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Aerospace Science and Technology, 1997, no 8, 545-555

Shimmy Analysis of a Simple Aircraft Nose Landing

Gear Model Using Different Mathematical Methods

Gerhard Somieski
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fiir Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V
Institut fiir Robotik und Systemdynamik, Postfach 1116, D-82230 Wepling, Germany
Manuscript received February 3, 1991; revised version April 24, 1997.

Somieski G., Aerospace Science and Technology, 1997, no 8, 545-555.

Abstract Shimmy oscillations are still a problem in design and operation of aircraft landing gears, and accurate
and appropriate analysis is required to master the task. Based on a nonlinear model of the mechanics of
the landing gear and tire elasticity according to elastic string theory, some well known linear and nonlinear
mathematical methods are applied to the shimmy analysis of a simple model of a nose gear: Computing
eigenvalues, solving analytically the stability boundaries with a parameter space method, getting limit
cycles by analytical formulae from describing functions, and last but not least numerical simulation of
time histories. It seems that linear or quasi linear methods and analytical solutions are well suited to
obtain extensive insight, respecting limitations of these methods. Numerical simulation on the other hand
is a valuable tool for pointing out specific effects of a nonlinear system in large amplitude regions.

Keywords: Shimmy analysis - Nose landing gear - Limit cycles - Instability - Describing functions -
Analytical solutions.

NOTATIONS fl, f2 Fourier coefficients of steady oscillations

I, moment of inertia about z-axis [kgm2]
i imaginary unit
A amplitude of limit cycles or system matrix Jl (xl Bessel function of 1st order
a half contact length of tire on ground [m] tt viscous friction moment coefficient
a0,1,2,3 coefficients of parameter space equation [Nm/rad/s]
h,2,3 coefficients of stability boundary equations k0 dry friction moment coefficient [Nm]
c torsional spring rate [Nm/rad] Ll(4 transfer function of linear dynamics of
coefficients of characteristic equation torsion
CFCY tire side force derivative [l/r-ad] Lz (4 transfer function of linear dynamics of
tire aligning moment derivative [m/r-ad] elastic tire
&,2,3 coefficients of side force Fy or ~10;11;12 coefficients of transfer function L1
moment Mz ~20;21,22 coefficients of transfer function Lz
wheel caster length [m] M moment [Nm]
Ti- tire side force [N] Ml spring moment [Nm]
damping moment [Nm]
F: vertical force [N] JJ2

nonlinearity in dynamic system M3 total tire moment about z-axis [Nm]


Aerospace Science and Technology, 1270.9638, 9710810 Elsevier, Paris

546 G. Somieski

tire damping moment from tread width [Nm] dynamics of the landing gear and to enable a solution
tire aligning moment [Nm] of the stability boundary and the limit cycle equations
describing function analytically. Extensive use of software is made, e.g.
describing function of tire moment M=/F, for computing eigenvalues and numerical simulation,
describing function of tire side force F,/Fz obtaining analytical solutions for stability boundaries
paraineter or parameter set or limit cycles, and for graphical displaying.
yaw rate of landing gear [rad/s]
time [s]
input in dynamic system The nonlinear mathematical shimmy model, com-
wheel forward velocity [m/s] pared to a similar model in [2, 5, lo], consists of the
state of dynamic system torsional dynamics of the landing gear, the forces and
output of dynamic system moments, and of approximations to describe the tire’s
lateral shift of leading tire contact point [m] elastic lateral qualities, see Figure 1.
slip angle or deflection angle of tire [rad]
amplitude of limit cycle of a: [rad]
limiting slip angle for aligning moment
= A/S =amplitude of steady oscillation
limiting slip angle for tire side force [deg]
constant of tread width tire moment
eigenvalues of linear differential equations 4aw
relaxation length of tire deflection [m] angleW
time constant of tire elasticity Es] tire side lateral shift y1 of leading
yaw angle of landing gear [rad] force Fy contact point
frequency of a-oscillation [rad/s] Y
frequency of limit cycle of Q [rad/s]
Fig. 1. - Top view of shimmy dynamics model.

