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capital edition l printed simultaneously in kathmandu, biratnagar, bharatpur and nepalgunj Stand Price rs 5.00

Vol XXV No 341 | 12+4 Pages N E PA L’ S L A R G E S T S E L L I N G E N G L I S H D A I LY Tuesday,January 30, 2018 (16-10-2074)

page 9
Life & style
page 5
page 12
sports money
‘Abstract play’ Bhagwat Tole Syria peace talks Messi strikes late NAC’s losses piling up as
ma Bholaram at Mandala begin in Russia to pip Alaves Airbus remains grounded

TJ bodies place
demands before
extending term
POST REPORT a meeting in a couple of days
KATHMANDU, JAN 29 Tenures of the Truth and to decide on tenure exten-

Nine days before the end of

Reconciliation Commission sion,” said Manchala Jha, a
member of the TRC. Both the
their three-year tenure, the and Commission of commissions will seek a one-
transitional justice (TJ) bod- year extension while request-
ies are seeking political com-
Investigation on Enforced ing the government to clear
mitment from the major par- Disappeared Persons the hurdles to probe.
ties to the investigation pro- The CIEDP has begun
cess before requesting the expire on February 7 detailed investigation into
government for another hardly 207 cases among
extension of their term. date to spend, coupled with the 3,093 filed to it while the
The three-year term of the inadequate staff and non-co- Truth and Reconciliation
Truth and Reconciliation operation from political par- Commission, which received
Commission (TRC) and the ties, are the reasons the com- 60,298 cases, has completed n A view of Kathmandu Valley seen from Nagarjun Municipality on Sunday. Air pollution has given the Capital a hazy look. POST PHOTO: KESHAV THAPA
Commission of Investigation missions have cited for failing preliminary probe into 827
on Enforced Disappeared to investigate into a single cases only.

Govt decides to scrap National Trading Limited

Persons (CIEDP) expires on case completely since their The conflict victims are in
February 7. formation in February 2015. no mood to let the TRC and the
The ordinance authenticat- “This is why we are seeking CIEDP off the hook easily.
ed by the President last week the commitment from the They state that these commis-
to amend the Acts governing major parties before deciding sions have not performed ade- POST REPORT March 1962 under Nepal Monday evening also decided their forest areas. According also decided to declare more
the two commissions for on term extension,” said IB quately even within the remit KATHMANDU, JAN 29 Company Act to channelise to amend the online media to Information Minister people as martyrs. They
extending their tenure Gurung, a member of the that has been offered to them, commodity aids from China directives for the second time, Mohan Bahadur Basnet, the include Dewan Singh Rana,
requires the transitional jus- CIEDP. Commission officials pointing to the extremely slow The government on Monday and the erstwhile USSR with a and to allow national priority government has also finalised Dev Bahadur Khawas, Bishnu
tice bodies to write to the gov- met Prime Minister and progress in investigations. decided to scrap the National view to meeting the local cost projects including Rani the hierarchy of the people’s Bahadur Chand, Min Bahadur
ernment for formalising a Nepali Congress President They are also concerned Trading Limited claiming of development projects initi- Jamara Kulariya Irrigation representatives at the federal, Baniya Chhetri, Netra
new one-year term. Sher Bahadur Deuba on about some of the decisions that the public sector compa- ated by these countries Project, Nilgiri Hydropower provincial and local levels Narayan Bhandari and Rana
Both the commissions have Sunday and CPN-UML taken. Most recently, they ny continues to bleed the through the sale of goods in Project, Shivam Cements besides the chief ministers. Bahadur Gurung, who were
blamed non-cooperation from Chairman KP Sharma Oli on opposed the CIEDP’s decision state’s treasury. the domestic market. Factory and Dhadkhola The caretaker government killed during the Maoist
the government and the politi- Monday while they are calling to classify 400 cases of disap- The NTL was established in A Cabinet meeting on Hydropower Project to use led by Sher Bahadur Deuba insurgency.
cal parties for their poor per- on CPN (Maoist Centre) Chair peared persons as cases

Bhusal pulls
formance in looking into the Pushpa Kamal Dahal on of killing without any investi-
war-era cases of human rights Tuesday. gation. The Conflict Victims
violations. Gurung said Deuba and Oli Common Platform is now
Conflict victims also say
that further extension is
meaningless without an
have assured them of “every
support necessary for investi-
gation”. “We will make a final
demanding that the TRC and
the CIEDP prepare progress
reports to demonstrate what
out of race in
amendment to the legislation
that would incorporate the
Supreme Court’s 2015 order to
decision after listening to
Dahal,” he added.
Gurung said it was impossi-
has been accomplished so far.
TRC Chairman Surya
Kiran Gurung warned recent-
favour of Thapa
remove amnesty provisions. ble for the commissions to ly Nepal cannot avoid inter-
The two transitional justice function unless three major vention from international
bodies have not managed to parties come together in sup- humanitarian organisations
undertake much work, port of the two commissions. including the United Nations
besides collecting around A decision on tenure exten- if the transitional justice pro-
63,000 complaints from con- sion is expected within a cou- cess does not adhere to the
flict victims. ple of days. international standards of n Bhusal n Thapa
Lack of resources and man- “We are most likely to hold investigation.

20 more Nepali workers

CPN-UML leader Beduram
Bhusal has withdrawn his
candidacy from the National
Assembly election in order to

rescued from Kuwait

bolster the chances of CPN
(Maoist Centre) leader Ram
Bahadur Thapa, who has been
fielded as a common candi-
date of the left alliance in the
open category of Province 3.
The move on Monday fol-
lows fears that the planned
merger between the two par-
ties could be affected if the
senior Maoist leader lost the
vote. Thapa’s chance of win-
ning could be slim if UML
voters accorded him the third
priority, after UML candidates
Bhusal and Balram Baskota.
Fringe forces such as the
Nepal Majdoor Kisan Party
and the Bibeksheel Sajha
n Rescued Nepali workers at the Nepali Embassy in Kuwait.  Party have decided to vote for
Nepali Congress candidates.
POST REPORT From these, 94 workers cued jointly by the embassy According to some Maoist
KATHMANDU, JAN 29 approached the embassy for and the recruiting agency. Centre leaders, they had a
help after their company The SOS Manpower Pvt hunch that Nepali Congress
The Nepali Embassy in stopped giving them work Ltd, which had supplied members could also vote for
Kuwait has repatriated 20 and wages. workers to the company, UML candidates to make
more workers stranded in With this latest rescue act, paid for the whole rescue Thapa lose, with an aim to put
the Gulf country due to the the number of rescued operation. left unity in trouble.
blatant labour and human Nepalis, working on differ- “Efforts for resolving “I withdrew my candidacy
rights violations by their ent sites of Kharafi National problems of other stranded so that the party unification
employer Kharafi National Company has reached 61. Nepali workers and sending process won’t be affected,”
Company. Hundreds of workers them back to Nepal are still Bhusal told the Post. UML
The embassy said a group from Nepal have struggled to on,” the embassy said in a Chairman KP Sharma Oli had
of 20 Nepalis was sent back live in Kuwait because their press statement. telephoned Bhusal, a leader of
home on Saturday night employer did not pay wages According to the press the Madhav Nepal camp in the
after rescuing them from for months and did not note, the embassy will issue party, saying that Thapa
their deplorable condition. renew their resident per- Travel Document to those would withdraw his candida-
The embassy did the lat- mits which made their sta- workers without valid pass- cy if Bhusal refused to do so.
est rescue operation in coor- tus illegal. port if they visit the embas- Oli also warned that this
dination with the company Earlier, the embassy had sy with required documents. could seriously affect the
and the Foreign Employment rescued 17 Nepali workers “Run Away Cases, or party unification process.
Promotion Board (FEPB). whose residence permits those Nepalis who don’t After Thapa’s threat, Oli
The embassy paid for the had become invalid. Of the report to their company or and Maoist Centre Chairman
air-tickets of these 20 17 workers supported by the domestic employers, can Dahal had an emergency
Nepalis with the money sent Kuwaiti government, a visit the embassy with origi- meeting at Singha Durbar to
by the board. However, the group of 15 Nepalis was sent nal or even duplicate copies convince Nepal, who was
embassy did not have to pay back on January 18. Two of identity documents like against the idea. The meeting
fines for these rescued work- other Nepalis returned passports or citizenship was attended by Narayan Kaji
ers as they still had valid home after Nepali welfare cards, for starting the Shrestha, Dahal and Thapa
residency permits. clubs in Kuwait paid their process to return to from the Maoist Centre and
According to unofficial airfare and penalty for over- Nepal. Those with no docu- Subas Nembang, Oli and
estimates, Kharafi National staying without valid visa. ments will also be helped to Nepal from the UML.
left nearly 300 Nepali work- Last December, the first return to Nepal,” the The left alliance has mooted
ers to fend for themselves. batch of 21 Nepalis was res- embassy statement added. Thapa as the chairman of the
National Assembly, if he wins.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 news the kathmandu post 02
news digest
Talks underway
with UML: Dahal
Centre) Chairman
Pushpa Kamal Dahal has
said that his party is
holding talks with the
CPN-UML regarding
National Assembly elec-
tion, formation of the
provincial governments
and the party unifica-
tion. Talking to reporters
after inaugurating
Bhajani Trade Fair in
Kailali on Monday, the
Maoist Centre chief said
the next government
would focus on develop-
ment and prosperity.
When asked about the
formation of the federal
government, Dahal said
everything would be
done in accordance with
the people’s mandate
without going into
details. (PR)
Province 1
guv summons
of Province 1 Govinda
Bahadur Tumbahang has
summoned the first ses-
sion of the Provincial
Assembly on February 5.
Organising a press meet
at his residence on
Monday, the provincial
chief scheduled the
historic session at
the meeting hall of
District Coordination
Morang. (PR)

Study on
Hanumandhoka, n Pedestrians cross the Bishnumati using a temporary bamboo bridge constructed over the river at Chamati near Balaju in Kathmandu on Monday. Though the construction of a steel bridge had been started before the rainy season, it has not been

Swoyambhu completed yet. The construction company installed the steel frame only 17 days ago but it has not yet completed the flooring works as yet, according to local people.  Post Photo

heritage trail
Rastriya Samachar Samiti
Kathmandu, Jan 29

People’s representatives from

Valley’s youths come out in force Psycho-social
centre to open
at Nakhkhu
to protest worsening traffic jams
the Hanumandhoka and

Swoyambhu areas and repre-
sentatives from Unesco have
conducted an on-site study on
the prospects of developing a Rastriya Samachar Samiti
heritage trail from Lalitpur, Jan 29
H a nu m a n d h o k a to
Swoyambhu. ANUP OJHA leaders’ tall poll promises of mean people are at risk while A ‘psycho-social hospital’ is to
Hanumandhoka and KATHMANDU, JAN 29 making the country prosper- crossing the roads in the be set up inside the premises
Swoyambhu are the Unesco ous, he asked, “How can we Valley. Hardly half a dozen of Nakhkhu Prison.
world heritage sites. In a bid to mount pressure on imagine a prosperous country out of 365 traffic lights in the Since construction is in the
The study team was led by the authorities concerned to when thousands of people are Valley are in proper working final stage, the hospital will
the House of Representatives resolve the worsening traffic forced to spend so much of order, according to the MTPD. come into operation within
member Jeevan Ram congestions in Kathmandu their time negotiating traffic In June last year, a school some months. This would be a
Shrestha. It comprised of Valley, various youths organi- congestions?” teacher died when she was hit first hospital of its kind to be
Province Assembly member sations have launched a cam- According to the by a bus while crossing the set up inside a prison in the
Rajesh Shakya, representa- paign named ‘Public Department of Transport road from zebra crossing in country.
tives of the local level and the Demonstration to make Management (DoTM), out of Basudhara. A former govern- “Some 200 out of the 800 or
Unesco Nepal representative Traffic Jam free city.’ the total 2.78 million vehicles ment secretary was also killed so inmates are mental
Christian Manhart. The team Youth activists affiliated to registered in the country, 1.04 under similar circumstances patients. Other prisons also
carried out the study on 13 different organisaitons million are in Bagmati zone. A after being hit by a two-wheel- transfer inmates who have
Sunday. staged a joint rally in the total of 119,956 vehicles were er at Anamnagar. mental problems to Nakhkhu
The locals and heritage Capital on Monday, putting registered in the Bagmati “The paints of zebra cross- Jail as the country’s main psy-
experts had apprised the team forth a 12-point demand for zone in the last fiscal alone. ings have faded beyond recog- chiatric hospital is also locat-
about the various temples and curbing traffic jams in “We will go to the DoTM nition at a number of places ed in Lagankhel of Lalitpur,”
shrines, traditional stone Kathmandu Valley. of fi ce, Kath ma nd u across the Valley. With the said Jailor Tek Bahadur KC.
spouts and other heritages They have demanded that Metropolitan City, and MTPD number of traffic growing KC said they need to take
along the 3-kmg the government complete the n Youths affiliated to various organisations take out a rally at Maitighar in Kathmandu on Monday. and press them to resolve the each day, crossing the roads inmates suffering from seri-
Hanumandhoka- Swoyambhu road repair works soon, issue,” said Dharma Raj are tantamount to going to a ous mental problems fre-
heritage trail. Lawmaker ensure effective implementa- cles, make enough investment the vehicles operating in the “It’s high time that we pres- Ghimire, general secretary at battlefield. said Anusha quently to the psychiatric hos-
Shrestha said that home work tion of traffic rules, build on public vehicles and make Kathmandu Valley is greater sured the government as the YUWA, an organisation that Shrestha, a student of pital. The prison is overcrowd-
would be carried out for devel- pedestrian-friendly footpaths, an alternative route for than the length of the roads. traffic problem is getting is working in empowering Premier College, who was one ed with inmates having men-
oping a heritage trail and a enough zebra crossing, con- VVIPS. The length of the road is 4.5 chronic each passing day,” youths in Nepal. of the participants in the cam- tal problems but it lacks facil-
policy on the same after study- struct enough overhead bridg- According to a report pre- million feet, whereas the said President of Youth The ever increasing traffic paign. “Now it’s high time ities and personnel to treat
ing the ancient heritages from es, allocate separate road for sented by the Metropolitan length of the vehicles has Advocacy Nepal Narendra jams, disfunctional traffic that all of us raised our voice them. KC hopes operation of
H a nu m a n d h o k a to two wheelers, promote the Traffic Police Division increased more than 7.2 mil- Khatiwada. lights, inadequate zebra cross- for resolving the issue of traf- the unit would greatly allevi-
Swoyambhu. environment friendly vehi- (MTPD) the total length of lion feet. Taking a swipe at political ings and overhead bridges fic jams.” ate their problem.

Martyrs’ Week begins, 17 held on charges

but data still missing of practising
The Rana Regime reigned
supreme in the Kingdom of
Nepal from 1846 to 1951.
istry’s recommendation, had
declared 1,619 people as mar-
tyrs on June 23, 2010.
medicine illegally
Several institutions and According to the Home Similarly, the government POST REPORT Chinese who were practicing
groups observed Nepal Ministry, the government has had on December 24, 2008 KATHMANDU, JAN 29 medicine without registering
Martyrs’ Day on Monday all provided financial assistance declared 6,344 people as mar- themselves with the NMC.
over the country to honour its of Rs 100,000 each to the fami- tyrs, but there is no official Nepal Police on Monday The investigation is under
heroes fallen in the quest for lies of 19 people who attained data, the report added. arrested 17 persons on charg- way,” said SP Shrestha.
justice and democracy. martyrdom during the 1990’s The government has no es of practising medicine ille- The CIB has already writ-
Nepal observers Martyrs’ people’s movement launched accurate data regarding the gally in the country. The ten to the NMC to verify the
Week starting the 16th day of to restore democracy in the number of martyrs. Many “quacks” and owners of five details of the persons who
the month of Magh [Bikram country. people killed in the Tarai- hospitals, including Apollo were arrested. The CIB has
Sambat] or January 29 accord- Twenty-six other people Madhes agitations as well as Hospital Thamel, were arrest- not revealed the identity of
ing to Gregorian calendar, in were honoured with ‘martyr various movements that took ed by Central Investigation the arrestees claiming that
commemoration of all known status’. These people were place in the country have been Bureau of Nepal Police. The investigations are under way.
and unknown people who sac- killed during the second peo- declared martyrs. CIB conducted the raid in “Anybody, be it Nepalis or for-
rificed their lives for the wel- ple’s movement in 2006. Families of the martyrs coordination with the Nepal eigners with a medical degree,
fare of the nation. Although the government complained that the trend of Medical Council (NMC) and found practicing medicine
Nepal observes this day for announced many people were exerting pressure to declare the Forum for Protection of without registering them-
the past 60 years, but “official killed during these pro democ- any person killed in any Consumer Rights Nepal selves with the NMC are liable
data on martyrs is still miss- racy movements post 2006, the movement as martyr and (FPCRN). for a three-year imprisonment
ing”, according to a National exact number of martyrs is seeking one million rupees as The CIB made the raids fol- or a fine of Rs3,000 fine or
News Committee (Rastriya not known at the official-level. financial aid in the country lowing a complaint from the both,” said Dr Banskota.
Samachar Samiti) report The government declared has hurt the sentiments of the FPCRN that quacks had been “Recently, we were flooded by
today. 190 people as martyrs on real martyrs. examining patients in these Chinese people claiming to be
“Shukraraj Shastri, January 17. Home Ministry’s Wife of martyr Pradyumna hospitals. Dr Dharma Kanta health professionals. We have
Dharma Bhakta Mathema, joint spokesperson Umesh Khadka, Prabha Khadka said, Banskota, chairperson of the a long list of such people prac-
Gangalal Shrestha and Dhakal announced this. “The sentiments of the fami- NMC, said the CIB also raided ticing illegally who will soon
Dashrath Chand who were “Though the Ministry has lies of real martyrs are hurt on China Great Wall Hospital, be booked.”
executed by the tyrannical started maintaining martyrs’ by the trend of declaring any Chuchepati; China Dental The saga of the so-called
Rana regime in the month of records, it cannot give the random person as martyr Hospital Boudha and CIWEC “fake doctors” began in
Magh in 1997 BS for raising exact number now,” the RSS without verifying criteria.” Hospital and Travel Medicine February 2016 when around 12
the pitch for democracy, are quoted Dhakal as saying. The government had Center, Lainchour. doctors were rounded up.
revered as the ‘Four Great Ministry of Peace and formed two commissions after Superintendent of Police Most of the arrestees had a
Martyrs’ in the country. Reconstruction’s Relief and the people’s movement 2062/63 Jiwan Shrestha, spokesper- counterfeit higher education
Lakhan Thapa is respected as Statistics Department Under- to prepare criteria to define a son for the CIB, confirmed the certificate that was used to
the ‘First Martyr’ of Nepal,” Secretary Mira Acharya said, martyr, the reports have not raid. “We have arrested 17 per- pursue medicine in their
the RSS report said. “The government, on the min- been implemented yet. sons. A majority of them are undergraduate.

