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EUROCON 2005 Serbia & Montenegro, Belgrade, November 22-24, 2005

The Twin Image Watermarking Algorithm

(TIWA): A New Techniques for Single and
Multi-Message Watermarking Based on
Optimum Complete Complementary Codes
Said E. El-Khamy, Fellow IEEE, Noha 0. El-Ganainy, Member IEEE, and Mohamed A. Mokhtar
Abstract In this paper, a new robust image according to two different embedding frameworks. DCT
watermarking technique adopting an optimum encoding embedding and JND thresholds algorithms are used and
framework is proposed. This technique namely, the twin the proposed encoding framework is applied as a pre-step
image watermarking algorithm TIWA, utilizes a particular to these algorithms in order to evaluate its enhancement.
kind of optimum two dimensional codes, based on complete Then, supported with the optimum sets properties, the
complementary codes, for the introduced watermark
encoding process. The TIWA algorithm is first presented for TIWA algorithm is developed to a multi user algorithm.
single user, then supported with the optimum code arrays Next, various attacks are applied to the host images of
properties, is developed to support multi-message hiding. both the conventional and the proposed TIWA techniques.
The enhanced robustness, the developed security, and the The simulation's results compare between both techniques
remarkable performance compared to conventional through an evaluation of the extracted watermark quality
technique are the main advantages of the proposed technique in each case. This is done by computing the RMS error
shown by the simulation results. between each of the extracted watermarks in each case and
Keywords Robust image watermarking, The Twin image the reference watermark, under each attack.
watermarking algorithm TIWA, optimum two dimensional
codes, complete complementary codes, Welti method, multi- II. OPTIMUM CODE SETS
message hiding. Optimum code sets, namely the complete
I. INTRODUCTION complementary codes, are a category of one and multi
There have been enormous amounts of research activity dimensional codes of superior correlation properties which
exist only as sets [1, 10]. Each of them has a number of
focusing on codes design, generation, and extension codes equal to multiples of two. The codes of the same set
[1,2,3]. In fact, the researcher's major interest was have an impulsive autocorrelation sum, while their
dedicated to the code sets having optimum properties, individual autocorrelation is not impressive. On the other
which is motivated by the expected benefits resulting hand, these code sets possess a particular orthogonality
when applying them in several applications. This paper property as the cross correlation sum of the respective
utilizes these code sets in image watermarking due to the codes of the different sets vanishes for all shifts. Equations
increasing needs of ownership and authenticity (1), (2), and (3) describe the individual autocorrelation,
protections. autocorrelation sum, and the cross correlation sum
Digital image watermarking is the process of embedding respectively.
a low energy signal, the watermark, which contains
information that allows ownership identification or
OAiAi (1) Z Ai(n)Ai(n 1) -

authentication [4,5,6]. The marking framework applies M

three basic stages, the embedding algorithm, the E OAiAi (I)

= *--........................
....... .I.

watermark selection, and the verification algorithm. In

i=l (2)
fact, the watermarking research is tremendously directed E HXi (1) - . V I
to apply various embedding algorithms in order to enhance 1=1 (3)
its properties, at the same time the watermark was often If Ai=[Ail, Ai2 ....... AiN] and Bi=[ Bil, Bi2 ....... BiN]
left clear. In this paper, optimum code sets, based on are two sets of optimum codes, where each symbol AiN,
complete complementary codes, are studied and extended BiN represents a code of length N. Then OAiAi (1) denotes
into two dimensional codes keeping the same properties. the individual autocorrelation of the sequence Ai of the Ith
The latter sets are used to encode the reference watermark shift, and OAiBi (1) denotes the cross correlation of the
to obtain two differently encoded versions of it. These sequences Ai and Bi.
versions are hidden in two DCT transformed host images These impressive correlation properties trigger the
Said E. El-Khamy is with the E.E. Department, Faculty of Engineering,
research activity to extend the one-dimensional code sets
Alexandria University, Alexandria 21544, Egypt; e-mail: into two dimensional, arrays, sets keeping the same
properties [10]. One of the successive methods
Noha 0. El-Ganainy is with the Alexandria Institute of technology accomplishing this target is the Welti method briefly
(AIT), Semoha,, Alexandria, Egypt; e-mail: introduced in the reference [1]. It first begins from a pair
nohaelgaaipy& of Welti codes of the desired length N. Second, converts
Mohamed A. Mokhtar is with the E.E. Department, Faculty of
Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria 21544, Egypt; e-mail: them to optimum one-dimensional code sets, and finally to
two-dimensional sets of size N by N.

