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Tactica-I- Mission
No. 43

DATE MAR 10 1945

Copy No. S3

7 7 F - - _......
I5tW IEC 2Z22••

arrl RelXJrts inclu:i ed

By <1uthori. tj'- of the Co::nc:ndi.nG General, Xl Pomber COmr.l!lnd

(}..; .
31 l:arch 1945
Track and Vertical Fli~t Path

Cop~olidated Specialist Mission Report of Staff Bonbing Officer

Consolidated Specialist tllssion Report of Staff Uavigation Officer

Almex B, Enenw Antiaircraft

Annex C, EneIlW" Air Opposition

Wcatrer Chart (as forecast and as encountered)

Sjmopt ic lla P

Annex E, Corr:munications Infornation

A.max F, ful.dar InfoI'l11<1tion

Armcx G, RCM Information

Amex H, Central Station Fire Cont.rol and Gunnery

Consolidated Specialist :Mis sian Report of Staff night Engineer

Sunnnary of PerfOIT£lnCe Sheet

Annex M, Consolid8ted kission Statistical Summa~

/11I - "S 2.<t (V F;
Office of the 113puty Commander, IB Bnd C
loPO 493



Field Order No. 43 Mission lib. 43


m;,.r;. IlJUFUR, llAJ.1;,.YJ,..

Table o~ptents

Tactical Narrative RePort

Annex.A: Execution of the M1 ssion

....nnex B: Enemy hnt1Bircroft

Annex C: Enemy J.. ir Oppoai tiOD

Annex D: Weather Information

hnnex E: Communications Information

Annex F: Radar InfoItllntion

h.nnex G: ReM: Information

Annex H: Central station Fire Control a.nd Gunnery

Annex I: Cameras aod Photogrophs

i..nnox J: Aircraft losses aod Damage

.hnnex K: Functioning of EquiJlllent

Annex L: Target Dmnage .h.ssessment

bnnox M: Consolidated Mission Statistical Sunrnary

Intelligence Section
Ofn cs of the Deputy Commander I IB end C
M:o ~93

31 March 1945

RePort of Operations, 10 March 19~5.

COJl1IllUlding General, lIWentieth hir Forco, Uoshington 25, D.C.

Bomb 1. !WITS PJ..RTICIP;m:·G: The ~68th Bombardment Group of the :xx

de ar COmmand was directed by Field Orders No. 43 to participate in a
i Y-i strike on D-day wi th 30 aircraft age.lnst the Railroad }larshall-
~~ha~~s at Kuala Lump.1r, Malaya. Colonel J.V. Edmundson commands the
"TOUp, located at Khare ,PJr.

b. Targets Specified:

Primary Terget: Kuala lllmpur m yards, South'oKuele, Malaya (OOOCS'N _ 101 41'E)
AA.F Target Chert NJ. 92.1-60.

Secondary Target: J..lor Star J.irport, Malaya (OOo12'N ..

lOOo25'E) JJ.F Target Chart ~.

Last Resort Target: Hutted Area, IOwa Huageng, Victoria

Point, Thailand (lOoU'N _ 9So 43'E)
XX Bomber Command Target D3.te
Sheet 98.3-1....

(4) &'dar ThrEet: No radar targots were speci fied in the
Fiald Orders, as thl:l primary target
scope return '~a8 not deemed satisfactory.
FUrther, 'the specified bombing altitude
(1O,000 feet) denoted a goed chance for
visual bombing, and in case the primary
'wns cloud covered, it was felt that
more damage could be effected by bombing
the se condary.

v. srRf,~......GY IJm PL.'.N OF OFER!~TIONS:

a. Importance of Targots:

(I) Primary Thr£et: Kuala is on the principal

ilroad line which runs from Singapore to Ieneng and thence to
Malayan rOautslde of those at S1ngapore, the south marshelling yard~ at
Beosko~mpur are the most (;xtensi ve in Malaya and represent a focal point
Kua~be flow of cool, rubbfir end tin from the surr.ounding countryside.
for t traffiC, however, probably consists chiefly of military supplies.
Ourren t nsi t ere stored in the shedS and warehouses in the target
Goods in ra t k
In addition, minor repairs to locomotives and rolling s oc are
eras. hed by the existing facilities which include 0 large roundhouse ..
ess tteck on this target will destroy substantial quentities of
&:1cc f\L1 e pl1es and commercial goods, and w11l for s time impede their
mill ter'Y SUP
lllOveo.ent a10
item in U 1 og the railroad. :further, since locomotives were a critical
S1dered a aye even prior to Japanese occupation, they too wore con-
a target of first importance

a target (a) Secondary TerEet~ J..lo r star Airport, Malaya is not

or SUit b~f strategic importance but was selected because of the dearth
de.mage ~ha e targets in the arca. J..lthough a small installation, any
airfield t could be inflicted on the aquipoont and personnel at this
of tho J would reduce at least to e certain extent the capabilities
oPancse hir Force in the area.

tet'Ci (3) Last Rosort Terget: Khoo Huagang 1s the western

tho ~us of thf) Kre Isthumus Railroad which originates at Chumphom on
lath Dgkok - Singllpore Railroad nnd the Gulf of 'Ihai land , crosses the
Su Plumus and provid(ls accoss to the Bay of Bongel vin the Pekcham River.
Pies arriving at Chumphcm by sea, or by rail from Bangkok or Sing-
t cen be sent a,cross the Kra Isthumus 'to Khao Huagang whore they ere
hraosferred to 9lIall vessels for shiJ:ll\ent to Burma. Recent liloto cover
~s shown this route to be active. Supplies a\~aiting transportation are
~i ored in the target orca, and their destruction will reduce the capabili-
os of tho Japanese in this theater.

b~ De~aila of Planning:

(1) Operational P1ep~ing:

(0) It wns originally plonr<6d to run Mission l'b. 43

in conjunction viith cnd 00 tbf:l s~me de:,.' eo hii ssion No. 42 against the
oil storage installations in tl.e S1r,gcpore ores; ooe Group was to be
sent t'.geinst Kualn Lump.1r in view of the fact that the oil installations
at Singapore ore not 19.!'gO cnol.:;i.' to absorb the bomb load of the entire
four Groups. however, Mission l~. 42 WES delayed because of weothor
condi tions over the Singapore cree.. .

. (b) The plens for this mission differed from tho

onc previously run ngainst the Contral Railroad Repair Snaps at Kuala
lumpur in thot a bombing altitcde of 10,000 feet wes specifiod, made
posSible by the absence of enemy antiaircraft instellations at the prim-

• ary tarbCt. Consequently, ass6rrbly and initial points on the East coast
of a.w.etra were selected, bcceuse they provided an aXis of attack which
evaded the hills surrounding Kudo. Lw:pur to the north. and east, and one
that is free fs-Ol!l terrain obstTuCti0I!.8~

(c) The original plen was to have one aiming p:lint,

which was tho center of the roundhouse. However, upon request from the
468th Bombardment Group, three oiming points were selvctod, thereby
ploc!08 e maximum of 10 aircraft on each one.

(2) ~tenninotion of Bomb load:

(a) The 500 pound G.P. bomb, fuzed .1 second nose find
025 second tail delay, W('.B recommended, as this bonb End fuzing WeB
• lde"""d to be effective not only egainst tte roundhouse, but against
cons ... ~ .
the cerria~ shed, locomotives, rolling StOCA, tho turntable ond the
arshalling yards. It waS decided that it would bo equally effective
m st the governlOOot factory and large warohouscs in the area.
ag2i n
(3) Bombing Dcta:

(a) The bomb loed for each aircraft in the attacking

specified cs 11 minimum of fifteen 500 IlOund GP bombs, !'Uzod
rorce was

~ .. ,
- 2 -
.1 soCond
smoke g nose and .025 s0cond teil dolay. Leed crows wore to carry
1"CIlDdae: to be dropPOd at the hssembly Point.

pressu (b) Bombing was to be accomplished from 10,000 feet

reloas~ eltltude. .kircraft were to bomb 1n throe plene fonnetions,
or the ~ bombs in minimum train on the Tango aod deflection sighting
the th eader. The axis of cttl'ck was to bo 40 dogrees magnetic eod
tho C ree aiming points woro: 1, 'Ibe center of the Western Section of
110 st arrlago Shop; 2. Tho centor of the Roundhousoj and, 3, Tho
Corner of tho RR Supply Storago \lc.rehouse.

4. ~ICN OF 'mE MISS!rl'J (Soe ':"nncx 1.):

n. !?kc-off:

Orders. , (1) 'lhe time of tcko-off ¥IDS not specified in tile Fiold
~ departure timo from the assembly point wos gi von.

(a) Take-Off weB eccompllshod as follows:

J...jC Scheduled hJe First hie lest J,je
for Te.1re-off J..irborne Ofr Off
30 29 1746Z 1925Z
\'.laather at bese WaS cloer, wi th vls1bili ty 5-6 miles.
Wind '!'iSW to NNW, 3-5 miles por l:.our.

b. Route Ou t:

(1) The route out was from base to nSSembly point et

Cepe Bllngsl to InItial point et Seneboel Island to Target:

(2) '!bere "Jere 4 devll!.tions from th(l planned route to the

primary target. One llircrcft, c tcke-off, oliminated the IP and
flew directly from the assombly point to tho targetl ono aircraft bombed
the lest resort tcrgctj nod two c1rcroft roturned eurly, one having
jettisoned its bombs in the B~y of Bongel end tho other bringing its

• bomb load home.

(I) Of the 29 aircraft airborne I 26 wore over the primary

tArget with their bomb lando. T,,;o (',ircraft finding 10/10 cloud cover,
did not relE-aso nnd 'l'Jont on to find 0 target of opPOrtuni ty. Twenty-
four aircraft bombed the primary target, dropping IJ total of 373 M-S4
G? bombs (99.9 short tons),. '!'hc first formation, composod of 3 aircroft,
loesed over tho torGet ct 0203Z. It was followed by 7 formations of
from 2 t 0 <. oircraft
, end 1 eircrert which bombed 6Z singly. The single
oircroft Wos the lest to bomb, rolensing at 033 •

(2) Bombing altitudes ronGed from 8700 to 10,600 fGat

f the leod aircrcft of oach tbnnotion. Heodings for aircraft. in
true a t~~n varied from 40 to 60 degreos magnetic,. The single oircr<lft
fonn d 0 0 a heeding of 210 degrees magnetic.

(3) \lk3ather conditions over the target vnriud depending

f arrival. CloUd cover balow flight level I"'I1{;oo from cleer to
tere °d for eerlier plcocs,
. to 5-9/10 for later plcnos. Visibility nr estricted nt all tLmcs•
d. ~condorv Target:

Prlm~ry ta (1) hie 703, hoving dropped only 6 of its bombs on tho
aDd reI rgct due to a rock malfunction, flew on to the sEcondary target
enSed the remainder (10 ~-64 GP __ 2.7 short tons).

e. Last Resort Tcrect:

(,) 1./C
10,800 feet true, end 227 bornbcd tho lost resort torget c-t O222Z from
droppod 16 11-64 GP bombs. Bombing wns by n
COm.b! netioD of E. T.J,..
and offset nim1ng.

f. Target of Opportun1 ty:

(1) Carro Ship in Chnn!1Cl undins to Port

J.fC 542 and 272 bombed this terest at 0353Z from 10,450 Swcctenhern Harbor:
11"..g was feet true. Bomb-
Vi sual l:lnd 32 M-64 GP bombs were released.

gO' Route Back:

(1) The return routo was fror.t the terl;Qt nrea direct to
home base.

(2) ~C2thGr was clecr ~t beae, w.I. th vi s1 bili ty ? milos.

Wind wos NNW - N 2-6 miles per hour•

5. E~!Y :.l'.'TI... IRCR\Fl' (Sce l·nncx 8):

n. No enomy antiuircrcft fire ~os encountered ct any of the

tergots bombed'on this mission; nor were there ony reports of l;round-
to-oir rockets, smokescroens. cr b['rr~ or high-ll.ltitude balloons.

b. Hecvy £IDtieircrcft end ~utoml'tic \~apons fire W£lS

encountered (!t Delcwcn (OO046'N - ro o 41'E); and autom~tic \~()opons
fire at hroe &.y (rossible ship). (040 20'N - 98 6 30'E).

6. ENniY /,IR OPPOSITION (SCe hnnex OJ:

• c. hir opposition woo very wenk, with 0 total of 38 individuol

encountern 011 occurring in the primary torget are,'). l'b 8-29' s \'leI'f)
lost or domoged dUel to enomy fighter action. Proliminary clnims against
enemy airCToft were 1 destroyed ond '" damaged. J·n estimatod force of
15 onGmy fighters, mostly Vels, opposed the mission. Enomy tflCties ond
st rength were very similar to those encountored on the previous mi ssion
to this terget, Mission NO. 37

b. loGcln tho high fror.tol approcch we.s tho fnvori te for

JoItJnese fighters, elthough no att!Jcks were very cr.cressively pressed.
Enemy fi~ters fired in only 29 per cent of tho enccunters whUe B-29' s
fired ill. 95 per cent. Aerial bombs 'M9re employed in 9 ett!1cks. eod there
werO 7 coordinated ottocks utiliZing 2 and :1 plono olellJ3nts.

'1 • \'lEJ.. '!HER (Sec AIl.!le x D):

o. Weather encountered r..nd no (ldverse effect on the successful

outcooe of tt,e mission.

b. l4ltro "!inds \~ero fCnerolly :rcted !pod ..

c. "----'nicctions
on the mission were considered sotisfectory.
~ violC.tio DS of crypto Itti s c r traosmi ssion secur! ty v..ere laShed.

_" -
~_ ~,~e:!d ~_
No radin<"
stetlc "" Was noted on the elf:ht (8) mOg::lcycle frequency in use, end
Qt j experienced intarfered in no woy with redia contact~ No attempts or the employmall.t of doception t3ctlcs by the enomy wel'S

b. D:i.rection Findlnr fociliti08 were not used.

3 1 c. Thore ,'/Ore. 4 malrunctions of equipment during flight. In

Thenstancas substl t1lte maeSures wera employed to :reSumo operations.
fourth mol1'unction was 110t repaired in flight.

