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SEAGATE claim for refund within two (2) years from the date of payment
TECHNOLOGY (PHILIPPINES), respondent. [G.R. No. 153866. February of tax.’
11, 2005] 3. CTA
DOCTRINE: Business companies registered in Special Economic Zone in - July 19, 2001 - granted the claim for refund in the reduced amount
Naga, Cebu -- are entities exempt from AIRT, including the VAT. Although of P12,122,922.66. This sum represented the unutilized but
export sales are not deemed exempt transactions, they are nonetheless zero- substantiated input VAT paid on capital goods purchased for the
rated. Hence, in the present case, the distinction between exempt entities and period covering April 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999.
exempt transactions has little significance, because the net
ISSUE: WON Seagate, a VAT-Registered PEZA Enterprise is entitled to the
FACTS: refund.
1. Seagate HELD:
a. is a resident foreign corporation duly registered with the SEC
to do business in the Philippines, with principal office address YES. Respondent, a VAT-registered enterprise, has complied with all
at Special Economic Zone in Naga, Cebu requisites for claiming a tax refund of or credit for the input VAT it paid on
b. engaged in the manufacture of recording components capital goods it purchased.
primarily used in computers for export It is not subject to internal revenue laws and regulations and is even
c. April 2, 1997 – VAT-registered; June 6, 1997 - registered with entitled to tax credits. The VAT on capital goods is an internal revenue tax from
the PEZA; April 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999 – filed VAT returns which petitioner as an entity is exempt. Although the transactions involving
d. It filed a claim for refund of VAT input – P P28,369,226.38 with such tax are not exempt, petitioner as a VAT-registered person; however, is
supporting documents, but the BIR took no action re: refund entitled to their credits.
e. July 21, 2000 – Seagate elevated the case to CTA by way of
Petition for review in order to toll the running of prescriptive A PEZA-registered enterprise within a special economic zone is entitled
period to the fiscal incentives and benefits provided for in either PD 66 or EO 226. It
2. Special and Affirmative Defenses of the BIR: shall, moreover, enjoy all privileges, benefits, advantages or exemptions under
a. the claim for tax refund/credit is subject to administrative both Republic Act Nos. (RA) 7227 and 7844. Respondent benefits under RA
routinary investigation/examination by the BIR. 7844 from negotiable tax credits for locally-produced materials used as inputs.
b. Since ‘taxes are presumed to have been collected in Aside from the other incentives possibly already granted to it by the Board of
accordance with laws and regulations,’ the [respondent] has Investments, it also enjoys preferential credit facilities and exemption from PD
the burden of proof that the taxes sought to be refunded were 1853.
erroneously or illegally collected;
c. Claims for tax refund/tax credit are construed in ‘strictissimi Nature of the VAT and the Tax Credit Method
juris’ against the taxpayer. This is due to the fact that claims
for refund/credit [partake of] the nature of an exemption from VAT is a uniform levied on every importation of goods, whether or not in
tax.; the course of trade or business, or imposed on each sale, barter, exchange
d. Granting, without admitting, that [respondent] is a Philippine or lease of goods or properties or on each rendition of services in the course
Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) registered Ecozone of trade or business.
Enterprise, then its business is not subject to VAT. As such,
It is an indirect tax that may be shifted or passed on to the buyer,
the capital goods and services it purchased are considered transferee or lessee of the goods, properties or services. As such, it should be
not used in VAT taxable business. Thus, it is not entitled to understood not in the context of the person or entity that is primarily, directly
refund of input taxes on such capital goods pursuant to
and legally liable for its payment, but in terms of its nature as a tax on
Section 4.106.1 of Revenue Regulations No. ([RR])7-95, and
consumption. In either case, though, the same conclusion is arrived at.
of input taxes on services pursuant to Section 4.103 of said
regulations. If at the end of a taxable quarter the output taxes charged by a seller are
e. Seagate must show compliance with the provisions of Section equal to the input taxes[40] passed on by the suppliers, no payment is required.
