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Case 8:09-cv-03431-PJM Document 1 Filed 12/23/09 Page 1 of 17


Southern Division

Tonya Y. Hairston *
4801 John Street
Suitland, Maryland 20746 *

Plaintiff, *

vs. * Case No. 09-3431

Prince George’s County, Maryland * Jury Demand Enclosed Herein

14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Suite 5121 *
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772
c/o Stephanie P. Anderson, Esq. *
Prince George’s County Attorney
* * * * * * * * * * * * *


1. This action is brought to remedy discrimination on the basis of sex in the terms,

conditions and privileges of employment in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of

1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e et seq. (“Title VII”) and Md. Code Article 49B

(2009) (“Article 49B”), to redress the deprivation of rights secured to plaintiff by the Civil

Rights Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 and the Maryland Declaration of Rights, and for

intentional infliction of emotional distress and for negligent hiring, supervision and retention

under the tort law of the State of Maryland. Injunctive and declaratory relief, damages and other

appropriate legal and equitable relief are sought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e (f) and

(g),Article 49B, and 42 U.S.C. Section 1983.

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2. Plaintiff Tonya Y. Hairston, a female and a resident of Maryland, filed a charge of

discrimination against the County with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

(“EEOC”) on or about March 27, 2009, complaining of the acts of sex discrimination alleged


3. On or about September 28, 2009, more than 180 days having elapsed since the

filing of her charge, the EEOC issued plaintiff a notice informing her of her right to sue


4. Plaintiff has complied fully with all prerequisites to jurisdiction in this Court

under Title VII and Article 49B. Jurisdiction of the Court is proper under Section 706(f)(3) of

Title VII, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-5(f)(3) and 42 U.S.C. Section 1983. The Court has pendent

jurisdiction over the Article 49B claim and Maryland tort law and constitutional claims.

5. As the unlawful employment practices complained of herein occurred within

Prince George’s County, Maryland, venue is proper in this District pursuant to Section 706(f)(3)

of Title VII, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-5(f)(3).


6. Plaintiff Tonya Y. Hairston is a citizen of the United States and a resident of

Suitland, Maryland. At all times relevant hereto, Ms. Hairston has resided at 4801 John Street,

Suitland, Maryland 20746.

7. Defendant Prince George’s County, is a county, organized and operating pursuant

to the laws of the State of Maryland. The County is an employer within the meaning of Article

49B and Title VII.

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A. The County Has Subjected Ms. Hairston To A Hostile Work Environment.

8. The County has subjected Ms. Hairston to a hostile work environment that has

unreasonably interfered with her job performance and has created an intimidating, hostile, and

offensive work atmosphere.

9. Ms. Hairston began working for the County as an Administrative Aide I/II on

June 1, 2004. As an Administrative Aide I/II, Ms. Hairston’s job responsibilities included

providing administrative support to the Office of Emergency Management’s (“OEM”) office

manager, maintaining the OEM filing system and mail log, which Ms. Hairston established,

preparing financial reports, budget statements and travel requests, maintaining contact lists,

inventory and requisition of supplies, and preparing correspondence.

10. Immediately after Ms. Hairston began her employment with the County, she was

subjected to unwelcome sexual conduct. For example, on multiple occasions, Ms. Hairston

entered a small supply closet to get supplies. Reginald A. Parks, Director, Office of Emergency

Management, one of Ms. Hairston’s supervisors, attempted to crowd into the closet with Ms.

Hairston and pressed up against her.

11. Subsequently, another one of Ms. Hairston’s supervisors, Calvin Hawkins, Chief

of Community Affairs and Education, rubbed his hand across Ms. Hairston’s bottom while she

was putting mail in the employee mail slots. A few hours after this incident, Mr. Hawkins asked

Ms. Hairston to enter his office “real quick” to show her something. When Ms. Hairston entered

Mr. Hawkins’ office, Mr. Hawkins began tugging at the top button of her shirt. Ms. Hairston

tried to pull Mr. Hawkins’ hands off her chest, but Mr. Hawkins was too strong. While Mr.

