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Implementing Calculation View with Text Join

Calculation view:

Calculation views are used to consume analytic, attribute and other calculation views
used to perform complex calculations, which is not possible with other views.

Text Join:

Text Join is used in order to get language-specific data.

You have a product table that contains product IDs without descriptions and you have a text table
for products that contains language-specific descriptions for each product. You can create a text
join between the two tables to get the language-specific details. In a text join, the right table
should be the text table and it is mandatory to specify the Language Column.

Right click on Calculation view<new

Provide name as CV_TEXTJOIN and label

Click on join_1 plus icon to add MARA table

Select MARA table<click ok

Again click on join_1 plus icon<select MAKT table<click ok

Define relationship between MARA MATNR to MAKT MATNR to get output as MAKTX and
join as Text Join and Language column as SPARS

Text Join:

It gives the output based on user session.

Select fields for output

Link join_1 with projection

Select key attribute and label column

Click on save and validate<save and activate

Assign objects for a change

Click on Data Preview<click on Raw Data

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