of ClM Meeting,
rarely uniform; consequently, ‘m’ does not always June 8-11, 1986. pp. 211-235.
equal 2.0.
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging’Symposium, June 19-22,1994

Pitfalls of Pickett Plots in Carbonates, T.T. Dziuba

7. Dziuba, T.T., 1993, “Improved SW 19. Stout, J.L., March 1964, “Pore Geometry as
Determination in Sour Gas Carbonates,” Related to Carbonate Stratigraphic Traps,”
Evaluation of Sour Gas Wells Without DSTs -- AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 329-337.
A Synergy Workshop, Calgary.
20. Towle, G., May 1962, “An Analysis of the
8. Focke, J.W., Munn, D., March 1985, Formation Resistivity Factor -- Porosity
Cementation Exponents (m) in Middle Eastern Relationship of Some Assumed Pore
Carbonate Reservoirs, SPE 13735 SPE Middle Geometries,” 3rd Annual SPWLA Symposium,
East Oil Technical Conference, pp. 43 l-442. Houston, Texas.

9. Herrod, W.H. Gardner, P.S., 1988, “Upper 21. Wardlaw, N.C., Feb. 1976, AAPG Bulletin, V.
Ismay Reservoir at Tin Cup Mesa Field, Rocky 60, No. 2, pp. 245-257.
Mountain Association of Geologists” -- 1988
Carbonate Symposium. pp. 175-192. 22. Willink, R.J., 1989, A Methodical Approach to
Critical Well Re-evaluation, The APEA Journal,
10. James, N.P., July 1985, Carbonate Depositional pp. 269-286.
Environments - Part 1: Reefs, Colorado School
of Mines Ouarterlv, pp. l-30. 23. Wotfa, M., Nov. 1987, “Part 1: Current Affairs
in Saturation, Part 2: Seeking the Saturation
11. Lucia, F.J. 1981, “Petrophysical Parameters Solution,” Middle East Well Evaluation Review.
Estimated from Visual Descriptions of pp. 49-57.
Carbonate Rocks: A Field Classification of
Carbonate Pore Space,” SEP of AIME Annual 24. Wyllie, M.R.J., 1957, The Fundamentals of
Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Electric Log Interpretation, Academic Press
Antonio, Oct. 1981. Inc., New York.

12. Nurmi, Frisinger, M.R., 1983, 58th Annual ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Technical Conference and Exhibition of the
Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, SPE

13. Pickett, G.R., June 1963, “Acoustic Character

Logs and Their Applications in Formation
Evaluation,” Journal of Petroleum GeoloPv, pp.

14. Pickett, G.R., Nov. 1966, “A Review of Current

Techniques for Determination of Water
Saturation from Logs,” Journal of Petroleum
Technolonv, pp. 1425-1433.

15. Ritch, H.J., Sept-Ott 1968, Petrophysical

Evaluation of the Smackover Formation in East
Texas, 43 Annual Fall Meeting of AIME -
Houston, SPE 2285.

16. Schlumberger, 199 1, Log Interpretation Charts.

Taras T. Dziuba is a Senior Petrophysical Engineer
17. Silva, P.L., Bassiouni, Z., March/April 1983, with Canadian Hunter Exploration Ltd. working in
“Improved Rw Determination from SP Logs,” exploration. Before joining Canadian Hunter in
SPWLA. 1991, he worked for Shell Canada where he was
involved in both operational petrophysics and special
18. Souhaite, P., Misk, A., Poupon, A., “Rt core work at the Calgary research centre. He GGG
Determination in the Eastern Hemisphere,” 16th graduated in 1978 with a B.Sc. in mining
SPWLA Symposium, June 1975. engineering from Queen’s University in Kingston.