9. l!:ADbR (Soe Nll' F):

U. 'I't.(; primary target, Railroad Marshalling Yards at Kuois

~pur, Malayr:., was cloarly n vi sunl bombing target. Rudar provided,
Tiloro rore , only the usual aids to bombing and navigation on this mission.
s axis of attock woa reP,Orted fevoroblG for radar USa by tho radar

b. ibdar Jilotographic results were setlsfeetor"/iohollever, the

quell ty of pictures decreased ccnsiderllbly.

c. &-rviceeblli ty of the reder systc.ffiS WGS slightly abovG

overeEe opcrntlon.

e. One RC:~ scorch aircraft partlclpf.::tsd in this mission, and

searched for oarly wflrning rl..ld(!r cn routo to 'and from the target, and
for reder fire control equipment in the tnrget area. Two communicotions
search aircl'Cft, each .nth n !'(isci redia observer, also perticipoted
snd secrched for cnony f1~ter control rots.

b. The Port Blair eM Pc~ng early werning radar sites '.ere

logged 8S strong ond tro.ckinc; (lnd undoubtedly nlerted the Moley PeninsukJ..
However, the eoorny prrjbobly did not knew our primory wrget innsmuch
cs the initiel fier-tar ~ttcck occurred 13 minutes ofter first be~bs

c. Thfj folloWing c:,rly wurnins rader si tes were intercepted

during the mission: Port Bloir, SobaIlS, R:lner..g, and Maden.

d. 'lhore wore no intercepts mode wi th radar fire control

c!:.orecteristics, ond no onomy fighter communication information wes

11. CENllU.L sr;..TION FIRE CCl\'"I'ROL am GtTh.1NE.RY (SCe J...nnex Po):

a. 'rho mission is considered st:ltisfactory in :regard to gunnery,

Of 0 total of' 135 turrets and 324 tG1s OD the mission, there wos 1
t:lolfUnction of C.F.C. oquipmont end 4 malfUnction:; of MC's.

b. b toto.! of 1720 rounds were oJ.:PD!lded in test firing, ond

8230 in combot. °no circraft, ~Bk1na thrc) bombine runs over the
rted all altUlllnition V!(.S cxpor:ded from its '..tppcr turrets
targe t repe
E:go1 n st fi~hter oppeai tion.

o. Twenty-nino CI'L10I"lS of tho K.-1B , K-20 and K-22 types wore
ried in oircrrft airborno on this mission, nnd a total of 238 usable
cor tives obto1ncd. 0nEl cmora feiled to photogroph for mechenicel
neg S ond 13 for other reasons.
rec son

- 5 -
13• .!9SSES ;.}tn DJJLGE (Sea J~nnexc:s J end r.:);

n.. Thora wero no lOB~('s or of ony kind on this mi3sion.

!!JNCTIONING OF -;~IFl~rT (Sec ;o.JlllOXCS K nnd U):

target n. Ot the 29 circrnft airborne, 3 failed to bomb the primary

for machonicol receons, ond 2 becouse of 10/10 cloud cover.

whi h b. Thoro were 29 oddi tionel mcchenicc.l malfunCtions, none or

~ c prevented t:ircrert from bombing the Primery target. ibe~e ~e
;:mnriZOd os follows: powr plant end accessory section _ 4; propellors
3' governors - 2; 011 systEllYl - 6; fuol system - 1; oloctricol system-
, instunnonts - 11; nnd miacolleneous _ 2.

65 c. Over-all comp.1tctions in fuel consumption wore: average-

10 gollons; maxinnun _ 6940 gollons; mi nimum - 6400 golloM.

15. T/oRGIT DlIl!1.GE J.SSESSMEJ\'"l' (See .... nnex L):

o. Ikmage e.seesSlOOnt ';IOS basCld on strike photogroIi!s and

from POOr quality photographs obteined by the t;,62nd Bor.tberlklent Grcup
on g March 1945.

b. '!he Rdlroad Encino Roundhouso Wp.s 50 per cont structurally

destroyed ond 15 per cent supcrfiCinlly dcmcged, with the turn-table
receivinG severe daclOse.' 'rhe Pr sse~r Cc.r &crviCing &tled was 90 per
cent destroyed end 10 per cont e.Ol'l(~ed, end the R.R. ~pply Storage
Werehou~e was 90 per cent destroyod ond 10 per cent damaGed. In tho
Government Factory ....roa ono bUilding \·IOS destroyed, one Vl0,5 dar.taged,
and approximcte1y 7200 foot of tts aroa damaged. J. power house, tVJo
\'Iork shops, eiE;ht sheds, m\d thr£e wnrohcuses totaling about 10,000
squ6re feet Vlere destroyed. One wcrohouse auffcrcd epproximately 350
sqUl're feet of dnr.lPse, end 1 sht-d 1350 per cent destroyed end 50 per
ce nt de.mcgc d.

c. hpproximctc1y 3.1 miles of trucks, 6 locomotives, end 83

pisces of rollin stock were destroyed or dnmogod. J.. lJllseum buildill€
wes 65 per cent destroyed :'lud 20 p:r cent dc.maged, UI'.d five small 51eds
were destroyed or dunoGod. I. total of 30 residences and mJelling
units wero destroyed end d:Qecod.
,) ;
/t//,1 !i/-:!-t:
R.M. RJJ..'EY,

BriW1dier General, U•• 11.,

Doputy Conunender •
I - I.:.'fc::r;.Jtion on Tcke-offs

II - D:lt'~~ls of Routes

III - Track end Vertical Flight Path *

IV - Jonbinr Data **
v - Bomb Loading

VI - D:i 31:0 s1 tioD of Bombs

VII - Formations Flown

VIII - Nevig3tion Report *

* Prepared by Stoff Navigator

** Frep~red by ~tOff Bombardier


Mission N:>. 43

10 Jolarcll 1945

Elapsed No. of A/9.. hvercge

Fl rst A/C Ofr Last A/e Cfr Tire Taking Ofr TOke-oft

--_._..99 mo.
.L.___-:...-=-=_-l__ 29 3 .. 5 JIlin
.L_..:.... -=
The last two AfC teking off were dolayed 8pproxiclatelY 40
minutes for mechaniccl adjustments.


A.. Plonned Routes

~- ~~~r
r~:;-Assembly Point Cape Bangsi _ (0204-2~'~N=_=1=O=O':'~"r2='''E'')'''''=~
_...- ._-_. -- ----- _._-- .- -_. ----
Initial Faint t
Sambaei Island _ (02 lB'N _ 101oOO'E)
-------1--- ----.-
'nl.rge~_.._ _. ~~..:. ~a::shnll1ng Yards - Kuala ~pur
Base Kheragpur I

B. Deviations from Planned Routes

1. AlC 279 - developed fire In the #3 engine and returned to base

eorly, landing at ~2242ll. ~mbs were brought back.
'lU rn was made ct 18 00' N _ 90 ce' E.

A/C 424 - returned early be.ce~se of an interPel fa.ilure of the #2

engine. Bonbs were jottisoned in the Bay of Bengal and
landi ng was mode at 09194(£.

A/C 227 - due to e mechnnicd failure0 of the #2 engine, this A/C

proceeded from Q9 0 45'N - 95 50'E to the last resort tar~t,
dropped its bombs and returned directly to base.

4. AlC 272 and 542 - flew tr.e route as briefed to the primary target,
found it covered With 810/10 undcrcast, then
bombed 8 freighter in ti..e channel leading ~ the
harbor at Port SrReeter':.,n (02 0 59 1 30"N _ 101 22 t OO"E'
and returned directly to bese.

5. A/C 703 and 500 - flew the route liS briefed to the primary target
where three runs were made because of cloud coverage
bGfore bombs were dropped. Due to a raok malfUno-
tion A/C 703 was able to drop only 6 bombS on the
pri~ry tart;et; both A/C proceeded to the secondary
target ?here 703' s rm8ining 10 bombs were dropped,
after which they flew directly to base.

AlC 858 - was benlnd tile other planes due to a late take-offi new thE)
planned mute toO thA Al'l:gaobly poin't, 'thon to t.tI.e
primcry target t then to base. .

..-.- A-I -1

-- - --_ - .. .__ ..._.~.:.....U

... ... ... '<>" ..
, ....

""\ I I />2 ~ ~ ~ :xx BOMBER COMMAND

"'1 I--


98"- 4:" E.
..I I-
--I I 1 -j I~'
"""""'" ""'"
100"-25 E.

"""" "'" - - -
""'" """
-j I I I,·

0- ~"lP ~NE!R£I
02°-lfJ N

~= _ g§-"'ooo. "., '" '<I'"",

w --". ". ". ". ... 105'- 110"' w

. H&IllIlJ!RTEllS
. ~ .-- .
xx 00II_ lX!IJAAIlIl
.lPO 493


Date Prepared: 13 Morch 1945

OF STAFF ootiBING omcm

Field OrdS's No. 43

Ddte of MisB1eDI 10 March 1945
b k 1. Weather over the target was overcast ~th base at 14,000 feet. A
1'0 en layer, b:lse 5,000 feet to 7,000 feet, n:cved in fi'aa the N.W. c1d'il'ay
of the attaclc, obscuring the ;.il!l1ng Point for one formation and one air--
croi't that boobed singly. ThClSIJ ~ircrc.ft used offset aiming to drop their
bombs, with unobserved results. With thu exception of a formation of t,,-o
aircraft that bombed <) t"ll"!:et of opportunity at Port Sncntanham, with poor
remlts, and ano aircraft that boIiliod tho L.R. T. using a oocbination of
E. T.A. and offset a.iI:ing, uith unobserved. rosults, the retlD.ining aircraft
oombed tho PriDU"Y Target visually, \11th axcallont rosults.

2. Permission "-:18 obtained froo this Command to set up three A.P.' a

jns.t·ead of tho ono given in the Field Order. Difficulty tlas oocountered
in locating a..'lCi identifying tho I..P.I s evco though tho target area t1I:!S
visual. This is balioved due to the 10'i7 altitudo and blending together
of trees and l:uildings. J.ll aircraft bot'Ibing the Prinary Target used a~
pro::d.m:ltely the briefed axis of nttnck. One formation made a dry run due
to inabillty to pl.:lce tho crosshairs on the tcrget in time to reloase the
bombs. J.nothcr foroation made three (3) runs due to ....eather and :finally
dropped their boobs by offset aiDing. J.. sjngle Qircraft circled the
Prirory 'l8rgct area trying to find a hole to bomb through and finally used
an offset aitling point.
3. Boobing reflllts at the Prilliary Target were excellEflt rd th only
sevan (7) roobs fa.1.l.1ng outside of the 1000' circle.

4. Reported dolayed bomb releaBos:

,,68th Group:
/170'3 .. '!be boobs in the fOTI/ord bomb bay were dropped over
the Prioary Targot l:1tt the rear bay did not release.
The boobs in the aft bay "ere released over tho
secondary target. (Soc malftmctiens).

5. Reported nalftmctions of bocbing oquip:llent:

A68th Group:
#703 - (J.s above)
~.. Ualfunction tJ:lB substantiated by amac.ant
l:1tt the caUse is unknOQll alS yot.

IV - .!!!!,FG D:~ (Continuod)

For title:! of bOJIlb reI' <::Ie, b(.:Jbin{; olttt.w.les, USB of ettnck end
indicat.ed c1r Gilecd crt pll tcre:ets, $00 .:I(lction VII, l"ORIa!.t..'1'ICf<S ROiiN,
th1s Annex, il:! 'lIMe;l dotnilill b;.r ind1v1duol tl1rcrart tire l11. ...en•

"~ """'l'~ -' J '" : 'ii'--on \
.,.••• \' ", Yo:,
,,:~-( '. l'
r.; _, .' '_'

1f'.!~:},!Rf8IlJ1J.'S2k4 .I1M


MisSion no. 43

10 1:E.rch 1945

1. 2e of the 29 aircraft airborne carried 16 ~4

(Tlff loaded, notusl
weight - 535.4 pounds) ['laDeral PJrpoae bombs or a totel of 418; load
P6r nircraft w:::s thus 8566.4 POunds, or a total lood for the 29 air-
craft of 239,859.2 pounds.

2. '!he 29th aircraft carried 15 l!-64 bombs, or a load of 8(X31.0 pounds.

3. Total loed for aJ' 29 aircraft was thus 247,890.2 pounds, and total
bombs Carried 463.


DiSPOsition of Bombs
~-q,!' . 5~' a Total Tonnage

• All Targets
131 1l~.4

Primary Target
373 99.9
Secontinry Target _ A 10 2.7
41st Iesort Target 16 4.3
TarBet of Opportunity * 32 8.5
Jettisoned _ 3
16 4.3
ReturI!E!d _ C 16 4.3

.. Total

Freie;JJter at 02 59'30''N _ 10lo22'00"E
1,,53 124.0

J'./O 703 dropped onlr 6 bombs on the Prim..'lry Targot due to a rack:
malfunction; the remaining 10 bOlnbs were later dropped OU the

B. J..IO 424 returned eerly because of on i;~~~~~1 failure of the #2

engine. Bombs \\Ilre jettisoned in ~ .• ~.J:l of Bongal.

O. AjO 279 returned e:::rl~ bl)c('use r:.f (' fire in the #3 engine. Bombs
'1ierO roturned to b~s(l.

i-V -1

Mission Ii:>. 43

10 l«lrch 19'~5

A", _!orr.lLtiC'ns Plonned

1:1_ The three plane fori:'~tion '.ns npecif1ed in t39 Field Orders.
""Umbi ng 01 ti tUde (~e5sure) nne deeis;nntod as 10,000 feet. L6ad
Plenes \~re to drop smoke crencdos Pot the Assembly Point.

Form:::tions are s1-.own ce thcv Wflr8 et t~e time of bomb release.

Diegr[!!!1s are intended to stow reietive :P:!s!tions only. All forlnl!tion
ststistics are thos~ of t~c Iced r>..1rcrof't.

