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My country is Nigeria, which is the largest in West Africa. Nigeria, being the most populous country in

Africa is rich in cultures and traditions. My country has so many attractions like natural landscapes,

mountains, festivities, religious activities, etc. This makes so many people from all over the world visit


Nevertheless, in order to avoid any intercultural misunderstandings, visitors to Nigeria should also be

aware of some things in my country.

Firstly, one of the most important things a visitor should know is that there are different ethnic groups in

Nigeria with their various ethnic languages. However, English is the official language but visitors should

not be surprised that not everyone they meet can speak or express themselves in English. And apart from

people speaking standard English, a large portion of population speaks Nigerian pidgin, which is based on

English vocabulary known as pidgin english.

Secondly, it is also necessary to know that because of many ethnic groups, special attention should be

given to traditional rules, customs, and cultural values of the people which affect and contribute to their

way of doing things according to their ethnic groups. For example, Yorubas prostrate and kneel down to

Elder people which others do not. In some places, people must add their when greeting each other

because by adding the title they are expressing their respect to other people, especially older people.

Another example of my people's customs is that in some places they believe it is polite to remove your

shoes upon entering someone's home. Women are also expected to be properly dressed and fully covered

up in my country according to the dictates of their culture and religion, and scantily-dressed or half-nude

females would provoke the anger of the general people. You are not allowed to reveal sensitive parts of

your body to public

as a woman, or even be too forward with men openly

Furthermore, visitors should know something about Nigerian cultural taboos because taboo is another

traditional rule that visitors should not ignore. For example, Men and women are not allowed to whistle at

nights in Yorubaland. Whistling at nights is believed to invite demons and evil spirits into the house to

torment people. Additionally, it is believed that whistling could attract snakes and reptiles into the house

at night. Another one is that It is forbidden to consume alcohol openly in Hausaland, and the

implementation of Sharia law has made this a taboo. Consumption of alcohol, gin, whiskey, beer, and

other alcoholic beverages are prohibited in northern Nigeria; unless you find a way to purchase and

consume it in your own secrecy. Using the left hand to do anything like eating, writing, giving and

accepting things, is not polite in my country too regardless of the fact that the individual may be left-

handed. Elders deeply frown on giving or taking things with the left hand because it is considered most

disrespectful and unfortunate.

So It is important visitors know some of these things.

Finally, visitors should also be aware that there are some foods that are forbidden in some places. For

instance, It is generally considered unclean to consume dog meat, pork, and cat meat among others. While

many Yorubas will never taste dog meat but gladly consume African rabbit , the Ondo people considers

rabbit abomination but will gladly eat dog meat. Pythons are generally sacred in Igboland and in Delta

State, and must not be killed or eaten. Pythons are believed to be the reincarnation of ancestors.

In conclusion, we Nigerians love our country and pride in our culture and therefore it important for

visitors to know this fact that people in different ethnic groups expect visitors to get used to their own

way of life or their traditions irrespective of wherethey are from to avoid any intercultural


Nigeria is a place to visit because the people are accommodative, friendly and lovely despite the cultural


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