Torsional Dynamics
The torsional dynamics of the lower parts of the
In the landing gear of a taxiing aircraft, shimmy landing gear - sliding member of the shock absorber
is a state of self-excited oscillations, caused by the and wheel - is described by a 2nd order differential
dynamic reaction forces between elastic tires and the equation for the angle $ about the vertical z-axis with
ground. In shimmy analysis there are different ways external moments Ml to n/r,:
of modeling elasticity of tires: Either the elastic string
theory of v. Schlippe, Dietrich, Pacejka [ 1, 21, or
Moreland’s point contact method [3] are applied. Both Iz$ = Ml ($) + Mz (4, + M3 (a) + M4 (d/V) (1)
methods seem to give adequate results [4, 51, though
they are not easily comparable [6]. Most studies Moment Ml is a linear spring torque provided by
treat the torsional dynamics of the landing gear as a the turning tube and the torque link and iV2 is a
nonlinear multi degree of freedom mechanical system, combined damping moment from viscous friction in
which is simulated [7]. After linearization eigenvalues the bearings of the oil-pneumatic shock absorber and
are computed, from which stability in a small region from shimmy damper:
around nominal conditions can be derived [8].
But there are other efficient linear or quasilinear
methods, e.g. analytically finding stability boundaries
in parameter space and limiting amplitudes by Tire Force and Moments
describing functions, which provide comprehensive Lateral tire deformations due to side slip and yaw
answers. Additionally, for the nonlinear region the rate cause a tire moment n/r, and a tire damping
system can be analyzed by simulation. All these moment n/r,, respectively. Moment MS is composed
methods are displayed here, for details see [9]. Data of aligning torque Mz about the tire’s center and of
used are representative for the nose landing gear of cornering force FY acting with caster e as lever arm:
a civil aircraft of 10 tons of weight. The benefits of
the simple model are to give sufficient insight into the MS = Mz - eFy (3)
Aerospace Science and Technology
Shimmy Analysis of a Simple Aircraft Nose Landing Gear Model Using
Different Mathematical Methods 547

Table 1. - Parameters of the model.

Restricted to pure sideslip, force Fy and torque Mz
depend on vertical force F, and slip angle Q, Figuve 2.

Aligning moment Mz/Fz

caster length e 0.1 m


moment of inertia Ii 1.0 kg m2

vertical force Fz 9000 N

Fig. 2. - Nonlinear tire sideslip characteristics.

Instead of complicated functions, like “brush type torsional spring rate c -100000 Nmlrad
tire model” [lo] or “magic formula” [ 111, simpler but
still realistic nonlinear approximations are used, which side force derivative CF~ 20 Urad
only need force and moment derivatives as parameters.
For cornering force a saturation function with linear moment derivative ckfru -2 m/rad
pieces is selected, with a limiting slip angle of 6 = 5
degrees: 0 -50 Nmlradls
torsional damping constant Ic
Fy = cFaaFz for Q < 6
Fy = CF~SF~ sign (cr) for cr 1 6 1 (4) tread width moment constant IF. -270 Nm2/rad

For aligning torque a half period of a sine is used

relaxation length r = 3 * a 0.3 m
up to a limiting angle cyB= 10 degrees:
limit angle of tire moment olg 10 deg
Mz jF, = cMa f$ sin ~ a: for la/ 5 01~;
( Qg > limit angle of tire force 6 5 deg
Mz = 0 for Ial > ag i
The damping moment Me due to tread width
depends on velocity and yaw rate:

For the coefficient K, one can find in [2, lo]: For a first understanding of the dynamics, the
nonlinear model is linearized and eigenvalues are
6 = -0.15 a2 cFe FZ (7) computed, applying routines from [ 12, 131.