03 the kathmandu post news Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Oli ‘eager to work with 56th national nursing day

Indian government’
ANIL GIRI we are learning by your expe-
KATHMANDU, JAN 29 rience and are in a process to
implement our constitution.
In a bid to reach out to the As the first step towards this
Indian establishment ahead direction, we have nearly com-
of government formation, pleted elections of all three
CPN-UML Chairman KP levels,” Oli said in the letter.
Sharma Oli, who is widely
seen as the new prime minis-
Foreign policy not to be
ter, has written to Indian PM based on old practices
Narendra Modi saying that he Kathmandu: CPN-UML
was eager to work with the Chairman KP Sharma Oli,
Indian government. who is tipped to be the new
Oli, who skipped the prime minister, has hinted at
Republic Day function organ- changing Nepal’s relations
ised inside the Indian n UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli with Indian Ambassador to Nepal with immediate neighbours
Embassy on January 26, wrote Manjeev Singh Puri at a function in the Capital on Saturday.  India and China on the
a letter to Modi to congratu- basis of necessity and new
late the Indian people on their his relations with India on a “Our leadership has been principles instead of the past n Nurses observe 56th National Nursing Day at Maitighar Mandala in Kathmandu on Monday under the theme ‘Unite for Nursing

day. Oli, however, attended a new basis as some UML lead- writing to the heads of state practices. Speaking at a pro- Professionalism’.  POST PHOTO: KESHAV THAPA
cultural event organised by ers have publicly said that a and governments of major gramme organised to felici-
the embassy at the Army “thaw in relations between powers through their respec- tate the newly elected Nepal
Officers’ Club next evening. Oli and the Indian establish- tive diplomatic missions dur- Chamber of Commerce work-

Anti-graft panel slaps new case on

“As one of the recently ment” is near. ing such important occa- ing committee at the party’s
elected people’s representa- Relations between Oli and sions,” said UML leader Rajan central office in Dhumbarahi
tives and leader of the largest the Indian establishment Bhattarai. “In this context, on Monday, Oli said there
party in the federal parlia- are often described as our chairman wrote to Modi should be a departure from

absconding revenue chief Sharma

ment, I’m eager to work “patchy” and “acrimonious” congratulating him on India’s colonial-era foreign relations
together with Excellency and where Oli has been a vocal Republic Day.” practices in today’s world
your government for the bet- critic of New Delhi’s policy on “We are clear that the sta- with respect for sovereignty
terment of our two coun- Nepal particularly after his tus and course of Nepal-India of independent states, the
tries,” Oli said in the letter government was toppled in relations should be changed,” Rastriya Samachar Samiti
dispatched to Modi. July 2016. said Bhattarai, who is also a reported. PRITHVI MAN SHRESTHA dubious ways. In the fresh spend maximum jail term of whereabouts are not known.”
“On this happy occasion, I Oli opposed the Indian member of the Nepal-India Calling on the Nepalis to KATHMANDU, JAN 29 case filed Monday, the two years beside confiscation Earlier too, Sharma did not
take an opportunity to extend blockade of Nepal in Eminent Persons Group feel proud of their independ- CIAA stated Sharma has been of illegally earned property co-operate with the CIAA dur-
my best wishes for every suc- September 2015 and won the formed to review and suggest ence and sovereignty, Oli The Commission for found to have earned Rs36.37 and fine equivalent to that ing the interrogation, accord-
cess and I expect closer coop- recent elections on the plank changes on bilateral relations stressed that the modern Investigation of Abuse of million legally out of Rs79.32 property as per the clause 20 ing to CIAA officials.
eration between our two coun- of ‘nationalism’ with a prom- and treaties. “It should move era is of co-existence among Authority (CIAA) on Monday million properties. This (2) of the Corruption As Sharma was not present-
tries and people,” he wrote. ise to maintain “balanced” ahead with new vigour, ener- all states, big or small in filed corruption case at the means, the source of property Prevention Act-2002. ed to the court, the court will
The correspondence clearly relations between immediate gy and direction.” size, as per the United Nations Special Court against worth Rs42.95 million The CIAA board decided on now issue summons in
shows that Oli wants to renew neighbours India and China. “I’m delighted to note that charter. (PR) absconding Chudamani could not be established, the Thursday to file corruption Sharma’s name. “The sum-
Sharma, the suspended CIAA said. case against Sharma, but, the mons should reach Sharma or
Director General of the The CIAA has made anti-graft body could not pres- it should be put at his home

CPN-UML to finalise list of candidates

Inland Revenue Department, Sharma and his wife Kalpana ent him in court saying “he within 15 days. Then, he will
charging him of illegally Upreti Sharma defendant stat- has been at large”. have another 15 days to pres-
amassing Rs42.95 million ing that the wife had owned According to a source at the ent himself to the court,” said
worth of property. ‘illegally earned’ properties, CIAA, Sharma last attended Special Court Spokesperson
POST REPORT ministers, four speakers and decision on their leader. Party Secretary and This second corruption according to a press statement CIAA inquiry on December Nagendra Pokharel.
KATHMANDU, JAN 29 two deputy speakers for the “As leaders were in favour Province 1 in-charge Acharya, case filed against Sharma of the anti-graft body. 18, 2017. He was to present According to Pokharel, the
UML and two chief ministers, of allowing the parliamentary politburo member and joint makes him one of the few pub- “Sharma and his family himself at the anti-graft Special Court would put him
The CPN-UML’s standing two speakers and four deputy party to decide their leaders, in-charge Rai and central lic officials to face two consec- members are living high body for interrogation on on trail on the fresh corrup-
committee meeting on speakers for the Maoist Centre. most probably the panel will member Ghimire have started utive lawsuits. standard life against their December 31, last year but he tion case if he attends the
Tuesday will finalise the can- They also decided to share the decide on criteria and let the canvassing for votes. On July 16, 2017, the CIAA, capacity with legal income, did not come. court on February 14, the date
didates of provincial govern- cabinet members in all prov- parliamentary party select Vice-chairperson Asta in one of the largest ever cor- illegally earned cash deposit- “After he failed to attend for given by court to attend at the
ments and assemblies. inces on the same ratio. their leader and the speaker,” Laxmi Shakya, Rajendra ruption cases, charged ed in his wife and sons’ bank further interrogation despite court concerning the previous
Left alliance aspirants have The standing committee said UML senior leader Pandey and Keshav Sthapit Sharma and other two mem- accounts, invested in shares our repeated summons, we corruption case.
started lobbying with their will try to pick the candidates Jhalanath Khanal. are vying for CM of Province bers of the Tax Settlement of various financial institu- wrote a letter on January 14 to “He has to present himself
leadership and the voters to through consensus, UML lead- In Province 1, three leaders-- 3, Secretary Prithvi Subba Commission (TSC) - Lumba tions and companies, pur- the Police Office in to the court on February 14.
ensure their seats. ers said, but if that could not Bhim Acharya, Sherdhan Rai Gurung and standing commit- Dhwoj Mahat and Umesh chased vehicles and various Budhanilkantha asking them Otherwise, the bail amount of
The two parties have decid- happen the meeting on and Jeevan Ghimire --have tee member Kiran Gurung are Dhakal - with embezzling other movable and immovable to arrest him and hand him Rs10 million he had put at the
ed to share the provincial gov- Tuesday will finalise a crite- started lobbying even before in the Province 4 race, while revenues worth Rs10.02 bil- goods,” the CIAA said. over to us,” said the CIAA court to be released on
ernments and the assemblies ria and let the respective par- the decision of the task force Shanker Pokhrel is the lone lion each while exempting If the charge is proved in source. “Budhanilkantha November 28 last year, will be
on a 70:30 ratio with four chief liamentary party to reach a and intensified their activities. contender in Province 5. enterprises from taxes in court, Sharma will have to Police informed us that his retained,” said Pokharel.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 news the kathmandu post 04
news digest NA candidates
Security guard
killed in Capital
get election
KATHMANDU: A security
guard was murdered at
Machchhebahal in
Kathmandu on Sunday
night. Tul Bahadur
The Election Commission on
Tamang, a native of
Monday provided election
Mawapauwa-2 in
symbols to National Assembly
Dolakha district, was
candidates, enabling them to
found in an unconscious
launch their campaigns.
state with deep cut inju-
With 24 members elected
ries in his head. He died
unopposed from the seven
at the Bir Hospital
provinces, 52 candidates will
Trauma Centre, police
contest for 32 posts in the
said. Tamang was
Upper House, the EC said
employed by East
in a statement.
West Securities.
In the 59-member Assembly,
Police said they have
56 are elected by an electoral
launched a manhunt to
college consisting of
catch the assailants
Provincial Assembly mem-
who were caught in
bers and chiefs and
the CCTV footage
deputy chiefs of the local
obtained from the crime
scene. (RSS)
Three are appointed by the
Trader shot at president on the government’s
in Rautahat recommendation. Each prov-
ince elects eight members
RAUTAHAT: An unidenti- including three from the open
fied gunman shot at category, three women, one
Shekh Safiula, a local Dalit and one from the disa-
trader of Baluwaghat in bled or minority community.
Rajapur Municipality, According to the EC, six
Rautahat, on Monday. candidates in Province 1,
Police said Safiula, who all eight candidates in
is seriously injured in Province 2, one candidate in
the incident, was admit- Province 4, three candidates
ted to National Medical in Province 5 and six candi-
College in Birgunj. dates in Province 7 were
Police are searching for n A dust cloud envelopes the Balkhu-Kalanki section of Ring Road where expansion works are under way. The ongoing Ring Road improvement works and installation of pipeline for the Melamchi Water Supply elected unopposed. Polling
the shooter. (PR) Project in the inner city areas are major contributors to the deteriorating air quality of Kathmandu Valley. A recent global Environmental Performance Index (EPI) by Yale University and Columbia University in will be held on February 7 for
Man held for collaboration with the World Economic Forum had ranked Kathmandu’s air quality as the worst in the world.  Post Photo: Shaligram Tiwari all the eight seats in province
3 and 6 each.
wife’s death

Govt offices cannot find new Citizens hail

Sunday arrested a man
from Arjundhara
Municipality-4 of Jhapa
on charge of murdering
his wife. Kishwor

opening of
Danuwar, 55, is being

buildings as shifting day nears

investigated behind the
death of his wife
Domani, 52, police

Tamor corridor
said. Kishwor had alleg-
edly hit his wife with a
firewood in a drunken
rage. (PR) MADHAV DHUNGANA The office building of the
Upper Tamakoshi BHAIRAHAWA, JAN 29 department has been pro-
posed as the official residence POST REPORT Dhanukuta giving relief
engineer killed Several government offices in of chief minister. The con- Dhankuta, Jan 29 to people residing in these
in accident Butwal are struggling to find cerned offices have already places.
DOLAKHA: A Chinese new office buildings with been instructed to vacate the Citizens have hailed the open- Many vehicles en route to
engineer working for their old addresses being buildings. The moving day ing of the Tamor Corridor Panchthar district headquar-
Upper Tamakoshi taken up by provincial gov- approaches near and they are Track (TCT) that will now be ters Phidim from various
Hydropower Project in ernment agencies. still undecided where to set up the shortest route to the hills Tarai districts and vice-versa
Dolakha died after he After Butwal, the district their operations. and Tarai region. are seen regularly on the cor-
was hit by a boulder on headquarters of Rupandehi, “Finding a suitable build- The TCT comes under the ridor these days. A hotel
Monday. Police said was designated the temporary ing alone will not do. We also north-south highway project. business has started along
49-year-old Sun Linglong capital of Province 5, the have to make sure that they It connects the north from the corridor with the opera-
was struck by the boul- buildings hitherto used by are conveniently located Tibet, China, to Jogbani, India tion of track.
der while he was work- Revenue Investigation for service seekers,” said in the south via Dhankuta, Over three dozens of small
ing at a dam construc- Department, Educational n Butwal has been named the temporary capital of Province 5. Rumlal Puri of the District Panchthar, Taplejung and hotels are already doing
tion site. (PR) Training Centre, Women and Labour Office. Tehrathum, the eastern hilly business there along the corri-
Children Office, Office of vincial government offices. Investigation Department, building in Butwal. Our daily Chief District Officer Hari districts, according to a dor, said a hotel owner from
Silver ornaments, Food Technology and Quality Moving out, however, has said they have been looking operations have been affected Prasad Mainali said they have Rastriya Samachar Samiti the area.
idol stolen from Control, and Department of proven to be a headache for for a suitable building for the because most of the time our been on location scouting for (RSS) report Monday. TCT Project Chief Kuber
Transport Management are the sitting tenants. Narendra past one week, but to no avail. minds are occupied about weeks on end without much The operation of a 52-kilo- Nepali has said work is in
Banepa temple going to be replaced by pro- Pandey, the chief of Revenue “It is hard to find a proper finding a new place,” he said. luck so far. meter corridor’s section from progress to complete the cor-
BANEPA: Silver orna- Mulghat in Dhankuta to ridor that would link Mulghat
ments worth nearly Sawakhola in Panchthar ben- with Tibet, China via

Elephant behind
Rs 200,000 were stolen efits citizens in many ways. Majhitar, Panchthar, Suketar

India digs trench along

from the Karunamai “It reduces travel time and and Olangchunggola,
temple at Ugrachandi in makes movement of local Taplejung. Suwang,
Banepa-4, Kavre, on agricultural produce to mar- Panchthar and Chatara,

six deaths gets

Sunday night. Police ket easy,” said resident Sunsari will be linked by a

no man’s land in Banke

said also missing from Narendra Yakhya. 140-km route and the contract
the temple is Other people residing near agreement for this is likely to
the idol of Annadev, a the bank of Tamor River in be signed within a month, the

radio collar
deity worshipped by Dhankuta said vehicles now RSS report said.
the local Newar commu- pass near their settlement The Mulghat (Dhankuta)-
nity. The stolen silver which they had never Tibet section will have the
ornaments were offered imagined earlier. total length of 18o km, while
by worshippers. Police Vehicles have already start- the section stretching from
Inspector Sunil Jung BNP, officials from the ed moving across the corridor Ranibhansar in Morang to
Shah of the Area Police National Trust of Nature stretching from Phidim Tibet via Taplejung will be 270
Office in Banepa said Conservation and Nepal Bazaar, Panchthar to Mulghat, km long.
they are investigating Army were involved in install-
into the case. (RSS) ing the radio collar. The pach-

Deputy mayor
yderm was later released in
the BNP forest.
The BNP administration
weather watch are planning to install the

throws tantrum
radio collar on another wild
Forecast: Partly cloudy in the western KAMAL PANTHI elephant believed to have
hill region. Fog likely to continue at some GULARIYA, JAN 29 entered the human settle-
areas in the terai regions till afternoon.
ments. The wild elephants

demanding car
Max MIN Rainfall The Bardiya National Park from the BNP and n A Radhapur resident stands next to a mound of soil dug out to build the trench along the Nepal-India
Temp (0C) Temp (0C) (mm) (BNP) has installed a radio Katar niaghat Wildlife border in Banke district.  POST PHOTO: THAKUR SINGH THARU
Kathmandu 17.7 2.0 0.0 collar to a marauding Sanctuary of India had
wild elephant in a bid to track entered the settlements in THAKUR SINGH THARU trench along the no man’s Villagers claim that the
Dipayal 25.0 2.4 0.0
its movement and prevent it Thakurbaba and Barbardiya NEPALGUNJ, JAN 29 land. “We have informed the district administration has
Dadeldhura 16.2 4.9 0.0 from entering the human set- municipalities and wreaked central government. The failed to act despite several SANTOSH SINGH
Dhangadi 14.5 7.2 0.0 tlements. havoc a month ago. They India has dug a trench along issue must be settled at the international boundary vio- DHANUSHA, JAN 29
Birendranagar 23.5 2.5 0.0 The BNP team on Sunday destroyed more than two the no man’s land just off government level,” he said. lations committed by India.
fixed the GPS-equipped collar dozen houses and damaged the border in Janaki Rural The residents of Saigaun Before this, they said, A municipal deputy mayor in
Nepalgunj 18.8 6.4 0.0
on the wild tusker named wheat planted in hectares of Municipality and Khajura village in Janaki Rural India had constructed a road Dhanusha district ripped the
Jumla 20.4 -5.6 0.0 Jangali that killed six persons land in the area. Rural Municipality of Municipality and Radahpur by encroaching upon the minute book during Sunday’s
Dang 20.0 3.5 0.0 in Bardiya last year. Local people complain that Banke district. village in Khajura Rural Nepali territory near executive meeting after her
Pokhara 16.9 9.2 0.0 “The constant emission of the authorities concerned According to local residents, Municipality have urged the Narainapura that caused a demand to have an official car
Bhairahawa 16.0 5.5 0.0 radio signals from the device paid no heed to their repeated the trench is being dug government to take up the mass displacement of fami- was not entertained.
will enable us to track the requests for stopping the for the purpose of con- issue with the Indian gov- lies living in Matehiya, Meena Kumari Yadav,
Simara 19.5 3.5 0.0 animal’s movement. It helps recurring menace of wild ani- trolling contraband traffick- ernment at the earliest. Sonbarsha and Gangapur the deputy mayor of
Okhaldhunga 14.8 2.9 0.0 to chase away the tusker mals. They have been demand- ing and illegal logging. “The soil dug out for the villages of Rapti Sonari Ganeshman Char nath
Taplejung 14.5 0.5 0.0 immediately after it strays out ing that an electric fence be Authorities on Nepal’s side trench have been deposited Municipality. Municipality, was apparently
Dhankuta 18.0 5.8 0.0 of the park forest,” said acting installed to prevent the wild were not notified about this near the border. If they are The Indian authorities not having any of it
Chief Conservation Officer elephants from entering the undertaking. not removed immediately, have also built a 22.5 km when mayor Ram Babu Yadav
Biratnagar 22.2 6.3 0.0
Ashok Kumar Bhandari. settlements. Chief District Officer our homes could get inun- embankment by allegedly tried to reason with her by
Jomsom 13.5 -2.2 0.0* The BNP team darted the As per the data available at Ramesh KC said they were dated during monsoon,” said breaching the international saying that they did not have n Meena Kumari Yadav
Dharan 22.0 10.9 0.0* elephant as it entered Dakela the BNP, 36 people were killed unaware about the Indian Tofiq Ahmed Sain, a Saigaun boundary near Holiya area sufficient budget to provide
Source: Meteorological forecasting Division, Department of village in the buffer zone of by wild elephants in Bardiya authorities digging the resident. in Banke. her a car. behaviour has become a cause
Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu
the BNP. Rangers from the district in the past 18 years. Dik Bahadur Karki, the for concern for the municipal
administrative officer of the officials just when they are
municipality, said the deputy preparing to hold the munici-
mayor was upset because her pal council meeting.
demand was not incorporated “The budget we have
in the meeting that had been right now can barely
convened to plan the munici- fulfil our daily operational
pal council meeting scheduled needs. We cannot blow our
for next week. budget on a car,” said mayor
“She tore the minute book Ram Babu.
when I tried to take her signa- Deputy mayor Meena
ture and stormed out of the Kumari admitted to tearing
room,” said Karki. the minute book because she
Mayor Ram Babu said his did not like the attitude of the
deputy was given a scooter mayor and the municipal
two months ago when she administrative officer.
made a request for transporta- “They have been taking
tion facility for official works. unilateral decisions and do
Meena Kumari’s shocking not listen to me,” she said.