Hawkins continued to tug on Ms. Hairston’s button, Mr. Hawkins stated, “I want to see if you

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have a hair line on your stomach because you seem to be hairy.” Ms. Hairston firmly said “no”

and finally succeeded in moving Mr. Hawkins’ hands off of her.

12. Ms. Hairston complained about Mr. Hawkins’ conduct on the next business day to

Paula Burr, Deputy Director, Office of Emergency Management, and Ms. Hairston’s direct

supervisor at the time of the incident. Ms. Hairston told Ms. Burr that Ms. Hairston wanted the

County to ensure that Mr. Hawkins could not touch her again in the future. Ms. Burr told Mr.

Parks about Ms. Hairston’s complaint. Later that day, Mr. Parks told Ms. Hairston that he was

“going to take a ride” with Mr. Hawkins to discuss the incident. When Mr. Parks and Mr.

Hawkins returned to the office, Mr. Hawkins apologized to Ms. Hairston. Mr. Hawkins also

thanked Ms. Hairston for not filing criminal charges against him, stating that criminal charges

would have upset his wife. The County took no further corrective action to protect Ms. Hairston

from further harassment. Upon information and belief, the County did not formally discipline

Mr. Hawkins for his behavior.

13. Not surprisingly, in light of the County’s failure to take any formal corrective

discipline, the harassment continued. In the summer of 2007, Mr. Parks told Ms. Hairston, “I

don’t know if I want to speak to you this morning.” When Ms. Hairston questioned him about

this statement, Mr. Parks stated, “I had a dream about you this weekend and we was [sic] getting

busy on the couch in Mrs. Paula’s office. I was tearing that ass up. Girl, I don’t know what you

are doing to me that I would dream about you.” Mr. Parks gyrated his hips while he described his


14. In early 2008, Mr. Parks asked Ms. Hairston to scan photographs of his old

girlfriends and e-mail them to him. While Mr. Parks directed Ms. Hairston to perform this

“work,” Mr. Parks made comments about the photographs and discussed his relationships with

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these women. Mr. Parks made detailed comments about his sexual encounters. Mr. Parks

demonstrated these encounters with inappropriate gyrations, telling Ms. Hairston that he “got

that ass.”

15. On June 5, 2008, Ms. Hairston was preparing her lunch in the kitchenette. Mr.

Hawkins approached Ms. Hairston from behind, saying, “Miss T, just once.” Mr. Hawkins then

grabbed Ms. Hairston’s bottom with both of his hands. Ms. Hairston was startled and asked Mr.

Hawkins why he touched her. Mr. Hawkins did not reply and returned to his office. Mr. Hawkins

then briefly left the office. When Mr. Hawkins returned, he closed the front door to the

department, trapping Ms. Hairston into the office area alone with him. Mr. Hawkins then

approached Ms. Hairston, stating, “Tonya, let me show you something.” Ms. Hairston stood up

and began walking to the office space behind her work station. At that time, Mr. Hawkins

grabbed both of Ms. Hairston’s hands and pulled her down onto his lap in a chair. Mr. Hawkins

then forcibly held Ms. Hairston head by placing the palm of his hand on the back of her head.

Ms. Hairston looked in panic toward the door of the department and at that time realized that Mr.

Hawkins had locked the door.

16. When Ms. Hairston realized that Mr. Hawkins had locked the door, she was

terrified that Mr. Hawkins intended to rape her. Mr. Hawkins intentionally and unjustifiably

restrained Ms. Hairston from leaving the office against her will. Mr. Hawkins stated, “I’ve been

wanting to do this for a long time…I’ve been picturing you in that black dress.” Mr. Hawkins

then forcibly began to kiss Ms. Hairston’s neck and to rub his pelvic area against her in repeated

quick motions. Ms. Hairston attempted to distract Mr. Hawkins by saying she heard someone at

the department door, and told Mr. Hawkins that someone was coming in hopes that he would

stop the assault. Mr. Hawkins responded that he locked the door so that he would not be

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disturbed. Mr. Hawkins then dropped his hand from the back of Ms. Hairston’s head to the lower

part of her back. Mr. Hawkins lifted Ms. Hairston’s shirt to her bra line. Ms. Hairston again told

him that she heard someone at the door. Mr. Hawkins then pushed Ms. Hairston aside and

checked the door. When Mr. Hawkins was at the door, he stated, “See, I told you I locked it.”