204 (C) and 229 of the 1997 Tax Code on filing of a written It is when the output taxes exceed the input taxes that the excess has to be
paid. If, however, the input taxes exceed the output taxes, the excess shall be
carried over to the succeeding quarter or quarters.[42] Should the input taxes The object of exemption from the VAT may either be the transaction
result from zero-rated or effectively zero-rated transactions or from the itself or any of the parties to the transaction.
acquisition of capital goods, any excess over the output taxes shall instead be
refunded to the taxpayer or credited against other internal revenue taxes. exempt transaction exempt party

Zero-Rated vs. Effectively Zero-Rated Transactions (similar in EFFECT, involves goods or services which person or entity granted VAT
but different in SOURCE) are expressly exempted from the exemption under the Tax Code, a
Zero-rated Effectively Zero-rated VAT under the Tax Code, without special law or an international
As to transactions transactions regard to the tax status -- VAT- agreement
source If the transaction involves sale of exempt or not -- of the party to the
If transaction goods or supply of services to transaction
involves an export persons or entities whose
sale of goods and exemption under special laws or
supply of services. such transaction is not subject Such party is also not subject to
international agreements to to the VAT, but the seller is not the VAT, but may be allowed a tax
The tax rate is set at which the Philippines is a
zero. allowed any tax refund of or credit refund of or credit for input taxes
signatory effectively subjects for any input taxes paid. paid, depending on its registration as
such transactions to a zero rate a VAT or non-VAT taxpayer.
In effect
results in no tax chargeable against the purchaser. The
seller of such transactions charges no output tax, but
can claim a refund of or a tax credit certificate for the - While the liability is imposed on one person, the burden may be
VAT previously charged by suppliers. passes on to another. Therefore, if a special law merely exempts a
party as a seller from its direct liability for payment of the VAT, but
Zero Rating and Exemption (In terms of the VAT computation – same; the does not relieve the same party as purchaser from its indirect burden
extent of relief – different) of VAT shifted to it by VAT-registered suppliers, then the purchase
Zero Rating Exemption transaction is not exempt. Hence, in this case, the purchase
transactions entered into by Seagate are not VAT-Exempt.
As to VAT - primarily intended to be enjoyed by the
COMPUTATION - On the other hand, its sales transactions will either be zero-rated or
seller who is directly and legally liable for taxed at 10%, depending on the application of the destination
the VAT, making such seller internationally principle.
competitive by allowing the refund or credit
of input taxes that are attributable to export Destination Principle and the Cross-Border Principle
sales. (Automatic Zero Rating) - If Seagatet enters into such sales transactions with a purchaser for
- intended to benefit the purchaser who, not use or consumption outside the Philippines, these shall be subject to
being directly and legally liable for the 0 percent. If entered into with a purchaser for use or consumption in
payment of the VAT, will ultimately bear the the Philippines, then these shall be subject to 10 percent, unless the
burden of the tax shifted by the suppliers. purchaser is exempt from the indirect burden of the VAT, in which case
(Effective Zero Rating) it shall also be zero-rated.
As to Extent of Total relief for the purchaser Only partial relief - Since the purchases of respondent are not exempt from the VAT, the
Relief from the burden of the tax because the purchaser rate to be applied is zero. Its exemption under both PD 66 and RA
is not allowed any tax 7916 effectively subjects such transactions to a zero rate, because the
refund of or credit for ecozone within which it is registered is managed and operated by the
input taxes paid PEZA as a separate customs territory. This means that in such zone
is created the legal fiction of foreign territory.