kathmandu post

PG 05 | Tuesday,January30,2018

‘Putin ordered doping programme’ Plastics raise risk of coral reef disease ‘Iran wants Lebanon to be missile site’
Russian whistleblower Grigory Rodchenkov, the source of When coral reefs come in contact with plastic trash Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused
revelations about Moscow’s state-sponsored doping, in the ocean, their risk of becoming diseased skyrockets, Iran of wanting “to turn Lebanon into one giant missile
claims in a German TV report on Monday that President said an international study. Researchers examined site” and warned of the consequences as he left
Vladimir Putin ordered the conspiracy. “Of course it more than 120,000 corals on 159 reefs—some polluted Monday for talks in Moscow. Netanyahu has held a
came all the way from the top, from the president,” with plastic, others not—from Indonesia, Australia, series of discussions with President Vladimir Putin
Rodchenkov told German public broadcaster ARD in a Myanmar and Thailand for the study in the journal in recent months on Iran’s influence in war-torn
phone interview, says a report on the station’s website. Science. Syria and in Lebanon.

news digest
90,000 flee
out on a chilly morning ride
Syria peace talks
begin in Russia
LEGAZPI (Philippines):
The number of Filipinos
fleeing from the erupting
Mayon volcano to safe
zones has swelled to
nearly 90,000, officials
said on Monday, worsen- Opposition boycott tempers dialogue expectations
ing a sanitation crisis in
Agence France-Presse
the already stretched
SOCHI (Russia), Jan 29
relief camps. President
Rodrigo Duterte flew to
Delegates on Monday arrived
the central city of
for the first Syria peace con-
Legazpi on Monday to
gress in Russia, but expecta-
assess the disaster zone,
tions for the dialogue were
some two weeks after the
tempered after the war-torn
country’s most active
country’s main opposition
volcano began belching
group said it would boycott
spectacular but poten-
the event.
tially lethal ash columns,
Regime-backer Moscow has
lava and rocks.
invited 1,600 people to the
Authorities have thrown
talks in the Black Sea resort
a nine kilometre (5.6
of Sochi as part of a broader
mile) no-go zone around
push to consolidate its influ-
the mountain with the
ence in the region and start
vast majority of those
hammering out a path to a n Syrian men unloading sacks of potatoes left on an abandoned truck
living in its shadow now
political solution to end the following airstrikes by government forces in the town of Saraqeb in
safely outside that radi-
bloody conflict. Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib. AFP/RSS
us. But sanitary condi-
Only a fraction of the
tions in the safe-zones
invitees are set to participate its Russian backers of contin- out a settlement that strength-
are far from ideal. Al
n A horse-drawn carriage is pictured on a street in Dragomiresti, Dambovita county, Romania.  REUTERS in the event, however, accord- uing to rely on military ens its ally Assad.
Francis Bichara, the gov-
ing to a list of participants might—and showing no will- But a spokesman for UN
ernor of Albay province,
seen by AFP which has about ingness to enter into honest Secretary-General Antonio
said authorities expect
350 people on it. negotiations—as the war in Guterres said at the weekend

UN: 100k in grave danger

the evacuees will need to
stay at the camps for at
least a month. 11 Afghan The aim of the Tuesday
congress is to bring Syria clos-
er to creating a post-war con-
which more than 340,000 peo-
ple have already died
approaches its seventh year.
he would send his Syria peace
negotiator to Sochi after
receiving assurances the con-
‘Kim Jong-nam
soldiers stitution, after two days of More than three dozen ference would not seek to side-
met American
from monsoon rains
separate UN-backed talks in other Syrian rebel groups, line the organisation’s own

days before his

killed in Kabul Vienna last week closed with-
out any sign the warring sides
had met face-to-face to discuss
including influential
Islamists, previously said
they would not come to Sochi.
Staffan de Mistura arrived
in Sochi Monday, Russian
SHAH ALAM (Malaysia):
GENEVA, Jan 29
rohingya refugees Reuters
kabul, Jan 29
the groundwork for the docu-
And authorities from
Syria’s Kurdish autonomous
agencies reported.
Russia has long sought UN
The half-brother of The Kremlin has down- region said Sunday they participation in the Sochi con-
North Korean leader More than 100,000 Rohingya Militants on Monday raided a played expectations of the would not participate because gress to lend credibility to its
Kim Jong-un met an uni- refugees huddled in squalid, military academy in Kabul, event, with presidential of an ongoing offensive on the diplomatic efforts, and is
dentified American on a muddy camps in Bangladesh the Afghan capital, killing 11 spokesman Dmitry Peskov Kurdish enclave of Afrin by reportedly hoping to establish
tourist island in will be in grave danger from soldiers, the fourth major telling journalists Monday Turkey, which supports a committee to create a consti-
Malaysia four days landslides when the mid-year attack in a spate of violence that “breakthroughs in the Syrian rebels and is co-spon- tution with UN-backing.
before he was assassinat-
ed in a Cold War-style
monsoon season begins, a UN
humanitarian report said.
over the past nine days that is
putting a new, more aggres-
task of political regulation in
Syria are hardly possible.”
soring the congress along
with regime-backer Iran.
hit, a court heard There are now more than sive U.S. strategy under the He added however that - Suspicion from the West - unlikely: France’s FM
Monday. Kim Jong-nam 900,000 Rohingyas in the Cox’s spotlight. under-representation will not Moscow, which has spear- TOKYO: France’s foreign min-
met the man at a hotel in Bazar area of Bangladesh, Five gunmen attacked an “disrupt this congress or headed rounds of talks from ister said on Monday he was
Langkawi on February 9, after 688,000 fled violence in army outpost near one of undermine its importance,” the start of last year in sceptical of any breakthrough
a witness told the trial of Myanmar that flared up in Afghanistan’s main military calling the Sochi talks a Kazakhstan’s Astana, initially at upcoming talks hosted by
two women accused of late August. Aid workers say academies on Monday and 11 “very important” step toward hoped to convene the congress Russia and aimed at ending
the killing that stunned the camps sheltering the new break currently escalating in report said there had been an soldiers were killed and 15 peace. in Sochi last November but Syria’s bitter civil war.
the world. Indonesian arrivals are completely inade- most of the sites.” increase in cases in the past wounded before the attackers The Syrian Negotiation those efforts collapsed follow- Moscow, which has helped
Siti Aisyah and quate. Although a rapid vaccina- few weeks, and Rohingya refu- were subdued, the defence Commission (SNC), the coun- ing a lack of agreement turn the war in favour of its
Vietnamese Doan Thi “Landslide and flood risk tion programme appears to gees and host communities ministry said. try’s main opposition group, among co-sponsors. ally Bashar al-Assad, has
Huong allegedly rubbed hazard mapping reveal that at have staved off the risk of had never been vaccinated Islamic State claimed said following the talks in Western powers have invited 1,600 people to the
VX nerve agent on Kim’s least 100,000 people are in cholera, 4,865 have confirmed, against the highly contagious responsibility for the attack Vienna on Thursday and viewed the Russian peace ini- Black Sea resort of Sochi to
face at Kuala Lumpur grave danger from these risks probable or suspected diph- disease, which is rarely fatal near the Marshal Fahim mili- Friday that it would not attend tiative with suspicion, worry- begin hammering out a new
International Airport on and require relocation to new theria, and 35 have died. but can cause complications tary academy on the city’s the Sochi congress. ing that Moscow is seeking to constitution for post-war
February 13 as he waited areas or within the neighbor- The World Health such as meningitis. western outskirts, in which The SNC accused President undermine the UN-backed Syria, with talks set to start
to board a flight to hoods that they live in,” the Organization has vaccinated Most of the Rohingya refu- four of the gunmen were Bashar al-Assad’s regime and talks with a view to carving Tuesday.
Macau. Kim died in UN report said. “The lack of over 500,000 Rohingyas gees - almost 585,000 - are in an killed and one captured.
agony shortly afterwards space remains the main chal- against diphtheria and on overcrowded area called It came two days after an
and the women were
arrested days later. The
pair, who face death by
lenge for the sector as sites are
highly congested leading to
extremely hard living condi-
Saturday health workers
began giving 350,000 children
a second dose. The WHO also
“A high percentage of the
land is unsuitable for human
ambulance bomb in the
city centre killed more than
100 people and just over a
Indian man killed Maldives oppn
hanging if convicted, tions with no space for service has 2,500 doses of anti-toxin, settlement as risks of flooding week after another attack on
seeks court
after being sucked
have pleaded not guilty provisions and facilities. In which is in short supply glob- and landslides are high and the Hotel Intercontinental,

help to oust
and said they were addition, congestion brings ally, to treat the deadly effects are further aggravated by the also in Kabul, killed more
tricked into believing increased protections risks of the disease. congestion and extensive ter- than 20.

into MRI machine

they were part of a

and favors disease outbreak But a new health concern racing of the hills,” the UN Both of those attacks were
prank reality TV show, such as the diphtheria out- has arisen - mumps. The UN report said. claimed by the Taliban.
with their lawyers blam-
ing North Korean agents.

German SPD leader dampens

South Korea also has Agence France-Presse death, adding CCTV footage Agence France-Presse
accused North Korea of MUMBAI, Jan 29 of the incident had been COLOMBO, Jan 29
ordering the murder, an handed over to police.
allegation it denies. An Indian man died after The victim’s uncle said Opposition leaders in the
Seine peaks as

hopes for quick coalition deal

being sucked into an MRI Maru had been asked to Maldives including two for-
machine while visiting a carry the cylinder by the mer heads of state have asked
waterlogged relative at a hospital in junior staff member who the Supreme Court to remove
Paris eyes Mumbai, police said on assured him the machine the president and investigate
clean-up Reuters Dreyer told
Rajesh Maru, 32, was
was switched off.
“The ward boy who was
corruption allegations against
PARIS: The swollen Seine BERLIN, Jan 29 Deutschlandfunk radio there yanked towards the supposed to prevent such The opposition Maldivian
peaked on Monday at was a will among the negotia- machine by its magnetic incidents told my family Democratic Party (MDP) said
more than four metres The leader of Germany’s tors “that we really reach an force after he entered the members to go inside when Monday that the leaders had
above its normal level, Social Democrats (SPD) agreement today”. room carrying an oxygen the machine was turned on. signed the petition asking the
leaving a lengthy mop-up played down hopes on Monday Representatives of the SPD cylinder, the We are top court to suspend President
job for Parisians after
days of rising waters
for swift progress in coalition
talks with Chancellor Angela
and conservatives told Reuters
that suggestions to include a
city’s police
said in a
The incident occurred shocked and
Abdulla Yameen. It was filed
on Sunday after attempts to
that have put the soggy Merkel’s conservatives, an pledge in the coalition deal to statement. on Saturday night at J i t e n d r a topple Yameen through a vote
city on alert. The river SPD source said, amid contin- introduce a levy on petrol, gas “We have in parliament failed when the
rose to 5.85 metres (19.2 ued disagreement over sever- and heating oil had met with arrested a
Nair Hospital in Mumbai Maru AFP.
president deployed the mili-
feet) early Monday, caus- al issues including refugees. strong resistance during talks doctor and The state tary, before unleashing a fresh
ing continued headaches Four months after both on Sunday. another junior staff mem- government of Maharashtra, crackdown against dissidents.
for commuters as well as Merkel’s party and the SPD The idea had been to use ber under section 304 of the of which Mumbai is the cap- Almost all key opposition
people living near its performed worse than expect- the extra revenues to reduce Indian penal code for caus- ital, announced compensa- leaders and a number of rul-
overflowing banks. The ed in a federal election, they the cost of electricity or pro- ing death due to negli- tion of 500,000 rupees ($7,870) ing party dissidents have
Vigicrues flooding agen- are trying to iron out policy n Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) leader Martin Schulz mote environmentally-friend- gence,” Mumbai police for the victim’s family. MRI, either been jailed or gone into
cy said the river would differences and form a ‘grand ly fuels but the Christian spokesman Deepak Deoraj or magnetic resonance imag- exile in the Maldives, denting
stay at its current level coalition’ like the one that led stay in Germany, health insur- behind in places like Syria Social Union (CSU) - the told AFP. ing, machines use a powerful the atoll nation’s popular
throughout the day Germany from 2013 to 2017. ance and employment policy. and Iraq. Bavarian sister party of The incident occurred on magnetic field to produce image as an upmarket holiday
before beginning to Merkel, who failed to form a Schulz said it was unclear But the conservatives are Merkel’s conservatives - was Saturday night at the images of the body’s organs. paradise. “The joint opposi-
recede Tuesday. “It’s government in talks with two what kind of compromises or keen to present a tougher line especially concerned that Indian financial capital’s Metallic objects are pulled tion petitioned the Supreme
been a gradual rise, so smaller parties late last year, agreements could be made in on immigration to avoid los- higher prices for heating oil Nair Hospital. towards it and must not be Court as the parliament,
you can’t really call it a needs the talks with the SPD those areas, the source said. ing more votes to the far-right could harm their chances in Police said preliminary carried into the room. In 2014 which has the power to
‘peak’—we prefer to say to succeed in order to secure a The family reunion issue is Alternative for Germany Bavaria’s regional election reports suggested that the two hospital workers sus- remove a president from
it has plateaued,” said fourth term as chancellor. particularly sensitive after (AfD), which surged into par- this year, the sources said. man had died from inhaling tained injuries when they office, has ceased to function
Rachel Puechberty, a In meetings with his party the previous Merkel-led liament for the first time after They said negotiations in liquid oxygen that leaked were pinned between an since President Yameen
spokeswoman for the leadership on Monday, SPD ‘grand coalition’ agreed in last September’s election. the working group that focus- from the cylinder. MRI machine and a metal ordered the military to storm
agency. Light rain is fore- leader Martin Schulz 2015 to take in more than one Although the talks on fami- es on the environment and It is thought the cylinder oxygen tank for four hours the legislature (early last
cast for Monday expressed scepticism about million migrants and refu- ly reunions broke off over- energy had otherwise been was damaged after hitting at a hospital in New Delhi. year),” the MDP said.
but it is not expected to the first round of coalition gees, many fleeing conflicts in night without agreement, SPD constructive. The group the machine. In 2001, a six-year-old boy The signatories include the
push the Seine higher, talks with the conservatives the Middle East. deputy leader Malu Dreyer backed an extra paragraph on Ramesh Bharmal, the undergoing an MRI scan in country’s first democratically
though water levels are and highlighted the main con- The SPD favours a more had earlier sounded a more energy efficiency to be added dean of the hospital, told New York was killed when a elected leader Mohamed
likely to stay high for at troversial issues, the SPD lenient approach towards optimistic note than Schulz, to the coalition blueprint, AFP that an investigation metal oxygen tank flew Nasheed, who lives in exile
least a week, Puechberty source said. those refugees seeking to saying the parties were in the which would also ensure that had been launched to deter- towards the machine and since he was jailed on terror-
said.  (Agencies) Those include family reun- bring to Germany family “final stages” of clinching an building renovations were mine the exact cause of crushed his skull. ism charges in a case widely
ions for refugees allowed to members whom they left accord on this issue. tax-deductible. seen as politically motivated.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 editorial the kathmandu post 06

Since 1993
Democracy as a way of life
ED I T OR I A L Democratic schools must be established to cultivate skills for a new federal Nepal
Bleeding state coffers dry of Americans received high school degrees.
Methods were mostly rote, even authoritar-
It is high time political parties stop competing ian. The curriculum stressed the high-
handed cultural “Americanisation” of
with each other to introduce populist policies immigrants. In Chicago, where Dewey

lived, corruption and patronage crippled
ast week, Cabinet revised the eligibility criteri- the schools.
on for elderly allowance. With this, anyone who TOM ROBERTSON “When you think of the thousands and

