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Control of robotic manipulators is a challenging

State of the Art in Adaptive problem mainly due to the nonlinear and coupled nature
of the system dynamics. A considerable amount of
Control of Robotic Systems valuable work has been produced in the dynamics
formulation and the control of these systems within the
last two decades. Since the pioneering works of Uicker
[l], Hooker and Margulies [2], and Kahn and Roth [3] on
the formulation of dynamics, researchers have
SABRI TOSUNOGLU concentrated on the efficient computer implementation
DELBERT TESAR and numerical construction of the dynamic equations.
The University of Texas at Austin While the work on the efficient dynamic equation
algorithms is still going on, control of manipulators has
also received significant attention. Over the years,
literature on the manipulator control methods using
optimization, linearization, nonlinearity compensation,
An up-to-date assessment of adaptive control technology as
and recently, adaptive techniques, has become quite rich.
applied to robotics is presented. Although the field is relatively new This paper reviews the research activity in the
and does not yet represent a mature discipline, considerable adaptive control of robotic systems. The reader should
attention for the design of sophisticated robot controllers has note that adaptive control in itself is not yet a mature
occurred. In this presentation, adaptive control methods are divided discipline in systems theory. Also, since some of the
into model reference adaptive systems and self-tuning regulators existing tools in adaptive control are strictly for linear
with further definition of various approaches given in each class. and/or time-invariant systems, their application to robotics
The similarity and distinct features of the designed controllers are deserves special attention. The immaturity of adaptive
delineated and tabulated to enhance comparative review. control is best demonstrated by the lack of a definition of
adaptive control agreed to by the leading researchers [4].
According to Webster’s dictionary, to adapt means
“to adjust (oneself) to new circumstances. Adaptive

control, then, in essence, is used to mean a sophisticated,

flexible control system relative to the conventional fixed
feedback system. An adaptive system will assure quality
system performance when large and unpredictable
variations in the plant dynamics or loading occur.
Although our aim is by no means to establish the missing
definition, since the robotics community seems to have
reached a consensus on what is meant by adaptive
control, we give our definition to illustrate our
interpretation of adaptive control.
Defnirion: A feedback control system is adaptive if
the gains are selected with the on-line information of
plant outputs and/or plant state variables.
This definition is depicted in block diagram format in
Fig. 1. The above definition encompasses all the previous
work on the adaptive control of manipulators currently
available to us.
Manuscript received April 16, 1987. Although the early work on adaptive control dates
back to the 1950s, its first extensive application to
IEEE Log No. 23004
robotics was given by Dubowsky and DesForges in 1979
This paper was presented at the workshop on Space Telerobotics, Jet [5]. Since then a variety of different methods has been
Propulsion Laboratories, Pasadena, Calif., January, 1987. developed. So far, the existing adaptive control methods
This work was supported by the United States Department of Energy applied to robotics may be categorized under the design
under Grant DE-FG02-86NE37966, and by the NASA Johnson Space of 1) Model Reference Adaptive Systems (MRAS), or
Center under Grant NAG 9-188. 2) Self-tuning Regulators (STR).
Authors’ address: Dep’t. of Mechanical Engineering, University of The following methods are used in the design of
Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. MRAS: 1) local parametric optimization, 2) Lyapunov’s
second method, 3) hyperstability theory, and 4) sliding
0018-9251/0900-0552 $1.00 0 1988 IEEE control theory.