Mr. Hawkins then returned to Ms. Hairston’s work station, grabbed both her hands, and pulled

her onto his lap on the chair again. Ms. Hairston pulled away, saying, “no.” Mr. Hawkins

grabbed Ms. Hairston around her waist, asking, “Could I at least kiss your titties?” Ms. Hairston

said “no.” At that point, Mr. Hawkins heard Mr. Parks coming toward the door, and Mr.

Hawkins unlocked the door.

17. Ms. Hairston returned to her work station. Ms. Hairston’s legs were shaking, and

she was shocked and terrified. Mr. Hawkins subsequently left the office. At that time, Ms.

Hairston called Teresa Meunier, Admin Aide III for the Fire Department, asking Ms. Meunier to

meet her in the ladies’ room. When Ms. Meunier met Ms. Hairston in the bathroom, Ms.

Hairston told her about the incident. Ms. Hairston was experiencing an acute mental breakdown,

and Ms. Meunier ran to call Ms. Hairston’s husband, leaving Ms. Hairston in the ladies’ room.

Ms. Meunier retrieved Ms. Hairston’s personal items from her work station, including her purse,

and brought them to Ms. Hairston in the ladies’ room. Ms. Meunier then escorted Ms. Hairston

outside to wait for Ms. Hairston’s husband to arrive.

18. Ms. Hairston attempted to complain about Mr. Hawkins’ conduct to Mr. Parks on

the same day of the incident. On the next business day, Ms. Hairston called Glenda Alexander,

administrative assistant to Vernon R. Herron, Director, Office of Homeland Security, and asked

her about complaint procedures. Ms. Alexander instructed Ms. Hairston to contact Diane

Blackwell in Human Relations. Ms. Hairston left a message for Ms. Blackwell on the same day.

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Ms. Hairston also contacted Rhonda Jackson, EEOC Investigator, Office of Homeland Security.

Ms. Jackson informed Ms. Hairston that she could pursue her complaint either through Ms.

Blackwell’s office or through Ms. Jackson’s office. Ms. Hairston then filled out an Investigative

Statement about the incident per Ms. Jackson’s request and continued to pursue her complaint

through Ms. Jackson’s office.

19. Ms. Hairston continued to suffer severe emotional distress as a result of the

assault. On June 10, 2008, Ms. Hairston e-mailed Mr. Parks, “I am sitting up on-line [sic]

looking basically at nothing. I can’t rest because I keep crying because I feel so much hurt in my

heart…I know I won’t be in the office tomorrow. However, I will go meet Rhonda Jackson to

put in my sexual harassment complaint against Calvin.” A couple days later, Ms. Hairston again

e-mailed Mr. Parks, stating, “I tried to come to work this morning but I just couldn’t do it. I

know you said he is gone and will not be back but I got so nervous and teary eye [sic] so Tyrone

said no honey, you are not ready today…Rhonda is getting an EAP packet together for me

because I need to get some counseling. I hate what Calvin has done to me. Coming to work use

[sic] to bring me comfort now I get nervous thanking [sic] about coming into the office…I will

try again tomorrow.”

20. Ms. Hairston returned to work on June 13, 2008. Mr. Parks told Ms. Hairston that

he instructed Mr. Hawkins that “if Tonya came into the office naked that he should not touch

her.” Mr. Parks then commented that if Tonya did in fact come into the office naked, Mr. Parks

would look at her. Even as Mr. Parks was addressing the sexual assault on Ms. Hairston, he

continued to make sexually inappropriate comments to her.

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21. Approximately one week after the assault, Mr. Parks made further inappropriate

remarks to Ms. Hairston. Mr. Parks told Ms. Hairston that he had shaved his pubic region. When

Ms. Hairston did not respond, he stated, “I am not going to change because of what happened.”

