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ATS Sequence of Play 3.


A. Roll for Initiative (4.2).

B. Players alternately use impulses in the following order (4.1.1):

1. On-board guns fire Smoke (6.4.3); Mortars and Personnel place Flares (6.9.5). Note
that Personnel may NOT place smoke grenades (this is part of the Fire & Movement segment).
2. Aircraft Attacks (12.16.3);
3. Off-map Indirect Fire (12.12);
4. Counter-Battery Fire (12.13).

Finish all fire of each step before beginning the next one. Place an .F. marker on units that fire, unless
hidden (6.8) or off-map.

4.4.11 One Unit at a time. The use of an Indirect Fire impulse always represents the fire of ONE unit at
a time. There are no Platoon firing or Firegroup opportunities when using Indirect Fire.


A. Roll for Initiative (4.2).

B. FIRE & MOVEMENT PHASE. Players alternately use impulses (4.1.1) to fire and/or move some,
none, or all of their eligible Personnel, guns and vehicles, in any order. The following actions are
possible, to be performed in any desired order:

a) Direct Fire (12.5) and on-map Indirect Fire (12.11);

b) Assault movement (11.3.12) and Assault Fire (12.8);
c) Cross-Country Movement (vehicles, 11.4.1);
d) Running movement (11.3.13);
e) Crawling Movement (11.3.11) and Assault Fire (12.8).

C. Remove all ‘C’ Collateral Fire Markers (12.5.10).

4.4.21 Eligible units: Only eligible units may fire and/or move. Eligible units include those that have not
already moved (marked with a movement .arrow. marker) or fired their entire Rate of Fire (ROF, 12.6.2)
(marked with an .F. marker). Units using Continued Movement (still marked with a movement marker
from a previous turn, see 11.4.5) may move, but may not use Direct
or Opportunity Fire (they may use Assault Fire if using Assault movement).

4.4.22 Marking used units. To keep track of units that have already fired and/or moved, place an .F.
marker on top of units that fire and a movement marker on or behind those that move.

4.4.23 Multiple unit actions: The use of a direct fire and/or movement impulse can involve MORE THAN
ONE unit at the same time, by using Firegroups (12.5.4) or Platoon Movement (11.3.2).
4.4.24 Multiple Firing Units. Multiple ROF weapons may .save. remaining ROF for use later in the same
Fire & Movement Segment (using Direct Fire, Opportunity Fire or Gun Duels).

4.4.25 Smoke Grenades: Squads may place Smoke Grenades (6.4.7) while in the act of moving at the
cost of ONE additional MP or by spending 1MP without having to actually move. This is an Opportunity
Fire trigger (12.7), but Opportunity Fire takes place AFTER the unit places a smoke grenade.
4.4.26 Enemy activity: Enemy units may (if eligible) use Opportunity Fire (see 4.5 and 12.7) and initiate
Gun Duels (4.6 and 12.9). Opportunity Fire and Gun Duels do NOT require the use of an impulse.

A. Roll for Initiative (4.2).

B. INFILTRATION PHASE. Players alternately use impulses (4.1.1) to perform the following actions:

a) Grenade Attacks (12.15.2), OR;

b) Infiltration (12.15.1) Infiltration refers to the act of entering an adjacent hex or location, including
those occupied by enemy Personnel units. All non-Broken Personnel units, even those marked with
movement arrows and .F. markers, may use Infiltration. Personnel may also exit Full Cover positions
(e.g. under a Hedgehog, see 12.5.66) using Infiltration. Vehicles never use Infiltration, although
Passengers can use a limited form of it (11.5.5). If units from both sides are in the same location, Melee
takes place in the next phase of this Segment.

C. MELEE PHASE . Players resolve Melee in all hex locations containing units from both sides (see
12.15.3 for Melee versus Personnel, 12.15.4 for Melee versus Vehicles).

4.4.31 One action per unit: Both players are free to choose which of their units act in the Infiltration
Phase, and in what order. Each acting unit is, however, restricted to only ONE action, EITHER a
Grenade Attack OR Infiltration.


A. Both players perform the following actions:

1. Remove Markers. Remove Melee, Overrun (12.14), and Cease Fire markers (12.16.83); Remove
movement arrows, Flares, .2. Smoke and .F. markers;
2. Check for Intimidation (10.2.3);
3. Remove Arrows: Decide whether to remove movement arrows from vehicles (4.4.41);
4. Smoke and Fire: Flip .1. Smoke markers to .2. side (6.4.6); Spread Flame one building level UP
5. FFE Markers: Flip FFE markers to their CFF side (12.12.2);
6. Fog of War: Flip eligible counters to the Fog of War (FOW) side (6.7). Any face-up unit with a yellow
Fog of War side on the back, such as an L|MG, may be flipped back to its FOW side if it is in terrain
providing cover of at least ONE LEFT SHIFT and out of LOS to all enemy units.
7. Roll to un-jam weapons (C10.1, C10.2 Optional Rules or specific Battlefield Walkaround rules).
8. All other markers remain.

B. Both players perform the following Rally actions:

1. Attempt Rally: Attempt to Rally Broken and Surrendered Personnel units in the same
location as a leader (10.8); Leaders and 2 SP units may Self Rally.
2. Surrendered Units: Attempt to restore Surrendered units to Broken status for all Surrendered units in
the Morale Support Range (10.2) of a friendly non Broken/Surrendered Personnel unit (no leader needs
to be present) or a friendly non K-, F- or M-KILLed AFV, APC, or armed truck;
3. Suppressed Markers: Roll to remove Suppressed markers (12.5.176).
4. Roll for Frostbite (as for specific Battlefield Walkaround tables).

C. Game Turn: Move the Game Turn marker to the next box on the scenario card’s Turn Record Track.

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