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An Adaptive and Sustained Landslide Monitoring

and Early Warning System

Teuku Faisal Fathani, Dwikorita Karnawati, and Wahyu Wilopo

Areas prone to mass movement are widespread in Indonesia. The potential for landslide
disasters in several regions is controlled by the geotechnical and geological conditions and
triggered by high intensity rainfall and/or earthquake activity. The vulnerability to
landslides is made worse by intensive land-use development. The urgent issues to be
addressed are the dense populations residing in areas prone to mass movement and the
failure to relocate the local people to safer areas for socio-economic reasons. Therefore,
landslide monitoring, prediction, and early warning systems are urgently required to
guarantee the safety of communities living in such areas. A long running and sustainable
community-based landslide monitoring and early warning system (EWS) has been
developed in Indonesia, with establishment of collaboration among the local government,
universities, private sectors, NGOs, and the disaster management community. The main
purpose of the program is to establish a strategic approach for disaster risk reduction
through the implementation of information flow (for warning levels) and order/command
systems (for evacuation). These activities have already met the community needs, helped
save lives, and continued to obtain solid community support. In order to extend the effort,
further challenges are to expand the project coverage, and propose more effective landslide
monitoring, early warning, analysis, and visualization. In addition, the capabilities in socio-
economic risk assessment need to be expedited to help identify those most at risk within the
community. This paper describes the achievements and the current activities of the IPL
Project (IPL-158) “Development of Community-based Landslide Early Warning System”.

Landslide monitoring sensors  Information flow  Command system  Community


As a basis for landslide mitigation, the implementation of

preventive measures usually focuses on avoiding slope
T.F. Fathani (*) failure, diverting the moving mass away from vulnerable
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas elements, or building reinforcement to protect the threatened
Gadjah Mada, Jalan Grafika No. 2, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia elements. However, the importance of early warning systems
may rise if landslide mass stabilizing action is considered
D. Karnawati  W. Wilopo expensive in financial and/or environmental terms. The
Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Jalan Grafika No. 2, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
implementation of early warning systems may, at least, avoid
e-mail:; damage and the loss of human lives (Corominas et al. 2005).

K. Sassa et al. (eds.), Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Vol. 2, 563
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05050-8_87, # Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
564 T.F. Fathani et al.