22. Even more distressing to Ms. Hairston, Mr. Hawkins continued to work in her

proximity. On June 18, 2008, Mr. Hawkins delivered a computer to Ms. Hairston’s work area.

On October 14, 2008, Ms. Hairston noticed a note that Mr. Hawkins had left for another

employee near her work area. In fact, when Mr. Parks knew that Mr. Hawkins was coming to a

meeting in Ms. Hairston’s work area, Mr. Parks instructed Ms. Hairston not to come to work that

day. Instead of disciplining Mr. Hawkins for his behavior, the County was instead adversely

treating Ms. Hairston by instructing her not to attend work.

23. The extreme severity and frequency of the inappropriate conduct has caused

substantial injuries to Ms. Hairston. Ms. Hairston continues to seek treatment for the severe

emotional distress she experienced as a result of Mr. Hawkins’ and Mr. Parks’ conduct. Ms.

Hairston has missed time from work as a result of her mental injuries.

B. The County Did Not Properly Handle Its Investigation Into Ms. Hairston’s

24. The County scheduled a meeting on September 11, 2008 to discuss what

happened to Ms. Hairston. Immediately prior to this meeting, Mr. Parks engaged in yet another

inappropriate conversation with Ms. Hairston. Mr. Parks told Ms. Hairston that he was not

attracted to his wife. Mr. Parks talked about his wife wearing lingerie from Victoria’s Secret, but

stated that he was still not attracted to her in spite of the lingerie. He then stated that his “thing”

still lay to the side even though his wife wanted to have sex with him.

25. During the September 11, 2008 meeting, Mr. Parks stated that he did not

remember seeing Mr. Hawkins or Ms. Hairston when he came into the office on June 5, 2008,

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immediately after the assault. Eugene Jones, Current Acting Fire Chief, Fire and Emergency

Medical Services Department, then told Mr. Parks that both Mr. Hawkins and Ms. Hairston

remembered seeing him. Ms. Hairston then expressed concern that Mr. Parks was lying during

the meeting. Mr. Parks then left the meeting, after which the panel asked Ms. Hairston why Mr.

Parks was lying. Ms. Hairston replied that she did not know.

26. On September 12, 2008, the County ordered Ms. Hairston to meet with Mr.

Hawkins. Ms. Hairston expressed fear and concern about sitting across from Mr. Hawkins and

asked that her husband attend the meeting with her for protection and support. Ms. Hairston told

Denice L. Dickens, Fire Captain and EEO Investigator, Office of Professional Standards, “I

continue to feel so much pain because of Calvin’s actions toward me; to have to face Calvin will

simply add to my agony.” The County refused to allow her husband to attend with her, and

ordered Ms. Hairston to attend the meeting.

27. When Ms. Hairston attended the September 12, 2008 meeting, Ms. Hairston was

questioned about the incident in front of Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Hawkins interrupted Ms. Hairston,

jumping up and yelling “you little bitch” at Ms. Hairston during the meeting. Mr. Hawkins was

removed from the meeting. Once again, instead of remedying the inappropriate conduct in Ms.

Hairston’s workplace, the County forced Ms. Hairston to have further contact with Mr. Hawkins

that resulted in verbal abuse and intimidating behavior. Further, the County treated Ms. Hairston

differently than it treated Mr. Hawkins in the investigation. The County interviewed Ms.

Hairston’s spouse about the incident, but refused to interview Mr. Hawkins’ spouse.

28. Even after the September meetings to discuss the incidents, Mr. Parks engaged in

inappropriate conduct toward Ms. Hairston. On October 12, 2008, Ms. Hairston was bending

down in the supply closet when she noticed Mr. Parks watching her. Mr. Parks then stated,

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“Back in the day, I would have pushed you in and um um um [Mr. Parks gyrated his hips back

and forth] but now uh uh.”

29. In a subsequent December 16, 2008 meeting, Mr. Parks admitted to almost all of

the incidents alleged in this letter.1At this meeting, Ms. Hairston was once again forced to

discuss her complaints directly in front of the respondent, and she left this meeting in tears.

