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Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids-Correlation of the

Laminar, Transition, and Turbulent-flow Regions

A. B. Metzner and J. C. Reed
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware

All available data o n flow of non-Newtonians in pipes have been correlated on late all the available data on flow
the conventional friction factor - Reynolds number plot for Newtonian fluids. of non-Newtonian fluids outside
This correlation, theoretically rigorous in the laminar flow region, was tested with
data o n 16 different non-Newtonian materials covering the 2.1 x 109 range of
the laminar flow region.
Reynolds numbers from 6.3 X 1 0 - 5 to 1.3 X 105. Pipe diameters varied from ‘/s to Very few of the prior-art publi-
12 in. As the correlation does not depend on the type of fluid encountered, it may cations in engineering deal with
be used with Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids alike. thixotropic or rheopectic fluids. It
In spite of the great range of the available experimental data, further work is is also necessary to exclude these
necessary in the transition and turbulent-flow regions. No data at all were available
on thixotropic, rheopectic, and dilatant fluids, and extension of the correlation to fluids from consideration in this
these materials should prove most illuminative from both theoretical and practical work, but, a s pointed out previ-
viewpoints. ously(l6), this is not a serious
limitation a t the present time.
Workers in the field of rheology havior over every new region of
have long classified non-Newtonian shear rates. DEVELOPMENT OF CORRELATION
fluids as plastic (or Bingham It is obvious from the foregoing
discussion that some method must Rabinowitsch (20) developed a n
plastic), pseudoplastic, dilatant,
thixotropic, and rheopectic(2,9, and eventually be developed which is expression for the rate of shear of
1 6 ) , and a few others, having universally applicable t o all fluids a fluid which is entirely independ-
found the foregoing divisions un- --Newtonian and non-Newtonian ent of the fluid properties, pro-
satisfactory, have added “general alike. Several attempts to do this vided thixotropy and rheopexy a r e
non-Newtonian” classifications (12, have been reported in the litera- eliminated. The complete develop-
22, and 2 3 ) . Engineering design ture(2, 1 6 , 24, and 28). The second ment of this equation was also
of these is limited because of its presented in a paper of Mooney
procedures have then been de-
( 1 7 ) . Their final expression takes
veloped on this basis, particularly empirical nature and the last two
for the first of the aforementioned require the assumption of equa- the form
fluid types(4, 10, 12, and 1 8 ) . tions relating fluid shear rate to
The classification of fluids into shear stress. This is an eminently
those categories constitutes a gross more useful procedure than the
oversimplification of the facts. It arbitrary classification of fluids in-
has repeatedly been shown (5, 6, 21, to rheological types, but neverthe-
and 26) that the classification into less these equations do not always DAP
-__ d (8Q/aD3)
which a fluid falls, and even t h e correlate fluid properties with ade- 4L d(DAPI4L) (1)
numerical values assigned its rhe- quate precision. I n addition, t h e
ological properties, is extremely first and last of these prior-art Since the bulk velocity V is equal
dependent upon the experimental procedures a r e of considerable com- to 4QlnD2, Equation (1) can be
conditions under which the meas- plexity. Therefore one major pur- rearranged as
urements are made. Under certain pose of the present work was to
narrow ranges of shear rate, for provide a design procedure which
example, a given fluid may clearly might be completely general and
appear to behave a s a Bingham rigorous yet as simple in form as
plastic; a t slightly different rates the standard friction factor-
of shear t h e pseudoplastic rela- Reynolds number correlations f o r
tionship is closely followed and, Newtonian fluids.
particularily at high shear rates, The second severe limitation of
t h e same material may appear al- these general prior-art methods is
most Newtonian. their unproved ability to predict ac-
The important consequences of curately the point of onset of t u r -
these facts a r e two in number: bulence. I n a few industries the
first, large extrapolations of data non-Newtonian fluids encountered
to new conditions are not permissi- a r e invariably viscous pastes and d In ( 8 V / D )
ble where this system of classifica- this restriction is not important; d In (DAPI4.L) (3)
tion is used and, second (and most in other industries turbulent flow
important), design procedures for is of common occurrence, particu- I n order to simplify Equation (3),
prediction of pressure drop in pipe larily where it is needed to pro- the derivative will be denoted by
lines become astronomically com- duce reasonably high rates of heat the symbol l i n t . Rearrangement of
plex if they must be changed every or mass transfer. The second major Equation ( 3 ) then gives
time the fluid velocity in a pipe purpose of the present investiga-
line (shear rate) is changed, which tion, therefore, was to provide at
may be the case if the fluid ex- least a tentative criterion f o r the 3n’+ 1 8V
hibits a different type of flow be- onset of turbulence and to corre- 1D 4n’ D (4)