- Under the cross-border principle of the VAT system being enforced by
Exempt Transaction vs. Exempt Party the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), no VAT shall be imposed to
form part of the cost of goods destined for consumption outside Tax Refund or Credit in Order
of the territorial border of the taxing authority. If exports of goods
and services from the Philippines to a foreign country are free of the Having determined that respondent’s purchase transactions are subject
VAT, then the same rule holds for such exports from the national to a zero VAT rate, the tax refund or credit is in order. Regardless if Seagate
territory to an ecozone. chose the income tax holiday under EO 226, or the 5% preferential tax regime
under RA 7916 and PD 66, such does not preclude that fact that VAT could
- Sales made by a VAT-registered person in the customs territory to a
have been passed on to the transactions Seagate entered into e.g. its
PEZA-registered entity are considered exports to a foreign country;
purchases. Hence, VAT payments in excess of the zero rate may eb refunded
conversely, sales by a PEZA-registered entity to a VAT-registered
or credited.
person in the customs territory are deemed imports from a foreign
country. An ecozone is, however, regarded in law as foreign soil. This
legal fiction is necessary to give meaningful effect to the policies of the Compliance with All Requisites for VAT Refund or Credit
special law creating the zone. Therefore, considered as export sales,
As further enunciated by the Tax Court, respondent complied with all the
such purchase transactions by Seagate would indeed be subject to a
requisites for claiming a VAT refund or credit.
zero rate.
First, respondent is a VAT-registered entity. This fact alone distinguishes
Clearly, then, is that the exemption covers both direct and indirect taxes, the present case from Contex, in which this Court held that the petitioner
stemming from the very nature of the VAT as a tax on consumption, for therein was registered as a non-VAT taxpayer. Hence, for being merely VAT-
which the direct liability is imposed on one person but the indirect exempt, the petitioner in that case cannot claim any VAT refund or credit.
burden is passed on to another. Seagate, as an exempt entity, can neither
be directly charged for the VAT on its sales nor indirectly made to bear, Second, the input taxes paid on the capital goods of respondent are duly
as added cost to such sales, the equivalent VAT on its purchases. supported by VAT invoices and have not been offset against any output taxes.

This conclusion is express, in accordance with RA 7916, RA 8748, PD 66, the Summary
PEZA Law, EO 226, RA 7277, and RA 7844, all saying that internal revenue
laws and regulations does not apply to merchandise brought in or out of the To summarize, special laws expressly grant preferential tax treatment to
ecozone. Although tax exemptions, such as tax refunds, are strictly construed business establishments registered and operating within an ecozone, which
against the tax payer, in this case, Seagate easily meets such contruction as by law is considered as a separate customs territory. As such, respondent is
such exemption has been vividly provided by the abovecited laws. exempt from all internal revenue taxes, including the VAT, and regulations
pertaining thereto. It has opted for the income tax holiday regime, instead of
VAT Registration, Not Application for Effective Zero Rating, the 5 percent preferential tax regime. As a matter of law and procedure, its
Indispensable to VAT Refund registration status entitling it to such tax holiday can no longer be questioned.
Its sales transactions intended for export may not be exempt, but like its
Registration is an indispensable requirement under our VAT. Petitioner purchase transactions, they are zero-rated. No prior application for the
alleges that respondent did register for VAT purposes with the appropriate effective zero rating of its transactions is necessary. Being VAT-registered and
Revenue District Office. However, it is now too late in the day for petitioner to having satisfactorily complied with all the requisites for claiming a tax refund
challenge the VAT-registered status of respondent, given the latter’s prior of or credit for the input VAT paid on capital goods purchased, respondent is
representation before the lower courts and the mode of appeal taken by entitled to such VAT refund or credit.
petitioner before this Court.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED and the Decision AFFIRMED. No
The PEZA law is clear in exempting from internal revenue laws and pronouncement as to costs.
regulations the equipment that registered enterpriss will use, directly, or
indirectly, in manufacturing. By the VAT’s very nature, the capital goods and
services respondent has purchased are subject to the VAT, although at zero
rate. Registration does not determine taxability under the VAT Law. A VAT-
Registered statues, as well as compliance with invoicing requirements, is
sufficient for the effective zero rating of the transactions of a taxpayer,

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