1. Prinery Tzrs€;t:

• -1st. 663

909 460

h.im1ng Point _ Center of Roundtousc. Altitude _ 106400tT

No. of J../C _ 3 J.rls of ettcck :.. 4('1
No. releeslng _ 3 IJ..S _ 195
Time of relesae_ 0203Z Bomb 10M _ 47 M-64
Method _ visue1 Boll'.bs dropped - 47 M-64
2nd. 525


Aiming Point - Center of Houndhouso Altitude _ IOd5OO'T

• N:>. of b/C
NO. relaasing
Time of release
Axis of attack
Bomb Load
Bombs dropped
32 M-64
32 M-54



Aiming Point - COl>tor of Rcundhouso .nIti tude _ lO,400'T

No. 'Of A/C - 4 Axis of attack _ 400
No. releesing - 4 lAS _ 195
Time of relccse - 0230Z Domb Load - 54 M-54
Method - vi &leI Bombs dropped - 54 £-64


529 893


.1.ilD1ns rOint
- Cantor or loading Shed
Nre or Roundhouoo
No. or J./c
No. releesing
- 4
Axis or attack
- 'O"'.OO·T
- 4 JMJ
Time or - 0231Z - 195
!lcthod Bomb klad - 641.:-64
- via.\ol Bombs dro ppe d .. 64 7a!~4




.b.iming Foint _ S'l.6da );QPot ,EKE
!?ounillJ.ouS0 i..ltitUdo _ l01.4(>OfT
No.ofJ../C -4
No. rolocsins _ 4 J..xis of attack _ 60"l!
Time of rele:Jso _ 0249Z LAS _ 195
Method _ visual Bomb load - 64 A:-64
Bombs droPJed _ 64 Pl~4


kim1ng Point _ Repair Shop
No. of J./e _ :3 Altitudo - l06500fT
No. relansing _ 2 /L:xis of-nttoc* _ 43
llS - 195
Time of release _ 0251Z
Method _ visual Bomb loud - 32 M-64
Dombs droppe d - 32' M-64

?oo* - - - DrOpPOd 6 on PT - 10 on ST.

A1m:1ng Point - ~r-e 'oUildiJlf;
RR l))pot Altitude _ lO,400tT
No. of J./C - 2 Axis of atte:ck _ 420
Tine of reloaso - ooiaz. !AS _ 195
No.. releasing - 2 Bomb Load _ 32 U-64
M6thod - viSlal Bombs dro:pped _ 22. M-64



J.i.m1ng Point - S end of liGrehouses Altitude _ B,700tT

No. of A/C _ :3
Axis of attook _ 410
No. releasine _ 2 IAS _ 195
Time of releese - C611Z Bomb Load _ 32 tI-64
Method - visual Bombs droPIDd _ 32 l!-64


l.inlng Point - Off-set Altitude _ 10,500tT

Noa of A/C 1 Ji:'Cis of attuck _ 210 0
No. releasing - 1 ~S _ 195
Time of rolease - 03ZDZ Bomb Loed _ 16 lJ-64
Method - ETA Bombs droWe d - 16 M-64

L·';.; ,'. 1..,.... ~'.
• '.
•• "_:l~:1'.. ' ;
.' .
~ ••

2. Secondcry TBrcot:
703 * ......... Droppod 6 on PI' - 10 on sr.
Aiming Po tnt _ C... ntor of CCJ:l(lufll'lg(ld
BunCo!!l!! Altitude - lO.~OO'T
No. of h/e - 1 ....xt8 of nttack _ 346°
l'b. relep.sing - 1 lAS ... 195
Time of _ Q.1UZ Bomb Load - 10 },'.-G4
Method - visar.l Bows droPJEld - 10 1:_64


Aiming Fblnt - storage Bul1dlng~ Altltuda ... lObeoo1T

II:>. of "10 - 1 J..x1s of cttDck - lJ8
~~. reloeslng - 1 I.>S - 185
Til'OC of releas() ... OZ22Z Bomb 10 od ... 16 ...64-
lttthod _ B.T.A. BoAbs drowed - 16 H-V4

• ~. 'l2rget of OpportUI\it:l:



J.lm1ng Iblnt - Corgo ShiP ot 02°59'30"1; -

101 22' aO'r:!: Altitude - lO,~50'T
No. of A/e - 2 Ads of ettac:!( ... 270
No. relocslng - 3 lAS - 195
TimEl of rel'SBsEl _ 0353Z Bacb Load - 32 1{-G·1
Muthod ... vi sunl Bombs dropped ... ::s2 1d-G~

;::>:::'; ::'.-..
. . .: .' . .
•• t;:·~···'I"I·A •• :.-.·~·.. !.;'."
.....: ..
-."l·.d t U •.tl"·'·-·~~'-:·
.~:'" . '':'~~:':'11 ~:~;.-::.
.' ~.: ;.~~,.:., ~ .'
. '.

xx lll>!BER Cet.!llAND
APO 493

Date Prepared.: 1.3 },brch 1945 Fiuld Order: No. 43 of Mission: \.'ar 45

1. There \'Ier~ no,';ational difficulties encountered on the strike

~t ~he llarshallip,g Yarc.s ... t. Kuala 1Jlmpur by the 468th Group. The
navl.gatl.on appears to be satisfactory on this mission, but there is ap-
parently a tendency for navi,::ators to be ccntent with metro observations
for deterrninatio:1 of winis on routes. Three navigators of Ute 29 dis-
patched, repa-ted their wind observations half way to the target, at the
target, and hll! waj' back from the target as being detennined by metro.
Timing on this mission seemed to be well regulated in that the first air-
craft left the assembly point only two minutes after that directed in the
field order.

a. AV6NBe navi£ation times out =.nd b..ock were .:.s follow:i:

Av.:ro::.&<J Navi.;ation Time Out: Bh 19m Navization Ti.r::Ie Back: 7h 2Qn

Tiwc to Assemble: lQn

b. The following ravigational aid work was reported:


• 130
There is a disproportionate amount of celestial work being
accomplished. One navi,gator took 14 celestial LOpls and two fixes,
whereas another navigator, who is referred to above regarding use of
31 3

metro winds, took no celestial observations.

c. winds werc boad. Actu.-l winda report.ed ""ere G8


6000- lO,,<)(X)I 9,000 '

110° 16K 1100 14K 1350 16K

d. Rt1.lJo).r coop.:r<.tion ~lo:.S oxcellunt in most cases. Extensive

use is bo~ I!;, o£ radar to identify adverse weather on the flight
2 Trouble was encountered \';ilh flux. ,,;:. ta compasses in five air-
era It ' Wlo.
three ....aUi tionul a.ircr<>.ft rel-'0rted rudio compass [ ..Li"ure.

. '..
.. ,".

.. . ::jj 'j..
.. ~~.'1- I;
• •• _. ~ - . -0 •.•• ~.

j IFJl.D'.;,i.i••Rn:as
xx. IDl:BEP. CC~lJ..Nn
Intelligonce Section
AFC 4~> ,.

14 ~arch 1?!.6


~SSIO:; ::ULJ,::!lt 43, --

(DI'.:..uGr::', 10 :.. ~CH 1~45
Pl'irJir'J TCl',;et - it.rt, l=--l.3i~.I2J _J.nil::', h.t:~. L,l .• ,.lR, Sec.:md<lJ::'
Ta:-Get - -..LeR SfIJ• .iJ?.cal', :cr...~:,t c:: L_:f. 1....J.:iOrL ... ii.:..Q ~i..C1:.:.IG

'!.~"en'i:.y-f~ur ..,~~rc::,a:t oo!':l:Y.xl tho p~~l:~2.~-- :.rr,;et .:.·ro ..... 0203Z to O~56Z
£llti7..;.0.:3s of ';;70C fl,"t i:.r. b,6JO;..~ ::,.":; ... ··I:.'Cug!1 2/10 to &/10 \~ndcrc.::.s;' .. ~t
n.itiai.l~·a_'l:. o::!,\ .'-<.0'; r,;C01_I'T'A.rc,;.

Qne ~ircr~~-t boL~d the 3C(,1'.·~':"lT ',ar,:,et at O~lZ from 10,400 i'e:cl,
tr.1,e r~ti;'''J.dc ~1t:.-:.!' e,;:,t; co.. . t;;::.tifJl:.E ~~;.. 1".0 Ll.~i. ... ~rcra...rt oP~'CS . . .t iOl: :-;-as e.."1-
cC"<.l.:!·: ei"Cd.

C:lC .:J.irc~aft k ..b-::.d "':.h", t.<l!'(,I:.. cf l<l~t resv::1. .::.1.. 0222Z :2'0;:; 10,000
re.:;-r. trt:c illti.t.tde: tl~\.- ::;:h 7/121 to t/!O \'i1l' ;!~~l:;t out no antiaircl'a.,:;:' O:;JPO-
.:;:'-"i:.;;'o.. ',::.'3 c)cou.:,taod.

1".0 ai1'Crart (mcQUm. ered o.,ltiail'CTnI'l;. o:):!-'Osition fro!. this ...-:cc:.....~·, J.

:;&1 I:l' a'~d <lCCu;";;Ii:,e ~uto ...J.tic .:co;-)J.~ :~::':'c ",to:;; 61coulltcrf..d <:.t Oll5Z at 5,(.{1()
r$e~~ n~·ti·;"ud'J tl1rouS!1 5/10 undi3rl.:c>~'t. 'l':rl't:a's and red J;r;d bl.1C;, 0r!l·::;t~ ',;erc
obscrY,xl., ,,,:;.th .5 UUl'Z-;-.:; occ,uTillZ ,tt cne i '-It-ant ~'(.:mJ.,,-,,: ... in 09. ::'otaJ. of 50 for
t.>G e·lGOtt:,ter. ~·/int.:':;'i1:; "rere level, <'',:):.'or.ct Dr.a 0.i. -,-..Ic:, und in J.i:lc '.,ith the
ail·cH!.~t • •'10 one"t~· <l~_rcrai't \':c:;~'e rf;corted 011 tho :;a.o ~:uurse ar.d w:'_··~~_';:';:,de •
..... <;• . , _ '~
........""'.. . - Jc:tion
, co' aistin.; of a :::h ..riJ turn to ",:IC :d..;ht ... a1:Y»·.....
•• ·~'a;-cc of
,I. ....... ·0'··.. • •• .1.:- ';<13 ta:,Elll to .::void {:lr.:.:~c.

no:' ar;d ir:acc\.C''''t~ b:!..r\c': ~,c .. : _'~:"l'C: it"':'" i'_1'e '1',<1:3 at
Ol'2'.l ...;t 10,000 i<:!et i l~~.t."do->- ;'''.lH:'':~ :./10 ,"!.i'l'<: t:,. Ucvl.2tions WElre :c,OOO
T~eJt, "lil'C'--:jt, ~... :u La t .. ,: l':.(;.. .. en $;'- Cli,):('.raft wer'3 re::I;n~~ e0. on t.1e
;"l!.e cou::se '.nJ t.l·;;.ir.'ld.:: •

-- .,. .
::--o::; ~ _ .. (010
~.!:!.- :-..::.
'VI III rc:030
~ c.v • -......
" '':''~.:i, R:J~, .~. urn ::.l~~IT;;ill J3iJ_.J_~_'~IO~I~GROU~T~..:rR 7l.O~;;:r S
;'lone re~rted.

__: NEts

" J'\<lr.ese ei...rly 'i're~g rad.:r at l-OIIT BL..IR a'1.d ";.: .t_;G (as detelT.r..ned :rom
i:'~~ L~"Ce:cept3) i\"(;:re in epcration and ur.dou~tedl.;ir .:J,Cl"ted t:le r...M..t..:.::J.r Peninsula •
.'"~ C'lJ.dcnt, h.v,ever, th<lt tl')e CZIO';;:r di.d n"t l:u'-;'[ ('f the ~~in-poi:1t location
.r t~e ?ttack since t:le first fiUltCl.' r.ttac:: i:l ·::'l--.J klJ....LA L.J,rJlt Area OCCUi"l'cd
13 f,U ~W:lJlC the t:Lrst ~;ilb8 81'm:i t.~J .., •
......., . ..

.. * • ~ .. • * .. * * '" .. .. .. .. '" .. * * '" '"

• Prepared by: •
• •
• Cper1'tioI!sl Ir.telli@snce Unit ••

". ". * • '" .. •
XX 1X!:llbc.r OCf[. er.d
• .. .. * '" .. '" .. .
• '" .. '" •

I. JI-.l'ANESE FIm~t TJ.Cl'ICS - LISSIOil 110. 43
ThRGEI', Kuala Lumpur, l!nlayo.

"..I.l..l.llI Iny !.assion. ~TE: 10 !.:arch 1945.

( . '" c. Enemy <:1r oPIXlsit:i.on, IlS in the previous mis:Jion to this ~nrgot
~~io1'. no, 37, 19 Februnry 19115), n<::s very w~ak. of the 27 ~29IS
the ,~... ~ll tta$ts, 17 reported J.r.t,6!'ce}'i.i.on, all of TMch occurred in
I" ~.u__ ry artCT. <lrea~ !.. t:lt'''l cf 30 ::l'ldl.V1.dunJ. encounters re3Ultcd
... ro:n 22 single pla'"ll3, .mct 7 attacks. Ho ~2gls TlO:re
loS"~ du~ to cne::ly action m." "n;n: arT dUl"ilUGtdd. P'cclimi11<lry claius 3.:;ainst
cnoL\Y .::u.rcrart ~2rc 1 de5t ... ~,ycl a..'ld 4 ctana~ci. Tho enG:rw interce:?tii1b
force ,re~ cstj:nutc:d .:s 10 li•.i.;5 (sct'!C IlJssibly lImES), 3 OSC:.RS, 1 Z~~
and 1 unidenti!'iod fighter.

b. !J.l encounters oor:;l in tho pl"'i~r'J tar;::et oro<1, at nlt1tudcs

frort 10,000 to 10,600 fect. J..ct1on ':'" ovro.' a period of 1 hour :11'.d
37 minutos, fron 0216Z to 0353Z~ Nineteen cmcountcrs (50 per ce!rt.) voJre
bcforo bo.obs auay, 1 (3 por cent) bol'.lbs ::r;rny, and 19 (47 per cent)
after bombs mray.

c. E1'v:lny air strength and tactics on this mission '·IC!'O ver.f siJn,..
Uar to those on the ?l"evious n:d. ssion to lilliJJ,. Ll.Jt:RrR J Liissi.on 110. 37.
Although crens l"Cported si::,."ting about 6 OSC&RS <lnd sevoral rOJOS in the
tnr.. ct crea, only 3 aSC.fiS were estimated to have been enga:,ed. i:ost of
tho fis:hter opposition Tr.lS from tho SD.1'l'O type of plane previously onco~
t(.rcd, nalICly, 'lJJ.., a typo r<lted in fll;:; !X!<lr-obsolescont class. Compar-
ntively fen Japaneso pilots oponcd fire, and pilot aG"JI"Ossivcncss u:1s
noticecbly InckinC, the najority of onenv plo.nes brou!:inli arrey at clis'"ances
of 500 yaros end lOO1'C. Coordinatc~..! att.ecl.s for th<. r:x>st part sccncd
,flOorly executed, <lnd sever.:::! t"O\"/S inch.cated that sane of the nttackfl
rop:lrtecl a13 coordin<Jtl:d may ....... have b, plannod a!;l such, but n<l:Y
been coinciclcnta1 in TOGt:.rd to their tir.rl..rlf,. RC:: intercepts indicE!.tcc1
thct the 3-<:9 I S T,urc pi.ckod u? about a'::out &J l!li.nutcs beforo they entered
the. tar(:ot <:lrco., but, o.."On considCrinU the in~bility of the encroy to dC!t-
ermine the intended tare.ct at the tim;) of the first intercepts, it is
significant thnt the first 8-29 forw:tion over the target encountered
no air op!X>s1tion, nor did they sec any fiGhters eiroorne at bonbing
altitude. Tho first fijltor ott<lck ,·..n s ll"-'lcle on tho second formation over
the tarset, tlnd occur~(.;d 13 minutes after the p:'ov'.-eus formation had
dropp::ld its oorbs.

d. It is interesting to note that m::>:rt, of tho <lir opposition Has

centered directly over the tcr...<Jt itself, c.nd occurred T(ithL't one of t-.tO
mlnutes of the tines of bolT'bs e.,-,e:!.
.. "
".::':.,-:..'{.~:: I'·l~~.·,~"·.