Page -134 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

It must be emphasized that
Equation (4) is simply another
form of Equations (1) to ( 3 ) and
is therefore an entirely general (6)
expression of the relationship be- Substitution of DAPICL from
tween rate of shear(-duldr) and We a r e now in a position to ap- Equat.ion ( 5 ) into Equation (9)
bulk flow rate of the fluid. It is preciate the significance of the gives
preferable t o the original Rabino- physical property n’. If i t is a con-
witsch relationship [Equation (1)] stant with the value of unity,
f o r two reasons, however: Equation (6) becomes
1. It is in a simpler, more com-
pact form.
2. The derivative n‘ represents where
the slope of a logarithmic plot of 9
D h P l 4 L vs. 8 V l D and has been That is to say, the familiar
found to be very nearly a constant linear relationship between shear
over wide ranges of shear stress stress and shear rate of Newtonian
for a great variety of non-New- fluids appears, and K i s obviously
equal to plg,. If, on the other hand, By letting f = 16/N,, as for New-
tonian fluids. From a calculational tonian fluids in laminar flow, one
viewpoint i t is much easier, there- n’ is less than unity (but still con-
s t a n t ) one obtains the Ostwald defines a generalized Reynolds
fore, to work with this parameter number :
than with the derivative in Equa- equation for pseudoplastic fluids,
tion (1). An equation similar to viz.,
Equation ( 4 ) was also developed
by Schofield ( 2 5 )
The definition of n’ will next be
rearranged to show the relation- Similarily, if n’ is greater t h a n The significance of the forego-
ship of this physical property to unity the fluid is dilatant in char- ing equations cannot be overem-
other better known fluid proper- acter, a class of which the common phasized. They state t h a t all fluids
ties. starches a r e outstanding examples. must follow the usual f vs. N R B
(References 2, 9, and 16, among relationship in the laminar-flow
Since others, discuss these various types region when one uses t h e general-
of non-Newtonian fluids in some ized Reynolds number defined by
detail.) Equation (12). As the only im-
-- d In 8 V__
____ /D In summary of the preceding plicit assumption in this develop-
n’ d In DAP/4L paragraphs i t is seen that the co- ment is that of no “slip” a t the
eficient n‘ is that physical property wall of the pipe, this development
one may write (over any range of of a fluid which characterizes ils is completely rigorous and may,
shear stresses f o r which n‘ is con- degree of non-Newtonian behavior: in fact, be used to check the ac-
stant) the greater the divergence of n‘ curacy of experimental data. If
from unity (in either direction), t h e perfect coincidence with the f =
more non-Newtonian is the fluid 161N,,, line is not obtained in the
in question. It is believed t h a t this laminar-flow region, either the
may be the first time t h a t a quanti- data or calculations are in error
tative and rigorous scale has been or the fluid exhibits evidence of
where I<’ is also a constant. It has proposed by means of which the thixotropic or rheopectic behavior.
been found experimentally t h a t f o r degree of non-Newtonian behavior For Newtonian fluids, n’ =1.000,
most fluids K and n’ are constant of all fluids (other than time-de- K =$go g reduces to p (the
over wide ranges of W I D or pendent ones) may be established viscosity of the fluid), and N,,
DAPI4L. F o r some fluids this is and compared. [Equation (12)] reduces to the
not the case, however, and care Equation (5) is t h e basic rela- familiar DVpIp, showing that this
must be taken to ensure that the tionship f o r relating pressure drop traditional dimensionless group is
range of integration is small, i.e., to flow rate by means of geometric merely a special restricted form of
t h a t the particular values of K parameters and the two physical the more general one proposed
and n’ used are valid f o r the actual properties of the fluid, K and n’. here.
8 V I D o r DAPI4L with which one Whereas n’ defines the degree of I n order t o make use of these
is dealing in a given design prob- non-Newtonian behavior of the relationships, it is necessary t o
lem. Conceivably in the limiting fluid, K’ defines its consistency: obtain K and n’ f o r the fluid being
case different values of K‘ and n’ the larger the value of K’ the considered. The easiest and the
would have to be used f o r every “thicker” or “more viscous” t h e only perfectly rigorous method is
value of 8 V I D [in this case Equa- fluid. to measure the pressure drop and
tion ( 5 ) would be the equation of The next step in the mathemati- flow rate of the material in any
the tangent to the curve at a sin- cal development is to relate AP good capillary-tube viscometer and
gle point] but i t must be empha- in Equation ( 5 ) to t h e Fanning t o apply Equation ( 5 ) to these
sized that for almost all fluids the friction factor, in order to enable data. Since K and n‘ were inde-
reverse is true and K’ and n‘ a r e the computation of this parameter, pendent of shear rate for all t h e
constant over wide ranges of 8VID. and therefore for all fluids the fluids on which literature data
On substituting f o r 8VID in Reynolds numbers and flow rates were available, pressure-drop de-
Equatiop ( 5 ) from Equation (4) at which stable laminar flow no terminations a t two flow rates are
and denoting the shear stress at longer is found. The usual defini- theoretically sufficient completely
the wall of a pipe ( D A P I 4 L ) by tion(30) of the former may be to define the physical properties of
T,, one obtains written as the fluid. (It may be noted in