where BER" is the relative joint displacement vector {x
= [eT eTIT€R2"},A ( B ) € R " " is the generalized
inertia matrix, -f = - F ( B , e ) e € R n represents the
Fig. I . Block diagram representation of adaptive control system. inertia torques due to centrifugal and Coriolis
accelerations, - g = -C(B)B€R" is the gravity loads
The STR design procedure may be divided into three as seen at the joints where C(B)€R" " is nonunique,
steps: 1) selection of a parametric structure to represent and uER" is the control. In state-space representation,
the robotic system via discrete-time modeling, 2) on-line (1) can be given by
estimation of system parameters using the least squares,
extended least squares or maximum likelihood methods,
and 3 ) on-line controller design based on the estimated x = [Ao,G ,f,] x + [ A O , ] U.
system parameters via extended minimum variance or
pole-zero placement techniques. Note that functional dependencies are dropped for clarity.
Block diagrams of MRAS and STR are illustrated in If each actuator (dc motor) is modeled as a second-order,
Figs. 2 and 3 . Note that the dotted boxes in these figures linear, time-invariant subsystem (neglecting the armature
may be reduced to the regulator block in Fig. 1. After a inductance), and is coupled with the manipulator
brief review of system dynamics, the related background dynamics, the previously defined state vector x is
work is presented below. preserved and the control is the actuator input voltage. In
this case, (2) takes the following form


where A = A + J is the combined inertia matrix with J

= diag[J,], Jk is the rotor inertia of the kth actuator
referred to output shaft, E l , E,, and E, are diagonal,
Regulator Plant positive definite constant matrices and functions of
various actuatodgear train parameters.
Although most of the works do not include the
actuator dynamics, the above simplified form may be
Fig. 2. Block diagram of model reference adaptive system substituted, since the form of the equations remains the
same. Depending on the adaptation algorithm, these
constant actuator parameters may either be included in the
on-line identification scheme or assumed known. In our
presentation, the generic U represents the suitable control
(either the effective input torques or the voltages). The
only exception is [6] where third-order actuator dynamics
is studied in addition to the above simplified form. The
dynamic equations, (2) or ( 3 ) , may be given in terms of
the robot-hand coordinates expressed in a fixed reference
frame (task-oriented coordinates) and adaptative
controllers may be designed for this system [6-81.
Regulator Plant


Fig. 3. Block diagram of self-tuning regulator. In MRAS design, usually a second-order, linear,
time-invariant, continuous-time reference model is
selected for each link of the serial robot. Then a control
11. SYSTEM DYNAMICS law is derived to force the robot to behave like the
selected model. As mentioned earlier, local parametric
Dynamic equations of an n-link, n degree of freedom, optimization [5, 91, Lyapunov's second method (often
spatial, serial robot arm with rigid links are given by called Lyapunov's direct method) [lo], hyperstability


