Consti Case Digest Part 3

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Libel (Unprotected Speech)

Policarpio v. Manila Times – 5 SCRA 148

Lopez v. CA – 34 SCRA 116
New York Times Co. c. Sullivan – 376 US 254
Rosenbloom v. Metromedia, Inc. – 403 US 254
Gerts v. Robert Wlech – 418 US 323
Hustler v. Magazine – 485 US 46
In Re Jurado AM No. 90-5-2373, 4 LR 19 Aug’09
In Re Jurado – 243 SCRA 299
Vasquez v. CA – GR 118971 Sept. 15, 1999
Borjal v. CA – GR. 126466 Jan. 14, 1999
Vicario v. CA – GR 124491 June 1, 1999
Pader v. People – 325 SCRA 117
Fermin v. People, GR 157643, March 28, 2008

Obscenity (Unprotected Speech)

Miller v. California – 37 L. Ed. 2d 419
Gonzales v. Kalaw-Katigbak – 137 SCRA 717
Pita v. CA – 178 SCRA 362
Barnes v. Glen Theater – 498 US 439
FCC v Pacifica Foundation – 438 US 726

IN RE EMIL (Emiliano) P. JURADO Ex Rel.: Philippine Long
Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), per its First Vice-President,
Mr. Vicente R. Samson.
Constitutional Law; Freedom of Expression; Freedom of the
Press; The constitutional right of freedom of expression may not be
availed of to broadcast lies or half-truths.—Freedom of expression,
In Re: Emil Jurado the right of speech and of the press is, to be sure, among the most
A.M. No. 93-2-037 SC | April 6, 1995 | 243 SCRA 299 zealously protected rights in the Constitution. But every person
exercising it is, as the Civil Code stresses, obliged “to act with justice,
TOPIC: Libel; Freedom of Speech give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.” The
constitutional right of freedom of expression may not be availed of to
SUMMARY: broadcast lies or half-truths—this would not be “to observe honesty
and good faith;” it may not be used to insult others, destroy their
DOCTRINE: name or reputation or bring them into disrepute—this would not be
“to act with justice” or “give everyone his due.”
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
Same; Same; Same; Right to Private Reputations; Protection of the
right of individual persons to private reputations is also a matter of
public interest and must be reckoned with as a factor in identifying
and laying down the norms concerning the exercise of press
freedom and free speech.—In the present proceeding, there is also
involved an acknowledged and important interest of individual
persons: the right to private reputation. Judges, by becoming such,
are commonly and rightly regarded as voluntarily subjecting
themselves to norms of conduct which embody more stringent
standards of honesty, integrity, and competence than are commonly
required from private persons. Nevertheless, persons who seek or
accept appointment to the Judiciary cannot reasonably be regarded
A.M. No. 93-2-037 SC. April 6, 1995.* as having thereby forfeited any right whatsoever to private honor and
reputation. For so to rule will be simply, in the generality of cases, to
discourage all save those who feel no need to maintain their self-

respect as a human being in society, from becoming judges, with other side” is equally reprehensible, being what in law amounts to a
obviously grievous consequences for the quality of our judges and the denial of due process.
quality of the justice that they will dispense. Thus, the protection of Same; Same; Same; Same; Journalist’s Code of Ethics; Jurado was
the right of individual persons to private reputations is also a matter gravely at fault, at the very least for disregarding the Journalist’s
of public interest and must be reckoned with as a factor in identifying Code of Ethics—in failing to exert bona fide efforts to verify the
and laying down the norms concerning the exercise of press freedom accuracy of his information.—The record does not show that before
and free speech. he published that story, Jurado ever got in touch with Veto or anyone
Same; Same; Same; Same; The norm does not require that a in Equitable Bank, Ermita Branch, to determine the accuracy of what
journalist guarantee the truth of what he says or publishes. But the he would later report. If he did, he would quickly have learned that
norm does prohibit the reckless disregard of private reputation by his sources, whoever or whatever they were, were not to be relied
publishing or circulating defamatory statements without any bona upon. If he did not, he was gravely at fault—at the very least for
fide effort to ascertain the truth thereof.—Clearly, the public interest disregarding the Journalist’s Code of Ethics—in failing to exert bona
involved in freedom of speech and the individual interest of judges fide efforts to verify the accuracy of his information.
(and for that matter, all other public officials) in the maintenance of Same; Same; Same; Same.—In either case, his publication of the
private honor and reputation need to be accommodated one to the slanted, therefore misleading and false, report of the affair is
other. And the point of adjustment or accommodation between these censurable. His proffered explanation: that the justices having
two legitimate interests is precisely found in the norm which requires confirmed their presence at the luncheon, thus corroborating what
those who, invoking freedom of speech, publish statements which are he had written in vital details and making further substantiation
clearly defamatory to identifiable judges or other public officials to unnecessary, and that his report constituted fair comment on the
exercise bona fide care in ascertaining the truth of the statements public conduct of public officers, obviously does not at all explain
they publish. The norm does not require that a journalist guarantee why a party given by Atty. Veto was reported by him as one tendered
the truth of what he says or publishes. But the norm does prohibit by Equitable Bank. The only conclusion that may rationally be drawn
the recklessdisregard of private reputation by publishing or from these circumstances is that Jurado, unable to advance any
circulating defamatory statements without anybona fide effort to plausible reason for the conspicuous divergence between what in fact
ascertain the truth thereof. That this norm represents the generally transpired and what he reported, again resorts to semantics and
accepted point of balance or adjustment between the two interests sophistry to attempt an explanation of the unexplainable.
involved is clear from a consideration of both the pertinent civil law Paraphrasing the Code of Ethics, he failed to scrupulously report and
norms and the Code of Ethics adopted by the journalism profession interpret the news; on the contrary, his failure or refusal to verify
in the Philippines. such essential facts as who really hosted and tendered the luncheon
301 and spent for it, and his playing up of the Bank’s supposed role as
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 301 such host have resulted in an improper suppression of those facts
In Re: Emil P. Jurado and a gross distortion of the truth about them.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Failure to “present the other side” is Remedial Law; Contempt; Courts; Contempt is punishable, even if
reprehensible, being what in law amounts to a denial of due committed without relation to a pending case.—Contempt is
process.—If relying on second-hand sources of information is, as the punishable, even if committed without relation to a pending case.
Journalists’ Code states, irresponsible, supra, then indulging in pure Philippine jurisprudence parallels a respectable array of English
speculation or gossip is even more so; and a failure to “present the decisions holding contumacious scurrilous attacks against the courts
calculated to bring

302 others. The ruling, in other words, is that when called to account for
302 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED publications denounced as inaccurate and misleading, the journalist
In Re: Emil P. Jurado has the option (a) to demonstrate their truthfulness or accuracy even
them into disrepute, even when made after the trial stage or after the if in the process he disclose his sources, or (b) to refuse, on the
end of the proceedings. The original doctrine laid down in People vs. ground that to do so would require such disclosure. In the latter
Alarcon,—that there is no contempt if there is no pending case—has event, however, he must be ready to accept the consequences of
been abandoned in subsequent rulings of this Court. publishing untruthful or misleading stories the truth and accuracy of
Same; Same; Same; The Court may hold anyone to answer for which he is unwilling or made no bona fide effort to prove; for R.A.
utterances offensive to its dignity, honor or reputation, which tend 53, as amended, is quite unequivocal that the right of refusal to
to put it in disrepute, obstruct the administration of justice, or disclose sources is “without prejudice to **
interfere with the disposition of its business or the performance of 303
its functions in an orderly manner.—Jurado would also claim that VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 303
the Court has no administrative supervision over him as a member of In Re: Emil P. Jurado
the press or over his work as a journalist, and asks why he is being liability under civil and criminal laws.”
singled out, and, by being required to submit to a separate Same; Same; Same; Same; R.A. No. 53 confers no immunity from
administrative proceeding, treated differently than his other prosecution for libel or for other sanction under the law. All it does
colleagues in media who were only asked to explain their reports and is give the journalist the right to refuse (or not to be compelled) to
comments about wrongdoing in the judiciary to the Ad reveal the source of any news report published by him which was
Hoc Committee. The answer is that upon all that has so far been said, revealed to him in confidence.—RA No. 53 thus confers no immunity
the Court may hold anyone to answer for utterances offensive to its from prosecution for libel or for other sanction under the law. It does
dignity, honor or reputation, which tend to put it in disrepute, not declare that the publication of any news report or information
obstruct the administration of justice, or interfere with the which was “related in confidence” to the journalist is not actionable;
disposition of its business or the performance of its functions in an such circumstance (of confidentiality) does not purge the publication
orderly manner. Jurado has not been singled out. What has of its character as defamatory, if indeed it be such, and actionable on
happened is that there have been brought before the Court, formally that ground. All it does is give the journalist the right to refuse (or
and in due course, sworn statements branding his reports as lies and not to be compelled) to reveal the source of any news report
thus imposing upon him the alternatives of substantiating those published by him which was revealed to him in confidence.
reports or assuming responsibility for their publication. Same; Same; Same; Same; False reports about a public official or
Same; Same; Same; R.A. No. 53, Right of Refusal to Disclose other person are not shielded from sanction by the cardinal right to
Sources; The right of refusal to disclose sources under R.A. No. 53 is free speech in the Constitution.—It is worth stressing that false
without prejudice to liability under civil and criminal laws.—This reports about a public official or other person are not shielded from
opinion neither negates nor seeks to enervate the proposition that a sanction by the cardinal right to free speech enshrined in the
newsman has a right to keep his sources confidential; that he cannot Constitution. Even the most liberal view of free speech has never
be compelled by the courts to disclose them, as provided by R.A. 53, countenanced the publication of falsehoods, specially the persistent
unless the security of the State demands such revelation. But it does and unmitigated dissemination of patent lies. The U.S. Supreme
hold that he cannot invoke such right as a shield against liability for Court, while asserting that “(u)nder the First Amendment there is no
printing stories that are untrue and derogatory of the courts, or such thing as a false idea,” and that “(h)owever pernicious an opinion

may seem, we depend for its correction not on the conscience of wrote. They constitute contempt of court, directly tending as they do
judges and juries but on the competition of other ideas” (citing a to degrade or abase the administration of justice and the judges
passage from the first Inaugural Address of Thomas Jefferson), engaged in that function. By doing them, he has placed himself
nonetheless made the firm pronouncement that “there is no beyond the circle of reputable, decent and responsible journalists
constitutional value in false statements of fact,” and “the erroneous who live by their Code or the “Golden Rule” and who strive at all
statement of fact is not worthy of constitutional protection (although) times to maintain the prestige and nobility of their calling.
** nevertheless inevitable in free debate.” “Neither the intentional lie
nor the careless error,” it said, “materially advances society’s interest MELO, J., Dissenting:
in ‘unhibited, robust, and wide-open’ debate on public issues. New
York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 US, at 270, 11 L Ed 2d 686, 95 ALR2d Constitutional Law; Freedom of Expression; Freedom of the
1412. They belong to that category of utterances which ‘are no Press; In democratic governments, there must at all times be due
essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social regard for the preservation of constitutional rights even to the
value as a step to the truth that any benefit that may be derived from extent of seemingly sacrificing, as in the case at hand, accurate and
them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and truthful media comment.—In making a choice between the
morality.’ Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 US 568, 572, 86 L Ed preservation of liberties and freedom, on one hand, and the
1031, 62 S Ct 766 (1942).” attainment of a better—ordered society, on the other, men have not
Same; Same; Same; Same; The knowingly false statement and the stopped debating. The balance, the point of the weighing scale, has
false statement made with reckless disregard of the truth, do not moved hither and thither depending on the needs of the times and on
enjoy the kind of government involved. But in democratic governments,
304 there must at all times be due regard for the preservation of
304 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED constitutional rights even to the extent, at times, of seemingly
In Re: Emil P. Jurado sacrificing, as in the case at hand, accurate and truthful media
constitutional protection.—“The use of calculated falsehood,” it was comment.
observed in another case, “would put a different cast on the
constitutional question. Although honest utterances, even if PUNO,J., Dissenting:
inaccurate, may further the fruitful exercise of the right of free
speech, it does not follow that the lie, knowingly and deliberately Constitutional Law; Freedom of the Press; Freedom of
published about a public official, should enjoy a like immunity. ** ** Expression; Right of Refusal to Disclose Sources; R.A. No. 1477
(T)he knowingly false statement and the false statement made with approved on June 15, 1956 prohibits revelation of “the source of any
reckless disregard of the truth, do not enjoy constitutional news-report on information related in confidence unless the court
protection.” or a House or commit-
Same; Same; Same; Same; Jurado’s actuations constitute contempt 305
of court, directly tending to degrade or abase the administration of VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 305
justice and the judges engaged in that function.—Jurado’s actuations,
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
in the context in which they were done, demonstrate gross
tee of Congress finds that such revelation is demanded by the
irresponsibility, and indifference to factual accuracy and the injury
security of the State.”—In the Philippines, the shield law is provided
that he might cause to the name and reputation of those of whom he
by Republic Act No. 1477, approved on June 15, 1956 which prohibits

revelation of “thesource of any news-report or information ... related slant, posed a clear and present danger to our administration of
in confidence ... unless the court or a House or committee of justice. My humble submission is that the evidence on record failed
Congress finds that such revelation is demanded by the security of to prove this clear and present danger, and hence, there is no need to
the State.” R.A. No. 1477 amended R.A. No. 53 by changing the task respondent to reveal the sources of his information in order to
phrase “interest of the State” to “security of theState.” The change prove that his reports about judicial corruption
limited the right of the State to share with newsmen their 306
confidential sources of information. 306 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Same; Same; Same; Same; Exception; The protection of R.A. No. 53, In Re: Emil P. Jurado
as amended by R.A. No. 1477 to newsmen, provides but one ground are not patent falsehoods. The Court should always adopt an
which can force a newsman to reveal the source of his confidential approach that is less destructive of freedom of speech and of the
information—when demanded by the security of the State.—The press. I reserve my full view on the longitude and latitude of a
protection of R.A. No. 53, as amended by R.A. No. 1477, to newsmen newsman’s right not to reveal the sources of his information in a
should not be diminished as much as possible. Under this law, there more appropriate case.
is only one but one clear ground which can force a newsman to Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Sanctity of a newsman’s source
reveal the source of his confidential information—when demanded of information is not only intended to protect a newsman but also
by the security of the State. It is instructive to remember the case the source of his information. When a person transmits confidential
of In re: Angel J. Parazo, where the Court adjudged information to a newsman, he is exercising his freedom of speech on
newsman Parazoin contempt of court for refusing to divulge the condition of anonymity.—There is another aspect of freedom of the
source of his story regarding leakage of questions in some subjects in press which the majority failed to consider. The sanctity of a
the 1948 Bar Examinations. It was contended by Parazo that under newsman’s source of information is not only intended to protect a
R.A. No. 53, he could only be compelled to reveal the source of his newsman but also the source of his information. When a person
information when the “revelation is demanded by the interest of the transmits confidential information to a newsman, he is exercising his
State.”Parazoargued that “interest of the State” meant “security of freedom of speech on condition of anonymity. In Talley v. California,
State.” The Court rejected Parazo’s argument as it held that the two an ordinance which penalized the distribution of any handbill which
(2) terms are not synonymous, the first being broader than the did not identify its author was struck down as unconstitutional. It
second. It then ruled that the maintenance of high standard of the was held that “identificationand fear of reprisal might deter perfectly
legal profession qualifies as an “interest of the State” the promotion peaceful discussions of public matters of importance.” It is thus
of which is a good ground to compel newsmen to break the arguable that a newsman by himself does not have the option to
confidentiality of their sources of news. The Court ruling did not sit reveal or not to reveal the identity of his source of information. His
well with Congress. On June 15, 1956, Congress enacted R.A. No. source may have an independent right to the protection of his
1477 which amended R.A. 53 by changing the phrase “interest of the anonymity in the exercise of freedom of speech. This issue, however,
State” to “security of State.” need not be resolved in the case at bench but in a more appropriate
Same; Same; Same; Same; Clear and Present Danger setting. Be that as it may, I bewail the precipitate majority ruling that
Test; Evidence on record failed to prove clear and present danger to a newsman has an unqualified option to reveal the confidential
the administration of justice, hence, there is no need to task source of his information for its inevitable effect is to discourage
respondent to reveal the sources of his information.—To my mind, people from giving confidential information to the press. Again, the
the case at bench should be and can be resolved by simply
determining whether respondent’s columns, given their falsity and

impairment of the flow of information to the public will suffer an the agent of the people when it gathers news, especially news
irreparable harm. derogatory to those who hold the reins of government. The agency is
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; In the absence of clear and necessary because the people must have all available information
convincing evidence that respondent knowingly foisted a falsehood before they exercise their sovereign judgment. As well observed: “The
to degrade administration of justice, Court should be slow in citing newspapers, magazines, and other journals of the country, it is safe
him for contempt.—The majority opinion also failed to consider that to say, have shed and continue to shed, more light on the public and
the columns of respondent dealt with the sensitive subject of business affairs of the nation than any other instrument of publicity;
corruption in courts. It cannot be gainsaid that corruption in and since informed public opinion is the most potent of all restraints
government is a matter of highest concern to our citizenry. Yet it is a upon misgovernment the suppression or abridgment of the publicity
problem that defies solution primarily because it is a subject where afforded by a free press cannot be regarded otherwise than with
people in the know maintain the countenance of a clam. Thus, the grave concern.” As agent of the people, the most important function
prosecution of corruption in government has not hit a high note and of the press in a free society is to inform and it cannot inform if it is
what now appears as the most effective restraint against corruption uninformed. We should be wary when the independent sources of
in government is the fear of the light of print. If the light of print information of the press dry up, for then the press will end up
continues to be a strong deterrent against government misdeeds, it is printing “praise” releases and that is no way for the people to know
mainly because newsmen have an unimpeded access to information. the truth.
On many an occasion, these confi- Same; Same; Same; Right of Refusal to Disclose Sources; The
307 protection to the sanctity of the sources of information of the press
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 307 is for the benefit of the people. It is designed to benefit all of us to
In Re: Emil P. Jurado keep us above the cloud of ignorance.—In sum, I submit that the
dential sources of information are the only leads to government equation chosen by the majority has the pernicious effects of
malfeasance. To fashion a rule derogatory of the confidentiality of hobbling the writing hand of newsmen and of chilling the sources of
newsmen’s sources will result in tremendous loss in the flow of this information of the press. The majority can snicker against “bleeding
rare and valuable information to the press and will prejudice the heart” liberalism but this is a vain attempt to use a fig leaf to conceal
State’s policy to eliminate corruption in government. In the absence its niggardly regard for freedom of speech and of the press. In a large
of clear and convincing evidence that respondent knowingly foisted a measure, I fear that the majority opinion will weaken the press as an
falsehood to degrade our administration of justice, we should be slow informed and informative source of
in citing him for contempt. The New York Times rule correctly 308
warned us that occasional erroneous statements are “inevitable in 308 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
free debate ... and must be protected if the freedoms of expression In Re: Emil P. Jurado
are to have the ‘breathing space’ that they ‘need, to survive.’” information of the sovereign people. In so doing, it will unwittingly
Same; Same; Same; Function of the Press; As agent of the people, erode the people’s right to discover the truth. The protection we give
the most important function of the press is to inform and it cannot to the sanctity of the sources of information of the press is for the
do so if it is uninformed.—I submit that the majority misappreciates benefit of the people. It is designed to benefit all of us, to keep us
the role of the press as a critic of government in a democratic society. above the cloud of ignorance. Democracy cannot bloom where
The Constitution did not conceive the press to act as the cheer sovereignty is rooted on the top soil of an ignorant mass.
leader of government, including the judiciary. Rather, the press is

ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER in the Supreme Court. Contempt. 309
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 309
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. In Re: Emil P. Jurado

NARVASA,C.J.: . correct substantive errors promptly;”1

. 3)that such an utterance or publication, when it is
Liability for published statements demonstrably false or misleading,
offensive to the dignity and reputation of a Court or of the
and derogatory of the courts and individual judges, is what is
judge presiding over it, or degrades or tends to place the
involved in the proceeding at bar—than which, upon its facts, there is
courts in disrepute and disgrace or otherwise to debase the
perhaps no more appropriate setting for an inquiry into the limits of
press freedom as it relates to public comment about the courts and administration of justice, constitutes contempt of court and
their workings within a constitutional order. is punishable as such after due proceedings; and
. 4)that prescinding from the obvious proposition that
. 1.Basic Postulates any aggrieved party may file a complaint to declare the
utterer or writer in contempt, the initiation of appropriate
To resolve the issue raised by those facts, application of fairly contempt proceedings against the latter by the court is not
elementary and self-evident postulates is all that is needed, these only its prerogative but indeed its duty, imposed by the
being: overmastering need to preserve and protect its authority and
the integrity, independence and dignity of the nation’s
. 1)that the utterance or publication by a person of judicial system.
falsehoods or half-truths, or of slanted or distorted versions
of facts—or accusations which he made no bonafide effort . 2.Antecedents
previously to verify, and which he does not or disdains to
prove—cannot be justified as a legitimate exercise of the This proceeding treats of Emiliano P. Jurado, a journalist who writes
freedom of speech and of the press guaranteed by the in a newspaper of general circulation, the “Manila Standard.” He
Constitution, and cannot be deemed an activity shielded describes himself as a columnist, who “incidentally happens to be a
from sanction by that constitutional guaranty; lawyer,” remarking that while he values his membership in the law
profession, “such membership is neither a critical nor indispensable
. 2)that such utterance or publication is also violative
adjunct in the exercise of his occupation as a newspaperman.”2 His
of “The Philippine Journalist’s Code of Ethics” which inter
column in the “Manila Standard” is entitled “Opinion.”
alia commands the journalist to “scrupulously report and Jurado had been writing about alleged improprieties and
interpret the news, taking care not to suppress essential irregularities in the judiciary over several months (from about
facts nor to distort the truth by improper omission or October, 1992 to March, 1993). Other journalists had also been
emphasis,” and makes it his duty “to air the other side and making reports or comments on the same subject. At the same time,
to anonymous communications were being extensively circulated, by
hand and through the mail, about alleged venality and corruption in

the courts. And all these were being repeatedly and insistently . 1.In his column of October 21, 1992, he wrote of
adverted to by certain sectors of society. “(j)udges in a number of regional trial courts in Metro
In light of these abnormal developments, the Chief Justice took an Manila (who) have become so notorious in their dealings
extraordinary step. He issued Administrative Order No. with litigants and lawyers that they are now called
the ‘Magnificent
1 SEE footnote 16, infra.
2 Jurado’s Supplemental Comment, March 15, 1993.
3 An additional paragraph was added by a subsequent administrative
order (No. 11-93-A, Feb. 1, 1993) to the effect that “(i)n the event that
the Chairman or any member of the Ad Hoc Committee be unable to
In Re: Emil P. Jurado take part in its proceedings at any session or hearing thereof, or
11-93 dated January 25, 1993, “Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to should inhibit himself or herself therefrom, and to the end that the
Investigate Reports of Corruption in the Judiciary,”3 reading as proceedings before the Ad Hoc Committee be not thereby delayed,
follows: Associate Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr., Associate Justice Josue N.
“WHEREAS, the Court’s attention has been drawn to the many and Bellosillo, and retired Justice Irene R. Cortes are, by the Court’s
persistent rumors and unverified reports respecting corruption in the authority, designated Alternate Members of the Committee, to serve
judiciary, said rumors and reports not only having been mentioned thereon for such time or at such sessions or hearings as the Chief
by media and in anonymous communications, but having also been Justice may determine.”
adverted to by certain government officials and civic leaders. NOW, 311
THEREFORE, by authority of the Court, an ad hoc committee is VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 311
hereby constituted composed of Chief Justice Andres R. Narvasa, as In Re: Emil P. Jurado
Chairman, and former Justices of the Court, Hon. Lorenzo Relova
and Hon. Ameurfina A. Melencio-Herrera, as Members, which shall
seek to ascertain the truth respecting said reports and statements, . Seven.’” He stated that “(i)t has come to a point
and to this end, forthwith interview at closed-door sessions or where lawyers and litigants try their darndest to stay away
otherwise, such persons as may appear to it to have some knowledge from these judges. The answer, of course, is obvious.”
of the matter and who may be appealed to share that knowledge with . 2.In his February 3, 1993 column, he adverted to
the Court, and otherwise gather such evidence as may be available. another group, also named “Magnificent Seven,” which, he
The Committee is hereby authorized to use such facilities and said, should be distinguished from the first. He wrote:
personnel of the court as may be necessary or convenient in the “When lawyers speak of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ one has to
fulfillment of its assigned mission, and shall submit its report to the make sure which group they are referring to. Makati’s
Court within thirty (30) days.”
‘Magnificent Seven’ are a bunch of Makati regional trial court
Material to the present inquiry are Jurado’s published statements
judges who fix drug-related cases. The ‘Magnificent Seven’ in
from late 1992 to the middle of February, 1993.
the Supreme Court consists of a group of justices who vote as

. 3.Aside from the “Magnificent Seven,” he also wrote near the Court of Appeals building. He is known as the
about a group which he dubbed the “Dirty Dozen.” In his contact man of five CA divisions. Lawyers say that this
column of October 21, 1992 he said that there are “** 12 former jurist really delivers.” In his column of January 29,
judges who have acquired such reputation for graft and 1993, he adverted to the same unnamed former Justice as
corruption that they are collectively known as the ‘dirty being “known for fixing cases for five CA divisions (that is
dozen.’ These judges, I am told, are not satisfied with what he tells lawyers and litigants) for a fee. And if the price
accepting bribes; they actually sell their decisions to the is right, the lawyer of the litigant paying can even write his
litigants that offer the larger bribe. Each of these judges own decision using a CA justice as ponente. This ex-justice
reportedly has go-betweens who approach the litigants and holds court at the mezzanine of a restaurant owned by the
‘solicit’ their bids for what is clearly an auction for the judge’s wife of a former Marcos cabinet member and which has
decision.” become a meeting place for judges, CA justices, practising
. According to him, the most corrupt judges now are lawyers, prosecutors and even Supreme Court justices. The
Makati’s “Dirty Dozen” judges, supplanting some of those former CA justice also has his own Chinese contact. After I
from Pasay. Pasig and Quezon City; corruption in lower exposed this last year, the habitues became scarce. But they
Courts had been admitted by an Executive Judge in a Metro are back again, and the ex-justice is still doing brisk
Manila Regional Trial Court (column of November 9, 1992); business.”
and because the “Dirty Dozen” had given Makati the . 5.In his column of March 24, 1993, he made the
reputation of having the most corrupt RTC in the country, claim that one can “get a temporary restraining order from a
multinationals and financing institutions explicitly stipulate regional trial court in Metro-Manila by paying the judge
in their agreements that litigation in connection with these anywhere between P30,000.00 and P50,000.00.”
contracts may be held anywhere in Metro Manila except in
Makati; and lawyers confirm that Makati Judges, including Other columns of Jurado refer to:
some persons in the sheriff’s office, are the most corrupt,
where before, Pasay and Quezon City had that dubious . a)a police report from the South Capital Command
distinction (column of December 1, 1992). ** (to the effect) that 8 Makati judges were paid for decisions
favoring drug-traffickers and other big-time criminals,
_______________ naming the judges and giving detailed accounts of the
bribery (January 30, 1993);
4 SEE footnotes 12 and 19, infra. . b)a bank, later identified by him as the Equitable
312 Banking Corporation (Ermita Branch), which had “hosted a
312 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED lunch at its penthouse mainly for some justices, judges,
In Re: Emil P. Jurado prosecutors and law practitioners” (January 12, 1993);5
. c)the lady secretary of an RTC Judge in Makati who
. 4.In his November 9, 1992 column, he wrote about allegedly makes sure, for a fee of P10,000.00 or more,
“a former appellate justice (who) ‘holds office’ at a restaurant

depending on how much money is at stake, that a case is nomination of some worthy individuals was blocked because
raffled off to a Judge who will be “extremely sympathetic,” they “incurred the ire of the powers that be,” e.g., Judge
Maximiano Asuncion, Quezon City RTC, and Raul Victorino,
_______________ closely identified with former Senate President Salonga
(January 25, 1993).
5 SEE footnote 10, infra.
313 . 3.Events Directly Giving Rise to the Proceeding at
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 313 Bar
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
What may be called the seed of the proceeding at bar was sown by
. and can arrange to have the Court issue attachments the decision promulgated by this Court on August 27, 1992, in the so-
or injunctions for a service fee of 1% over and above the called “controversial case” of “Philippine Long Distance Telephone
regular premium of the attachment or injunction bond; a Company v. Eastern Telephone Philippines, Inc. (ETPI),” G.R. No.
Chinese-Filipino businessman who paid this “miracle 94374. In that decision the Court was sharply divided; the vote was 9
worker” P300,000.00 on top of the regular premium on the to 4, in favor of the petitioner PLDT. Mr Justice Hugo E. Gutierrez,
Jr. wrote the opinion for the major-
attachment/injunction bond (October 27, 1992);
. d)Executive Judge de la Rosa, who “has unilaterally 314 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
decided to discard the rule that cases seeking provisional
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
remedies should be raffled off to the judges,” thus violating
ity.6 A motion for reconsideration of the decision was filed in
the rule that no case may be assigned in multi-sala courts
respondent’s behalf on September 16, 1992, which has recently been
without a raffle (January 28, 1993); and resolved.
. e)the Secretary of the Judicial and Bar Council In connection with this case, G.R. No. 94374, the “Philippine Daily
(JBC), who had supposedly gotten that body to nominate Inquirer” and one or two other newspapers published, on January 28,
him to the Court of Appeals; and a son and a nephew of JBC 1993, a report of the purported affidavit of a Mr. David Miles Yerkes,
members, who were also nominated to the Court of Appeals, an alleged expert in linguistics. This gentleman, it appears, had been
contrary to ethics and delicadeza (January 16, 1993; January commissioned by one of the parties in the case, Eastern Telephone
29, 1993); and Philippines, Inc. (ETPI), to examine and analyze the decision of
. f)what he denominates “a major determinant of Justice Gutierrez in relation to a few of his prior ponencias and the
writings of one of the lawyers of PLDT, Mr. Eliseo Alampay, to
promotion,” i.e., having a relative in the JBC or the Supreme
ascertain if the decision had been written, in whole or in part, by the
Court, or having a powerful politician as sponsor, citing
latter. Yerkes proffered the conclusion that the Gutierrez decision
specifically, the following nominees to the Court of Appeals—
“looks, reads and sounds like the writing of the PLDT’s counsel.”7
Conrado Vasquez, Jr., son and namesake of the Ombudsman As might be expected, the Yerkes “revelations” spawned more public
and brother of the head of the Presidential Management discussion and comment about the judiciary and the Supreme Court
Staff; Rosalio de la Rosa, “nephew of Justice Relova and itself, much of it unfavorable. There were calls for impeachment of
cousin of Chief Justice Narvasa”; and the fact that the justices, for resignation of judges. There were insistent and more

widespread reiterations of denunciations of incompetence and column of Mr. Emil P. Jurado of the Manila Standard on a vacation
corruption in the judiciary. Another derogatory epithet for judges trip supposedly taken by six Justices with their families last year,”
was coined and quickly gained currency: “Hood-lums in Robes.” and requesting that the Court “take such action as may be
It was at about this time and under these circumstances—particularly appropriate.” In his affidavit, Samson made the following
the furor caused by the Yerkes opinion that the PLDT decision was averments:9
authored by a PLDT lawyer—that Jurado wrote in his column on “* * *.
February 8, 1993, an item entitled, “Who will judge the Justices?” While the name of the public utility which supposedly financed the
referring among other things to” ** (a) report that six justices, their alleged vacation of the Justices in HongKong has not been disclosed
spouses, children and grandchildren (a total of 36 persons) spent a in the Jurado column, the publication thereof, taken in relation to
vacation in Hong Kong some the spate of recent newspaper reports alleging that the decision of the
Supreme Court, penned by Mr. Justice Hugo E. Gutierrez, Jr., in the
_______________ pending case involving the PLDT and Eastern Telecommunications
Phils., Inc. was supposedly ghost written by a lawyer of PLDT, gives
6 213 SCRA 16. rise to the innuendo or unfair inference that Emil Jurado is alluding
7 ETPI counsel, former Solicitor General Estelito Mendoza and to PLDT in the said column; and, this in fact was the impression or
former Law Dean Eduardo de los Angeles, have since declared that perception of those who talked to me and the other officers of the
none of the lawyers or officers of the corporation had ever authorized PLDT after having read the Jurado column;
the release of the Yerkes affidavit. In any event, Mr. Justice Gutierrez 4. In as much as the PLDT case against Eastern Telecommunications
has since made public his own affidavit in indignant traverse of the Philippines is still sub-judice, since the motions for reconsideration
Yerkes document; and two (2) other experts, commissioned by the filed by the losing litigants therein, Eastern Telecommunications
PLDT, have submitted studies and reports impugning the Yerkes Philippines, Inc. and NTC are still pending before the Court, we have
conclusions. tried to refrain from making any public comments on these matters,
315 lest any statement we make be interpreted to be an attempt on our
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 315 part
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
time last year—andthat luxurious hotel accommodations and all
their other expenses were paid by a public utility firm ** and that
the trip ** was arranged by the travel agency patronized by this 8 Italics and underscoring supplied.
public utility firm.’”8 9 Italics supplied.
This was the event that directly gave rise to the proceeding at bar. 316
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
. a.Letter and Affidavit of PLDT
to unduly influence the final decision of the Supreme Court in the
above described case. However in the interest of truth and justice,
For shortly afterwards, on February 10, 1993, Mr. Vicente R. Samson,
PLDT is compelled to emphatically and categorically declare that it is
First Vice President of the PLDT (Philippine Long Distance
not the public utility firm referred to in the Jurado column and that
Telephone Company), addressed a letter to the Chief Justice,
specifically, it has never paid for any such trip, hotel or other
submitting his sworn statement in confutation of “the item in the

accommodations for any justice of the Supreme Court or his family Tuesday, January 5, 1993 he had “hosted a lunch party at the Officers’
during their vacation, if any, in Hongkong last year. It is not even Lounge, 7th Floor of the Equitable BankingCorporation Building,
aware that any of the justices or their families have made the trip Ermita Branch ** upon prior permission ** obtained”; that the
referred to in the Jurado column; “expenses for said party were exclusively from my personal funds
and the food was prepared in my house by my wife and served by my
. 5.I further state that neither Atty. Emil P. Jurado nor house help ** and four (4)
any one in his behalf has ever spoken to me or any other
responsible officer of PLDT about the matter quoted in par. 2 _______________
10 SEE footnote 5, supra.
. 6.PLDT further emphatically and categorically
denies that it had ever talked to or made arrangements with
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 317
any travel agency or any person or entity in connection
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
with any such alleged trip of the Justices and their families
to Hongkong, much less paid anything therefor to such waiters ** hired from the nearby Barrio Fiesta Restaurant”; that
among the invited guests “were members of the Supreme Court and
agencies, fully or in part, in the year 1992 as referred to in
Court of Appeals who ** were my friends of forty years since our days
Par. 2 hereinabove;
in law school”; and that the party was held in the lounge of the bank
. 7.The travel agencies which PLDT patronizes or instead of in “my residence” “unlike in former years ** because my
retains for the trips, hotels or other accommodations of its birthday happened to fall on a working day and my friends from the
officers and employees are: Equitable Banking Corporation ** suggested that I hold it there (at
the lounge) for their convenience because my residence is far from
. a.Philway Travel Corporation, M-7 Prince Tower down town.”
Cond. Tordesillas St., Salcedo Village Makati, Metro Manila However, this birthday luncheon of Atty. Veto was reported in
Jurado’s column (in the Manila Standard issues of January 12 and 28,
. b.Citi-World Travel Mart Corp., Suite 3-4 Ramada
1993) as having been “hosted (by the Equitable Bank) at its
Midtown Arcade M. Adriatico Street, Ermita, Manila
penthouse mainly for some justices, judges, prosecutors and law
practitioners **.” And upon this premise, Jurado indulged in the
The records of these travel agencies will bear out the fact that no following pontification: “When those in the judiciary fraternize this
arrangements were made by them at the instance of PLDT for the way, what chances before the courts do other lawyers, who are
trip referred to in the Jurado column. not ‘batang club,’ have against others who belong to the fraternity?
In the case of prosecutors and fiscals, what chances do opposing
. b.Affidavit of Atty. William Veto counsels have against those in the fraternity?” (column of January 12,
The Samson affidavit was followed by another submitted to the Court
by Atty. William Veto, the “in-house counsel of Equitable Banking . c.Information from Ad Hoc Committee
Corporation since 1958,” subscribed and sworn to on February 10,
1993, in relation to another article of Jurado.10 Veto deposed that on