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 435

passing that two experimental such a n instrument.) It must be numbers as low as about 1,000 f o r
measurements a r e t h e minimum noted, however, that K and n can Newtonian fluids (19), the forma-
number which must be made on be related t o K and n’ only when tion of truly persistent eddies and
any non-Newtonian fluid in order these properties a r e constant over substantial deviation of the veloc-
to define its rheological properties a reasonably wide (say, ten-fold) ity profile from the parabola of
adequately, as compared with the range of shear stresses. This has the laminar region occur rather
single measurement which suffices not been found to be a significant suddenly over a narrow range of
for Newtonians.) From a practical limitation on work to date but may Reynolds numbers near 2,100 (14
viewpoint, however, it is usually be with certain other non-New- and 19). Since the Reynolds num-
preferable to take more data be- tonian materials. Accordingly, the ber has been empirically found to
cause of the experimental difficulty over-all recommendation is to take define this transition region f o r
of obtaining accurate, reproducible data with a capillary-tube vis- Newtonian fluids, many workers
data on many non-Newtonian sys- cometer whenever this is con- have attempted to justify theoreti-
tems. venient. cally its use as a criterion for on-
Rotational viscometers are also set of turbulence by considering
generally satisfactory f o r evalua- TRANSITION FROM LAMINAR the Reynolds number to be a ratio
tion of K and n by means of Equa- TO TURBULENT FLOW of “inertial forces to viscous
tion ( 8 ) . [Krieger and Maron(l3) Although deviation from purely forces.” It has been pointed out
have shown how (-duldr), may laminar o r streamline motion has elsewhere ( 19 ) that this concept
be obtained from data taken on been observed to occur a t Reynolds seems to be of little theoretical
The same is not t r u e of the
1.0 Fanning friction factor. As shown
*- by Equation (9), it is indeed a
u‘ ratio of forces-the viscous shear
P LIlT‘&d FRlC TlON FACTOR - REYNOLDS NUMBER force (per unit wall area) divided
0 L -.:x%.!- CORRELATION FOR NON-NEWTONIAN FLUIDSM by the average main-stream in-
ertial force (per unit cross-sec-
$ tional area). In the present work,
?5 therefore, f rather than N,, will
be generally used as the criterion
for onset of turbulence. The two
apparent disadvantages of such an
approach a r e not believed to be of
great importance: first, the prob-
5 0.01 lem of an increasing f in the tran-
$ 0.005 sition region ( a t least for New-
tonian fluids) must be noted only
to avoid possible ambiguity, and
the second shortcoming, that the
n‘ 2-17’ inertial forces a r e average values,
REYNOLDS NUMBER, vr p is common to almost all approaches
of this type (since t h e various
Fig. 1A. Friction-factor-Reynolds number correlation f o r types of non-Newtonians will ex-
non-Newtonian fluids-high range. hibit different velocity profiles, the
averaging procedure is not uni-
form). I n view of the unique re-
1 lationship between f and A’,, f o r
all fluids in the present correla-
Symbol Nominal tion, i t is still impossible ‘to dis-
used Pipe
in stze, Rheological constants tinguish which of these criteria
Figure 1 in. Composition of fluid n’ Y is rigorously correct.
+ 1 23.3% Illinois yellow clay
in water
0.229 0.863
0 W and 1% 0.67% Carboxy-methyl- 0.716 0.121 Figure 1 shows a plot of f vs.
cellulose (CMC) in water (Dn’V2-nrply,
which has been found
0 and 1% 1.5% CMC in water 0.554 0.920 to correlate all literature data on
0 and 1% 3.0% CMC in water 0.566 2.80 non-Newtonian fluids. Actually not
8 x,
1% and 2 33% Lime water 0.171 0.983 all the data points used a r e shown
and 1% 10% Napalm in kerosine 0.520 1.18 on the figure; for example, the ex-
v 8.10 and 12 4(% Paper pulp in water 0.575 6.13 tensive data of Winding et al. ( 3 2 )
n and 1% 54.3% Cement rock in 0.153 0.331 were found to correlate excellently,
water but their fluids were so nearly
A 4 18.6:: Solids, Mississippi 0.022 0.105
clay in water Newtonian (n‘ values of 0.885 t o
0 :/i and 1% 14.3(%Clay in water 0.350 0.0344 0.985, as compared with 1.000 f o r
D K and 1% 21.2‘/, Clay in water 0.335 0.0855 a Newtonian fluid) t h a t inclusion
X % a n d 1% 25.096 C a y in water 0.185 0.204 of these data would not have con-
v %i and 1% 31.9% Clay in water 0.251 0.414 tributed significantly. The data of
0 and 1% 36.896 Clay in water 0.176 1.07 Wilhelm e t al.(31) for 3-in. pipes
rn ld and 1% 40.4% Clay in water 0.132 2.30 were also omitted because of fail-
ure of this part of their system
b %. K, % 23% Lime in water 0.178 1.04
and 2 to give the correct results with