1-4244-0049-X/05/$20.00 (C2005 IEEE 939

affecting the changes done by the watermark on the
carrier image taking a value of 0.1 in our simulation
(a) results. The second method is the just noticeable
difference (JND) framework which takes the advantage of
the human vision system (HVS) in embedding the
watermark. The JND profile is computed for the DCT
coefficients of the host image according to the contrast
sensitivity, the luminance masking, and the contrast
masking. The coefficient having the higher thresholds are
selected and modified by the watermark. More details on
(b)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i the calculations of the JND thresholds in the DCT domain
are available [7, 8]. Then, these methods are separately
applied to each host image to find, according to each
summation. b) Th cros corlto betwee the firs anecn criterion, the suitable locations for the embedding.
ane a
According to the encoded watermark size, a number of
2*(N+L-1) locations is needed of each image to be
(b) modified by a different version of the encoded watermark.
For the watermark verification process, the user needs
I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .J to have his authentication key in addition to know both
host images. The verification process applies the inverse
various avilbl legh of Wet Seqene. Th embedding process to extract the pair of encoded
t optimum
Fig. aray
a) The ~individual
use inthis
each arrayusn
pae ar ofgeerte
autocorrelation th
and their watermark. The obtained frames are then subjected to the
summation. b) The cross correlation between the pirst and second decoding process. This process is a correlation-summation
arrays in both sets and their sum. operation.
The correlation step is two-dimensional accomplished
In fact, the Welti method has an additional privilege as between the extracted frames W and W and the optimum
it generates arrays of unusual sizes according to the set C1l and C12 as described in equation (6). In order to
various available lengths of Welti sequences. The properly identify the watermark, the user has to know
optimum arrays used in this paper are generated using the which pair of array-frame is used in the correlation
Welti method. Two sets of optimum arrays are utilized in process; this is considered the user private key. In fact, any
the simulations, each having a pair of arrays of size 10 by change in the user's combination of arrays and frames in
10. The autocorrelation and cross correlation properties of the decoding step would cause a result less extraction.
these sets are introduced in figure (1) part (a) and (b) Then, the output of equation (6) X1 and X2 are combined
respectively. together by a two dimensional summation to obtain the
reference watermark W. Equation (7) illustrates the
III. THE SINGLE USER TWIN IMAGE importance of the summation step when using optimum
WATERMARKING ALGORITHM sets; it results in the encoded information and a delta
In this section, the new image-watermarking algorithm function. By the end of these steps, the user is
(TIWA) for single user is introduced. In figure (2) part (a), authenticated and the watermark is extracted.
a block diagram clarifying the main stages of the adopted
algorithm is available. The TIWA algorithm uses a pair of
host images called a twin, as the user will be able to
extract its own watermark if both host images are
The TIWA algorithm has two main stages; the first
stage is the watermark encoding process and the second is
the embedding process. The watermark encoding process
applies a two-dimensional convolution operation between
the reference watermark W of size N by N and each of the
optimum set arrays C1l and C12 of size L by L separately.
This will results in two differently encoded versions of the
reference watermark W and W having an N+L-1 by N+L-
1 size given by equation (4) and figure(2) part (b) .
W = Wlw wC c, (4) (a)
Two transform domain methods are applied in this paper.
The first method [9] uses a DCT based framework that
selects and modifies the highest DCT coefficients of the
host image by the watermark using the following equation:
V vi =vi + a * xi
where v', v are the coefficient after and before the Fig. 2. The single user TIWA. a) Block diagram.
modification, x is the watermark and a is a factor b) The watermark and its encoded versions.

