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Beverley Manor Middle School

Language Arts
Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher’s Name: Kathleen Leigh Grade: 8th Date:

SOL Strand Essential Knowledge: Learning Objective(s): Behaviors,
8.7 The student will write in a variety of use a process for writing, including: planning; drafting; revising; proofreading; Conditions, Criteria
forms, including narration, exposition, editing; and publishing.
persuasion, and informational. Students will be reading and responding to
h) Use computer technology to plan, draft, classmates’ poetry so that they can appreciate
revise, edit, and publish writing. the full writing process (publishing), and so
e) Compare and contrast the author’s use of word choice, dialogue, form, rhyme, that they can review for the test tomorrow.
8.5 The student will read and analyze a rhythm, and voice in different texts. Students will know that they have succeeded if
variety of fictional texts, narrative they have responded to three poems.
nonfiction, and poetry.
c) Explain how authors use characters,
conflict, point of view, voice, and tone to
create meaning.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Instructional Procedures: Writing Methods Utilized
❏ Create Introduction: ❏ Pre-write
✓ Evaluate Bellringer ( 2 released SOL questions) will be posted on Google Classroom for students to start as ❏ Write
❏ Analyze they enter. ❏ Reread
❏ Apply ❏ Revise
❏ Understand Students can put food they brought on the back table. Students will be released by table groups to ❏ Edit
❏ Remember choose food. ✓ Finalize
Review bellringer as a class. Use koosh ball to call on students to explain answer.
Differentiation Strategies Utilized
Direct Instruction:
❏ Co-teaching All types of figurative
The Poetry Cafe will be set up in two parts- the gallery (printed poems will be displayed around
❏ Task language
my room) and the open mic. Students can choose how they would like to present their poem
❏ Grouping
(Answered through question on Google Classroom).
❏ Resources/Materials Tone words
❏ Pacing
Hand out Poetry Cafe Response sheet- students will choose 3 poems to analyze their word choice,
❏ Outcome
ideas, and tone on the sheet. They can also use sticky notes to leave actual comments on the
❏ Dialogue & Support
gallery poems as well.
❏ Assessment
First we will have the students that want to read their poems out loud. Students will listen,
respond with any positive feedback, and have the chance to eat their food.
Independent Practice: Student Motivation
Total Participation Techniques Students will walk around the poetry gallery and read the poems and answer their Poetry Cafe Reminders
❏ Think-Pair-Share Response sheet, and leave sticky notes as they see fit. Tasks Are:
❏ Quick-Write Closing: ✓ Relevant &
❏ Quick-Draw Remember that your unit test is tomorrow, and if you want the extra credit the study guide packet Interesting?
❏ Thumb Up / Down Vote is also due tomorrow. ✓ Incorporate Choice?
❏ Hold-Ups Turn to a partner and tell them about your favorite poem from today. ✓ Incorporate Social
❏ Chalkboard Splash Interaction?
Beverley Manor Middle School
Language Arts
Daily Lesson Plan
❏ Other _________________ Additional Notes, If Necessary: ✓ Are of Appropriate
Level of Difficulty?

❏ ❏

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