Ideally, zones with a high susceptibility and landslide risk RF antenna

should be prevented from being developed. Unfortunately,
quite often the susceptible particular zone has been Digital
developed as a dense settlement of housing and infrastruc- extensometer
ture areas and the relocation of people living in this area to a
safer zone cannot be conducted due to some socio-economic Wire
constraints. Thus, the development of a landslide warning
system becomes very critical to protect the people living in
PVC pipe
the landslide-prone areas (Anderson et al. 2011; Halcombe
et al. 2012). Concrete
In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the landslide foundation Crack
early warning system, the developed system should be
Reference anchor
simple to operate and appropriately installed in the most (fix point)
suitable sites. Consequently, this system should incorporate
both technical and social approaches. The determination of
early warning criteria is considered as one of several
Fig. 1 The installation scheme for an extensometer
involvements in a technical approach (Fathani et al. 2011;
Fathani and Karnawati 2010).
The application of the most appropriate and adaptive In line with the installation of simple monitoring
technology for an early warning system is considered crucial equipment, the Asian Joint Research Project for Early
to reduce the risk of landslide disasters. Unfortunately, the Warning of Landslides has conducted a field survey to
effectiveness in implementing an early warning system support the installation of real-time landslide monitoring
cannot be guaranteed due to inadequate consideration of equipment. A pilot area has been established in the
the social, cultural, and economic conditions. Accordingly, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java Province. This moni-
the need to integrate social considerations into the technical toring system presents the results of real-time measurement
system should be addressed in order to assure the effective- by using long-span extensometers, a raingauge, and pore
ness in the implementation of such an approach. pressure sensors, with monitoring of the scene by IP camera.
The real-time monitoring equipment consists of outdoor and
indoor units. The outdoor unit is fixed on a center pole and
consists of a fieldserver, two extensometers, a raingauge, an
Development of the Technical System IP camera and water pressure sensor. The fieldserver is a
sensing device with a real-time online data display system
The technical system to support landslide disaster risk which gathers the data from multiple sensors and shows it in
reduction was developed by Fathani and Karnawati (2012), a webserver.
and consists of several technical components such as Since 2012, a real-time landslide monitoring and early
instruments for a landslide early warning system warning has been developed by Universitas Gadjah Mada.
recommended by Fathani et al. (2008) and also Fathani and The system comprises several sensors: namely a digital
Karnawati (2010), supported by the smart-grid for landslide extensometer, wireless tiltmeter, inclinometer, Automatic
hazard communication, monitoring and early warning Rainfall Recorder (ARR), ultrasonic water level sensor and
developed by Karnawati et al. (2011b, 2012). an IP Camera, and other sensors can be added, such as pore
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada water pressure and inclinometer sensors.
Indonesia has developed simple and low-cost equipment Extensometers are used to measure any change in the
for landslide monitoring and early warning since 2007. distance between two fixed points across the crack and are
Initially, two types of simple extensometers and rain gauge attached to the soil slope to be monitored. The system adopts
were installed at several pilot areas in Central Java and East the auto-monitoring and event trigger method. When the
Java Provinces. The first type of extensometer is a handmade variations occur, the signal of 1 mm displacement triggers
manual reading extensometer and the other type is an the transmitter and at the same time, the digital data with a
automatic extensometer for monitoring ground surface highly precise position is transmitted to the server. Figure 1
movement. Both types of extensometers, coupled with an shows the installation of a wireless-digital extensometer.
Automatic Rainfall Recorder (ARR), are connected to the A wireless tiltmeter is a compact, waterproof tilt meter
alarm system to directly warn the local community to take with a range of 0 –80 in X and Y axis from horizontal
necessary actions in dealing with potential landslide (Fig. 2). It is used to monitor changes in the inclination of
disasters (Fathani et al. 2008). an unstable slope. Tiltmeter data can provide an accurate
An Adaptive and Sustained Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System 565

RF Antenna
Anchor Information Flow and Command System
to Support a Landslide Monitoring
Tiltmeter and Early Warning System

Based on long experience, landslide monitoring and early

warning systems should be based on the most appropriate
foundation and adaptive technology, with the involvement of the
local authority and community participation. Therefore,
both technical and communication skills are the main
requirements to achieve success in an early warning system
program. The system should include some technical aspects
Wooden/steel such as geological surveys and site selection, design of
anchor monitoring equipment which is simple (low-cost) but
effective, determination of early warning levels (warning
criteria), installation, operation and maintenance at the
Fig. 2 The installation of a wireless tiltmeter field site. Social aspects should include social mapping and
evaluation, public consultation and dissemination of a
history of slope inclination and provide early warning of a program, and community empowerment, including the
potential landslide hazard. The system adopts the auto- technical training and evacuation drills for landslide hazard
monitoring and event trigger method. When the variations preparedness (Karnawati et al. 2011a).
occur, the signal of 0.1 inclination triggers the transmitter One of the most critical considerations in disaster risk
and at the same time, the digital data is transmitted to the reduction in Indonesia is the assurance of an effective and
server. sustainable information flow (during warning level) and
The collected data from the extensometer, tiltmeter, ARR order/command flow (for evacuation). The local disaster
and AWLR processed by microcontroller are sent point to management agency at district or provincial level acts as
point in a wireless network. The data is received by a field the center of this monitoring and early warning system. The
server; its functions are to receive, store, analyze and resend role of universities and NGOs is to facilitate the stakeholders
data to the central server, and decide when to announce early involved in this information and command system. Figure 4
warnings to the local residents. The received data is then shows the information flow and command system to support
stored in a digital storing media (memory card). The central landslide monitoring and early warning.
server consists of receiver equipment and a specific Personal The proposed model of landslide early warning has been
Computer (PC) to monitor data visually. The PC, which is quite effective and strategic in improving community
connected to the internet, will upload all the data to a web resilience at landslide-vulnerable villages. It is also crucial
server; therefore, the data can be monitored from any place that the system should be developed through community
with internet access. Figure 3 shows a network diagram of a participation and the provision of simple and low-cost
telemetric system for real-time landslide monitoring and technology up to real-time technology for early warning.
early warning.
This real-time monitoring and early warning of landslides
and debris floods has been implemented at eight geothermal
areas in Sumatera, Java and Sulawesi Islands. This system Discussion
was developed based on cooperation between the Faculty of
Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Indonesian The most adaptive and sustained landslide disaster risk
State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation. In order to reduction in Indonesia requires a consistent strategy and
support this system installation, geological and geotechnical support from the government, universities, NGOs and
investigations have been conducted to examine the level of private sectors for the implementation of community-based
risk at the geothermal areas. Accordingly, several methods projects. However, there is still a gap and disconnection
of landslide preventive measures in term of control works between the institutional and strategic approaches to
and restraint works were designed and applied to the high disaster risk reduction which will affect the effectiveness
risk slopes. of community-based projects in landslide-prone areas.
566 T.F. Fathani et al.