Elastic Deflection of Tire Linearization

Following [ 1, 2, lo] the lateral deflection of the tire
is described by the model of an elastic string. From The model can be represented by three ordinary
this approximation, lateral shift y1 of the leading differential equations of 1st order with states {$) $ =
contact point of tire with respect to tire plane follows 4, yl}. After linearization and collecting terms the
from a first order differential’ equation, with time linear system reads:
constant 7 = a/V:

+r YI=V$
+ (e - a) 7j (8) [j] = [; ‘;: y [I]; (11)
From yr an equivalent slip angle is formed, used to
compute cornering force and aligning moment in this where system matrix A consists of the coefficients
instationary model:
a!Zarctana=E (9) C k /E.
fs Cl = -> cz=z+I/I;->
Thus the model is linear with the exceptions of tire I,
force and moment. Parameters (table 1) are: (CM~ - ecFa) F, -V
c3 = , c4=e-a, cj=-.
p = {v a; e, I,, Fz, c, CFcu, cniior, k; 4 0) (10) 412)
1997; no 8
548 G. Somieski

Characteristic Equation and Eigenvalues The case X = iw = 0 marks the starting point of all
real frequencies and limits the admissible solutions in
From (11) the characteristic equation for the parameter space. At w = 0 the root boundary marks
eigenvalues X follows by forming det (A - M) = 0: the change of a real eigenvalue from stable to unstable
(Real Root Boundary) and for w > 0 the change
of oscillatory eigenvalues (Complex Root Boundary).
x3-(cz+c5) X24-( C2C$-C~-C3Q) A+= 0 (ClCg-VC3)
Conventional stability methods, like Routh or Hurwitz
(13) criteria, see [ 151, can be applied as well.
In evaluation of the roots of this equation, we choose
nominal values for c and k = -10 Nm/rad/s, but vary
velocity V in the range {5.0...85.0 m/s} and caster Analytical Solutions of Stability Boundaries
length e in {-0.5...0.5 m}. Using software for formula manipulation [ 161,
The linear system (11) has a pair of complex roots analytical solutions are found.
X1, 2 and a stable real root X3. For caster lengths
between -0.1 and 0.35 m and for velocities above Stability Boundaries in e-V-Plane
25 m/s the system is unstable due to positive real
parts of the complex roots, Figure 3. In the e-V-parameter space we find a quadratic:

bl (V, P) e2+ b2(Vi P) e + b3(V, P) = 0 (14)

Shimmy Dynamics - Linear Model
The coefficients of (14) are:
bl = FzC~cv (IzV2 +o-ri $ c&V)

bz = -F, (cMa (cd% + I,V2 + m)

+ CFcv(&,v2 + &kgv + a&v2 + aon))
h = Fzc~a (Izdf2 + alzV2 + akaV + aaPG)
+ cw? + 2VSaK + dzV2 + k20V2 + ik1p
- cMT2 - cko2V
Both solutions of (14) are valid, resulting in two
branches of caster e or closed regions of instability in
the e-V-plane, as shown in [l] or [2,10] for c = 0. See
Figure 4 for k = -50 Nm/rad/s and varying torsional
spring stiffness c.
Fig. 3. - Eigenvalues at variation of caster length e and velocity V.
The case w = 0 results in:
V (-c - Fz~~a + eF,cE,) = 0 (16)
IV - STABILITITY CURVES IN which yields the borders of the stability regions:
C+FGM~ .
e> v20 (17)
As instability of the linear system causes shimmy FzC~cr ’
in the nonlinear system, stability curves concerning
varying or uncertain parameters are of specific interest. Variation of spring stiffness c

The characteristic equation (13), depending on the
complex eigenvalues X and on parameters pi, ~2, ps,
is solved for parameters pl, p2, such that the stability
condition - poles left of the imaginary axis of the
complex plane - is fulfilled, see [14].
Inserting X = iw, and separating the complex
equation into real and imaginary parts, we arrive at
terms for the desired parameters pl and pz, depending
now on a third parameter p3 and frequency w. If
solvable, we have analytical solutions for pl, ~2, 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
velocity - V [m/s]
which can be evaluated for interesting ranges of w
and pa. Here we select p1 = V, pz = {k, e}, and Fig. 4. - Stability boundaries in e - V-plane, variation of spring
P3 = {c,+F). stiffness c.