[ 11-13], or the sliding control theory [ 14-16] is usually them in their algorithms. Some methods choose nonlinear
employed to achieve the goal. feedback matrices in their controllers ( H , L, S in Table I)
In 1979, Dubowsky and DesForges [5] implemented without incorporating the explicit system parameter
the local parametric optimization technique on a robot estimations.
arm. In their formulation, each servomechanism is The early works presented in Table I have generally
modeled as a second-order, single-input, single-output avoided the nonlinearity compensation and opted for the
system, neglecting the coupling between system degrees assumption that the nonlinear system parameters vary
of freedom. Then, for each degree of freedom, position slowly in time. On this basis, a stability analysis is given
and velocity feedback gains are calculated by an for the system. This assumption almost certainly is too
algorithm which minimizes a positive semidefinite error restrictive, since the nonlinear manipulator system
function utilizing the steepest descent method. Stability is parameters are functions of the joint position and
investigated for the uncoupled, linearized system model. velocities. The faster the robot movement is, the more
This work represents the first implementation of adaptive rapidly the system parameters will vary. The objective on
control to robotics. the other hand, for the more sophisticated control
The recent works have concentrated on the designs methods is to enable fast robot movements with high
based on the Lyapunov's second method and the precision. As a result of revolutionary advances in the
hyperstability theory. In the most general case, these microprocessor industry with prices steadily coming
control methods yield the following control structure U,: down, the possibility of real-time implementation of
computation-intensive algorithms is steadily improving.
up = S , f i ( A p , F p , G p , x p ) + 6f2(Ki,xp,xr,ur) Recently, Wander and Tesar [23, 241 have implemented
+ S3h 9 xp9 xr > i r ) (4) the complete dynamic equations [25] of a 6-link, general
where subscripts p and r represent the plant and reference architecture robot arm in 6.5 ms (150 Hz) in explicit
model, respectively, Siis either 0 or l , f , E R " , KiER" " form without using recursion. They have implemented the
nonlinear or constant gain matrix, i = 1, 2, or 3, ~ , E R I algorithm on an Analogic AP-500 array processor.
represents an unknown system parameter like the Some of the most recent works include nonlinearity
payload, link mass content, center of gravity location, compensation along with a feedback portion and
etc., where a combination of these constant parameters or parameter identification features [6, 17, 18, 261. Once the
a nonlinear term is to be estimated in the adaptation control has the form U, = A,(O,)u;, where subscript p
process, and j = 1, 2, ..., k , where k depends on the denotes the plant, A, is the on-line calculated generalized
specific controller design. Although some controllers call inertia matrix, and U; is yet to be selected, generally,
for plant joint accelerations, they are not shown in (4). global stability of the closed-loop system can be shown
The first termf, in (4) describes the nonlinearity provided that A,-'A, = I , where I , the identity matrix of
compensation. It may represent the complete manipulator order n, is maintained [6]. Otherwise, in reference to
dynamics as in [17, 181, or only the gravity terms and the Table I, all methods without nonlinearity compensation
Jacobian as in [7]. A controller with SI = 1 and a2 = 6, need to assume system parameters stay constant during
= 0 indicates only a nonlinearity compensation. The the adaptation.
second term in U, represents the feedback portion of the Balestrino, et al. [19] have developed an adaptive
controller. The gain matrices Kimay either be nonlinear controller which produces discontinuous control signals
or constant. Now a1 = = 0 and S2 = 1 represent the leading to chattering. Stability analysis is presented using
control structures of [16, 19-21] among others. The third hyperstability theory. In [16], Balestrino, et al. present
term in U, includes the portion of the control where three methods; the first is based on the theory of variable-
system parameters are explicitly estimated [ 17, 18, 221. structure systems, the second on the hyperstability, and
Slotine [18], for example, includes all the components the third is a combination of the first two methods.
into his controller, therefore, SI = a2 = fj3 = 1. Designed controllers produce high-frequency chatter
Takegaki and Arimoto's control strategy [7] may be which is highly undesirable since higher order dynamic
summarized by 6, = ti2 = 1 and a3 = 0, Horowitz and modes may be excited. Numerical simulations show an
Tomizuka's [22] 6, = 0, S2 = S3 = 1, etc. extremely high frequency of sign switches in the plant
Various MRAS control structures are summarized in input, prohibiting its physical realization. Shaoxi, et al.,
Table I. This table differentiates the methods which attempt to remedy the chattering problem by nonlinearity
require explicit calculation of dynamic equations compensation [27]. Stoten [21] formulates the MRAS
(nonlinearity compensation) from the methods which problem closely following the procedures in [9] and
adaptively estimate the plant parameters on-line simulates the algorithm for a I-link manipulator.
(Incorporation of Plant Parameter Estimation). However, Horowitz and Tomizuka [22] study the adaptive
further distinction is needed in the latter group, since one control of a 3-link arm. Gravity effects and the mass and
approach explicitly identifies the nonlinear terms (as in A , inertia of the first link are neglected. Each nonlinear term
G, and F with reference to (2)), and estimates them on- in the dynamic equations is identified a priori, treated as
line, the recent methods treat the constant robot unknown, and estimated by an adaptation algorithm. For
parameters as unavailable, and estimate and compensate the modeled system and the designed controller, stability