Digital Extensometer


Wireless Tiltmeter and controller

Sirene and Rotary Light

Automatic as warning devices
Rainfall Recorder
Field server for data
acquisition and data
loger and Receiver

Ultrasonic water
level sensor

Interface for real-time landslide

IP Cam and Wi-fi PC-based monitoring monitoring data on PC/web

Fig. 3 Network diagram of a telemetric system for real-time landslide monitoring and early warning

Accordingly, the outcomes from community-based activities and early warning instruments, and also may involve human
remain isolated in time and locale, and are deprived of sensors which comprise selected trained-people in the local
higher-level resources and visibilities required to sustain community, who have been dedicated in their commitment
long-term risk reduction activities and spread capacities to for doing ground checking and sending reports related to
other communities. any observed warning signs of potential landslides. Their
The newly developed system facilitates a network of understanding of the causes and landslide triggering
sensors for monitoring and transmitting the hazard level to mechanisms is crucial to establishing appropriate concepts
the local authorities and local community by using the and methods for landslide monitoring, determining warning
sustained information flow and command system. The criteria for hazard prediction and risk assessment in the
sensor is designed by using real-time landslide monitoring region.
An Adaptive and Sustained Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System 567

Landslide monitoring Coordination among

devices: Local Authority
- Extensometer (stakeholders):
- Tiltmeter - City/District
- Inclinometer Government
- Raingauge - Police/Army

- Groundwater measurement - Red-cross

- Ultrasonic water level sensor - SAR and Emergency
Visual ground check

- IP camera Response Units

Telemetry system By mobile phone
Local Disaster or public radio
Real-time Monitoring data Management Agency
Local server (online) (at District or Disaster
Provincial Level) Preparedness
SMS or HT Radio
Information transfer to - Village level
focal points - Sub-village level
Early Warning
- Local leaders
Yellow : Caution Direct Annauncement or
- Trained keypersons
Orange: Preparation Warning by turning the sirene
Announcement Red : Evacuation
Local Community
Local Community (Evacuation: Yes/No)
(Get ready for evacuation)

Flow of information (WARNING) Command System (EVACUATION)

Fig. 4 Flow of information and command system for landslide monitoring and early warning

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the International Fathani TF, Karnawati D, Sassa K, Fukuoka H, Honda K (2008)
Consortium on Landslides (ICL), Indonesian Ministry of National Development of landslide monitoring and early warning system in
Education, Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Management Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the 1st world landslide forum,
(BNPB), and PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy for their support to IPL–ISDR, Tokyo, pp 195–198
this research project. Fathani TF, Karnawati D, Legono D, Faris F (2011) Development of
early warning system for rainfall-induced landslide in Indonesia. In:
Proceeding of the 2nd international workshop on multimodal
sediment disaster, Asian Cloud Network on Disaster Research,
Tainan, Taiwan, pp 103–113
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