Page 436 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

Newtonian liquids, and similar
judgment was used in eliminating
the data of many other authors.
As it stands, Figure 1 includes
data from eight independent in-
vestigators, covering sixteen dif-
ferent fluids, the properties of
which are tabulated in Table 1.
Pipe diameters varied from l/s t o
12 in. (100-fold variation) and the
data cover a 2.1 X 109 range of
Reynolds numbers from 6.0 X
to 130,000. The fluid properties
(K' and n ' ) were obtained from
rotational viscometers in the case
of the CMC and lime slurry data
of Salt(Z4) and Stevens(Z8) and
from capillary-tube or pipe flow
data in all other cases. The curves
shown in Figure 1 are the com-
monly accepted relations for New-
tonian fluids and the data points
represent measurements on non-
Laminar Region. The scattering of
the data is significant; although
most of the laminar-region data 0.10 1.0 10.
fall with a10% of the required
f = 16/N,, line, several points
deviate by 40% or more. As dis- REYNOLDS NUMBER, O"'V2-"b
cussed earlier, this scattering must T
be due t o experimental errors or Fig. 1B. Friction-factor-Reynolds-number correlation for non-Newtonia.n
errors in calculation, unless one fluids-medium range.
makes the unlikely assumption that
the fluids exhibited thixotropy or
rheopexy. Since several of the au-
thors whose data are shown in
Figure 1 reported only nominal
pipe sizes, i t is likely that incor-
rect values for diameter were oc- rc
casionally used. Sirnilarily, fluid
densities were not always reported
accurately. I n view of these possi-
ble errors the excellence of the
correlation within the laminar re-
gion is remarkable.
Transition Region. If the previous 2
discussion of the transition from 0
laminar to turbulent flow is indeed
valid, then the non-Newtonian data
should begin to deviate appreciably
from the laminar f = 16/N,, line
a t approximately the same ratio of a
viscous shear to inertial forces as 2
do Newtonian data for smooth 4

pipes, namely a t f = 0.008. This is 2

borne out remarkably well by all
the data in this region on Figure z?
1. Furthermore, because of the
close resemblance between highly
non-Newtonian fluids at low shear
rates and true solids, little eddies
of the fluid in turbulent motion
should behave more nearly like
solid particles and, for example,
not break up so readily as do the
eddies of Newtonian fluids. The REYNOLDS NUMBER, D"'V'-";O
net effect of this difference would Y
be a more diffuse transition from Fig. lC. Friction-factor-Reynolds-number correlation for non-NewtonisLn
laminar to turbulent flow, mani- fluids-low range.

