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PRESENT: T Bouttle (Chair), B Whatling¸ M Clifton¸ C Brown, J Bishop, K Pearce


IN ATTENDANCE: A Colliver (Chair EYFC), G Tatnell (Vice Chair Cam Bulldogs), A Durn (Clerk)

RL.17.103 To Receive and Accept Apologies for absence.

The apologies received above were noted.

RL.17.104 To Receive Declarations of Interest or requests for dispensations

Cllr Bouttle – WWT Jubilee Fields SUDS contract

RL.17.105 To elect a Vice Chair

The previous Vice Chair, Cllr Poskett, has resigned. It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Jonathan Bishop as
Vice Chair.

RL.17.106 To receive any questions, statements or submissions from members of the public in attendance
The Vice Chair of Cam Bulldogs explained that their club had 3 teams of 70 to 80 players at a cup
final level and could not progress as their current facilities were not of the standard required. The
club is researching options to enable them to progress to a higher league for an August 2019 start. It
was agreed to give Cam Bulldogs a tour of the facilities at Jubilee Fields and report back to the next
Committee meeting.

RL.17.107 To Approve and Sign Minutes of the meeting held 15th November 2017 as a Correct Record.
It was RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the 15th November 2017 as a true and correct record. It
was noted that the December meeting was cancelled as inquorate.

RL.17.108 To Note any Matters Arising from the Minutes and Not Covered by Agenda Items, for Information
An update was given on the S106 agreements.

RL.17.109 To discuss the recommendations from Full Council in December 2017 on the access and parking
problems at Jubilee Fields and agree actions:
The parking problems on match days was raised again and discussed in detail. The Chair of EYFC
stated that if the parking problems are not resolved then they may have to move to another site
outside of Cam. Options were discussed to alleviate parking in the short term. The Chair of EYFC will
work with his committee on the logistics of staggering kick-off times, putting in a park-and-ride
scheme, and possible other options.
a Working with Gloucestershire County Council and farmers on the restricted byway
A meeting is being arranged with Gloucestershire County Council and parish councillors.
b Researching planning requirements for the development of a second carpark

A planning application would be required. This would be done after the contaminated land survey of
Jubilee Fields is completed and work with Gloucestershire County Council and adjacent farmers is
c Agree to an environment survey of the possible second carpark
This would be done after the contaminated land survey of Jubilee Fields is completed and work with
Gloucestershire County Council and adjacent farmers is completed.

RL.17.110 Finance:
a To receive the 2017/18 budget report and agree actions
The report was reviewed. It was RESOLVED that any underspends would be put into earmarked
reserves for the major recreation and leisure projects.
b To receive a quote for a perimeter fence at Woodfields and agree actions
There was a review of the quote and specification. It was RESOLVED to include in the Play Area
c To discuss the 2018/19 projects and budgets and agree actions
2018/19 budget has been agreed by Full Council in January 2018. The current and future reports
were reviewed. A new spreadsheet format for quarterly monitoring had been circulated. It was
RESOLVED to use this format in the 2018/19 monitoring. The priorities for 2018/19 were reviewed. It
was RESOLVED to have the following as the key priorities: Play Areas Review; Jubilee Fields and
Sports Pavilion development; Allotments – refurbishment of Ashmead2 and maintenance of all
d To discuss the 2018/19 – 2019/20 financial plan and agree actions
This would be deferred to the next meeting and to completed by the end of the financial year.

RL.17.111 To discuss the Play Area Review and agree actions:

a Procurement process
The procurement process including legislative changes was explained. Stroud District Council had
offered to help with the procurement.
b Feedback and recommendations from Working Group
There had been good feedback from working with the play designers which had helped with showing
the options for designs.
c Contract specification
There was a discussion on what could be included in the specification brief for the tender. It was
RESOLVED for the Working Group to propose a detailed brief for each play area and make a final
recommendation to the next Committee meeting so that the Clerk can send out the tender
specification to the Government Contracts List at the end of February 2018.

RL.17.112 To review the inspection reports for the play areas and agree actions
a Monthly
The inspection reports were reviewed. It was RESOLVED to replace the cracked swing seats at Cam
Green and Jubilee Fields.
RL.17.113 To receive an update on projects:
a the Sports Pavilion construction works completion and agree actions
D Barnes sending spec to builders, awaiting quotes.
b the design and project management of the SUDS Drainage project and agree actions
Contamination surveys carried out, awaiting report. An extension on the planning application has
been requested and agreed with SDC. The Chair of EYFC reported that there had been a sudden

subsidence of part of the training pitch. The Clerk will report to WWT to investigate as part of their
survey investigations.

RL.17.114 To note and comment on the latest allotments inspection report and agree any actions (report
a Ashmead 2
i. Water logging
Severn Trent had repaired the broken water main. The water is now draining away.
ii.Refurbishment action plan
Cllrs Bouttle and Brown to meet with officers to discuss the proposed plan. A meeting to be
set up with Stroud District Council, Leyhill Project, Stroud Valleys Project to discuss the plan.
The plan will be discussed at the Tenancy meeting as part of the consultation.
b Footpath at Westend
It was RESOLVED to widen the path as per the inspection report.
c Woodfields – shed installation
It was RESOLVED to agree to the installation of a shed. The tenant to be asked to install a smaller
d Annual tenants meeting date
It was RESOLVED to hold the Annual Tenants meeting on 27th February 2018 at 7pm. Agenda items to
include: Feedback on the previous year; Ashmead 2 refurbishment; Tenancy Agreement; and
Noticeboards use.

Cllr Brown left the meeting.

RL.17.115 Any further R&L issues for information or referral only

 Handyman contract
 Grounds maintenance contract
 Toad patrols are being held in Cam Parish. Volunteers are needed and welcome. Please
contact Cllr Douglass for further details.
 Cllr Bouttle had labels for the assets. She would share with the Office.

Close of meeting: 8.55pm


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