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

I I I I I II slov=--m I I I I IN,

1.00 10.00 lw.w

Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure la. Pickett Plot (Apparent Resistivity vs. Porosity)

010 loo lo.w lw.w

Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure 1b. Pickett Plot (Apparent Resistivity vs. At - A&-n)

Regressive Sequence Transgressive Sequence
(energy highest at top) (energy highest at bottom)

0 0 M M
0 0 M M
0 0 0 Increasing “M”
towards top f, M M
vv Decreasing “M”
vvv towards top
v v /

vv v


880~0~ Grainstone 11 Wackestone

v,~~ Packstone
I” I~M:M:M~Mudstone

Figure 2. Carbonate Depositional Environments

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22, 1994

1 .oo
100 10.00 lW.00

Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure 3a. Pickett Plots and Depositional Environments

Grainstones cannot be used for


Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure 3b. Pickett Plots and Depositional Environments

10000 1000 100 10 1 10 100 1000 10000 meq/l
Na Cl

Ca - Total Solids ( mgl ) - HC03

Calc’d : 246293.0
RW: 0.047 Q 25.0” C
pH: 6.60
4 SO4

Fe CO3

Figure 4a. Stiff Diagram - Formation Water

10000 1000 100 10 1 10 100 1000 1OOOOmeqA

Na - Cl


Ca HC03

Total Solids ( mgl )

Mg . \ Calc’d : 16616.0 - SO4
RW: 0.406 @I 16.0” C
pH: 9.00

Fe CO3

Figure 4b. Stiff Diagram - Mud Filtrate

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994


20. Flock Type: Dolomite

16 -

16 -


, . . . . , I I 01, I I I I (
140 150 160 170 180 190 200

At Q.wc/m)

Figure 5a. Core Porosity vs. At Rode Type Variations

5 00 10.00 1500 2000 2500

Porosity (%)

Figure 5b. Permeability vs Porosity Variations

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

SP (mv) IES (ohm - ml LL7 (ohm - m) CORE

20 (%I 0

Lithology: DOLOMITE
Rmf/Rw: 19

Figure 6a. Conductivity (IES) and Resistivity (LL7) in wet zone


.i? lo.w ! I

a1.01 0.10 1.w 10.00 lw.w
Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure 6b. Pick&t Plot for IES / LL7 resistivities

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

(ohm - ml (ohm - ml (%I
1 10 100 1000 ioo 1000 10000 30 13 0

Lithology: Limestone
RMF/Rw: 13

Figure 7a. Induction log and Laterolog in hydrocarbon - bearing zone (Gas)

x Induction Log in gas zone

I I1111111 0 LLD in gas zone Ml

r\I I I IIII 1\
I \I

100.00 10,ooo.00

Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure 7b. Pickett Plot of Induction log and Laterolog in gas zone
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

20 40 60 80 100

di (Inches)

Figure 8. Invasion effects on Laterolog and Induction log

(after Souhaite, Misk and Poupon - 16th SPWLA, 1975 - Paper LL)

ii! ii!
E0 :
5 sz
.-e 8 8
i3 n 3
/ Hydrocarbon zone

Top of Transition
f (i.e.1 st resistivity drop)
, Al/
. ;’ --a
. 0 \
, \
Points used to establish ,’
Ro line (Sw=lOO%) owe
must be below OWC owe
\ Zone of Transition

Figure 9. Pickett Plots and Cap Curves

SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994


Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure 1Oa. Pickett Plot - Pinnacle Environment




E 2.6

I3K 2.6

5 2.4

fE 2.2




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Porosity (%)

Figure 1Ob. ‘m’ versus porosity - Pinnacle Environment (100% wet zone)
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

001 a10 1.W 10.00 lOO$O

Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure lla. Pickett Plot - Ramp Environment


23 -

2.2 -

2.1 -

E 2.0 -
no wgs orinfillmaterial)

14 _

1.3 ,
2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 16 20 22 24 26 26 30

Porosity (%)

Figure 11b. ‘m’ versus porosity - Ramp Environment (100% wet zone)
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994

‘iiii i i jj jjjjj ---j j j i j jjl,

1 10 100 loo0

Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Figure 12a. Pickett plot - Bank Margin Environment




K 2.6

I.3 2.4
f 22

8 2.0


2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 16 20 22 24 26 26 30
Porosity (%)

Figure 12b. ‘m’ versus porosity - Bank Margin (100% wet zone)
SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-22,1994
Foreslope Margin Back Bank Lagoon intertidal

.o E
-5 E
0 .L-

5 $ Wackestone Grainstone Packstone Wackestone Grainstone/Packstone

r? $ Archie Type I Type III Type Ill BC4 Type I BC2 Type Ill - Ill/l BC

3 - 7% 8 - 20% 6-15% 3-10% 5-12%

. - . -
iY iii
m-z:- ‘AID 1;; ;I.; I_

Figure 14. Underlying factors affecting Pick&t Plots

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