At about this time, too, the Court received information from theAd obtaining evidence, or leads, on the matter. You have, I believe,
Hoc Committee (created by Administrative Order No. 11-93) to the expressed more than once the laudable desire that the judiciary rid
following effect: itself of the incompetents and the misfits in its ranks, and we believe
you will want to help the Court do precisely that, by furnishing the
. 1)that by letter dated February 1, 1993, the Chairman Committee with competent evidence, testimonial or otherwise.
of the Ad Hoc Committee extended an invitation to Atty. Clearly, the purging process cannot be accomplished without proof,
testimonial or otherwise, as you must no doubt realize, being yourself
Emiliano Jurado to appear before it ‘at 2 o’clock in the
a lawyer.
afternoon of February 4, 1993 ** (to) give the committee
We would like you to know that the Ad Hoc Committee created by
information that will assist it in its task,” i.e., to definitely
Administrative Order No. 11-93 is simply a fact-finding body. Its
and accurately determine the facts as regards the published function is evidence-gathering. Although possessed of the authority
rumors and reports of corruption in the judiciary; to maintain and enforce order in its proceedings, and to compel
. 2)that despite receipt of this letter by a responsible obedience to its processes, it is not an adjudicative body in the sense
individual at the business address of Jurado, the latter failed that it will pronounce persons guilty or innocent, or impose sanctions,
to appear at the time and place indicated; that instead, in his on the basis of such proofs as may be presented to it. That function is
column in the issue of Manila Standard of February 4, 1993, reserved to the Supreme Court itself, in which it is lodged by the
Jurado stated that he was told he was being summoned by Constitution and the laws. Thus, at the conclusion of its evidence-
the Ad HocCommittee, but “(t)here is really no need to gathering mission, the Ad Hoc Committee will submit its report and
summon me. The committee can go by the many things I recommendations to the Court which will then take such action as it
have written in my column about corruption in the deems appropriate.
TheAd Hoc Committee has scheduled hearings on the 11th and 12th
judiciary. Many of these column items have been borne out
of February, 1993. Mr. Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. will preside as
by subsequent events.”
Chairman at these hearings since I will be unable to do so in view of
earlier commitments. We reiterate our invitation that you come
318 before the Committee, and you may opt to appear either on the 11th
318 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED or 12th of February, 1993, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.”
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
. 4)that notwithstanding receipt of this second letter
. 3)that another letter was sent by the Chairman to by a certain Mr. Gerry Gil of the Manila Standard, Jurado
Jurado, dated February 5, 1993, reiterating the Committee’s still failed to appear.
invitation, viz.:
. 4.Statement of the Case: Resolutions and Pleadings
“It is regretted that you failed to respond to the invitation of the Ad
Hoc Committee to appear at its session of February 4, 1992. All
. a.Resolution of February 16, 1993
indications are that you are the person with the most knowledge
about corruption in the judiciary and hence, appear to be best
positioned to assist the Ad Hoc Committee in its function of

After considering all these circumstances, the Court by Resolution . b.Jurado’s Comment dated March 1, 1993
dated February 16, 1993, ordered:
As directed, Jurado filed his comment, dated March 1, 1993.
. 1)that the matter dealt with in the letter and affidavit He explained that he had not “snubbed” the invitation of the Ad
of the PLDT herein mentioned be duly DOCKETED, and Hoc Committee, it being in fact his desire to cooperate in any
hereafter consid- investigation on corruption in the judiciary as this was what “his
columns have always wanted to provoke.” What had happened,
319 according to him, was that the first invitation of the Ad
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 319 Hoc Committee was routed to his desk at the Manila Standard office
on the day of the hearing itself, when it was already impossible to
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
cancel previous professional and business appointments; and the
second invitation, “if it was ever received” by his office, was never
. ered and acted upon as an official Court proceeding routed to him, and he had yet to see it.11 If the impression had
for the determination of whether or not the allegations made
by Atty. Emil Jurado herein specified are true; _______________
. 2)that the Clerk of Court SEND COPIES of the PLDT
letter and affidavit, and of the affidavit of Atty. William Veto 11 N.B. However, in his column of Feb. 4, 1993, he had written:
to Atty. Emil Jurado, c/o the Manila Standard, Railroad & 21 “There is really no need (for the Ad HocCommittee) to summon me.
Streets, Port Area, Manila; and copies of the same PLDT The committee can go by the many things I have written in my
letter and affidavit, to Philway Travel Corporation, M-7 column about corruption in the judiciary **.”
Prince Tower Cond., Tordesillas St., Salcedo Village, Makati, 320
Metro Manila; and Citi-World Travel Mart Corp., Suite 3-4 320 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Ramada Midtown Arcade, M. Adriatico Street, Ermita, In Re: Emil P. Jurado
Manila; been created that he had indeed “snubbed” the Ad Hoc Committee,
. 3)that within five (5) days from their receipt of he “sincerely apologizes.”
He averred that his columns are self-explanatory and reflect his
notice of this resolution and of copies of the PLDT letter and
beliefs, and there was no need to elaborate further on what he had
affidavit, the Philway Travel Corporation and the Citi-World
written. He expressed his firm belief that justice can be administered
Travel Mart Corporation each FILE A SWORN STATEMENT
only by a judicial system that is itself just and incorruptible, and the
affirming or denying the contents of the PLDT affidavit; and hope that this Court would view his response in this light.
. 4)that within fifteen (15) days from his receipt of He also made the following specific observations:
notice of this resolution and of copies of said PLDT letter and
affidavit and of the affidavit of Atty. Veto, Atty. Emil Jurado . 1.The affidavit of Antonio Samson of the PLDT dated
FILE A COMMENT on said affidavits as well as the February 9, 1993 was an assertion of the affiant’s belief and
allegations made by him in his columns, herein specified, in opinion and he (Jurado) would not comment on it except to
which he shall make known to the Court the factual or
evidentiary bases of said allegations.

say that while Mr. Samson is entitled to his beliefs and . and Bar Council echo the public perception, and
opinions, these “bind only him and the PLDT.” constitute fair comment on a matter of great public interest
. 2.Atty. William Veto’s affidavit substantially and concern.
corroborated what he had written in vital details; hence, . 6.His columns with respect to the “RTC’s
further substantiation would be surplusage. In fact, the Magnificent Seven” (October 20, 1992); the “RTC-Makati’s
Supreme Court had confirmed the story in its press Dirty Dozen” (October 2, 1992, November 9, 1992, and
statement quoted by him (Jurado) in his January 30, 1993 December 1, 1992); the “Magnificent Seven” in the Supreme
column. His column about the Veto party constitutes fair Court (February 3, 1993);12 the lady secretary of an RTC
comment on the public conduct of public officers. Judge (October 27, 1992); and the former Court of Appeals
. 3.The column about Executive Judge Rosalio de la Justice “fixing” cases (January 29, 1993) were all based on
Rosa merely summarized the position of Judge Teresita Dy- information give to him in strict confidence by sources he
Liaco Flores on the actuations of Judge de la Rosa and called takes to be highly reliable and credible; and he could not
the attention of the Court thereto, Judge Flores’ complaint, a elaborate on the factual and evidentiary basis of the
copy of which had been sent to the Court Administrator, information without endangering his sources.
being one meriting its attention. By necessity and custom and usage, he relies as a journalist
. 4.The “factual and evidentiary basis” of his column not only on first-hand knowledge but also on information
of January 30, 1993 was the police report on seven (7) from sources he has found by experience to be trustworthy.
Makati judges authored by Chief Inspector Laciste Jr., of the He cannot compromise these sources. He invokes Republic
Narcotics Branch of the RPIU, South CAPCOM, PNP, Act No. 53, as amended by R.A. No. 1477, exempting the
addressed to Vice-President Joseph E. Estrada, a copy of publisher, editor or reporter of any publication from
which he had received in the newsroom of the Manila revealing the source of published news or information
Standard. The existence of the report had been affirmed by a obtained in confidence, and points out that none of the
reporter of the Manila Standard, Jun Burgos, when he matters subject of his columns has any bearing on the
appeared at the hearing of the Ad Hoc Committee on security of the state.
January 11, 1993.
. 5.His observations in his columns of January 6 and . c.Resolution of March 2, 1993
29, 1993 regarding the nominations of relatives in the
Judicial Subsequent to the Resolution of February 16, 1993 and before the
filing of Jurado’s comment above mentioned, the Court received the
321 affidavits of the executive officials of the two travel agencies
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 321 mentioned in the affidavit of PLDT Executive Vice-President Vicente
In Re: Emil P. Jurado R. Samson—in relation to the Jurado column of February 8, 1993:
that of Mr. Ermin Garcia, Jr., President of the Citi-World Travel Mart
Corporation, dated February 22, 1993, and that of Mrs. Marissa de la
Paz, General Manager of Philway Travel Corporation, dated February

19, 1993. Both denied ever having made any travel arrangements for Through another Resolution, dated March 18, 1993, the Court
any of the Justices of the Supreme Court or their families to directed the Clerk of Court to inform Jurado that the Resolutions of
Hongkong, February 16 and March 2, 1993 had been addressed to him
(according to his own depiction) in his capacity as “a full-time
_______________ journalist” “who coincidentally happens to be a member of the bar at
the same time,” and granted him fifteen (15) days from notice “to
12 SEE footnotes 4, supra, and 19, infra. qualify his comment and/or assert his rights and privileges ** in an
322 appropriate manifestation or pleading.”
In Re: Emil P. Jurado . f.Jurado’s Manifestation dated March 31, 1993
clearly and categorically belying the Jurado article.
By Resolution dated March 2, 1993, the Court directed that Jurado Again in response, Jurado filed a “Manifestation” under date of
be given copies of these two (2) affidavits and that he submit March 31, 1993. He moved for the termination of the proceed-
comment thereon, if desired, within ten (10) days from receipt 323
thereof. VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 323
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
. d.Jurado’s Supplemental Comment with Request for ing on the following posited premises:
. 1.The court has no administrative supervision over
In response, Jurado filed a pleading entitled “Supplemental him as a member of the press or over his work as a
Comment with Request for Clarification” dated March 15, 1993. In journalist.
this pleading he alleged that the sworn statements of Mr. Ermin . 2.The present administrative matter is not a citation
Garcia, Jr. and Mrs. Marissa de la Paz are affirmations of matters of for (a) direct contempt as there is no pending cases or
their own personal knowledge; that he (Jurado) had no specific
proceeding out of which a direct contempt charge against
knowledge of “the contents of these, let alone their veracity”; and that
him may arise, or (b) indirect contempt as no formal charge
the affidavits “bind no one except the affiants and possibly the PLDT.”
for the same has been laid before the court in accordance
He also sought clarification on two points—as to the capacity in
which he is being cited in these administrative proceedings—whether with Section 3 (Rule 71) of the Rules of Court.
“as full time journalist or as a member of the bar,” and why he is . 3.His comments would be more relevant and helpful
being singled out, from all his other colleagues in media who had also to the Court if taken together with the other evidence and
written about wrongdoings in the judiciary, and required to comment reports of other journalists gathered before the Ad
in a specific administrative matter before the Court sitting En Banc— Hoc Committee. He perceives no reason why his comments
so that he might “qualify his comment and/or assert his right and should be singled out and taken up in a separate
privileges **.” administrative proceeding.

. e.Resolution of March 18, 1993

It is against this background of the material facts and occurrences administration of justice. There is no antinomy between free
that the Court will determine Jurado’s liability, if any, for the above expression and the integrity of the system of administering justice.
mentioned statements published by him, as well as “such action as For the protection and maintenance of freedom of expression itself
may be appropriate” in the premises, as the PLDT asks. can be secured only within the context of a functioning and orderly
system of dispensing justice, within the context, in other words, of
. 5.Norms for Proper Exercise of Press Freedom viable independent institutions for delivery of justice which are
accepted by the general community. As Mr. Justice Frankfurter put it:
‘*** A free press is not to be preferred to an independent judiciary,
. a.Constitutional Law Norms nor an independent judiciary to a free press. Neither has primacy
over the other; both are indispensable to a free society.
In Zaldivar v. Gonzalez (166 SCRA 316 [1988]), the Court The freedom of the press in itself presupposes an independent
underscored the importance both of the constitutional guarantee of judiciary through which that freedom may, if necessary, be
free speech and the reality that there are fundamental and equally vindicated. And one of the potent means for assuring judges their
important public interests which need on occasion to be balanced independence is a free press.’ (Concurring in Pennekamp v.
against and accommodated with one and the other. There, the Court Florida, 328 U.S. 331 at 354-356 [1946]).
stressed the importance of the public interest in the maintenance of Mr. Justice Malcolm of this Court expressed the same thought in the
the integrity and orderly functioning of the administration of justice. following terms:
The Court said:13 “The Organic Act wisely guarantees freedom of speech and press.
“The principal defense of respondent Gonzalez is that he was merely This constitutional right must be protected in its fullest extent. The
exercising his constitutional right of free speech. He also in- Court has heretofore given evidence of its tolerant regard for
charges under the Libel Law which come dangerously close to its
_______________ violation. We shall continue in this chosen path. The liberty of the
citizens must be preserved in all of its completeness.But license or
13 166 SCRA at 353-355; emphasis in the original. abuse of liberty of the press and of the citizens should not be
324 confused with liberty in its true sense. As important as is the
324 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED maintenance of an unmuzzled press and the free exercise of the
In Re: Emil P. Jurado rights of the citizens is the maintenance of the independence of the
Judiciary. Respect for the Judiciary cannot be had if persons are
vokes the related doctrines of qualified privileged communications
privileged to scorn a resolution of the court adopted for good
and fair criticism in the public interest.
purposes, and if such persons are to be permitted by subterranean
Respondent Gonzalez is entitled to the constitutional guarantee of
means to diffuse inaccurate accounts of confidential proceedings to
free speech. No one seeks to deny him that right, least of all this
the embarrassment of the parties and the
Court. What respondent seems unaware of is that freedom of speech
and of expression, like all constitutional freedoms, is not absolute
and that freedom of expression needs on occasion to be adjusted to VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 325
and accommodated with the requirements of equally important In Re: Emil P. Jurado
public interests. One of these fundamental public interests is the court.’ (In Re Severino Lozano and Anastacio Quevedo, 54 Phil. 801
maintenance of the integrity and orderly functioning of the at 807 [1930]).”

In Re: Emil P. Jurado
The Civil Code, in its Article 19 lays down the norm for the proper in the issue of February 11, 1993 of the Manila Standard, for which
exercise of any right, constitutional or otherwise, viz.: Jurado writes, as part of the paper’s “Anniversary Supplement.” The
“ART.19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the first paragraph of the Code,16 and its corresponding annotations,
performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and read as follows:
observe honesty and good faith.”
The provision is reflective of the universally accepted precept of . “I.I shall scrupulously report and interpret
“abuse of rights,” “one of the most dominant principles which must the news, taking care not to suppress essential facts
be deemed always implied in any system of law.”14 It parallels too nor to distort the truth by improper omission or
“the supreme norms of justice which the law develops” and which are
emphasis. I recognize the duty to air the other side
expressed in three familiar Latin maxims: honeste vivere, alterum
and the duty to correct substantive errors promptly.
non laedere and jus suum quique tribuere (to live honorably, not to
injure others, and to render to every man his due).15
Freedom of expression, the right of speech and of the press is, to be . 1.Scrupulous news gathering and beat coverage is
sure, among the most zealously protected rights in the Constitution. required. Relying exclusively on the telephone or on what
But every person exercising it is, as the Civil Code stresses, obliged fellow reporters say happened at one’s beat is irresponsible.
“to act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and . 2.The ethical journalist does not bend the facts to
good faith.” The constitutional right of freedom of expression may suit his biases or to please benefactors. He gathers all the
not be availed of to broadcast lies or half-truths—this would not be facts, forms a hypothesis, verifies it and arrives at an honest
“to observe honesty and good faith”; it may not be used to insult interpretation of what happened.
others, destroy their name or reputation or bring them into
disrepute—this would not be “to act with justice” or “give everyone . 3.The duty to air the other side means that the
his due.” journalist must contact the person or persons against whom
accusations are lodged. A court proceeding provides for this
balance by presenting the prosecution and then the defense.
. c.Philippine Journalist’s Code of Ethics
A news story or editorial column that fails to present the
other side is like a court that does not hear the side of the
Also relevant to the determination of the propriety of Jurado’s acts
subject of the inquiry at bar are the norms laid down in “The
Philippine Journalist’s Code of Ethics.” The Code was published . 4.Correcting substantive errors is the mark of
mature newspapers like the New York Times,
_______________ the International Herald Tribune, and some of Manila’s
14 Tolentino, The Civil Code of the Philippines, Commentaries and
Jurisprudence, 1983 ed., Vol. 1, p. 71, citing 1 Cammarota 159. . d.Right to Private Honor and Reputation
15 Op. cit., at p. 63, citing Borrell Macia, pp. 87-89.

In the present proceeding, there is also involved an acknowledged in ascertaining the truth of the statements they publish. The norm
and important interest of individual persons: the right to private does not require that a journalist guarantee the truth of what he says
reputation. Judges, by becoming such, are commonly and rightly or publishes. But the norm does prohibit therecklessdisregard of
regarded as voluntarily subjecting themselves to norms of conduct private reputation by publishing or circulating defamatory
which embody more stringent standards of honesty, integrity, and statements without any bona fide effort to ascertain the truth thereof.
competence than are commonly required from private That this norm represents the generally accepted point of balance or
persons.17 Nevertheless, persons who seek or accept adjustment between the two interests involved is clear from a
consideration of both the pertinent civil law norms and the Code of
_______________ Ethics adopted by the journalism profession in the Philippines.17a

16 SEE footnote 1, page 2, supra. . 6.Analysis of Jurado Columns

17 E.g., Castillo v. Calanog, Jr., 199 SCRA 75 (1991); Patricia T. Junio
v. Judge Pedro C. Rivera, Jr., A.M. No. MTJ-91-565, Aug. 30, . a.Re “Public Utility Firm”
1993; Media v. Pamaran, 160 SCRA 457 (1988); Office of the Court
Administrator v. Gaticales, 208 SCRA 508 (1992); Vistan v. Nicolas,
Now, Jurado’s allegation in his column of February 8, 1993—“that six
justices, their spouses, children and grandchil-
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 327
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
appointment to the Judiciary cannot reasonably be regarded as
having thereby forfeited any right whatsoever to private honor and
201 SCRA 524 (1991); NISA v. Tablang, 199 SCRA 766 (1991).
reputation. For so to rule will be simply, in the generality of cases, to
17a SEE,e.g., Ayer Productions Pty. Ltd v. Capulong, 160 SCRA
discourage all save those who feel no need to maintain their self-
861 (1988).
respect as a human being in society, from becoming judges, with
obviously grievous consequences for the quality of our judges and the
quality of the justice that they will dispense. Thus, the protection of 328 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
the right of individual persons to private reputations is also a matter In Re: Emil P. Jurado
of public interest and must be reckoned with as a factor in identifying dren (a total of 36 persons) spent a vacation in Hong Kong some time
and laying down the norms concerning the exercise of press freedom last year—andthat luxurious hotel accommodations and all their
and free speech. other expenses were paid by a public utility firm and that the trip
Clearly, the public interest involved in freedom of speech and the reportedly was arranged by the travel agency patronized by this
individual interest of judges (and for that matter, all other public public utility firm,” supra, is—in the context of the facts under which
officials) in the maintenance of private honor and reputation need to it was made—easily and quickly preceived as a transparent
be accommodated one to the other. And the point of adjustment or accusation that the PLDT had bribed or “rewarded” six (6) justices
accommodation between these two legitimate interests is precisely for their votes in its favor in the case of “Philippine Long Distance
found in the norm which requires those who, invoking freedom of Telephone Company v. Eastern Telephone Philippines, Inc.
speech, publish statements which are clearly defamatory to (ETPI),” G.R. No. 94374,18 by not only paying all their expenses—i.e.,
identifiable judges or other public officials to exercisebona fide care

hotel accommodations and all other expenses for the trip—but also “ ** (the PLDT) has never paid for any such trip, hotel or other
by having one of its own travel agencies arrange for such a trip. accommodations for any justice of the Supreme Court or his family
As already stated, that allegation was condemned as a lie, an outright during their vacation, if any, in Hongkong last year. It is not even
fabrication, by the PLDT itself, through one of its responsible officers, aware that any of the justices or their families have made the trip
Mr. Vicente Samson, as well as by the heads of the two (2) travel referred to in the Jurado column;
agencies “patronized by it,” Ermin Garcia, Jr. and Marissa de la ** neither Atty. Emil P. Jurado nor any one in his behalf has ever
Paz, supra. spoken to me or any other responsible officer of PLDT about the
That categorical denial logically and justly placed on Jurado the matter ** **;
burden of proving the truth of his grave accusation, or showing that ** PLDT ** ** (never) talked to or made arrangements with any
it had been made through some honest mistake or error committed travel agency or any person or entity in connection with any such
despite good faith efforts to arrive at the truth, or if unable to do alleged trip of the Justices and their families to Hongkong, much
either of these things, to offer to atone for the harm caused. less paid anything therefor to such agencies, fully or in part, in the
But the record discloses that Jurado did none of these things. He year 1992 as referred to in Par. 2 hereinabove;
exerted no effort whatever to contest or qualify in any manner What appears from the record is that without first having made an
whatever the emphatic declaration of PLDT Vice-President Samson effort to talk to any one from the PLDT or the Supreme Court to
that— ascertain the veracity of his serious accusation, Jurado went ahead
While the name of the public utility which supposedly financed the and published it.
alleged vacation of the Justices in Hong Kong has not been disclosed His explanation for having aired the accusation consists simply of a
in the Jurado column, the publication thereof, taken in relation to declaration that Samson’s affidavit, as well as the affidavits of the
the spate of recent newspaper reports alleging that the decision of the heads of the two travel agencies regularly patronized by it, were just
Supreme Court, penned by Mr. Justice Hugo E. Gutierrez, Jr., in the assertions of the affiants’ belief and opinion; and that he (Jurado)
pending case involving the PLDT and Eastern Telecommunications would not comment on them except to say that while they are
Phil., Inc. was supposedly ghost written by a lawyer of PLDT, gives entitled to their beliefs and opinions, these were binding on them
rise to the innuendo or unfair inference that Emil Jurado is alluding only. This is upon its face evasion of duty of the most cavalier kind;
to PLDT in the said column; and, this in fact was the impression or sophistry of the most arrant sort. What is made plain is that Jurado
is in truth unable to challenge any of the averments in the affidavits
_______________ of PLDT and its travel agencies, or otherwise substantiate his
accusation, and that his is a mere resort to semantics to justify the
18 SEE footnote 6, supra. unjustifiable. What is made plain is that his accusation is false, and
329 possesses not even the saving grace of honest error.
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 329 If relying on second-hand sources of information is, as the
Journalists’ Code states, irresponsible, supra, then indulging in pure
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
speculation or gossip is even more so; and a failure to
perception of those who talked to me and the other officers of the
PLDT after having read the Jurado column.”
The record shows that he made no effort whatsoever to impugn,
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
modify, clarify or explain Samson’s positive assertion that:

“present the other side” is equally reprehensible, being what in law 331
amounts to a denial of due process. VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 331
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
. b.Re Equitable Bank Party explanation: that the justices having confirmed their presence at the
luncheon, thus corroborating what he had written in vital details and
Jurado is also shown by the record to have so slanted his report of making further substantiation unnecessary, and that his report
the birthday luncheon given by Atty. William Veto (the “in-house constituted fair comment on the public conduct of public officers,
counsel of Equitable Banking Corporation since 1958”) as to project a obviously does not at all explain why a party given by Atty. Veto was
completely false depiction of it. His description of that affair (in the reported by him as one tendered by Equitable Bank. The only
Manila Standard issues of January 12 and 28, 1993) as having been conclusion that may rationally be drawn from these circumstances is
hosted by the Equitable Bank “at its penthouse mainly for some that Jurado, unable to advance any plausible reason for the
justices, judges, prosecutors and law practitioners **,” carries the conspicuous divergence between what in fact transpired and what he
sanctimonious postscript already quoted, putting the rhetorical reported, again resorts to semantics and sophistry to attempt an
question about how such fraternization affects the chances in court of explanation of the unexplainable. Paraphrasing the Code of Ethics,
lawyers outside that charmed circle. he failed to scrupulously report and interpret the news; on the
When confronted with Veto’s affidavit to the effect that the party was contrary, his failure or refusal to verify such essential facts as who
given by him at his (Veto’s) own expense, the food having been really hosted and tendered the luncheon and spent for it, and his
prepared by his wife in his house, and served by his house help and playing up of the Bank’s supposed role as such host have resulted in
waiters privately hired by him; that he had invited many persons an improper suppression of those facts and a gross distortion of the
including friends of long standing, among them justices of the truth about them.
Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals; and that the party had
been held in the Officers’ Lounge of Equitable Bank, instead of his . c.Re Other Items
home, as in years past, to suit the convenience of his guests because
his birthday fell on a working day, Jurado could not, or would not Jurado disregarded the truth again, and in the process vilified the
deign to, contradict any of those statements. He merely stated that Supreme Court, in the item in his column of February 3, 1993 already
Veto’s affidavit substantially corroborated what he had written in adverted to,19 and more fully quoted as follows:
vital details, which is obviously far from correct. “When lawyers speak of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ one has to make sure
Most importantly, the record does not show that before he published which group they are referring to. Makati’s ‘Magnificent Seven’ are a
that story, Jurado ever got in touch with Veto or anyone in Equitable bunch of Makati regional trial court judges who fix drug-related
Bank, Ermita Branch, to determine the accuracy of what he would cases. The ‘Magnificent Seven’ in the Supreme Court consists of a
later report. If he did, he would quickly have learned that his sources, group of justices who vote as one.”
whoever or whatever they were, were not to be relied upon. If he did About the last (italicized) statement there is, as in other accusations
not, he was gravely at fault—at the very least for disregarding the of Jurado, not a shred of proof; and the volumes of the Supreme
Journalist’s Code of Ethics—in failing to exert bona fide efforts to Court Reports Annotated (SCRA) in which are reported the decisions
verify the accuracy of his information. of the Supreme Court En Banc for the year 1992 (January to
In either case, his publication of the slanted, therefore misleading December) and for January 1993, divulge not a single non-
and false, report of the affair is censurable. His proffered unanimous decision or resolution where seven (7) justices voted “as

one,” nor any group of decisions or resolutions where the recorded makes, but also to demonstrate that his response to the call for their
votes would even suggest the existence of substantiation has been one of unvarying intransigence: an
advertence to confidential sources with whose reliability he professes
_______________ satisfaction and whom fuller disclosure would supposedly
19 SEE footnotes 4 and 12, supra. There can be no doubt of the serious and degrading character—not
332 only to the Court of Appeals, but also to the judiciary in
In Re: Emil P. Jurado _______________
such a cabal.
This is yet another accusation which Jurado is unable to substantiate 20 SEE p. 10, supra.
otherwise than, as also already pointed out, by invoking unnamed 333
and confidential sources which he claims he considers highly credible VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 333
and reliable and which would be imperilled by elaborating on the In Re: Emil P. Jurado
information furnished by them. He would justify reliance on those general—of his columns of November 9, 1992 and January 29, 1993
sources on grounds of necessity, custom and usage and claim the concerning an unnamed former justice of the Court of Appeals who
protection of Republic Act No. 53, as amended by Republic Act No. had allegedly turned “fixer” for five of the Court’s divisions and who,
1477 from forced revelation of confidential news sources except when for the right price, could guarantee that a party’s lawyer could write
demanded by the security of the state.20 his own decision for and in the name of theponente; and of his
Surely it cannot be postulated that the law protects a journalist who column of March 24, 1993 to the effect that anywhere from P30,000
deliberately prints lies or distorts the truth; or that a newsman may to P50,000 could buy a temporary restraining order from a regional
escape liability who publishes derogatory or defamatory allegations trial court in Manila.
against a person or entity, but recognizes no obligation bona fide to The litany of falsehoods, and charges made without bona fide effort
establish beforehand the factual basis of such imputations and at verification or substantiation, continues:
refuses to submit proof thereof when challenged to do so. It outrages
all notions of fair play and due process, and reduces to uselessness all . (a)Jurado’s column of January 30, 1993 about eight
the injunctions of the Journalists’ Code of Ethics to allow a newsman, (8) Makati judges who were “handsomely paid” for decisions
with all the potential of his profession to influence popular belief and
favoring drug-traffickers and other big-time criminals was
shape public opinion, to make shameful and offensive charges
based on nothing more than raw intelligence contained in a
destructive of personal or institutional honor and repute, and when
confidential police report. It does not appear that any part of
called upon to justify the same, cavalierly beg off by claiming that to
do so would compromise his sources and demanding acceptance of that report has been reliably confirmed.
his word for the reliability of those sources. . (b)He has refused to offer any substantiation, either
Jurado’s other writings already detailed here are of the same sort. before the Ad HocCommittee or in this proceeding, for his
While it might be tedious to recount what has already been stated report of October 27, 1992 concerning an unnamed lady
about the nature and content of those writings, it is necessary to do secretary of a Makati RTC Judge who, besides earning at
so briefly in order not only to stress the gravity of the charges he least P10,000 for making sure a case is raffled off to a

“sympathetic” judge, can also arrange the issuance of nominations to the Court of Appeals on considerations other
attachments and injunctions for a fee of one (1%) percent than of merit or fitness, through the manipulations of the
over and above usual premium for the attachment or Council’s Secretary, Atty. Daniel Martinez; or because the
injunction bond, a fee that in one instance amounted to nominee happens to be a relative of a member of the Council
P300,000. (e.g., JudgeJoselito de la Rosa, initially identified as Judge
. (c)His report (columns of January 16 and 29, 1993) Rosalio de la Rosa) or of the Supreme Court (he could name
that the Judicial and Bar Council acted contrary to ethics none so situated); or has a powerful political sponsor
and delicadeza in nominating to the Court of Appeals a son (referring to RTC Judge Conrado Vasquez, Jr., son and
and a nephew of its members is completely untrue. The most namesake of the Ombudsman). Acceptance of the truth of
cursory review of the records of the Council will show that these statements is precluded, not only by the familiar and
since its organization in 1987, there has not been a single established presumption of regularity in the performance of
instance of any son or nephew of a member of the Council official functions, but also, and even more conclusively by the
being nominated to the Court of Appeals during said records of the Judicial and Bar Council itself, which attest to
member’s incumbency; and in this connection, he mistakenly the qualifications of Atty. Daniel Martinez, Clerk of Court of
and carelessly identified RTC Judge Rosalio de la Rosa as the the Supreme Court, Judge Joselito de la Rosa, and Judge
nephew of Justice (and then Member of the Judicial and Bar Conrado Vasquez, Jr. for membership in the Appellate
Council) Lorenzo Relova when the truth, which he Tribunal;
subsequently learned and admitted, was that the person . (e)Equally false is Jurado’s report (column of
referred to was Judge Joselito de la Rosa, the son-in- January 25, 1993) that nomination to the Court of Appeals of
some worthy individuals like Quezon City RTC Judge
334 Maximiano Asuncion, and Atty. Raul Victorino (who was
334 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED closely identified with former Senate President Salonga) had
In Re: Emil P. Jurado been blocked because they had “incurred the ire of the
powers that be,” the truth, which could very easily have been
verified, being that a pending administrative case against
. law, not the nephew, of Justice Relova. Had he
bothered to make any further verification, he would have Judge Asuncion had stood in the way of his nomination, and
since Mr. Victorino had been sponsored or recommended by
learned that at all sessions of the Council where the
then Senate President Salonga himself, the fact that he was
nomination of Judge Joselitode la Rosa was considered,
not nominated can hardly be attributed to the hostility or
Justice Relova not only declined to take part in the
deliberations, but actually left the conference room; and he
would also have learned that JudgeRosalio de la Rosa had 335
never been nominated—indeed, to this date, he has not been VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 335
nominated—to the Court of Appeals. In Re: Emil P. Jurado
. (d)He has recklessly slandered the Judicial and Bar
Council by charging that it has improperly made