Aerospace Science and Technology

Shimmy Analysis of a Simple Aircraft Nose Landing Gear Model Using
Different Mathematical Methods 549

Stability Boundaries in k-V-Plane Variation of vertical force fz

7ylOO : ’
The stability boundary in (-k)-V-plane with 2
parameter set p3 represents an important case for -s
varying parameters during landing gear operations. 2
It is quadratic in k: 22
h (V, P) k2 + b2 (v; P) k + b3 (V, P) = 0 (18)
The coefficients of (18) are:

bl = V2a
b2 = V31z - Fzclvcr eVg + 2~Vo - u2cV
+ F,cpl,aVa - F,ecF,aVa 0 10 20 39,,W+,,5p,, ,6m4C,70 60 90
+ Fze2cF,Vn
Fig. 6. - Stability boundaries in k - V-plane, variation of vertical
b3 = (IzzcrFzcMcv- IzeFzcMa + d, force Fz.
- I=gF,ecF, + FzcMcuaIz
- FzecF,aIz + E,e”cF,I,) V2 In principle, we see:
+ Fzchl,l,aoK - F,ecF,aaK lUnder a certain damping value shimmy occurs,
depending on velocity
+ 6/2 - cT2cK. lUnder small velocities (V< 16 m/s) there is
- F,cnt,eglc + Fze2cF,an stability for all values of damping constant k.
Both solutions of eq. (18) are valid, but one branch
is related to positive and thus physically meaningless V - SIMULATION OF NONLINEAR SYSTEM
values of k.
In [9] all parameters are varied, but here the results By numerical simulation [17] the dynamics of the
for varied parameters p3 = {g, F,} are discussed. system (eqs. 1 to 9) can be solved with respect to
Variation of relaxation length a, Figure 5: Small time, even for large amplitudes where linearization no
values of 0 (0 ~0.1 m) cause more instability at longer holds. Changing initial conditions or variation
small velocities and more stability at large velocities. of parameters give detailed insight. On account of long
Large values (Q > 0.1 m) cause more stability at small simulation times, much data output and sometimes
velocities and more instability at large velocities. numerically complicated integration of model, only
Variation of vertical force F,, Figure 6: Values of a limited number of cases can be run to check the
F, change due to weight, acceleration, and braking system. All results confirm those from the linear
at landing and taxiing. Larger values of F, and analysis with additional information for nonlinear
V need larger values of -k for stability. Below regions.
V = 16 m/s there is no instability for negative
damping coefficients. Time Histories and Phase Diagrams
Variation of relaxation 0
-5 For stable parameter cases (damping constant of
2 120 k = -100 Nm/rad/s) the nonlinear results are quite
similar to the linear ones, Figure 7.
g 100
But for unstable cases (weak damping constant of
p.L 80 k = -10 Nm/rad/s), a stable limit cycle occurs based
on nonlinear tire characteristics. For small initial yaw
60 angles (li, = 0.01 rad) the limit cycle is approached
2 from inside (Fig. 8): and for large initial conditions
5 40
($ = 1 rad) from outside amplitudes, Figure 9.
'E. 0 Amplitude of Limit Cycle
$ -2ou '//lz ' ' ' ' 1 ' To obtain the amplitudes of the limit cycle,
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 simulation over a time of 4 s is made. Then a stable
velocity - V [m/s]
limit cycle has developed if there is shimmy. From the
Fig. 5. ~ Stability boundaries in k - V-plane, variation of relaxation time histories one can record frequency and amplitude
length CT. as functions of varied parameters V, k.
1997. no 8
550 G. Somieski

Shimmy Dynamics - Nonlinear System Shimmy Limit Cycle by Simulation

deflection angle

; / / ; ; : ;

0’ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

time - t [s]
Fig. 10. - Time histories of shimmy deflection angle a with variation
Fig. 7. - Time history of damped lateral deflection ~/1. of velocity V.

occurs beyond a velocity of V = 20 m/s and increases

Shimmy Dynamics - Nonlinear System with velocity.
time - t [sl The frequency of the oscillation is found to be
independent of parameters V and 5, the value is
1.0 - 314.2 rad/s. The amplitude depends on parameters
V and 3c,but shimmy occurs only beyond a limiting
0.6- -
0.8 1 velocity. For decreasing values of Ic shimmy decreases
0.4 - and below k = -40 Nm/rad/s the system is stable. For
0.2 - . rF = 0 large amplitudes are reached, see Figure 16.

