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This Lease Agreement is executed on this day of 12th day of February 2018
between Mrs. A.R Roopavani, w/o Mr. K.A Vinod aged about 46 years ,residing at
No 1136, 7th cross pipeline Robertsonpet KGF-563122 herein referred to as LESSOR
of the one part and


Mrs. Nirmala. D W/o J. Prabhu aged about 33 years residing at no 133 E.T Block
Oorgaum post KGF -563122 herein referred to as LESSEE of the other part.

The terms LESSORS AND LESSEES, unless repugnant to the context shall mean and
include their respective heirs, executors, administrators, assignees and nominees.
WHEREAS the LESSORS is the absolute owner of the residential property, more
particularly described in the schedule property on Lease basis to prospective
Tenants. WHEREAS the LESSEES approached and requested the LESSORS to lease
out the aforesaid premises, for their residential purpose LESSORS accepted and
therefore this Agreement of Tenancy is hereby executed on the terms and Conditions
agreed to between the LESSORS and LESSEES mentioned here under.


1. The Tenancy is in respect of residential property aforesaid and more fully

described in the schedule hereunder.
2. The Tenancy is for residential purpose, within the Government Rules and
Regulation without making any interruptions to the ownership rights of the
LESSORS. The LESSEES agrees that she shall not use the Leased out premises
for any other purpose. The LESSEES and LESSORS shall have no right to
pledge or mortgage or create any charge with any Banks, Customers,
Merchants or Financiers on the schedule property or on the support of this
Lease Agreement.

3. The LESSEES agrees to pay to the LESSORS Rupees TWO LAKHS ONLY,as
and towards lease amount , paid the said amount by the lessees to the lessors .
The sum of Rs 2 lakhs in total, shall not carry any interest and shall
refundable in full to the LESSEES by the LESSOR at the time of the LESSEES
delivering vacant possession of the lased out the premises to the LESSOR. If
any damage is caused to the premises, flooring /walls, fixture /fitting due to
negligence or will full act on the part of the LESSEES then the cost there of, if
not made good by LESSEES then the cost there of, if not made good by the
LESSEES, shall be deductible from this lease amount and the balance shall be
refundable to the LESSEES by the LESSORS. The LESSEES need not to pay
any rental to the LESSORS for the scheduled property.


4. The LESSEES shall not sublet or assign the Leased out premises or any
portion thereof to any other party or parties. The LESSES shall occupy and
use the Leased premises peacefully and quietly, without causing any
inconvenience or nuisance to the others.

5. The LESSEES shall maintain the Leased premises in good, clean and
Tenantable condition during the tenancy period. The LESSES shall not carry
out any structural alteration or addition to the Leased premises without the
knowledge / approval of the LESSORS. If any major repair is required to be
done, the same shall be intimated to the LESSORS who will undertake the
necessary repairs at their cost. However minor repairs and maintenances will
have to be borne by the LESSEES.

6. The electricity consumption charges and water charges shall be paid by the
LESSEES directly to the authorities concerned on receipt of bills regularly
without fail. Any unpaid bills at the time of vacation of the Leased premises
and which is not made good by the LESSEES will be adjusted against the lease

7. All the rates and taxes on the leased premises whether Government or
Municipality or Panchayat shall be payable by the LESSORS. I however, the
LESSEE had paid such taxes on behalf of the LESSORS after getting prior
consent, the same will be reimbursed by the LESSORS to the LESSEES.

8. The LESSEES shall permit the LESSORS, or any of his legal representative to
inspect house premises in daytime during reasonable free or at least once
in a month with prior intimation and in the presence of the LESSEES.

9. The Tenancy Agreement shall be effective from 12th FEB 2018 and shall be
effective for a period of two years. Before the expiry of this period, if the
LESSEES want an extension of the tenancy then, they shall intimate the
LESSORS of their intention, upon which the LESSORS at his discretion shall
consider such a request either on existing or fresh terms to be agreed upon by
both the parties. If either the LESSORS or LESSEES does not wish to renew
the Tenancy agreement after its expiry or during the currency of the tenancy
agreement, then either party shall be one month prior notice in writing of
their intention to terminate the Tenancy agreement. In such an event the
LESSEES make arrangements to handover vacant possession of the building
premises immediately on or before the expiry of the notice period. At the time
of vacating the premises the LESSEES Has to arrange for cleaning /
whitewashing of the premises failing which cost towards the same shall be
deducted from the lease amount paid by the LESSEES.


10. The original of the tenancy agreement will be in possession of the LESSEES
and signed copy will be with the LESSORS.


The RCC roofed building situated at #1136 , 7th cross pipeline , Robertsonpet,
K.G.F. 563122 consisting of two attached bedrooms , two halls ,two kitchens
and bathroom/ lavatory along with fixtures and fittings , electrical
installation and water tap connections. In witness whereof the LESSORS and
LESSEES above names , have here into set their hand in this tenancy
agreement on the day , month and year first above written, in the presence of
the following witnesses with their free will and consent .

Extra installations:

1. Four ceiling fans.

2. Tube lights fittings in all rooms.
3. Half HP Suguna water pump.



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2. 2.

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