In ViC';" 0'" th .
in.."1.' ",... c Ulo~rcctivcnCs5 of ~ .0 f:"lhtcr oPPOsition in reGllrd to the
crfo~tJ.~... of octuo.l dornD.Co 0- thv B-29'sJ it 1.8 rossible that the oncoy's ,,$ .Tere c~1c:'ly devoted :lrd cl'cfltinl; divo!'s.i..ons in the horo thD.t
.1 ng runs \IOU],iJ be t:nstcady and the. e~:ploshlQs the target.

c" The tYrO of :'i&lte:- o:>po-.ition cn~ou."'I.te:,ed in this tar"'at

aro.:!. to "-t 0
h::t- ~ 0 dot-s roOt CO:::J"i..'C ~:l ~kill ~nd C,SJcs,';:lvcncss to l'Ihat B-C)'s
t'h ~ rot on tli.ssions flOlJl. fmm i::l:nu. b<l:;;cs. It ::Jhould be noted t;l<t"t
1.5 typo 0': air 0 'Jr,'Osition is not inc:ic.::tive of i'i.rst-~inc Jopo:nosc in-
t C).'CC·7!:. • '. •
'nd •. J.~n Clna cal1T!.o':' be corrv:tly u::Jcd 0::; a r;K.LSurO of onor.r; oquipr~rrt


. ~ u. rh~ frontn qU:l!"t.:r ~~s th0 [",vorite for cncqr pilots
~~h 5, per cent of th" cncour.tcrs o:i.&inllti,,~ from this di.!'Cction.
;his comparcz VEry clesely to Uetlio:-:' ;7 in ",hich o.ppro:::chcs from tho
":ental qUD.rter 'I\..l-c 56 per cent of tho total.. Of ~he l'Cl':'I<lindor on llis-
s~on Ho. 43, IS pel' cunt cel,le .'rolil the ri:,ht quartor~ l~ per cont ;1'0,.1
t:.l0 ro:::r, D.nd 11 per cent fro:n the 1£:1'':..

b ••. 5 to le-ro:i. of £ltt-r~i{ t:'1e p.:ltt~m set in l..ission No. 37,o:<lS

folloTlDd in the pr{"3~~ uis5ior.. :i:ii~ht:--so."cn per cent of t:.e: cr:lCoillltcrs
origin<l.teci men, 5 pc;:, cent 1e\'01, und g p...r cent lou. On liission flo. 37
~IC pol'ccnta~cs ,-;r!l'C $02 p;lr cont, 4. per cent and 4 per cent rcsJXlctively.

C. B-2;l l s cGoin bornb...,d from 10" a1.:.itud~s ($700 to 10,600 feet

over the IT) ond J<l.po.nese l~i:;i1t,ar pl.. ncs h:.d litt.le: o.1titw1c trouble in
tilcir attc.cks. l'hL sFocd of thc ~29, i.O'l.(;TC:-, :'n comiJOri:::on to t:'1O't of
t:.c nc::r-obsoles.:ant WJ.., the prcdoJinc.tinb t}1=C cn-.JCG<.d, "as evido!ltly
t;,0 dctcn::oinin~ fector in !)I- o' ~in;:; t.hQ largo porce:1t:lCC of iront£Q D.ttacl:s.

d. :. SUJlt:l<.'r:t- of directions cnd lovels of approcch for ell encoun_

tors folloi'1.S in 'l'J,blc No. 1 an..l ~'able i~o. 2.
T:::ble No. 1 - Directions <lnd La :cla of J.pproach
._- -- -------.-.-----,-- I ----
Direction of . Front i:1Lht I Re<lr Lc.rt)I Total .
L..:~~b.~~c:;r=,;,.;;11~=_1_:_ l.~. 2 3 4-!:: _6_ 7 S 9 ~~~1
High G 6 5 4 1 . 1 3 1 1 2 1 I 33 (!l7;,) !

Lovel 1 1 -1 II - 2 (5~) :

==.:L;,,""=.==i,=:,=~ -~ 1 3 (d;:)
-§--.G 6 7. 1 11_" 5 2.j.1 ._2 __ ~
._.~otO_1_J_ 20 (53_1 I
7 (13:~· 7 (18:;) t 4 (11%) 30 (100%),

~- 1_
r.:l~C ~lo. 2 .. Lo\-"Cls of:
~ Level 0..<' i..prol!.ch
•. Front Rear Left
High 19 --c"s 5~ .~ 5.(7;~-)-~~ -(';2:1~' ;4(~
%) 11 '11-')

-~"t;-,:= -' j]-;;~~~;(2"~~-i~ .~.-.

I ,

._- .. _---
- _ ••-
•• .£ -
2C (~.o:):.:; 7 (l::lO#J
- -- -- ,--_. - -
7 (100~:
_ . - _• • ~ - -
4 (100..0

a. JC:oon"sc p•• "..... ,.-Q;cr i:n:l\m to :ICvt; Opel,Cc! fire in only 11

att::J.C~~5 of ....h e· to;,ll o~~3C: or, 2) per cent, a ...tin 0..1 c::..-tr.:rcly leu fCr-
CC:lt<l::;e. ~n 19 oi~cr CI:CO"o.•ntct's ~'C'f"S rcpo.-tod. no ..J1CJJY f:iro, <load in the
rc:Jainin;.; ::.. (;nccun~rs C~~· f!:-o ,ras undete:rrti.n;xl. --29's, on tr.~ other
hand, o)Cood ~i::"'O ::-n )5 of +110 3S enccu:1tc.:-s, or, $:5 por ccr.t, alx....."t tl."1
iJ, 1Cr.o.::;"C fi~u:."C for B-29 l s.

b. The follod.:1£. ~Clblc 3ho,1S COLpa:i.scns of B--29 ClOO enemy air-

CUlL."!l"C 1

!:. .,~. iira B-29 Fire

1'0. or t;o. -ci£
Dist.::nco (y;:rd,) Ltt.'2C~:S Forc<...-rt. ~.tto.c1::J p<.!'Ccnt

o to 459 , \: 2 6

;00 to 7'.l9 2 16 1 3
roo to $IC;9 361/2 13. 36

1000 & over ~

3~ 1(2 20 ...22...
Total 11 100:': 36 10O/~

n. '1'ho some l'C.luctancc to. p:l:'oss hcrr..c t3cir <::tt.::ck.:; noted on

Ussion ::0. 37 rtn3 ocain cvid::mt on Lission Iro. }..3, o.nd so·.. .ercJ. CroTtS
reportod tho.t cnc:rt:-' .:ltto.c1~~ UJro in t:. !I!1D.l~-hoo.rtcdU mo.nncr.
Qnly one ctt.::ck CtlF.c r.s close cs 100 foot) the Iwjority l'ro!'C brol:cn o;r
bOt\"Jocn 500 cnd lOGO ;rards. In.:J pUl':lber 0; a-'.. t~d(s, C:lCr.:y p:.J.ots
o.rlOy <lB soon as t;,c.: 3-29 15 OjX-nod firo.
Table Ho. 4- ::lis~[lnc,s to t.hich .:.t~(i.C;~f' -.-iOTO P:'Cf;sed

Qictancc (yo.rd:~) Ho. , : ::mco'.mtcrs

,--_._----- R>rccnt
1000 .:c. o'/er h II

1lJO to ''('\f)
'U 9 24
5CO to 7'/9 u 30
250 to :m -, il

0 to 219 .L -3!L
':oto.l 37* 100

:..cri:u. ~emJS \Iere cL1ploye:.u in S <:1..tcc;w (21.~ ?Cr cent of the ·~otal),
none, hO-,IOVC:-, rcsultin~ in d.~:lJ,[o to "'.-2';"$8 Host of ",;.ho lJombs '!-I01'o
t1droppcdll from hiGh coovo fo1'r.::-.tions, rather th-m nf1i~)pt.dll from c10.:lO
CJ.U<:!l~\, and sorx.. fi~l'!te:r::; d:' as t:<ljJY C3 2 nnd;: .. ':hc "StoVCi)i-:;on
.;'yp: aerial oo:;lb i:hica, 1.'1 SODC' ;l:!.sh":-l:.' m.=fe:;-cr:"';. torl..5, 3-29 I:; h3VC-
scon fro::l tin:. to t~"l:, \-:::5 ::IUc:, 1."1 c';iC:::nc:l. Or.o s< bo:..b -;ms d~sc ..·i:Jcd
as about .:; f(;ct lon...;, .:.nd 2 incJ.cs by ( '\C~ in cro~s-scction. S;l:.ctiDCs
2 0'" thcSQ a:7ix:.~r<;d ti... d tc.:::..t;l(;:· .:n.. ~~~J....i,.:d to rc-ro1',"tJ l.o.C;l other.
Fra:''T!£.nts of ell type.:> s)il1cdn:,t of t:,e endsj squ..~!'~ sU-fer co10:'(:u
objc.cts, SL1.:l.ll pcr\.. iclos looki:" liJ~': sC:"-.:;!.:J zoc:tcl, .:Iud, in one iltstance,
lmo.t a)pcarcd to be 0. chain.

CCOiOI!L.TJ:Ll ,STi.a :

a. ':'hc~'(.. ,"Or:. 7 coorCin.::tOO Ci..i;.llC::S, rcsulti.;: in 16 ::.ncli7idml.

cncowt.. . ers (42 per Ctfut of the ~at<l.l). fivo .:rttccl:s ,:erc by'.;s of
2 fi;:ri;.;:."s ~nd 2 n:.~ "u}' clc.:..c.rrus of 3 :~ch~~:rs. ;.11 , ..... rc identified o.s
V...LS except. ~C'r (..;.c. Zu~E y'hich coo:'CI.i:1nkd its <:!i:.~.:.cj: ,lith 2 Vi.LS in one
of the 3 plone eic.."1(J11ts.

b. lion\) 0';: t;lO att;lcks ',lore a~;:;rcss:lvc::'y j:r<-:>scd nor "cro mty
unusual tactics observed. ..c. bor:bs ";(,1''':' ("1ll}'Uo:v·cd in 3 of the 2 p!.:lnO
cC'Ol'din<l.1;...d ctt~c~: s.

There -,.cr;.; no :K.POl'tS of .... r.eqy ::lttcr:.pts to :"tl!'J, nor TA:.!'O llrr:J"
in:r;;nncos of r:oc.r collisions~

s. Hone.

10. ~E.T ;.WG:':f.F1'

t' Cnc cnc~ ai~craft bo ~ il,;n"w to be D. !"R.'~Th: \135 reported. Eo fur-

c·~cr observations ':Crt. n::.cic r th.:.nt.hc 'i.nL; llo1r::il'lG: .Tt>.ich ,m3 do~rib­
Or .:l.~ lI\"1hito strincs, <l.bout 2 J., lehe:; 'r.iC:c, ru:minr; pora:l..lcl out to tip
(I mne;.11 .


12. N~j OR ulru~:.f:}·:.r,,:y~~.: ?-tone..

13. CL~~.I:;~'T ~D7~0~rica'.1'"T

FolloTfing arc details of co:'!bot or prc.liminarr cl~ of 1 dCst-

l"Q}"'Cd nnd 4 d:lIXGOCl
Table No. 5 _ Details of Comb:lt - FrcliLtl.n.:lry Cl<lins

<1. oi??Odtion u":::; vcr- '"lUrk, Tlith 0 total of ;C i:"rlhi.du<ll

cnco".:nters.all occu..rril1G in thr. p'iJil~r'J to~'cct lll'CO. Ho D-2S/ls TiC:""C lost
01' datnnbcd due to Cn0IilY fi::;~H ...etien,. Pl c;.imi.llaIJo~ aCainst cncny
nircrtlft ,j1,)1"C. 1 dcst,:-oycd cnd q. dorr""Lcd. ..n cstim:ltcd force of 15 cncr.y
fir,!ltcrs, mostly 1;J,:, opposed the mis:::;ion. I!nomy tectics and s'"rcnGth
\lera vcry sir;:r;.l.:lr to those encountered on the rrcviou:J mission to this
i;."rc. et , Li3~ion ::0. 37<>
b ...coin the hiGh frontal OfJlll'ODCh ,lOs tho favorite fc:=" JDp..'lncse
fiGhtcrs, .:Qthouc;h no a.t:',s ,-rorc 'lC~" o;:;~rcss:="vcly prc.sscd. I!hel;~'
f; "hters fired in only 29 per cent of ~uhc encounter:; ,'Aule D-29 l s fired
1;"'95 per cent. ..cri.::l bombs ,.ero omplcYl,.d in 9 tltt~c1:s, and thero ,-,081'0
'/ coordinated ott.:lc:~s utilizi!l[, 2 and; Illcne olc.monts u
C. '"1'1'.01'0 ",ere no r,J.! ~ttcrupts, rocket ott,)cl~s, now TIC.:'pons
nor tllctics.
~lC~,W :.ircr..;ft Distiilr.>uizhing ll.:lrhl"'';;s

Orc:on QallX)uf1nLe U:.TE or Vt:r.. ".'Ih::'"_ ..;trircs across hori;;ontnl stabilizer

S:iJ:vc r :1ount:el:,. IelloYi .:lnd bl.:lcli: s>~ripcs on


"Illitc vCl'ticcl stripes .:lround fuse-

la:e on c]ch side of red roundcl.