XI =W (D Cii 'X2 = w c12 (6) WT W +W , W T W + W (10)
W=X1 +X2 =W( Cll1 1C+W 2C2 Then, the encoding and decoding process will follow up
11 12 (7) the single user procedure with a unique difference that
W= W(®Rll+W(®R12 =WDA-_W several users now are accessible to the host images with
different keys to extract their watermark. The decoding
The comparison between the TIWA and the process of user one and two are mathematically
conventional techniques is essential to evaluate the represented by equation (11), (12) and (13), (14)
efficiency of the proposed technique. Two points are taken respectively with an indication of the orthogonality
into account, the robustness against different attacks and property effect.
the security against the hacking processes. The robustness X1 = WT @ CII X2 = WT
X-(Cx W(C I)C12 (1
of the TIWA algorithm using the JND and DCT W X1+X2 =W,1 X @+
= C W2 XC2 C,+W1 C XY2 DCY2 + W2'C22 DC2 (12)
embedding to a variety of attacks is discussed in section 6. WJ= (WF R1+ W R,2)+W2® (C2®(DC±1+C22(DC2) =1W(DA+W2(DZero
On the other hand, the security is enhanced compared to =
the conventional technique due to the complexity of the
TIWA verification procedure. Obviously, the hacker needs X1 = WT ( C21' X2 = WT 3 C22 (13)
to know the host image pair, the user private key as well as = X1 + X2 C21 (C2)WU'g
= W20R + C® 1 f C21 + W2 & C22) C22 + WU& C12fr C22 (14)
the decoding procedure. This is considered difficult as the = (W2 &)R21 + W2 &)R22) + W1 (i (Cll @f C21 + C12ff) C22) = W2 E) A + W, E) Zero
host images could be hardly recognized as they are not
similar or related to each other and the encoding process is
In this section, the robustness of the proposed TIWA
algorithm for single and multi user compared to the
conventional technique takes place. The simulation process
uses two host images namely, 'Trees' and 'Bonemarr' from
the MATLAB toolbox of size 256 by 256, one watermark
'the Mathworks logo' for single user supported with a
second one 'Circles' for multi user both of size 55 by 55.
For the encoding process, the simulation results utilize two
sets each set having a pair of optimum arrays of size 10 by
10. The single user simulation uses one set of arrays while
the multi user case uses both sets.
Beginning with the single user simulation, the TIWA
algorithm is compared to the conventional technique in case
of both embeddings under the noise and the JPEG
compression attacks. Two types of noises are studied; the
uniformly distributed random noise and the Gaussian noise.
Different levels of each type of noise are applied separately
r lg. i Ilie blOCK aiagram O0 mne multi-message IIWA. to the host image and the watermark is extracted and
evaluated. The root mean square error RMS is used as a
IV. THE MULTI-MESSAGE TIWA ALGORITHM quality measure of the extracted watermark against the
reference watermark. For both TIWA and conventional
In this section, the TIWA is developed to support multi techniques the RMS error is displayed versus the SNR to
user motivated by the optimum arrays sets orthogonal differentiate between their robustness.
property. As previously displayed, the optimum arrays sets Figure (4) compares between them using both
have a vanishing cross correlation sum between the embedding algorithms under the effect of Gaussian noise
respective arrays in each set. This explains that no multiple and uniformly distributed random noise in part (a) and (b)
access interference MAI will exist if different sets are respectively. Then, the quality of the extracted watermark
assigned to encode different users information. using DCT embedding case under 0.01 SNR of uniformly
The multi-user TIWA, demonstrated by the block distributed random is shown in figure (5). Discussing the
diagram of figure (3), is almost similar to the single user noise attack, the TIWA algorithm shows an enhancement of
TIWA procedure except an additional step in the encoding approximately 1Odb in both of the JND and DCT
frame work. For more clarification, we will take an embedding. On the other hand, the quality of the extracted
example of two users and two sets each having two arrays watermark using TIWA is much better than the
CII, C12 and C21, C22. Now, each user will encode its conventional technique under the same noise level.
watermark according to the single user procedure. Next, Second, different levels of the JPEG compression are
the first and second part of equation (8) & (9) are added studied and the quality of the extracted watermark using
respectively to obtain the final frames WT, W1T in equation the TIWA case is compared to the conventional case. This
(10), used as input to the embedding process. The order is comparison takes place in figure (6) part (a) using the JND
essential in the summation process as the orthogonality embedding under 1% JPEG compression and part (b) the
takes place between the respective arrays only. DCT embedding under 10%. These figures show the
W = W (DC11,W = W (DC12 (8) remarkable quality of the extracted watermark using
W = W2 ( C21 ,W W
W C2, (9) TIWA under different levels of JPEG compared to

conventional technique. Finally, the multi-user simulations TIWA due to the irreversible encoding-decoding process
are discussed under the noise attacks with an only as well as the importance of knowing both unrelated-host
difference as it is differentiating between the multi-user, images.
and single user which is needed to investigate the MAI
effect. 10
e-f f o Multimessage TIWA
X t X X IX X X X X X 0 Single user TIWA



(a) (b) 10
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Fig. 4 Comparison of the Performance of the TIWA algorithm SNR(db)

with the conventional techniques; JND embedding in red lines Fig. 7 Comparison between multi user TIWA and single user
and DCT embedding in blue lines. a) Effect of Gaussian noise. TIWA under the effect of uniformly distributed random noise
b) Effect of uniformly distributed random noise. (magenta lines) and the effect of the Gaussian noise (black lines).

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