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 431

fested by a much greater transi- Newtonian fluids, and one f o r able data fall into what is clearly
tion region than the 2,000 to 3,300 fluids to which the Williamson the region of turbulent flow. Until
range of Reynolds numbers found equation applies. This latter crite- further work defines the end of
(14 and 27) for Newtonian fluids. rion, when rearranged into the the transition region with cer-
Whether or not turbulence is fully form of a friction factor, again tainty, i t is recommended that the
developed below the maximum gives as the transition point f = usual Newtonian curve be used for
Reynolds number of 130,000 (in 0.008. The same is also true of design purposes [with the form of
Figure 1) will have to be shown other criteria, presented by Toms Reynolds number shown in Equa-
by further experimental work. (29) and Metzner(lG), which tion (12)] regardless of the mag-
Qualitatively, however, the ex- make use of Reynolds numbers nitude of N x e . This procedure gives
pected diffuse nature and great using apparent viscosities which conservative values of pressure
broadness of the non-Newtonian a r e so defined as to give the cor- drop at AT*,>2,100, and since the
transition region have been ex- rect pressure drop when substi- maximum difference between the
perimentally confirmed by dye-in- tuted in Poiseuille’s low. Ooyama curve and data in this region is
jection studies (29) although no and I t o ( l 8 ) presented a criterion about 50%, Figure 1 is actually
work to date has yet defined the which is close to the proposed f = very useful even in this “transi-
actual extent of the transition re- 0.008 but which is hard to compare tion” flow region as compared with
gion for these materials. Until this in greater detail. They supported methods suggested in the prior
is done, our tentative approach is their criterion experimentally with literature. Winding et a1.(32) sug-
to assume that the breadth of the a small fraction of the data in- gested use of the usual f vs. D V : / p
transition region increases as n’ corporated in the present work; chart together with the evaluation
decreases and that for most of the hence i t may be concluded that, a t of the viscosity a t infinite shear
fluids whose f-A;,, data are shown least for these data, their criterion rate, but i n large pipes, where
on Figure 1 the transition region gives results identical to those of turbulence may set in a t low veloc-
extends approximately to N,, = the more general present one. &- ities, the use of infinite shear-rate
50,000 to 70,000. This assumption, Millen ( 1 5 ) presented a criterion viscosities would lead to signifi-
although tentative, is supported for Bingham plastic fluids which cant errors unless the fluids are
not only by the data of Figure 1 predicts stable laminar flow a t nearly Newtonian in nature. Wil-
but also by the data on the less nearly three times the velocities helm (31 ) , Binder ( 3 ) , and Alves
non-Newtonian fluids of Winding calculated at t h e point f = 0.008. ( 2 ) suggest procedures which re-
et al. ( 3 2 ) . However, he states that his cri- quire empirical viscosity data in
It is interesting to compare the terion is based on only two experi- the turbulent region. It would ap-
proposed criterion for onset of mental measurements, one of which pear that these may be satisfac-
turbulence (i.e., when f first de- did not leave the laminar region tory design methods if one is able
creases to about 0.008) with t h e except within the accuracy of t h e to obtain the necessary data, but
criteria suggested by other in- measurements. Accordingly, t h e they do not permit the design of
vestigators. For Newtonian fluids discrepancy between his criterion equipment from physical-proper-
i t is obviously identical to t h e and ours cannot be considered sig- ties measurements alone. Other
well-established criterion of N,, = nificant. A criterion suggested by authors(&, 10, 12, and 1 8 ) have
2,000. For Bingham plastic non- Alves e t aL(2) is too conservative concerned themselves only with
Newtonian fluids, Caldwell and to give the onset of turbulence Bingham plastic fluids in turbu-
Babbitt(4) have given an equation with accuracy. lent flow; hence their work is
which permits the calculation of I n summary, it has been pro- limited in scope, but the excellent
a “lower critical velocity’’-that posed that both Newtonian and results of Winning(l0) and Hed-
velocity below which flow will al- non-Newtonian fluids leave the re- strom (12) merit special considera-
ways be laminar-in terms of t h e gion of stable streamline flow when tion when fluids of this type a r e
pertinent geometric variables and f first drops to a value of about encountered.
physical properties, which they 0.008 or less or when Dn‘V2-n‘ply
checked by application t o twenty- reaches a value of 2,000 t o 2,500. COMMENTS ON USE OF
five different materials. Rearrange- All available data support this con- CORRELATION
ment of their equation t o enable clusion, and the many different Although the development is per-
solving for f gives the identical prior-art criteria f o r onset of tur- fectly general in that K‘ and n’
criterion (f = 0.008) proposed in bulence in non-Newtonian fluids were not assumed to be constants
this paper. Hedstrom ( 1 2 ) sug- which predict it accurately may be (independent of shear rate), i t was
gested on the basis of extremely rearranged t o give the single and found that for every fluid on which
limited data t h a t flow of Bingham perhaps universal criterion pro- pipe-line data were available these
plastic non-Newtonians becomes posed here. rheological properties were indeed
turbulent when t h e various lami- constant within the accuracy of
nar-region curves (for various Turbulent Region. In view of the the data. Had this not been the
values of the groupT,D2pg,l-q2 in- uncertainties surrounding the case, the design procedure to fol-
tersect the line relating f and N,, actual width of the transition re- low would be somewhat more com-
f o r Newtonian fluids, This is a gion, little may be said concerning plex; both y and n’ would have t o
significantly different criterion the difference between the accepted be evaluated at the correct value
from the one proposed in this pa- curve for Newtonian fluids in of shear rate o r shear stress. With-
per, but inspection of his graphs turbulent flow and the experi- in the laminar flow region this is
shows t h a t the experimental data mental non-Newtonian data in t h e not a serious difficulty as y [Equa-
more nearly obey t h e present cri- same region of Reynolds numbers. tion (11)3 is not a very strong
terion than his. Winding e t al. ( 3 2 ) However, if one accepts t h e fore- function of n‘. Outside t h e laminar
have presented several criteria: going assumption that fully de- region, however, a trial-and-error
one based on apparent viscosities veloped turbulence may not occur procedure would be involved : after
a t zero shear rate, which can obvi- until N,,>50,000 f o r some fluids, calculation of a pressure drop by
ously not apply t o highly non- then practically none of the avail- use of Figure 1, it would be neces-