. opposition of persons in positions of power or _______________
. (f)Jurado was similarly unfair, untruthful and 21 Said Sec. 15, par IV, supersedes the provision in Circular No. 7
unfoundedly judgmental in his reporting about Executive that the Executive Judge “shall have no authority to act on any
incidental or interlocutory matter in any case not yet assigned to any
Judge Rosalio de la Rosa of the Manila Regional Trial Court
branch by raffle.”
. (1)having been nominated to the Court of Appeals by In Re: Emil P. Jurado
the Judicial and Bar Council chiefly, if not only, by reason of
being the nephew of Justice Relova and the cousin of Chief
Justice Narvasa, the truth, as already pointed out, being that
. and prerogatives as may in his judgment be
necessary or incidental to the performance of his functions
Judge Rosalio de la Rosa had never been thus nominated to
as a Court Administrator” (Sec. 7, par. 1, id.)—these
the Court of Appeals, the nominee having been
provisions being broad enough, not only to authorize
Judge Joselito de la Rosa, the son-in-law (not nephew) of
unilateral action by the Executive Judge himself on
Justice Relova; and
provisional remedies and interlocutory matters even prior to
. (2)having discarded the rule that cases seeking
raffle of the main case, but also to delegate the authority to
provisional remedies should be raffled off to the judges
act thereon to other judges.
(column of January 28, 1993) and adopted a system of
Jurado does not explain why: (1) he made no effort to verify
farming out applications for temporary restraining orders,
the state of the rules on the matter; (2) he precipitately
etc., among all the branches of the court; here again, Jurado
assumed that the views of Judge Teresita Dy-Liaco Flores,
is shown to have written without thinking, and made
whose complaint on the subject he claims he merely
statements without verifying the accuracy of his information
summarized, were necessarily correct and the acts of Judge
or seeking the views of the subject of his pejorative
de la Rosa necessarily wrong or improper; and (3) he did not
statements; the merest inquiry would have revealed to him
try to get Judge de la Rosa’s side at all.
that while Circular No. 7 dated September 23, 1974 requires
that no case may be assigned in multi-sala courts without
Common to all these utterances of Jurado is the failure to undertake
raffle (for purposes of disposition on the merits),
even the most cursory verification of their objective truth; the
Administrative Order No. 6, dated June 30, 1975 (Sec. 15,
abdication of the journalist’s duty to report and interpret the news
Par. IV),21 empowers Executive Judges to act on all with scrupulous fairness; and the breach of the law’s injunction that
applications for provisional remedies (attachments, a person act with justice, give everyone his due and observe honesty
injunctions, or temporary restraining orders, receiverships, and good faith both in the exercise of his rights and in the
etc.), or on interlocutory matters before raffle, in order to performance of his duties.
“balance the workload among courts and judges, (Sec. 1, par.
2, id.), and exercise such other powers . 7.Jurado’s Proffered Excuses and Defenses

The principle of press freedom is invoked by Jurado in justification after the trial stage or after the end of the proceedings. The original
of these published writings. That invocation is obviously unavailing doctrine laid down in People vs. Alarcon24—that there is no
in light of the basic postulates and the established axioms or norms contempt if there is no pending case—has been abandoned in
for the proper exercise of press freedom earlier set forth in this subsequent rulings of this Court which have since adopted the Moran
opinion.22 dissent therein,25viz.:
Jurado next puts in issue this Court’s power to cite him for contempt. “Contempt, by reason of publications relating to court and to court
The issue is quickly disposed of by adverting to the familiar principle proceedings, are of two kinds. A publication which tends to impede,
reiterated inter aliain Zaldivar v. Gonzalez:23 obstruct, embarrass or influence the courts in administering justice
in a pending suit or proceeding, constitutes criminal contempt which
_______________ is summarily punishable by courts. This is the rule announced in the
cases relied upon by the majority. A publication which tends to
22 Subhead “1.Basic Postulates,” at pages 1 and 2; and sub-head degrade the courts and to destroy public confidence in them or that
“5.Norms for Proper Exercise of Press Freedom,” at pp. 12 to which tends to bring them in any way into disrepute, constitutes
15, supra. likewise criminal contempt, and is equally punishable by courts. In
23 166 SCRA 316 (1988). the language of the majority, what is sought, in the first kind of
337 contempt, to be shielded against the influence of newspaper
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 337 comments, is the all-important duty of the courts to administer
justice in the decision of a pending case. In the second kind of
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
contempt, the punitive hand of
“** (T)he Supreme Court has inherent power to punish for contempt,
to control in the furtherance of justice the conduct of ministerial
officers of the Court including lawyers and all other persons
connected in any manner with a case before the Court (In re Kelly, 35
Phil. 944[1916];In re Severino Lozano and Anastacio Quevedo, 54 24 69 Phil. 265 (1939).
Phil. 801 [1930]; In re Vicente Pelaez, 44 Phil. 567 [1923]; and In 25 Id., at p. 273, 274-275; SEE In re Brillantes, 42 O.G. No. 1, p. 59,
re Vicente Sotto, 82 Phil. 595 [1949]). The power to punish for and In re Almacen, 31 SCRA 595-596.
contempt is ‘necessary for its own protection against improper 338
interference with the due administration of justice,’ ‘(i)t is not 338 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
dependent upon the complaint of any of the parties litigant’” (Halili v. In Re: Emil P. Jurado
Court of Industrial Relations, 136 SCRA 112 [1985]; Andres v. justice is extended to vindicate the courts from any act or conduct
Cabrera, 127 SCRA 802 [1984]; Montalban v. Canonoy, 38 SCRA calculated to bring them into disfavor or to destroy public confidence
1 [1971]; Commissioner of Immigration v. Cloribel, 20 SCRA in them. In the first, there is no contempt where there is no action
1241 [1967]; Herras Teehankee v. Director of Prisons, 76 Phil. pending, as there is no decision which might in any way be
630 [1946]).” influenced by the newspaper publication. In the second, the
Contempt is punishable, even if committed without relation to a contempt exists, with or without a pending case, as what is sought to
pending case. Philippine jurisprudence parallels a respectable array be protected is the court itself and its dignity. (12 Am. Jur. pp. 416-
of English decisions holding contumacious scurrilous attacks against 417.) Courts would lose their utility if public confidence in them is
the courts calculated to bring them into disrepute, even when made destroyed.”

The foregoing disposes of Jurado’s other contention that the present 339
administrative matter is not a citation for direct contempt, there VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 339
being no pending case or proceeding out of which a charge of direct In Re: Emil P. Jurado
contempt against him may arise; this, even without regard to the fact As already stated, the Court, in its Resolution of February 16, 1993:
that the statements made by him about sojourn in Hongkong of six (a) ordered the subject of Samson’s letter and affidavit docketed as
Justices of the Supreme Court were clearly in relation to a case an official Court proceeding to determine the truth of Jurado’s
involving two (2) public utility companies, then pending in this allegations about it; and (b) directed also that Jurado be furnished
Court.26 copies of Atty. William Veto’s affidavit on the luncheon party hosted
His theory that there is no formal charge against him is specious. His by him (which Jurado reported as one given by Equitable Bank) and
published statements about that alleged trip are branded as false in that Jurado file comment on said affidavits as well as allegations in
no uncertain terms by the sworn statement and letter of Vice- specified columns of his. Jurado was also furnished copies of the
President Vicente R. Samson of the Philippine Long Distance affidavits later submitted by the two travel agencies mentioned in
Telephone Company which: Samson’s statement, and was required to comment thereon.
It was thus made clear to him that he was being called to account for
. (a)“emphatically and categorically” deny that PLDT his published statements about the matters referred to, and that
had made any arrangements with any travel agency, or with action would be taken thereon against him as “may be appropriate.”
the two travel agencies it patronized or retained, or paid That that was in fact how he understood it is evident from his
anything, on account of such alleged trip; submitted defenses, denying or negativing liability for contempt,
. (b)positively affirm (i) that PLDT was “not even direct or indirect. Indeed, as a journalist of no little experience and a
lawyer to boot, he cannot credibly claim an inability to understand
aware that any of the justices or their families ** (had) made
the nature and import of the present proceedings.
the trip referred to in the Jurado column,” and (ii) that
Jurado would also claim that the Court has no administrative
neither Atty. Emil P. Jurado nor anyone in his behalf has
supervision over him as a member of the press or over his work as a
ever spoken to ** (said Mr. Samson) or any other responsible journalist, and asks why he is being singled out, and, by being
officer of PLDT about the matter **”; and required to submit to a separate administrative proceeding, treated
. (c)beseech the Court to “take such action (on the differently than his other colleagues in media who were only asked to
matter) as may be appropriate.” explain their reports and comments about wrongdoing in the
judiciary to the Ad HocCommittee. The answer is that upon all that
_______________ has so far been said, the Court may hold anyone to answer for
utterances offensive to its dignity, honor or reputation, which tend to
26 The case is, as indicated early in this opinion (Sub-Head No. 3, pp. put it in disrepute, obstruct the administration of justice, or interfere
5-6), G.R. No. 94374 (Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company with the disposition of its business or the performance of its
v. National Telecommunications Commission and Eastern functions in an orderly manner. Jurado has not been singled out.
Telephone Philippines, Inc. [ETPI]), decided by the Court En What has happened is that there have been brought before the Court,
Banc on August 27, 1992; and the signed Resolution disposing of the formally and in due course, sworn statements branding his reports as
respondents’ motion for the reconsideration of said decision of lies and thus imposing upon him the alternatives of substantiating
August 27, 1992, was promulgated on February 21, 1995. those reports or assuming responsibility for their publication.

Jurado would have the Court clarify in what capacity—whether as a even possible, to come to any fair, informed and intelligent judgment
journalist, or as a member of the bar—has been cited in of respondent’s actuations by divorcing from consideration the fact
theseproceedings. Thereby he resurrects the issue he once that he is a lawyer as well as a newspaperman, even supposing, which
340 is not the case—that he may thereby be found without accountability
In Re: Emil P. Jurado To repeat, respondent cannot claim absolution even were the Court
raised in a similar earlier proceeding: that he is being called to to lend ear to his plea that his actions be judged solely as those of a
account as a lawyer for his statements as a journalist.27 This is not newspaperman urburdened by the duties and responsibilities pecu-
the case at all. Upon the doctrines and principles already inquired
into and cited, he is open to sanctions as journalist who has misused _______________
and abused press freedom to put the judiciary in clear and present
danger of disrepute and of public odium and opprobrium, to the 27 Adm. Matter No. 90-5-2373, In re:Atty. Emiliano P. Jurado, Jr.,
detriment and prejudice of the administration of justice. That he is at a.k.a. Emil Jurado, Extended Resolution, July 12, 1990.
the same time a member of the bar has nothing to do with the setting 341
in of those sanctions, although it may aggravate liability. At any rate, VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 341
what was said about the matter in that earlier case is equally cogent In Re: Emil P. Jurado
here: liar to the law profession of which he is also a member.”
“Respondent expresses perplexity at being called to account for the
publications in question in his capacity as a member of the bar, not
as a journalist. The distinction is meaningless, since as the matter
. 8.The Dissents
stands, he has failed to justify his actuations in either capacity, and
there is no question of the Court’s authority to call him to task either The eloquent, well-crafted dissents of Messrs. Justices Puno and
as a newsman or as a lawyer. What respondent proposes is that in Melo that would invoke freedom of the press to purge Jurado’s
considering his actions, the Court judge them only as those of a conduct of any taint of contempt must now be briefly addressed.
member of the press and disregard the fact that he is also a lawyer.
But his actions cannot be put into such neat compartments. In the . a.Apparent Misapprehension of Antecedents and
natural order of things, a person’s acts are determined by, and reflect, Issue
the sum total of his knowledge, training and experience. In the case
of respondent in particular, the Court will take judicial notice of the Regrettably, there appears to be some misapprehension not only
frequent appearance in his regular columns of comments and about the antecedents directly leading to the proceedings at bar but
observations utilizing legal language and argument, bearing witness also the basic issues involved.
to the fact that in pursuing his craft as a journalist he calls upon his The dissents appear to be of the view, for instance, that it was chiefly
knowledge as a lawyer to help inform and influence his readers and Jurado’s failure to appear before the Ad Hoc Committee in response
enhance his credibility. Even absent this circumstance, respondent to two (2) letters of invitation issued to him, that compelled the
cannot honestly assert that in exercising his profession as a journalist Court to order the matter to be docketed on February 16, 1993 and to
he does not somehow, consciously or unconsciously, draw upon his require respondent Jurado to file his Comment. This is not the case
legal knowledge and training. It is thus not realistic, nor perhaps at all. As is made clear in Sub-Heads 3 and 4 of this opinion, supra,

the direct cause of these proceedings wasnotJurado’s refusal to . (1)No Summons or Subpoena
appear and give evidence before the Ad Hoc Committee. The direct Ever Issued to Jurado
cause was the letters of PLDT and Atty. William Veto, supported by
affidavits, denouncing certain of his stories as false,28 with the
The fact is that no summons or subpoena was ever issued to Jurado
former praying that the Court take such action as may be
by the Ad HocCommittee; nor was the issuance of any such or similar
appropriate. And it was precisely “the matter dealt with in the letter
processes, or any punitive measures for disobedience thereto,
and affidavit of the PLDT” that this Court ordered to “be duly
intended or even contemplated. Like most witnesses who gave
DOCKETED, and hereafter considered and acted upon as an official
evidence before the Committee, Jurado was merely invited to appear
Court proceeding,” this, by Resolution dated February 16, 1993; the
before it to give information in aid of its assigned task of ascertaining
Court also requiring, in the same Resolution, “that the Clerk of Court
the truth concerning persistent rumors and reports about corruption
SEND COPIES of the PLDT letter and affidavit, and of the affidavit of
in the judiciary. When he declined to accept the invitations, the Ad
Atty. William Veto to Atty. Emil Jurado **,” and that Jurado
Hoc Committee took no action save to inform the Court thereof; and
the Court itself also took no action. There is thus absolutely no
_______________ occasion to ascribe to that investigation and the invitation to appear
thereat a “chilling effect” on the by and large “hard-boiled” and self-
28 Specially, that concerning an alleged Hongkong vacation of six (6) assured members of the media fraternity. If at all, the patience and
unnamed Justices of the Supreme Court and their families which had forbearance of the Court, despite the indifference of some of its
been paid for by a public utility firm, and arranged by a travel agency invitees and projected witnesses, appear to have generated an
patronized by the latter; and that relative to an alleged party of a attitude on their part bordering on defiant insolence.
bank for certain unnamed Justices and judges (SEE Sub-Head 3, a
and b).
. (2)No Blanket Excuse Under RA 53
From Responding to Subpoena
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
Even assuming that the facts were as represented in the separate
should comment thereon “as well as (on) the allegations made by opinion, i.e., that subpoenae had in fact been issued to and served on
him in his columns, herein specified”—because of explicit claims, and Jurado, his unexplained failure to obey the same
indications of the falsity or inaccuracy thereof. 343
There thus also appears to be some misapprehension of the basic
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 343
issues, at least two of which are framed in this wise: (1) the right of
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
newsmen to refuse subpoenas, summons, or ‘invitations’ to appear in
administrative investigations,” and (2) their right “not to reveal wouldprima facie constitute constructive contempt under Section 3,
confidential sources of information under R.A. No. 53, as Rule 71 of the Rules of Court. It should be obvious that a journalist
amended”—which are not really involved here—in respect of which it may not refuse to appear at all as required by a subpoena on the bare
is theorized that the majority opinion will have an inhibiting effect on plea that under R.A. No. 53, he may not be compelled to disclose the
newsmen’s confidential sources of information, and thereby abridges source of his information. For until he knows what questions will be
the freedom of the press. put to him as witness—for which his presence has been compelled—
the relevance of R.A. No. 53 cannot be ascertained. His duty is clear.

He must obey the subpoena. He must appear at the appointed place, derogatory of the courts, or others. The ruling, in other words, is that
date and hour, ready to answer questions, and he may invoke the when called to account for publications denounced as inaccurate and
protection of the statute only at the appropriate time. misleading, the journalist has the option (a) to demonstrate their
truthfulness or accuracy even if in the process he disclose his sources,
. b.The Actual Issue or (b) to refuse, on the ground that to do so would require such
disclosure. In the latter event, however, he must be ready to accept
the consequences of publishing untruthful or misleading stories the
The issue therefore had nothing to do with any failure of Jurado’s to
truth and accuracy of which he is unwilling or made no bona
obey a subpoena,none ever having been issued to him, and the Ad
fide effort to prove; for R.A. 53, as amended, is quite unequivocal
Hoc Committee having foreborne to take any action at all as regards
that the right of refusal to disclose sources is “without prejudice to **
his failure to accept its invitations. The issue, as set out in the
liability under civil and criminal laws.”
opening sentence of this opinion, essentially concerns “(l)iability for
RA No. 53 thus confers no immunity from prosecution for libel or for
published statements demonstrably false or misleading, and
other sanction under law. It does not declare that the publication of
derogatory of the courts and individual judges.”
any news report or information which was “related in confidence” to
Jurado is not being called to account for declining to identify the
the journalist is not actionable; such circumstance (of confidentiality)
sources of his news stories, or for refusing to appear and give
does not purge the publication of its character as defamatory, if
testimony before the Ad Hoc Committee. He is not being compelled
indeed it be such, and actionable on that ground. All it does is give
to guarantee the truth of what he publishes, but to exercise honest
the journalist the right to refuse (or not to be compelled) to reveal the
and reasonable efforts to determine the truth of defamatory
source of any news report published by him which was revealed to
statements before publishing them. He is being meted the
him in confidence.
punishment appropriate to the publication of stories shown to be
A journalist cannot say, e.g.: a person of whose veracity I have no
false and defamatory of the judiciary—stories that he made no effort
doubt told me in confidence that Justices X and Y received a bribe of
whatsoever to verify and which, after being denounced as lies, he has
P1M each for their votes in such and such a case, or that a certain
refused, or is unable, to substantiate.
Judge maintains a mistress, and when called to account for such
statements, absolve himself by claiming immunity under R.A. 53, or
. c.RA 53 Confers No Immunity from Liability invoking press freedom.
for False or Defamatory Publications
. d.A Word about “Group Libel”
This opinion neither negates nor seeks to enervate the proposition
that a newsman has a right to keep his sources confidential; that he
There is hardly need to belabor the familiar doctrine about group
cannot be compelled by the courts to disclose them, as provided by
libel and how it has become the familiar resort of unscrupulous
R.A. 53, unless the security of the State demands
newsmen who can malign any number of anonymous members of a
common profession, calling or persuasion, thereby putting an entire
344 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED institution—like the judiciary in this case—in peril of public
In Re: Emil P. Jurado contumely and mistrust without serious risk of being sued for
such revelation. But it does hold that he cannot invoke such right as a defamation. The preceding discussions have revealed Jurado’s
shield against liability for printing stories that are untrue and predilection for, if not his normal practice of,

345 and if thereafter called to account therefor, present such evidence
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 345 and in the process afford the party adversely affected thereby
In Re: Emil P. Jurado opportunity to dispute the information or show it to be false.
refusing to specifically identify or render identifiable the persons he 346
maligns. Thus, he speaks of the “Magnificent Seven,” by merely 346 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
referring to undisclosed regional trial court judges in Makati; the In Re: Emil P. Jurado
“Magnificent Seven” in the Supreme Court, as some undesignated If the information is not verifiable, and it is derogatory of any third
justices who supposedly vote as one; the “Dirty Dozen,” as party, then it ought not to be published for obvious reasons. It would
unidentified trial judges in Makati and three other cities. He adverts be unfair to the subject of the report, who would be without means of
to an anonymous group of justices and judges for whom a bank refuting the imputations against him. And it would afford an
allegedly hosted a party; and six unnamed justices of this Court who unscrupulous journalist a ready device by which to smear third
reportedly spent a prepaid vacation in Hong Kong with their families. parties without the obligation to substantiate his imputations by
This resort to generalities and ambiguities is an old and familiar but merely claiming that the information had been given to him “in
reprehensible expedient of newsmongers to avoid criminal sanctions confidence.”
since the American doctrine of group libel is of restricted application It is suggested that there is another face to the privileged character of
in this jurisdiction. For want of a definitely identified or satisfactorily a journalist’s source of information than merely the protection of the
identifiable victim, there is generally no actionable libel, but such a journalist, and that it is intended to protect also the source itself.
craven publication inevitably succeeds in putting all the members of What clearly is implied is that journalist may not reveal his source
the judiciary thus all together referred to under a cloud of suspicion. without the latter’s clearance or consent. This totally overlooks the
A veteran journalist and lawyer of long standing that he is, Jurado fact that the object of a derogatory publication has at least an equal
could not have been unaware of the foregoing realities and right to know the source thereof and, if indeed traduced, to the
consequences. opportunity of obtaining just satisfaction from the traducer.

. e. Substantiation of News Report Not Inconsistent . 9.Need for Guidelines

with RA 53
Advertences to lofty principle, however eloquent and enlightening,
It is argued that compelling a journalist to substantiate the news hardly address the mundane, but immediate and very pertinent,
report or information confidentially revealed to him would question of whether a journalist may put in print unverified
necessarily negate or dilute his right to refuse disclosure of its source. information derogatory of the courts and judges and yet remain
The argument will not stand scrutiny. immune from liability for contempt for refusing, when called upon,
A journalist’s “source” either exists or is fictitious. If the latter, to demonstrate their truth on the ground of press freedom or by
plainly, the journalist is entitled to no protection or immunity simply claiming that he need not do so since (or if) it would compel
whatsoever. him to disclose the identity of his source or sources.
If the “source” actually exists, the information furnished is either The question, too, is whether or not we are prepared to say that a
capable of independent substantiation, or it is not. If the first, the journalist’s obligation to protect his sources of information
journalist’s duty is clear: ascertain, if not obtain, the evidence by transcends, and is greater than, his duty to the truth; and that,
which the information may be verified beforepublishing the same; accordingly, he has no obligation whatsoever to verify, or

exercisebona fide efforts to verify, the information he is given or v. Sullivan, 376 US, at 270, 11 L Ed 2d 686, 95 ALR2d 1412. They
obtain the side of the party adversely affected before he publishes the belong to that category of utterances which ‘are no essential part of
same. any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to
True, the pre-eminent role of a free press in keeping freedom alive the truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly
and democracy in full bloom cannot be overemphasized. But it is outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.’ Chaplinsky v.
debatable if that role is well and truly filled by a press let loose to New Hampshire, 315 US 568, 572, 86 L Ed 1031, 62 S Ct 766
print what it will, without reasonable restraints designed (1942).”
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 347 _______________
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
to assure the truth and accuracy of what is published. The value of 29 In Gertz v. Robert Welch., 418 U.S. 323, 340.
information to a free society is in direct proportion to the truth it 348
contains. That value reduces to little or nothing when it is no longer 348 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
possible for the public to distinguish between truth and falsehood in In Re: Emil P. Jurado
news reports, and the courts are denied the mechanisms by which to “The use of calculated falsehood,” it was observed in another
make reasonably sure that only the truth reaches print. case,30 “would put a different cast on the constitutional question.
Although honest utterances, even if inaccurate, may further the
. a.No Constitutional Protection for Deliberately fruitful exercise of the right of free speech, it does not follow that the
False or Recklessly Inaccurate Reports lie, knowingly and deliberately published about a public official,
should enjoy a like immunity. ** ** (T)he knowingly false statement
It is worth stressing that false reports about a public official or other and the false statement made with reckless disregard of the truth, do
person are not shielded from sanction by the cardinal right to free not enjoy constitutional protection.”
speech enshrined in the Constitution. Even the most liberal view of Similarly, in a 1969 case concerning a patently false accusation made
free speech has never countenanced the publication of falsehoods, against a public employee avowedly in fulfillment of a “legal, moral,
specially the persistent and unmitigated dissemination of patent lies. or social duty,”31 this Court, through the late Chief Justice Roberto
The U.S. Supreme Court,29 while asserting that “(u)nder the First Concepcion, ruled that the guaranty of free speech cannot be
Amendment there is no such thing as a false idea,” and that considered as according protection to the disclosure of lies, gossip or
“(h)owever pernicious an opinion may seem, we depend for its rumor, viz.:
correction not on the conscience of judges and juries but on the “ ** Defendant’s civil duty was to help the Government clean house
competition of other ideas” (citing a passage from the first Inaugural and weed out dishonest, unfit or disloyal officers and employees
Address of Thomas Jefferson), nonetheless made the firm thereof, where there is reasonable ground to believe that they fall
pronouncement that “there is no constitutional value in false under this category. He had no legal right, much less duty, to gossip,
statements of fact,” and “the erroneous statement of fact is not or foster the circulation of rumors, or jump at conclusions and more
worthy of constitutional protection (although) ** nevertheless so if they are gratuitous or groundless. Otherwise, the freedom of
inevitable in free debate.” “Neither the intentional lie nor the careless speech, which is guaranteed with a view to strengthening our
error,” it said, “materially advances society’s interest in ‘unhibited, democratic institutions and promoting the general welfare, would be
robust, and wide-open’ debate on public issues. New York Times Co. a convenient excuse to engage in the vituperation of individuals, for

the attainment of private, selfish and vindictive ends, thereby journalist should have cause to complain of difficulty in their
hampering the operation of the Government with administrative observance.
investigations of charges preferred without any color or appearance
of truth and with no other probable effect than the harassment of the . 10.Afterword
officer or employee concerned, to the detriment of public service and
public order.”
It seems fitting to close this opinion with the words of Chief Justice
Moran, whose pronouncements have already been earlier
. b.No “Chilling Effect” quoted,32 and are as germane today as when they were first written
more than fifty (50) years ago.33
The fear expressed, and earlier adverted to, that the principles here “It may be said that respect to courts cannot be compelled and that
affirmed would have a “chilling effect” on media professionals, seems public confidence should be a tribute to judicial worth, virtue and
largely unfounded and should be inconsequential to the greater intelligence. But compelling respect to courts is one thing and
number of journalists in this country who, by and large, out of denying the courts the power to vindicate themselves when outraged
considerations of truth, accuracy, and fair play, have commendably is another. I know of no principle of law that authorizes with
refrained from ventilating what would otherwise impunity a discontended citizen to unleash, by newspaper
publications, the avalanche of his wrath and venom upon courts and
_______________ judges. If he believes that a judge is corrupt and that justice has
somewhere been perverted, law and order require that he follow the
30 Garrison v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 64, 75. processes provided by the Constitution and the statutes by instituting
31 Orfanel v. People, 30 SCRA 819, 828-829. the corresponding proceedings for impeachment or otherwise. **.
349 “*****
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 349 “It might be suggested that judges who are unjustly attacked have a
remedy in an action for libel. This suggestion has, however, no
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
be “sensational” or “high-visibility” stories. In merely seeking to
infuse and perpetuate the same attitude and sense of responsibility in
all journalists, i.e., that there is a need to check out the truth and
correctness of information before publishing it, or that, on the other 32 SEE footnote 24, supra.
hand, recklessness and crass sensationalism should be eschewed, this 33 69 Phil. 265, 277, 279.
decision, surely, cannot have such “chilling effect,” and no 350
apprehension that it would deter the determination of truth or the 350 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
public exposure of wrong can reasonably be entertained. In Re: Emil P. Jurado
The people’s right to discover the truth is not advanced by unbridled rational basis in principle. In the first place, the outrage is not
license in reportage that would find favor only with extremist directed to the judge as a private individual but to the judge as such
liberalism. If it has done nothing else, this case has made clear the or to the court as an organ of the administration of justice. In the
compelling necessity of the guidelines and parameters elsewhere second place, public interests will gravely suffer where the judge, as
herein laid down. They are eminently reasonable, and no responsible such, will, from time to time, be pulled down and disrobed of his
judicial authority to face his assailant on equal grounds and

prosecute cases in his behalf as a private individual. The same Vitug, J., No part; respondent was a former partner in a law firm.
reasons of public policy which exempt a judge from civil liability in Kapunan, J., I take no part. Respondent is related to me by
the exercise of his judicial functions, most fundamental of which is affinity.
the policy to confine his time exclusively to the discharge of his
public duties, applies here with equal, if not superior, force
(Hamilton v. Williams, 26 Ala. 529; Busteed v. Parson, 54 Ala. 403;
Ex parte McLeod, 120 Fed. 130; Coons v. State, 191 Ind. 580; 134 N.E.
194). **.” MELO,J.:
Jurado’s actuations, in the context in which they were done,
demonstrate gross irresponsibility, and indifference to factual In making a choice between the preservation of liberties and freedom,
accuracy and the injury that he might cause to the name and on one hand, and the attainment of a better—ordered society, on the
reputation of those of whom he wrote. They constitute contempt of other, men have not stopped debating. The balance, the point of the
court, directly tending as they do to degrade or abase the weighing scale, has moved hither and thither depending on the needs
administration of justice and the judges engaged in that function. By of the times and on the kind of government involved. But in
doing them, he has placed himself beyond the circle of reputable, democratic governments, there must at all times be due regard for
decent and responsible journalists who live by their Code or the the preservation of constitutional rights even to the extent, at times,
“Golden Rule” and who strive at all times to maintain the prestige of seemingly sacrificing, as in the case at hand, accurate and truthful
and nobility of their calling. media comment.
Clearly unrepentant, exhibiting no remorse for the acts and conduct To be sure, fair, accurate, truthful reporting by the press is the
detailed here, Jurado has maintained a defiant stance. “This is a fight hallmark and badge of a healthy and self-assured society. But such
I will not run from,” he wrote in his column of March 21, 1993; and ideal must not be purchased or achieved at the cost of press freedom
again, “I will not run away from a good fight,” in his column of March itself, but rather by caring for and nurturing, cultivating, and
23, 1993. Such an attitude discourages leniency, and leaves no choice promoting the growth of said freedom, impressing upon its
save the application of sanctions appropriate to the offense. practitioners due regard for the truth and the entitlement of the
WHEREFORE, the Court declares Atty. Emil (Emiliano) P. Jurado public they serve to accurate reporting instead of the publication or
guilty of contempt of court and in accordance with Section 6, Rule 71 airing of private biases and jaundiced views.
of the Rules of Court, hereby sentences him to pay a fine of one It is thus even as I am personally disturbed by fallacious, specious,
thousand pesos (P1,000.00). and at times downright false and deceitful reporting and comments,
IT IS SO ORDERED. meant only to promote private and selfish interests, I must extend
Feliciano, Bidin, Regalado, Davide, my concurrence to the well-written opinion of Justice Puno. For, as
Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Quiason, Mendozaand Francisco, JJ., concur. was said of old, when one rows through a sea of conflict between
Padilla, J., I join Mr. Justice Puno in his dissenting opinion. restraint and freedom, one should hold both oars steadily, but always
351 with the oar of freedom in the stronger hand, lest an errant course be
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 351 laid.
In Re: Emil P. Jurado 352
Melo, J., Please see dissenting opinion.
Puno, J., Please see dissenting opinion. In Re: Emil P. Jurado

DISSENTING OPINION personnel of the Court as may be necessary or convenient in the
fulfillment of its assigned mission, and shall submit its report to the
PUNO,J.: Court within thirty (30)days.” (Italics supplied)
The case at bench resolves several issues of critical importance to VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 353
freedom of speech and of the press, thus: (1) the right of newsmen to In Re: Emil P. Jurado
refuse subpoenas, summons, or “invitations” to appear in The membership of the Committee was immediately
administrative investigations; (2) the right of newsmen not to reveal constituted.1 From February 2, 1993 to April 16, 1993, the Committee
confidential sources of information under R.A. No. 53, as amended; held twenty-four (24) closed-door sessions and interviewed seventy-
and (3) the test to be followed before a false or slanted report by a one (71) witnesses who appeared to have some knowledge of the
journalist can be adjudged as constitutive of contempt of court. It is subject of inquiry.2
my humble submission that the majority opinion, even while heavily Among the persons invited by the Committee to appear was
laden with wisdom, has too much of an inhibiting effect on our respondent Jurado. His first invitation was to appear on February 4,
newsmen’s pen as to abridge their freedom of speech and of the press. 1993 “to give the Committee information that will assist it in its
I, therefore, dissent. task,i.e., to definitely and accurately determine the facts as regards
The facts are amply stated in the majority opinion. In 1992-93, the published rumors and reports of corruption in the judiciary.”
unsavory news and commentaries about malpractices in the judiciary, Respondent Jurado failed to honor the invitation. On February 5,
some of them outrightly vicious, appeared in the print and broadcast 1993, the Committee reiterated its invitation, couched in the
media. In reaction, Chief Justice Andres R. Narvasa issued following language:
Administrative Order No. 11-93, dated January 25, 1993, “Creating “x x x x x x x x x
an Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Reports of Corruption in the “It is regretted that you failed to respond to the invitation of the Ad
Judiciary.” Its text reads: Hoc Committee to appear at its session of February 4, 1993. All
“WHEREAS, the Court’s attention has been drawn to the many and indications are that you are the person with the most knowledge
persistent rumors and unverified reports respecting corruption in the about corruption in the judiciary and hence, appear to be best
judiciary, said rumors and reports not only having been mentioned positioned to assist the Ad Hoc Committee in its function of
by media and in anonymous communications, but having also been obtaining evidence, or leads, on the matter. You have, I believe,
adverted to by certain government officials and civic leaders. expressed more than once the laudable desire that the judiciary rid
NOW, THEREFORE, by authority of the Court, an ad hoc committee itself of the incompetents and the misfits in its ranks, and we believe
is hereby constituted composed of Chief Justice Andres R. Narvasa, you will want to help the Court to do precisely that, by furnishing the
as Chairman, and former Justices of the Court, Hon. Lorenzo Relova Committee with competent evidence, testimonial or otherwise.
and Hon. Ameurfina A. Melencio-Herrera, as Members, which shall Clearly, the purging process cannot be accomplished without proof,
seekto ascertain the truth respecting said reports and statements, testimonial or otherwise, as you must no doubt realize, being yourself
and to this end, forthwith interview at closed-door sessions or a lawyer.
otherwise, such persons as may appear to it to have some knowledge We would like you to know that the Ad Hoc Committee created by
of the matterand who may be appealed to to share knowledge with Administrative Order No. 11-93 is simply a fact-finding body. Its
the Court, and otherwise gather such evidence as may be available. function is evidence-gathering. Although possessed of the authority
The Committee is hereby authorized to use such facilities and to maintain and enforce order in its proceedings, and to compel

obedience to its processes, it is not an adjudicative body in the sense Clarification on March 15, 1993. Among other defenses, respondent
that it will pronounce persons guilty or innocent, or impose sanctions, invoked R.A. No. 53,3 as amended by R.A. No. 1477, which reads:
on the basis of such proofs as may be presented to it. That function is “AN ACT AMENDING SECTION ONE OF REPUBLIC ACT
reserved to the Supreme Court itself, in which it is lodged by the NUMBERED FIFTY-THREE, ENTITLED ‘AN ACT TO EXEMPT
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
1 Named alternate members were Associate Justices Hilario G. Philippines in Congress assembled:
Davide, Jr., Josue N. Bellosillo, and Irene R. Cortes (retired). SECTION1. Section one of Republic Act Numbered Fifty-three is
2 Report and Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee created amended to read as follows:
under Adm. Order No. 11-93, dated May 7, 1993, pp. 1-2. SECTION1. Without prejudice to his liability under the civil and
354 criminal laws, the publisher, editor, columnist or duly accredited
In Re: Emil P. Jurado _______________
laws. Thus, at the conclusion of its evidence-gathering mission,
the Ad Hoc Committee will submit its report and recommendations 3 Enacted on October 5, 1946.
to the Court which will then take such action as it deems appropriate. 355
TheAd Hoc Committee has scheduled hearings on the 11th and 12th VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 355
of February, 1993. Mr. Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr., will preside as In Re: Emil P. Jurado
Chairman at these hearings since I will be unable to do so in view of reporter of any newspaper, magazine or periodical of general
earlier commitments. We reiterate our invitation that you come circulation cannot be compelled to reveal the source of any news-
before the Committee, and you may opt to appear either on the 11th report or information appearing in said publication which was
or 12th of February, 1993, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.” (Italics related in confidence to such publisher, editor or reporter unless the
supplied) Court or a House or committee of Congress finds that such revelation
Again, respondent Jurado did not appear in the scheduled is demanded by the security of the State.
investigations. The Court ordered the matter to be docketed on SECTION2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
February 16, 1993 and respondent was asked to file his Comment on Approved, June 15, 1956.” (Italics supplied)
the PLDT letter and affidavit of Mr. Vicente Samson and the affidavit Upon these facts, the majority would hold respondent guilty of
of Atty. William Veto, the contents of which are related in the contempt of court.
majority opinion. In adjudging respondent in contempt of court, the majority
Respondent Jurado submitted his Comment on March 1, 1993. By attempted to establish an equilibrium between the importance of a
then, the Court has also received the affidavits of Mr. Ermin Garcia of free press and the need to maintain the integrity and orderly
the City World Travel Mart Corporation and of Mrs. Marissa de la functioning of the administration of justice, the civil law duty to “act
Paz of Philway Travel Corporation traversing the column of February with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good
8, 1993 of the respondent. On Orders of the Court, the respondent faith,” and the right to private honor and reputation. The majority
then submitted a Supplemental Comment with Request for tilted the balance against freedom of the press and respondent