30. The County has not acted reasonably to prevent the harassment toward Ms.

Hairston. While Ms. Hairston took advantage of the preventive and corrective opportunities

provided by her employer, those procedures did nothing to prevent further assaults and

inappropriate conduct.

31. Further, the County knew or should have known through the course of reasonable

investigation at the time of hiring that Mr. Hawkins posed a threat of injury to others. In 1984,

Mr. Hawkins pled guilty to a number of violent crimes in Maryland, including robbing four

people at a Red Barn restaurant at gun point and robbing three people at gun point at a Holly

Farms Fried Chicken restaurant. The sentencing judge referred to Mr. Hawkins as having

“terrorized the county.” Mr. Hawkins also pled guilty to robbing a Ponderosa Steak House using

a chrome revolver and robbing a Giant Food Store and its nighttime stockers using a handgun,

herding the stockers into the bathroom after robbing them. Mr. Hawkins also pled guilty to an

armed robbery with a dangerous weapon in the District of Columbia and was sentenced to serve

6 to 18 years as a result of that crime.

32. Criminal charges are pending against Mr. Hawkins in the Circuit Court for Prince

George’s County for assault second degree, sex offense fourth degree, and false imprisonment of

Ms. Hairston. Trial is scheduled for December 14, 2009.

Mr. Parks did not admit to gyrating in front of Ms. Hairston in summer 2007. He also did not admit to swearing in
the office.

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(Title VII)

33. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 1

through 32 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if set forth herein.

34. Defendant has discriminated against plaintiff in the terms and conditions of her

employment on the basis of her sex in violation of Title VII.

35. Plaintiff is now suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable injury and

monetary damages as a result of defendant’s discriminatory practices unless and until this Court

grants relief.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff requests that this Court enter a judgment:

a. Declaring that the acts and practices complained of herein are in violation

of Title VII;

b. Enjoining and permanently restraining these violations of Title VII;

c. Directing defendant to take such affirmative action as is necessary to

ensure that the effects of these unlawful employment practices are eliminated and do not

continue to affect plaintiff’s employment opportunities;

d. Directing defendant to place plaintiff in the position she would have

occupied but for defendant’s discriminatory treatment of her, and make her whole for all

earnings she would have received but for defendant’s discriminatory treatment, including, but

not limited to, wages, pension, and other lost benefits;

e. Awarding plaintiff compensatory and punitive damages;

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f. Awarding plaintiff the costs of this action together with reasonable

attorneys’ fees, as provided by Section 706(k) of Title VII, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-6(k);

g. Directing defendant to pay plaintiff compensatory damages and damages

for her mental anguish and humiliation; and

h. For any and all other equitable and legal relief to which plaintiff appears



(Article 49B)

36. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 1

through 35 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if set forth herein

37. The above acts and practices of the defendant constitute unlawful discriminatory

employment practices within the meaning of Article 49B.

38. As a result of defendant’s discriminatory acts, plaintiff has suffered and will

continue to suffer monetary damages and damages for mental anguish and humiliation unless

and until the Court grants relief.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff requests that this Court enter a judgment:

a. Declaring that the acts and practices complained of herein are in violation

of Article 49B;

b. Enjoining and permanently restraining these violations of Article 49B;

c. Directing defendant to take such affirmative action as is necessary to

ensure that the effects of these unlawful employment practices are eliminated and do not

continue to affect plaintiff’s employment opportunities;

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d. Directing defendant to place plaintiff in the position she would have

occupied but for defendant’s discriminatory treatment of her, and make her whole for all

earnings she would have received but for defendant’s discriminatory treatment, including, but

not limited to, wages, pension, and other lost benefits;

e. Awarding plaintiff compensatory and punitive damages;

f. Awarding plaintiff the costs of this action together with reasonable

attorneys’ fees, as provided by Article 49B;

g. Directing defendant to pay plaintiff compensatory damages and damages

for her mental anguish and humiliation; and

h. For any and all other equitable and legal relief to which plaintiff appears



(Negligent Hiring, Retention and Supervision)

39. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 1

through 38 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if set forth herein

40. Defendant had a duty to exercise reasonable care in hiring, supervising, and

retaining employees. However, it failed to use reasonable care despite numerous warnings and

complaints about misconduct.