Page 438 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

0 5 10
0 5 10
n‘= 0.2


lar pipes this is n’; in other flow
situations the use of n will un-
doubtedly be preferable.
Several important practical con-
clusions arising from the present
work require emphasis. It is in-
structive to rearrange Equations
(9) and (10) to solve for AP,
whereby one obtains, for flow in
the laminar region,

For Newtonian fluids (n’ = 1.00,

+{ = p) Equation (13) reduces t o
the usual Poiseuille relationship.
rfi0.5 1
J/ bl.00
Since V = 4 Q l z D 2 ,

I (-;;->‘a y L
AP = --32 4Q -__1
5 10 0 5 10 ?’


Fig. 2. Dependence of velocity distribution upon the Anid property n’. (14)
If one wishes to reduce the pres-
sure drop accompanying a given
sary to calculate T, and to repeat r i R becomes greater than 0.4. volumetric flow rate Q, it is well
this procedure until the calculated Seven of the sixteen fluids whose known that small increases in pipe-
T , is identical to that shear stress properties a r e tabulated in Table line diameter a r e extraordinarily
a t which n’ and y were evaluated 1 have values of n‘ well below 0.20. effective for Newtonian fluids as
in obtaining NRe. For these materials it is therefore pressure drop varies inversely a s
Because K and n‘ a r e very near- to be expected t h a t both Equation diameter to the fourth power when
ly constant for so many fluids over (5) and the Bingham plastic re- n’ z 1.00. On the other hand, f o r
shear ranges of practical interest, lationship between shear stress highly non-Newtonian systems n’
the logarithmically linear relation- and shear rate apply equally well, approaches zero, and f o r such ma-
ship between shear stress and flow a situation t h a t further supports terials it is seen t h a t pressure
rate o r shear rate depicted by the shelving of classical non-New- drop varies inversely as diameter
Equations (5) and (8) constitutes tonian fluid definitions and ex- to only t h e first power; so the de-
perhaps the most useful means trapolating, when necessary, by signer must go to unusually large
available f o r extrapolation of rhe- use of Equation ( 5 ) . The extent pipes before the reduction in pres-
ological data. Theoretical rheolo- to which extrapolation is permissi- sure drop is appreciable. Increases
gists have long objected to the ble must, however, be carefully in capacity of an existing plant,
assumption of the validity of Equa- considered in every case, as the however, may frequently be ob-
tions (5) or ( S ) , and Reiner(Z3) rigor of the present treatment de- tained simply by increasing the
has given a particularly good re- pends on the fact that n‘ and K pump speed, as the pressure drop
view of their criticisms. Some of a r e permitted to vary with shear is extremely insensitive t o flow
these, such as the fact t h a t K‘ stress. I n a sense t h e variation of rate in which n’ is small, As a mat-
does not have units of viscosity, these properties with shear stress t e r of fact, for the slurry data
are irrelevant-N,, as defined by is similar to the well-known varia- reported by Gregory(l2) (see
Equation (12) is still rigorously tion of other physical properties Table 1) n’ is almost zero; i.e., AP
dimensionless. Perhaps the most with temperature or pressure. is very nearly independent of flow
important apparent objection t o It might appear t h a t the desig- r a t e in the laminar flow region.
the view that almost all fluids obey nation of n and K as the true For engineers familiar only with
Equation (5), even when K and physical properties which describe the peculiarities of Newtonian
n’ a r e held constant, is the incom- a non-Newtonian fluid ( a t a par- fluids, these differences a r e there-
patability of this conclusion with ticular shearing stress) would be fore both a hazard and an ad-
the reported existence of materials preferable to the use of n‘ and K‘. vantage, but observation of several
which behave as Bingham plastics, The support for this view arises piping systems installed to date
the “plug flow” of these latter from the fact t h a t t h e former are indicates t h a t the industries con-
materials in tubes having been independent of the type of appa- cerned have taken little advantage
experimentally verified by Green ratus in which the measurements of the insensibility of pressure
(7, 8 and 9 ) . However, Figure 2 are made, a s t r u e physical proper- drop to flow rate. These comments
shows t h a t i t is not necessary, a s ties should be, and t h e latter are must be restricted to t h e laminar
Green(9) states, f o r a material to not. Actually n and n‘ a r e equal flow region as too few of the
be a Bingham plastic in order t o numerically f o r many fluids, and present data extend into the region
exhibit pIug flow well within ex- so this choice is not frequently an of well-developed turbulent flow t o
perimental accuracy. Indeed, when important one. When they a r e not enable one to generalize for that
n’ = 0.20 it is seen t h a t the velocity equal, the engineering procedure case.
profile deviates markedly from t h e recommended here is t o use which- The second practical conclusion
familiar Newtonian parabola and ever is more closely related to the depends on the fact that Figure 1
is within 1% of a t r u e plug until problem a t hand-for flow in circu- constitutes a compilation of all the