is 65 has become eligible for a monthly allow- thousands of young ones who are practically
ance of Rs2,000. Earlier, this age bar was fixed n these days of elections and change in the Chicago schools every year,”
at 70, except for dalits and residents of the erst- Nepal, I wish we’d hear a lot more about Dewey wrote, “it is enough to make you go
while Karnali Zone who are eligible for the grant schools. Few institutions have as much out and howl on the street corners.”
after they turn 60. power to foster real, long-lasting democ- With this, I could see my Nepali friend
The decision made by the outgoing prime min- racy in Nepal’s many towns and villag- getting excited. He saw the connections.
ister and ministers, whose countdown for depar- es—or, sadly, to block it. For years, Nepali schools have been unac-
ture from the government has started, has lifted Federalism brings a real chance for countable, un-transparent job-banks for
remaking schools as engines of inclusive the political parties, outside of community
the spirit of those in the age group of 65 to 69. But
growth and broad-based democracy, but it influence. Teaching has stressed memori-
it has also added a financial burden of around won’t be easy. Similar turning points in the sation, not critical thinking—docility, not
Rs15 billion per year on the state, as there are past have been squandered. independence. Cheating had taught cor-
over 636,000 people aged 65 to 69 according to the Recently I was talking with a friend, a ruption. Americanisation reminded of the
estimates of the Central Bureau of Statistics. newly elected ward chairman in a rural dis- Panchayat era one-size-fits-all cultural
The government should no doubt ensure the trict. Because he’s someone with a long his- engineering. Of course many Nepali teach-
wellbeing of elderly citizens, who had made sig- tory of thoughtful democratic advocacy, I ers, administrators, and government offi-
nificant contributions to the state when they was curious to hear his thoughts. What he America’s most significant twentieth-cen- should guide not just elections and policy- cials strive tirelessly for their students.
were young and active. However, what is also true wanted to discuss, it turned out, was schools. tury political thinker and greatest educa- making but the workplace, the town But too often, Nepali schools reinforce
is that many people aged 65 to 69 are capable of He asked my advice because in the 1990s, tional innovator. Dewey linked democracy square, and family life. “To say democracy hierarchy, not democracy.
working these days and making contributions to at another moment of democratic restruc- and schools in a way I knew my friend is only a form of government,” Dewey Dewey’s vision was different. Schools
the economy. But the government appears to be turing in Nepal, I had worked as a teacher would find important. wrote, “is to say home is a more or less didn’t have to reproduce hierarchy. They
encouraging them to drop out of the labour market, trainer in Nepali schools. And, as a histori- I also knew he’d be intrigued by Dewey’s geometrical arrangement of bricks and could serve diverse populations and foster
an of Nepal and the US, I could discuss the influence on BR Ambedkar, India’s great mortar; that the church is a building with a real culture of democracy. How? By
which does not make much sense.
political evolution of both countries. Dalit activist and father of its constitution, pews, pulpit, and spire. It is true; they cer- replacing recitation with reflection, memo-
Advancements in medical science and availa-
who had studied under Dewey at Columbia tainly are so much. But it is false; they are rization with meaning, competition with
bility of better diet have played a crucial role in A different culture University. The Dewey-Ambedkar connec- so infinitely more.” Real democracy collaboration, and passiveness with partic-
keeping people healthy and extending longevity One thought that immediately came to tion is one of two big links between the US demanded not just voting, but a collection ipation. By stressing creative, cooperative
throughout the world. Nepal is not an exception mind was New England. Because the reli- and India’s “founding generation.” (The of habits and attitudes pervading everyday inquiry and scientific investigation.
in this case, as it has seen average life expectancy gious dissidents who settled this part of other is Henry David Thoreau’s influence life. Not just democratic machinery, but a Schools should not be inert museums of
jump from 54 years in 1991 to 70 years today. This north America four hundred years ago on Mahatma Gandhi.) democratic culture. “ready-made knowledge” but active “labo-
change in life span of average Nepalis has trig- believed strongly that each individual Dewey lived and worked in the late nine- Representation by elites—the old sys- ratories of knowledge-making.” Truth was
gered discussions on increasing the official retire- should have an unmediated connection to teenth and early twentieth century, a tem—was not enough. Direct participation not the inherited property of the few but
ment age from 58 to 60 or above. God, rather than depend upon church offi- moment in American political history not was needed. More people from more walks the continually re-invented toolkit of the
So, the decision to reduce the age bar for elder- cials, they taught their children—boys and completely unlike where Nepal now finds of life had to take part in decision-making, many. If schools promoted agile thinking,
ly allowance is ill-thought-out, as healthier elder- girls, rich and poor—to read the Bible. A itself. At its break with Britain a century to have a say. This reasoning fuelled the not textbook parroting, they could give
ly people who can earn a living on their own are century and a half later, in the years lead- earlier, the US was not a true democracy long American march for workers’ rights, citizens the “power of self-direction” and
likely to be subject to government grants. The ing up to the American Revolution, this but rather a republic run by traditional immigrant rights, women’s rights, and the “ability to assume positions of respon-
widespread literacy became fertile soil for elites. Despite their other virtues, the African American rights. This thinking sibility.”
country probably would achieve better returns if
the spread of anti-monarchial republican founding generation had hesitated to grant inspired Ambedkar. Today, American schools and its democ-
the money is used to provide scholarships to
sentiment. Meanwhile, in the US South, ordinary people real power. Only white But for ordinary people to have a say—to racy are very far from perfect. But Dewey’s
needy students or improve conditions of health there was no such tradition of literacy, and males with property could vote. The self-govern, the core concept of democra- ideals still pull in the right direction:
centres across the country. education standards there lagged behind Electoral College and the US Senate were cy—they required the skills to do so. And toward critical thinking, pluralism, and
Governments in Nepal have made populist for many years, with dire consequences. representative but not broadly democratic. that’s why schools mattered so much. democracy “as a way of life.”
decisions that appeal to a cohort but bleed state Literacy had a different history in Nepal. Hence, in the 1860s, the need for Lincoln’s Nepal has a historically large generation
coffers dry many a time. Earlier, the Communist Here, in order to keep political control, the famous call for expanded democracy—gov- Knowledge-making of young people. Most study in government
Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist (CPN- Ranas had prevented schools. Religious ernment “of the people, for the people, by Schools, Dewey know, could prop up hier- schools. Will they acquire the skills needed
UML) used to be at the forefront of introducing writings were the province of the few, not the people.” Dewey came of age a couple archy, or remake society anew. They could to make Nepal a democracy not just on
such populist policies. It is unfortunate that such the right of the many. In 1951, few Nepalis decades later, years when vast wealth ine- reproduce the status quo, or re-form social election day, but every day?
a populist decision has now been made by the could read or write except for a priest or quality and immigration made elites newly relations. For the most part, nine-
government led by the Nepali Congress (NC), a shopkeeper here and there. fearful of “the masses.” teenth-century American schools strength- Robertson, PhD, is an historian and
political party which has long opposed CPN- In thinking about my friend’s query, Dewey’s big insight: democracy required ened elite power, privileging certain races, the executive director of Fulbright-Nepal;
UML’s tactic of pleasing the electorate by making besides New England’s Bible readers, my far more than elections, it had to be a “way ethnic groups, economic classes, and gen- his views are his own and don’t reflect
thoughts also turned to John Dewey, of life.” Democratic norms of self-rule ders above others. Fewer than 10 percent Fulbright programme policy
inefficient use of taxpayers’ money.
It is high time political parties stop competing

Don’t call us names

with each other to introduce populist policies
that create undue pressure on taxpayers. This
will not benefit a country whose government cur-
rently cannot generate adequate resources to cover
recurrent expenditure because of a rampant hike
in disbursement of grants.
The Nepali people deserve answers from the government and respect from others
Embassy did not answer questions about supported it. Instead of announcing a

w orld v ie w this subject. Nevertheless, there are

three possible reasons that could have pro-
voked the notion that Trump meant to dis-
swift aid cut, his frustration could have
been reflected in vulgar words.

Teach the rules

comfit us too. Hard silence
Since 1951, Nepal has received more than
Nepal fits the mould $1 billion in aid from the US. The US has
LEKHANATH PANDEY The first and obvious reason is Nepal’s given Nepal another $500 million through
Build relations between tourists and locals @PandeyLekhanath inclusion in the TPS list following lobby- the Millenium Challenge Corporation

ing by the Nepali community and embas- grant for the next five years to finance

t is necessary to exercise wisdom regarding he world was enraged after United sy after the 2015 earthquakes. The US infrastructure building and socio-econom-
how to form good relations with visitors to States president Donald Trump insult- Homeland Security Department desig- ic development. Despite all that aid, Nepal
Japan from countries whose customs and ed some impoverished nations by call- nates countries in the TPS list where safe refused to heed the US leader’s warning.
cultures differ from our own. The number of ing them ‘shithole’ countries whose return of their citizens is not possible due This was widely interpreted as ‘self-stand-
foreign tourists to Japan stood at 28.69 million citizens were living in the US with to ongoing armed conflict, natural calami- ing’ at global forums. Where has such a
last year, up 19 percent from a year earlier. The Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The ties or other extraordinary circumstances. stand gone now when the country has
government has said it is aiming to raise the US media and the intelligentsia criticised El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, Nepal, been humiliated? The whole of Nepali
figure to 40 million by 2020, when the Tokyo his statement as being ‘anti-American’ Syria, Nicaragua, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia society—the government, political parties,
Olympics will be held. The amount of money while South Africa and Botswana and South Sudan are in the TPS list. As between October 2016 and September 2017, intelligentsia, media and civil society—
spent by foreign tourists for such purposes as denounced his comments as being racist. many as 8,950 Nepalis are residing in the the second highest number in the world. has kept mum on this issue as if nothing
shopping and accommodations last year The Economist wrote a report questioning US with a TPS visa, making them the Furthermore, over 90,000 Nepali-speaking has happened. There are two factors that
reached ¥4.4 trillion. Its scale compares whether the US president was mentally fourth highest population among the 10 Bhutanese refugees have been resettled in have discouraged all of them from speak-
favorably with the value of car exports to the sound or in the early stage of dementia. TPS countries, according to the US the US who may be mistaken for Nepalis. ing up. One, we depend on aid so we hesi-
United States. The growth in the number of Trump has refuted all allegations against Embassy in Kathmandu. As journalist Becky Little has written, tate to speak our mind. Two, the Nepali
foreign visitors to Japan is underpinning con- him and the White House has stated that Of course, the last two decades were a the DV programme was not intended to mission helped to get TPS visas for some
sumption at a time when society is undergo- the US leader is in the best of health. As bad time for Nepal because of an armed promote cultural and racial diversity in self-oriented Nepalis who wanted to
ing a population decrease, and is also contrib- an aid-dependent country, Nepal seems to conflict which was followed by a tumultu- the US when Congress introduced it in extend their US stay by saying that it was
uting to regional revitalization. But it is wor- be clueless about how to respond to such ous transition, two earthquakes and an 1986. It was primarily designed to attract not safe to return to Nepal.
rying that the increase in foreign tourists is humiliation. President Trump is not a big Indian economic blockade. Despite all whites, Irish and Europeans to the US. The prevailing silence and absolute
beginning to pose a problem for the lives of fan of immigration. Since the very outset these adverse situations, Nepal was never Later, it was opened to non-white Asians, indifference towards the disrespect will
residents in some sightseeing areas. of his election campaign, he was quite inhospitable towards its own citizens. Africans and Latinos too. With the immi- not help anyone except spread negative
The central government should vocal against the liberal immigration poli- Relative peace was restored in 2006 when grant population increasing and starting sentiments and rumours. The Foreign
consider measures to reduce the burden on cies of his predecessors, especially those the Maoists formally shunned violence to change US demographics and election Ministry could at least express its reserva-
local communities in cooperation with their of Barack Obama. He campaigned for and joined mainstream politics. Though outcomes, many conservative white tion, seek clarification from the US
local governments. The housing and accom- erecting a wall all along the US-Mexico the quakes took the lives of more than Americans are anxious about their Embassy and inquire of its own mission
modation business law will go into effect in border, and sending millions of undocu- 9,000 people and shattered hundreds of supremacy. in the US and have a clear understanding
June, lifting a ban on minpaku, or using unoc- mented immigrants back home, mainly thousands of homes and public infrastruc- The third reason that could have incited of the matter. Regrettably, the Nepali mis-
cupied rooms at condominiums and other pri- those who came from Islamic countries. ture, the circumstances were never hostile Trump’s remark may be Nepal’s recent sion has reportedly been lobbying hard to
vate residences to temporarily accommodate The US was the second country, after to anyone in Nepal. vote in favour of a UN resolution rejecting further extend the TPS term for Nepalis,
lodgers for a fee. Many local governments are the United Kingdom, to establish diplo- The second reason is the swelling his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s despite the Trump’s remarks. This doesn’t
receiving complaints from local residents, matic ties with Nepal. The two countries Nepali community in the US. Hundreds of capital. Before the UN vote on December promote the country’s image, but only helps
who say they are concerned about unknown were coming to the end of a year-long cele- Nepalis enter the US in pursuit of quality 22, Trump had publicly warned about tak- to tarnish it. We deserve answers from the
foreign visitors going in and out of condomin- bration commemorating the 70th year of education, better standard of living and ing strong measures, including withhold- government and respect from others.
iums, for example. Minpaku business opera- diplomatic relations a week before Trump’s job opportunities. Their numbers were ing US aid, against countries supporting
tors must explain to customers about such ‘shithole’ remarks. Foreign Ministry offi- further increased by the Diversity Visa the resolution. All TPS countries except Pandey is an assistant professor at
matters as troublesome behavior they should cials claimed that Nepal was not a prime lottery programme. The US Embassy Honduras voted for the UN resolution. Tribhuvan University and writes on
avoid and sanitation. target of Trump’s invective, and the US issued 3,451 diversity visas to Nepalis Nepal was among the 128 countries that geopolitics and international relations

Voice Of The People

Kantipur Publications Pvt. Ltd., Central Business Park, Thapathali, P. B. No. 8559, Kathmandu; Nepal
the dominant power geometry,
hope of an egalitarian society—a
prerequisite for development
write to us

Phone: 5135000, Fax: 977-1-5135057, e-mail: and equitable growth—remains

beyond reach. We can act in concert We value your
UNNECESSARY FUSS Nepal’s case (‘Padmaavat and
Prithvi Narayan Shah’, January
to overcome challenges effectively
only if it is realised that we all face
words. Send us
The reintroduction of the ‘National 26, Page 6). A constitution has the same problems. Otherwise it articles, opinions
Unification Day’ shows that Nepal been implemented which, in theory, will continue to be a fight of one
is still far from overcoming the represents a major stride towards identity versus the other with
and letters for the
deeply hierarchical structure of its something that can be referred to as possibly dire consequences. op-ed pages
society. ‘History is written by the a nation being constituted of multi- Letting people have a stake and (pages 6 and 7) to
victors’ is a quote commonly ple identities. Yet, instances such as in diversity’ from budding. ty groups having a say, or even a have their voices heard may work
known. Although this quote is being the restoration of the ‘National Strengthening one identity over oth- stake in important matters. wonders, especially when it comes
questioned, one can assume that Unification Day’ come across as ers indicates a lack of trust. It dis- However, there is a risk that if some to writing history.
there is some truth to it, at least in attempts to nip the feeling of ‘unity plays a fear, in fact, of other minori- groups continue to be excluded from Pavitra Rai, via e-mail

07 the kathmandu post op-ed Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jaipur musings
The India-Nepal relationship should be reinvigorated by focusing on people-to-people connections
nightmare getting taxis. You had to
take metered taxis, and the only
alternatives were to take three wheel-
ers or dish out a lot of cash to hire cars
by the day. But now, ride hailing sites
like Uber and Ola have changed
SUJEEV SHAKYA everything. Now, there are no prob-

lems in getting rides late after dinner,
he city of Jaipur was built in 1727, and customers feel a sense of security
about 50 years before Prithvi because they no longer feel as though
Narayan Shah carved out the they are being fleeced.
Nepali nation state. Jaipur has This could be a big lesson for Nepal,
been one of the key tourist desti- as apart from urban centres such as
nations in India and forms a gold- Pokhara and Kathmandu, we do not
en triangle with Agra and Delhi. have a good system of taxis. The
With a population of 3 million people, absence of taxis has forced people in
it also receives 1.5 million out of the 8 many cities to buy vehicles even if
million foreign tourists that visit India they do not use them regularly. If
every year and is bursting at the urban centres are to have better trans-
seams. The Rajasthan government portation systems, and if congestion is
tourism website claims that to be reduced, services such as
33 million domestic tourists visit the Uber, Ola, and the newly established
state each year. Well preserved forts, Nepali service, Tootle, could be the
good accommodation and the local cui- answer. I met many people in Jaipur
sine provided with royal service who told me that they stopped buying
makes this city attractive. I visited cars once Ola and Uber started offer-
this city for the first time 20 years ago, ing their services.
and since then, like many other Indian
cities, the construction of structures Jaipur Literary Festival use of scanners. Proper evacuations cal discourse shifting back to Asia, the ing session on the issues of neigh- from the open border.
with contemporary South Asian char- In 2006, Namita Gokhale and William plans were also in place in case of Himalayan arc is gaining importance bours that I have participated in over Further, the relationship between
acter has increased. This means that Dalrymple decided to start a festival at emergency. The Jaipur Literary in discussions as it separates as well the past ten years. There was no dis- the youth of the two countries seems
less importance is given to aesthetics, the Diggi Palace in Jaipur with 30 Festival is now the largest literary as connects many nations in the cussion on how Nepal has sold out to non-existent, as the number of Nepalis
and there is now less open space and writers attending. This festival has festival in the world. region. Like in the 50s and 60s, the India or how Nepal is a safe haven for travelling to India for their education
more built up areas. The difference now become the Woodstock of litera- strategic importance of the Himalayas Pakistani terrorists. Also, post demon- is decreasing, and fewer young Indians
between Jaipur and Delhi is that ture and readings. This year, the Himalayan arc at Jaipur is being rediscovered, along with sto- etisation, the issues of Nepal being are visiting neighbouring countries. If
Jaipur is cleaner, less congested, and organisers shared that there were The best part of being at the Jaipur ries about its art, culture and people. used for printing fake currency you do not visit, you do not have a
the air is still clean; there are many close to 400,000 footfalls in the five days Literary Festival is that you not only More writings, discussions and dis- notes is gone. The discussions focused sense of connection. It is extremely
young trees and the roads look as over which the festival was held, with get to hear speeches on an array of course will emerge on the multiple on people-to-people relationships. important to have cultural and visitor
though they have been built better and over 100,000 unique visitors. With con- topics, you also get to interact with initiatives that are being undertaken. What is not really understood is exchanges. Tourists should be have
are managed well. But South Asian troversy over the release of the film great minds. I was involved in two ses- that the borders should be the fun and enjoy lovely sites, not discuss
road rage, honking and the desire to Padmaavat in India, there were fears sions: the launch of the Himalayan People next door centre of discourse between neigh- politics.
break all rules make commuting a of disruption, but the festival went arc, and conversations on an antholo- Sitting in on a session about India’s bours, not capital cities. I shared the Perhaps the Jaipur Literary Festival
challenge. smoothly. With more than 600 volun- gy on the Himalayas. This anthology neighbourhood is always a challenge, information that while Nepali remit- organisers should explore how they
teers and 550 police personnel, securi- edited by Namita Gokhale has more as old lenses never show new views. tances from India is around $2 billion, can create a South Asian festival in
Lessons on commuting ty was further strengthened through than 30 contributions from Nepali However, this time, the session moder- the remittances from Nepal to India each of the countries.
In India, apart from the cities with facial recognition software, and prop- authors, many of whom have been ated by former diplomat and author stands at $3.5 billion. So we have to
metro systems, it used to be a er headcounts were ensured with the published globally. With the geo-politi- TCA Raghavan was the most refresh- understand that both sides benefit

Give Trump credit for the economy

Let’s be perfectly honest: could the economy be any rosier?
STEPHEN MOORE billion in profits back to America, If Trump had continued Obama’s

create 20,000 jobs, open a new busi- policies, one might not credit him for
f you can, put aside for a moment ness campus and pay $38 billion in today’s strong economy. But Trump
your opinion of Donald Trump’s taxes to the Treasury Department is has begun to systematically overturn
words and actions and let’s be just the kind of response we hoped Obama policies on taxes, regulations,
perfectly honest: One year into his for from lowering corporate and repa- energy, climate change, net neutrality,
presidency, could the economy be triation taxes. budget priorities and health care—as
any rosier? Fiat Chrysler has announced it is well as replacing Janet Yellen as
The economy grew at a rate of moving an auto factory to Michigan chairwoman of the Federal Reserve.
about 3 percent in the last three with 2,500 jobs. After decades of out- Trumponomics is Obamanomics
quarters, something that economists sourcing jobs from America, compa- in reverse.
said was very unlikely just a year ago. nies are creating jobs here. In recent In the first 18 months of the Reagan
The more than 40 percent increase in days, we have seen similar announce- presidency, the economy plummeted
the Dow Jones industrial average ments of worker bonuses or new hir- and the president’s liberal critics tri-
since Election Day means a nearly $7 ing from Disney, Home Depot, umphantly declared Reaganomics a
trillion jump in wealth. That has ben- JPMorgan Chase, FedEx and other failure. But by late 1982, with
efited the rich, yes, but every one of companies. A new Quinnipiac poll Reagan’s phased-in tax cuts finally