41. The defendant breached that duty and the negligence of the defendant caused

plaintiff to suffer damages.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against defendant as follows:

a. For all compensatory and punitive damages with respect to her claims in

an amount being just; and

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b. For any and all other equitable and legal relief to which plaintiff appears



(Gross Negligence)

42. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 1

through 41 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if set forth herein

43. At all material times, the actions of defendant constituted gross negligence in that

its conduct exhibited a wanton and reckless disregard for the rights of others, including but not

limited to the plaintiff.

44. As a direct and proximate result of the defendant’s actions described herein,

plaintiff has suffered from a loss of income and benefits, severe emotional distress and mental

anxiety, for all of which she should be compensated.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against defendant as follows:

a. For all compensatory and punitive damages with respect to her claims in

an amount being just; and

b. For any and all other equitable and legal relief to which plaintiff appears



(Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress)

45. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 1

through 44 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if set forth herein

46. Defendant’s actions directed against plaintiff were intentional and inflicted upon

plaintiff severe mental and emotional distress.

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47. Defendant had knowledge of the actions described herein, and its sanctioning and

involvement in the actions directed against plaintiff was intentional and inflicted upon plaintiff

severe mental and emotional distress.

48. As a direct and proximate result of the defendant’s actions described herein,

plaintiff has suffered from a loss of income and benefits, severe emotional distress and mental

anxiety, for all of which she should be compensated.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against defendant as follows:

a. For all compensatory and punitive damages with respect to her claims in

an amount being just; and

b. For any and all other equitable and legal relief to which plaintiff appears



(42 U.S.C. Section 1983)

49. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 1

through 48 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if set forth herein.

50. By subjecting plaintiff to a sexually hostile work environment on the basis of her

gender, defendant violated the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution as made

actionable pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Section 1983.

51. By discriminating against plaintiff in the terms and conditions of her employment,

defendant has subjected plaintiff to sex discrimination in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment

of the United States Constitution, as made actionable pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Section 1983.

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52. At all times relevant to this action, the employees referenced above in paragraphs

1 through 32 were acting within the scope of their employment with the County and under color

of state law.

53. At all times, the County maintained deficient policies, practices, customs and

usages related to the hiring, supervision, monitoring, control and retention of personnel.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays that this Honorable Court:

a. Empanel a jury to hear and decide all questions of fact;

b. Award to plaintiff compensatory damages against the defendant;

c. Award to plaintiff punitive damages against defendant for its malicious

and spiteful pattern of sexual harassment;

d. Award to plaintiff the reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in the

prosecution of this matter; and,

e. Enter any other order the interests of justice and equity require.


(Maryland Declaration of Rights)

54. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 1

through 53 of this Complaint with the same force and effect as if set forth herein.

55. By subjecting plaintiff to a sexually hostile work environment on the basis of her

gender, defendant violated Article 24 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights.

56. By discriminating against plaintiff in the terms and conditions of her employment,

defendant has subjected plaintiff to sex discrimination in violation of Article 24 of the Maryland

Declaration of Rights.

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WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays that this Honorable Court:

a. Empanel a jury to hear and decide all questions of fact;

b. Award to plaintiff compensatory damages against the defendant;

c. Award to plaintiff punitive damages against defendant for its malicious

and spiteful pattern of sexual harassment; and

d. Enter any other order the interests of justice and equity require.


Pursuant to Rule 38(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, plaintiff demands a trial

by jury in this action.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joyce E. Smithey, Esquire
Federal Bar No. 27531
Law Office of Joyce E. Smithey, Esq.
223 Duke of Gloucester St.
Annapolis, MD 21401
443-534-0147 (Phone)
410-295-0213 (Facsimile)

Date: December 23, 2009


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