Summary Of MRAS Controllers In Literature

I I IurnoonoAru

Dubowsky and Deaforgar
1979 [SI 1 I J
Horowitz and Tomlruka
I980 1221

b v t o Remark%
1 : Calculates complete or partial nonlinear dynamics on-llne.
2 : Robot link lengths. mass contents. actuator parameters. etc.. If not othemiso specified.
3 : If "yes", stability analysis based on this assumption.
G : Gravity load compensated; also requires on-line Jacobian caiculation.
A : Requires only the on-line caiculallon of the inertia matrix.
0 : Nonlinear-gain feedback using local parametric optimization.
C : Constant-gain feedback.
L : Nonlinear-gain leedback using Lyapunov's second method.
H : Nonlinear-gain feedback using hyperstability theory.
S : Nonlinear-gain feedback using sliding control theory.
N : Structure of nonlinear system parameters (functions of state variables) are expiicilly assumed
known and are adaptively estimated; stability analysis based on hyperstability theory.
J : Yes.
- : No.

analysis is given by Popov's hyperstability theory. Later, assured if the manipulator hand velocity is sufficiently
Anex and Hubbard [28] have experimentally implemented slow, i.e., nonlinear system parameters change slowly.
this algorithm with some modifications. System response Nicosia and Tomei [30] derive control laws using the
to high speed movements is not tested, but practical hyperstability theory to follow a linear, time-invariant
problems encountered during the implementation are reference model. The plant (manipulator) parameters and
addressed in detail. Recently, Horowitz, et al. have the payload are assumed known and are not identified.
digitally implemented this control scheme on a 2-link Their controller does not produce chattering and is
direct-drive arm [29]. However, Sadegh and Horowitz relatively easy to implement. Singh develops a similar
have significantly improved the early work [22] in [26] adaptive controller [31]. Lim and Eslami [20] propose
by compensating nonlinearities and estimating constant controller designs based on Lyapunov's second method.
manipulator parameters on-line. Hence, they have been The authors choose to compensate nonlinearities along
able to remove the slowly time-varying system parameter with adaptively controlling the perturbed system equations
requirement. [20, 321 and show that the proposed controller has
Takegaki and Arimoto [7] propose an adaptive improved transient response. Lim and Eslami have later
method to track desired trajectories which are described extended their design to the control of robots in hand
in the task-oriented coordinates. The suggested controller coordinates [33]. Whyte also designs an adaptive
compensates gravity terms, calculates the Jacobian and controller via Lyapunov's second method [34]. The
the variable gains, but does not compensate the algorithm does not require any knowledge of the
manipulator dynamics completely. System stability is manipulator dynamics and selects nonlinear gains in the