Inaccessible justice
the 55 million Americans with a finds that two-thirds of U.S. voters kicking in, the economy exploded and
401(k) plan, the 20 million with IRAs now rate the economy as good or quarterly growth rates hit 8 percent,
and the millions more with public great, the highest number since the job creation soared and Reagan won
and private pension plans have bene- question was first asked 17 years ago. re-election in a 49-state landslide.
fited, too. I would argue that investors Admittedly, these are short-term If the economy had nose-dived in
Persons with disabilities, in addition to facing barriers in enjoying are turning lower business tax rates
on profits and the administration’s
trends, based on just one year of
Trump’s term. If I’ve learned any-
2017, there’s no doubt the media
would have pounced on Trump poli-

human rights, also face hurdles accessing justice rollback of regulations into higher
stock valuations.
thing as an economic analyst, it is
that the stock market and economic
cies as disgraceful failures. But with
the economy red-hot, he gets little
The job market improved impres- winds can shift by the hour. But for credit. That’s a double standard.
intersection between disability and Article 13 of CRPD is, in short, an sively under Barack Obama’s presi- now, it’s hard to see many dark clouds Ultimately, the most important sta-
other identities. For example, women innovative provision in an innovative dency after the Great Recession, when on the horizon. They will come, of tistical indicator for Trump will be
with intellectual disabilities are treaty which, taken as a whole, has the millions of jobs vanished seemingly course, as they do for almost every wages for middle-income workers.
extremely vulnerable when it comes to potential to operate as a powerful lever overnight. But the past year’s contin- president. But few presidents can They’ve been flat in real terms for 15
accessing justice. And so are the elder- for improving access to justice for dis- ued decline in joblessness is impres- claim to have presided over the kind years, which more than anything
ly, children and people from marginal- abled people world-wide and for inspir- sive as well. In recent weeks, the num- of economy the United States is explains the populist rebellion in
ised communities. ing analogous developments in the ber of new unemployment insurance enjoying now. And surely the primal 2016. So far, wages and salaries hav-
DEV DATTA JOSHI Persons with intellectual disabili- context of other marginalised groups. claims and the unemployment rate screams from both the right and left en’t bumped up much, but we are bet- ties in particular may have problems In the Nepali context, persons with for blacks and Hispanics have been at that Trump would ruin the economy ting that the tax cut will bring

with notions such as time, quantity disabilities—especially persons with or near their lowest levels in more now seem hysterical. increased investment and a super-
ccess to justice is a fundamental and space. This may cause problems in psycho-social disabilities, intellectual than four decades. So who gets the credit for this tight job market with intense compe-
human right and has long been a court. They may also have problems disabilities, the deaf and persons with Then there is the cheerful news for surge? Most voters say Obama—and, tition for workers leading to higher
concern for persons with disabili- quantifying, i.e. determining the num- visual impairment—are incapable of the Rust Belt areas of the country: sure, he gets some because corporate pay. This is already starting to happen
ties. As long as persons with disa- ber of times something took place. If accessing justice on a level equal to Blue-collar manufacturing, construc- balance sheets were healthy when at Walmart and other companies, and
bilities face barriers to participat- an incident occurred on more than their non-disabled peers. tion and mining jobs have risen by Trump entered office. But there are in fast-growing cities like Nashville,
ing in the justice system, they will be one occasion, the victim may be asked The constitution of Nepal has creat- almost half a million in just one year. several holes in this theory. For one, Tennessee, and San Francisco.
unable to assume their full responsi- to identify and separate each occasion. ed space to ensure access to justice for All of this is punctuated by the the economy was decelerating at the If those wages go up, Trump may
bilities as members of society. For this Access to justice was first formally all and the provision has captured the daily news of more jobs, higher pay end of the Obama presidency, with not get credit from the news media or
reason, it is critical that barriers be referenced in the formative human spirit of the CRPD. Currently, Nepal is and fresh investment in America just the annual growth rate falling to an Democrats, but it’s a good bet he will
removed so that persons with disabili- rights document, the Universal in the process of state restructuring one month into the Trump tax cut. anemic 1.6 percent in 2016, and many get re-elected.
ties can enjoy equal opportunities to Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); and new laws and policies are being Apple’s plan to bring some $250 economists warned of a recession. —©2018 The New York Times
carry out their duties as witnesses, although the term “access to justice” developed, which is an opportunity to
lawyers, prosecutors, judges, arbitra- was not specifically used to label this materialise the ‘access to justice’ for
tors, and other participants in the right therein. Article 8 states that all persons with disabilities in line with
administration of justice. It is also have the right to an effective remedy, the CRPD. However, the existing laws,
important for persons with disabili- and this article further expressed the policies and judicial institutions—as
ties to have the benefit of all the other basic right of the individual to a fair well as the knowledge, skill, capacity
rights as enshrined in the Convention trial in both civil and criminal pro- and attitude of persons engaged in the
on the Rights of Persons with ceedings. justice mechanism—are unable to mit-
Disabilities (CRPD). The United Nations Convention igate the gap between theory and prac-
The capacity of persons with disa- for the Elimination of All Forms of tice in ensuring access.
bilities to enjoy other human rights Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Nepal is further committed to
can also positively or negatively recognises that without access to jus- achieve the targets of the Sustainable
impact their ability to avail of justice. tice there is no remedy for women to Development Goals (SDGs). Goal 16
Accessibility of transportation may address gender based violence. sets a target of promoting the rule of
determine whether or not a person law at the national and international
with disabilities is able to travel to a Guidelines in place levels and ensuring equal access to
police station, courthouse, or other The CRPD enumerates many general justice for all.
place where justice is administered. obligations that state parties must Thus, persons with disabilities
adhere to. For example, state parties often face numerous barriers to effec-
Obstacles on the way have to enforce these rights, they have tively participate in the justice sys-
A wide range of barriers operate to to ensure that laws and practices do tem. This is often the result of the
prevent disabled people from access- not discriminate against persons with interaction between a particular limi-
ing justice on an equal basis with oth- disabilities, and they have to make tation related to disability and an
ers, including inadequate information sure to change those laws that do so unresponsive criminal justice process
or advice, insufficient resources, inac- discriminate against persons with dis- which fails to take into account the
cessible architectural design, inacces- abilities. The CRPD also incorporates impact of disability.
sible information or communication the dynamic, intersecting, and The Convention on the Rights of
methods, and inadequate protection over-arching rights of “equality before Persons with Disabilities, which Nepal
from subsequent victimisation. the law” such as the importance of has ratified, unequivocally calls for
The exact nature of the barriers eliminating stereotypes of persons improving access to justice for per-
faced by persons with disabilities in with disabilities, accessibility, and sons with disabilities, including other
accessing justice are likely to differ equal recognition before the law”, and marginalised groups.
significantly depending on the the concept of “access to justice” for
type of impairment and on the persons with disabilities. Joshi is a disability rights lawyer
et cetera
kathmandu post

PG 08 | Tuesday,January 30, 2018

Translations from the margins Enhancing performance Mondays are funny
This year’s Nepal Reads will feature La.Lit 8: Women LEAD Nepal, in partnership with the Every Monday, up and coming standup
Translations from the Margins. The first event in Academy of Executive Coaching, is organising a comedians are welcome to test out their routine
the series will be held at Quixote’s Cove (QC) six-month programme in Executive Coaching. with an audience in Mondays are Funny: Standup
premises on Tuesday, 3 pm onwards. Throughout The part-time Practitioner Diploma will run from comedy open mic. Each performer gets 3-5 mins
2018, Nepal Reads will host conversations and March to August 2018 in the Capital. The on stage. The programme goes from 5:30 to 8pm.
discussions on the literatures, narratives, and application deadline is January 31, 2018. To apply The event is free of cost and takes place at
voices of Nepal. contact or 9818553355. Bikalpa Art Center, Pulchowk.

Catch them, if you

Anuj Bhandary
Five head turners at the CAN Infotech 2018
event features 222 stalls altogether and distributors of mobile phones under one roof, making it

exhibiting various ICT products and accessories, power solution a perfect space for buying,
he 24th iteration of CAN and services. companies, telecom firms, ISPs, selling, product promotion and
Infotech, an annual mega event The CAN Infotech this year, like ICT colleges and training knowledge sharing.
of Nepal’s Information and previous years, showcases differ- institutes, software solution pro- While there are several exciting
Communication Technology ent companies featuring their prod- viders, innovative ICT startups, products and startups on show
sector (ICT), commenced ucts, both old and new. Here you among the others. As always, at the CAN Infotech this year,
from the January 25 and will be will find various computer hard- CAN Infotech 2018 brings here are my top five picks from
No-go age gap are secondary problems drawing to a close today. The mega ware and sales companies, dealers together all the ICT stakeholders the event:
here. You are the teacher, she’s your
Dear Aunt,
I am a 31-year-old teacher. I have
student. And ethical boundaries
should be your primary concern.
My Lockey
been teaching for a couple of years Even if it were to work, you are talk- Huawei Mate The hassle of remembering multiple
now, and never have I found myself ing about a teenager who still has to passwords is tiresome. Usually, the
in such a confusing situation. I have figure out who she is and what she 10 Pro longer the password, the better and
recently developed feelings for an wants out of life. You on the other more secure your data is. While
18-year-old student. I feel that my feel- hand are an adult with responsibili- The Huawei Mate 10 Pro was the first smartphones operate under various
ings for her are genuine, and maybe ties, so you might as well behave like device I laid my hands on in the CAN unlock technologies, PC’s don’t have

even that the attraction is mutual. But one. All you need to do about the sit- Infotech 2018. The smartphone is Huawei’s such functionalities till date. As a
there are too many challenges that are uation is absolutely nothing. Don’t much-awaited flagship smartphone in solution, there is this device called
keeping me from telling her about my make any move. Don’t dream of a Nepal and was launched at the event itself. My Lockey. My Lockey is a
feelings. Firstly, I am afraid of the future together. Don’t pour your The major attractions of this device are its Fingerprint Recognition and encryp-
rejection. Secondly, the stakes are heart out to the girl. It is going to be camera’s Artificial Intelligence, the tion Dongle for PCs. The new PQI My
high, if the word gets out, I could lose a disaster. You are definitely going to Huawei Desktop Mode, its water resist- Lockey is the ideal solution for ulti-
my job. And then of course, even if lose your job, and destroy the life ance capability and the Android Oreo mate personal security solution.
everything works well for us, there is you have worked so hard to build. Operating System. The other wow factors While reinforcing data security,
the age gap. How do I deal with this What you feel for her could be fleet- include, a combination of 6 GB RAM and My Lockey has simplified the
situation? I have been emotionally ing and it is definitely not worth 128 GB of Internal storage, Huawei process of personal identification in
disturbed for some time now. All I pursuing. After all, you only feel Kirin 970 Octa- core 10 nm processor, 20+12 the form of this new innovation. The
want to do is pour my heart out to what you allow yourself to feel. You MP f/1.6 dual cameras with Leica device is compatible with the
her and see where this goes. need to know that what you feel and Summilux- H lenses accompanied by dual Windows 10 Operating System. The
—Mr T what you do about your feelings is LED flash, among the others. As far as the reason why other operating systems
absolutely under your control. So, cameras are concerned, there is also a cannot use it is because of the
Dear Mr T, for now, sort your feelings out, find laser autofocus technology inbuilt lack of biometric recognition hard-
It is possible to become attracted to more productive preoccupations, and in the cameras, making the device more ware. To use the device, all you need
anybody of any age, at any place. let go. Love will find its way to you, attractive to potential buyers. Similarly, to do is plug it into a device running
But there’s also a time and place for this is not love; this is a disaster the device is backed by 4000mAh Windows 10, follow the intuitive
everything. The rejection and the waiting to happen. battery giving it a very long life to match setup guide and viola, you have your
its performance. own biometric recognition and iden-
tification system that reacts within
0.15 seconds.

smartphone sports a 5.0- inch

Sony Xperia X Full HD IPS LCD 1080p display,
with a 400 ppi pixel density. The
The Sony Xperia X was device is held up by a
introduced to the Nepal market Snapdragon 650 SoC, supported
last year. As cameras have by Adreno 510 GPU.
always been the stronghold of Similarly, the storage
Sony smartphones, this model department is taken up by a
also follows suit. The device combination of 3 GB RAM and
packs an impressive 23 MP 64 GB od Internal memory. The
rear-facing camera with f/2.0 device is backed up by a 2,630
aperture, Exmor RS sensor, mAh battery life supported
Predective Hybrid sensor and by Qnovo’s Adaptive Charging
LED flash and at front it has a 13 technology. What’s more excit-
MP selfie shooter with an aper- ing is that the device is soon to
ture of f/2.0, wide- angle f/2.0 receive an Android Oreo update.
lens, Exmor RS sensor, etc. Also, It also has 4G LTE enabled and
the seamless metallic back is has NFC.
hard to miss. Similarly, the

theater grade picture and sound. The

Anker dual 10 W speakers are equipped with
JBL’s advanced audio technology.
Growth pangs of confidence. When you are dealing products Similarly, the SoundcorePro
with her, don’t treat her like a child. Bluetooth speaker was one impres-
Dear Aunt, Treat her like an adult who is capable Outside Nepal, Anker is an estab- sive device with an audio output of 25
I have an adolescent sister who is of making decisions and who is lished brand that produces power W, a playback time of 18 hours and a
going to appear in the SEE exams at responsible for the decisions she banks and speakers. This year’s CAN battery capacity of 8000 mAh. In a
the end of this year. I love her, care makes. The more you treat her like a Infotech marks the commencement similar fashion, the tiny Soundcore
for her a lot, and being the elder poor young lady who needs saving, of distribution of Anker products in Nano is an impressive device for its
brother, I feel responsible for her. the more she will want to break out Nepal as well. Among the products on price range. In the powerbank side,
Since she started grade 10, I have of the shell and go on testing her display by Anker were, Anker Anker has introduced the candy bar
noticed some marked changes in her boundaries. The more you treat her Soundcore Pro, Nebula JBL Mars, sized Anker Astro, which is a power-
behavioural pattern. While she like a naïve person, the higher the Anker Powercore, Sound core Nano, house of an ultra-compact portable
should be focusing on her academics, chances are that she’ll do everything Anker Powercore charger, Anker charger. Anker Power core is another
she seems more concerned about to prove you wrong. Don’t tell her Astro, etc. The Nebula JBL Mars is one on display at CAN, with a 10400
what she wears, and how she looks. what to do or not do. Just tell her that the world’s first portable cinema with mAh charging capacity
She has suddenly become a social she is mature enough to look after
butterfly who’s out and about all the herself but if she ever needs some-
time. She spends most of her week- one to fall back on, you’re there for
days hanging out with her friends. her. Tell her that she is old enough to
She has also been very aloof at home. decide where she wants to go and
And if we intervene, she creates a who she wants to hang out with, but,
fiasco at home. She is turning into a if she ever finds herself in a difficult
brat and we are increasingly feeling situation you’re there to give her any
that it is getting difficult to deal with support she needs. At this age, she
her. I know this comes with the age. doesn’t need an authoritative elder
But I also know she is vulnerable and brother, she needs an understanding
prone to making mistakes that could friend. This is also an age where the
ruin her life. I am just worried that teenagers don’t get along with their
somebody might exploit her inno- parents, so you want to make
cence. Can you tell me if there’s a her feel that you’re on her
way that I can communicate my con- side at all times. This way,
cerns to my at least one person in the
sister and keep her safe? family will know what’s
—Dimple going on in
her life.
Dear Dimple,
Your sister is at the peak of her teen-
age years. And you are right, this is a
tough age to be in emotionally. Your
concerns are valid too. At 16 or 17
youngsters are both vola- generating hype among the users as is an activity based co- curricular taxi services in Nepal. Khalti, a
tile and vulnera- Startups well potential users. Similarly, program designed by educators at digital wallet service is another
ble. It is great there is Sajoli Marmat Sewa, a one Karkhana with a focus on deliver- that has been able to stand out in
that you are con- Also featured at the event were var- stop maintenance solution for ing classes and activities within the the ICT world. It is a digital service
cerned about ious impressive ICT startups that households and businesses operat- school for students, teachers and for instant, secure and hassle free
her and want to impressed everyone. For starters ing in Kathmandu. The service administrators. In the same way, online payments in Nepal. Lastly,
keep her safe, write top aduvicse? Is there is Sagoon App, a social media includes maintenance and installa- Sarathi Cab app, a mobile applica- among the dazzling startups was,
but the key here Need some relr career in a jam? Send application from Nepal. The app tion of services like plumbing, tion that helps you book a cab Foodmario, which is a unique
your life or youions and the Agony Aunt
might be trust. us your questthem like only she can. has exciting features like the repairs, electrics, etc, providing a whenever required at a reasonable online platform that connects home
If you want to will answer Dashboard, Me Page, Mood Talk, single solution to all maintenance price is also marking its presence at cooks with customers, creating a
keep her safe, p My Day, Open Secret, Private related problems. BeeCreative, CAN 2018. The startup is working to more social platform for food
km m .n
ag on ya un t@
give her a sense Secret, Story Traction, etc, that is another innovative startup which promote comfortable and reliable enthusiasts to empower each other.

kathmandu post

PG 09 | Tuesday,January30,2018
Indiana Jones V to film from 2019 BORN TODAY ‘Let Padmaavat breathe’
Filmmaker Steven Spielberg is reportedly planning to Welsh actor Christian Bale is 44 Director Rohit Shetty says let Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s
film Indiana Jones V before working on the new American actor Gene Hackman is 88 directorial Padmaavat breathe for God’s sake. On Sunday,
adaptation of the Broadway musical West Side Story. actor Swara Bhaskar called Bhansali for glorifiying
The Academy Award-winning director plans to shoot English footballer Peter Crouch is 37 jauhar in his film in an open letter. “I’d like to request
the fifth installment of the action, adventure film American actor Wilmer Valderrama is 38 everyone that after so much troubles and
franchise in 2019, with a goal of having it released in struggles the film Padmaavat has released, please
2020, reports a source. English singer Phil Collins is 67 let it run in peace,” said Shetty.

