006 Prats-v-CA

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Prats v. CA (1978)
Fernandez, J.

Under what topic: IX. What are the obligations and liabilities of principals to agents?

Petitioner: Antonio E. Prats, doing business under the name of Philippine Real Estate Exchange

Respondent: Courts of Appeals, Alfonso Doronila, and Philippine National Bank

Synopsis: This is a petition for certiorari to review the decision of CA, dismissing Prats’ case for recovery of sum
of money. Doronila was ordered in the RTC to pay Prats P1.380M based on an alleged exclusive option and
authority to negotiate the sale of Doronila’s property. CA reversed. SC said that there was no evidence that shows
that Prats was the efficient procuring cause in bringing about the sale, hence he is not entitled to the commission
which was awarded by the RTC. However, he was awarded an amount in the interest of equity.

Doctrine: The principal has the obligation to pay commissions to his agent, subject to the limitations of the
stipulations in the agency. Based on equity, however, in this case, it is but proper to give compensation to the
efforts of the agent which helped further the principal’s interest.
Facts: d. The written offers must be made by the
 This is a suit for the recovery of a sum of prospective buyers and if no written
money and damages instituted by Prats offer is made to Doronila until the last
against Doronila and PNB. day of this authorization, this option
and authority shall expire and become
 July 1967: Doronila was the registered owner null and void.
of a 300-hectare land in Rizal. He offered to sell e. Prospective buyers and all parties
such land to the Social Security System (SSS) interested shall be referred to Prats.
for PHP 4.00/sq. m. SSS made a counter-offer
of PHP 3.25/sq. m.  As a result of this exclusive option and
authority to negotiate, Doronila withdrew his
 February 14, 1968: Doronila then gave Prats previous offer to sell to SSS and asked for the
an exclusive option and authority in writing to return of all papers concerning his offered
negotiate the sale of the property under the property. These papers were given to Prats as
following terms: Doronila’s authorized real estate broker.
a. Prats is to sell the land at a basic price of
PHP 3.00/sq. m.  February 26, 1968: Doronila was invited by
b. A 10% commission shall be paid to Prats SSS to have a meeting but the former declined
based on PHP 2.10/sq. m. or at any price and asked that SSS communicate directly with
finally agreed upon and if the property be Prats. Prats wrote SSS signifying his
sold over and above PHP 3.00/sq. m., the intentions to sit down and meet with the
excess shall be paid to Prats in addition to latter.
his 10% commission.
c. Such exclusive option and authority is  April 18, 1968: Doronila extended Prat’s
good for (60) days from the date of exclusive option and authority up to May 18.
conformity; provided that should
negotiations with the buyer have been  May 6, 1968: Prats made a formal written
started, said period is automatically offer to the SSS at the price of PHP6.00/sq. m.
extended until said negotiations is SSS ignored said offer.
terminated, but not more than (15)
days.  May 18, 1968: Prats wrote to Doronila
emphasizing that they still had (15) days

within which to complete the negotiations as Ratio:

per agreement or until June 2.  It is clear from the stipulation of facts and
evidence on record that the offer of Doronila
 May 30, 1968: Prats wrote to Doronila again to sell the land to SSS was formally accepted by
advising him that the SSS agreed to purchase SSS only on June 20, 1968 after the exclusive
the land, though no formal offer was made by option had already expired. Prats was not the
the latter. efficient procuring case in bringing about the
sale proceeding from the fact of expiration of
 June 6, 1968: Doronila wrote to Prats his exclusive option.
informing him that he has not received any o This is manifested by the fact that the
written offer from the SSS during the 60 days SSS officials specifically requested
of the exclusive option and authority which Prats not to be present at the meeting
expired on April 14, nor during the period of with Doronila on May 29 because the
extension which expired on May 18, nor SSS officials never wanted the
during the 15-day grace period. As per their mediation or intervention of Prats. The
agreement, the option expired and became conclusion is that this May 29 meeting
null and void. was done independently and not by
virtue of Prat’s wish or efforts to hold
 June 19, 1968: Doronila wrote to SSS such meeting.
renewing his offer to sell the land at PHP o The fact that Prats also made offers of
4.00/sq. m. SSS replied and made a counter- PHP 4.50/sq. m. and PHP 6.00/sq. m.
offer of PHP 3.25/sq. m., for a total price of belies the claim that he arranged the
P9,750,000.00. May 29 meeting as SSS was only
willing to buy it at PHP 3.25/sq. m.
 July 30, 1968: Doronila accepted the counter- Prats’ offers to SSS received no
offer and executed the deed of absolute sale. attention.
 However, the Court took note that Prats had
 September 17, 1968: Prats presented his taken steps to bring back together Doronila
statement of account to Doronila for the and SSS:
payment of his professional services as real o Prats wrote several letters to SSS
estate broker in the amount of P1,380,000.00. offering the land and inviting them to
Doronila refused to pay. Hence, a suit was discuss the offer. He even made a
filed. former offer of PHP 6.00/sq. m., albeit
it was ignored.
 RTC ruled in favor of Prats, ordering Doronila o Prats had several dinner and lunch
to pay the commission plus damages. meetings with Doronila and his
nephew Atty. Asencio. The latter
 CA reversed. As per the agreement, a written corroborated this fact.
offer by the prospective buyer was required
and if no such written offer is made until the  As such, the Court granted in equity a sum
last day of the authorization, the option shall of PHP 100,000.00 by way of compensation
expire. for Prats’ efforts and assistance in the
transaction, which however was finalized
Issue/s - Holding: and consummated after the expiration of
WON CA erred in concluding that Prats was not the his exclusive option.
efficient procuring cause in bringing about the sale of
Doronila’s land to SSS and as such should not be Dispositive:
entitled to his commission. NO. CA was correct.
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby
affirmed, with the modification that private
respondent Alfonso Doronila in equity is ordered to

pay petitioner or his heirs the amount of One Hundred Doronila as ordered by respondent court is hereby
Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) and that the portion of with the exception of the sum of One Hundred
the said decision ordering Prats to pay respondent Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) which is ordered
Doronila attorneys' fees in the sum of P10,000.00 is segregated therefrom to satisfy the award herein
set aside. given to petitioner, the lifting of said injunction, as
herein ordered, is immediately executory upon
The lifting of the injunction issued by the lower court promulgation hereof.
on the PHP 2,000,000.00 cash deposit of respondent

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