1'1J('iozot't,Jl stubil::'zor hud yci.10i-: end

blClcl, ~.':·:..pcs l~.mninr:; 10n!.¢.tudlnUlly.

m.ack ~ltsCJ..:leC no lllOrkin.,;s observed.

"it;l si~vc1"

FRl.l1< 211 ,mite stripes runnin~ PQrallcl out:.
to riinc--tips"
I _ '\loat~_er InfC:r'met1on

II _ Ciwrt - ,:elltber A;:l =ore~pst cr.i

83 F.nzounte:l:'''f.
I - i!EmF.ER UJltm:ATIOI,

lJ1ss1on lb. ~a

10 Uarch 1945

.-T.---~:_~:~~~:·--- J-~~·-----·-A-,-E-n-'-'u-n-t-'-·re-d-- - - - - --
~ - - --=::::==.-:.-_. '=...
,_.~=====,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;=~~ ==-.
I Be ! I
1 ~ nt Clear. Visibility G lCleer. Visibility 5-6 miles. 3..Irfaeo wind
! 0 6_ mItis. ivoriabl0 from '115"11 to NNW, 3-5 mph.
I~ __ £f .._._.. .i .,
R<Jute lBJSE vnria~:·c-;r~:
I, Out
Cleer except for 2/10
st.retocuwlus QloIlG
20,000'. '!hin altostratus lny8r et 12,000'

Ibc.:gnn ¥lith 5-6/10 ooverage at 20oN, incretla-

I I COllst. ling 6~ lowering to 8-9/10 at 10,000' south
I ! MID:J!A..l,S To 6 n: 8/10 lot 16 N. Occesiorll:l1 patches of se.=:ttergd
j cil'rostrotua at lotratoeumulus tops a-1:000' BOutll of IS N.
I 1 28 ,000 1 • 3-6/10 strc.~ AND1YAl'5 10 6&N: 2-3/10 cirrus persisted
'I oCUlnuluB, basEl 2000' lot 20,000'. J.J.tostrctufI lJ::yor dissipated
I top 4000' becoming south of 120 reo.ppocrine r.a scatterod
i small cu.e:u1ua with laltocumulus at 10,000' in vicinity of 6 •

I top:; d<:l 6000' soutr IToPE of seo.ttClriJQ eUCUlus increesed from

0 10 l'olet. lover the hnd._S:l.L:: to 8CJ<X)' with oCOElsional
6 TO "" l;~ 8/10 oir- lshowars ct 12. At 9 taps had lo\lered
rue at 30,000'. e/lO to ?~,OOO' 711th 5-6/10 oove~ge, aad by
eltostrotus, bnse 6 0 1-2/10 ~ith tops ?-5,OOO'. In addition
14.000'. 5/10 strato- Bccttorcd cU:.'I11onimbua WJre rB~rted ",ith
e:u.tIlI.11us. baSE 2000' tops to 18.000' in vicinity or gON.
top 4000'. Occ~uior---=l ICo TO T.,',RGiT: Frontal or convergence
soattored ClU:'lllon~l!!bus zone. CirroBtrctus increased to 4-5/10
I "Oth tapa to 20,000'. f1bove 20,000'. Scatt()red altocumulus at
4 N TO ThRGET: SIlO 10,000' ot 60 lifted nnd increased to 8/10
cirrue of 30,000'. altostrotus r:t 12,000' at 4? First
8/10 a1tostrctus, ElircrAft into the area reported 101ler
beM 14,000'. 4/10 cu.'!ulus increc.sed to 7/10 with top:) to
C\!DUlus tase 2000' ,8000', sc€-ttElred C\ll1Uloniabuo to 20,000'
top 6000' over ... ctcr jrr.d ::lho';l(lt's. Lo:t£; plsne:: four.d cumulus
decreasing to 2/10 degoooratod into seattered !"rflctocur.lUlus
stretocUJnulus on with tops t,.OOO', and b:roken cltocumu1uB ,
approeoh to torgot boso 7000' top 8000' With moderete rain !
I wi th tops to 4000'. and_tu_r_b_u_,_ence ]:erst sti""_:::., ---I
Target 8/10 cirrus at 30,000'. FRD!ARY TI.RGET: Conditions veneblE!.
'.rea e/10 olto!Jtrt!tu5, base Be.rly planes (reeehing tnrgvt before 0900
14.00(". 2/10 strcto- Isr) reported 8-10/10 altostratus at 14,000'.'
outiuluB. tops 4000'. Clsur to scattered below; 1::>/10 stroto-
Target Pressuro: 29.80 cumulus, top 6_7000' to wrtl: of target.
inch()s. jPleDes reachill8 terget from 0040 to 0920
ll1011 T~returc Sc.r- encountered ::limller conditions, exoept
face to 10,000': oltoetratua lrye!: v"'Oke Ill.oy over target
19.5 fu13. C. 1enving 5-10/10 t:1!' Etratua above fl1ght
lavel. Artor OS?O ooncit1ons a.bove night
Ie val 1'Onj~inod OOIlC, whllEl bolow lower
clouds t'.'hioh had beon observtld north of
I tc.rGc.t moved down end bcsen to build up
''1\71th 5-9/10 coverage tops 1-9000'. Visi-
_ J ~li ty ,:as unrestrict.:":d::.:':t:..:':':':..:t1::"'::..:':, -'

As l"crecc:3~~ -- .k=-~.=_~===h~'~"n~,~ountl:~r~.~.,===c==7.::=:=-::
A.... $CCrID13Y T....II>ET: '410 oirrus above 20,000'.
(Cont'd) 7/10 oltoetrotue at 14,000'. ''',,/10 cwmJlus,
baso 5000' top 6000' in the nros, w1th
tcrgot itsolf cloor.
IAST RESORT TIJKiE'I': 2/10 01 rrus above
I 20.000'. :'vorogo or 5/10 cUllU1us, tops
I 3000' 1n target area, ~t 9/10 over the

....I-'T,:::T' TOl~S.·~N •• nocessltstlng 1'1 radar run.
No sisn1flCc.r.t _"Un> 7/10 ooverage of eltostrotuc
""Ok chonges. Rt 14.000' persisted lldth scattered olmJ.f3
vi~blc OOoVG 20,000'. Undero:!St composed
ot stratus end cuculus \\!l th tops 8-9000'
extended ~rom r.r1mary target to ooQet~l
oren at G N \'Ihere it becwnG scattered.
6° TO COCO IS: Cumulus n11 over \lister
north~st of Gcors.eto~:m, but built up to
8-90001 with 7/10 CO'lcrcgt; OV6:" }\!ket pt.
Over J.ndomtlIl sec, 1.2/10 \1:1 to':! top to
6000' exoept for ~ine of aQ~ttered oumulo-
nimbus whic~ c:..·osat:d the course betwoen
12 end 13 0N. 'lb.o oltootretu9 deck oontinued
broken to ')_10'11 ~41ero it dissipated, to
I'Ccpp;l""r rs scattered lcyer associated
1'd t!' t.!:e cUo.'1Ulue activity mentionod.
CilToGtrntua p1rslstod os :1 broken lnyor
"bovo 20,000'.
COCO IS. TO ID.SE: 0wnulue inoroOlJod to
7/10 with tope 7000' over Coco Is., then
subsided &gain to 1/10 fcJ.r W<Jcther CIJ..II:I.llue
rnd dissip::1;ed entirely north of leo.
3/10 llltoBtretus over Coco Is. Incl"tlE'80d
to 8-9/10 at 15° where there was also a
zone of undcrcllst strlltocuJlulus -1>'1 th top
II ct 10,000'. Those layers Boon becema
:=cottered and dissipated IlOrth of ISO.
Cirro!Jtrotus renewed broken to 16 0 ,
I 0
6c"tt.. red to 18 , &nd nil thereetter.

'1·~;+-o-'.-a-'r-.--v-'-'-'-b'1l--1t-Y--+OI08r.Visibility 7 milos. Slrr-.,-,-,,-'n-.--

Return ,6 miles. _ -.::r..:::::~ 2-6 mUes per hour.

. .,.; '. 'I .
, " . . -::. ....
C. Tomp:r::Jturo e

As Forecast

Altitude• -
uSE_. ;

r-~~~~~ -- , 29 DoC C.
'! -... -~~;;,. c.' j
I-IO,~~l-----t-- ~.~~~ -Deg -~:­
i ._-~-._--_._----
I 15,000' __ -L_:! De>; ~

!::..s £.ncou~

1 ht, TareEit: 8 DJg C.
-I -

" II
•II !
• •
4 .••
•• I

- .1
\ •
11 '"
., ...
11 .
'" ! I
I i ;
" j,-- 0 -. ,
, , <'1' -1- r I ..,
J ~,, ]~
- ,I-

, I
•,I I
,, ,- ~ If J
' j' i
: I'J
r . .'.


" J'

• I

:L ..

cm:1TICJ.'!'lr!"s ThTJRIl. TION

'" . • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• by: • •

• CoJrunicetions Secticn •
• •
• 7.!. '\)olJer C• .r.mrnd •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •

.... ·.r.·.
.... -.'. . ..... ." ..'.
..., "
" .v" 'I
,.I (;
.l ,11·'

;" (Ii,

Xx ml:1ilE~ COiIT!A.'ID
&'0 "',9'3

SPI::CIALlb'rS J,::"'&SION·
-R:;FGRT C~' -

Date of MJ.ssion'. 10",,', ...rc..'1945

l • Mission Number: .f,3. •
D:..te preapred: 13 Ea.rch 19.1:5.

PART I - 'rR.. .. i'~FtQ.....STJ...~S~Q.~

.1. Hi ssion nU!:lber ~3 was perfo::::J.ed by tllirty (30) aircraft
of ~e 468tl::. B,l..\a G·,:-oup. !lfc::::.,J,13e tr3.ffic ViaS confined to thoze
rout~ne mess~Ges requiJ,'ed by the tactic<\j. doctrine, and all air-
craft complied with the instructions contai:leO. therein. Elaven
~?mbs away.uessaGes and tnenty-three j?ositioi: reports, t:':'8ilsnitted
\lHen 400 mIca from base were received. T·is tr. ffic accounted
1'0 r 10Co/a of the aircrer t' in vol ved in the :.I.i s sion. In addi tion, ttwo
abort Slid five lnterceiition 1.1l3ss8.{;es were received. ~!o di.'3tress
tr·aifi c was handled.

~_lL =_YIOl-AT+O~I:~_OF _Q..nll"IO &; TRANSI·:I}E?t:_91'L.§ECURITY
2. No vi01etions of crYJ,1to:;raphic or l;r nS,J.i3sion secu!"ity
vlere logged. .
PA3!...llL_--...lNTE;:JE~ C;..l-§.IGN...l:':' '§::L:3...~':GT~~S I ~'!.'C I

3. Takeoff was at l715Z, and from€ of tat;:eoff until la.'1d-

inB, static level aver,,£e;d:> ')1 sign",l le.vel. No fading wes noted
during t~.. e 71ission, and static experienced interfered in no way
wi th radio contact.
4. '!he ei:ht (8) IT.egacycle frequency in use (8260 kilocycles)
was interf'erred wit~l frora 01002 to 0200~ by 8l"". unidentified. station
wh1c~ was receivod with an 53 R3 signal. ~lC si~al vms not strong
enough to bloc:: 1;::e ground st£ltion and was only reported by three
of the aircraft l)articipoting in tl':e ,·lission.

5. Ho atter.J.pts at jam.11ing 01' tje emplo:lr:ent of deception

tL\ctics by the enemy were reported.
p.":t'r IV - RL.DIO LIDS '1'0 N.~yrG.:\:.:ICi.~

5. Statistical d~ta on radio aids to ~~vigation:

a. ~adic Homing Se£cons:

no o~ a/c AverageIni- Extrer~Ini­
power reportin..e tiel con~ tiaU9ntact
Loon ti2.!!.
12001(1 16 400 600
Kharag::ur 4 200 270
Chi t'tagong 12001'
3000'.1' 1 150 450
Dum Dum
- 1 -

:~:: t
.. ....
,C, .... :,;,':'

...... - ••••~ •••••:"

·,{~l'" j:.: •.• :{",;:.)<.' ••..
~~ ,. ,
. "'.""",.
.~~ ~', ••
b. R~d1o nar.ges: No use was m~de of Ruuio nange Facil-
i 1,.... Gs.

c. Direction ~inding r'cilitie,- ~~re not used.

d. Due to t:!.~ type of fornetlo11 flov:n, elr-to-air hOi';
wes not reQ.uired.

P-....1'l~L- !.i:.Lll'Un(.rr cr."S

7. Fol1o~~n3 :-81functio~s to :adio e;ulpment occurred:
a. J.ircraft 719 coule not receiye other aircraft when
usinG SC'rl 522, (V:i7l. SCa-27~~ Was used in its place.
b. ~rcraft 660 hed SCR-522 becond inoperative Drior to
reschillG target, c~uee undeter3laed. Rot ret~ired in fli~~t.
c. ~irc~aft ~09 had interphone w~plifier nalfunction in
suc~ a manner t~at ~t could not be re~nire~ i- flieht. Used SCR-
274L'Il as auzillary inta!?Jl0ne.
d. ...iz c:.:'!loft 5';;~ il.all lia1 son an tel.lns. shot a,,,ay. Tra1l:i:lg
V/1!'€ \,as used i:r. i t::; ~ldcE:.