Jurado after finding that some of his columns were either false or the newsmen’s pen came from government itself. The attempts were
slanted as he made no effort to verify them before their publication. disguised in different insidious forms.9 They came as sedition laws
How to strike a balance that will accommodate equally compelling which sent newsmen behind bars. They came as tax laws which
yet competing State interests has divided men of stratospheric impoverished newspaper publishers. Through long, difficult years,
intellect. Until the last decibel of time, and while man continues to be the press survived these assaults.
bereft of infallibility, the best of minds will continue with their search Nonetheless, the struggle to preserve press freedom is distinct for it
for the elusive variables that will correctly tilt the balance between is a story with a first but without a final chapter. In the decade of the
press freedom and other freedoms. Thus, with high respect to my 60’s and onwards, a new weapon against press freedom was
learned colleagues in the majority, I beg to differ with their unsheathed by government. It was the sword of subpoena. In
conclusion on where to fix the elusive balance in the case at bench. Congress as in the courts, it was wielded to pry open newsmen’s
A brief revisit of the history of the struggle to protect freedom of the secret sources of information often derogatory to government. The
press ought to be enlightening. It will remind us that freedom of unbridled use of the subpoena had its silencing effects on the
speech and freedom of the press4 are preferred rights5 exercise of press freedom. Common law denied newsmen the right to
refuse to testify concerning information received in
_______________ confidence.10 The press has to go to the legislature for protection.
The protection came to be known as shield statutes
4 Sec. 4, Article III of the Constitution provides: “No law shall be
passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the _______________
press ... .”
5 Butsee Justice Frankfurter’s concurring opinion in Kovacs v. 6 Publishing Co. v. Butts, 388 US 130, 145 [1967].
Cooper, 336 US 77, 90-99 [1949]. 7 Sec. 1, Article II of the Constitution provides: “The Philippines is a
356 democratic and republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people
356 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED and all government authority emanates from them.”
In Re: Emil P. Jurado 8 6 Writings of James Madison 397 (Hunt ed. 1906).
for they are indispensable preconditions for the exercise of other 9 L. Levy, Legacy of Suppression, [1960].
freedoms.6 Their status as the cornerstone of our liberties followed 10 8 Annot. 7 ALR 3rd 591, 592-596 [1966] J. Wigmore, Evidence, S.
the shift of sovereignty from monarchs to the masses—the 2286 (McNaughton ed., 1961); Garland v. Torre, 259 F2d 545 (2nd
people.7 For the people to be truly sovereign, they must be capable of Cir., 1958); People ex rel. Mooney v. Sheriff, 269 N.Y. 291, 1991 N.E.
rendering enlightened judgments and they cannot acquire this 415 (1936).
capability unless they have an unclogged access to information, the 357
main pipeline of which is the press. Early enough, Madison had the VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 357
prescience to warn that “a popular government without popular In Re: Emil P. Jurado
information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce and their scope varied. In the United States, they were of two (2)
or tragedy or perhaps both.”8 types: (1) laws that shield the identities of newsmen’s informants
The history of press freedom will also reveal that while its from disclosure;11 and (2) laws that shield not only the identities of
importance has been given lip service, its unabridged exercise was news sources but also the content of the communicationagainst
not won without a costly struggle. Ironically, the attempts to restrict disclosure.12 Test cases were also filed in courts seeking a ruling that

a newsman’s right to gather news is constitutionally protected, and 358 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
hence, cannot be impaired by subpoenas forcing disclosure of the In Re: Emil P. Jurado
identities of their sources of information.13 To date, the American postulates:
case law on the matter has yet to jell. First. It should be stressed that respondent Jurado was initially
In the Philippines, the shield law is provided by Republic Act No. invited to appear before the Ad HocCommittee tasked
1477, approved on June 15, 1956 which prohibits revelation of to investigate Reports of Corruption in the Judiciary. The Ad Hoc
“thesource of any news-report or information ... related in Committee is only a fact-finding body as its ordained duty is “to
confidence ... unless the court or a House or committee of Congress ascertain the truth” respecting reports on corruption in the judiciary.
finds that such revelation is demanded by the security of the State.” As an administrative fact-finding body, its power to compel newsmen
R.A. No. 1477 amended R.A. No. 53 by changing the phrase “interest to appear and disclose their secret sources of information
of the State” to “security of the State.” The change limited the right of is lesscompared with the same power of Congress while making laws
the State to share with newsmen their confidential sources of or the power of courts when litigating actual controversies.
information. Jurisprudence holds that the power to compel testimony inheres in
Prescinding from these premises, let me now slide to the the power to legislate for “a legislative body cannot legislate wisely or
constitutional balancing made by the majority. I wholeheartedly effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions
agree that except for a more overriding consideration, the Court which the legislation is intended to affect or change.”14 Case law
should uphold the importance of an orderly administration of justice. similarly holds that courts can compel newsmen to testify where it is
It appears that respondent’s reliance on his constitutional right to necessary to avoid miscarriage of justice.15 The majority should not
freedom of speech and of the press failed to impress the majority as take to task the respondent for his failure to appear before the Ad
an overriding consideration. Among the reasons that obviously Hoc Committee. His failure to honor its invitation had only a slight
swayed the majority in submerging the significance of freedom of adverse effect on the work of the Committee. It does not justify
speech and of the press below that of an orderly administration of imposing on respondent the severe order of contempt of court.
justice were: failure of respondent to obey the invitation to appear The majority, however, holds that the respondent was not cited for
made by the AdHocCommittee, his refusal to reveal the sources of his contempt for his non-appearance before the Ad Hoc
information, and the falsity and slants of his columns. In registering Committee where he did not explain his other writings in the Manila
this dissent, I wish to address these reasons and I respectfully posit Standard but for his falsereport on the alleged Hongkong trip of
the following some justices and his slanted report on the birthday party of Atty.
Veto attended by some appellate justices.
_______________ A close look at the flow and totality of the proceedings against
respondent will, however, belie the stance of the majority. In his
11 E.g. Laws of Alabama, Arizona, California, Indiana, Kentucky, March 1, 1993 Comment, respondent explained the bases of all his
Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, and Ohio. reports regarding corruption in the judiciary, which among others,
12 E.g. Laws of Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania. assailed Judge Rosalio de la Rosa, Executive Judge of Manila,
13 Garland v. Torre, 259 F2d 545 (2d Cir); In re Goodfader, 45 Makati’s Magnificent Seven, the Magnificent Seven in the Supreme
Hawaii 317, 367 P2d 472 (1961); State v. Buchanan, 205 Ore 244, 436 Court, the JBC, etc. The majority did not consider this explanation as
P2d 729 (1968). immaterial on the ground that he was not being asked to account for
358 said reports. On the contrary, the

_______________ compromise its role as critic of government. Again, it should be
stressed that the judiciary is not without resources to investigate and
14 McGrain v. Daugherty, 273 US 135, 175 (1927). reform itself. It can purge its ranks without compelling the
15 See Garland v. Torre, supra, footnote 13. involvement of the press.
359 Third. The protection of R.A. No. 53, as amended by R.A. No. 1477, to
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 359 newsmen should not be diminished as much as possible. Under this
In Re: Emil P. Jurado law, there is only one but one clear ground which can force a
newsman to reveal the source of his confidential
explanation of the respondent was minutely dissected in the majority
opinion, and thereafter, it was condemned as a “litany of falsehoods.”
Indeed, no less than four (4) pages of the majority opinion written in 360 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
single space were devoted to the discussion of these writings of the In Re: Emil P. Jurado
respondent. information—when demanded by the security of the State. It is
Neither does it materially matter that no summons or subpoena was instructive to remember the case of In re: Angel J. Parazo,16 where
issued to the respondent by the Ad Hoc Committee. According to the the Court adjudged newsman Parazoin contempt of court for
majority, only an “invitation” to appear was extended to the refusing to divulge the source of his story regarding leakage of
respondent. This thin semantical distinction, however, cannot deflate questions in some subjects in the 1948 Bar Examinations. It was
the fact that an “invitation” from a Committee of this Court carries as contended by Parazo that under R.A. No. 53, he could only be
much compulsion as a summons or a subpoena. The February 5, compelled to reveal the source of his information when the
1993 letter of the Chairman of the Ad HocCommittee to the “revelation is demanded by the interest of the State.”Parazoargued
respondent tells it all when it stated that said Committee has “... that “interest of the State” meant “security of State.” The Court
authority to maintain and enforce order in its proceedings, and to rejectedParazo’s argument as it held that the two (2) terms are not
compel obedience to its processes.” synonymous, the first being broader than the second. It then ruled
Second. The letters of invitation to respondent misappreciated the that the maintenance of high standard of the legal profession
proper function of the press. The first letter, dated February 1, 1993, qualifies as an “interest of the State” the promotion of which is a
ordered respondent “to give the Committee information that will good ground to compel newsmen to break the confidentiality of their
assist it in its task, i.e., to definitely and accurately determine the sources of news. The Court ruling did not sit well with Congress. On
facts as regards the published rumors and reports of corruption in June 15, 1956, Congress enacted R.A. No. 1477 which amended R.A.
the judiciary.” The second letter, dated February 5, 1993, stated, inter 53 by changing the phrase “interest of the State” to “security of State.”
alia, “... we believe you will want to help the Court x x x by furnishing Respondent invoked R.A. No. 53, as amended, as an additional
the Committee with competent evidence, testimonial or otherwise. defense in his favor. The majority opinion, however, shunted aside
Clearly, the purging process cannot be accomplished without proof, respondent’s submission as it held that said law does not protect “a
testimonial or otherwise, as you must no doubt realize, being yourself journalist who deliberately prints lies or distorts the truth.” There is
a lawyer.” I submit that the press is not an adjunct of the judiciary, no disagreement that R.A. No. 53, as amended, does not provide
any more than is it an annexof the two (2) other branches of immunity against a blatant falsehood just as the Constitution does
government. As the press is not an extension of the judiciary, it not protect a vicious lie. Precisely, section 1 of the law starts with the
cannot be used as an investigatory instrument to purge courts of categorical caveat “without prejudice to his liability under the civil
misfits, especially when the use of the press will compel it to and criminal laws, the publisher, editor, columnist ... cannot be

compelled to reveal the source of any newspaper report or Atty. Veto is not proof that he did no verification at all. Indeed, the
information ... .” But well to note, the case at bench is not a libel or a evidence does not show that Messrs. Samson, Garcia, and Veto and
damage suit where we can properly decide, among others, the kind of Mrs. de la Paz wrote to respondent to give him an opportunity to
falsehood and the proper stage of the proceedings when the Court correct his errors. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is difficult
could compel a newsman to reveal the source of his information to impute malice against respondent. Without proof that respondent
without violating his freedom of speech and of the press. To my mind, knowingly or recklessly disregarded truth, he should not have even
the case at bench should be and can be resolved by simply been called upon to disprove the falsity or slant of his columns. He
determining whether respondent’s columns, given their falsity and need not have been given the so-called “option” to reveal or not to
slant, posed a clear and present danger to our administration of reveal the sources of his information.
justice. There is another aspect of freedom of the press which the majority
failed to consider. The sanctity of a newsman’s source of information
_______________ is not only intended to protect a newsman but also the source of his
information. When a person transmits confidential information to a
16 82 Phil. Reports 230 [1948]. newsman, he is exercising his freedom of speechon condition of
361 anonymity. In Talley v. California,17 an
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 361
In Re: Emil P. Jurado _______________
My humble submission is that the evidence on record failed to prove
this clear and present danger, and hence, there is no need to task 17 362 US 60 (1960).
respondent to reveal the sources of his information in order to prove 362
that his reports about judicial corruption are not patent falsehoods. 362 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
The Court should always adopt an approach that is less destructive of In Re: Emil P. Jurado
freedom of speech and of the press. I reserve my full view on the ordinance which penalized the distribution of any handbill which did
longitude and latitude of a newsman’s right not to reveal the sources not identify its author was struck down as unconstitutional. It was
of his information in a more appropriate case. held that “identification and fear of reprisal might deter perfectly
Fourth.The majority stubbornly stresses that it gave respondent an peaceful discussions of public matters of importance.”18 It is thus
“option” and did not compel him to reveal the sources of his arguable that a newsman by himself does not have the option to
information. Indeed, he was not compelled but he paid a high price reveal or not to reveal the identity of his source of information. His
for not revealing the sources of his information. It was held that he source may have an independentright to the protection of his
failed to disprove the falsity and slant of his column, hence, was anonymity in the exercise of freedom of speech. This issue, however,
liable for contempt. need not be resolved in the case at bench but in a more appropriate
My thesis is that the affidavits on the PLDT affair and Atty. Veto’s setting. Be that as it may, I bewail the precipitate majority ruling that
party may have proved the falsity or slant of respondent’s columns. a newsman has an unqualified option to reveal the confidential
But mere proof of falsity or slant is not proof that the falsehood or source of his information for its inevitable effect is to discourage
slant was made knowingly or with reckless disregard of truth to use people from giving confidential information to the press. Again, the
the New York Times test. Likewise, proof that respondent did not impairment of the flow of information to the public will suffer an
verify his facts from the PLDT and travel agency officials and from irreparable harm.

Fifth. The majority punishes respondent for publishing “stories administration of justice. The evidence from which this conclusion
shown to be false x x x stories that he made no effort whatsoever to can be deduced is nil. The standing of respondent as a journalist is
verify and which, after being denounced as lies, he has refused, or is not shown. The extent of readership of respondent is not known. His
unable to substantiate.” The undue weight given to the falsity aloneof credibility has not been proved. Indeed, nothing in the record shows
respondent’s columns is unsettling. For after finding respondent’s that any person lost faith in our system of justice because of his said
columns as false, the majority did not go any further to determine report. Even the losing party in G.R. No. 94374, Eastern Telephone
whether these falsehoods constitute a clear and present danger to the Philippines, Inc., (ETPI) does not appear to have given any credence
administration of justice. This libertarian test was originally to the said false report. I submit that it is not every falsehood that
espoused by Mr. Justice Holmes in Schenck v. United States19 where should incur the Court’s ire, lest it runs out of righteous indignation.
he ruled “the question in every case is whether the words used are Indeed, gross falsehoods, vicious lies, and prevarications of paid
used in such circumstances and are of such nature as to create and hacks cannot deceive the public any more than can they cause this
present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Court to crumble. If we adopt the dangerous rule that we should
the State has a right to prevent.” We have adopted this libertarian curtail speech to stop every falsehood we might as well abolish
test as early as 1948 in Primicias v. Fugoso20 and which we freedom of speech for there is yet to come a man whose tongue tells
reiterated, among others, in the leading case of Navarro v. only the truth. In any event, we should take comfort in the thought
Villegas,21 and the companion cases of Reyes v. Bagatsing, and Ruiz that falsehoods cannot destroy—only truth does but only to set us
v. Gordon.22 free.
In a similar vein, I reject the conclusion that respondent’s report
_______________ about the birthday party of Atty. Veto attended by some justices and
judges seriously eroded our administration of justice. Again, there is
18 Ibid at p. 65. not an iota of empirical evidence on record to sustain this irrational
19 80 Phil. 71. fear. There is less reason to punish respondent for contempt for his
20 31 SCRA 731 [1970]. report on Atty. Veto’s party. Unlike respondent’s report about the
21 125 SCRA 553 [1983]. justices’ Hongkong trip, his report on Atty. Veto’s party is not false
22 126 SCRA 233 [1983]. but only slanted, to use the own description of the majority opinion.
363 Also, unlike respondent’s report about the justices’ Hongkong trip
VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 363 which was made while the Court has yet to resolve Eastern
Telephone’s Motion for Reconsideration in G.R. No. 94374, his
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
report on Atty. Veto’s party does not concern any pending litigation
In the case at bench, I cannot perceive how the respondent’s column
in this Court.
on the alleged Hongkong trip of some justices could have brought
about the substantive evil of subverting our orderly administration of
justice. The affidavits of Mr. Samson, First Vice President of PLDT, of
Mr. Ermin Garcia, Jr., President of CitiWorld Travel Mart In Re: Emil P. Jurado
Corporation, and of Mrs. Marissa de la Paz, General Manager of Given these material differences, there is no way to conclude that
Philway Travel Corporation merely established the falsity of respondent’s report on Atty. Veto’s party degraded our
respondent’s report. There is nothing in the record, however, administration of justice. In citing respondent in contempt
showing the degree how respondent’s false report degraded the for slanting his report on Atty. Veto’s party, the majority betrays its

flaccid respect for freedom of speech and of the press. Respondent is VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 365
a columnist and he does not only write straight news reports but In Re: Emil P. Jurado
interprets events from his own distinct prism of perception. As a press conference, he assailed eight (8) judges for their inefficiency,
columnist and like any other columnist, he has his own predilections laziness, excessive vacations, and for refusing to authorize
and prejudices and he bends his views in accord with his own slant of disbursements to cover the expenses of undercover investigations of
faith. I see no reason to penalize respondent for the slants in his vice in New Orleans. Impugning their motives he said: “... This raises
views, however, unpleasant and irreverent they may be to the court. interesting questions about the racketeer influences on our eight
When we start punishing a columnist for slants in his views, we shall vacation-minded judges.” The Louisiana State courts rejected
soon be seeking slits to look for witches among them. Garrison’s defense anchored on freedom of speech. In reversing the
Ironically, the majority cites in support of its non-too-liberal stance Supreme Court of Louisiana, the United States Federal Supreme
the cases of New York Times Co. v. Sullivan23 and Garrison v. Court thru Mr. Justice Brennan, held that the “New York Times rule
Louisiana.24 These cases, however, are ground breaking in under which the constitutional guaranty of free speech limits state
importance for they expanded the protection given to freedom of power in a civil action brought by a public official for criticism of his
speech and of the press. New York Times25 restricted the award of official conduct, to an award of damages fora false statement made
damages in favor of public officials in civil suits for damages arising with actual malice, that is, with knowledge that it was false or with
out of libel precisely because of their chilling effects on the exercise reckless disregard of whether it was false or not, likewise limits state
of freedom of speech and of the press. To be entitled to damages, the power to impose criminal sanctions for criticism of the official
public official concerned was imposed a very difficult, if not conduct of public officials.” It struck down as unconstitutional the
impossible, burden of proof. He was required to prove that the Louisiana statute which permitted punishment of false
defamatory statement was not only false but was made with “actual statements made with ill will, even though they are not made with
malice.”26 This means he has to prove that the defamatory statement knowledge of their falsity or in reckless disregard of whether they
was made with “knowing falsity or with a reckless disregard for the are true or not. It further held that lack of reasonable belief in the
truth.”27 On the other hand, Garrison did not only reiterate but even truth of the statements is not the equivalent of reckless disregard of
extended the New York Times rule to apply to criminal cases. Mr. truth. To quote exactly the ruling: “... Even where the utterance
Garrison, a District Attorney of Orleans Parish, Louisiana was is false, the great principles of the Constitution which secure freedom
convicted of criminal defamation under the Louisiana Criminal of expression in this area preclude attaching adverse consequences to
Defamation Statute. In a any except the knowing or reckless falsehood ... . The public official
rule protects the paramount public interest in a free flow of
_______________ information to the people concerning public officials, their servants.
To this end, anything which might touch on an official’s fitness for
23 376 US 254. office is relevant. Few personal attributes are more germane to
24 379 US 64. fitness for office than dishonesty, malfeasance, or improper
25 See also Time, Inc. v. Hill, 150 US 374; Curtis Publishing Co. v. motivation ... .”
Butts and Walker v. Associated Press, 388 US 130. The majority opinion in the case at bench certainly did not follow
26 376 US 254, 279-80. the New York Times rule which was reiterated and even expanded
27 Id. in Garrison. The majority halted after finding that the respondent’s
365 columns are false or slanted. As aforestated, the affidavits of Messrs.

Samson, Garcia, Jr., and Veto and Mrs. de la Paz merely condemned in government. In the absence of clear and convincing evidence that
as false respondent’s report but did not prove that respondent wrote respondent knowingly foisted a falsehood to degrade our
his report with knowing or reckless disregard of truth. Yet, the administration of justice, we should be slow in citing him for
majority was satisfied that this was contempt. The New York Times rule correctly warned us that
366 occasional erroneous statements are “inevitable in free debate ... and
366 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED must be protected if the freedoms of expression are to have the
In Re: Emil P. Jurado ‘breathing space’ that they ‘need, to survive.’”
enough evidence to punish respondent for contempt. It ruled: “That 367
categorical denial logically and justly placed on Jurado the burden of VOL. 243, APRIL 6, 1995 367
proving the truth of his grave accusation, or showing that it had been In Re: Emil P. Jurado
made through some honest mistake or error committed despite good Seventh. I appreciate the genuine concern of the majority against
faith efforts to arrive at the truth, or if unable to do either of these certain abuses committed by some members of the press. Be that as
things, to offer to atone for the harm caused.” The shift in the burden it may, the abuses of somenewsmen cannot justify an overarching
of proving reckless disregard of truth to respondent Jurado patently rule eroding the freedom of allof them. Indeed, the framers of the
violates the New York Timesrule. The New York Times rule fixed this Constitution knew that these abuses will be committed by some
burden of proof on complainants against newsmen. If the New York newsmen but still, they explicitly crafted Section 4, Article III of the
Times rule has any value to freedom of speech and of the press, it is Constitution to read: “[N]o law shall be passed abridging the freedom
because it made the burden of proof in this kind of cases extremely of speech, of expression, or of the press ... .” Madison stressed that
difficult to discharge on the part of a complainant against a newsman. “some degree of abuse is inseparable from the proper use of
In contrast, the majority opinion made it too easy in favor of a everything, and in no instance is this more true than in that of the
complainant. press.”28 There is an appropriate remedy against abusive newsmen.
Sixth. The majority opinion also failed to consider that the columns I submit, however, that the remedy is not to be too quick in wielding
of respondent dealt with the sensitive subject of corruption in courts. the power of contempt for that will certainly chain the hands of many
It cannot be gainsaid that corruption in government is a matter of newsmen. Abusive newsmen are bad but laundered news is worse.
highest concern to our citizenry. Yet it is a problem that defies Eighth. Again, with due respect, I submit that the majority
solution primarily because it is a subject where people in the know misappreciates the role of the press as a critic of government in a
maintain the countenance of a clam. Thus, the prosecution of democratic society. The Constitution did not conceive the press to act
corruption in government has not hit a high note and what now as the cheer leader of government, including the judiciary. Rather,
appears as the most effective restraint against corruption in the press is the agent29of the people when it gathers news, especially
government is the fear of the light of print. If the light of print news derogatory to those who hold the reins of government. The
continues to be a strong deterrent against government misdeeds, it is agency is necessary because the people must have all available
mainly because newsmen have an unimpeded access to information. information before they exercise their sovereign judgment. As well
On many an occasion, these confidential sources of information are observed: “The newspapers, magazines, and other journals of the
the only leads to government malfeasance. To fashion a rule country, it is safe to say, have shed and continue to shed, more light
derogatory of the confidentiality of newsmen’s sources will result in on the public and business affairs of the nation than any other
tremendous loss in the flow of this rare and valuable information to instrument of publicity; and since informed public opinion is the
the press and will prejudice the State’s policy to eliminate corruption most potent of all restraints upon misgovernment the suppression or

abridgment of the publicity afforded by a free press cannot be dissemination of matters of public interest. (Ayer Productions Pty.
regarded otherwise than with grave concern.”30As agent of the Ltd. vs. Capulong, 160 SCRA 861 [1988])
people, the most important function of the press in a free society is to No clear and present danger of any violation of any right to privacy
inform and it cannot that private respondent could lawfully assert. (Ibid.)
The clear and present danger test is not the only test which has been
_______________ recognized and applied by courts for making out the appropriate
limits of freedom of speech and assembly. (Zaldivar vs.
28 4 Elliot’s Debates on the Federal Constitution 571 [1876] as cited Sandiganbayan, 170 SCRA 1 [1989])
in 48 Fordham Law Review 694, 701 [1980]. Punishment for contempt of court is a remedial, preservative or
29 See dissenting opinion of Justice Powell in Saxbe v. Washington coercive act rather than a vindictive or punitive one. (Facinal vs.
Post Co., 417 US 843, 863 [1974]. Cruz, 213 SCRA 238 [1992])
30 Grosjean v. American Press Co., 297 US 233, 250 [1936]. The freedom of speech and of the press, or of expression, which the
368 Bill of Rights guarantees, is not an absolute right. (National Press
368 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Club vs. Commission on Elections, 207 SCRA 1 [1992])
In Re: Emil P. Jurado
inform if it is uninformed. We should be wary when the independent
sources of information of the press dry up, for then the press will end
up printing “praise” releases and that is no way for the people to
know the truth.
In sum, I submit that the equation chosen by the majority has the
pernicious effects of hobbling the writing hand of newsmen and of
chilling the sources of information of the press. The majority can
snicker against “bleeding heart” liberalism but this is a vain attempt
to use a fig leaf to conceal its niggardly regard for freedom of speech
and of the press. In a large measure, I fear that the majority opinion
will weaken the press as an informed and informative source of
information of the sovereign people. In so doing, it will unwittingly
erode the people’s right to discover the truth. The protection we give
to the sanctity of the sources of information of the press is for the
benefit of the people. It is designed to benefit all of us, to keep us
above the cloud of ignorance. Democracy cannot bloom where
sovereignty is rooted on the top soil of an ignorant mass.
I vote not to hold the respondent in contempt of court.
Emiliano Jurado guilty of contempt of court.
Notes.—The right of privacy like right of free expression is not an
absolute right. The right cannot be invoked to resist publication and

statement was that the contents of the article are true in almost all
respects, thus: x x x This was likewise what he stated in his testimony
in court both on direct and on cross-examination. However, by
claiming that what he had told the reporter was made by him in the
performance of a civic duty, petitioner in effect admitted authorship
of the article and not only of the statements attributed to him therein,
to wit: x x x Petitioner cannot claim to have been the source of only a
few statements in the article in question and point to the other
parties as the source of the rest, when he admits that he was correctly
identified as the spokesperson of the families during the interview.
Same; Same; Criminal Procedure; While the general rule is that the
information must set out the particular defamatory words verbatim
and as published and that a statement of their substance is
insufficient, a defect in this regard may be cured by evidence.—
Petitioner points out that the information did not set out the entire
news article as published. In fact, the second statement attributed to
petitioner was not included in the information. But, while the general
rule is that the information must set out the particular defamatory
words verbatim and as published and that a statement of their
substance is insufficient, a defect in this regard may be cured by

G.R. No. 118971. September 15, 1999.*
RODOLFO R. VASQUEZ, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, THE VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 461
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF MANILA, BRANCH 40, and THE Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. evidence. In this case, the article was presented in evidence, but
Criminal Law; Libel; A person cannot claim to have been the source petitioner failed to object to its introduction. Instead, he engaged in
of only a few statements in an article and point to other parties as the trial of the entire article, not only of the portions quoted in the
the source of the rest when he admits that he was correctly information, and sought to prove it to be true. In doing so, he waived
identified as the spokesperson during the interview.—Petitioner objection based on the defect in the information. Consequently, he
claims he was “unfairly singled out” as the source of the statements cannot raise this issue at this late stage.
in the article when any member of the 38 complainant-families could Same; Same; Elements.—To find a person guilty of libel under Art.
have been the source of the alleged libelous statements. x x x It is 353 of the Revised Penal Code, the following elements must be
true petitioner did not directly admit that he was the source of the proved: (a) the allegation of a discreditable act or condition
statements in the questioned article. What he said in his sworn

concerning another; (b) publication of the charge; (c) identity of the Same; Same; Same; Same; For the purpose of determining the
person defamed; and (d) existence of malice. meaning of any publication alleged to be libelous that construction
Same; Same; Same; When an Allegation Deemed Defamatory.—An must be adopted which will give to the matter such a meaning as is
allegation is considered defamatory if it ascribes to a person the natural and obvious in the plain and ordinary sense in which the
commission of a crime, the possession of a vice or defect, real or public would naturally understand what was uttered.—As held
imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstance in United States v. Sotto: . . . [F]or the purpose of determining the
which tends to dishonor or discredit or put him in contempt, or meaning of any publication alleged to be libelous “that construction
which tends to blacken the memory of one who is dead. must be adopted which will give to the matter such a meaning as is
Same; Same; Same; There is publication if the material is natural and obvious in the plain and ordinary sense in which the
communicated to a third person—it is not required that the person public would naturally understand what was uttered. The published
defamed has read or heard about the libelous remark.—There is matter alleged to be libelous must be construed as a whole. In
publication if the material is communicated to a third person. It is applying these rules to the language of an alleged libel, the court will
not required that the person defamed has read or heard about the disregard any subtle or ingenious explanation offered by the
libelous remark. What is material is that a third person has read or publisher on being called to account. The whole question being the
heard the libelous statement, for “a man’s reputation is the estimate effect the publication had upon the minds of the readers, and they
in which others hold him, not the good opinion which he has of not having been assisted by the offered explanation in reading the
himself.” article, it comes too late to have the effect of removing the sting, if
Same; Same; Same; To satisfy the element of identifiability, it must any there be, from the words used in the publication.”
be shown that at least a third person or a stranger was able to Same; Same; Same; Under Article 361 of the Revised Penal Code, if
identify the defamed person as the object of the defamatory the defamatory statement is made against a public official with
statement.—To satisfy the element of identifiability, it must be respect to the discharge of his official duties and functions and the
shown that at least a third person or a stranger was able to identify truth of the allegation is shown, the accused will be entitled to an
him as the object of the defamatory statement. acquittal even though he does not prove that the imputation was
Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; There is no merit to the published with good motives and for justifiable ends.—The question
contention that “landgrabbing,” as charged in the information, has is whether from the fact that the statements were defamatory, malice
a technical meaning in law.—There is no doubt that the first three can be presumed so that it was incumbent upon petitioner to
elements are present. The statements that Olmedo, through overcome such presumption. Under Art. 361 of the Revised Penal
connivance with NHA officials, was able to obtain title to several lots Code, if the defamatory statement is made against a public official
462 with respect to the discharge of his official duties and functions and
462 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the truth of the allegation is shown, the accused will be entitled to an
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals acquittal even though he does not prove that the imputation was
in the area and that he was involved in a number of illegal activities published with good motives and for justifiable ends.
(attempted murder, gambling and theft of fighting cocks) were 463
clearly defamatory. There is no merit in his contention that “land- VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 463
grabbing,” as charged in the information, has a technical meaning in Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
law. Such act is so alleged and proven in this case in the popular Same; Same; Freedom of Expression; Public Officers; The
sense in which it is understood by ordinary people. recognition of the right and duty of every citizen in a democracy to

see to it that public duty is discharged faithfully and well by those constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression. Such a rule would
on whom such duty is incumbent is inconsistent with any deter citizens
requirement placing on him the burden of proving that he acted 464
with good motives and for justifiable ends.—In denouncing the 464 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
barangay chairman in this case, petitioner and the other residents of Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
the Tondo Foreshore Area were not only acting in their self-interest from performing their duties as members of a self-governing
but engaging in the performance of a civic duty to see to it that public community. Without free speech and assembly, discussions of our
duty is discharged faithfully and well by those on whom such duty is most abiding concerns as a nation would be stifled. As Justice
incumbent. The recognition of this right and duty of every citizen in a Brandeis has said, “public discussion is a political duty” and the
democracy is inconsistent with any requirement placing on him the “greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.”
burden of proving that he acted with good motives and for justifiable
APPEAL from a decision of the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Br. 40.
Same; Same; Same; Same; “Actual Malice” Rule; Even if the
defamatory statement is false, no liability can attach if it relates to
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
official conduct, unless the public official concerned proves that the
Free Legal Assistance Group for petitioner.
statement was made with actual malice—that is, with knowledge
Tumaru, Guerrero and Tumaru Law Offices for private
that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false
or not.—Even if the defamatory statement is false, no liability can
attach if it relates to official conduct, unless the public official
concerned proves that the statement was made with actual malice— MENDOZA, J.:
that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of
whether it was false or not. This is the gist of the ruling in the The question for determination in this case is the liability for libel of
landmark case of New York Times v. Sullivan, which this Court has a citizen who denounces a barangay official for misconduct in office.
cited with approval in several of its own decisions. This is the rule of The Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 40, found petitioner
“actual malice.” In this case, the prosecution failed to prove not only guilty and fined him P1,000.00 on the ground that petitioner failed
that the charges made by petitioner were false but also that petitioner to prove the truth of the charges and that he was “motivated by
made them with knowledge of their falsity or with reckless disregard vengeance in uttering the defamatory statement.” On appeal, the
of whether they were false or not. Court of Appeals, in a decision1 dated February 1, 1995, affirmed.
Same; Same; Same; Evidence; Burden of Proof; A rule placing on Hence, this petition for review. The decision appealed from should be
the accused the burden of showing the truth of allegations of official reversed.
misconduct and/or good motives and justifiable ends for making The facts are not in dispute. Petitioner Rodolfo R. Vasquez is a
such allegations would not only be contrary to Article 361 of the resident of the Tondo Foreshore Area. Sometime in April 1986, he
Revised Penal Code but would, above all, infringe on the and some 37 families from the area went to see then National
constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression.—A rule placing Housing Authority (NHA) General Manager Lito Atienza regarding
on the accused the burden of showing the truth of allegations of their complaint against their Barangay Chairman, Jaime Olmedo.
official misconduct and/or good motives and justifiable ends for After their meeting with Atienza and other NHA officials, petitioner
making such allegations would not only be contrary to Art. 361 of the and his companions were met and interviewed by newspaper
Revised Penal Code. It would, above all, infringe on the reporters at the NHA