‘Abstract play’ Bhagwat Tole Late Panna Kaji

ma Bholaram at Mandala commemorated
Post Report character’s life before he is dead. though they themselves might not be Post Report musical scores to his songs in an
Kathmandu, Jan 29 The play’s title character, aware of the repercussions of their Kathmandu, Jan 29 effort to introduce his music to the

Bholaram, is a poet, who is played by advice. One such advice leads the youth,” Shakya added. Panna Kaji
hagwat Tole ma Bholaram, an four different actors—Roshan man to death.” n anthology of songs by the ven- died last year at the age of 83 and had
“abstract play” where a single Subedi, Dilip Khadka, Anil Karki and Even though the play, conceptual- erated late singer Panna Kaji been a part of the nationally-syndi-
character is played by four differ- Dipesh Kaphle. This kind of unusual ised by Bisfot himself, doesn’t have Shakya, titled Swarnim cated radio station, Radio Nepal,
ent actors, is currently on stage at narrative strategy is applied, accord- an elaborate setting, the characters Gitilahari: Swar Haruma between 2008 BS and 2040 BS.
Mandala Theatre in Anamnagar. ing to the play’s assistant director allude to several settings in and Pannakaji, was released amid a Musician and a son of Panna
The play is written and directed by Anuja Adhikari, to highlight the around Kathmandu—such as function held in the Capital, marking Kaji’s, Prawesh Man Shakya, remi-
Bijay Bisfot. peculiar condition—a sort of an iden- Sohrakhutte and Pashupati—where the singer’s first death anniversary. nisced about how his father had
In the opening moments of the tity crisis—that the character goes the shamans and “pichas” roam. The mayor of Kathmandu, always stressed on the impor-
play, the audiences witness a deceased through. Bhagwat Tole ma Bholaram fea- Bidasundar Shakya as well as tance of studying music as
man, left unattended. Enter the ‘sin- Adhikari said that the play, in its tures a total of 14 actors, including veteran musicians, Ratna well as gaining an education
gle-choric’ commentator, who says essence, is about how “there are so Pushkar Karki, Norchen Lama, Rosni Samsher Thapa and Yadav aside from it, as an income
that one ought to go into flashback to many ‘doctors’—or rather “sallah Karki, and Jyoti Rai, among others. Kharel were guests of hon- based on music had always
know how all that came to happen. siromani”—around us who are The play is on stage every day at 5 our at the function, where been meagre in the past.
What ensues is the staging of the lead experts at advising people even pm and will run through Feb 4. Mayor Shakya went on to According to his sons,
eulogise the singer, stating Panna Kaji’s interest in cul-
that Panna Kaji’s songs ture extended to painting as

and lengths with English subtitles,” would live on. well as theatre. He was also an
Sangam Pulami Magar, co-ordinator The book is comprised of avid WWE fan who continued to
of the fest, said. “All films screened in music, lyrics, as well as the storied watch wrestling till his dying day.
the festival are paid an honorarium background behind each of the In his youth, Shakya had been

Int’l Film
depending on the length of the film. songs. Of the over 400 songs by the interested in bodybuilding. Founding
An Audience Choice and a Jury singer, 44 are included in the book, member of Praja Parishad Party and
Choice award is presented at the end including popular numbers such as professional bodybuilder and martyr
of the festival carrying monetary val- Tiriri Murali Bajyo Banai ma, Kina Dharma Bhakta Mathema had been

Fest in May
ues of CAD $1500 and CAD $500 Kina Timro Tasbir, Lolayeka Ti Thula, ‘Guru’ to him. Politics had been anoth-
respectively.” Ama timilai, and Ma hu Sarabi. er early interest of Shakya’s, and dur-
TIFF is organised every year by a Musical scores for the book were ing the Rana era he had been an affili-
group of expat Nepali film enthusi- done by Raju Simha, the background ate of the Nepali Congress Party. “He
asts living in Canada, with an “aim to to each of the songs was written by was even arrested once and had shared
encourage contemporary indie film- Satosh Parajuli, and Hem Bhandari a jail cell with (author) Diamond
Post Report makers from the country and provide had served as editor. Panna Kaji’s son Samsher,” Prawesh Man recalled at
Kathmandu, Jan 29 a platform for filmmakers to share as well as publisher of the book, the event. Though once an affiliate of

ideas about filmmaking and culture.” Pratim Man Shakya, said that it had Congress, Panna Kaji later became a
he ninth edition of the annual The 2017 iteration of the fest fea- been his father’s wish to compile his favourite of King Mahendra’s and had
Toronto Nepali Film Festival tured 14 films, out of which Dadyaa— various songs and lyrics in a single enjoyed the king’s patronage. He
(TNFF) will be held on May this The Woodpeckers of Rotha—directed book. “As he does not get much air- even lent his voice to many of
year, the organisers announced by Bibhusan Basnet and Pooja play anymore, we have included the Mahendra’s songs.
on Monday. The organisers also Gurung, was honoured with the Jury
made a call for submissions for the Choice Award, while Heaven is Black,
films to be screened at the fest. directed by Rajkumar Rai, bagged the

Fire and Fury over Hil ary’s Grammy cameo

“TNFF showcases films that per- Public Choice Award.
tain to Nepal or Nepali(s) by film- The 2018 edition of TIFF is slated to
makers from around the world. The take place at Innis Town Hall, in the
festival accepts films of all genres University of Toronto, on May 19.
BBC fear of being poisoned,” she said.
NEW YORK, JAN 29 “One reason why he liked to eat at

McDonalds. No one knew he was
embers of President Trump’s coming and the food was safely pre-
team have voiced their disap- made.” Her appearance was cheered
proval of a Grammy Awards by the audience in Madison Square
sketch featuring a cameo by Garden but Nikki Haley, the US
Hillary Clinton. ambassador to the United Nations,
The video showed Clinton and sev- was less enthusiastic. Donald Trump
eral famous musicians, including Jr used the opportunity to take a shot
Cher and Snoop Dogg, reading at Clinton’s election loss.
extracts from Michael Wolff ’s Fire President Trump’s supporters will
and Fury. Grammy host James have found much to dislike during
Corden explained they were hoping the three-hour Grammy ceremony.
to win the award for best spoken Pop star Camila Cabello made an
word album. But Donald Trump Jr impassioned defence of immi-
mocked the sketch, calling Wolff ’s grants—in particular the “dreamers”
book “fake news”. —as she introduced a performance
The segment, which aired during by U2. U2 then performed Get Out of
the Grammys ceremony on Sunday Your Own Way, which addresses the
night, saw Clinton reading a notori- threat of racism and far-right poli-
ous passage about President Trump’s tics, from a barge in front of the
love of fast food. “He had a longtime Statue of Liberty.

Bruno Mars Alec

surprises with Baldwin
Grammy sweep
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE of the awards for which he was in the run-
NEW YORK, JAN 29 ning on what was expected to be a major

night for hip-hop, which for the first time
runo Mars, who has revived retro dominated nominations for the major cat-
funk and R&B for a new generation, egories. But the industry either preferred

criticises Woody
on Sunday, swept the Grammy Mars, or the vote for rappers split.
Awards in a surprise snub for the Hip-hop mogul Jay-Z, who had led with
hip-hop world, which had hoped for a eight nominations, ended the night emp-

Allen claims
major breakthrough on the music ty-handed. Kendrick Lamar for the second
industry’s biggest night. time swept all rap categories but failed to
The industry seized on its annual gala win the general prizes. His five awards
to rally on behalf of the growing women’s included Best Rap Album for DAMN., a
movement against sexual harassment, turn to a classic hip-hop sound. ASSOCIATED PRESS
with pop singer Kesha delivering a fierce Lamar opened the televised gala with a LOS ANGELES, JAN 29
performance about her own abuse story. frenetic show, spitting out his verses as he

But for the awards, the feel-good Mars was joined by U2 frontman Bono amid a ctor Alec Baldwin is once again
carried the night. He won the top prize, sea of kungfu dancers who later fell to the using Twitter to question Dylan
Album of the Year, for his album 24K ground as if struck by bullets. Alessia Farrow’s allegations of sexual
Magic, as well as Record of the Year, which Cara, who rose from making YouTube abuse from her adoptive father
recognises the top tune, for the title track—a videos in her bedroom to becoming a Woody Allen.
tale of good times with beautiful women set socially conscious pop singer, won the Baldwin on Sunday compared
to 1980s-style synths and rhythms. The closely watched award of Best New Artist. Farrow to the To Kill a Mockingbird
Recording Academy, the body of 13,000 Amid rising attention to gender dis- novel character Mayella Ewell, who
music professionals, also gave him Song crimination in the entertainment indus- falsely accuses a man of rape.
of the Year, which awards songwriting, try following revelations of sexual mis- Earlier this month, Baldwin said
for another track on the album—That’s conduct by Harvey Weinstein, top stars— Farrow’s renunciation of Allen and
What I Like. The 32-year-old singer, sport- notably Lady Gaga—walked the red car- his work is “unfair and sad.”
ing a bright smile and sunglasses, recalled pet wearing white roses in solidarity with Farrow has said Allen molested
how he first performed as a child for tour- abuse victims. her in an attic in 1992 when she was 7
ists in his native Hawaii. Kesha—whose pleas to break a deal years old. Allen has long denied the
“I remember seeing it firsthand—peo- with her producer, whom she accused of allegations and was investigated but
ple dancing that had never met each other rape, initially fell on deaf ears in the not charged.
from two sides of the globe, dancing with industry—brought some audience mem- Farrow in January gave her first
each other, toasting with each other, cele- bers to tears with her deeply personal on-camera interview to CBS This
brating together,” he said. song Praying. Morning about her longstanding
“All I wanted to do with this album was Rapper Logic added his own voice later abuse allegations against the 82-year-
that,” he told thousands of industry players on stage, telling women: “Stand tall and old filmmaker.
at Madison Square Garden in New York, crush all predators under the weight of Baldwin in his tweet credited
where the Grammys temporarily shifted your heart that is full of the love they will Farrow for having “persistence of
after 15 years in Los Angeles. Mars won all never take away from you.” emotion” but did not explain what he
meant by that.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 variety the kathmandu post 10
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Yesterday’s Solution
Your financial accounts have become rather tangled recently, so
don’t pretend to yourself that everything is just peachy. Blindly
ignoring the issues just makes things worse for you, but if you roll u
up your sleeves, you have the chance to get back on the road.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
You know you’ve still got it. It’s actually possible that you might
have been doing just that because some recent flare-up has left o
you feeling that your charm might be in decline. Fortunately, you
can rid yourself of that attitude.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
A bit of haziness may be clouding your mind, but it’s nothing that
a little rest and relaxation can’t take care of. Focus on yourself. If
you work yourself to the point of exhaustion, you do nothing but c
hurt yourself, so walk off the job and get right again.
CANCER (June 22-July 22) r
You need to jump right in and take on any major tasks at work or
at home that you’ve been putting off for too long, because when
you feel the need to. Enjoy playtime with a clean conscience by
making sure everything is where it should be. s GRAFFITI WORD GAME
LEO (July 23-August 22)
**** s
You’re on fire now. It’s all quite dramatic, and you should feel no
shame in enjoying it thoroughly. At the same time, try not to rub
it in anyone’s face! Remember to use your power wisely, or it
could all go south before you realise what’s happening.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22) o
Someone who was barely visible until now triggers an intense
wave of interest in you. Who could have known that they were so
talented. Follow up on this new link and make sure to tell this
person how you’re feeling. d
LIBRA (September 23-October 22)
Could you be ignoring your primary relationships in favor of your
career? A few of your people certainly think so! It’s way too easy
to get snagged by key projects, but it’s called the rat race for a
reason. Make sure you pay attention to what’s really essential.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
If people are spinning off on crazy tangents? You need to give up
trying to drag them back to reality. Let them indulge in erratic
behaviour and just tend to your own business. All this madness
may be a golden opportunity, if you can get yourself moving.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)

Don’t save pennies if it just means wasting dollars! Making your
own lunch all week doesn’t mean anything if you end up blowing
your cash on one huge, fancy dinner. Observe your spending
habits carefully, especially if your emotions are high-strung.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
Changes are coming soon, and you may feel as if you’re just
about to start a new chapter in your life. You should be excited,
but you might also feel a bit queasy. Transitions are hard for you. DILBERT RIPLEY’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT
If you try to foresee problems, you just make yourself crazy.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
Relations centred around trust are impossible to beat. You and
someone close have been through a tough emotional event
together, but now, you’re proud of the fact that you’re together by
choice. It keeps growing and getting better, too!
PISCES (February 19-March 20)
Some wonderful times lie ahead, so keep smiling, even if you feel
like Eeyore right now. Take a break from stressing out, no matter
how big the stress is, and let yourself wallow in something you
love. It could mean a cup of chai or a brisk walk around the lake.

Q: What do you get when you cross fish and an elephant?

A: Swimming trunks.
H nnn R
A prisoner is finally released, after many years in jail. He stands at the
O pavement, yelling, “I’m free! I’m free!”
A little kid walks up to him happily and joins, “I’m four! I’m four!”
Time Program 11:00 Kantipur News 20:00 Kantipur Samachar
K 5:00 Shuvarambha/ 11:30 M&S Trend a Logy 21:00 Sarokar
A Bhaktisur 12:00 Kantipur Samachar 22:00 Das Baje
N 5:30 Radhe Radhe 12:30 K Aaja Ghar Mai 22:30 Kantipur News
6:00 Jeevan Bigyan 13:30 What The Flop 23:00 M&S The Review
T 6:30 Vastu Manthan 14:30 Kantipur Samachar Show
I 6:40 Good Morning 15:00 Fireside 23:30 Kantipur Samachar
P Nepal 16:00 Kantipur News 12:00 Call Kantipur
U 7:00 Kantipur Samachar 16:30 Das Baje 1:00 Kantipur News
8:00 Good Morning 17:00 Call Kantipur 1:30 M&S The Review
R Nepal Reloaded Show
T 8:30 Kantipur News 18:00 Kantipur Samachar 2:00 Kantipur Samachar
V 9:00 Fireside 18:30 M&S The Review 2:30 Risani Maff
10:00 Kantipur Samachar Show 3:30 Kantipur Samachar
10:30 Das Baje 19:00 Risani Maff 4:00 K Aja Ghar Mai
QFX LABIM Mall: 08:00/08:30/11:30/12:30/
05:00: Bhakti Anusthan 11:05: Malai Mann Parchha Diary
K 06:30: Kantipur Diary 12:00: Kantipur Diary 20:05: Loud
QFX Civil Mall: 08:15/08:45/11:45/12:15/
A 07:00: The Headliners 12:10: Filmy Parade 21.00: Kantipur Diary F 14:45/15:15/15:45/18:15/18:45/19:30
07:30: Kanuni Bahas Ra 13:00: District Diary 21:25: Newsmaker of the QFX Kumari: 08:45/11:45/12:15/
08:00: Development and
13:05: Ke Chha Nepal
14:00: International Diary
Day I 15:15/18:30/19:00
QFX Jai Nepal: 08:30/12:00/15:30/19:15
21:30: Indreni
Economics Diary 15:00: Kantipur Diary
I 08:05: The Good Morning 15:15: Shreejana Ka
22:00: Kaljayi Geet Sangeet
L …
23:00: Sanchai Hunu hunch-
P Show Samjhana Haru
U 09:00: Kantipur Diary
09:10: Traffic Update
16:00: Health and Education
Diary 00:00: Filmi Parade M QFX Civil Mall: 12:00
QFX LABIM Mall: 14:45
R 09:15: National Songs 16:05: Health Hotline 01:00: Kaljayi Geet Sangeet
QFX Kumari: 15:45
F 09:20: The Good Morning 17:00: District Diary 02:00: Non Stop Nepali
S …
Show 17:05: Sangalo
M 10:00: Sports Diary 18:00: Nepalaya 03:00: Non Stop Hindi JUMANJI: WELCOME
10:05: Gazaab Cha Ba 18:30: Kantipur Diary Songs
11:00: Art and Entertainment 19:00: Show Time 05:00: Non Stop Bhajan TO THE JUNGLE
Diary 20:00: Security and Crime Songs QFX LABIM Mall: 12:00