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 439

available pipe-line data on highly lished tabulations available. Com- bitt, Trans. Am. Znst. Chem.
non-Newtonian systems. As such, ments of a highly constructive nature Engrs., 37, 237 (1941).
it clearly shows t h a t the region of were received from G. E. Alves, D. F. 5. Christiansen, E. B., private com-
laminar flow is of major interest, Boucher, L. F. Brown, M. Mooney, munication (1954).
R. E. Otto, S. Rankin, and R. L. 6. Colgate-Palmolive Co., unpub-
as extremely viscous materials are Pigford.
the general rule. However, about lished data (1952).
one third of the data are outside 7. Green, H., Proc. Am. SOC.Testing
NOTATION Materials, 20, 451 (1920).
the laminar region, and this pro- 8. -, and G. Hallam., Znd. Eng.
portion may be expected to in- Note: As the final correlation is
based on dimensionless groups, any Chenz., 17, 726 (1925).
crease as turbulence becomes neces- 9. -, “Industrial Rheology and
sary to produce high rates of mass consistent set of units may be used.
The units given in the following Rheological Structures,” John
or heat transfer, particularly in table merely represent those used by Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York
nuclear-reactor and similar high- the authors. (1949).
output applications. duldr = velocity gradient or shear 10. Govier, G. W., and M. D. Win-
rate, sec.-l ( - d d d r ) refers ning, paper presented at the
FUTURE WORK Montreal meeting, Am. Znst.
to the shear rate a t the wall Chem. Engrs. (Sept. 7, 1949);
The behavior of non-Newtonian of a pipe
fluids in both the transition and also Winning, M. D., M.Sc. thesis,
D = inside diameter of pipe, f t . Univ. Alberta (1948).
turbulent-flow regions should be de- f == Fanning friction factor, de-
fined more clearly than has been 11. Gregory, W. B., Mech. Eng., 49,
possible by use of literature data fined by Equation (9), di- 609 (1927).
alone. I n particular, the extent of mensionless 12. Hedstrom, B.O.A., Znd. Eng.
the transition region must be clearly go = conversion factor, 32.2 ft. lb. Chem., 44, 651 (1952).
defined. A particularly instructive mass/ (sec.2) (1b.force) 13. Krieger, I. M., and S. H. Maron,
and critical test of of this correla- K == coefficient in Equation ( 5 ) , J., Appl. Phys., 25, 72 (1954).
tion would be its extension t o the (1b.force) (see.%’)/ (sq.ft.) 14. McAdams, W. H., I‘Heat Trans-
turbulent flow of dilatant fluids, on L = length of pipe or tube, ft. mission,” 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill
which no data at all were available. Book Company, Inc., New York
n‘ = exponent in Equation (5), di- (1954).
Engineering correlations must also mensionless. n’ = 1.000 for
be developed at some future date for 15. McMillen, E. L., Chem. Ens.
Newtonian fluids, is between Progr., 44, 537 (1948).
the more complex thixotropic and zero and unity for pseudo-
rheopetic systems. 16. Metzner, A. B., loc. cit.,. 50.. 27
plastic non-Newtonians, and (1954).
SUMMARY greater than unity f o r dila- 17. Mooney, M., J. Rheol., 2, 210
tant fluids (1931).
The recommended design procedure, NI2,= Reynolds number, dimen- 18. Ooyama, Y., and S. Ito, Chem.
supported by all available data, may Eng. (Japan), 14, 96 (1950).
be stated as follows: sionless. N x e = Dn’V2-n’p/yfor
all fluids, which reduces to 19. Prengle, R. S., D. Sc. thesis,
1. Data Required. Rheological prop- Carnegie Inst. Technol. (1953).