Limit Cycles as Function of Dry Friction

nn 460 I’” In [9] an additional moment with dry friction
0 0.2 0.4 -120 coefficient k0 is modeled, and by simulation an
yaw angle - w [rad] yaw rate - 4 [radls] additional smaller limit cycle is noticed, like in [2,10].
It is found that this nonlinear system can have 3
Fig. 8. - Phase plot of shimmy yaw angle $ versus time t, specific amplitude regions:
$(t = 0) = 0.1 rad. l Stability at vanishing amplitudes;
l Unstable inner limit cycle due to dry friction;
Shimmy Dynamics - Nonlinear System l Stable outer limit cycle due to tire nonlinearities.
In Figure 11 the influence of parameter ko on the
limit cycle amplitudes of yaw angle is displayed,
showing both limit cycles.
Limit Cycle Amplitudes - Nonlinear SYStem

z 0.4
s 0.2
yaw angle - q~ [rad]

Fig. 9. - Phase plot of shimmy yaw angle 11, versus time t,

$(t = 0) = 1 rad.

A representative view on shimmy oscillations is 1200

cir$iction cr%!cient -
given in Figure 10, a 3d-plot of time history of
the deflection angle with velocity as parameter. For Fig. 11. - Limit cycle amplitudes of yaw angle 4 versus dry friction
a damping constant of k = -10 Nmlradls shimmy coefficient ko.
Shimmy Analysis of a Simple Aircraft Nose Landing Gear Model Using
Different Mathematical Methods 551


The linearized system is divided into linear parts
and the linearized parts from describing functions.
Shimmy oscillation of landing gears is a typical Torsional dynamics with moments Mi, Mz, n/r,:
limit cycle phenomenon of a nonlinear system. If
the equivalent linear system is unstable, then for
the nonlinear model the instability is lowered to a
bound limit cycle oscillation. It can be evaluated
by numerical simulation, as shown before, or by
an approximation using quasi-linearization, known as
describing function [18, 191. The system is assumed Tire elasticity:
to be in steady oscillations, which are described by
Fourier series. For systems, which have low pass
characteristics, higher harmonics are well damped, o!(4 = ~
L2 (s) = qq-q
= -
1 l20 +221s
and it is sufficient to consider the basic harmonic only. a@ (4 CT 122 + s
Then nonlinear terms are linearized with respect to the
amplitude and the system - linear and linearized parts The coefficients are:
- can be transformed to frequency domain, yielding a
complex algebraic equation instead of the differential
equations. Solving for amplitude and frequency we
result in the two parameters of limit cycle oscillations. V
l.20 = VI l21 = e - a, 122 = ; (27)
Using a sine wave for input u and the first harmonic
1~of a Fourier series as output, we have:
Linearization of nonlinear tire model parts with
describing functions:
u = x = Asinwt (20)

y= flsinwt+ fzcoswt (21)

is transferred to N = F, (N, (A) - eN2 (A))(28)
Inserting u and its derivatives into (21) yields:

All terms of (24) to (28) form a closed loop system,

and in frequency domain the system equation is easily
seen from the block diagram of Figure 12.
Transformation of this linear function in z and j:
(22) into frequency domain results in the frequency The system’s equation is (replacing Laplace variable
response function N, which is the describing function s by jw for steady oscillations):
of the linearized system, depending on amplitude A
and frequency w:
LI (jw) L2 (jw) F, (iv, (A) - eN2 (A)) - 1 = 0 (29)

X Aw A A
Torsional dynamics Tire elasticity
For odd symmetric nonlinearities the coefficient ti w pl
fi is zero, and, for dynamic nonlinearities N is a
function of w, too. For tables of describing functions __) L(s) b L2(s)
see [ 191. The method is applicable even for extreme c
nonlinear model elements like ideal relays, where Tire side force
Taylor linearization is not meaningful and therefore a
no eigenvalues or stability boundaries can be found.
As long as the system output is stationary with -eF, t &C”~ t
one dominant frequency, good approximations for
limit cycle oscillations even for large amplitudes are
gained. In case of doubts, the hypothesis for one
basic harmonic must be checked by means of spectral . M, e Nd”) 4
analysis of simulation results. For infinitely small a
amplitudes the results are identical to those from Tire aligning moment
eigenvalue or parameter space stability analysis for
critical stability. Fig. 12. - Block diagram of linearized system.
552 G. Somieski