_______________ “Sapin-sapin na ang mga kaso na idinulog namin noong nakalipas na
mga taon, pero pinawalang saysay ang lahat ng iyon, kabilang na ang
1 Per Associate Justice Celia Lipana-Reyes and concurred in by tangkang pagpatay sa akin kaugnay ng pagrereklamo sa
Associate Justices Asaali S. Isnani and Corona Ibay-Somera. pangangamkam ng lupa noong 1984,” sabi pa ni Vasquez.
465 Based on the newspaper article, Olmedo filed a complaint for libel
VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 465 against petitioner alleging that the latter’s state-
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
compound concerning their complaint. The next day, April 22, 1986, _______________
the following news article2 appeared in the newspaper Ang Tinig ng
Masa: 2 Exh. A-1, Records, p. 77.
Nananawagan kahapon kay pangulong Corazon Aquino ang 38 466
mahihirap na pamilya sa Tondo Foreshore Area na umano’y 466 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
inagawan ng lupa ng kanilang barangay chairman sa Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
pakikipagsabwatan sa ilang pinuno ng National Housing Authority ments cast aspersions on him and damaged his reputation. After
sapul 1980. conducting preliminary investigation, the city prosecutor filed the
Sinabi nila na nakipagsabwatan umano si Chairman Jaime Olmedo following information in the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch
ng barangay 66, Zone 6, Tondo Foreshore Area, sa mga project 40:
manager ng NHA upang makamkam ang may 14 na lote ng lupa sa The undersigned accuses RODOLFO R. VASQUEZ of the crime of
naturang lugar. libel committed as follows:
Binanggit ni Rodolfo R. Vasquez, 40, Tagapagsalita ng (mga) That on or about April 22, 1986, in the city of Manila, Philippines,
pamilyang apektado, na umaabot lang sa 487.87 metro kuwadrado the said accused, with malicious intent of impeaching the reputation
ang kabuuan ng mga lupa na kinatitirikan ng mga barung-barung ng and character of one Jaime Olmedo, chairman of Barangay 66, Zone
38 pamilya. 6 in Tondo, Manila, and with evident intent of exposing him to public
“Naninirahan na kami sa mga lupang nabanggit sapul 1950 at hatred, contempt, ridicule, did then and there willfully, unlawfully,
pinatunayan sa mga survey ng NHA noong nakalipas na taon na may feloniously and maliciously caused the publication of an article
karapatan kami sa mga lupang ito ng pamahalaan,” ani Vasquez. entitled “38 Pamilya Inagawan ng Lupa” in Ang Tinig ng Masa, a
“Pawang lupa ng gobyerno ang mga lupa at ilegal man na patituluhan, daily newspaper sold to the public and of general circulation in the
nagawa ito ni Olmedo sa pakikipagsabwatan sa mga project manager Philippines in its April 22, 1986 issue, which portion of the said
at legal officers ng NHA,” sabi ni Vasquez. article reads as follows:
Sinabi rin ng mga pamilya na protektado ng dating pinuno ng city Nananawagan kahapon kay pangulong Corazon Aquino ang 38
hall ng Maynila, MHS Minister Conrado Benitez, at ilang pinuno ng mahihirap na pamilya sa Tondo Foreshore Area na umano’y
pulisya ang barangay chairman kaya “nakalusot” ang mga ginawa inagawan ng lupa ng kanilang barangay chairman sa
nitong katiwalian. pakikipagsabwatan sa ilang pinuno ng National Housing Authority
Bukod sa pagkamkam ng mga lupaing gobyerno, kasangkot din sapul 1980.
umano si Olmedo sa mga ilegal na pasugalan sa naturang lugar at Sinabi nila na nakipagsabwatan umano si Chairman Jaime Olmedo
maging sa mga nakawan ng manok. ng barangay 66, Zone 6, Tondo Foreshore Area sa mga project

manager ng NHA upang makamkam ang may 14 na lote ng lupa sa . I.THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
x x x “Pawang lupa ng gobyerno ang mga lupa at ilegal man na PINPOINTING PETITIONER AS THE SOURCE OF THE
patituluhan, nagawa ito ni Olmedo sa pakikipagsabwatan sa mga ALLEGED LIBELOUS ARTICLE.
project manager at legal officers ng NHA,” sabi ni Vasquez.
Sinabi rin ng mga pamilya na protektado ng dating pinuno ng city
hall ng Maynila, MHS Minister Conrado Benitez, at ilang pinuno ng AFFIRMING THE DECISION OF THE TRIAL COURT
pulisya ang barangay chairman kaya “nakalusot” ang mga ginawa THAT PETITIONER IMPUTED THE QUESTIONED ACTS
nitong katiwalian. Bukod sa pagkamkam ng mga lupaing gobyerno, TO COMPLAINANT.
kasangkot din umano si Olmedo sa mga ilegal na pasugalan sa . III.THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
naturang lugar at maging sa mga nakawan ng manok. x x x AFFIRMING THE DECISION OF THE TRIAL COURT
with which statements, the said accused meant and intended to THAT THE ALLEGED IMPUTATIONS WERE MADE
convey, as in fact he did mean and convey false and malicious MALICIOUSLY.
imputations that said Jaime Olmedo is engaged in landgrabbing and . IV.THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 467
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals DEFENSE OF TRUTH.
involved in illegal gambling and stealing of chickens at the Tondo
Foreshore Area, Tondo, Manila, which statements, as he well knew,
were entirely false and malicious, offensive and derogatory to the
good name, character and reputation of said Jaime Olmedo, thereby THAT ALL THE ELEMENTS OF LIBEL WERE PROVEN.
tending to impeach, besmirch and destroy the honor, character and
reputation of Jaime Olmedo, as in fact, the latter was exposed to 468
dishonor, discredit, public hatred, contempt and ridicule. 468 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Contrary to law. Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
Upon being arraigned, petitioner entered a plea of not guilty, We will deal with these contentions in the order in which they are
whereupon the case was tried. The prosecution presented Barangay made.
Chairman Olmedo and his neighbor, Florentina Calayag, as witnesses. First. Petitioner claims he was “unfairly singled out” as the source of
On the other hand, the defense presented Ciriaco Cabuhat, Nicasio the statements in the article when any member of the 38
Agustin, Estrelita Felix, Fernando Rodriguez—all residents of the complainant-families could have been the source of the alleged
Tondo Foreshore Area—and petitioner as its witnesses. libelous statements.3 The reference is to the following portion of the
On May 28, 1992, the trial court rendered judgment finding decision of the Court of Appeals:
petitioner guilty of libel and sentencing him to pay a fine of . . . In his sworn statement, appellant admitted he was the source of
P1,000.00. On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed in toto. Hence, the libelous article (Exh. “B”). He affirmed this fact when he testified
this petition for review. Petitioner contends that— in open court as follows: That his allegation on the act of
landgrabbing by Olmedo was based on the alleged report and
pronouncements of the NHA representatives (p. 5, tsn, Oct. 18, 1989);

that said allegations were made by him before the local press people _______________
in the pursuit of fairness and truthfulness and not in bad faith (pp. 8-
9, id.); that the only inaccurate account in the published article of 6 TSN, pp. 3-4, Nov. 15, 1989.
“Ang Tinig ng Masa” is the reference to the 487.87 sq. m. lot, on ATTY. VIRGILIO Mr. Vasquez, you are charged with having [made] a
which Olmedo’s residence now stands, attributed by the reporter as OCAYA— statement that was reflected in the Pahayagang [Ang]
the lot currently occupied by appellants and his fellow complainants Masa. Where was this alleged statement taken?
(pp. 4-5, tsn, Nov. 15, 1989; pp. 4-5, tsn, January 15, 1990); and that A— What I remember, sir, the reporter got the statement
after the interview, he never expected that his statement would be from the National Housing Authority, and we were
the cause of the much-publicized libelous article (pp. 4-6, tsn, Nov. many at that time that were being interviewed by the
15, 1989).4 reporters, sir.
It is true petitioner did not directly admit that he was the source of
the statements in the questioned article. What he said in his sworn
Q— Is that [report] reflected in the Pahayagang [Ang] Masa
statement5 was that the contents of the article are true in almost all
an accurate report in all aspects?
respects, thus:
9. Tama ang nakalathala sa pahayagang “Ang Masa” maliban na lang A— There are some which are correct and some which are
sa tinutukoy na ako at ang mga kasamahang maralitang taga-lungsod wrong, sir.
ay nakatira sa humigit kumulang 487.87 square meters sapagkat ang Q— Which are those which are not correct?
nabanggit na 487.87 square meters ay siyang kinatitirikan ng bahay A— Regarding the statement that I was one of those whose
ni Barangay Chairman Olmedo kung saan nakaloob ang anim na residence and lot area is around more than 400 sq.
lote—isang paglabag sa batas o regulasyon ng NHA; meters, sir.
7 TSN, p. 5, Jan. 15, 1990.
_______________ [ATTY. CHARLIE Tell us, Mr. Witness, you said in your affidavit that part
TUMARU]— of the contents of the publication “Ang Masa” was not
3 Petition, pp. 9-12; Rollo, pp. 17-20. correct which pertains to 487.87 square meters.
4 CA Decision, p. 4; Id., p. 47. However, you were able to make that conclusion when
5 Exh. B; Records, p. 79. (Emphasis added) you were able to read that part of the publication, “Ang
469 Masa.”
VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 469 A— No, sir, I told you, sir, that the contents of my sworn
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals statement is correct. But some portion of the newspaper
10. Ang ginawa kong pahayag na nailathala sa “Ang Masa” ay sanhi “Ang Masa” particularly the portion regarding the
487.87 square meters wherein me and my companions
ng aking nais na maging mabuting mamamayan at upang maituwid
were living, that is not correct because the lot was
ang mga katiwaliang nagaganap sa Tondo Foreshore Area kung saan
occupied by the barangay chairman Olmedo and the lot
ako at sampu ng aking mga kasamang maralitang tagalungsod ay
apektado at naaapi. was owned by the government.
This was likewise what he stated in his testimony in court both on 470
direct6 and on cross-examination.7 However, by 470 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals

claiming that what he had told the reporter was made by him in the Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
performance of a civic duty, petitioner in effect admitted authorship Third. On the main issue whether petitioner is guilty of libel,
of the article and not only of the statements attributed to him therein, petitioner contends that what he said was true and was made with
to wit: good motives and for justifiable ends.
“Pawang lupa ng gobyerno ang mga lupa at ilegal man na patituluhan, To find a person guilty of libel under Art. 353 of the Revised Penal
nagawa ito ni Olmedo sa pakikipagsabwatan sa mga project manager Code, the following elements must be proved: (a) the allegation of a
at legal officers ng NHA,” sabi ni Vasquez. discreditable act or condition concerning another; (b) publication of
.... the charge; (c) identity of the person defamed; and (d) existence of
“Sapin-sapin na ang mga kaso na idinulog namin noong nakalipas na malice.11
mga taon, pero pinawalang saysay ang lahat ng iyon, kabilang na ang An allegation is considered defamatory if it ascribes to a person the
tangkang pagpatay sa akin kaugnay ng pagrereklamo sa commission of a crime, the possession of a vice or defect, real or
pangangamkam ng lupa noong 1984,” sabi pa ni Vasquez. imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstance
Petitioner cannot claim to have been the source of only a few which tends to dishonor or discredit or put him in contempt, or
statements in the article in question and point to the other parties as which tends to blacken the memory of one who is dead.12
the source of the rest, when he admits that he was correctly identified There is publication if the material is communicated to a third
as the spokesperson of the families during the interview. person.13 It is not required that the person defamed has read or
Second. Petitioner points out that the information did not set out the heard about the libelous remark. What is material is that a third
entire news article as published. In fact, the second statement person has read or heard the libelous statement, for “a man’s
attributed to petitioner was not included in the information. But, reputation is the estimate in which others hold him, not the good
while the general rule is that the information must set out the opinion which he has of himself.”14
particular defamatory words verbatim and as published and that a On the other hand, to satisfy the element of identifiability, it must be
statement of their substance is insufficient,8 a defect in this regard shown that at least a third person or a stranger was able to identify
may be cured by evidence.9 In this case, the article was presented in him as the object of the defamatory statement.15
evidence, but petitioner failed to object to its introduction. Instead, Finally, malice or ill will must be present. Art. 354 of the Revised
he engaged in the trial of the entire article, not only of the portions Penal Code provides:
quoted in the information, and sought to prove it to be true. In doing Every defamatory imputation is presumed to be malicious, even if it
so, he waived objection based on the defect in the information. be true, if no good intention and justifiable motive for making it is
Consequently, he cannot raise this issue at this late stage.10 shown, except in the following cases:

_______________ _______________

8 United States v. Eguia, 38 Phil. 857 (1918). 11 Daez v. Court of Appeals, 191 SCRA 61 (1990).
9 See People v. Burgos, 59 Phil. 375 (1934). 12 Revised Penal Code, Art. 353.
10 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, Rule 117, §8; People v. 13 M.H. Newell, The Law on Slander and Libel in Civil and Criminal
Garcia, 281 SCRA 463 (1997). Cases §175 (1924).
471 14 Alonzo v. Court of Appeals, 241 SCRA 51 (1995).
VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 471 15 Kunkle v. Cablenews-American, 42 Phil. 757 (1922).

472 16 In Republic v. Court of Appeals, 94 SCRA 865 (1979), usurpation
472 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED or illegal appropriation of 50 hectares of state-owned urban land was
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals considered as “landgrabbing.” Petitioner, on the other hand, cites the
concurring opinion of Justice Ramon C. Aquino in Tahanan
Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 118 SCRA 273, 325
. 1.A private communication made by any person to
(1982) that landgrabbing may be perpetrated by (1) actual and
another in the performance of any legal, moral or security physical usurpation, (2) expanded survey, (3) fake Spanish titles, and
duty; and (4) reconstitution of fake Torrens titles, registration decrees, or
. 2.A fair and true report, made in good faith, without judgments in land registration cases. Petition, p. 15; Rollo, p. 23.
any comments or remarks, of any judicial, legislative or other 17 38 Phil. 666, 672-673 (1918).
official proceedings which are not of confidential nature, or 473
of any statement, report or speech delivered in said VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 473
proceedings, or of any other act performed by public officers Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
in the exercise of their functions. had upon the minds of the readers, and they not having been assisted
by the offered explanation in reading the article, it comes too late to
In this case, there is no doubt that the first three elements are have the effect of removing the sting, if any there be, from the words
present. The statements that Olmedo, through connivance with NHA used in the publication.”
officials, was able to obtain title to several lots in the area and that he Nor is there any doubt that the defamatory remarks referred to
was involved in a number of illegal activities (attempted murder, complainant and were published. Petitioner caused the publication
gambling and theft of fighting cocks) were clearly defamatory. There of the defamatory remarks when he made the statements to the
is no merit in his contention that “landgrabbing,” as charged in the reporters who interviewed him.18
information, has a technical meaning in law.16 Such act is so alleged The question is whether from the fact that the statements were
and proven in this case in the popular sense in which it is understood defamatory, malice can be presumed so that it was incumbent upon
by ordinary people. As held in United States v. Sotto:17 petitioner to overcome such presumption. Under Art. 361 of the
. . . [F]or the purpose of determining the meaning of any publication Revised Penal Code, if the defamatory statement is made against a
alleged to be libelous “that construction must be adopted which will public official with respect to the discharge of his official duties and
give to the matter such a meaning as is natural and obvious in the functions and the truth of the allegation is shown, the accused will be
plain and ordinary sense in which the public would naturally entitled to an acquittal even though he does not prove that the
understand what was uttered. The published matter alleged to be imputation was published with good motives and for justifiable
libelous must be construed as a whole. In applying these rules to the ends.19
language of an alleged libel, the court will disregard any subtle or In this case, contrary to the findings of the trial court, on which the
ingenious explanation offered by the publisher on being called to Court of Appeals relied, petitioner was able to prove the truth of his
account. The whole question being the effect the publication charges against the barangay official. His allegation that, through
connivance with NHA officials, complainant was able to obtain title
_______________ to several lots at the Tondo Foreshore Area was based on the
letter20 of NHA In-

_______________ awarded before by the defunct Land Tenure Administration to
different persons as follows:
18 TSN, pp. 3-4, Nov. 15, 1989. Lot 4 — Juana Buenaventura - 79.76 sq. m.
19 Art. 361 provides: Lot 6 — Servando Simbulan - 48.50 sq. m.
Proof of the truth.—In every criminal prosecution for libel, the truth Lot 7 — Alfredo Vasquez - 78.07 sq. m.
may be given in evidence to the court and if it appears that the matter Lot 8 — Martin Gallardo - 78.13 sq. m.
charged as libelous is true, and, moreover, that it was published with Lot 9 — Daniel Bayan - 70.87 sq. m.
good motives and for justifiable ends, the defendants shall be
Lot 1 — Fortunato de Jesus - 85.08 sq. m. (OIT No. 7800)
The above-mentioned lots were not yet titled, except for Lot 1.
Proof of the truth of an imputation of an act or omission not
constituting a crime shall not be admitted, unless the imputation Fortunato de Jesus sold the said lot to a certain Jovita Bercasi, a
shall have been made against Government employees with respect to sister-in-law of Jaime Olmedo. The other remaining lots were either
sold to Mr. Olmedo and/or to his immediate relatives.
facts related to the discharge of their official duties.
Lot 14 is also titled in the name of Mariano Bercasi, father-in-law of
In such cases if the defendant proves the truth of the imputation
Jaime Olmedo, with an area of 47.40 sq. m. The lot assigned to
made by him, he shall be acquitted.
20 Exh. 12; Records, pp. 238-239. Chairman Olmedo has a total area of 487.87 sq. m.
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
spector General Hermogenes Fernandez to petitioner’s counsel Lot No. 7 is titled in the name of Jaime Olmedo, consisting an area of
which reads: 151.67 sq. m. A four-door apartment owned by Mr. Olmedo is being
09 August 1983 rented to uncensused residents.
Atty. Rene V. Sarmiento 475
Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG) VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 475
55 Third Street Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
New Manila, Quezon City 3. Block 262, SB 8, Area III
Lot No. 13 is allocated to Delfin Olmedo, nephew of Jaime Olmedo,
Dear Atty. Sarmiento: but this lot is not yet titled.
4. Block 256, SB 5, Area III
In connection with your request that you be furnished with a copy of Victoria Olmedo, uncensused, is a daughter of Jaime Olmedo. Her
the results of the investigation regarding the complaints of some structure is erected on a non-titled lot. The adjacent lot is titled in the
Tondo residents against Chairman Jaime Olmedo, we are providing name of Victoria. It was issued OCT No. 10217 with an area of 202.23
you a summary of the findings based on the investigation conducted sq. m. Inside this compound is another structure owned and
by our Office which are as follows: occupied by Amelia Dofredo, a censused houseowner. The titled lot
1. Based on the subdivision plan of Block 260, SB 8, Area III, Jaime of Victoria now has an area of 338.20 sq. m.
Olmedo’s present structure is constructed on six lots which were For your information.

(s/t) HERMOGENES C. FERNANDEZ It was error for the trial court to hold that petitioner “only tried to
Inspector General prove that the complainant [barangay chairman] is guilty of the
Public Assistance & Action Office crimes alluded to; accused, however, has not proven that the
In addition, petitioner acted on the basis of two memoranda,21 both complainant committed the crimes.” For that is not what petitioner
dated November 29, 1983, of then NHA General Manager Gaudencio said as reported in the Ang Tinig ng Masa. The fact that charges had
Tobias recommending the filing of administrative charges against the been filed against the barangay official, not the truth of such charges,
NHA officials “responsible for the alleged irregular consolidation of was the issue.
lots [in Tondo to Jaime and Victoria Olmedo.]” In denouncing the barangay chairman in this case, petitioner and the
With regard to the other imputations made by petitioner against other residents of the Tondo Foreshore Area were not only acting in
complainant, it must be noted that what petitioner stated was that their self-interest but engaging in the performance of a civic duty to
various charges (for attempted murder against petitioner, gambling, see to it that public duty is discharged faithfully and well by those on
theft of fighting cocks) had been filed by the residents against their whom such duty is incumbent. The recognition of this right and duty
barangay chairman but these had all been dismissed. Petitioner was of every citizen in a democracy is inconsistent with any requirement
able to show that Olmedo’s involvement in the theft of fighting cocks placing on him the burden of proving that he acted with good
was the subject of an affidavit-complaint,22 dated October 19, 1983, motives and for justifiable ends.
signed by Fernando Rodriguez and Ben Lareza, former barangay For that matter, even if the defamatory statement is false, no liability
tanods of Barangay 66, Zone 6, Tondo. Likewise, petitioner can attach if it relates to official conduct, unless the public official
presented a resolution,23 dated March 10, 1988, of the Office of the concerned proves that the statement was made with actual malice—
Special Prosecutor in TBP-87-03694, stating that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of
whether it was false or not. This is the gist of the ruling in the
_______________ landmark case of New York Times v. Sullivan,25 which this Court
has cited with approval
21 Exhs. 3 and 4; Records, pp. 225-226.
22 Exh. 17; Id., p. 251. _______________
23 Exh. 16; Id., pp. 246-250.
476 24 Exhs. D to D-2; Id., pp. 289-291.
476 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED 25 376 U.S. 254, 11 L.Ed.2d 686 (1964). For a fascinating account of
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals this case, see Anthony Lewis, Make No Law—The Sullivan Case and
that charges of malversation and corrupt practices had been filed the First Amendment (1991).
against Olmedo and nine (9) other barangay officials but the same 477
were dismissed. Indeed, the prosecution’s own evidence bears out VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 477
petitioner’s statements. The prosecution presented the Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals
resolution24 in TBP Case No. 84-01854 dismissing the charge of in several of its own decisions.26 This is the rule of “actual malice.”
attempted murder filed by petitioner against Jaime Olmedo and his In this case, the prosecution failed to prove not only that the charges
son-in-law, Jaime Reyes. The allegation concerning this matter is made by petitioner were false but also that petitioner made them
thus true. with knowledge of their falsity or with reckless disregard of whether
they were false or not.

A rule placing on the accused the burden of showing the truth of Instead of the claim that petitioner was politically motivated in
allegations of official misconduct and/or good motives and justifiable making the charges against complainant, it would appear that
ends for making such allegations would not only be contrary to Art. complainant filed this case to harass petitioner. Art. 360 of the
361 of the Revised Penal Code. It would, above all, infringe on the Revised Penal Code provides:
constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression. Such a rule would Persons responsible.—Any person who shall publish, exhibit, or
deter citizens from performing their duties as members of a self- cause the publication or exhibition of any defamation in writing or by
governing community. Without free speech and assembly, similar means, shall be responsible for the same.
discussions of our most abiding concerns as a nation would be stifled. The author or editor of a book or pamphlet, or the editor or business
As Justice Brandeis has said, “public discussion is a political duty” manager of a daily newspaper, magazine or serial publication, shall
and the “greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.”27 be responsible for the defamations contained therein to the same
Complainant contends that petitioner was actuated by vengeful extent as if he were the author thereof . . . .
political motive rather than by his firm conviction that he and his Yet, in this case, neither the reporter, editor, nor the publisher of the
fellow residents had been deprived of a property right because of acts newspaper was charged in court. What was said in an analogous
attributable to their barangay chairman. The Court of Appeals, case30 may be applied mutatis mutandis to the case at bar:
sustaining complainant’s contention, held: It is curious that the ones most obviously responsible for the
That the said imputations were malicious may be inferred from the publication of the allegedly offensive news report, namely, the
facts that appellant and complainant are enemies, hence, accused editorial staff and the periodical itself, were not at all impleaded. The
was motivated by vengeance in uttering said defamatory statements charge was leveled against the petitioner and, “curiouser” still, his
and that accused is a leader of Ciriaco Cabuhat who was defeated by
complainant when they ran for the position of barangay _______________
captain. . . .28
29 Compare: “The third paragraph of Art. 361 must have reference to
_______________ the two cases referred to in the second paragraph where proof of the
truth may be admitted, namely: (1) if the act or omission imputed
26 Lopez v. Court of Appeals, 145 Phil. 219 (1970); Mercado v. Court constitutes a crime; and (2) if the imputation not constituting a crime
of First Instance, 201 Phil. 565(1982); Babst v. National Intelligence is made against Government employees with respect to facts related
Board, 132 SCRA 316, 325 (1984) (Fernando, C.J., concurring). to the discharge of their duties. The question may arise whether or
27 Whitney v. California, 247 U.S. 357, 375, 71 L.Ed. 1095, 1105 (1927) not it is necessary to show that the accused who proved the truth of
(concurring). the imputation published it with good motives and for justifiable
28 CA Decision, p. 5; Rollo, p. 48. ends in order that he may be acquitted. It is believed that since the
478 accused did the public a service, proof of his good motives and
478 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED justifiable ends is not necessary.” 2 Luis B. Reyes, The Revised Penal
Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals Code 361 (1981).
As already stated, however, in accordance with Art. 361, if the 30 Manuel v. Paño, 172 SCRA 225 (1989).
defamatory matter either constitutes a crime or concerns the 479
performance of official duties, and the accused proves the truth of his VOL. 314, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 479
charge, he should be acquitted.29 Vasquez vs. Court of Appeals

clients who have nothing to do with the editorial policies of the
newspaper. There is here a manifest effort to persecute and
intimidate the petitioner for his temerity in accusing the ASAC
agents who apparently enjoyed special privileges—and perhaps also
immunities—during those oppressive times. The non-inclusion of the
periodicals was a transparent hypocrisy, an ostensibly pious if not at
all convincing pretense of respect for freedom of expression that was
in fact one of the most desecrated liberties during the past
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is REVERSED
and the petitioner is ACQUITTED of the crime charged.
Jr. (C.J.), Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Panganiban, Quis
umbing, Purisima, Pardo, Buena, Gonzaga-Reyes and Ynares-
Santiago, JJ.,concur.
Appealed decision reversed; Petitioner acquitted.
Notes.—Jurisdiction over libel cases are still lodged with the
Regional Trial Courts pursuant to Article 360 of the Revised Penal
Code. (Manzano vs. Valera, 292 SCRA 66[1998])
In order to maintain a libel suit, it is essential that the victim be
identifiable although it is not necessary that he be named; It is not
sufficient that the offended party recognized himself as the person
attacked or defamed, but it must be shown that at least a third
person could identify him as the object of the libelous publication.
(Borjal vs. Court of Appeals, 301 SCRA 1 [1999])

the person alluded to came not from petitioner Borjal but from
private respondent himself when he supplied the information
through his 4 June 1989 letter to the editor. Had private respondent
not revealed that he was the “organizer” of the FNCLT referred to in
the Borjal articles, the public would have remained in blissful
ignorance of his identity. It is therefore clear that on the element of
identifiability alone the case falls.
G.R. No. 126466. January 14, 1999.* Same; Same; Privileged Communications; Words and
Phrases; Absolutely privileged communications are those which are
not actionable even if the author has acted in bad faith while
qualifiedly privileged communications containing defamatory
petitioners, vs.COURT OF APPEALS and FRANCISCO
imputations are not actionable unless found to have been made
WENCESLAO, respondents. without good intention or justifiable motive.—A privileged
Actions; Libel; In order to maintain a libel suit, it is essential that communication may be either absolutely privileged or qualifiedly
the victim be identifiable although it is not necessary that he be privileged. Absolutely privileged communications are those which
named; It is not sufficient that the offended party recognized are not actionable even if the author has acted in bad faith. An
himself as the person attacked or defamed, but it must be shown example is found in Sec. 11, Art. VI, of the 1987 Constitution which
that at least a third person could identify him as the object of the exempts a member of Congress from liability for any speech or
libelous publication.—In order to maintain a libel suit, it is essential debate in the Congress or in any Committee thereof. Upon the other
that the victim be identifiable although it is not necessary that he be hand, qualifiedly privileged communications containing defamatory
named. It is also not sufficient that the offended party recognized imputations are not actionable unless found to have been made
himself as the person attacked or defamed, but it must be shown that without good intention or justifiable motive. To this genre belong
at least a third person could identify him as the object of the libelous “private communications” and “fair and true report without any
publication. Regrettably, these requisites have not been complied comments or remarks.”
with in the case at bar. Same; Same; Same; Constitutional Law; Freedom of
Expression; Criminal Law; The enumeration under Article 354 of
________________ the Revised Penal Code is not an exclusive list of qualifiedly
privileged communications since fair commentaries on matters of
* SECOND DIVISION. public interest are likewise privileged; The rule on privileged
2 communications had its genesis not in the nation’s penal code but in
2 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the Bill of Rights of the Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals and of the press, and this constitutional right cannot be abolished
Same; Same; Identification is grossly inadequate when even the by the mere failure of the legislature to give it express recognition in
alleged offended party is himself unsure that he was the object of the the statute punishing libels.—Indisputably, petitioner Borjal’s
verbal attack.—Identification is grossly inadequate when even the questioned writings are not within the exceptions of Art. 354 of The
alleged offended party is himself unsure that he was the object of the Revised Penal Code for, as correctly observed by the appellate court,
verbal attack. It is well to note that the revelation of the identity of they are neither private

VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 3 eschews the strictly libertarian view that it is protective solely of self-
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals expression which, in the words of Yale Sterling Professor Owen Fiss,
communications nor fair and true report without any comments or makes its appeal to the individualistic ethos that so dominates our
remarks. However this does not necessarily mean that they are not popular and political culture. It is therefore clear that the restrictive
privileged. To be sure, the enumeration under Art. 354 is not an interpretation vested by the Court of Appeals on the penal provision
exclusive list of qualifiedly privileged communications since fair 4
commentaries on matters of public interest are likewise privileged. 4 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
The rule on privileged communications had its genesis not in the Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
nation’s penal code but in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution exempting from liability only private communications and fair and
guaranteeing freedom of speech and of the press. As early as 1918, true report without comments or remarks defeats, rather than
in United States v. Cañete, this Court ruled that publications which promotes, the objective of the rule on privileged communications,
are privileged for reasons of public policy are protected by the sadly contriving as it does, to suppress the healthy efflorescence of
constitutional guaranty of freedom of speech. This constitutional public debate and opinion as shining linchpins of truly democratic
right cannot be abolished by the mere failure of the legislature to give societies.
it express recognition in the statute punishing libels. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Public Officers; In order that a
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The concept of privileged discreditable imputation to a public official may be actionable, it
communications is implicit in the freedom of the press.—The must either be a false allegation of fact or a comment based on a
concept of privileged communications is implicit in the freedom of false supposition—if the comment is an expression of opinion, based
the press. As held in Elizalde v. Gutierrez and reiterated in Santos v. on established facts, then it is immaterial that the opinion happens
Court of Appeals—To be more specific, no culpability could be to be mistaken, as long as it might reasonably be inferred from the
imputed to petitioners for the alleged offending publication without facts.— To reiterate, fair commentaries on matters of public interest
doing violence to the concept of privileged communications implicit are privileged and constitute a valid defense in an action for libel or
in the freedom of the press. As was so well put by Justice Malcolm slander. The doctrine of fair comment means that while in general
in Bustos: ‘Public policy, the welfare of society, and the orderly every discreditable imputation publicly made is deemed false,
administration of government have demanded protection of public because every man is presumed innocent until his guilt is judicially
opinion. The inevitable and incontestable result has been the proved, and every false imputation is deemed malicious, nevertheless,
development and adoption of the doctrine of privilege.’ when the discreditable imputation is directed against a public person
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Privileged communications must, in his public capacity, it is not necessarily actionable. In order that
sui generis, be protective of public opinion, which closely adheres to such discreditable imputation to a public official may be actionable,
the democratic theory of free speech as essential to collective self- it must either be a false allegation of fact or a comment based on a
determination and eschews the strictly libertarian view that it is false supposition. If the comment is an expression of opinion, based
protective solely of self-expression which makes its appeal to the on established facts, then it is immaterial that the opinion happens to
individualistic ethos that so dominates our popular and political be mistaken, as long as it might reasonably be inferred from the facts.
culture.—The doctrine formulated in these two (2) cases resonates Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; An organization aiming to
the rule that privileged communications must, sui generis, be reinvent and reshape the transportation laws of the country and
protective of public opinion. This closely adheres to the democratic seeking to source its funds for the project from the public at large
theory of free speech as essential to collective self-determination and cannot dissociate itself from the public character of its mission.—