feedback loop to follow the reference model. System However, modifications in the controller structure may
stability is shown, provided that the parameter changes alleviate this problem. Their numerical simulations
are slow. Kim and Shin suggest a similar approach using identify link masses and Coulomb friction coefficients for
the hyperstability theory [35]. a 2-link manipulator with encouraging results. Hsu, et al.
Hsia [36] reviews the current methods used in have recently suggested improvement in their control
adaptive control and gives brief formulations for each scheme by avoiding acceleration measurements and on-
method. Gavel and Hsia have recently proposed a high- line matrix inversion [41].
gain decentralized adaptive control algorithm yielding Slotine and Li [18] derive a control law with full
local stability properties [37]. The local control law feedforward dynamics compensation, proportional-
cannot completely eliminate the steady-state error, but is derivative (PD) feedback and on-line payload and
easy to implement. Vukobratovic, et al. [38] review local manipulator parameter estimation using Lyapunov’s
parametric optimization and hyperstability-based methods second method. Since this control scheme does not
and choose not to include the approaches based on eliminate the steady-state errors, the authors restrict the
Lyapunov’s second method in their book on the steady-state position errors to lie on a sliding surface.
nonadaptive and adaptive control of manipulators. Seraji This modification, in turn, causes the loss of numerical
employs the linear control theory in controlling efficiency where, interestingly, the authors make use of
manipulators in the hand space [39]. Chen proposes an the recursive computation feature of the manipulator
adaptive controller for systems with unknown constant dynamics. Later, an approximate implementation is
system parameters and applies it to a 2-link, prismatic- suggested to improve the numerical efficiency. Payload
revolute arm [40]. Although, under certain assumptions parameter identification is simulated on a 2-link
the controller is applicable to nonlinear systems with fast manipulator.
time-varying uncertainties, its application to d i n k spatial Recently, the authors have experimentally
arms is not included. implemented the algorithm on a 2-link semi-direct-drive
Tosunoglu and Tesar [6] select a generalized robot arm with encouraging results [42]. They also
nonlinear reference model which represents ideal robot express the adaptive controller in terms of the end-
dynamics. The plant, the actual robot whose system effector parameters [43]. Unfortunately, the controller
parameters may not be exactly known, is then forced to requires on-line inversion of the Jacobian which is an
behave like the reference model to follow the desired inherent property when the system dynamics is expressed
trajectory. The advantage of the nonlinear reference in hand coordinates and compensation is incorporated in
model is that the adaptation process ceases once the the controller. Adaptive hybrid control is also addressed
nominal trajectory is recovered. (Such is not the case in this work.
when linear models are selected.) Error-driven dynamics Once these current methods are refined, application to
is derived and the system is augmented to include the manipulators with higher degrees of freedom will
integral feedback feature to eliminate the parameter naturally follow. Determination of the structure of the
discrepancies between the plant and the reference model, constant terms (for identification) for manipulators with
and the disturbances acting on the system. It is shown higher number links may be achieved with symbolic
that the controllers designed in this work via Lyapunov’s generation of dynamic equations, but the effect of
second method also produce hyperstable systems. increased number of terms on the controller performance
Simulations demonstrate successful trajectory tracking on will require further investigation.
3- and 6-link, spatial manipulators under unknown Asare and Wilson compare three methods as
payloads and estimated system parameters (link lengths, summarized in Table I [44]. The authors point out that
masses, inertia components, payload, etc.). The authors the margin of stability of the first approach with reference
also provide comparative analyses of the effect of integral to Table I (centralized control) is appreciably larger
feedback and various controller update rates, 60 to compared with the other two methods where independent
200 Hz. joint control (decentralized control) is employed
Craig, Hsu, and Sastry [ 171 take an interesting neglecting the joint interactions. Bundell also suggests a
approach in designing an adaptive controller using the decentralized control scheme [45]. Choi, et al. [46] and
Lyapunov’s second method. In this work, the structure of Koditschek [47] use Lyapunov’s second method, whereas
the terms in the dynamic equations is assumed known, Zheng and Hemami [48] and Katbab [49] employ the
but their numerical values remain unknown. They hyperstability theory in designing adaptive controllers.
partition the dynamics into known and unknown portions Some early applications of adaptive control to dual arms
and estimate the unknown parameters along with [50], 1-link flexible manipulators [5 1 , 521 and flexible
compensation for the nonlinearities. Global stability is dual arms [53] are also suggested.
proved by assuming that a matrix function of the plant
joint position, velocity, and accelerations is bounded. IV. STR-BASED C O N T R O L L E R S
Although all the terms which are functions of positions
are bounded, velocity and accelerations may increase In this method, nonlinear manipulator dynamics is
without bounds; thus making the matrix unbounded. typically linearized about a nominal trajectory and then