Savour the cardamom and saffron spice, Dining Park Restaurant & Lounge bar with Weekends brunch @ Hyatt Regency—treat Sandwich and Crepes: Taste the sandwich- Enjoy live DJ nights, on every Sunday chill out/
slow-cooked kebabs and kormas at Indian a Coffee and Bakery Hub and Bar and Fine yourself with a lavish buffet lunch, splash by es and crepes at The Lounge from 11 am to 6 ambient, Wednesday tech/ funk house & Friday
restaurant serving Awadhi cuisine. Dining. Boasting facilities including Private the swimming pool or laze around outdoor, pm everyday. For further details call Hyatt psy/ proggy/ full on from 6:00 pm to 10 pm at
contact: 427399, at Soaltee Crowne Plaza VIP Lounges, a conference hall and a terrace Jacuzzi, all for just Rs 2300 plus taxes per Regency at 4491234. garden and 7:00 pm onwards at club at Funky
garden. Open 6am-10 pm. Mid-Baneshor. person. Contact: 4491234 Buddha Resturant & Bar, contact: 4700091
Krishnarpan—a specialty Nepali Restaurant China Garden offers delectable dishes from Enjoy snacks and drinks from 4:00 pm to Set within the historic Garden of Dreams, the Tranquility Spa at Hotel Radisson, now
Relax and Unwind this summer at We serve nothing but the finest Arabica Rosemary Kitchen and Coffee shop,
V at Dwarika’s, 6 courses to 22 courses Nepali
meal served. Opening Time: 6 pm-11 pm. Prior
across Asia, including Japanese, Korean,
Vietnamese and Chinese. Timings: Lunch: Waterfront Resort, Sedi Height, Pokhara @ coffees at great value prices at Barista Thamel, opening hours: 7:00 am to 10:00 11:00 pm every day and nightly live music
from “The Corner Band” except Tuesday and
Kaiser Cafe Restaurant and Bar, Thamel, offers
a continental menu and serves as an atmospheric
offering Body Scrubs for Rs 3,000 (50 per-
cent discoun for members). Opening hour
Rs. 6000 Nett per night on Bed & Breakfast Lavazza Coffee Restaurant, Lazimpat, pm offers an International cuisine in reason-
reservations required, contact: 4479448 1230-1445 hrs, Dinner: 1900-2245 hrs, Saturday from 7 pm to 11:00 pm at Corner venue for anything from a quiet coffee or intimate 8.00 am-8.00 pm. Contact Number:
E contact: 427399 at Soaltee Crowne Plaza basis. Contact: 9801133378 / 9849143552 Contact: 4005123/4005124 able prices. Contact 01-4267554
Bar, Radisson Hotel. Contact: 4411818 meal. Contact: 442534 01-4423888, 01-6200086
The Italian restaurant serves authentic
N Italian cuisines in an elegant ambience for
Garden Terrace offers an authentic world
cuisine, providing diners with the unique
Mako’s offers traditional Japanese food Bourbon Room, Lal Durbar Marg is open for
lunch from 12 noon. Enjoy affordable and deli-
Out-of-Africa Lunch amid rural splendor:
Sat & Sun from 1130 to 1630 hours at The
Every Friday BBQ from 7:00 pm at Fusion
Bar & Pool side at Dwarika’s Hotel with live
Trisara offers food and drinks along
with good music and great times. Sunday- Live Jasmine Fitness Club and Spa, Fully
served. Don’t miss out on Mako’s special equipped gym and spa; Zumba, aerobics and
both lunch and dinner. Timings: Lunch: experience of observing their selected dish- cious meals starting from Rs 99! We are cur- Watering Hole, Indrawati River Valley. band “Dinesh Rai and Sound of Mind”. Price Rs Music by Barbeque Night, Monday, Wednesday-
Tempuras, and green tea ice cream, Time: 11:
T 1230-1445 hrs, Dinner: 1900-2245 hrs, es being prepared by chefs. Contact: 30-14:30 & 19:00-22:00, contact: 4479448 rently offering Indian & chinese combos along For prior reservation contact: indrawatire- 1600/ includes BBQ dinner and a can of beer by Positive vibes, Tuesday, Saturday-By Jyovan cardio classes; therapeutic massage; beauty
parlour and men’s salon. Tripureshwor;
Contact: 427399, at Soaltee Crowne Plaza 427399 at Soaltee Crowne Plaza with momos. Call: 4441703 or a soft drink. Contact: 4479448 Bhuju, Friday-Live Music by Dexterous
Contact: 4117120
O Every Friday evening enjoy Starry Night Manny’s Eatery and bar introduces a spe- Enjoy a Barbecue Buffet at the Radisson Make your weekend more exciting with Ayurveda Health Home has been providing
Kaiser Cafe Restaurant & Bar at The Hotel Narayani Complex, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
BBQ from 7 pm onwards at Shambala Garden of Dreams, opening time: 9 am till 9 cial lunch package that is affordable, tasty, Hotel, wide selection of mixed fresh grills and family and friends with sumptuous Satey, presents Shabnam & Cannabiz Band every ayurvedic treatments/ massages,
G Garden Café at Hotel Shangri La with live pm, offers an international cafe menu serv- nutritious and quick enough to fit your lunch vegetables together with a choice of salads and Dimsums, Mangolian Barbecue and Pasta at Wednesday and Rashmi & Kitcha Band every sirodhara & counseling for stress, detox &
musical performance by Ciney Gurung. ing breakfast, lunch, dinner, specialty tea’s, break, Jawalakhel, Shaligram complex, a delicious dessert buffet at a rate of Rs. 1,350 The Cafe from 12:30 noon to 4:00 pm. Call: Friday, 7:30 PM onwards @ Absolute bar P Ltd; rehabilitation. Dhapasi, Kathmandu:
R Contact: 4412999 coffees and pastries, contact: 4425341 5536919 plus taxes per person. Contact: 4411818 Hyatt Regency, at 4491234 Contact: 5521408 01-4358761, Lakeside Pokhara 061-463205
The most delightfully awesome chicken Starry Night BBQ—every Friday Evening from Revolution Cafe, AmritMarg, Thamel, away Learn cardio, gym, aerobics, zumba, spa,
Embers Bar, Pulchowk, in all its sophistica-
A Enjoy Bubbly Brunch every Saturday from 11
am to 3 pm at Shambala Gardena and Club tion and glory is happy to announce The Toran, an ideal location for all day loung-
Latin—Gypsy Jazz at The Corner Bar,
Radisson Hotel, Kathmandu with Hari
momos & yummy rich chocolate cake on this 7:00 pm at Shambala Garden Café, Hotel, from busy crowed street, offers great boxing, kick-boxing, b-boying, bollywood
ing and informal dining offers multi-cuisines. part of the planet @ Just Baked Bakery & Shangri~La only @ Rs 1799 net per person music, fast wi-fi and wide menu with rea- dance at Oyster Spa and Fitness Club,
Sundhara. Contact: 4412999 Happy Hours every 6-7pm. It will be Maharjan feat Monsif Mzibiri, 7 pm onwards, Cafe, Battisputali, offering much more spe-
P hosting a Barbeque night every Friday from Contact: Dwarika’s Hotel, 4479488 Wednesdays & Fridays. Contact: 4411818 cialties at affordable price.
and live performance by Ciney Gurung.
Contact: 4412999
sonable prices. Operation hours: 7 am to 10
pm, contact: 4433630
Sinamangal. Time: Sunday to Friday from 5
am to 8 pm. Contact: 4110554
H Experience The Last Resort, the perfect Asia World Travel Pvt Ltd presents fascinat- Much needed getaway—1 night/2 day package Experience the Gyakok @ Shambala
Enjoy Gourmet Saturday Brunch with Escape, relax and get in shape @ Hyatt
place for family fun adventure and relaxation. ing luxury escapades to amazing destinations: Jungle Safari Lodge, Sauraha Chitwan @ Hyatt Regency. Enjoy luxury stay of a five Garden, Hotel Shangri~la only @ Nrs.1700 Regency. Embark on a personal well-being at
Special packages for residents. Contact: Prague, Ladakh, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala star hotel for a couple with breakfast and Nett per person and Nrs.3000 Nett for cou- your family and friends at the Sunrise
offers 2 Nights 3 Days package only for Rs Restaurant , Hotel Yak & Yeti from 12-7 pm Club Oasis. Remember us for Tennis, sauna,
4700525/ 4701247 or mail us at Lumpur, Mount Kailash and Panchpokhari in 6500 per person. Suman 9851008399 access to spa facilities for just Rs 9999 plus ple. For more details and reservation: Jacuzzi, swimming, fitness centre and Beauty North East Nepal. Contact: 6222604 taxes per person only. Contact: 4491234 4412999 every Saturday. Contact: 4248999
Salon. Contact: 4491234

kathmandu post


Tevez ‘feels alive again’ at Boca Veteran Razzak gets Test recall Buffon undecided over retirement
Carlos Tevez said he felt “alive again” after marking Bangladesh included veteran spinner Abdur Razzak in Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon, who has said he
the start of his third spell with Boca Juniors by set- place of injured Shakib Al Hasan for the first Test plans to retire this summer, is undecided over his
ting up a goal in his team’s 2-0 win over Colon de against Sri Lanka. Shakib was ruled out of the Test future and will meet with club president Andrea Agnelli
Santa Fe. The former Manchester United and starting on Wednesday in Chittagong after injuring a to talk things through, he said on Sunday. Buffon’s con-
Juventus striker—who turns 34 next week—is back little finger. The 35-year-old Razzak was recalled to the tract runs until the end of the season and he had
at his childhood club after a miserable brief spell side four years after he played his last Test against the planned to retire following this year’s World Cup in
with Chinese club Shanghai Shenhua. West Indies in 2014. Russia but Italy failed to qualify.

Three Star shoot APF out

sports digest khukuri challenger t20
Bimala Shrestha
confirms bronze Great Himalaya in
boxer Bimala Shrestha
confirmed at least a
bronze medal in the
India Open International
Post Report
Boxing Championships
Kathmandu, Jan 29
in New Delhi late on
Sunday. The Nepal Army
Great Himalaya Cricket
boxer Shrestha beat
Academy (GHCA) secured a
Fardiya Samiyeva of
quarter-final berth in the
Tajikistan in the wom-
Khukuri Challenger Twenty20
en’s 54kg quarter-final
cricket tournament with
bout under RSC (referee
five-wicket win over
stops the contest) basis.
Tribhuvan Army Club in
Shrestha next plays
Mulpani on Sunday.
against India’s Manisha
GHCA were indebted to
in the semi-finals on
their bowlers to restrict TAC
Tuesday. Two other
for a lowly 83-9 before scamp-
Nepali boxers Lalita
ering to victory for the loss of
Maharjan and Sangita
five wickets in the 19th over.
Sunar lost their bouts. n Sagar Dhakal
The third successive win in
Maharjan lost to Enziva
Group ‘C’ ensure GHCA a Avinash Bohara, Sagar Pun
Veronica of Kenya in the
place in the last eight with a and Rajesh Pulami took one
women’s 48kg match,
game to spare. Naresh wicket each for the Army
while Sunar went down
Budhayer top scored for the club.
against Pimwilai
Army team with 35, his 49-ball In another Group ‘C’ match,
Lawapim of Thailand in
knock included four hits to Oasis recorded their first win
the women’s 60kg weight
the fence. GHCA made Army with an 18-run defeat of IOC
division. However,
batsmen struggle for runs as Pulchowk. Batting first, Oasis
Bishnu Parasd Ghale
Bhupendra Thapa (11) was scored 131-8 in their allotted 20
made it to the men’s 69kg
their next best contributor. overs. IOC, who also have
quarter-finals with 3-2
Man-of-the-match Sagar three points from one win,
win over Wasuddin of
Dhakar took 4-10 in his magi- were bowled out for 113 in 18.2
Afghanistan. Boxers
cal four-over spell, while overs. Top order all contribut-
from 23 countries are
Kamal Singh Airee also ed in Oasis total with Susan
taking part in the tour-
grabbed three and Rupesh Karki making run-a-ball 38.
nament. (PR)
Shrivastav took two wickets Roshan Pulami Magar (24),
Krohn-Dehli joins n Buddha Chemjong (left) of Three Star Club and Anjan Bista of APF Club vie for the ball during their Aaha-Rara Gold Cup match in Pokhara on Monday.  Post Photo: Deepak Pariyar for GHCA. Sachin Sharma (18) and
Deportivo Despite chasing the seem- Bishnu Limbu (15) all chipped
MADRID: Danish interna-
Deepak Pariyar
Pokhara, Jan 29
Lama and Ranjan Bista scored
for APF. aaha-rara gold cup they lost to Nepal Police Club.
Three Star coach Megh Raj
ing small total, GHCA were
themselves made to grind for
in what turned out to be the
valuable runs. Sagar Thapa
tional Michael Krohn- Three Star, who lifted the into action and at the other Bangladesh in the semi-finals KC said he hopes the trio of the runs. GHCA lost two quick Chhetri took three and Sushil
Dehli has joined Three Star Club made it to the Itahari Gold Cup title on end Nirajan was also denied on Wednesday. his foreign recruits will be wickets of opener Abishek Bhatta claimed two wickets
Deportivo La Coruna semi-finals of the Aaha-Rara Saturday with a 1-0 win over by AFP goalkeeper Amrit APF coach Ratnakaji able to play in the semi-finals. Basnet (2) and No 3 batsman for IOE.
from Sevilla, the two La Gold Cup football tournament Manang Marshyangdi Club Kumar Chaudhary. APF also Maharjan blamed the defeat “Organisers had asked for Ishan Pandey (6) but Pradeep IOE were left ruing for not
Liga sides said on after seeing off Nepal Armed (MMC) in the final, were una- came close to scoring in the to the lack of coordination in their paperworks but the Airee remained calm to score capitalising on good starts
Monday. The 34-year-old Police Force (APF) Club 5-3 in ble to field three of their for- 20th minute when Ranjan the first half. “We improved delay by the Ministry of a 45-ball 22 runs. Airee also made by as many as four
midfielder has signed an penalty shootout on Monday. eign recruits Peter Segun, fire inches wide of the target on that in the latter half but Labour resulted into them not combined with Ayushman top-order batsmen—Aadiya
18-month contract. The match was decided Ajaji Martin and Lawol and 10 minutes later his team- again rushing for goals result- getting the work permit. Bam, who scored run-a-ball 22 Poudel (18) Achyut Thapa
Krohn-Delhi won the through spots kicks after a Olelekan for not being able to mate Top Bahadur Bista was ed in missing out on the Hopefully, we will get it in before being run out, to add Magar (14), Sagar Thapa (17)
Europa League with goalless deadlock in the 90 produce “work permit” paper- denied by Three Star goalie opportunities that came our time for them to feature in the invaluable 40 runs for the and Amit Kushwaha 13). A
Sevilla in 2016 but spent minutes of regulation time as works. All three players, how- Neupane. Luck deserted way,” added Maharjan, who semi-finals,” said KC adding third wicket to steady their late 14-run cameo from Bhatta
a year out due to a suc- well as the 20 minutes of extra ever, were allowed to play dur- Three Star twice as both team had made it to the quar- that the performance will also ship. only helped narrow the defeat
cession of knee injuries. time. Ranjit Dhimal, Nirajan ing their triumphant Itahari Nirajan and Jivan Gurung ter-finals after defeating improve given that they will Kamal Singh Airee, who margin. Bhatta struck two
After nine goals in 68 Khadka, Sunil Bal, Bikram Gold Cup campaign. found the woodwork. The Sankata Club in the previous have enough time to rest. scored an unbeaten 13, and sixes in his four-ball 14. Man-
matches for the Lama and Bijay Dhimal all In the early exchanges, four-time Aaha-Rara champi- round. APF’s best run in the NPC will take on MMC in Shrivastav, who remained not of-the-match Nitesh Thapa
Andalusians, he had converted from the spot, Yuvraj Khadka called Three ons Three Star will now play tournament the final appear- the last quarter-final match out on 10, completed the chase grabbed 4-19 and Sachin
found himself out of while only Anjan Bista, Nabin Star custodian Alan Neupane Uttar Baridhara SC of ance in the sixth edition when on Tuesday. in 18.4 overs. Chandra Saud, Sharma took 2-16 for Oasis.
favour with Sevilla coach
Vincenzo Montella. (AFP)

Leverkusen win, go second Man City on course for quadruple

West Ham’s
Sakho joins
RENNES: Senegalese cen- Agence France-Presse Bundesliga results said Leverkusen’s Germany
tre-forward Diafra Sakho BERLIN, Jan 29 winger Julian Brandt.
has returned to France, Leverkusen 2-0 Mainz Leverkusen made sure of the
leaving West Ham United Winger Leon Bailey showed Hanover 0-1 Wolfsburg three points against strug-
after four years for Ligue why Arsenal and Chelsea are glers Mainz when Brazilian
1 side Rennes, the reportedly tracking him with left-back Wendell converted a
Brittany-based side said another stunning goal in Chelsea or Arsenal for double 68th-minute penalty, after
on Monday. Rennes, sit- Bayern Leverkusen’s 2-0 win the 13.5 million euros they defender Giulio Donati
ting mid-table in France, over Mainz on Sunday in the paid Belgian club Genk for brought down striker Lucas
hope to give Sakho his Bundesliga. Bailey in January 2017. Alario. The win sees
debut against leaders Bailey, 20, gave Leverkusen However, the player ruled out Leverkusen climb to second,
Paris Saint-Germain on the lead at the BayArena three leaving in January’s transfer 16 points behind runaway
Tuesday, if the 28-year- minutes into the second half window and the Jamaican is league leaders Bayern
old’s papers are pro- when he hit the back of the under contract until June Munich, who thrashed
cessed in time. “I’m net from 20 metres with a 2022. “That was a nice goal,” Hoffenheim 5-2 on Saturday.
ready to play, maybe not left-footed strike. There was Bailey said. “I can promise I’ll Leverkusen are above
to start the game but to nothing on when Bailey stay here for the rest of the Schalke on goal difference,
play some part,” Sakho looked up outside the area, season. I feel very comfortable with Eintracht Frankfurt a
said. No fee was men- but his shot across goal gave in Leverkusen and the chem- point behind in fourth and
tioned by either club for Mainz goalkeeper Robin istry in the team is good. We Borussia Dortmund sixth.
the man who scored 18 Zentner no chance. After also have a great team that can do Turkey midfielder Yunus
goals in 62 appearances scoring last weekend with an a lot this season.” Malli hit Wolfsburg’s sec-
for the Londoners after audacious backheel, it was his It was the latest eye-catch- ond-half winner from 22
signing from Metz in eighth league goal this season. ing display from Bailey who metres out to seal their 1-0 win
2014, but the deal is for “It’s crazy how well the boy is scored and made a goal in last at Hanover 96. It was only
two and a half seasons playing from week to week,” weekend’s 4-1 thrashing of Wolfsburg’s third win in their
and is said to have cost said Leverkusen’s director of Hoffenheim. “He was the can last nine league games to
Rennes $14 million. (AFP) sport Rudi Voeller. opener for us today—the leave them 13th while Hanover
Leverkusen could ask impetus came from Leon,” 96 are 10th.

n Manchester City’s Kevin De Bruyne (centre) in action against Cardiff City’s Sean Morrison during their FA Cup fourth round match at the