The declared objective of the conference, the composition of its the individual did not voluntarily choose to become involved.—But
members and participants, and the manner by which it was intended even assuming ex-gratia argumenti that private respondent, despite
to be funded no doubt lend to its activities as being genuinely imbued the position he occupied in the FNCLT, would not qualify as a public
with public interest. An organization such as the FNCLT aiming to figure, it does not necessarily follow that he could not validly be the
reinvent and reshape the transportation laws of the country and subject of a public comment even if he was not a public official or at
seeking to source its funds for the project from the public at large least a public figure, for he could be, as long as he was involved in a
cannot dissociate itself from the public character of its mission. As public issue. If a matter is a subject of public or general interest, it
such, it cannot but invite close scrutiny by the media obliged to cannot suddenly become less so merely because a private individual
inform the public of the legitimacy of the purpose of the activity and is involved or because in some sense the individual did not
of the qualifications and integrity of the personalities behind it. voluntarily choose to become involved. The public’s primary interest
5 is in the event; the public focus is on the conduct of the participant
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 5 and the content, effect and significance of the conduct, not the
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals participant’s prior anonymity or notoriety.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; “Public Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Malice; Presumptions of
figure” is a person who, by his accomplishments, fame, mode of Malice; While, generally, malice can be presumed from defamatory
living, or by adopting a profession or calling which gives the public words, the privileged character of a communication destroys the
a legitimate interest in his doings, his affairs and his character, has presumption
become a public personage—in other words, a celebrity.—In the 6
present case, we deem private respondent a public figure within the 6 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
purview of the New York Times ruling. At any rate, we have also Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
defined “public figure” in Ayers Production Pty., Ltd. v. of malice.—The Court of Appeals concluded that since malice is
Capulong as—x x x x a person who, by his accomplishments, fame, always presumed in the publication of defamatory matters in the
mode of living, or by adopt-ing a profession or calling which gives the absence of proof to the contrary, the question of privilege is
public a legitimate interest in his doings, his affairs and his character, immaterial. We reject this postulate. While, generally, malice can be
has become a ‘public personage.’ He is, in other words, a celebrity. presumed from defamatory words, the privileged character of a
Obviously, to be included in this category are those who have communication destroys the presumption of malice. The onus of
achieved some degree of reputation by appearing before the public, proving actual malice then lies on plaintiff, private respondent
as in the case of an actor, a professional baseball player, a pugilist, or Wenceslao herein. He must bring home to the defendant, petitioner
any other entertainer. The list is, however, broader than this. It Borjal herein, the existence of malice as the true motive of his
includes public officers, famous inventors and explorers, war heroes conduct.
and even ordinary soldiers, infant prodigy, and no less a personage Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Words and
than the Great Exalted Ruler of the lodge. It includes, in short, Phrases; “Malice,” Explained.—Malice connotes ill will or spite and
anyone who has arrived at a position where the public attention is speaks not in response to duty but merely to injure the reputation of
focused upon him as a person. the person defamed, and implies an intention to do ulterior and
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; If a matter is a subject of public unjustifiable harm. Malice is bad faith or bad motive. It is the essence
or general interest, it cannot suddenly become less so merely of the crime of libel.
because a private individual is involved or because in some sense

Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; “Reckless disregard required to allow an adequate margin of error by protecting some
of what is false or not” means that the defendant entertains serious inaccuracies.—To avoid the self-censorship that would necessarily
doubt as to the truth of the publication, or that he possesses a high accompany strict liability for erroneous statements, rules governing
degree of awareness of their probable falsity.—To be considered liability for injury to reputation are required to allow an adequate
malicious, the libelous statements must be shown to have been margin of error by protecting some inaccuracies. It is for the same
written or published with the knowledge that they are false or in reason that the New York Times doctrine requires that liability for
reckless disregard of whether they are false or not. “Reckless defamation of a public official or public figure may not be imposed in
disregard of what is false or not” means that the defendant entertains the absence of proof of “actual malice” on the part of the person
serious doubt as to the truth of the publication, or that he possesses a making the libelous statement.
high degree of awareness of their probable falsity. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Complete liberty to comment on
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Even assuming that the the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case of free speech.— At
contents of the articles are false, mere error, inaccuracy or even any rate, it may be salutary for private respondent to ponder upon
falsity alone does not prove actual malice—there must be some the advice of Mr. Justice Malcolm expressed in U.S. v. Bustos, that
room for misstatement of fact as well as for misjudgment.—Even “the interest of society and the maintenance of good government
assuming that the contents of the articles are false, mere error, demand a full discussion of public affairs. Complete liberty to
inaccuracy or even falsity alone does not prove actual malice. Errors comment on the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case of free
or misstatements are inevitable in any scheme of truly free speech. The sharp incision of its probe relieves the abscesses of
expression and debate. Consistent with good faith and reasonable officialdom. Men in public life may suffer under a hostile and unjust
care, the press should not be held to account, to a point of accusation; the wound may be assuaged by the balm of a clear
suppression, for honest mistakes or imperfections in the choice of conscience. A public official must not be too thin-skinned with
language. There must be some room for misstatement of fact as well reference to comments upon his official acts.”
as for misjudgment. Only by giving them much leeway and tolerance Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The Court takes this opportunity
can they courageously and effectively function as critical agencies in to remind media practitioners of the high ethical standards
our democracy. In Bulletin Publishing Corp. v. Noel we held—A attached to and demanded by their noble profession—without a
newspaper especially lively sense of responsibility, a free press may readily become a
7 powerful instrument of injustice.—We must however take this
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 7 opportunity to likewise remind media practitioners of the high
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals ethical standards attached to and demanded by their noble
one national in reach and coverage, should be free to report on profession. The danger of an unbridled irrational exercise of the right
events and developments in which the public has a legitimate interest of free speech and press, that is, in utter contempt of the rights of
with minimum fear of being hauled to court by one group or another others and in willful disre-
on criminal or civil charges for libel, so long as the newspaper 8
respects and keeps within the standards of morality and civility 8 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
prevailing within the general community. Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; To avoid the self-censorship that gard of the cumbrous responsibilities inherent in it, is the eventual
would necessarily accompany strict liability for erroneous self-destruction of the right and the regression of human society into
statements, rules governing liability for injury to reputation are a veritable Hobbesian state of nature where life is short, nasty and

brutish. Therefore, to recognize that there can be no absolute preponderantly established to entitle the victim to damages. The law
“unrestraint” in speech is to truly comprehend the quintessence of could not have
freedom in the marketplace of social thought and action, genuine 9
freedom being that which is limned by the freedom of others. If there VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 9
is freedom of the press, ought there not also be freedom from the Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
press? It is in this sense that self-regulation as distinguished meant to impose a penalty on the right to litigate, nor should
from self-censorship becomes the ideal mean for, as Mr. Justice counsel’s fees be awarded every time a party wins a suit.
Frankfurter has warned, “[W]ithout x x x a lively sense of Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; It is the brightest jewel in the
responsibility, a free press may readily become a powerful crown of the law to speak and maintain the golden mean between
instrument of injustice.” defamation, on one hand, and a healthy and robust right of free
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; It is also worth keeping in mind public discussion, on the other.—For, concluding with the wisdom
that the press is the servant, not the master, of the citizenry, and its in Warren v. Pulitzer Publishing Co.—Every man has a right to
freedom does not carry with it an unrestricted hunting license to discuss matters of public interest. A clergyman with his flock, an
prey on the ordinary citizen.—Lest we be misconstrued, this is not to admiral with his fleet, a general with his army, a judge with his jury,
diminish nor constrict that space in which expression freely we are, all of us, the subject of public discussion. The view of our
flourishes and operates. For we have always strongly maintained, as court has been thus stated: ‘It is only in despotisms that one must
we do now, that freedom of expression is man’s birthright— speak sub rosa, or in whispers, with bated breath, around the corner,
constitutionally protected and guaranteed, and that it has become or in the dark on a subject touching the common welfare. It is the
the singular role of the press to act as its “defensor fidei” in a brightest jewel in the crown of the law to speak and maintain the
democratic society such as ours. But it is also worth keeping in mind golden mean between defamation, on one hand, and a healthy and
that the press is the servant, not the master, of the citizenry, and its robust right of free public discussion, on the other.’
freedom does not carry with it an unrestricted hunting license to
prey on the ordinary citizen.
PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Damages; Proof and motive that
the institution of the action was prompted by a sinister design to vex
and humiliate a person must be clearly and preponderantly
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
established to entitle the victim to damages.—On petitioners’
Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala & Cruz for petitioners.
counterclaim for damages, we find the evidence too meager to
Cenon C. Sorreta for private respondent.
sustain any award. Indeed, private respondent cannot be said to have
instituted the present suit in abuse of the legal processes and with
hostility to the press; or that he acted maliciously, wantonly, “The question is not so much as who was aimed at
oppressively, fraudulently and for the sole purpose of harassing as who was hit.” (Pound, J., in Corrigan v. Bobbs-Merill Co.,
petitioners, thereby entitling the latter to damages. On the contrary, 228 N.Y. 58 [1920]).
private respondent acted within his rights to protect his honor from
what he perceived to be malicious imputations against him. Proof BELLOSILLO, J.:
and motive that the institution of the action was prompted by a
sinister design to vex and humiliate a person must be clearly and PERPETUALLY HAGRIDDEN as the public is about losing one of
the most basic yet oft hotly contested freedoms of man, the issue of

the right of free expression bestirs and presents itself time and again, thought and sensibility on what may be considered as criminal
in cyclic occurrence, to inveigle, nay, challenge the courts to re- illegitimate encroachments on the right of persons to
survey its ever shifting terrain, explore and furrow its heretofore
uncharted moors and val- _______________
10 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED 1 Alfred H. Knight, The Life of the Law, Crown Publishers, Inc., New
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals York, 1996, pp. 102, 230 and 231.
leys and finally redefine the metes and bounds of its controversial 11
domain. This, prominently, is one such case. VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 11
Perhaps, never in jurisprudential history has any freedom of man Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
undergone radical doctrinal metamorphoses than his right to freely enjoy a good, honorable and reputable name. This may explain the
and openly express his views. Blackstone’s pontifical comment that imperceptible demise of criminal prosecutions for libel and the trend
“where blasphemous, immoral, treasonable, schismatical, seditious, to rely instead on indemnity suits to repair any damage on one’s
or scandalous libels are punished by English law . . . the liberty of the reputation.
press, properly understood, is by no means infringed or violated,” In this petition for review, we are asked to reverse the Court of
found kindred expression in the landmark opinion of England’s Star Appeals in “Francisco Wenceslao v. Arturo Borjal and Maximo
Chamber in the Libelis Famosis case in 1603.1 That case established Soliven,” CA-G.R. No. 40496, holding on 25 March 1996 that
two major propositions in the prosecution of defamatory remarks: petitioners Arturo Borjal and Maximo Soliven are solidarily liable for
first, that libel against a public person is a greater offense than one damages for writing and publishing certain articles claimed to be
directed against an ordinary man, and second, that it is immaterial derogatory and offensive to private respondent Francisco Wenceslao.
that the libel be true. Petitioners Arturo Borjal and Maximo Soliven are among the
Until republicanism caught fire in early America, the view from the incorporators of Philippines Today, Inc. (PTI), now PhilSTAR Daily,
top on libel was no less dismal. Even the venerable Justice Holmes Inc., owner of The Philippine Star, a daily newspaper. At the time the
appeared to waffle as he swayed from the concept of criminal libel complaint was filed, petitioner Borjal was its President while Soliven
liability under the clear and present danger rule, to the other end of was (and still is) Publisher and Chairman of its Editorial Board.
the spectrum in defense of the constitutionally protected status of Among the regular writers of The Philippine Star is Borjal who runs
unpopular opinion in free society. the column Jaywalker.
Viewed in modern times and the current revolution in information Private respondent Francisco Wenceslao, on the other hand, is a civil
and communication technology, libel principles formulated at one engineer, businessman, business consultant and journalist by
time or another have waxed and waned through the years in the profession. In 1988 he served as a technical adviser of Congressman
constant ebb and flow of judicial review. At the very least, these Fabian Sison, then Chairman of the House of Representatives Sub-
principles have lost much of their flavor, drowned and swamped as Committee on Industrial Policy.
they have been by the ceaseless cacophony and din of thought and During the congressional hearings on the transport crisis sometime
discourse emanating from just about every source and direction, in September 1988 undertaken by the House SubCommittee on
aided no less by an increasingly powerful and irrepressible mass Industrial Policy, those who attended agreed to organize the First
media. Public discourse, laments Knight, has been devalued by its National Conference on Land Transportation (FNCLT) to be
utter commonality; and we agree, for its logical effect is to benumb participated in by the private sector in the transport industry and

government agencies concerned in order to find ways and means to 9 June 1989
solve the transportation crisis. More importantly, the objective of the
FNCLT was to draft an omnibus bill that would embody a long-term Another questionable portion of the so-called conference is its
land transportation policy for presentation to Congress. The unauthorized use of the names of President Aquino and Secretary
conference which, according to private respondent, was estimated to Ray Reyes. The conference program being circulated claims that
cost around P1,815,000.00 would be funded through solicitations President Aquino and Reyes will be main speakers in the conference.
from various sponsors such as government agencies, Yet, the word is that Cory and Reyes have not accepted the
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
private organizations, transport firms, and individual delegates or 2 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 40496, Records,
participants.2 pp. 114-116.
On 28 February 1989, at the organizational meeting of the FNCLT, 3 Id., pp. 144-149; Exhs. “A” to “G.”
private respondent Francisco Wenceslao was elected Executive 13
Director. As such, he wrote numerous solicitation letters to the VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 13
business community for the support of the conference. Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
Between May and July 1989 a series of articles written by petitioner
invitation to appear in this confab. Ray Reyes even says that the
Borjal was published on different dates in his column Jaywalker.
conference should be unmasked as a moneymaking gimmick.
The articles dealt with the alleged anomalous activities of an
“organizer of a conference” without naming or identifying private
19 June 1989
respondent. Neither did it refer to the FNCLT as the conference
therein mentioned. Quoted hereunder are excerpts from the articles
of petitioner together with the dates they were published3— x x x some 3,000 fund solicitation letters were sent by the organizer
to every Tom, Dick and Harry and to almost all government agencies.
And the letterheads carried the names of Reyes and Periquet.
31 May 1989
Agrarian Reform Secretary on leave Philip Juico received one, but he
decided to find out from Reyes himself what the project was all about.
Another self-proclaimed ‘hero’ of the EDSA Revolution goes around
Ray Reyes, in effect, advised Juico to put the fund solicitation letter
organizing ‘seminars and conferences’ for a huge fee. This is a simple
in the waste basket. Now, if the 3,000 persons and agencies
ploy coated in jazzy letterheads and slick prose. The ‘hero’ has the
approached by the organizer shelled out 1,000 each, that’s easily P3
gall to solicit fees from anybody with bucks to spare. Recently, in his
million to a project that seems so unsophisticated. But note that one
usual straightforward style, Transportation Secretary Rainerio ‘Ray’
garment company gave P100,000, after which the Garments
Reyes, asked that his name be stricken off from the letterheads the
Regulatory Board headed by Trade and Industry Undersecretary
‘hero’ has been using to implement one of his pet ‘seminars.’ Reyes
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was approached by the organizer to
said: ‘I would like to reiterate my request that you delete my name.’
expedite the garment license application of the P100,000 donor.
Note that Ray Reyes is an honest man who would confront anybody
eyeball to eyeball without blinking.
21 June 1989

A ‘conference organizer’ associated with shady deals seems to have a xxx
lot of trash tucked inside his closet. The Jaywalker continues to
receive information about the man’s dubious deals. His notoriety, The ‘organizer’s’ principal gamely went along, thinking that his
according to reliable sources, has reached the Premier Guest House ‘consultant’ had nothing but the good of these sectors in mind. It was
where his name is spoken like dung. only later that he realized that the ‘consultant’ was acting with a
burst of energy ‘in aid of extortion.’ The ‘consultant’ was fired.
The first information says that the ‘organizer’ tried to mulct half a
million pesos from a garment producer and exporter who was being There seems to be no end to what a man could do to pursue his
investigated for violation of the rules of the Garments, Textile, dubious ways. He has tried to operate under a guise of a well-
Embroidery and Apparel Board. The ‘organizer’ told the garment meaning reformist. He has intellectual pretensions—and sometimes
exporter that the case could be fixed for a sum of P500,000.00. The he succeeds in getting his thoughts in the inside pages of some
organizer got the shock of his life when the exporter told him: ‘If I newspapers, with the aid of some naïve newspaper people. He has
have that amount, I will hire the best lawyers, not you.’ The organizer been turning out a lot of funny-looking advice on investments, export
left in a huff, his thick face very pale. growth, and the like.

xxx xxx

Friends in government and the private sector have promised the A cabinet secretary has one big wish. He is hoping for a broad power
Jaywalker more ‘dope’ on the ‘organizer.’ It seems that he was not to ban crooks and influence-peddlers from entering the premises of
only indiscreet; he even failed to cover his tracks. You will be hearing his department. But the Cabinet man might not get his wish. There is
more of the ‘organizer’s’ exploits from this corner soon. one ‘organizer’ who, even if physically banned, can still concoct ways
14 of doing his thing. Without a tinge of remorse, the ‘organizer’ could
14 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED fill up his letterheads with names of Cabinet members, congressmen,
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals and reputable people from the private sector to shore up his shady
reputation and cover up his notoriety.
22 June 1989
3 July 1989
The scheming ‘organizer’ we have been writing about seems to have
been spreading his wings too far. A congressional source has A supposed conference on transportation was a big failure. The
informed the Jaywalker that the schemer once worked for a attendance was very poor and the few who participated in the affair
congressman from the North as some sort of a consultant on were mostly leaders of jeepney drivers’ groups. None of the
economic affairs. The first thing the “organizer” did was to initiate government officials involved in regulating public transportation was
hearings and round-the-table discussions with people from the there. The big names in the industry also did not participate. With
business, export and—his favorite—the garments sector. such a poor attendance, one wonders why the conference organizers

went ahead with the affair and tried so hard to convince 3,000 4 Published in the 4 June 1989 issue of The Philippine Star; see Exh.
companies and individuals to contribute to the affair. “R.”
15 5 TSN, 18 May 1992, p. 43; Exh. “1.”
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 15 6 Id., pp. 60-64; Exh. “21.”
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals 7 Exh. “16.”
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
The conference was doomed from the start. It was bound to fail. The Apparently not satisfied with his complaint with the NPC, private
personalities who count in the field of transportation refused to respondent filed a criminal case for libel against petitioners Borjal
attend the affair or withdrew their support after finding out the and Soliven, among others. However, in a Resolution dated 7 August
background of the organizer of the conference. How could a 1990, the Assistant Prosecutor handling the case dismissed the
conference on transportation succeed without the participation of the complaint for insufficiency of evidence. The dismissal was sustained
big names in the industry and government policy-makers? by the Department of Justice and later by the Office of the President.
Private respondent reacted to the articles. He sent a letter to The On 31 October 1990 private respondent instituted against petitioners
Philippine Starinsisting that he was the “organizer” alluded to in a civil action for damages based on libel subject of the instant
petitioner Borjal’s columns.4 In a subsequent letter to The Philippine case.8 In their answer, petitioners interposed compulsory
Star, private respondent refuted the matters contained in petitioner counterclaims for actual, moral and exemplary damages, plus
Borjal’s columns and openly challenged him in this manner— attorney’s fees and costs. After due consideration, the trial court
To test if Borjal has the guts to back up his holier than thou attitude, decided in favor of private respondent Wenceslao and ordered
I am prepared to relinquish this position in case it is found that I petitioners Borjal and Soliven to indemnify private respondent
have misappropriated even one peso of FNCLT money. On the other P1,000,000.00 for actual and compensatory damages, in addition to
hand, if I can prove that Borjal has used his column as a ‘hammer’ to P200,000.00 for moral damages, P100,000.00 for exemplary
get clients for his PR Firm, AA Borjal Associates, he should resign damages, P200,000.00 for attorney’s fees, and to pay the costs of
from the STAR and never again write a column. Is it a deal?5 suit.
Thereafter, private respondent filed a complaint with the National The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the court a quo but
Press Club (NPC) against petitioner Borjal for unethical conduct. He reduced the amount of the monetary award to P110,000.00 actual
accused petitioner Borjal of using his column as a form of leverage to damages, P200,000.00 moral damages and P75,000.00 attorney’s
obtain contracts for his public relations firm, AA Borjal fees plus costs. In a 20-page Decision promulgated 25 March 1996,
Associates.6 In turn, petitioner Borjal published a rejoinder to the the appellate court ruled inter alia that private respondent was
challenge of private respondent not only to protect his name and sufficiently identifiable, although not named, in the questioned
honor but also to refute the claim that he was using his column for articles; that private respondent was in fact defamed by petitioner
character assassination.7 Borjal by describing him variously as a “self-proclaimed hero,” “a
conference organizer associated with shady deals who has a lot of
trash tucked inside his closet,” “thick face,” and “a person with
dubious ways”; that petitioner’s claim of privileged communication
was unavailing since the privileged character of the articles was lost

by their publication in a newspaper of general circulation; that Wenceslao was sufficiently identified by petitioner Borjal in the
petitioner could have performed his office as a newspaperman questioned articles; (b) in refusing to accord serious consideration to
without necessarily transgressing the rights of Wenceslao by calling the findings of the Department of Justice and the Office of the
the attention of the gov- President that private respondent Wenceslao was not sufficiently
identified in the questioned articles, this notwithstanding that the
________________ degree of proof required in a preliminary investigation is
merely prima facie evidence which is significantly less than the pre-
8 Docketed as Civil Case No. Q-90-7058, raffled to RTC-Br. 98,
Quezon City. _______________
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 17 9 Wenceslao v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 124396.
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals 18
ernment offices concerned to examine the authority by which 18 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Wenceslao acted, warning the public against contributing to a Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
conference that, according to his perception, lacked the univocal ponderance of evidence required in civil cases; (c) in ruling that the
indorsement of the responsible government officials, or simply subject articles do not constitute qualifiedly privileged
informing the public of the letters Wenceslao wrote and the favors he communication; (d) in refusing to apply the “public official doctrine”
requested or demanded; and, that when he imputed dishonesty, laid down in New York Times v. Sullivan; (e) in ruling that the
falsehood and misrepresentation, shamelessness and intellectual questioned articles lost their privileged character because of their
pretensions to Wenceslao, petitioner Borjal crossed the thin but clear publication in a newspaper of general circulation; (f) in ruling that
line that separated fair comment from actionable defamation. private respondent has a valid cause of action for libel against
Private respondent manifested his desire to appeal that portion of petitioners although he failed to prove actual malice on their part,
the appellate court’s decision which reduced the amount of damages and that the prosecutors of the City of Manila, the Department of
awarded him by filing with this Court a Petition for Extension of Justice, and eventually, the Office of the President, had already
Time to File Petition and a Motion for Suspension of Time to File resolved that there was no sufficient evidence to prove the existence
Petition.9 However, in a Resolution dated 27 May 1996, the Second of libel; and, (g) assuming arguendo that Borjal should be held liable,
Division denied both motions: the first, for being premature, and the in adjudging petitioner Soliven solidarily liable with him. Thus,
second, for being a wrong remedy. petitioners pray for the reversal of the appellate court’s ruling, the
On 20 November 1996 when the First Division consolidated and dismissal of the complaint against them for lack of merit, and the
transferred the present case to the Second Division, there was no award of damages on their counterclaim.
longer any case thereat with which to consolidate this case since G.R. The petition is impressed with merit. In order to maintain a libel suit,
No. 124396 had already been disposed of by the Second Division it is essential that the victim be identifiable although it is not
almost six (6) months earlier. necessary that he be named. It is also not sufficient that the offended
On their part, petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration but the party recognized himself as the person attacked or defamed, but it
Court of Appeals denied the motion in its Resolution of 12 September must be shown that at least a third person could identify him as the
1996. Hence the instant petition for review. The petitioners contend object of the libelous publication.10 Regrettably, these requisites
that the Court of Appeals erred: (a) in ruling that private respondent have not been complied with in the case at bar.

In ruling for private respondent, the Court of Appeals found that contained an article entitled “Who Organized the NCLT?” did not
Borjal’s column writings sufficiently identified Wenceslao as the even mention private respondent’s name, while the tentative
“conference organizer.” It cited the First National Conference on program only denominated private respondent as “Vice Chairman
Land Transportation, the letterheads used listing different telephone and Executive Director,” and not as organizer.
numbers, the donation of P100,000.00 from Juliano Lim and the No less than private respondent himself admitted that the FNCLT
reference to the “organizer of the conference”—the very same had severalorganizers and that he was only a part of the organization,
appellation employed in all the column items—as having sufficiently thus—
established the identity of private respondent Wenceslao for I would like to clarify for the record that I was only a part of the
organization. I was invited then because I was the head of the
10 Kunkle v. Cablenews-American, 42 Phil. 757 (1922). See
also Corpus v. Cuaderno, Sr., No. L-16969, 30 April 1966, 16 SCRA 11 Exh. “B.”
807; People v. Monton, No. L-16772, 30 November 1962, 6 SCRA 801. 12 Exh. “8”; Annexes “3” and “5.”
19 13 Exh. “SSS-1.”
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 19 14 Annex “C,” Complaint.
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals 15 Annex “B,” id.
those who knew about the FNCLT who were present at its inception, 20
and who had pledged their assistance to it. 20 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
We hold otherwise. These conclusions are at variance with the Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
evidence at hand. The questioned articles written by Borjal do not technical panel of the House of Representatives Sub-Committee on
identify private respondent Wenceslao as the organizer of the Industrial Policy that took care of congressional hearings.16
conference. The first of the Jaywalker articles which appeared in the Significantly, private respondent himself entertained doubt that he
31 May 1989 issue of The Philippine Star yielded nothing to indicate was the person spoken of in Borjal’s columns. The former even called
that private respondent was the person referred to therein. Surely, as up columnist Borjal to inquire if he (Wenceslao) was the one referred
observed by petitioners, there were millions of “heroes” of the EDSA to in the subject articles.17 His letter to the editor published in the 4
Revolution and anyone of them could be “self-proclaimed” or an June 1989 issue of The Philippine Star even showed private
“organizer of seminars and conferences.” As a matter of fact, in his 9 respondent Wenceslao’s uncertainty—
June 1989 column petitioner Borjal wrote about the “so-called First Although he used a subterfuge, I was almost certain that Art Borjal
National Conference on Land Transportation whose principal referred to the First National Conference on Land Transportation
organizers are not specified” (italics supplied).11 Neither did the (June 29-30) and me in the second paragraph of his May 31 column x
FNCLT letterheads12 disclose the identity of the conference x x18
organizer since these contained only an enumeration of names where Identification is grossly inadequate when even the alleged offended
private respondent Francisco Wenceslao was described as Executive party is himself unsure that he was the object of the verbal attack. It
Director and Spokesman and not as a conference organizer.13 The is well to note that the revelation of the identity of the person alluded
printout14 and tentative program15of the conference were devoid of to came not from petitioner Borjal but from private respondent
any indication of Wenceslao as organizer. The printout which himself when he supplied the information through his 4 June 1989

letter to the editor. Had private respondent not revealed that he was Respondent court explained that the writings in question did not fall
the “organizer” of the FNCLT referred to in the Borjal articles, the under any of the exceptions described in the above-quoted article
public would have remained in blissful ignorance of his identity. It is since these were neither “private communications” nor “fair and true
therefore clear that on the element of identifiability alone the case report x x x without any comments or remarks.” But this is incorrect.
falls. A privileged communication may be either absolutely privileged or
The above disquisitions notwithstanding, and on the qualifiedly privileged. Absolutely privileged communications are
assumption arguendo that private respondent has been sufficiently those which are not actionable even if the author has acted in bad
identified as the subject of Borjal’s disputed comments, we now faith. An example is found in Sec. 11, Art. VI, of the 1987 Constitution
proceed to resolve the other issues and pass upon the pertinent which exempts a member of Congress from liability for any speech or
findings of the courts a quo. debate in the Congress or in any Committee thereof. Upon the other
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth assigned errors all revolve around hand, qualifiedly privileged communications containing defamatory
the primary question of whether the disputed articles imputations are not actionable unless found to have been made
without good intention or justifiable motive. To this genre belong
_______________ “private communications” and “fair and true report without any
comments or remarks.”
16 TSN, 9 September 1991, p. 5. Indisputably, petitioner Borjal’s questioned writings are not within
17 Id., 18 May 1992, p. 20. the exceptions of Art. 354 of The Revised Penal
18 Annex “R.” 22
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 21 Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals Code for, as correctly observed by the appellate court, they are
constitute privileged communications as to exempt the author from neither private communications nor fair and true report without
liability. any comments or remarks. However this does not necessarily mean
The trial court ruled that petitioner Borjal cannot hide behind the that they are not privileged. To be sure, the enumeration under Art.
proposition that his articles are privileged in character under the 354 is not an exclusive list of qualifiedly privileged communications
provisions of Art. 354 of The Revised Penal Code which state— since fair commentaries on matters of public interest are likewise
Art. 354. Requirement for publicity.—Every defamatory imputation privileged. The rule on privileged communications had its genesis
is presumed to be malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention not in the nation’s penal code but in the Bill of Rights of the
and justifiable motive for making it is shown, except in the following Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech and of the press.19 As
cases: early as 1918, in United States v. Cañete,20 this Court ruled that
1) A private communication made by any person to another in the publications which are privileged for reasons of public policy are
performance of any legal, moral or social duty; and, protected by the constitutional guaranty of freedom of speech. This
2) A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any comments constitutional right cannot be abolished by the mere failure of the
or remarks, of any judicial, legislative or other official proceedings legislature to give it express recognition in the statute punishing
which are not of confidential nature, or of any statement, report or libels.
speech delivered in said proceedings, or of any other act performed
by public officers in the exercise of their functions.