- 3 -

I - aadar Info~tion

Section A _ NaviL~tion and Bocbing

Section B _ Scope PhotograJily
SCc-tion C _ Servicoab:l.1ity

Tabla A _
T.nbl\! r _ Fhotograph:l..c Results
Table C - Sorviceability
Table D _Malfunctions

•* •
Prepared ,by,
•• Rt.dar Section •,
•• XX BoJ:;ber COD~cl 4<


. . t ;.v',

:l!;~i;~l!::;':~> f~" .".", ..

j;.c . •
'e"?r.... •
~ ... ~ - .' •oj''''~~

HE....DG,!:.. l'r::.\S
xx :.Jo.,:ar.~ CO:':'_:¥jJ
.20 49:~

COj" &Jj,:ll~.l'El)
iJ?~:"-:.~:':31' ,.IS."IU.,
?L: o.t'r ('1'

Dnt9 Field Orders Uo.


L Y£.e 3ailroaci ~~3r~t,allin£; ?.lrds at Kuala Lmnpur, t:alaya.

prinf'..!"i "target fer tl".~s :::.i~s1.o:l., ·..- jere d:.sti:lC'tly a ,rl.l"'lal 't'omb-
1n~ tar;~t. It~ relat:'ve lo~atiou t~ 1dentifiebl~ roj3r objects
~s ",;el1 as t...:.e t3"':Jc of t~le t<"=het l'.!t.veltoe 1'a:1£.1' benting. Bc::h-
:!.n~ "lAS there~~re eL.ti.rcly "HJcul,"'OlV" for tw" {Jj aircraft 'oo~bed by o:'"fspt :;:;."1'.1." l.~ei!lg .J.l.ded by f;,:::- radar ('perator.

Z. T=-. .. a....d s of .ttack \',as al"Jc6t r·IH'iC:ld:.c·.:.l-:.:, to t;le ::a-

In:-8.I. Coast, ....:;.i:!.e 0:'". t:i:,- p=c',_O".$ .1 :;f'~ c_ ·:n.e 8::':1.5 \as aJ,'pJ.'ox-
::"'..atel;,· parrrallel. Ei'tI'' c,;,.:i .. 0: at .. "'~.: :l.:; !aY.rabl~ from tnE.
r~dar ~O:l.Lt o~ VlCw.

3. Ger.ecoe:l' I:i!a:.i, oft t.:':Q .:-:8st of .su..~tra, '"E'S used as

t~IO .!.I!itinl ~oi!lt. Hade.::' c,c:'.~·..c d rCJorteo. identifying this very 0asi1:,.--. ?he ]'H"C':':> .:Hi islm~<ls <'-long t:l€ ~1alayan
eeG-st 'Ln the t ... =t:~'t. al'ea alsc ap;eare.d c.... ear.iy on the radar
scope al1C: rrGviC'ed cc"!:,iderable ~U. en tite bo.wing run.

The ~6Ctb. BCLcal,;l.f;

ir. thi s rni[>~"ic~:.

1. Radar scoJ'C: rhOt.O(.TSpcit' ('_overa~e v:as secured of the

turBot area o~ previ::ms ·:.;!. .:~iOb3· t.h ...:re.:'''): ()J scopo :.)hotoc;raphy
wus decrec.sed on this misBi:ll.•
~. ~:e l'esul-:-s obtained were satisfactory, but tl1(~ quality
of -cictures G.ecreaseo. ",:o!'.sir.ere.bly. H01'C ~Jictures should i'8ve
beerl tal:en around 'the; initial .oQir.t and on the bo.lbinc rlill, thus
)("D.'1ittinl; the 110tting of tha b~l'lbing run jD01'e accurately.

1. Ser.... iceabili ty of t~le radar systc..,l:;": was slightlj' ebove

il:vern.:;e operatJ.on. total .. f 't:'·ent;-s . . .:: (26) fir uinty-six (96)

por cent gf t1:le radar e-:uipI:l.ent was C':er1tional ovor tho target.
:..alfunctions were fe'. a!~ii. of tc.e ·.l:p:al tw e •
2. '7! .,ere no u11 f":.:n'"":iOJl3 o'! .luxillJ..ary equip:r.ent.
A - Boobing
Total A/C Bo:!:1bing 27
A/C Boobing Kuala Lumpur (Pr) - 24
A/C Bo:.lbin3 101ao .iuaganE; (LR~) - 1
A/C Bombing T. of Opportuui ty 2
t on: Method of bombins \iaS visual oxco"Jt ono A/C bombed
PT by E.T.A. and one A/C b~ubcd LRT by £.T~A.

r ~B=-=P=h=o::I;o="=r::a=p=h:i:C=R:O:C:U:1.:':8:"'_'-__'_-:1
No. CaLlerns nstl:J.led l~-' 4
No. Cameras in _l,.bort Early ~leturn &. HissinG
Aircraft * • 1 20
No. Ca~eras CO~?let1nG U SS10n ¥ 4
No. Caoera:3 in Radar &, Cenera r:alfunction A 1
Sets of ?1Ctures Returned u
lTo. of Negatives Returned 11
Sets of Pictures Useable ** 2 67
Sets of Pictures Tracin Barnbin? R~~** 2 67
- ~ ased on c~eras nstal ed; If - on cameras completwg
nissiOll; ** _ on sets of pictures returned.
C - Se~viceabi1ity

A C Al.r orne 29
A/C 3.eporting 29
AP -13 0lerative at Take-Off * 29 100
96 26
Q-l nre,a ra Ie ?.lliures li
COlilpletely Ino:?era ti ve 1 4
Partially Inoperati ve 6 22
Total 7 26
J..P - Repn re u~ FH ;~h t
..\.u:rilliar Zaui'l')j:lent Failures a
_ ~ ased on A C report1n~; it-on.~C re;lOrtillG om 1ng.


Canpletely I~operd~ive:
No crystal Current (Operator Trouble) 1
PartiallY Inoperative;
l~odulf;.tor lee.:dn,3 oil 1
I ...ziuuth Stabilization out
hFC out - 100 ,~le ran 0 ~no~er~tive
Between Tarcpt & Lan ~ng

1:0 S\i6ep on ndvi~atorl z scope (partinl)

t- :
No range.E.E:FkGrs. " ...l:.. ---1
SULlIitar:w AP'1_13.1;€!-lfunctwns
-co::1pletGly InoperatIvo
partially Inoper~tive v
Total . . _---'-7 -i
! U£.lt'Wlctions, i..uxilliary Equi ?men t 0
• • • • • • •by:• • • • • • • • • •
• Prepared ••
•• ::r. " c..ection •
• •
XX 'oe.tler C"~rr.d •
• • • • • . • • .... "''''*.*- •

Office of the Deputy Cannc.nder, I: &; C
APO 493

lQ March 1945

SUEJ3CT: RC1~ Report - COIil.bat l:is8ion No. lV, 'Kuala

Luo:o.pur, 10 i":arch 45 - Dayli£;ht.
TO COj)~endinci General, ~~entieth Air Force,
,.as:J.ington 25, D. C•
..l . General
One RC:f search aircraft !lC',.tL.ip~t.d io this
Lisalon. The R~l observer secrchcd for curly vrorn10g
rudar en route to the tarcct snd ibr ranar fire control
equipncnt \,ilile in turbet area,.
Tl.o co~unic~tion ~eGrch aircraft also participat-
ed in this nis:'iion. ~ucll \iit:-t one IUsei 3:adio Observer.
01:e i.i sei Re.dio Observer nor.1 tored t:le ?.8-50 Ee. bend
and t~e other ~iisci ~~Gdio Observer monitored the 1.5-
IDLe. band·,
3. Relml ts
The Port :i31air and Penanc early \lurning ratiar sitos
were logecd as strong and treckins and undoubtedlY
alerted the 1<81ay Peninsula. However, the enony
probably did not l:noVl our primary tarGet inasmuch as
the initial fighter attack occurred 13 rolillutcs after
first bombs away.
1. Port Blair: 99/636/14. Rough D/F cuts
sU8Bost that this fntorcept is tho Port Bloir Radar.
:~oVlovor, tho charactoristics do not corros::lond exactly
to previous intcree~ts of this radar (100/730/12
1.is5ion iT4l). The signal ca:,le on abruiltly £lnd occa-
sionallY searcl!ed. Enroute hauo, n 98/700/15 intor-
cept was modo in t~i s SIX.IO area.
2. Sab~ne; hreu, Suuo.tra (95O:t5'~ 05°53 1 11):
96/832/16.5. rtou.,gh D/i/ cuts su...;.,~est that this radar site
is the ;.k 1 ::ode1 1 )lIoviously reported by the Jt,"J ferret.
It is interestinG to note that Q 96.7 He. radar 51 te was
.~~; -.:-, ;,", :. .
~" .

rougil.l:\" DjF'cd to this 5(\.,,0 on cor.1bc.t rJlssion

i/15, 5 Novonbcr 44 und 0. wack 96.7 Leo intercept was
'::'CCln uc.dc in t.1is S0!.10 area. on coubo.t ~.llssion n'2?,
11 JunuLry '~5.

3, Ponung Radar: Two tik 1 Hodol 1 radar sites

uory intorcoyted in tais eren, 101/460/15 is un-
doubtodly tao reder site proviously D/F'~d to the
Ponong OOlliltain peak (l00016'~ 050Z51~); 104/1000/14
i~ si~il~r to the 103/492/22 intercept roported on
1.1.SSi0l1 it~l \dth double tho nor-..lo.l F:lF rocorded.

~. i:cdc.n: 77/4:€'i/50. The RC!~ observer oonitored

the Poneng rcdnr ~itcs while I'll t .. is arcn, however, the
IUset radio observer nor..! torir.:; t::.c 28-50 ~c. band
nccidontly intcrc ...utod the COUlL. radar Wilich indicc.tas
t:mt the rndo.r V!<lS ill opcrction.
5. There were no interccpts uedo \.itiJ. radar
firc control chQr~ctc~istics.
6. The cO!J:W.uni cc. tion scorch aircraft \/i th t.1.e
Hisei radio obscrvcr en intercept in tilO 4 He.
hand uililc thc <.ircraft was in t:J.e liedan c.ree, honover,
duo to cxt~Qlle ntLos}hcric conditions no
on tho redia net ~cs-obtcincd. The other c~wr.unicetion
search Qircrcft whic~l woni tored the 28-50 l~e. b:.nd !Jade
no interCCl)ts.
C. EnClY CountcI""..:1CQsures
i~cgc.ti vo.
D. Lguipncnt


;. I '
r"'OR TH:3 DZJ?Un- eX)l,J:!AHD3R:

/1 /
• .,i( 4 C' JV.'(IN v.d._
LEO 1. a:':'~:J.N
Colonol, Corps
J.ctg. ~·.dJuto.nt General


•• • • • • •• • • • • • • •
• •.r'rt>;-e
• 1"0 d tr ••
• •
• steff Gunnery tff1cer

• •
• Bo~er
:0< CO::,'IlCIld

• • •• • • • • • • • * • '" • • •


>PO 49'3



Date Prepared; 14 Mar 45 Field Order Number 1J

Date of Missions 10 Mar 45

1. On the mission to Kuala Lumpur directed by Field Order Number 43,

fighter oppositivn 1s considered weak and non-aggressive. A number of
fixed landing gear enemy fighters either Nate l s or Vall s were observed in
the target area. Aircnft No. 703 making three bombing runs over the tar-
get, reported numerous Ughter attacks in which sll ammunition was GlCpellded
from the upper turrets of the &.29.

2. The mission is considered satisfactory in regards to gunnery.

There were no damage to our aircraft from enemy fighters.

468th Only Group Participating

Ammunition used test firing 1,720

Ammunition used in combat 8,230
Malfunction of C.F.C. equipmoot 1
Total turrets on mission 135
Malfunctions of Cal .50 MGS 4
'Ibtal MGS on mission 324
'Ibtsl airplanes (included in report) 27
'Ibtal percent malfunctions C.F.C. less then
1% cal .50 M.GS 1.2%
- 1 -

_, .", -.. .:1,.

0'7';';';:' ". .' . '-. - , '
~ .. ~••,•. ' •.
'. .•


l:.1s81on flo. 43

10 l!Drch 1945

:, I
~.£!1'8S airborne i 5 14 I
No. 1n A/C fnl1lng to ben. Pr i 0 0 5

1<>. AfC
5 ,I 7

1n bombing Pr

photographing PI' I•
" : ,

IFailure to photograph - mecl:an1cel L..-:=-.l 0 I 0

!'silure to photograph - other I

0 9-Il
I 4-e-O-E

1No. usoblo negatives I" I II I 170

A. A/C 663 - ceS0 dr1vo malrunction

B. A/e 456, ?l9, 529, 734. 714. 701, 858,879,-600.- cc.mcras .1lOt used

C. A/C 703 _ acid on lens

D. A/e 221 - 10/10 undercoat

E. AJC 279 find 424 - early returns

, . _ • • ,. 'r_

,. is.,'_:_
• "it
..l ....

10 March 1945

A. "1 rcreft !.o0805

1. Battle Losses:


2. Operctional losses:


3. M! ssing Ai rcre rt;


B. J.ll'Cl'!lft Dur.lllfjl?

For details of battlo Cond oporationnl damage by aircraft,

0900 Oonsolidated Mi3sion ~t:::t1stioel Summory, Annex M, Table V.


I j

I - :\u:.ctloni.ns cf :'<:;.ulp::ent

II - ?crfC'rll:aneO Ibta ..


. '.ry;, . • ,. "
~ \ •" •• : .', I!
•• '
, ~"'-( ~

10 Ilcrch 194:5

1. AlO elrborne 29

2. Lesa Ale failinG to bomb pr1lll.ary tc.rget - CIOCbllI'.loo1 3

a. letthonad Bombs

(1) A/C 424 - Internal tenure 1/2 oneino

b. Bombs

11) A/e 279 _ Oil leck nu~ to looso fitting on

prop foatlieri:J.(; lino 112 engine

c. Bombod kat ~BOrt Torf;.:Jt

(tl A/e 227 _ ~'.ose 011 prossure linG broken on #2


3. leSB J./C fa1line; to bomb primary targot - other 2

0.. A/e 5<.2 and ~?2 - found primary target covered with
10/10 clouds - bombed target of
c.pportunl ty

4. A/e bombing primary tOl"ESt 24

APO 493

Sm;IALLST YIssrotl REFffiT

Field oroOr )1'0. 4.3

Dato of w.seicc: .~J.O,;)(ar 45

1. Tho ut.t£l.ched table contains a summary of the perform8J1ce of the

aircraft from the 468th Group Lh:lt bOlllbed the primary target. Because of
the spread in fuel COl"~umption the results are giwen for the individual
squadrons participating in tho mission.