Describing Functions of Tire Nonlinearities Side Force

To solve the system equation (29) analytically, The describing function for the side force F,/F,
approximations of the nonlinearities or of the is a rather complicated function Nz(A), consisting of
describing functions must be used, that lead to arcsin, square root and the argument, see Figure 14,
algebraic terms in N. Especially polynomials of order curve “original”:
n are well suited, because they have polynomial type
describing functions of order n - I. This method is
now applied to the nonlinear tire moment and force
characteristics. (34)

Aligning Moment With abbreviation y = 2 the term f reads:

The describing function of the sine part of moment

&l,/F, in (5) is the Bessel function of 1st order
divided by amplitude A, see Figure 13 (curve f (y) = S arcsiny + y Jm for 171 I 1 (35)
For getting an algebraic describing function, the side
ag JI ( $f” > force is approximated by a polynomial of 3rd order
Nl (A) = 2CMe __ (30) with respect to CX.This function is odd symmetric, has
180 A
the same slope as the model at zero and an extreme
The moment is approximated by a polynomial of 3rd value at k2S:
order with respect to o, which leads to an algebraic
describing function of 2nd order. This function is odd
symmetric, has the same slope as the model at zero F,/Fz = dla + d3a3, (36)
and an extreme value at Q! = ~k~.,/2:
with coefficients:
n/r, = F, (dlcl! + d3a3), (31)
with coefficients: di = cFcvandds = -.
& = CM~, d3 = 3cr2. The describing function for F,/Fz is similar to
9 MzlF,:
The describing function for this parabola M./F, is:
&(A)=dl+;d3A2 (38)
IV(A)=dl+~d3A2 (33)
Using parameters CF~ =20 l/rad and 6 = 5’
In Figure 13 the describing function (curves the describing functions N2 (curves “original” and
“original” and “approximation”) is displayed. “approximation” in Figure 14) are compared.

0 0.1 0.4 0.5

ar$GLk - 2&d]
Fig. 13. ~ Describing function NI of model and approximations of Fig. 14. - Describing function Nz of model and approximations of
tire aligning moment M,/F,. tire force Fy/Fz

Aerospace Science and Technology

Shimmy Analysis of a Simple Aircraft Nose Landing Gear Model Using
Different Mathematical Methods 553

Results of Limit Cycle Computations The resulting formula for amplitude is:
Limit cycles are computed analytically and com-
pared with numerical simulation results. 7r -9k2V” - 274860kV - 30V3k
O!lim = ~
The system equation (29) is solved for frequency 81OOV f315900V2 - 73556100
and amplitude using symbolic manipulations. The (40)
solutions are imported into the simulation software, The amplitudes, Figure 16, increase with velocity
where this static model is evaluated in parameter V and decrease with more damping k. Limit cycle
variation loops for velocity and damping constant. starts at V = 15 m/s for k = 0, reaching a maximum
The formula for frequency shows, contrary to the of 0.21 rad.
simulation result, a weak dependency on velocity and Good coincidence for small and medium amplitudes
damping coefficient: at k = {-20, -30, -40 Nm/rad/s}, compared with simu-
lation results, is shown in Figure 16. For low damping
rnd effects and larger amplitudes (olim 2 0.2 Nm/rad/s)
W]im30270 + kV
= ~ (39)
3 the differences are larger. The structure of the
Frequency values of 3 18 rad/s at k = 0 N&t-ad/s solution with respect to velocity and damping constant
and 328 rad/s for k = -40 Nmlradls and V = 100 approximates the simulated result well.
m/s, see Figure 15, differ by a few percents from the
simulated value of 314.2 rad/s.
Shimmy limit cycle by describing function
Applying software for multi-body-system (MBS)
3 340 modeling and simulation [20], the simple shimmy
E model described is embedded into a more complicated
-E 335 model for the vertical and lateral dynamics of the
z landing gear. Effects of vertical compression of an oil-
3 pneumatic shock absorber, of tire vertical elasticity, of
’ 33c rotating dual wheels, bending of the wheel axle and
6 the leg in fore and side direction are considered. This
g 325
E yaw
rate - + [rad/s]