The concept of privileged communications is implicit in the freedom the healthy efflorescence of public debate and opinion as shining
of the press. As held in Elizalde v. Gutierrez 21 and reiterated linchpins of truly democratic societies.
in Santos v. Court of Appeals 22— To reiterate, fair commentaries on matters of public interest are
To be more specific, no culpability could be imputed to petitioners privileged and constitute a valid defense in an action for libel or
for the alleged offending publication without doing violence to the slander. The doctrine of fair comment means that while in general
concept of privileged communications implicit in the freedom of the every discreditable imputation publicly made is deemed false,
press. As was so well put by Justice Malcolm in Bustos: ‘Public policy, because every man is presumed innocent until his guilt is judicially
the welfare of society, and the orderly administration of government proved, and every false imputation is deemed malicious, nevertheless,
have demanded protection of public opinion. The inevitable and when the discreditable imputation is directed against a public person
incontestable result has been the development and adoption of the in his public capacity, it is not necessarily actionable. In order that
doctrine of privilege.’ such discreditable imputation to a public official may be actionable,
The doctrine formulated in these two (2) cases resonates the rule that it must either be a false allegation of fact or a comment based on a
privileged communications must, sui generis, be false supposition. If the comment is an expression of opinion, based
on established facts, then it is immaterial that the opinion happens to
________________ be mistaken, as long as it might reasonably be inferred from the
19 Art. III, Sec. 4, provides: No law shall be passed abridging the There is no denying that the questioned articles dealt with matters of
freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the public interest. In his testimony, private respondent spelled out the
people to peaceably assemble and petition the government for objectives of the conference thus—
redress of grievances.
20 38 Phil. 253, 265 (1918). _________________
21 No. L-33615, 22 April 1977, 76 SCRA 448, 454.
22 G.R. No. 45031, 21 October 1991, 203 SCRA 110, 117. 23 Author of “The Irony of Free Speech,” Harvard University Press,
23 Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996.
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 23 24 People v. Velasco, 40 O.G., No. 18, p. 3694.
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals 24
protective of public opinion. This closely adheres to the democratic 24 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
theory of free speech as essential to collective self-determination and Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
eschews the strictly libertarian view that it is protective solely of self- x x x x The principal conference objective is to come up with a draft
expression which, in the words of Yale Sterling Professor Owen of an Omnibus Bill that will embody a long term land transportation
Fiss,23 makes its appeal to the individualistic ethos that so policy for presentation to Congress in its next regular session in July.
dominates our popular and political culture. It is therefore clear that Since last January, the National Conference on Land Transportation
the restrictive interpretation vested by the Court of Appeals on the (NCLT), the conference secretariat, has been enlisting support from
penal provision exempting from liability only private all sectors to ensure the success of the project.25
communications and fair and true report without comments or Private respondent likewise testified that the FNCLT was raising
remarks defeats, rather than promotes, the objective of the rule on funds through solicitation from the public—
privileged communications, sadly contriving as it does, to suppress Q:Now, in this first letter, you have attached a budget and it says here that

in this seminar of the First National Conference on Land political advertisement espousing racial equality and describing
Transportation, you will need around One million eight hundred fifteen police atrocities committed against students inside a college campus.
thousand pesos, is that right? As commissioner having charge over police actions Sullivan felt that
A: That was the budget estimate, sir. he was sufficiently identified in the ad as the perpetrator of the
Q:How do you intend as executive officer, to raise this fund of your outrage; consequently, he sued New York Times on the basis of what
seminar? he believed were libelous utterances against him.
A: Well, from sponsors such as government agencies and private sectors or The U.S. Supreme Court speaking through Mr. Justice William J.
organizations as well as individual transport firms and from individual Brennan, Jr. ruled against Sullivan holding that honest criticisms on
delegates/participants.26 the conduct of public officials and public figures are insulated from
The declared objective of the conference, the composition of its libel judgments. The guarantees of freedom of speech and press
members and participants, and the manner by which it was intended prohibit a public official or public figure from recovering damages for
to be funded no doubt lend to its activities as being genuinely imbued a defamatory falsehood relating to his official conduct unless he
with public interest. An organization such as the FNCLT aiming to proves that the statement was made with actual malice, i.e., with
reinvent and reshape the transportation laws of the country and knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it
seeking to source its funds for the project from the public at large was false or not.
cannot dissociate itself from the public character of its mission. As The raison d’etre for the New York Times doctrine was that to
such, it cannot but invite close scrutiny by the media obliged to require critics of official conduct to guarantee the truth of all their
inform the public of the legitimacy of the purpose of the activity and factual assertions on pain of libel judgments would lead to self-
of the qualifications and integrity of the personalities behind it. censorship, since would-be critics would be deterred from voicing
out their criticisms even if such were believed to be true, or were in
________________ fact true, because of doubt

25 TSN, 29 July 1991, p. 15. _________________

26 Id., 9 September 1991, pp. 11-12.
25 27 376 US 254.
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 25 26
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals 26 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
This in effect is the strong message in New York Times v. Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
Sullivan 27 which the appellate court failed to consider or, for that whether it could be proved or because of fear of the expense of
matter, to heed. It insisted that private respondent was not, properly having to prove it.28
speaking, a “public official” nor a “public figure,” which is why the In the present case, we deem private respondent a public figure
defamatory imputations against him had nothing to do with his task within the purview of the New York Times ruling. At any rate, we
of organizing the FNCLT. have also defined “public figure” in Ayers Production Pty., Ltd. v.
New York Times v. Sullivan was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court Capulong 29 as—
in the 1960s at the height of the bloody rioting in the American South x x x x a person who, by his accomplishments, fame, mode of living,
over racial segregation. The then City Commissioner L.B. Sullivan of or by adopting a profession or calling which gives the public a
Montgomery, Alabama, sued New York Timesfor publishing a paid legitimate interest in his doings, his affairs and his character, has

become a ‘public personage.’ He is, in other words, a celebrity. and the content, effect and significance of the conduct, not the
Obviously, to be included in this category are those who have participant’s prior anonymity or notoriety.30
achieved some degree of reputation by appearing before the public, There is no denying that the questioned articles dealt with matters of
as in the case of an actor, a professional baseball player, a pugilist, or public interest. A reading of the imputations of petitioner Borjal
any other entertainer. The list is, however, broader than this. It against respondent Wenceslao shows that all these necessarily bore
includes public officers, famous inventors and explorers, war heroes upon the latter’s official conduct and his moral and mental fitness as
and even ordinary soldiers, infant prodigy, and no less a personage Executive Director of the FNCLT. The nature and functions of his
than the Great Exalted Ruler of the lodge. It includes, in short, position which included solicitation of funds, dissemination of
anyone who has arrived at a position where the public attention is information about the FNCLT in order to generate interest in the
focused upon him as a person. conference, and the management and coordination of the various
The FNCLT was an undertaking infused with public interest. It was activities of the conference demanded from him utmost honesty,
promoted as a joint project of the government and the private sector, integrity and competence. These are matters about which the public
and organized by top government officials and prominent has the right to be informed, taking into account the very public
businessmen. For this reason, it attracted media mileage and drew character of the conference itself.
public attention not only to the conference itself but to the Concededly, petitioner Borjal may have gone overboard in the
personalities behind as well. As its Executive Director and language employed describing the “organizer of the conference.” One
spokesman, private respondent consequently assumed the status of a is tempted to wonder if it was by some mischievous gambit that he
public figure. would also dare test the limits of the “wild blue yonder” of free
But even assuming ex-gratia argumenti that private respondent, speech in this jurisdiction. But no matter how intemperate or
despite the position he occupied in the FNCLT, would not qualify as a deprecatory the utterances appear to be, the privilege is not to be
public figure, it does not necessarily follow that he could not validly defeated nor rendered inutile for, as succinctly expressed by Mr.
be the subject of a public comment even if he was not a public official Justice Brennan in New York Times v. Sullivan, “[D]ebate on public
or at least a public figure, for he could be, as long as he was involved issues should be uninhibited, robust and wide open, and that it may
in a public issue. If a matter is a subject of public or general interest, well include vehement, caustic and sometimes unpleasantly sharp
attacks on the government and public officials.”31
________________ The Court of Appeals concluded that since malice is always presumed
in the publication of defamatory matters in the
28 NAACP v. Button, 371 US 415.
29 G.R. Nos. 82380 and 82398, 29 April 1988, 160 SCRA 861. _________________
VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 27 30 Rosenbloom v. Metromedia, 403 US 296.
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals 31 See Note 27; see also Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 US 1, 4, 93 L Ed
it cannot suddenly become less so merely because a private 1131, 69 S. Ct. 894.
individual is involved or because in some sense the individual did not 28
voluntarily choose to become involved. The public’s primary interest 28 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
is in the event; the public focus is on the conduct of the participant Borjal vs. Court of Appeals

absence of proof to the contrary, the question of privilege is VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 29
immaterial. Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
We reject this postulate. While, generally, malice can be presumed with the knowledge that they are false or in reckless disregard of
from defamatory words, the privileged character of a communication whether they are false or not.37 “Reckless disregard of what is false
destroys the presumption of malice.32 The onus of proving actual or not” means that the defendant entertains serious doubt as to the
malice then lies on plaintiff, private respondent Wenceslao herein. truth of the publication,38 or that he possesses a high degree of
He must bring home to the defendant, petitioner Borjal herein, the awareness of their probable falsity.39
existence of malice as the true motive of his conduct.33 The articles subject of the instant case can hardly be said to have
Malice connotes ill will or spite and speaks not in response to duty been written with knowledge that these are false or in reckless
but merely to injure the reputation of the person defamed, and disregard of what is false or not. This is not to say however that the
implies an intention to do ulterior and unjustifiable harm.34 Malice very serious allegations of petitioner Borjal assumed by private
is bad faith or bad motive.35 It is the essence of the crime of libel.36 respondent to be directed against him are true. But we nevertheless
In the milieu obtaining, can it be reasonably inferred that in writing find these at least to have been based on reasonable grounds formed
and publishing the articles in question petitioner Borjal acted with after the columnist conducted several personal interviews and after
malice? considering the varied documentary evidence provided him by his
Primarily, private respondent failed to substantiate by preponderant sources. Thus, the following are supported by documentary evidence:
evidence that petitioner was animated by a desire to (a) that private respondent requested Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, then
inflict unjustifiable harm on his reputation, or that the articles were head of the Garments and Textile Export Board (GTEB), to expedite
written and published without good motives or justifiable ends. On the processing and release of the import approval and certificate of
the other hand, we find petitioner Borjal to have acted in good faith. availability of a garment firm in exchange for the monetary
Moved by a sense of civic duty and prodded by his responsibility as a contribution of Juliano Lim, which necessitated a reply from the
newspaperman, he proceeded to expose and denounce what he office of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo explaining the procedure of the
perceived to be a public deception. Surely, we cannot begrudge him GTEB in processing applications and clarifying that all applicants
for that. Every citizen has the right to enjoy a good name and were treated equally;40 (b) that Antonio Periquet was designated
reputation, but we do not consider that petitioner Borjal has violated Chairman of the Executive Committee of the FNCLT notwithstanding
that right in this case nor abused his press freedom. that he had previously declined the offer;41 and, (c) that despite the
Furthermore, to be considered malicious, the libelous statements fact that then President Aquino and her Secretary of Transportation
must be shown to have been written or published Rainerio Reyes declined the invitation to be guest speakers in the
conference, their names were still included in the printout of the
_______________ FNCLT.42 Added to these are the

32 Lu Chu Sing v. Lu Tiong Gui, 76 Phil. 669 (1946). __________________

33 See People v. Monton, 116 Phil. 1116 (1962).
34 See Note 20. 37 See Note 27.
35 Potts v. Dies, 132 Fed 734, 735. 38 St. Amant v. Thompson, 390 US 731.
36 Rice v. Simmons, Del 2 Har. 309, 310. 39 Garrison v. Louisiana, 379 US 74.
29 40 Exhs. “3” and “4.”

41 Exh. “5.” 45 Id., 30 September 1991, p. 14.
42 Exhs. “6,” “7,” “8,” “9,” “10,” and “11.” 46 Concurring Opinion of US Supreme Court Justice Rutledge in
30 Pennekamp v. Florida, 328 US 331, 371-372.
30 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED 47 G.R. No. 76565, 9 November 1988, 167 SCRA 255, 265.
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals 31
admissions of private respondent that: (a) he assisted Juliano Lim in VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 31
his application for a quota allocation with the GTEB in exchange for Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
monetary contributions to the FNCLT;43 (b) he included the name of for the same reason that the New York Times doctrine requires that
then Secretary of Transportation Rainerio Reyes in the promotional liability for defamation of a public official or public figure may not be
materials of the conference notwithstanding the latter’s refusal to imposed in the absence of proof of “actual malice” on the part of the
lend his name to and participate in the FNCLT;44 and, (c) he used person making the libelous statement.
different letterheads and telephone numbers.45 At any rate, it may be salutary for private respondent to ponder upon
Even assuming that the contents of the articles are false, mere error, the advice of Mr. Justice Malcolm expressed in U.S. v. Bustos,48 that
inaccuracy or even falsity alone does not prove actual malice. Errors “the interest of society and the maintenance of good government
or misstatements are inevitable in any scheme of truly free demand a full discussion of public affairs. Complete liberty to
expression and debate. Consistent with good faith and reasonable comment on the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case of free
care, the press should not be held to account, to a point of speech. The sharp incision of its probe relieves the abscesses of
suppression, for honest mistakes or imperfections in the choice of officialdom. Men in public life may suffer under a hostile and unjust
language. There must be some room for misstatement of fact as well accusation; the wound may be assuaged by the balm of a clear
as for misjudgment. Only by giving them much leeway and tolerance conscience. A public official must not be too thin-skinned with
can they courageously and effectively function as critical agencies in reference to comments upon his official acts.”
our democracy.46 In Bulletin Publishing Corp. v. Noel 47 we held— The foregoing disposition renders the second and seventh assigned
A newspaper especially one national in reach and coverage, should be errors moot and academic, hence, we find no necessity to pass upon
free to report on events and developments in which the public has a them.
legitimate interest with minimum fear of being hauled to court by We must however take this opportunity to likewise remind media
one group or another on criminal or civil charges for libel, so long as practitioners of the high ethical standards attached to and demanded
the newspaper respects and keeps within the standards of morality by their noble profession. The danger of an unbridled irrational
and civility prevailing within the general community. exercise of the right of free speech and press, that is, in utter
To avoid the self-censorship that would necessarily accompany strict contempt of the rights of others and in willful disregard of the
liability for erroneous statements, rules governing liability for injury cumbrous responsibilities inherent in it, is the eventual self-
to reputation are required to allow an adequate margin of error by destruction of the right and the regression of human society into a
protecting some inaccuracies. It is veritable Hobbesian state of nature where life is short, nasty and
brutish. Therefore, to recognize that there can be no absolute
_________________ “unrestraint” in speech is to truly comprehend the quintessence of
freedom in the marketplace of social thought and action, genuine
43 TSN, 30 September 1991, p. 14. freedom being that which is limned by the freedom of others. If there
44 Id., 9 September 1991, p. 36. is freedom of the press, ought there not also be freedom from the

press? It is in this sense that self-regulation as distinguished _______________
from self-censorship becomes the ideal mean for, as Mr. Justice
Frankfurter has warned, “[W]ithout x x x a lively sense of 49 Pennekamp v. Florida, 328 U.S. 331, 356, 365, 90 L Ed 1295, 66 S
Ct 1029 (1946).
___________________ 50 Mr. Justice White, concurring in Miami Herald Publishing Co. v.
Tornillo, 418 US 241, 41 L Ed 2d 730, 94 S Ct 2831 (1974).
48 37 Phil. 731 (1918). 51 See Que v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 66865, 13
32 January 1989, 169 SCRA 137; Arenas v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
32 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED 56524, 27 January 1989, 169 SCRA 558.
Borjal vs. Court of Appeals 52 78 S.W. 2, 413-416 (1934).
responsibility, a free press may readily become a powerful
instrument of injustice.”49 VOL. 301, JANUARY 14, 1999 33
Lest we be misconstrued, this is not to diminish nor constrict that Borjal vs. Court of Appeals
space in which expression freely flourishes and operates. For we have Every man has a right to discuss matters of public interest. A
always strongly maintained, as we do now, that freedom of clergyman with his flock, an admiral with his fleet, a general with his
expression is man’s birthright—constitutionally protected and army, a judge with his jury, we are, all of us, the subject of public
guaranteed, and that it has become the singular role of the press to discussion. The view of our court has been thus stated: ‘It is only in
act as its “defensor fidei” in a democratic society such as ours. But it despotisms that one must speak sub rosa, or in whispers, with bated
is also worth keeping in mind that the press is the servant, not the breath, around the corner, or in the dark on a subject touching the
master, of the citizenry, and its freedom does not carry with it an common welfare. It is the brightest jewel in the crown of the law to
unrestricted hunting license to prey on the ordinary citizen.50 speak and maintain the golden mean between defamation, on one
On petitioners’ counterclaim for damages, we find the evidence too hand, and a healthy and robust right of free public discussion, on the
meager to sustain any award. Indeed, private respondent cannot be other.’
said to have instituted the present suit in abuse of the legal processes WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Court
and with hostility to the press; or that he acted maliciously, wantonly, of Appeals of 25 March 1996 and its Resolution of 12 September 1996
oppressively, fraudulently and for the sole purpose of harassing denying reconsideration are REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and the
petitioners, thereby entitling the latter to damages. On the contrary, complaint for damages against petitioners is DISMISSED.
private respondent acted within his rights to protect his honor from Petitioners’ counterclaim for damages is likewise DISMISSED for
what he perceived to be malicious imputations against him. Proof lack of merit. No costs.
and motive that the institution of the action was prompted by a SO ORDERED.
sinister design to vex and humiliate a person must be clearly and Puno, Martinez and Buena, JJ., concur.
preponderantly established to entitle the victim to damages. The law Mendoza, J., In the result.
could not have meant to impose a penalty on the right to litigate, nor Petition granted, judgment and resolution reversed and set aside.
should counsel’s fees be awarded every time a party wins a suit.51 Notes.—Truth is not a defense in libel, unless it is shown that the
For, concluding with the wisdom in Warren v. Pulitzer Publishing matter charged as libelous was made with good motives and for
Co.52— justifiable ends. (Alonzo vs. Court of Appeals, 241 SCRA 51 [1995])

Reliance on the rule of privileged communication in a suit for
malicious prosecution is misplaced, such defense being peculiar to
actions for libel. (Lao vs. Court of Appeals, 271 SCRA 477 [1997])

motive, such feeling negatives actual malice. The anger observed by
trial court to have been shown by the petitioner towards private
complainant at the time the former offered his testimony in defense
of libel cannot be properly considered as malice, either in fact or in
G.R. No. 124491. June 1, 1999.*
law, that accompanied the dissemination of an alleged libelous
ROQUE VICARIO Y MENDEZ, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS Same; Same; The law presumes that malice is present in every
and PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. defamatory imputation; Exemption is a qualifiedly privileged
Criminal Law; Libel; Definition of Libel; Elements of Libel.— Libel communication.—The law presumes that malice is present in every
is defined as a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a defamatory imputation. However, on this score, Art. 354 of the
vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, Revised Penal Code provides an exemption—x x x Paragraph 2
status or circumstance tending to discredit or cause the dishonor or aforequoted refers to a qualifiedly privileged communication, the
contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory character of which is a matter of defense that may be lost by positive
of one who is dead. Thus, the elements of libel are: (a) imputation of proof of express malice on the part of the accused. Once it is
a discreditable act or condition to another; (b) publication of the established that the article is of a privileged character, the onus of
imputation; (c) identity of the person defamed; and, (d) existence of proving actual malice rests on the plaintiff who must then convince
malice. the court that the offender was prompted by malice or ill will. When
Same; Same; A person’s liability for libel need not, admittedly, stem this is accomplished the defense of privilege becomes unavailing.
from the fact that he was the original publisher of the discreditable
act.—A person’s liability for libel need not, admittedly, stem from the PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of
fact that he was the original publisher of the discreditable act. The Appeals.
maker of a libelous republication or repetition, although not liable
for the results of the primary publication, is liable for the The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Emerito M. Salva & Associates for petitioner.
______________ The Solicitor General for respondents.


Vicario vs. Court of Appeals Provincial Prosecutor of Catarman, Northern Samar, with Judge
consequence of a subsequent publication which he makes or Proceso Sidro of the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Mondragon-San
participates in making. It is no justification that the defamatory Roque, Northern Samar, as complaining
matter is previously published by a third person, provided malice is 27
present. VOL. 308, JUNE 1, 1999 27
Same; Same; To constitute malice, ill will must be personal.— In Vicario vs. Court of Appeals
order to constitute malice, ill will must be personal. So if the ill will is witness. According to the Information, the crime was committed
engendered by one’s sense of justice or other legitimate or plausible when Vicario allegedly distributed and circulated in the vicinity of

the Northern Samar Provincial Hospital in Catarman photocopies of 28 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
page 7 of the 20 March 1992 issue of the Philippine Daily Vicario vs. Court of Appeals
Inquirer which contained the following article1— sented to show that Vicario distributed copies of the news article to
several persons, at least he gave one photocopy to prosecution
SAMAR JUDGE WHO POCKETED BOND witness Amador Montes which amounted to publication, and that
CHARGED WITH GRAFT this act was tainted with malice as it stemmed from Vicario’s hatred,
as evident from the manner his testimony was delivered, towards
OMBUDSMAN Conrado Vasquez yesterday filed with the complaining witness Sidro.3
Sandiganbayan graft charges against a Northern Samar judge who On 28 February 1996 respondent Court of Appeals affirmed in
pocketed the P1,000.00 cash bond posted by a respondent in one of toto the decision of the trial court.4 Hence, this petition for review on
several cases pending in his sala. certiorari predicated on the following propositions5—
Charged was Judge Proceso Sidro of the Northern Samar municipal First. The news item in question is a privileged matter and since it
circuit trial court in Mondragon. was published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, a nationally
Investigation showed that Sidro failed to deposit the cash bond with circulated newspaper, without any intervention of petitioner, his act
his clerk-of-court, and refused to return the money even after the of giving a copy to a person named Amador Montes is not a libelous
accused who filed the bond was already acquitted in the case. act;
Private complainant Sidro alleged that petitioner’s act greatly Second. Respondent court gravely erred in concluding that Amador
prejudiced his reputation as a member of the bench and caused him Montes saw petitioner distributing copy of the aforesaid issue of the
great distress. Petitioner Vicario on the other hand disclaimed Philippine Daily Inquirer;
responsibility for the distribution of the alleged libelous article, at the Third. Respondent court gravely erred in considering the affidavit-
same time asserting that the libel suit against him was ill-motivated complaint petitioner filed with the Ombudsman which was
for he had filed a criminal charge for graft and corruption against completely immaterial and impertinent to the issue of whether or not
Judge Sidro before the Ombudsman and an administrative complaint the act of petitioner in giving a copy of the Philippine Daily Inquirer
for dishonesty with the Supreme Court, both due to the latter’s to Amador Montes where the news item was published, constitutes
unjustified refusal and failure to return petitioner’s cash bond of the crime of libel;
P1,000.00. Fourth. Respondent court seriously erred in citing authorities which
After trial, the court a quo found petitioner Vicario guilty of libel and are not applicable in deciding whether petitioner’s act of giving a
sentenced him to pay a fine of P200.00 with subsidiary copy of the Philippine Daily Inquirer to Amador Montes constituted
imprisonment in case of insolvency.2 The trial court justified its the crime of libel;
decision by declaring that while no evidence was pre- Fifth. Respondent court gravely erred in adopting the conclusion of
the trial court that petitioner’s act of giving a copy of the Philippine
_______________ Daily Inquirer to Amador Montes was motivated by his intense
hatred against Judge Sidro, it being clear that such act was an
1 Exhs. “A” and “A-1,” Records, p. 8. insufficient and inadequate evidence of the alleged intense hatred of
2 Decision penned by Judge Cesar R. Cinco, RTC-Br. 20, Catarman, petitioner; and,
Northern Samar.
28 ______________

3 Id., pp. 48-53. ________________
4 Rollo, Id., 40-47.
5 Petition, p. 16, Rollo, p. 23. 6 Art. 353, Revised Penal Code.
29 7 Daez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 47971, 31 October 1990, 191
VOL. 308, JUNE 1, 1999 29 SCRA 61, 67.
Vicario vs. Court of Appeals 30
Sixth. Respondent court gravely erred, in the final analysis, in not 30 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
acquitting petitioner on the ground of reasonable doubt. Vicario vs. Court of Appeals
Two (2) main issues are laid before us: (a) whether the act of merely the Affidavit-Complaint was merely a narration of the facts
distributing a photocopy of an article in a newspaper reporting that constituting the cause of action of petitioner. Its contents never
graft charges had been filed against a judge named therein appeared in the news article which spoke only of the filing by the
constitutes libel, and (b) whether Vicario’s act was proved beyond Ombudsman with the Sandiganbayan of graft charges against
reasonable doubt. Judge Sidro after its investigation of a complaint that the judge
Libel is defined as a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of refused to return the cash bond of an accused after the latter’s
a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, acquittal in a criminal case. There is no specific reference therein to
status or circumstance tending to discredit or cause the dishonor or petitioner nor to his Affidavit-Complaint. Since it has not been
contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory established that he caused the publication of the subject article nor
of one who is dead.6 Thus, the elements of libel are: (a) imputation of was the source thereof, it would be inappropriate to conclude that
a discreditable act or condition to another; (b) publication of the through the disputed news item he ascribed a criminal act to Judge
imputation; (c) identity of the person defamed; and, (d) existence of Proceso Sidro. Parenthetically, it would have been more accurate for
malice.7 the appellate court to state that the news article was culled from the
The evidence on record clearly shows that the elements above resolution of the Ombudsman directing the filing of a criminal
enumerated have not been satisfactorily established as to conclude charge based on the results of his investigation of a complaint
that libel was committed by petitioner. Thus, we rule in his favor. For leveled against the named judge. But then, if it did, it would have
an incongruency exists between the evidence on one hand, and the been left with no basis at all to hold, as in fact it did, that Vicario
findings of fact and of law by the trial court and the appellate court maliciously imputed a discreditable act to respondent judge, and
on the other, which we must reconcile, if not rectify. there would be no more justification for the finding that the first
As found by the trial court, there was no evidence at all to show that element of libel was established.
petitioner was the source of the statements contained in the news The trial court also opined that no suit arising from the publication
item published by the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Indeed, for not only was filed against the newspaper because what appears settled is that
was the news item by itself bereft of this information, the records the item was merely a fair and true report, with no comments or
also confirmed its absence. This is why it was incorrect for the remarks, of official or judicial proceedings which are not classified
appellate court to find that “the news item was patently culled from as confidential. Again, a perusal of the subject news item confirms
the Affidavit-Complaint of the appellant imputing a criminal act on this fact. Then the trial court proceeded to state that the accused
Judge Sidro filed with the Ombudsman (emphasis ours)” when no (petitioner) however publicized the newspaper item because “shown
basis, factual or legal, exists for so ruling. To be sure, by competent and relevant evidence was the giving (by Vicario) of a

xerox copy of the publicized item to Amador Montes.” But was which Vicario was said to have shown Pahimnayan a copy of his
petitioner indeed guilty of republication of a libelous article? administrative complaint against Judge Sidro. Moreover, in the
In his appeal, petitioner disputes the existence of the elements of affidavit executed by Judge Sidro which he also attached to his
publication and malice,8 arguing that inasmuch as he complaint, he declared that it was Romeo Pinangay, his court
messenger, who gave him a copy of Philippine Daily Inquirer and
_______________ informed him that Roque Vicario distributed clippings of the news
item to everyone in the premises of the hospital. Amador Montes was
8 Petition, p. 19, Rollo, p. 32. never mentioned in this affidavit; much less was he made to execute
31 any affidavit to support the criminal complaint of Judge Sidro. This
VOL. 308, JUNE 1, 1999 31 much he admitted on the wit-
Vicario vs. Court of Appeals
was not the author or originator of the subject article in
the Philippine Daily Inquirerhe could not be liable for its publication. Vicario vs. Court of Appeals
The Court of Appeals brushed aside this proposition, declaring in the ness stand.9 Other than the testimony of Montes himself, an
main that by having the news item machine copied and furnishing acknowledged subaltern of the judge, no one else was presented to
prosecution witness Montes a copy thereof, accused-appellant establish the fact of distribution by petitioner of copies of the alleged
thereby endorsed and adopted the news item and hence was offensive news article. The prosecution could have offered other
answerable therefor. We note the American citations relied upon by witnesses with more objective dispositions than Montes, but it did
the appellate court to support its conclusions. However, we deem not do so. With these doubts subsisting, it was therefore reversible
these as not authoritative, much less persuasive upon the Court, error of the courts below to conclude that petitioner was liable for the
considering further that there are dissimilarities in the facts between republication of the news article alleged to be libelous.
the cited cases and this case before us. A person’s liability for libel need not, admittedly, stem from the fact
Contrary to the perception of the appellate court, there was no that he was the original publisher of the discreditable act. The maker
evidence at all offered to show that petitioner himself photocopied of a libelous republication or repetition, although not liable for the
the article. Nor was evidence sufficiently adduced to prove that he results of the primary publication, is liable for the consequence of a
himself distributed photocopies of the news item to so many people, subsequent publication which he makes or participates in making. It
prompting the trial court to rule as hearsay the testimony on the is no justification that the defamatory matter is previously published
matter by Judge Sidro and his protégé Amador Montes. This puts to by a third person,10 provided malice is present.
doubt whether petitioner himself gave a copy of the publication to Granting arguendo the correctness of the finding by the lower courts
Montes. Notably, Montes was not even named by the judge as one of that petitioner did at least distribute a machine copy of the article to
the original witnesses listed in the complaint he filed for preliminary one Amador Montes, an acknowledged “batos”11 of Judge Sidro, was
investigation. The witness named therein was a certain Hermito there sufficient basis to ascribe malice in his act?
Pahimnayan who was never presented in court despite his having The trial court rationalized that “the accused has all the motivations
executed an affidavit which was attached to Sidro’s criminal to do so (i.e., distribute a copy to Montes) because of his intense
complaint in the Municipal Trial Court. This affidavit described not hatred against complainant, manifested even by the very manner
the incident of 22 May 1992 on which the charge for libel was based he gave testimony, who would not return to him an amount that he
but one which occurred sometime in 1991 or a year earlier during had to borrow from a loan shark (there is nothing to show that the

same was returned to the accused). x x x x Even so, such actuation x justice frustrated by the continued refusal of Judge Sidro to return to
x x in disseminating through Montes is removed from the protection him his cash bond, but also at being criminally sued in court for an
accorded to a privileged communication under the foregoing act which he stoutly believed was not imputable to him. This state of
circumstances.” This is flawed reasoning, a veritable non sequitur. It mind cannot be appropriately considered malice and applied
is established retroactively to the time of the distribution of the alleged libelous
article unless clear and convincing evidence shows otherwise; and,
________________ there is no such contrary evidence in the case at bar. Since there is no
indication about the cause of such display of “intense hatred” by the
9 TSN, 4 August 1993, p. 18. petitioner for Judge Sidro, the Court will grant him the benefit of the
10 Reyes, Leonardo P., Fundamentals of Libel Law, 1986, pp. 14-15, doubt under the “equipoise doctrine.”13
citing Sourbier v. Brown, 123 N.E. 802, 188 Ind. 544; Coffey
v. Midland Broadcasting Co., D.C. Mo. 8 F Supp. 889; Wayne _______________
Works v. Hicks Body Co., 55 N.E. 2d 382, 115 Ind.
11 “Batos” is the local Waray term for “factotum.” 12 Aquino, Ramon C., The Revised Penal Code, Vol. III, Bk. II, 1997
33 Ed., citing People v. de los Reyes, Jr., 47 OG 3569.
VOL. 308, JUNE 1, 1999 33 13 The “equipoise doctrine” is the rule which states that when the
Vicario vs. Court of Appeals evidence of the prosecution and the defense are so evenly bal-
doctrine that the malice that attends the dissemination of the article 34
alleged to be libelous must attend the distribution itself. It cannot be 34 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
merely a resentment against a person manifested unconnectedly Vicario vs. Court of Appeals
several months earlier or one displayed at a much later date, as what There was nothing defamatory in the news item. This much was
happened in this case. A fine-tooth comb dissection of the testimony found by the trial court itself, noting that the published article was
of prosecution witness Amador Montes reveals none that would merely a factual report about the filing by the Ombudsman of the
indicate, much less hint at, the attitude and mental frame of Vicario charge of corruption against the judge with the Sandiganbayan. Of
at the time he allegedly handed over the photocopy of the news item course, it does not necessarily mean that if the news article
in question to Montes. If at all, as can be gathered from the complained of is not libelous because it is a privileged matter, he who
testimonial narration, Vicario’s attitude could only be described as repeats the publication is likewise free from accountability for the re-
noncommittal. utterance. We recognize that a person’s liability for libel does not
In order to constitute malice, ill will must be personal. So if the ill necessarily proceed from the fact that he was the original publisher
will is engendered by one’s sense of justice or other legitimate or of the discreditable act. The maker of a libelous republication or
plausible motive, such feeling negatives actual malice.12 The anger repetition, although not liable for the results of the primary
observed by trial court to have been shown by the petitioner towards publication, is liable for the consequences of a subsequent
private complainant at the time the former offered his testimony in publication which he makes or participates in making so long as the
defense of libel cannot be properly considered as malice, either in elements of libel are satisfied. But in every case malice must be
fact or in law, that accompanied the dissemination of an alleged present, something which has not been shown in the case at bar.
libelous publication. For the anger discerned of petitioner on the
witness stand could also mean anger not only borne out of a sense of

The law presumes that malice is present in every defamatory WHEREFORE, this petition is GRANTED. The decision of the
imputation. However, on this score, Art. 354 of the Revised Penal Regional Trial Court of Catarman, Northern Samar, dated 11 March
Code provides an exemption— 1993 finding petitioner guilty of libel, and that of the Court of
Art. 354. Requirement for publicity.—Every defamatory imputation Appeals dated 28 February 1996 affirming his conviction are
is presumed to be malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Petitioner ROQUE VICARIO Y
and justifiable motive for making it is shown, except in the following MENDEZ is ACQUITTED of the crime charged.
cases x x x x 2. A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any SO ORDERED.
comments or remarks, of any judicial, legislative or other official Puno, Mendoza, Quisumbing and Buena, JJ., concur.
proceedings which are not of confidential nature, or of any statement, Petition granted, judgment reversed and set aside. Petitioner
report or speech delivered in said proceedings, or of any other act acquitted.
performed by public officers in the exercise of their functions Note.—Petitioner was not able to establish satisfactorily that the
(emphasis supplied). issuance of the letter and its offending paragraph was motivated by
malice. (Fortich vs. Court of Appeals, 268 SCRA 152 [1997])

anced the appreciation of such evidence calls for the tilting of the
scales in favor of the accused. Thus, the evidence for the prosecution
must be heavier to overcome the presumption of innocence of the
accused. The constitutional basis of the rule is the Bill of Rights
which finds expression in Sec. 1, par. (a), Rule 115 of the 1985 Rules
on Criminal Procedure as amended (see People v. Argawamon, 215
SCRA 652; People v. Ramilla, G.R. No. 101435, 8 November
1993, 227 SCRA 583; People v. Dela Iglesia, G.R. Nos. 110991-92, 24
Feb. 1995, 241 SCRA 719).
VOL. 308, JUNE 1, 1999 35
Vicario vs. Court of Appeals
Paragraph 2 aforequoted refers to a qualifiedly privileged
communication, the character of which is a matter of defense that
may be lost by positive proof of express malice on the part of the
accused. Once it is established that the article is of a privileged
character, the onus of proving actual malice rests on the plaintiff who
must then convince the court that the offender was prompted by
malice or ill will. When this is accomplished the defense of privilege
becomes unavailing.14 Since the prosecution failed to establish
express malice on the part of petitioner by positive proof, its cause
perforce must fail.

Reyes vs. People, we ruled that the expression “putang ina mo” is a common enough utterance
in the dialect that is often employed, not really to slander but rather to express anger or
displeasure. In fact, more often, it is just an expletive that punctuates one’s expression of


Pader vs. People
profanity. We do not find it seriously insulting that after a previous incident involving his
father, a drunk Rogelio Pader on seeing Atty. Escolango would utter words expressing anger.
Obviously, the intention was to show his feelings of resentment and not necessarily to insult
the latter. Being a candidate running for vice mayor, occasional gestures and words of
disapproval or dislike of his person are not uncommon.

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the resolution of the Court.

Elmer G. Train for petitioner.
The Solicitor General for respondent.