2. The 792nd Squa.dron was last over the target and encountered wea-
ther conditions which made assmlbly difficult as ~ll as necessitating more
than one banb run 3 as a result this squadron burned an excessive amount of

3• One and possibly two more J.l-64 botoWs could bave been carried i f
the fuel load had been decreased by 100 gallons and the starting gross weight
increased to 134,000 pQmds. A reduction in the fuel load would not have
resulted in an ur.:;afe condition since the average burnable reserve was 844
gallons. InCIVe.isiJ~ the: gross wcii,:ht to lJ4"OOO pounds is questiQ"l -
able however l since the increasing free air temperature requires lhe maximuo
performance frCCl both the aircraft and pilot during takc-off.

.?,!:1 " ~-.:~,
"~I ::>:-
.'," " "'
468TH B01aB GROiJE'

. _-_.-1--"-- _..._. _ _. Ov~:.a~:
. __
.Ff". "'~",..IM
L- _~3rd_ ..
[-- ---"
". ?.~4th_. _
-.-- -
t.'o. ~f Ji1r~!..8tt. ._.~_.-l ~. __ ~ . i-__ ....__. --'9c...._

:;:\::;c'~t_._ -. 1--=._~~t~ =-1- ._-~;:;~ -. . '-';:~ .---.-'..l;~;-j-. _

~_ ~'T..!'---+ _.:--=_1= 7~ ~_
OIdTl~ 1.IlB.x J
.7?O0 .. _. L.
- 7300 -. -- i' I - ---
. - .13QO .
,_",_ . 7200 .
. 7209 .. ..-
7200. ---=r-
._ ..--- -~:--
""" ... . 1------t!og --'---t~~~"-
... 5'; ... ., .-. . -- ------l2Sf-- ·--i~¥.IQOI2~-+~~~~~~~~~~
6'~- -- 'j,- - - 6~ .._. :J<0 - . . , - T--

I ,......
.l.~ -::;:-~·~:::l~~P._±= J~~-=-J=::::3b"-~+-:--6'~'
: ~ 6
--- \ - - - . ~8~ 0
. - -;. --- . 57 ._ - - -r " __ .~ __ . 1-. + ....-..2 - }-
I l$x 260 .._ .
._. I2~4
__ ~60~!~._. L
,..._ _ 8Q9 _
__ .500. 1.5Q.. - - - i -
1 ~ __
. _ lQ!S..._ i !
-Air Ll~e_lJ I 34'f!3. --...- .. _3459._ I! ._._344~ ~ ...3M7 ' -:
_ Gro~~ ~le8 _.. _ r _ _ __ .3.'395 _~_ ... 3.353 . _ 3357 -I '. 3393 _~ . _ _.__
I"CBI/_~L1ct.lelJ. . 1 1.8'7 _ ..:. . 1.90 _. __ __1.83_. i _ _ __ _.1..1.: . _
!.-BombiDg !dt1tu~e. __ I . _. __ 9~ __._---:. . _J600__ ....l--:::======~i

Starting 1<'._.""._"
.!33 l 641_ ---, ........!3hW .
.• _ 1.34.1~.... 131u~~6_._ . .1 __ J33.~3
: _ •. 9900 .. __ L ._ ;'OjOOO
, 133 ..659 ... _I • 13baoo_.__ ~_ .
i W~!~:
1Jelgbt or
~ ~~_._
+ . __ !328~~ .t-_~~~ -+- __ 133~7~,
_. - --.. - ._. '.1- __ 5 -._--..j.. _.-i!<Q...-
~ .__ 134.•095_ ---r-- '

Bombs ._~.:J: __.1_ •. _86~l?.... . ~~ • . _--.-~~---f-- M40 i :::======~

No. of -1- -~4· " - .. -- ·Jn~~.96-·· -.. ---.~. - -._-- - __ 6!.ij.~ -.---l-----l}§~ --~ j
- - - - - - - - - - - - .•--- ._- .-.-. -------·-'1-----··---7··-
Bor.!!:!::1 ~ - -- ...----
._-_.. ...
"'.Urcroft that bombed the prinery target. end returned to thoir ClI'Fn baee, tor whioh lose were Bveiloble.
-- _._ _----------

"" miles ere of questionable accuracy due to difficulty -.;. detonnino.tion.

- : ~ ~ IJtitude
.• ··~"'Jdrero.1"t new enUro mi.!lSiOD with an in_boeIrd cem. _~.~ k in wide opon POIIJ.t1on.


• •
• by;

• Terget Intell1.3gne~ t!!.it ..
•• •..
,. xx Sember ~o~11'nd
** ••• #.*.*~ .... **.

; :J.):r;.nT.:.o:tZ
"C'r.:-,:::p. Cn~i.r:L
I trl1i(l:f.C( Sf cttc..\
;;;.C 4.~J

~le report r<:l:l:~~ to doc.:l (; rrsu1t.1rr.:rc'7.. - (:--~l1:tt. [ltt8C:~

b.:,''* c1rc:--f~ ('~ ~5 't-o _CC':'~r&.~L"t ~I'C'U' of.;:7. .~r:l£r Co::.r~..:'.d,
L::I."51('D 5l."""$~, or:. 10 :.: :-e:-_ l'Jl':l. J.. ~td of :113 1:5'- ~OO -.lOU1:<d G?
';00)8 l;e=e ':ro:pe! (10('.'73 etort. tP"ls). :Or;~ll:"•. ::ltitu~·); r __:-.ref.
~::. C ,7rO f.o::et tCl 1 ,50C, :-~5t £.od drcuft \.~ro ove::, t_'e t!r at.
f'ron 020$ to 0355Z S:-::N' ..t£>:-!r.<:. ':Ct;t. er V'.z:,1.n,: ml!! 2/1: tl:l ·V10
u~erc""!e:t. ...::ae2!!-.l33 0" c.~.-:'r:e ~.! f'ccoc~lie':.61 ·~.TL. :trii!:o
:i ('to;:ro;i'2 < of. r~Jl ~(\:' 0l_'1t;-- pnew r~·i. ~', tJ.ss1J:oL 5L.~'i,
o')tair.~" 1). t:.e 4~~!",:' .~oc;""tI'doent G;y-.. ..,. ::: :O~... r ::oiliJ~:d, on 1'!
L':lreJ:: 19"::;.

~e ?~11ro~:I!;..: i::6 :iouI:l:.!(\u::c . ell 50;; 'rt;:uctu"£ll:. t!n:troyed

e::e 15';; eUJerCicir1:;' j- -.(Id tete. t~t; tl't'n-t ':1<' ·':c!-I.vl;z :!c>are
C::S::.!"'c. 7••£. .'1SSC:l.'-:;' C :: :'17Vicln: ~"£.d \,ot ~C",; d.·t.c:'cli ~d 10.;
d(l4~eQ, e:tc ~e. :.1.'3.. ';" ~~:J -,t.o"·, .... ;~(""l,; ... 6 '_'re ~~30 s't, ~cst;:c.:..(.d
enc 1~ C...=,,,: 6[. 1".e ''\v rI:.-cnt FC'Jtol'" J..r,~:, '.::' or:.e 'Jut', .1r.t- d~­
t!'oy(ld, one \:\:.iltU:,'.. -. "<.d c!'d A·.,.'( .. lt:~toly 7,"l'{: sl'!. ft. of' its
1lt"68 dD.1Il:,- X!. A 90' or ~C'l,;3(', t '0 ','C'rltn' 0 'if: , (1·· t ~r:. o('~; ,)l;r, t~_:;'e~
tl:,rE:~ocsG!: tot"lli-:;; CJT';:c.Xilf.~t.:lY 1C,OC'O :;c. ft. ;; rc d3Jtro:'cd.
Cn7>\('r\.;tGc'C:: 1"5 {""l\·'·1F·tI'1~ '300 :le:.. ft. 0:' t',U;'.:'J.E 0:"'1 ~ s.di 1s
slt: dc"troyed ;-lid 30; :i:-:·tl~ r;~,

AP,::o_<.imt;t::l~- 3.1 ,:rllo:" of "rroJ:c, G 1ocomct! ....-s, w~d ,,3 ,ieeE::!

Of' rCl111r::.. stock '.Iere ri· f <dr-, c:' ot':',;)' rd,

A nuseurr. hui1:::.!]:.. ·s (,5;" d!l;::t1't·:,~~, ;'1(" ",;0''; d~J, ,I <'0. Nina

!'e$1c.~rcf'5 \,c:'1!1 dr;;"t.""O~",f, fivt r~l:11f-.ce~ 2101'1 '!. v;1ri'lI'.:. e.':'~re(,G
cf d~!"Il:";"(l, cev...n l:h,ll1.r llllite '. <.:ro d"£lt.~'o~,,1 'Iii: nill'. ~·,.ollt.,·, units
\.'aro uom(\:~ld, Fiv:iJ s ·,J.l ale>::s ola" ',';ere d~5t~O:ted or t1PJ:W, ed.

(ll Air O,.j0~tl·['~ rolder !~o. r:l.l, b,;·,b:.: Stst",s N.

:::tf ::"3$::C:::3:
(2) S:;,cclJ1 ~'.I. Ro.xrt F~ ••~. r,LJ., .• ccdquartur6
1,A ?::-m':l 1: Co~,",:C>tJd.

24 lo.l!'crcft.
37;) llY.- :':iCC "OCund Gr bom')s f'\llCd .1 SJco....O oo::c t....ld
.025 s~coI'Ci ;:':111.

11) Stri'~G ::-:·.::ks O:·3.~'::" ._r;I'cr 19·'3, <::uulit: l.;Ld sc~le

v['ri ~'l1'O.
12 ) n: _'(1-,''''. T Cl'n'~' " 1.1 ~e1o;.. bl::l'3i, 2:; F"~'1"l·~.r:· 1«;":'
sc.1~ f'-::'e::i ,t'1··1:!.1,3CC', ruJi.~·(,.{c ll.:r,t,
(I'rp'-s-l;'~' ),
13) ::x -'C'-' T ~(l;.Ill:: t. Ui:>::10n ~1::·l:7, 1,. t:c'='C~ 19-·t;, ::cc1e
::fP!"C"tL .,1 1:]0,700, "I'oUty 'enr. (?l'... t-strilre)

;, .. ="",.,
~ : ;.... ,
" '.',
. ~'flf ':',:.;. "
l";.'·~· .
, .' " ;t_

tc.t£ £l!H;t-~ ;,- lo~:. rli'q' to
t.:,e e ttLc:"cd I.'Ir,u t~tc". lTDEoie I
!!E'I:..IU> CF D;: J.r .
(11 3" '1Q! J!.9~~.:.".;':l!.:'. t§.e.f.•
(n) Rcn..-":'..'\'B r.:'.r,1 etructur:Jlly ':!e8t:-o~·l>c. end 1;:;,.. Eu-:Jerfic1"lly
(b) 'i\.lrT.-t~.b tJ.-"j'-re1:" c. rot':>-d.
(e) :.C' ('1' ~o:t~& :2'z 50', o .. ~t ot 3o\;;~"\H::C. Q.,-!-trc:I',G.
( e) \ or:~l!; 0) .;~.' "::':;5' I SLUt. or 3oUi\C:aul:e, d~OtI'C'Y6d.
(e) ::' 23' x g£j', eest 0 .. ·o.,.,er •.oU50, 50'; dc:::troyed £r.C: 50.%
den:, ;::00.
-':Cl"ksl::.c::: 2::,' ::- " . Brl:t of :-~ur.&ou3('. ~'..'.trc~'ed.
'!'t.:",,:> s:.~·-:. IX.... of "'oundi.ou'::6, -l.ct.rcyed.

(3) &P.. Sun!', 'i~!'a' 6 : ~re!'cuse Aree.

(r\) SI.:.?pl? c"'~::€.·~;;t-:s7 9~ d;;etro~'8d Pnt. 1<1,. drcCo(,c.j.
(',) Shed 1-' :::.: «C' I Ki,
of SU;1)1Y ":ll""!'hcu:;:c, destro~·e:i.
(e) Sr.od 1f.· x 73 1 , !'\ of ~u!"PIY "'.Ct'ChC\l38, ~e9t=orel!.
tdl 'lhree small:.. s"8 ::;'60;1' ;;,upt>ly ":'2rc;-.ClUSB l;.c3trc;:,'c,o.

(t,,) Govern.."'l.cnt K~t.o].Y .kf~2.·

(0) Onc bl:il;':1:.... <:5' x '";' dcstro~'Qd.
('~) ere'mi'.':i .... ·:5' x <.:2' d;"l:""·""c'.
(cl Apprcxl~Jtcl" 'l.ZCC sr;. •• of .~~ctory ~ulld1I'-€ dl;'Cc::e~.
t'1) Lc~!: ;"frrc!:;t;lCS=, ~:, cf F"cto:ry Al'<o:'l, I:!rB n::':)l'('L~1~te1Y 350
~q. ft. o~ 1~~r.

(5) Three i;or<J.bousc<: tr.-"'E-]Hq, o',)::,'1'Oxill1:v..1y 10,000 0". ft, are

(o) 5ev~n d-ell1::.<. uri',1: fOrE do<ttroyod .:'l) doe 'l\elllil~ \lo1ts O~
denu • ed, in e frou~' of 1'0\ -hOl: (:':6.

One l'o~iC.e.nce 13 ':'Jstrn:'::d, tl'lO ~re nuy:e:-ftcill-lly C:f.m~"(!:, one ie 30::

(el destroY'3.:'. ar.d . . <: 1C$<.'" £i1\d one 10 30;;. de.murad.. 'i\,o s:c.ecs
3:"~ destro~'ad !.'p.,1 C!~ d8J,l,,:~od.

(9) l:llaeurn b".lil::lir~ 1e ~t~~ df.etrc~")d ",n!' 1s 2@ d'.Il!"t,d. ens I:!Jlo.ll

buildlnf is ~bet~·o:'o" ,~:,d "M 1s e.CillPoee6..

Four ras1dcnco:l ":'-':' ~stro~'ct'!., and one reui1cOlCG 1;; 311.; d(Hrt:'Oyed
And. 1S 2Qh cemased.
A?prcximltelY 15,500 feet or 3.1 ralos of ~a11ro~d trcck: hove
. ve",n a.estrc:re~ cr dp;;t:\ .• e(.

