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Business Scenario

As we know about info record and order unit. In this document we are going to learn how to create an
info record with different price for different order unit.

Sometimes we purchase a material in different different order unit, as example in BAG, KG, BOX etc etc.
and the vendor will take the different price for the different order unit.

As suppose vendor will take Rs. 50 for KG, Rs. 100 for BAG and Rs. 500 for BOX.

Here you can maintain the price for different order unit in info record. So we don’t have to maintain
manually price for the different order unit.

1. We have to maintain variable order unit in material master record.

Go to MM02, in purchasing tab

The variable order unit will control your further action. This option will allow to use different price for
different order unit. You need to maintain the variable order unit as 2-Active with own price.

Then maintain the unit of measure as per your requirement.

Go to Additional Data-Units of measure

Maintain conversion as per your requirement.

2. Access Sequence

To use this facility, you need to be sure that your access sequence has the condition table 66 for ‘Info
record per order unit’ and 67 for ‘Plant Info Record per Order Unit’. Otherwise, you can’t able to
maintain condition record for order unit.

These condition tables are already maintained for access sequence 0002.

If you are using any custom access sequence, then you need to maintain the condition table 66 and 67.

3. Create Info record

We have to create info record for this material with particular vendor.

Go to ME11. Give the vendor, material, purchase organization and plant and then press enter.
You can see in general data, the variable order unit as 2 is automatically copied from material master.

Then press enter, you will go to the Purch. Organization Data 1 tab.
Here enter you all information, and give the price for KG in net price field.

Then press Condition tab

After pressing condition tab, a pop-up will shown to you (like as above screen shot) with all unit which
you have maintained in material master.

We have to maintain different price in condition for each unit of measure.

Now select the KG and press Choose (You can double click on KG)
Here maintain the price for KG (it will automatically picked because we have maintained price for KG in
Purch. Organization Data 1 tab).

Then press back button.

You will go back to the Purch. Organization Data 1 tab. Then again press condition tab. Again you will see
the pop-up box as shown in previous figure.

Now double click on the unit of measure BAG.

Here maintain the price for BAG. As I have already said we will pay Rs. 100 for order unit BAG.

Then press back again.

You will go back to the Purch. Organization Data 1 tab. Then again press condition tab. Again you will see
the pop-up box as shown in previous figure.

Now double click on the unit of measure BOX.

Maintain the price for BOX. As I have already said we will pay Rs. 500 for order unit BOX.

Now save your info record.

Now we are going to create a Purchase order for the same vendor and material.

Go to ME21N, fill the all details.

In line item, enter all details without price..

Firstly the default order unit will come PC and we can see the rate as well as maintained in info record.
We can see the price Rs. 50 has come to Purchase order as we have maintained Rs. 50 for KG in info

Now I am going to change the order unit as BAG in this PO.

Here you can see our price is automatically changed with Rs. 500, as we maintained Rs. 500 for BAG in
info record.

Now I am going to change the order unit as BOX in this PO.

We can also see here, the price will change automatically with Rs. 500 as we have maintained Rs. 500 for

Now you can save your PO with this order unit as per your requirement.

In this way we can maintain different price in info record for different order unit.

No need to do any configuration, just create the info record properly. You will able to fetch the price
according to the info record.

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