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Meaning of Moles on the Face

Moles on the face do not always spell trouble for a person. Here’s a look at the
meaning of moles on the face and the kind of speculations associated with it.
Moles can be called as an addition to the beauty factor of a person when you think
about super model Cindy Crawford and the very attractive and talented singer Enrique
Iglesias. Who can forget Pop Diva, Madonna! Well, not everybody considers
himself/herself desirable when they end up with moles on the face! Moles often cause
much pain and agony to many especially when they pop up on the face! Many resort to
their removal through advanced medical ways but then; there are some like Enrique, who
can sport it with great élan. Many are hardly aware about the meaning of moles on the
face. Yes, from the ancient times, moles on the body are known to have a certain
meaning associated with it. There have been various theories about the same. Meaning of
moles on the face would also depend upon the size of the mole and the shape as well.
Although these are just theories and assumptions, often people tend to get carried away
with the same. Let’s take a look at some the meanings of moles of the face as is portrayed
since the ancient times and the kind of beliefs people had back then.

Meaning of Moles on the Face:

If the mole happens to appear on the forehead area, it signifies happiness for males. For
females, such moles on the face signify happiness in marriage. A mole that is seen on the
right side of the forehead signifies a person with exceptional qualities! Experts claim that
he/she is sure to have a very successful life in that case. A mole on the left side indicates
a person with great strength and determination. This person would also be extravagant in

A mole on the cheek, towards your lip area, indicates you would have plenty of fun and
laughter in your life. It can also indicate you will achieve loads of fame as well. A mole,
which is on the cheek, closer to your ear, is said to indicate fame and fortune at a very
young age. You are bound to prosper but you need to be careful about your future life and
secure for the same. Moles on the right cheek indicate a person who has an attractive
persona but is flirtatious as well. A mole on the left cheek suggests a person who is a very
focused person in life. Moles on both the cheeks indicate somebody who needs to put in
more effort and hard work to achieve success in life.

Moles under the eyebrows also signify certain things. Moles under the right eyebrow
indicate an individual with an outgoing personality and also a person who can fight all
odds. Moles under the left eyebrow indicate a high level of intelligence and a person who
is blessed with creative skills as well. People with moles under their left eyebrow also
need to follow their instincts to make a successful living that is accompanied with wealth.

Moles on the upper area of the lips suggest a person with a very strong attitude and a very
goal driven person. It also suggests a certain amount of generosity as well. Moles seen on
the lower lip area indicate a slightly reserved person. Such an individual may tend to be
very quiet in nature with a clear focus on his/her goals.

A mole on the chin would indicate a person who tends to devour food more than
necessary! A mole on the lower portion of the chin indicates a person who loves to be on
the move and has a thirst for adventure.

A mole on the ear indicates a person who is considerate and also has a streak of luck. A
mole on the right side of the nose means a person who loves to travel with a passion for
nature. Moles on the left side of the nose indicate a person who can adapt easily to
different surroundings.

The meaning of moles on the face is basically not an accurate way to gauge the nature of
a person. All this is only indicative and cannot be considered the final verdict about the
nature of any person.
I found this very interesting Moles reading. You may visit this site Moles
Womens face I share this to you, but this reading is not actually the real scenario that will
happen in your life. God is the only supreme being, knows about what will happen to us.
Enjoy searching the meaning. Goodluck!

1 Uncontrollable sexual lust

2 Bad luck to sister-in-laws

3 Bad luck to parents

4 Lack of assistance

5 Multiple marriagies

6 Bad luck to family

7 Bad luck to husband

8 Indulge in sexual lust

9 Prone to have trouble during childbirth

10 Prone to accident when traveling

11 Happy marriage

12 Be guest

13 Luck

14 Fortune

15 Happy marriage

16 Respect and nobility

17 Indulge in sexual lust

18 Prone to be harmed

19 Good luck to your husband

20 Secure and stable life

21 Great wealth

22 Good luck to your husband

23 Misfortune

24 Blessing

25 Prone to accident with water

26 Good luck to junior female family members

27 Good luck to children

28 Good luck to husband's career

29 Prone to lose husband

30 Bad luck to husband

31 Good luck

32 Tears of sadness

33 Bad luck to children

34 Misfortune

35 Bad luck to husband

36 Prone to fire accident

37 Less furtile

38 Indulgy in sexual lust

39 Prone to gossip

40 Prone to be robbed

41 Longevity

42 Prone to self-harm

43 Prone to jealouse

44 Prone to accident with water

45 Low self-esteem

46 Bad luck to husband

47 Prone to give birth to twins

48 Low self-esteem

49 Prone to lose children

50 Prone to argument
51 Bad luck to husband

52 Longevity

53 Back luck to subordinates

54 Prone to accident with water

55 Lack of assets

56 Enjoyment of food

57 High intelligence

58 Rich assets

59 Prone to accident with water

60 Ill health

61 Short of money

62 Secure and abundant life

63 Filial piety

64 High intelligence

65 Good husband

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