/.Z)roxi;;stcly 5 lc:::cG\C'tivrs '):1" B3 piece;, of "oUin'" stool: are

dectroJ"e d er d";O:2.~e1 cO'· o~ f' teto1 ot 7 locol!l:)tl..ves W11 c,pro;~i!!!£tt1Y
~OO ~llinr stock vie! ~le.

L. ';:iC"i":'l, JR
ColoLCl, ;,,1r Ccr.-e
ouet. I t..lli '";O-1Ce aectiOD
~~. '" "~.·Ii"'.~.·.
y• o"-
'l'~" ," {,
_. ~. . \. "


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • ••
• ?rep&red 'by: •
• •
• •
• ,stat! ~el
sti Control Section

• x;: ?o~"er CoX'1! nd •

•• •
• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •
---~ -_._----
••• , ..... _ -

xx Bal2ER ca&.1ialID
(.Uss10n r,\lLlbo:or Forty 'Ihree .'
10 unroll 1945

_ Teble I and II _ .,ircra1't Participating •

•• • t i;.1rborne AIC Failing to Boob DGsiG"'ls ted
Group I.!.ission Ordor
Yield 1./e
TOtall :rorcent r f.)3ch. I :tora. W'ea. ~ Hot
~ri.mary Tnrp;ot

i..ll:iacol Unkno:m.1
II T1mo I .....,Ol'C2jC T1fIo ot F1Jc)J. t
Of j
.ilirborno i/o
Latest :./C 3a:lbil"~ ::ot Ba.;;'in£j
o. !'c. Off 1!0. I Fon:: ; Tllkcof'f' Ro turn I Primary ?TiJr.3TV
468th 43 , 4'
I 5 I 17.2$ I 3 2 I I 1746Z I 1248z I 1.5148 i 10,11
• 1;18810n was run frCll ?!oar i,rca 38.80; 'I9blcs I and II con.!folidatod bocause t:lura ",1C.S no FIoar to FOrrrnrd 1l.I'OQ l;ovanont.
•• Field ordor #43 did ~ot specify ~umnor of aircraft.
Table In - Bcebi~ Blns
1 I!O. of Ti;.10 of i(.J!O:lSG 1,,:.1 ti t".1do of ; I ViLuel 3a.:lb :Radar :'OL::l Jli:ld BO:.~ , Ale Dropping I
croup I 1./0 'I'Urget
Bwbing Bonbcd

24 lCUe.1a LULlpul'
46Sth ! 1 Khe.o H'J,Q~~
2 ! t;,"

?ril.c.ry TarGot - ;:I.R. ::a.rc:mllL"..:: -.":1:':.': .:-. ~ ::.:.:.1::. L\L,pUr, I ;;:'l~a

.sc,CC-"'1dary Targot - .i.lor star !.1rp"::'~. l.1£.1c.:."0..
L!J.3t :1:0!lort T-U'/lot - HUtted :.r..e., ro".e.o :;Uc...;a;:'I(;, Viotoria. :oint, T:lClland a
• 3C1ilbod on NaviGators ET:. fro..;. c~ock point.

- 'il

XX)1Q.,B::::' C<I2~WD
COilSO:..rD.\TZV ;:r'3SION sr.\T!STIC...!.. SUlMARt
:.lission Number Forty Three
10 !~reh 1945
Table V - A'; rcrai't Lost and DaI:!:lf cd

~l!...!W. .
ltel;:,ative Report.
~..s _F:!'• .ih.!C.lm
Ne.,;e.tive Report.

ALe Soer No. f1! JJL O.m "iui1S ~. Explanation

2454' X
-~--- ----- _._------ Hast anter1l"A shot away.

______J. L TIT U 0 E
_J?!..~c_tion Hi.G:J --Low Lev.l Total
1100 8
1200 6
0100 5 1
0200 4 1
0300 1
0400 1
0500 1 1
0600 3
__'R"'!...... ""~ _c'
_"c:rA': .3_3. 3 ." .::' _

Tab' () VII.::J'.e..r....:::Effiel Losses

Negative Itcport.
Cn:.w Position Total farticip.J.ting
h¥th Group
PEot 30
Co-?ilot 29
i'lavi!;ator 29
Ba;;:bardier 29
rlight. tilg'J-'1ear 'ZJ
}(a&r 29
Ramo 29
C.P.C. 29
Hight Gul"'.:,cr 29
Left Gunnel" 29
Tail Gunner 29
R.C.U. ~
_oth':':'s .~ ....!. _

TO'.i'i.L 328
===-_.~=_ .._====
..:.-t:~of_._-.. ---- --

~ BOJ,iBER, CC1::um
'.:!.fl8ion lJ'W,ll::lcr Forty Throo
10 h:areh 1945
'l'nblo VIII - r;xpond:l. tu...-oa of ..:.nnuu tlon and claims !..:;ll.1n3t EnG!ilY ....ction
.i.roJl;J.I.nition EXPon<l.od--?ai~F-lo:ne fn CCinbo-'f Firi claims JRainst ,En0l;V' lJ,roraft _

____ .'raJlo IX - oeeoliI'.C L.Jedinc Q.."'Id OO;~!)~""'!!!1i,~t"i"o~n,- _

....vor<lG'" GrosB -.1oi&lt A,vorege Q.c.b cas I r
701' ?lauo Loaded 1'01' 11./0 '.vor 0 Gallons onm.:.-lCd on r.;1lJsi·on AVo::a. 0 lIons onaini, t· in ' 0 aJ:'tc,E" : ..!.~!J.ion
,. C-roup 30£01'0 Beforu ?cr .r.iroraft I zl.r .:.i.'o::a..:'t ' ,;£e-r J,.ircraft per c. :o~ ~
Roar }.rca TOJ:ooff_ oar ,Area TnJtfoloff i3anbina FriJnary I Not JQ;.lO!m ~"r~rz I
BCZ,;lbing :rr1me.r1 I_
BombinG .PrL'":lar;':._~
i h68th 13S6hO 7203 _ L~ 1_~349._ ..' : .==. 776--:---1 285.l_---==.J

Table XII - Utill~atio~ of Useful L08~

na(lo~_,?", Ale ,Sa.:lll:'l:J :i'.':'.)
1:lo. of 1 ;:,FJ,..t:)or i i .:..v. 01'000 '7€li,jlt l:.vor JllSiclT --j~vc~;~ .isor~ .:-:r.lbor;. ',;.:;Iil3''1t· i-vor. 1]oiC:lt of I
':""1(;1' l"Yor2.:!,o
: Group j Ground
! Enos
I of 1./0
I ofTypo
at ~~coff for
'.',"Oight ,U8olful,
of Ale j 1000.
of I
bI.lbs Lcadoo. I ~~~s Loaded
of~s Loadod at Il!1Doolluneouo
6 -ounds For co.J. :rei~:-.t

i 468<:,
, Conter i ! I
I ~~! i 5~'3 ! .l",=_~_===""==========
85114 432~ 6891;
.1 24 __1 33617 1 74954 ::-61, 16
• BorJb, 500;J G:' 1l.."i-:;"4 - ...otuo.l ~Ici&lt 535.4 pounds.
il'OTLI TLllLES X ll.?!D XI ON :iEXT Sl-I!:ET.

.: ;l-~ -".' .;n;:v: , I P,

... -..
;,:' ;:;.' ,:;,"" ·~t
h _1'._.' .<.&. ,,<,

:c:: BCt:B2 ca.:!.:\ND
CQ;.50'"...ID.',7m l.IS~Il.,.;! sr;"TI3't'rG.\L .sti:..J.:ARY
lti.:Jsion Number Forty Three
10 i:arch 1945
--;;-7;-- Ta.21.! £:. - :.. ~ rbome Ale FailiriL.t.~o~B~ao=b,-,-P~no;o=·
-~.-~"'",;--T~a~r:"~·et""""",,, _ _
hI e Spec:tfic Local Action
,~e~?-3.l J.;echaniCill Other To Prevent
- .::.I.l:.~!:.r___ Ualfunction Reasons --li.ecurre~n"c"e,-~__
L ~':~"l Group -
65Zt9 Oil leak due to 100M fittins. Pittir~s tightened.
on prop featherins lir~ ~2 No. un submitted.
65227 :'l:ose oil P~"'e!lSU1'e line broken Replaced oil pressure
on (,(2 engine. line. UR 45-1.43
63424 Internal .rai.l~.-e :;2 encino. EZtbino chan.!;e.
UR 45-1.40 sulxiritted..
late ~{e o:"f.
to PT but found
10/10 Uldcrcast.
Frocce<l.1'd to ba;:b
target of opportunity.

• 65272 ~a.,;e as ;./e 542•

?<.ble x:;: - O1einecring I :alfunctions
~r:L:f"-=.~~EJ.!!F..-!'.:&~~l~:.£.~.\Cl:-_S_"Y:r:9..Y.c.:!.t:.~JlL! .irborne A/c Io'rom BombJ.r,g Fri.:nar;y

PO~.'::R ?IJ..1:'1' &

AeCE.3W?Y S·'::CT.
Er>..g_ne Failure, Internal
468th Group

OIL Oil Leaks
S~ST:J.! 2
------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c - - - -
TOTAL ",3=====
r::~:;;: For details, see Te.'>le X - "SUiliCilr)' of A/c Fa:'L..."'.r; to 30mb Primary".

!'2:r:t_!.I...:: ~£i!t~e.!"!-"'l,€; 1:a]~~S flot Prcver..E:r-!~ Vc ;;'roc! ~.1~

h68th Group

• PO =Eo"! PI~'<!!T &

I.CC£SSQRY S:iCTIOli Run."Ib~ aouU.~
cl1gJ.r.e Rn.mins Hot
Cow'l nap::!
PROpir:T F'.is"&---- - - ._ .._-. ---- ._- --" "

GOv:;'.NORS Governor 1
C-oYer:'lor Snitch 1
01:" ~3T~ -- ' - o i f L:-a1~' 1
Oil Pres::m.""O Lm/ 4
_ _ _ _ " _" _~~~~re Hi<;h ~l'_ _

Th-:::L SIS!".)l
r"\:.::!::!. Transfer Systen
!r..vert,·r :Wlay 1
r;;s:r~~--Cyl. Ta.;.p.· Gage lc;[ 4
Out:J:'.de Air 'fc:.:p. Gage 1
l~ose Oil Pres:J. Gage 1
';:achoclcter _ 1
flux Gate Conpa:Js 1
!:a.nHoJ.d Pressure 1
A~C: 1
_ _ _ _ _ ._ ,_ .• _+nsufr:..cie~cuu
. .n .1"- _
- 1 -

. --.<- -,.--
1 '.
· r,

463th Group
Bo-.:b ~ck 1
Brai:e Ora~
._0 1 _


NOT:!J ?:-!':T.',ilITJ:G TO i30TS ?:3T I .UfO P.'.:T II:

Cnly cl'-f":.neeri.1L IclfuIlCtiOl.S C!"e listed. All other ~funct:!..a1s,

such ].$ maar, a:-e ~~c1t1ded. J_ one aircraft, had more thai!. olle
en::;:;.necrLl{; ru:l...un.ctioll, .:::.11 naLu."lctia'l.s haye been listed.

- 2 -

::0:: BO~:l COJ,1~'D
i..Rl .;.93


10 Jiorch 1945

COpy 1;'0.

2 Comsllding Goneral, 'fuonticth ilJ.r Force
Cor~t.d1D.{; GemI"C'l, XX B:lJ:lbcr COQDond

4 Chier of Staff. IX Bomber COan01l d
C!'>...1af, I ntall1 !,once Section, XX Bomoor C"l:lIl18Ild
Co.l:l..'!l8nd1ng Officer, ta-otb Bcm~nrd:oer:t Group

7 COIIl!1anding Officer, ta-4ta-tb i3ol!I.bszrc:-cnt Group
CoI!I:J2.nd1ng Officer, 462nd Ben1.rordm<Jnt Group

9 _ .. Cc.c.::landing Officer, 1,,68t.'J. Bo.ob::.rdl::'Jnt Croup
Co.Qlll.:!..nding GGncrol, r.r.J.y ir Fcrc<J3; Attentlon AC/;.s
Intelligence, Colloctlon PI. vla10n
40 J..ssiJ'tent Chi:>f hir, I ntell1Co:l.ce
CIl!:POJ. ( DS!'CCl!;3 'l"oonty)
41 COt:CE1I?OA (Ti· IE;CC'UF 'l\~onty)
1..1::, Comm!Hlder, :>:'~terr. ~r Com:nand, Attention: DCI.S, om
•• Chi6f, I..1r Evolu£:tion Board, Headquarters, Army Air Foroes •
Unl tea States £(\rC03, India-,!.\unlS
44 CoIlll!l nndi n.1 Gonorel, Tenth Air Jorce
45 COl:lm{!l!d1ng GencrE,l, Fcurt('cilth Forco
.,•• IlEPCm~ 'I'wO:lty
Chler of StUff, 'l\~nticth Force
'8 Joint Intellieence Collection Agt!ncy
<9 AIDSLO, c/o XX Bomber CCl!lr.'lQ!Id
50 Joi::lt Intcllif,cnce Center, Pacific Ocosn Aroas
51 Co/l'.mc.ndinS Cor.orel, United stntcs Forcos, Inaia_&lrmn
'!heater (Attn: v"ar Room)
52 OollllW.ndinF Genorel, Fifteent~ Air ForaG
53 Command1n~ Gonersl, XXI Bombor COlllllond
54 P.elldquortors, Air COllll:1p.nd, South Eost Asia
55 CCJllnnnd1ne G~noral, Uni toa statos F orcos, Indio-Bunna
'IheE:!ttlr (Attn: AJ.F Boara Liaison Officor)
56 St;l::tistical Control. xx: BJmber Command
57 Radar Sectlon, XX Bomber Command.
58 PI:oto Intorpret::tlDn, XX !bmb€lr C01Mlt'nd
59 Opemt10n3 AnalYSiS, XX Bomber Com ~md

Special Projocts, XiCIBombGr Colll'r.ond
Historicul Officer, XX Bomb(';:;, Ccr...n"nd
Intelligenoe Soction, 58tl' Bor.tbCrdmcnt Wl Il6
6. OperDt.1.onol IntelllrGnco, XX B:w.ber Comu::na

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