Milan rekindle push for Europe

Cardiff City Stadium in Britain on Sunday.  Reuters

Agence France-Presse It appeared a harsh call but, to Alonso, who set up

LONDON, Jan 29 with the controversial video
FA Cup results Batshuayi for a finish from
assistant referee system that Cardiff 0-2 Man City eight yards out. The Belgian
Agence France-Presse
MILAN, Jan 29
their second before the break.
It was Lazio’s first defeat in
Results the Stadio Olympico.
Alessandro Florenzi missed a
Kevin De Bruyne starred as
Manchester City stayed on
is being trialled in some
English Cup ties this season
Chelsea 3-0 Newcastle forward scored his second
goal shortly before half-time
nearly two months. Milan 2-1 Lazio penalty for the Romans who course for an unprecedented not in use for this match, when his shot took a huge
AC Milan rekindled their Napoli restored their one- Roma 0-1 Sampdoria are now just four points ahead quadruple as a 2-0 win at there was no way of review- he was slightly bemused by deflection off Newcastle’s
push for Europe with a 2-1 win point advantage over champi- SPAL 1-1 Inter of Sampdoria. Cardiff on Sunday put the ing the decision. the tactics employed by a Jamaal Lascelles. Alonso
over Lazio while Dries ons Juventus who had moved Napoli 3-1 Bologna Earlier Alberto Paloschi runaway Premier League But the second goal Pep Cardiff side pushing for pro- sealed victory with a well-
Mertens scored a double as top after Sami Khedira and Torino 3-0 Benevento headed in a last-gasp equalis- leaders into the last 16 of the Guardiola’s men had threat- motion to the Premier League. struck freekick.
Napoli reclaimed top spot in Gonzalo Higuain scored in a er to grab a precious point for FA Cup. ened arrived in the 37th min- “They played man against Following their League Cup
Crotone 1-1 Cagliari
Serie A ahead of Juventus 2-0 win at nine-man Chievo on SPAL after defender City, 12 points clear at the ute when Silva’s superb curl- man all over the pitch—it was semi-final loss to Arsenal, the
with a 3-1 win over Bologna on Saturday. The championship Genoa 0-1 Udinese Francesco Vicari’s own goal summit of English football, ing cross from the left was a little bit weird,” De Bruyne FA Cup offers Chelsea their
Sunday. battle looks increasingly like Fiorentina 1-4 Verona had given Inter the lead. are bidding to bring the glanced in by Raheem said. “It left a lot of space.” best chance of a domestic tro-
Gennaro Gattuso’s AC a two-horse race as behind the Spalletti introduced on-loan Premier League, FA Cup, Sterling. Sane was the victim Earlier, Michy Batshuayi phy this season. By contrast,
Milan moved into seventh leaders Lazio—10 points off later pulled the hosts back. Barcelona midfielder Rafinha League Cup and Champions of a bad tackle by Joe Bennett scored twice as Chelsea beat Premier League survival is
after claiming a third consec- Juventus in third—Inter Mertens edged Napoli ahead for the final minutes but the League titles to the Etihad. in first-half stoppage time and Premier League rivals the priority for a Newcastle
utive win for the first time Milan and Roma all failed to on 37 minutes with a penalty Brazilian failed to lift his They made short work of sec- was replaced at the break by Newcastle 3-0 to also advance side that are currently one
this season. “I don’t like this win. “I think this battle with and the Belgian then claimed team against a SPAL side still ond-tier Cardiff, with Belgian Sergio Aguero. Cardiff into the fifth round. point above the relegation
constant talk of every game Napoli will last for the whole his 13th goal of the season in the relegation zone. “When star De Bruyne putting them defender Bennett was sent off Batshuayi’s goals in the 31st zone. Newcastle manager
being a turning point for season,” said Germany inter- with a spectacular curling you concede a goal like that in ahead in just eight minutes in injury time at the end of and 44th minutes and a Benitez, asked if he would be
Milan,” said Gattuso. “The national Khedira. “We worked effort on 59 minutes. stoppage time, it leaves a bit- when he deceived the home the match when he received a Marcos Alonso freekick 18 able to bring in a new striker
club spent a lot of money to hard during the break, the Maurizio Sarri’s side have ter taste in the mouth,” said side with a brilliant freekick second yellow card for minutes from time were before the transfer window
invest in this squad, there season is long and we’re still 57 points from 22 games, one Inter coach Luciano Spalletti that he struck under, rather another poor challenge, on enough for league champions shuts, replied: “I don’t think
were some difficulties, but in the running in all competi- more than Juventus. Lazio after his side, who had been than over, the defensive wall. Brahim Diaz. Chelsea to see off Rafael so but we will see. We will try
now we are in good shape psy- tions—we want to be there til stay two points ahead of Inter unbeaten until December 16, Bernardo Silva appeared to De Bruyne said there had Benitez’s struggling side. to do something.”
chologically.” Patrick Cutrone the end in every one.” Milan in fourth after a frus- notched up a seventh consecu- have doubled the visitors’ lead been nothing complicated The Belgian’s striker’s first Benitez’s former club
opened for Milan after 15 min- In Naples, it proved to be a trating 1-1 draw at promoted tive game without a win. with a thunderous 26th-min- regarding his goal, telling the was the result of a neat team Liverpool have also missed
utes, nodding in a free-kick battle with Rodrigo Palacio SPAL. Roma remain fifth after Struggling Verona shocked ute shot but his goal was ruled BBC: “The wall was not nine move, Pedro’s superb through out on the last 16 after a 3-2
which looked as if it was nodding Bologna ahead after Duvan Zapata scored 10 min- Fiorentina 4-1 in Tuscany to out because the officials metres away from me and so ball splitting the Newcastle defeat by top-flight strugglers
deflected in off his arm, with 25 seconds before an Ibrahima utes from time to give end a run of four consecutive deemed Leroy Sane to be off- they were very close and it defence and leading to Eden West Brom at Anfield on
Giacomo Bonaventura getting Mbaye own goal four minutes Sampdoria all three points in defeats. side and interfering with play. was easy to put it under.” But Hazard slipping a pass inside Saturday.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 sports (C.R.P.D.) - 3/052/053 the kathmandu post 12
sports digest
Alonso satisfied
after Daytona
Messi strikes late to pip Alaves Aubameyang
close to
Arsenal move:
Agence France-Presse
MIAMI: Fernando Alonso MADRID, Jan 29
believes he has gained
vital experience for a Barcelona escaped a scare on
future crack at the Philippe Coutinho’s first start
Le Mans 24 Hours after as Lionel Messi struck with a
finishing 38th in the trademark freekick to drag
Daytona endurance the Spanish League leaders
race on Sunday. The back from a goal down to beat
Spanish former Formula Alaves 2-1 and restore their
One (F1) world champi- 11-point lead at the top.
on’s campaign in Florida
was derailed by mechani-
cal problems that includ-
spanish league
ed two brake failures in Messi whipped home a
his United Autosports beautiful freekick six
Ligier JS P217. The minutes from the end to
36-year-old admitted how- down resilient Alaves,
ever he had been who are just two points from
unnerved by the experi- the drop zone in 17th despite
ence. The McLaren driv- John Guidetti silencing the
er took to the track in n Aubameyang
Nou Camp with a shock break-
Florida this weekend to away opener in the 23rd min- Agence France-Presse
gain experience for rac- ute. Luis Suarez had broken LONDON, Jan 29
ing Le Mans. (AFP) the away side’s tough resist-
Poyet gets off ence with a sweet volley from Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
Andres Iniesta’s cross 18 min- is closing on a switch from
to perfect utes from the end, setting the Borussia Dortmund to
Bordeaux start stage for Messi’s dramatic and Arsenal as Arsene Wenger
stylish winner. looks to boost his forward
PARIS: Gustavo Poyet got
The Argentine’s strike options, reports in Germany
off to a flying start as
ensures that Barca stay and Britain said on Monday.
Girondins de Bordeaux
unbeaten in the league, and German magazine Kicker
coach when his team
keep Atletico Madrid 11 reported the clubs had agreed
upset visiting Lyon 3-1 in
on a 63-million-euro ($78 mil-
Ligue 1 on Sunday. Results lion) fee for the player and
Bordeaux, who under
Sevilla 1-1 Getafe that as part of the deal
previous coach Jocelyn
Atletico 3-0 Las Palmas Arsenal forward Olivier
Gourvennec had lost
Leganes 3-2 Espanyol Giroud could move to
their three previous
Germany on loan until the
home games, prevailed Barca 2-1 Alaves
end of the season. But the
through a Nicolas de
report said Giroud was still
Preville goal and penal- standings dragging his feet and would
ties by Malcom and
Teams P W D L GF GA PTS prefer to stay in England and
Gaetan Laborde, all in
Barca 21 18 3 0 59 10 57 move to Premier League side
the first half. Lyon, who
Atletico 21 13 7 1 32 9 46 Chelsea.
beat Monaco and Paris St
Valencia 21 12 4 5 42 25 40 The BBC also reported that
Germain in their two
the move was close, quoting a
previous outings, Real 20 11 5 4 43 19 38
figure of £60 million but said
reduced the arrears Villarreal 21 11 4 6 32 24 37 n Barcelona forward Lionel Messi (right) and Alaves midfielder Alvaro Medran vie for the ball during their Spanish League match in Barcelona on Sunday.  AFP/rss the deal would not go through
before the break through Sevilla 21 10 3 8 27 29 33 until the German club had a
Marcelo. The result left Eibar 21 8 5 8 26 33 29 points back despite their 3-0 grate little by little.” just his seventh in the league goal of the season, the 600th after Angel Rodriguez scored replacement lined up. The
Lyon in second place on
Celta 20 8 4 8 35 28 28 hammering of Las Palmas With Diego Costa out this season but his fourth in scored by Atletico in all com- a controversial equaliser deep Bundesliga club turned down
48 points from 23 games
Getafe 21 7 7 7 26 26 28 earlier. Barca coach Ernesto injured, Atletico took a while league and Cup since the turn petitions during Diego in stoppage time to snatch a a bid of 50 million euros from
while Bordeaux jumped
Girona 21 7 7 7 29 29 28 Valverdes said he was happy to get going and had to wait of the year. “I feel good, I’ve Simeone’s seven-year reign as 1-1 draw for Getafe at the Arsenal last week, the BBC
up to ninth on 29.
Leganes 20 8 4 8 20 21 28 with Coutinho who had start- until the 61st minute to open started the year well and I coach. An easy tap-in from Roman Sanchez Pizjaun stadi- reported. Gabon international
ed Thursday’s Copa del Rey the scoring, Antoine hope to continue the goals and Thomas Partey after great um. Luis Muriel had slid in a Aubameyang, 28, played for
Leicester loan Bilbao 21 6 9 6 24 23 27
clash with Valencia on the Griezmann latching on to assists.” work from Yannick Carrasco 72nd-minute opener for hosts Dortmund in their 2-2 draw
Betis 20 8 3 9 33 41 27
out Ulloa to Espanyol 21 6 6 9 18 28 24
bench before making a sec-
ond-half appearance. “Players
Juanfran’s fine ball down the
right flank before dinking
Frenchman Griezmann
started the move that led to
two minutes from time com-
pleted the second-half rout of
but with seconds to spare
Juan Cala challenged Sevilla
against Freiburg on Saturday
but did not score.
Brighton Sociedad 21 6 5 10 36 40 23 are not machines who can fit neatly over Las Palmas stop- Atletico’s second, intercept- a desperate Las Palmas, who goalkeeper Sergio Rico for a Arsenal lost forward Alexis
LONDON: Brighton and Levante 21 3 10 8 18 30 19 in at once, like a new part,” per Leandro Chichizola. “The ing a loose pass and setting remain second from bottom hopeful high ball, and with Sanchez to Manchester United
Hove Albion have signed Alaves 21 6 1 14 17 31 19 said Valverde. “He did well, he first half was not very good Angel Correa free to scamper and five points from safety. the Sevilla fans and players last week with Henrikh
striker Leonardo Ulloa Depor 21 4 5 12 24 46 17 wanted the ball. This is one but the coach gave us a good down the pitch and feed Sevilla were denied the clamouring for a freekick, Mkhitaryan travelling in the
on loan from Leicester Las Palmas 21 4 2 15 16 50 14 more step for him. The other talking to at half-time, and we Fernando Torres, who shifted chance to close within three Angel lashed home the level- opposite direction in a swap
City until the end of the day, he played 25 minutes, this responded well,” said the ball onto his right foot and points of Real Madrid and the ler and celebrated under a deal but Wenger remains
Malaga 21 3 4 14 14 34 13
season, the Premier time a little more, he will inte- Griezmann, whose goal was lashed home just his second Champions league places hail of whistles and boos. short of options up front.
League clubs said on
Monday. The 31-year-old

Aussies end Afghan run, reach final Federer mulls return to

Argentine returns to
Brighton, three-and-a-
half-years after leaving
to join Leicester in 2014.

Melbourne next year

In his first spell at the
Amex Stadium after Agence France-Presse
arriving from Spanish CHRISTCHURCH, Jan 29
club Almeria in 2013,
Ulloa netted 26 goals in Australia cruised into the
58 games. Ulloa scored 20 final of the ICC Under-19 Reuters said. “That’s an ideal scenario
goals for Leicester, World Cup with an easy MELBOURNE, Jan 29 for me. After the tournament,
including six during the six-wicket win over I’ll know how I feel... did I
club’s Premier League Afghanistan at Hagley Oval in Australian Open champion come out injured or not? So
title-winning campaign Christchurch on Thursday. Roger Federer is set to contin- now we know what the situa-
in 2015-16. (REUTERS) ue defying Father Time after tion is. I also have to decide on
Summary announcing he will return to the claycourt season so all
US, Bosnia play Australia 182-4 in 37.3 overs (J defend his title next year, the these things are kind of inter-
goalless draw Edwards 72, P Uppal 32*; Q Ahmad Swiss said on Monday. linked. But it’s possible I’ll
LOS ANGELES: The US 2-35, N Ul-Haq 1-46) beat Afghanistan The 36-year-old notched up play something, but it’s also
national team continued 181 in (IA Khil 80; J Merlo 4-24, Z Evans his 20th Grand Slam title and possible that maybe I just
rebuilding after their 2-26) by six wickets sixth at Melbourne Park on don’t play anything (for a
World Cup failure by Man-of-the-match: J Edwards (AUS) Sunday with a 6-2, 6-7(5), 6-3, while).”
drawing 0-0 with Bosnia- 3-6, 6-1 victory over Croatia’s Federer said he would make
Herzegovina in their The three-time champions Marin Cilic, but initially for- the decision about his sched-
opening game of 2018 on chased down Afghanistan’s got to say whether or not he ule after spending some time
n Roger Federer
Sunday. Just 11 weeks target of 182 at a canter, losing planned to defend the title. with family at home in
after a humiliating quali- just four wickets as they “Yeah, I’d love to come back. I trate on Wimbledon, a deci- Switzerland, where he hoped
fying round defeat to last reached it with more than 12 know I forgot to say that after sion that paid off with his the fact he had won the
place Trinidad and overs remaining. Australian the match,” a bleary-eyed eighth title on the southwest Australian Open title again
Tobago, the Americans allrounder Jonathan Merlo Federer said on Monday. “But London grass courts. would finally sink in. “This
fielded a young inexperi- took 4-24 with the ball before I hope I come back again next He reiterated on Monday year seems more surreal, I
enced squad for the exhi- opening batsman Jack year.” that he would continue to can’t believe I was able to
Edwards smashed 72 in a man- n Australia’s Jack Edwards plays a stroke as Afghanistan wicketkeeper Ikram Ali Khil looks on during their Federer equalled the record manage his schedule tightly defend my title after all these
bition match at the
StubHub Center stadium of the-match knock. They will semi-final match at the ICC World Cup at Hagley Oval in Christchurch on Monday.  AFP/rss of six Australian Open men’s and despite being within sight years, that I could do it again,”
play the winner of Tuesday’s titles, held by Novak Djokovic of the world’s top ranking, a he said. “To reach number 20,
in Los Angeles. Both
teams were missing semi-final between India and
Pakistan in the tournament
icc u-19 world cup century off 80 balls. But he
played a lone hand and could
and Roy Emerson, and emu-
lated Ken Rosewall’s feat of
decision on whether or not his
next tournament would be in
number six here, it’s just a lot
trying to take it in. Last year
many of their top play-
ers as the US squad had decider on Saturday. first time. But their batsmen them before they get us. The not find a partner at the other claiming three Grand Slam Dubai in late February had was a lot more straightfor-
just two national team Afghanistan have had a failed to fire against Australia, pitch was pretty slow, proba- end as regular dismissals pre- titles after the age of 35. His yet to be made. “We were in ward, just disbelief that I won
veterans, Gyasi Zardes dream run at this year’s tour- leaving a spin-heavy attack lit- bly gave us a bit of time to vented the Afghans from longevity has in part been put talks with them (Dubai organ- and there I was waking up
and Jordan Morris. nament, defeating Pakistan tle to defend. “We did a bit of read the spin, which helped.” building any momentum. down to the careful manage- isers) but when the with the trophy. But, I don’t
Bosnia-Herzegovina also and Sri Lanka in the group research on their spinners Afghanistan made a slow They struggled to 86-4 at the ment of his playing schedule. (Australian Open) tourna- know, this year feels more sur-
failed to get into the stages, then thrashing hosts and thought it’d be a good idea start after losing opener halfway mark and hopes of a Despite being fully fit, he ment started, I just said ‘look, real. I can’t believe that I was
World Cup. (AFP) New Zealand by 202 runs to to take the game to them,” Ibraham Zadran early. Ikram significant total ended when skipped the entire claycourt if it’s okay, I’d like to decide able to defend my title... It’s
make the final four for the Edwards said. “Try to get Ali Khil brought up his half Khil departed on 80. season last year to concen- after the tournament’,” he super special.”

i n d i a n p r e m i e r l e agu e

Major talking points from lucrative domestic cricket auction

Agence France-Presse ted by Indian scouts at the U-19 who may not perform well on lion for the allrounder from featured more than 300 players in
BANGALORE, Jan 29 Asian Cup in Kuala Lumpur last
Nepal get their first IPL player after leg-spinner Sandeep Indian pitches. Batsmen Manish Barbados who is seeking to quali- a one-day auction, compared to
November. Nepal will also get Lamichhane landed a $31,446 deal with Delhi Daredevils. One Pandey and Lokesh Rahul came fy for England, and has already 581 over two days this year. Next
The eight teams in the cash-rich their first IPL player after 17-year- third and fourth in the rankings, made a name for himself with year could see a shift to transfers
Indian Premier League (IPL) old leg-spinner Sandeep reason for the signings could be a desire to expand IPL’s fanbase both costing about $1.7 million. English county Sussex and for between teams, and new signings
spent almost $70 million at an Lamichhane landed a $31,446 deal Players with no experience in the Hobart Hurricanes in Australia’s within current limits of eight
auction for players ahead of the with Delhi Daredevils. One rea- lion for 23 players including the teams will be in the spotlight on national team also featured prom- Big Bash League. He has bowled overseas players. IPL officials are
Twenty20 tournament, which son for the signings could be a top two buys, Ben Stokes ($1.96m) their return from scandal. inently: the Royals spent almost at up to 150 kilometres an hour also considering introducing a
starts in April. The results desire to expand the IPL’s fanbase and Jaydev Unadkat ($1.8m). $1 million on uncapped off-spin- and made scintillating run-outs draft system. “This time we had
Homegrown talent
showed a marked shift away from in other South Asian countries. They will be relying on the big ner Krishnappa Gowtham, and in the field. Archer, only 22, will this big auction after four years
purchasing big-name foreign “We will have some new fans for names to lift their less exalted Jaydev Unadkat is not with the Krunal Pandya became the costli- not be eligible to play for England because we had two suspended
stars, in favour of up-and-coming IPL... I hope this will start a crick- teammates to success. But the Indian Test or one day team tour- est uncapped buy when he went until 2022, ruling him out of the teams for two years. So we
players from India and elsewhere. et revolution in Nepal,” Delhi conservative Super Kings, twice ing South Africa, but he is one of to Mumbai Indians for $1.38 mil- 2019 World Cup. But he is set to extended the player regulations
chief executive Hemant Dua said. IPL champions, spent just $6.4 the hottest T20 bowlers on the lion. TV pundit Dean Jones said: compete for the spotlight with by one year and had this auc-
Root gets the boot
million in two days and did not planet. Unadkat, player of the “They (the teams) all started to Ben Stokes and the rest of the tion,” IPL chief operating officer
Royals comeback
While there were no bidders for make any of the top 10 purchases. series in India’s recent T20 games tell these (established) players star-studded Royals team. Hemang Amin told The Hindu
England’s Test and one-day cap- Rajasthan Royals and Chennai Mahendra Singh Dhoni was against Sri Lanka, went for $1.8 that enough is enough. They are newspaper.
Likely the last big auction
tains Joe Root and Eoin Morgan, Super Kings are returning from retained as captain ahead of the million to Royals, making the looking for the younger player.” “Going forward the thinking is
Kings XI Punjab paid $628,000 for two-year bans for illegal gam- auction. Their top buy, Kedar 26-year-old the second most The weekend IPL auction, with that we will not have this mega
Archer: bolt from the blue
Mujeeb Zadran, a 16-year-old bling. The Royals, who won the Jadav, who cost $1.2 million, could expensive player behind Ben 169 players bought for nearly $70 auction but will consider having
spinner from Afghanistan. first IPL in 2008 under Shane be a smart buy for his explosive Stokes. Unadkat’s deal also high- Jofra Archer was one of the IPL million, was the biggest in four a draft system for the new players
Mujeeb, the youngest player to be Warne, turned out to be big batting and surprising off-spin. lighted a tendency to pick Indian auction sensations. The years—and could be the last. The which acts as a feeder system for
signed by an IPL team, was spot- spenders, shelling out $10.3 mil- With reputations to restore, both talent rather than foreign stars Rajasthan Royals paid $1.1 mil- previous three years witnessed the teams.”

Published and Printed by Kantipur Publications Pvt. Ltd., Central Business Park, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal, P. B. No. 8559, Phone: 5135000, Fax: 977-1-5135057, e-mail:, Regd. No. 32/049/050, Chairman & Managing Director : Kailash Sirohiya, Director : Swastika Sirohiya, Editor-in-Chief : Akhilesh Upadhyay

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