discretized. The discretized model gives the structure of reported is the fact that the model and the controller
the parametric model whose parameters need to be parameter identifications may not converge fast enough
estimated on-line. The parametric model is given by the while the robot motion takes place. The authors have
following multivariable difference equation later presented experimental results conducted on the
y ( k ) = e T + ( k - 1) + e ( k ) Stanford arm via modified PUMA 600 controller and the
DEC LSI-11/30 interface [62]. The results have
where y ( k ) E R " is the system output, k is the sampling confirmed the computer simulations.
time counter, 0 E R " ( 2 n m f 1 ) contains the parameters to Houshangi and Koivo design a hybrid (force/position)
be identified, E R ( 2 n m f 1represents
) the combined self-tuning controller expressed in the hand coordinates
system input and output vector, e E R " is zero-mean using both the extended minimum variance and the pole
Gaussian white noise with a finite variance, and m is the placement techniques [63]. Pole placement technique
order of the estimation model. produces less overshoot in the numerical simulations but
Parameter estimation is based on the system is more demanding computationally. The developed
identification techniques using the sampled input-output controllers cannot eliminate the steady-state errors
data. Although such techniques include the least squares, completely, but the simulations show less than 2 percent
extended least squares and maximum likelihood methods, stead-state error.
the recursive least squares method is extensively used Lee [8] derives the perturbation equations, discretizes
because of its lower computational requirements [8, 36, them, and estimates the system parameters using the
38, 54-69]. The recursive least squares estimation is recursive least squares method. Then an adaptive
given by controller is designed using the extended minimum
variance technique. The parameter identification requires
6 ; ( k ) = 6 ; ( k - 1) + P ( k ) + ( k - l)[y,(k) the estimation of 6n2 parameters on-line (216 for a 6-link
manipulator). Lee provides a detailed breakdown of the
- @ ( k - I)+(k - l)] (6) computational requirements and concludes that for a 6-
where link manipulator the control scheme can be updated at
about 56 Hz on a PDP-11/45. Lee and Chung propose to
decouple the manipulator dynamics with a feedforward
torque component and construct a feedback signal via

P ( k - l)+(k - I ) + T ( k - 1 ) P ( k - 1)
A + +T(k - 1)P(k - l ) + ( k - 1)
and i i ( k ) represents the estimate of the ith row of 0
optimal STR design [64]. The authors also implement the
approach in robot hand coordinates [57].
Sundareshan and Koenig present three linear,
discretized model structures for a 3-link arm and develop
defined in (3,P ( k ) is a square symmetric matrix of order an STR, but, unfortunately, do not present simulation
(2nm l), and 0 < A < 1 is an exponential forgetting results [65]. Zaghlool establishes the parameter
factor (usually set to 0.95). identification by recursive adaptation and studies the
Once the parameters are identified at each sampling effect of the sampling period on the system stability [66].
time, regulator parameters are estimated using the Li discusses the computational requirements of the
extended minimum variance or pole-zero placement method [67]. In [68], desilva and Winssen essentially
techniques. The method described above is known as offer an STR, but emphasize the recursive calculation of
explicit or indirect STR. If the regulator parameters are linearized system dynamics which is in general more
estimated directly by a reparameterization of the process computationally intensive than the nonlinearized
model, the model is called implicit or direct STR. manipulator dynamics. Das and Loh neglect the dynamic
Usually implicit STR algorithms cancel all process zeros interactions between the links and treat the system as
making them suitable only for minimum phase systems. linear and time-invariant. Then, they assign the system
Koivo and Guo [55] assume an autoregressive model poles with a scheme which does not require matrix
and identify system parameters using the recursive least inversion [69]. Abrishamkar and Chassiakos employ the
squares technique. They design an extended minimum maximum likelihood method to estimate system
variance controller for the estimated model. The method parameters, and then minimize a linear quadratic cost
chooses a quadratic performance index in terms of the function to derive the optimal control expression [70].
state error vector and the system control vector and Hsia [36] reviews the STR formulation on a
minimizes it relative to admissible controls while decoupled model. Karnik and Sinha [58] develop an STR
satisfying (5). Their simulations include decoupled and based on a nonminimum phase model which assigns the
partially coupled parametric model structures. They report system poles while retaining all the zeros. This algorithm
that the parameter convergence is faster in the decoupled is developed for a UNIMATE-2000 robot. Landau [9, 591
case, and that no significant improvement in the system and Vukobratovic, et al. [38] review various STR designs
response is observed for the coupled model. This is rather in detail.
interesting, because the amount of on-line calculations is In general, discrete-time formulation is especially
considerably reduced for the decoupled case. Also suitable for computer control. However, on-line