p 32C
* 315
I1 1-1 I I I I1
20 80 100
vePoOcity- $rrn/s]
‘ / /
-0.4 -0.2 angleO
Fig. 15. - Limit cycle frequency w of shimmy oscillations versus yaw - I [ra$
velocity V and damping constant k.
left tire lateral deflection - yl [m]

Shimmy Limit Cycle


55 0.24

time - t [s]
$ 0.18 yaw angle - W WI
c 0.4

6v 0.06
.z -0.4
=E 0 Y
0.25 0.75 1.0
time [s]
20 40 60 80 100
velocity - V [m/s] Shimmy oscillations at landing
V=50 m/s, k=-10 Nmlradls, K = 0 Nm’“2/rad

Fig. 16. - Limit cycle amplitudes of deflection angle a: from

simulation and describing function. Fig. 17. - Shimmy yaw oscillations at landing.
1997, no 8
554 G. Somieski

Table 2. - Characterization of shimmy analysis methods.

Methods Eigenvalues Stability Describing Time

Item boundary functions simulation

Validity, limitations linearization, linearization, large amplitudes, general, none

small amplitudes small amplitudes 1” harmonic

Effort small medium medium high

Application supplementary method if linearization allowed if no linearization allowed if verification

and recommendation in time domain

MBS- model consists of 25 states in 12 degrees of in describing functions analysis, a quasi linearization
freedom. Some simulations of landing and taxiing method applicable even for large amplitudes but
are performed, showing gear walk, shock absorber restricted to systems with low pass characteristics.
deflection, and torsional oscillations. By proper selection of algebraic approximations in
Thus MBS-simulation may serve as a completion the interesting range of amplitudes, the equations
and verification of the shimmy system dynamics in are solved analytically. At vanishing amplitudes the
a more realistic model environment with additional results are identical with linear stability analysis.
degrees of freedom, where some of the parameters, Comparisons between the results reveal a close
like vertical force or velocity, are dependent on time. approximation of the limit cycle if the describing
The results from the previous analysis methods, functions fit the amplitude range.
showing stable or unstable shimmy oscillations, are In MBS-simulation an enlarged model of bodies,
verified. In Figure 17 a landing case is simulated. joints and degrees of freedom for landing gear
dynamics is formed, and the simulations confirm the
dynamics of the previous analysis. This kind of
VIII - CONCLUSIONS simulation can be used to verify shimmy results.

Different analysis methods for linear and nonlinear In summary, the methods are characterized in
systems are applied to investigate shimmy of aircraft table 2.
wheels. The main purpose of the work was to In further investigations, modeling of additional tire
demonstrate the applicability of the analysis methods. effects like gyroscopic coupling, or of more degrees
A simple, nonlinear dynamic model of a nose of freedom like rotation of the dual wheels or lateral
gear is described. The parameters chosen influence bending of the nose gear are planned. For validation,
severely the results, and are to be established exactly comparisons of analysis and measurement results are
for a realistic system under investigation. Here they necessary.
are varied in parameter variation loops. For this
simple model one finds, that the tendency for shimmy
increases with growing velocity, lower damping values REFERENCES
and increasing vertical force.
The relation between the different methods can be
characterized as follows: If the nonlinear model can be [l] v. Schlippe B., Dietrich R. - Das Flattem eines bepneu-
linearized, the eigenvalues show the detailed structure ten Rades. Bericht 140 der Lilienthal-Gesellschaft,
of linear dynamics at small amplitudes. The stability 1941 (NACA Report TM 1365, 1941).
boundaries are derived with a parameter space method [2] Pacejka H. B. - The wheel shimmy phenomenon. A
and analytically expressed as functions of parameters. theoretical and experimental investigation with partic-
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