erties ( K and n‘) and fluid density DVplp for Newtonians
AP := pressure drop, 1b.forcelsq.ft. 20. Rabinowitsch, B., 2. physilc.
are needed. The former should be Chern., 145A, 1 (1929).
measured with a capillary-tube vis- CJ =: volumetric flow rate, cu.ft./ 21. Reed, J. C., M.Ch.E. thesis, Univ.
cometer but can frequently be ap- see. Delaware (1954).
proximated with essentially the same r = distance or radial distance, f t . 22. Reiner, M., “Ten Lectures on
precision from rotational viscometric R = inside radius of pipe, ft. Theoretical Rheology,” Rubin
data. Measurements at only two shear T = shear stress, Ib.force/sq.ft. Mass, Jerusalem (1943).
rates (rotational speeds or flow rates) T, denotes shear stress at 23. -, “‘Deformation and Flow,”
a r e theoretically sufficient although the wall of a pipe and T, H. K. Lewis and Co., London
more are helpful to justify the ab- (1949).
sence of thixotropy and rheopecty refers to the yield strength of
a Bingham plastic non-New- 24. Salt, D. L., M.S. thesis, Univ.
and reduce the experimental errors Utah (1949).
which frequently tend t o be large in tonian
25. Schofield, R., J . A p p l . Phys., ZV,
this type of work. v = local velocity, ft./sec. 122 (1933).
2. Calculations. y is obtained from V = average or bulk velocity, ft./ 26. Scott Blair, G. W., “Introduc-
K‘ and n’ [Equation ( l l ) ] , N,,(Dn’ see. tion t o Industrial Rheology,” J.
Vz-n‘ply) is calculated, and f is ob- y = generalized viscosity coeffi- and A. Churchill, Ltd., London
tained from the usual friction factor cient as defined by Equation (1938).
-Reynolds number plot. From this (11), lb.mass/ (ft.) (sec.2-n’) 27. Senecal, V. E., and R. R. Rothfus,
point the pressure-drop calculation T, = coefficient of rigidity of a Chern. Eng. Progr., 49, 533
is identical to the usual procedure (1953).
for Newtonian fluids. The calculation Bingham plastic non-New-
tonian fluid, Ib.mass/ (sec.) 28. Stevens, W. E., Ph.D. thesis,
will be rigorous if the Reynolds num- Univ. Utah (1953).
ber is below 2,100 o r if f is greater (ft.) 29. Toms, B. A., J. Colloid Sci., 4,
than 0.008 (laminar flow) and will = viscosity of a Newtonian fluid,
511 (1949).
be conservative in the transition and Ib.mass/ (ft.) (see.)
30. Walker, W. H., W. K. Lewis, W.
turbulent-flow regions. Outside the p = density of fluid, 1b.masslcu.ft.
H. McAdams, and E. R. Gilliland,
laminar-flow region, the foregoing “Principles of Chemical Engineer-
conclusions may not apply t o fluids LITERATURE CITED ing,” 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Book
exhibiting dilatancy.
1. Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Company, Inc., New York,
Co. Bull. 1649. (1937).
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 2. Alves, G. E., D. F. Boucher, and 31. Wilhelm, R. H., D. M. Wrough-
This work was sponsored by the R. L. Pigford, Chem. Eng. Progr., ton, and W. F. Loeffel, Ind. Eng.
Ofice of Ordnance Research, U. S. 48, 385 (1952). Chem., 31, 622 (1939).
Army. Of special value was the 3. Binder, R. C., and J. E. Busher, 32. Winding, C. C., G. P. Baumann,
willingness of several authors whose J . A w l . Mechanics.. 13,. A101 and W. L. Kranich, Chem. Eng.
data are included in this report to (1946); Progr., 43, 627, 613 (1947).
make their calculations and unpub- 4. Caldwell, D. H., and H. E. Bab- (Presented at A.I.Ch.E. New York meetiag)

Page 440 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

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