estimation of all system parameters and the control design Kahn, M E , and Roth, B. (1969)
make STR computationally intensive. Astrom [4] reports The near-minimum time control of open-loop articulated
that numerical estimation techniques tend to be kinematic chains.
Artificial Intelligence Memo 106, Stanford University,
numerically unstable as the number of parameters Stanford, Calif., Dec. 1969.
increases in the system model. In this case, the complete Astrom, K.J. (1983)
system is parameterized. However, the papers reviewed Theory and applications of adaptive control-a survey.
in this work do not raise the question with regard to Automatica, 19 (1983),471-486.
numerical instability although they do indicate the Dubowsky, S., and DesForges, D.T. (1979)
The application of model-referenced adaptive control to
importance of initial parameter selections. Some authors robotic manipulators.
suggest the use of a learning signal to overcome the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and
difficulty. In STR methods, convergence of estimated Control, 101 (Sept. 1979), 193-200.
parameters in the adaptation process is guaranteed if the Tosunoglu, S. ( 1986)
system parameters are constant. Since the actual robot Adaptive control of robotic manipulators.
Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
model parameters are nonlinear functions of the state University of Florida, Gainesville, May 1986.
vector, the question of system parameters varying slowly Takegaki, M., and Arimoto, S. (1981)
in time again arises in the STR methods. An adaptive trajectory control of manipulators.
International Journal of Control, 34 (1981),219-230.
Lee, S.C.G., and Lee, B.H. (1984)
V. CONCLUSIONS Resolved motion adaptive control for mechanical
Adaptive control of robotic systems has received ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and
significant attention within the past few years. A class of Control, 106 (June 1984). 134-142.
Landau, Y.D. (1979)
control laws based on the MRAS design realize the
Adaptive Control: The Model Reference Approach.
adaptation through signal synthesis with a completely New York: Marcel Dekker, 1979.
known paameter structure, while some methods select a Kalman R.E., and Bertram, J.E. (1960)
subclass of the parameters for identification for reduced Control system analysis and design via the second method of
computational burden. All adaptive controllers via STR Lyapunov.
ASME Journal of Basic Engineering, Series D, S(2) (June
design and some MRAS-based methods estimate the
complete (nonlinear) system parameters on-line. Popov, V.M. (1963)
Stability analysis usually relies on the condition that The solution of a new stability problem for controlled
the nonlinear system parameters vary slowly. This systems.
condition is removed if a nonlinearity compensation Automation and Remote Control. 24 (Jan. 1963), 1-23.
Landau, I.D. (1969)
component is also incorporated in the controller. The
A hyperstability criterion for model reference adaptive
most recent works, which exploit the special structure of control systems.
manipulator dynamics, seem to favor this feature. The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. AC-14 (Oct.
use of state of the art microprocessor technology along 1969). 552-555.
with the sophisticated dynamics formulation algorithms Landau, I.D.(1972)
A generalization of the hyperstability conditions for models
strongly indicate that real-time implementation of
reference adaptive systems.
dynamics compensation is rapidly becoming feasible. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-I 7 (Apr.
Further research to perfect the existing algorithms and 1972),246-247.
to provide rigorous stability proofs, which will improve Slotine, J-J.E. (1986)
the maturity of the adaptive control, is still needed. On modeling and adaptation in robot control.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and
Although today’s industrial robots employ linear
Automation, 1986, pp. 1387-1392.
controllers to accomplish a number of useful tasks, fast Slotine, J-J.E. (1985)
and precise robot movements remain to be implemented. The robust control of robot manipulators.
Development of laboratory test beds and implementation The International Journal of Robotics Research. 4 ( 1985),
of the developed adaptive controllers on robotic 49-64.
Balestrino, A . , De Maria, G . , and Zinober, A.S.I. (1984)
manipulators are also crucial, since only after successful Nonlinear adaptive model-following control.
demonstrations will technology transfer be possible. Automatica, 20 (1984),559-568.
Craig, J.J., Hsu, P., and Sastry, S.S. (1986)
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