G.R. No. 139157. February 8, 2000.*


petitioner, vs. PEOPLE OF THE What is before the Court is an appeal via certiorari from a decision1 of the Court of Appeals
affirming that of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 1, Balanga, Bataan2affirming petitioner’s
conviction of grave oral defamation by the Municipal Trial Court, Bagac, Bataan.3
PHILIPPINES, respondent. The facts may be summarized as follows: On April 20, 1995, at about 8:00 p.m., Atty.
Benjamin C. Escolango was conversing with his political leaders at the terrace of his house at
Criminal Law; Defamation; Doctrine that guides the court in resolving the issue of whether Morong, Bataan when petitioner appeared at the gate and shouted “putang ina mo Atty.
petitioner is guilty of slight or serious oral defamation.—The issue is whether petitioner is Escolango. Napakawalanghiya mo!” The latter was dumb-founded and embarrassed. At that
guilty of slight or serious oral defamation. In resolving the issue, we are guided by a doctrine time, Atty. Escolango was a candidate for vice mayor of Morong, Bataan in the elections of
of ancient respectability that defamatory words will fall under one or the other, depending not May 8, 1995.
only upon their sense, grammatical significance, and accepted ordinary meaning judging them
separately, but also upon the special circumstances of the case, antecedents or relationship
between the offended party and the offender, which might tend to prove the intention of the _______________
offender at the time.
Same; Same; The expression “putang ina mo” is a common enough utterance in the dialect
that is often employed, not really to slander but rather to express anger or displeasure.—In

1 In CA-G.R. CR No. 21710, promulgated on May 3, 1999, “After considering the evidence adduced by the parties together
Justice Romeo A. Brawner, ponente, and concurred in by with their respective memorandum, this Court finds no re-
Justices Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez and Martin S. Villarama,
Jr. _____________
2 In Crim. Case No. 6726, Judge Benjamin T. Vianzon.
3 In Crim. Case No. 2339, Judge Antonio C. Quintos. 4 Rollo, p. 23.
119 5 Rollo, pp. 23-25.
VOL. 325, FEBRUARY 8, 2000 119 6 The imposition of an indeterminate sentence where the
Pader vs. People penalty actually imposed is not more than one year
On June 16, 1995 Atty. Escolango filed with the Municipal Trial Court, Bagac, Bataan a imprisonment is wrong [See Humilde vs. Pablo, 190 Phil. 621,
complaint against petitioner for grave oral defamation, to which petitioner pleaded “not
guilty.”4 623 (1981) and People vs. Arellano, 68 Phil. 678 (1939); See
After due trial, on October 30, 1997 the Municipal Circuit Trial Court, Bagac, Bataan rendered also R.C. Aquino, Revised Penal Code, 1987 Edition, Vol. 1,
decision convicting petitioner of grave oral defamation.5 The dispositive portion reads:
pp. 726-727].
“Accordingly and in view of all the foregoing, the court finds
7 Rollo, p. 25.
accused Rogelio Pader guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the 120
crime of Grave Oral Defamation as defined and penalized 120 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
under Article 358 of the Revised Penal Code and considering
Pader vs. People
the extenuating circumstances of drunkenness hereby sentences
versible error8 on the penalty imposed as well as the moral
him to an imprisonment of one (1) month and one (1) day to
damages awarded by the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of
one (1) year imprison-ment6 and to indemnify the private
Bagac-Morong, Bataan and therefore affirms the same in toto.
offended party in the amount of P20,000.00 as moral damages,
“x x x
considering his social standing and professional stature.
“Given this 4th day of March 1998 at Balanga, Bataan.
“Bagac-Morong, Bataan
“October 30, 1997.
“Acting Mun. Circuit Trial Judge”7 Elevated to the Court of Appeals by petition for review, on May 3, 1999 the Court of Appeals
affirmed the Regional Trial Court’s decision but with modification as to the penalty imposed,
On appeal, on March 4, 1998, the Regional Trial Court affirmed the decision of the Municipal as follows:
Trial Court in toto. The decretal portion of the decision reads: “WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the judgment
appealed from is hereby affirmed but with the modification that

the accused-appellant, Rogelio Pader is sentenced to serve a In Reyes vs. People,14 we ruled that the expression “putang ina mo” is a common enough
utterance in the dialect that is often employed, not really to slander but rather to express anger
prison term of four (4) months and one (1) day of arresto or displeasure. In fact, more often, it is just an expletive that punctuates one’s expression of
mayor. profanity. We do not find it seriously insulting that after a previous incident involving his
father, a drunk Rogelio Pader on seeing Atty. Escolango would utter words expressing anger.
“SO ORDERED. Obviously, the intention was to show his feelings of resentment and not necessarily to insult
“ROMEO A. BRAWNER the latter. Being a candidate running for vice mayor, occasional gestures and words of
disapproval or dislike of his person are not uncommon.
“Associate Justice”10
Hence, this petition.11
The issue is whether petitioner is guilty of slight or serious oral defamation. In resolving the _____________
issue, we are guided by a doctrine of ancient respectability that defamatory words will fall
under one or the other, depending not only upon their sense, grammatical significance, and
accepted ordinary 12 Victorio vs. Court of Appeals, 173 SCRA
645 [1989]; Larobis vs. Court of Appeals, 220 SCRA
_______________ 639[1993]; Balite vs. People, 18 SCRA 280 [1996]; Padilla,
Ambrosio, Revised Penal Code Annotated, 1990 edition, Vol. 4,
8 Regrettably, Regional Trial Court Judge Vianzon failed to pp. 357-358.
note the error in the imposition of an indeterminate penalty and 13 Municipal Trial Court Decision in Criminal Case No. 2339,
the award of moral damages, not knowing any better. Both Rollo, pp. 23-25; Regional Trial Court Decision in Criminal
judges should take refresher lessons on the application of the Case No. 6726, Rollo, pp. 26-28.
penalties and the Indeterminate Sentence Law. 14 137 Phil. 112, 120 [1969].
9 Regional Trial Court Decision, Rollo, pp. 26-28. 122

10 Court of Appeals’ Decision, Rollo, pp. 30-35. 122 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
11 Filed on July 20, 1999, Rollo, pp. 8-20. Pader vs. People
121 In similar fashion, the trial court erred in awarding moral damages without proof of
suffering.15 Accordingly, petitioner may be convicted only of slight oral defamation defined
VOL. 325, FEBRUARY 8, 2000 121 and penalized under Article 358, Revised Penal Code, prescribing the penalty of arresto
Pader vs. People mayor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos.
WHEREFORE, we resolve to DENY the petition. However, we set aside the decision of the
meaning judging them separately, but also upon the special circumstances of the case,
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 21710 and find petitioner Rogelio Pader guilty only of
antecedents or relationship between the offended party and the offender, which might tend to
slight oral defamation. We impose on him a fine of P200.00 and costs.
prove the intention of the offender at the time.12
Unquestionably, the words uttered were defamatory. Considering, however, the factual
Puno, Kapunan and Ynares-Santiago, JJ., concur.
backdrop of the case, the oral defamation was only slight. The trial court, in arriving at its
Davide, Jr. (C.J., Chairman), It should not be denial of the petition, but a partial grant
decision, considered that the defamation was deliberately done to destroy Atty. Escolango’s
reputation since the parties were political opponents.
Petition denied but judgment of Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 21710 set aside.
We do not agree. Somehow, the trial court failed to appreciate the fact that the parties were
Petitioner guilty only of slight oral defamation with a fine of P200.00.
also neighbors; that petitioner was drunk at the time he uttered the defamatory words; and the
fact that petitioner’s anger was instigated by what Atty. Escolango did when petitioner’s father
died.13 In which case, the oral defamation was not of serious or insulting nature.

G.R. No. 157643. March 28, 2008.*

petitioner, vs. PEOPLE OF THE
PHILIPPINES, respondent.
Criminal Law; Libel; Proof of knowledge of and participation
in the publication of the offending article is not required, if the
accused has been specifically identified as “author, editor, or
proprietor” or “printer/publisher” of the publication.—In U.S.
v. Taylor, the accused was indicted under Section 6 of Act No.
277 which provides that: “Every author, editor or
proprietor of any book, newspaper, or serial publication is
chargeable with the publication of any words contained in any
part of said book or number of each newspaper or serial as
fully as if he were the author of the same.” However, proof
adduced during the trial showed that accused was
the manager of the publication without the corresponding
evidence that, as such, he was directly responsible for the
writing, editing, or publishing of the matter contained in the

said libelous article. In People v. Topacio and Santiago, aspect of the publication, and assigns editors to take charge of
reference was made to the Spanish text of Article 360 of the everything. Obviously, petitioner had full control over the
Revised Penal Code which includes the verb “publicar.” Thus, publication of articles in the said tabloid. Her excuse of lack of
it was held that Article 360 includes not only the author or the knowledge, consent, or participation in the release of the
person who causes the libelous matter to be published, but also libelous article fails to persuade. Following our ruling
the person who prints or publishes it. Based on these cases, in Ocampo, petitioner’s criminal guilt should be affirmed,
therefore, proof of knowledge of and participation in the whether or not she had actual knowledge and participation,
publication of the offending article is not required, if the having furnished the means of carrying on the publication of
accused has been specifically identified as “author, editor, or the article purportedly prepared by the members of the Gossip
proprietor” or “printer/publisher” of the publication, as Reportorial Team, who were employees under her control and
petitioner and Tugas are in this case. supervision.
Same; Same; Whether or not a “publisher” who is also the Same; Same; Judgments; Statutory Construction; Article 360 is
“president” and “chairperson” of a publication had actual clear and unambiguous, and to apply People v. Beltran and
knowledge and participation in the publication of a libelous Soliven, CA-G.R. No. 13561, 6 November 1995, which requires
article, she can be convicted for the resulting libel, having specific knowledge, participation, and approval on the part of
furnished the means of carrying on the publication of the the publisher to be liable for the publication of a libelous
article purportedly prepared by the members of the reportorial article, would be reading into the law an additional
team, who were employees under her control and requirement that was not intended by it.—Petitioner argues
supervision.—It is worthy to note that petitioner was not only that Ocampo has been clarified by the CA in People v. Beltran
the “publisher,” as shown by the editorial box of Gossip and Soliven such that Maximo V. Soliven, as publisher of The
Tabloid, but also its “president” and “chairperson” as she Philippine Star, was acquitted by the appellate court in view of
herself admitted on the witness stand. She also testified that she the lack of evidence that he knew and approved the article
handled the business written by Luis D. Beltran about then President Corazon C.
Aquino in the newspaper’s October 12, 1987 issue. Petitioner
_______________ submits that People v. Beltran and Soliven serves as a guide to
this Court regarding the criminal liability of the publisher of
* THIRD DIVISION. the newspaper where a libelous article is published. Put
133 differently, it appears that petitioner wants this Court to follow
VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 133 the CA decision and adopt it as judicial precedent under the
Fermin vs. People principle of stare decisis. The doctrine of stare decisis,
embodied in Article 8 of the Civil Code, is enunciated, thus:

The doctrine of stare decisis enjoins adherence to judicial circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or
precedents. It requires courts in a country to follow the rule contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the
established in a decision of the Supreme Court thereof. That memory of one who is dead. In determining whether a
decision becomes a judicial precedent to be followed in statement is defamatory, the words used are to be construed in
subsequent cases by all courts in the land. The doctrine of stare their entirety and should be taken in their plain and ordinary
decisis is based on the principle that once a question of law has meaning as they would naturally be understood by persons
been examined and decided, it should be deemed settled and reading them, unless it appears that they were used and
closed to further argument. (Emphasis supplied) Unfortunately, understood in another sense. To say that the article, in its
the Beltran decision attained finality at the level of the CA. entirety, is not libelous disturbs one’s sensibilities; it would
Thus, if the CA seemingly made a new pronouncement certainly prick one’s conscience. There is evident imputation of
regarding the criminal liability of a publisher under Article 360 the crime of malversation (that the complainants converted for
of the Revised Penal Code, that ruling cannot bind this Court their personal use the money paid to them by fellow Filipinos
unless we purposely adopt the same. Be that as it may, we find in America in their business of distributing high-end cookware);
no 134 of vices or defects for being fugitives from the law (that
134 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED complainants and their family returned to the Philippines to
Fermin vs. People evade prosecution in America); and of being a wastrel (that
compelling reason to revisit U.S. v. Ocampo; to modify it Annabelle Rama Gutierrez lost the earnings from their business
would amount to judicial legislation. Article 360 is clear and through irresponsible gambling in casinos). The attribution was
unambiguous, and to apply People v. Beltran and Soliven, made publicly, considering that Gossip Tabloid had a
which requires specific knowledge, participation, and approval nationwide circulation. The victims were identified and
on the part of the publisher to be liable for the publication of a identifiable. More importantly, the article reeks of malice, as it
libelous article, would be reading into the law an additional tends to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of the
requirement that was not intended by it. complainants.
Same; Same; Words and Phrases; A libel is defined as a public Same; Same; In the instant case, not only was there malice in
and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real law, the article being malicious in itself, but there was also
or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or malice in fact, as there was motive to talk ill against the
circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or complainants during the electoral campaign.—It can be
contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the gleaned from her testimony that petitioner had the motive to
memory of one who is dead.—A libel is defined as a public and make defamatory imputations against 135
malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 135
imaginary; or any act, omission, condition, status, or Fermin vs. People

complainants. Thus, petitioner cannot, by simply making a Same; Same; Administrative Circular No. 08-2008 (Guidelines
general denial, convince us that there was no malice on her part. in the Observance of a Rule of Preference in the Imposition of
Verily, not only was there malice in law, the article being Penalties in Libel Cases); While Administrative Circular No.
malicious in itself, but there was also malice in fact, as there 08-2008 expresses a preference for the imposition of a fine
was motive to talk ill against complainants during the electoral rather than imprisonment, it likewise allows the court, in the
campaign. exercise of sound discretion, the option to impose
Same; Same; Although a wide latitude is given to critical imprisonment as penalty, whenever the imposition of a fine
utterances made against public officials in the performance of alone would depreciate the seriousness of the offense, work
their official duties, or against public figures on matters of violence on the social order, or otherwise be contrary to the
public interest, such criticism does not automatically fall imperatives of justice.—With respect to the penalty to be
within the ambit of constitutionally protected speech—if the imposed for this conviction, we note that on January 25, 2008,
utterances are false, malicious or unrelated to a public the Court issued Administrative Circular No. 08-2008,
officer’s performance of his duties or irrelevant to matters of entitled Guidelines in 136
public interest involving public figures, the same may give rise 136 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
to criminal and civil liability.—Neither can petitioner take Fermin vs. People
refuge in the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech and the Observance of a Rule of Preference in the Imposition of
of the press. Although a wide latitude is given to critical Penalties in Libel Cases. The Circular expresses a preference
utterances made against public officials in the performance of for the imposition of a fine rather than imprisonment, given the
their official duties, or against public figures on matters of circumstances attendant in the cases cited therein in which only
public interest, such criticism does not automatically fall within a fine was imposed by this Court on those convicted of libel. It
the ambit of constitutionally protected speech. If the utterances also states that, if the penalty imposed is merely a fine but the
are false, malicious or unrelated to a public officer’s convict is unable to pay the same, the Revised Penal Code
performance of his duties or irrelevant to matters of public provisions on subsidiary imprisonment should apply. However,
interest involving public figures, the same may give rise to the Circular likewise allows the court, in the exercise of sound
criminal and civil liability. While complainants are considered discretion, the option to impose imprisonment as penalty,
public figures for being personalities in the entertainment whenever the imposition of a fine alone would depreciate the
business, media people, including gossip and intrigue writers seriousness of the offense, work violence on the social order, or
and commentators such as petitioner, do not have the unbridled otherwise be contrary to the imperatives of justice.
license to malign their honor and dignity by indiscriminately
airing fabricated and malicious comments, whether in PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals.
broadcast media or in print, about their personal lives.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. “MAS MALAKING HALAGA ANG NADISPALKO
Reyes, Francisco and Associates; Eufracio Segundo C. Pagunuran, Alfredo A. Dy and Louis P.
Acosta for petitioner. NILA SA STATES, MAY MGA NAIWAN DING
The Solicitor General for respondent. ASUNTO DOON SI ANNABELLE”
Before us is a petition1 for review on certiorari, under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, of the “IMPOSIBLENG NASA AMERIKA NGAYON SI
Decision2 dated September 3, 2002 and the Resolution3 dated March 24, 2003 of the Court of ANNABELLE DAHIL SA KALAT DIN ANG
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR No. 20890 entitled “People of the Philippines v. Cristenelli S.
Fermin and Bogs C. Tugas.” ASUNTO NILA DU’N, BUKOD PA SA
On complaint of spouses Annabelle Rama Gutierrez and Eduardo (Eddie) Gutierrez, two (2) NAPAKARAMING PINOY NA HUMAHANTING SA
criminal informations for
2 Penned by Associate Justice Salvador J. Valdez, Jr., with SI ANNABELLE KUNG SA STATES NGA NIYA
Associate Justices Mercedes Gozo-Dadole and Amelita G. MAIISIPANG PUMUNTA NGAYON PARA LANG
Tolentino, concurring; id., at pp. 45-60. TAKASAN NIYA SI LIGAYA SANTOS AT ANG
3 Id., at pp. 62-67. SINTENSIYA SA KANYA”
137 when in truth and in fact, the accused very well knew that the
VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 137 same are entirely false and untrue but were publicly made for
Fermin vs. People no other purpose than to expose said ANNABELLE RAMA
libel4 were filed against Cristinelli5 S. Fermin and Bogs C. Tugas before the Regional Trial GUTIERREZ to humiliation and disgrace, as it depicts her to
Court (RTC) of Quezon City, Branch 218. Except for the name of the complainant, 6 the
informations uniformly read— be a fugitive from
“That on or about the 14th day of June, 1995 in Quezon City,
Philippines, the above-named accused CRISTENELLI _______________
Editor-in-Chief of Gossip Tabloid with offices located at 68-A 4 Both entitled “People of the Philippines v. Cristenelli S.
Magnolia Tulip St., Roxas District, Quezon City, and Fermin and Bogs C. Tugas” and docketed as Criminal Cases
circulated in Quezon City and other parts of Metro Manila and Nos. Q-95-62823 and Q-95-62824.
the whole country, conspiring together, confederating with and 5 Also referred in the records as Cristenelli.
mutually helping each other, publicly and acting with malice, 6 Annabelle Rama Gutierrez in one, and Eduardo (Eddie)
did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously print Gutierrez in the other.
and circulate in the headline and lead story of the said GOSSIP 138
TABLOID issue of June 14, 1995 the following material, to wit: 138 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED

Fermin vs. People 7 Records, pp. 2-3.
justice and a swindler, thereby causing dishonor, discredit and 8 Id., at pp. 181-194.
contempt upon the person of the offended party, to the damage 9 Id., at pp. 193-194.
and prejudice of the said ANNABELLE RAMA GUTIERREZ.
CONTRARY TO LAW.”7 VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 139
Upon arraignment, petitioner and co-accused Bogs C. Tugas (Tugas) both pleaded “not guilty.” Fermin vs. People
Thereafter, a joint trial ensued. firmed the conviction of petitioner, but acquitted Tugas on account of non-participation in the
After trial on the merits, the RTC of Quezon City, Branch 218, in its Joint Decision8dated publication of the libelous article. The fallo of the Decision reads—
January 27, 1997, found petitioner and Tugas guilty of libel. The dispositive portion of the
Joint Decision reads—
“WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
“WHEREFORE, prosecution having established the guilt of the 1. The appealed decision as against the accused-
accused, judgment is hereby rendered finding CRISTENELLI appellant BOGS C. TUGAS is REVERSED and SET
S. FERMIN and BOGS C. TUGAS GUILTY beyond ASIDE, and another is entered ACQUITTING him of
reasonable doubt, of libel, punishable under Art. 355 of the the crime charged and ABSOLVING him from any civil
Revised Penal Code and sentences them to an indeterminate liability; and
penalty of three (3) months and eleven (11) days of arresto 2. The same appealed decision as against accused-
mayor, as minimum, to one (1) year, eight (8) months and appellant CRISTENELLI S. FERMIN is AFFIRMED,
twenty-one (21) days of prision correccional, as maximum, for with the MODIFICATION that the award of moral
each case. damages is REDUCED to P300,000.00 for EACH
Likewise, accused Cristenelli S. Fermin and Bogs Tugas are offended party, and the award of attorney’s fees is
sentenced to pay jointly and solidarily: DELETED.
a) moral damages of: Costs against the appellant FERMIN.
1. P500,000.00 to Annabelle Rama in Criminal Case SO ORDERED.”10
The CA denied petitioner’s motion for reconsideration for lack of merit in the Resolution dated
No. Q-95-62823; and March 24, 2003. Hence, this petition, raising the following arguments:
2. P500,000.00 to Eddie Gutierrez in Criminal Case No. I.
b) attorney’s fees of P50,000.00. TOPACIO AND SANTIAGO, U.S. VS. MADRIGAL AND U.S.
Aggrieved, petitioner and Tugas appealed to the CA. The appellate court, in its Decision dated
September 3, 2002, af-

OF THE LIBELOUS ARTICLE TO SUSTAIN THE offending article, nor in the review, editing, examination, and approval of the articles published
in Gossip Tabloid.
IN THE PRESENT CASE. _______________
ART. 360 OF THE REVISED PENAL CODE WHICH 11 Id., at pp. 7-8.
SAME EXTENT AS IF HE WERE THE AUTHOR 13 59 Phil. 356 (1934).
THEREOF MERELY CREATES A DIS- 14 27 Phil. 347 (1914).
15 36 Phil. 243 (1917).
_______________ 16 18 Phil. 1 (1910).
17 CA-G.R. CR No. 13561, November 6, 1995.
10 Rollo, pp. 59-60. 141
140 VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 141
Fermin vs. People The arguments are too simplistic and the cited jurisprudence are either misplaced or, in fact,
PUTABLE PRESUMPTION WHICH MAY BE REBUTTED Foremost, U.S. v. Madrigal and U.S. v. Abad Santos are not applicable to the present case. U.S.
BY CONTRARY EVIDENCE. v. Madrigal pertains to a criminal prosecution under Section 30 of Act No. 1519 for
fraudulently representing the weight or measure of anything to be greater or less than it is,
III. whereas U.S. v. Abad Santos refers to criminal responsibility under the Internal Revenue Law
The other cases are more in point, but they serve to reinforce the conviction of, rather than
IV. absolve, petitioner.
THE QUESTIONED ARTICLE IS PROTECTED BY THE In U.S. v. Taylor, the accused was indicted under Section 6 of Act No. 277 which provides that:
“Every author, editor or proprietor of any book, newspaper, or serial publication is chargeable
MANTLE OF THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS AND IS with the publication of any words contained in any part of said book or number of each
newspaper or serial as fully as if he were the author of the same.” However, proof adduced
WITHIN THE REALM OF FAIR AND HONEST during the trial showed that accused was the manager of the publication without the
COMMENT.11 corresponding evidence that, as such, he was directly responsible for the writing, editing,
Being interrelated, we shall discuss the first and the second issues jointly, then the third and the or publishing of the matter contained in the said libelous article.18
fourth issues together. In People v. Topacio and Santiago, reference was made to the Spanish text of Article 360 of
Petitioner posits that, to sustain a conviction for libel under Article 360 of the Revised Penal the Revised Penal Code which includes the verb “publicar.” Thus, it was held that Article 360
Code, it is mandatory that the publisher knowingly participated in or consented to the includes not only the author or the person who causes the libelous matter to be published, but
preparation and publication of the libelous article. This principle is, allegedly, based on our also the person who prints or publishes it.
ruling in U.S. v. Taylor,12 People v. Topacio and Santiago,13U.S. v. Madrigal,14 U.S. v. Abad Based on these cases, therefore, proof of knowledge of and participation in the publication of
Santos,15 and U.S. v. Ocampo,16 as purportedly clarified in People v. Beltran and Soliven.17 She the offending article is not required, if the accused has been specifically identified as “author,
submits that these cases were applied by the CA in acquitting her co-accused Tugas, and being editor, or proprietor” or “printer/publisher” of the publication, as petitioner and Tugas are in
similarly situated with him, she is also entitled to an acquittal. She claims that she had adduced this case.
ample evidence to show that she had no hand in the preparation and publication of the

_______________ “One who furnishes the means for carrying on the publication
of a newspaper and entrusts its management to servants or
18 Supra note 12, at pp. 604-605. (Emphasis supplied.) employ-
Fermin vs. People
The rationale for the criminal culpability of those persons enumerated in Article 360 of the 19 Art. 360. Persons responsible.—Any person who
Revised Penal Code19 was enunciated in U.S. v. Ocampo,20 to wit:
“According to the legal doctrines and jurisprudence of the shall publish, exhibit, or cause the publication or
United States, the printer of a publication containing libelous exhibition of any defamation in writing or by similar means,
matter is liable for the same by reason of his direct connection shall be responsible for the same.
therewith and his cognizance of the contents thereof. With The author or editor of a book or pamphlet, or the editor or
regard to a publication in which a libel is printed, not only is business manager of a daily newspaper, magazine or serial
the publisher but also all other persons who in any way publication, shall be responsible for the defamations
participate in or have any connection with its publication are contained therein to the same extent as if he were the
liable as publishers.” author thereof. x x x (Emphasis supplied)
xxxx 20 Supra note 16, at pp. 50-52.
In the case of State vs. Mason (26 L.R.A., 779; 26 Oreg., 273, 143
46 Am. St. Rep., 629), the question of the responsibility of the VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 143
manager or proprietor of a newspaper was discussed. The court Fermin vs. People
said, among other things (pp. 782, 783): ees whom he selects and controls may be said to cause to be
“The question then recurs as to whether the manager or published what actually appears, and should be held
proprietor of a newspaper can escape criminal responsibility responsible therefore, whether he was individually concerned
solely on the ground that the libelous article was published in the publication or not, x x x. Criminal responsibility for the
without his knowledge or consent. When a libel is published in acts of an agent or servant in the course of his employment
a newspaper, such fact alone is sufficient evidence prima necessarily implies some degree of guilt or delinquency on the
facie to charge the manager or proprietor with the guilt of its part of the publisher; x x x.
publication. “We think, therefore, the mere fact that the libelous article was
“The manager and proprietor of a newspaper, we think ought to published in the newspaper without the knowledge or consent
be held prima faciecriminally for whatever appears in his paper; of its proprietor or manager is no defense to a criminal
and it should be no defense that the publication was made prosecution against such proprietor or manager.”
without his knowledge or consent, x x x

In the case of Commonwealth vs. Morgan (107 Mass., 197), Fermin vs. People
this same question was considered and the court held that in the “A person who makes a defamatory statement to the agent of a
criminal prosecution of a publisher of a newspaper in which a newspaper for publication, is liable both civilly and criminally,
libel appears, he is prima facie presumed to have published the and his liability is shared by the agent and all others who aid in
libel, and that the exclusion of an offer by the defendant to publishing it.”
prove that he never saw the libel and was not aware of its It is worthy to note that petitioner was not only the “publisher,” as shown by the editorial box
of Gossip Tabloid,21 but also its “president” and “chairperson” as she herself admitted on the
publication until it was pointed out to him and that an apology witness stand.22 She also testified that she handled the business aspect of the publication, and
and retraction were afterwards published in the same paper, assigns editors to take charge of everything.23Obviously, petitioner had full control over the
publication of articles in the said tabloid. Her excuse of lack of knowledge, consent, or
gave him no ground for exception. In this same case, Mr. participation in the release of the libelous article fails to persuade. Following our ruling
Justice Colt, speaking for the court, said: in Ocampo, petitioner’s criminal guilt should be affirmed, whether or not she had actual
knowledge and participation, having furnished the means of carrying on the publication of the
“It is the duty of the proprietor of a public paper, which may be article purportedly prepared by the members of the Gossip Reportorial Team, who were
used for the publication of improper communications, to use employees under her control and supervision.
Petitioner argues that Ocampo has been clarified by the CA in People v. Beltran and
reasonable caution in the conduct of his business that no libels Soliven such that Maximo V. Soliven, as publisher of The Philippine Star, was acquitted by the
be published.” (Wharton’s Criminal Law, secs. 1627, 1649; 1 appellate court in view of the lack of evidence that he knew and approved the article written by
Luis D. Beltran about then President Corazon C. Aquino in the newspaper’s October 12, 1987
Bishop’s Criminal Law, secs. 219, 221; People vs. Wilson, 64 issue. Petitioner submits that People v. Beltran and Soliven serves as a guide to this Court
Ill., 195; Commonwealth vs. Damon, 136 Mass., 441.) regarding the criminal liability of the publisher of the newspaper where a libelous article is
published. Put differently, it appears that petitioner wants this Court to follow the CA decision
The above doctrine is also the doctrine established by the and adopt it as judicial precedent under the principle of stare decisis.
English courts. In the case of Rex vs. Walter (3 Esp., 21) Lord
Kenyon said that he was “clearly of the opinion that the _______________
proprietor of a newspaper was answerable criminally as well as
civilly for the acts of his servants or agents for misconduct in 21 Exhibit “A-8”; Records, p. 60.
the management of the paper.” 22 TSN, May 2, 1996, p. 61.
This was also the opinion of Lord Hale, Mr. Justice Powell, 23 Id., at p. 29.
and Mr. Justice Foster. 145

Lofft, an English author, in his work on Libel and Slander, said: VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 145
“An information for libel will lie against the publisher of a Fermin vs. People
paper, although he did not know of its being put into the paper The doctrine of stare decisis, embodied in Article 824 of the Civil Code, is enunciated, thus:

and stopped the sale as soon as he discovered it.” “The doctrine of stare decisis enjoins adherence to judicial
In the case of People vs. Clay (86 Ill., 147) the court held that – precedents. It requires courts in a country to follow the rule
established in a decision of the Supreme Court thereof. That
decision becomes a judicial precedent to be followed in

subsequent cases by all courts in the land. The doctrine of stare A: Yes, that is correct.
decisis is based on the principle that once a question of law has
been examined and decided, it should be deemed settled and
closed to further argument.”25 (Emphasis supplied) That is all for the witness, your Honor.
Unfortunately, the Beltran decision attained finality at the level of the CA. Thus, if the CA
seemingly made a new pronouncement regarding the criminal liability of a publisher under
Article 360 of the Revised Penal Code, that ruling cannot bind this Court unless we purposely COURT: Do we get it right from you, if you were acting as you were, you will not
adopt the same. Be that as it may, we find no compelling reason to revisit U.S. v. Ocampo; to allow the said publication of this same article or same stories?
modify it would amount to judicial legislation. Article 360 is clear and unambiguous, and to
apply People v. Beltran and Soliven,which requires specific knowledge, participation, and A: If I were, if I was physically present, honestly I will because if you can see the
approval on the part of the publisher to be liable for the publication of a libelous article, would
article, your Honor, it is according to our source, it is not a direct comment.
be reading into the law an additional requirement that was not intended by it.
In the same vein, we note that the CA erred in acquitting Tugas. Tugas cannot feign lack of
participation in the publication of the questioned article as was evident from his and COURT: So whether you are there or not, [the] same article leading to them (sic)
petitioner’s Joint Counter-Affidavit,26 and as gleaned from his testimony before the trial court, will still find its way to come out?
to wit:

A: Yes, your honor.27

Tugas’ testimony, in fact, confirms his actual participation in the preparation and publication of
the controversial article and his approval thereof as it was written. Moreover, his alibi, which
24 “Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the was considered meritorious by the CA, that he was confined at the Mother of Perpetual Help
constitution shall form part of the legal system of the Clinic in Angeles City, is unavailing, in view of the testimony of his attending physician that
Tugas’ medical condition did not prevent him from performing his work, thus—
25 Castillo v. Sandiganbayan, 427 Phil. 785, 793; 377 SCRA Q: How would you describe the condition of the patient on June 13, 1995?
509, 515 (2002).
26 Records, p. 17. A: He is in stable condition.
Fermin vs. People
27 Cross-examination of Bogs Tugas; TSN, March 11, 1996, pp. 36-37.

WITNESS: As editor-in-chief, I have no participation in the writing of the

questioned article and my only participation in the publication is the handling of the
physical lay-outing, indication and allocation of type-size of the body of the article,
before the same was printed and published in GOSSIP Tabloid. VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 147
Fermin vs. People
Q: You do not deny the statements in this publication as executed by you in the
counter-affidavit and sworn in before the City Prosecutor, is this correct?

Q: You said he was in severe pain, from your opinion, was that condition A: No, sir.
sufficient to enable him to work?
Q: Now, prior to 7:10 o’clock in the morning of June 13, 1995, you did not see Mr.
A: Yes, in my opinion.28 Bogs Tugas?

Q: You said your impression of the patient was urethral colic and this was caused A: I saw him, he was admitted at 7:00 o’clock but I saw him before.
by spasm?
Q: How long before 7:10 were you able to see him?
A: Yes, sir.
A: That is about 2 hours.
Q: When you say spasm, it is not sustained, it comes every now and then and
[intermittently], it is not sustained? Q: About 5:00 o’clock in the morning?

A: Yes, sir. A: Yes, sir.

Q: Now you said he was in stable condition? _______________

A: Yes, sir. 28 Direct examination of Dr. Richard U. Velez; TSN, March 19, 1996, pp. 7-8.

Q: That means that his ailment is not life-threatening? 148

A: Correct.
Q: In fact, visitors were allowed to see him? Fermin vs. People

A: Yes, sir. Q: Who was his companion when you saw him?

Q: He can also write? A: He was boarding in my place.

A: Yes, sir. Q: So, you brought him to the hospital?

Q: He was allowed to [receive] friends? A: Both of us went to the hospital.

A: Yes, sir. Q: Which boarding house are you referring [to]? In Angeles City?

Q: According to you, he was able to work also, he is not totally incapacitated in A: Yes, sir.
performing certain chores in the hospital room?

Q: Do you know that Mr. Bogs Tugas works here in Quezon City as editor-in- MAS MALAKING HALAGA ANG NADISPALKO NILA
chief of a newspaper tabloid?
A: Yes, sir. SI ANNABELLE!
On the first page of the same issue of Gossip Tabloid, written in smaller but bold letters, are:
Q: And some of his work is done in your boarding house? ASUNTONG INIWAN DU’N NOON PA, NAKAPAG-ABROAD MAN SIYA, E,
Q: How did you know that he is working on his paper works in Quezon City? Did NOON SA AMERIKA, DU’N SILA NAGKAPROBLEMA, MILYON-MILYON ANG
The rest of the article, which continued to the entire second page of the tabloid, follows—
A: I only know he goes to Manila everyday. “Mainit na pinag-uusapan ngayon ang iba’t ibang posibilidad
na maaaring gawin ni Annabelle Rama Gutierrez para lang
Q: In your boarding house, you saw him read and write? hindi matuloy ang pag-aresto at pagkukulong sa kanya ng mga
awtoridad kaugnay ng sintensiyang ipinapataw sa kanya ni
A: Probably yes.29
Manila-RTC Judge Rodolfo Palattao.
But, of course, we cannot reinstate the ruling of the trial court convicting Bogs Tugas because Mula noong June 8, nabatid ng Gossip Tabloid, ay wala pang
with his acquittal by the CA, we would run afoul of his constitutional right against double sinumang nakapagtuturo kung saan talaga naroon ang ina ni
Anent the third and fourth issues, petitioner argues that the subject article in the June 14, 1995 Ruffa Gutierrez na hindi pinayagang makapagpiyansa ng
issue of Gossip Tabloid is not libelous, is covered by the mantle of press freedom, and is Branch 33 para sa pansamantala niyang kalayaan.
merely in the nature of a fair and honest comment. We disagree.
The banner headlines of the offending article read: May mga nagpapalagay na sa pamamagitan ng tinatawag na
KUNG TOTOONG NAKATAKAS NA SI ANNABELLE back-door exit, ang pag-alis ng bansa sa paraang hindi na
RAMA, IMPOSIBLENG SA STATES SIYA NAGPUNTA! kailangan pang dumaan sa NAIA, ay nakaalis na si Annabelle
noon pang nakaraang Biyernes, June 9, patungong Amerika.
_______________ Pero isang mapagkakatiwalaang source ng Gossip Tabloid ang
nagsabing napaka-imposibleng sa Amerika nagtungo si
29 Cross-examination of Bogs Tugas; TSN, March 19, 1996, Annabelle dahil doon man ay may mga nakahanda nang
pp. 15-18. awtoridad na handang magkulong kay Annabelle, sakaling
149 mapatunayang naroon nga siya.150
Fermin vs. People Fermin vs. People

“Hindi siya makapupunta sa Amerika dahil napakarami rin halaga sa mismong manufacturer nu’ng mga ibinebenta nilang
niyang asuntong iniwan doon noon pa! mamahaling kaldero!
“Nag-abroad man siya, e pihadong hindi siya sa Amerika “Yun ang dahilan kung bakit bigla-biglang umuwi sa Pilipinas
nagtuloy dahil nakaabang na rin ang sangkatutak niyang ang pamilya ni Eddie!
maniningil du’n ngayon! “Ang ikinakatwiran nilang mag-asawa noon, e gusto raw kasi
“Sa Amerika pa kaya siya magtatago, samantalang ilang taon nilang lumaking Pilipinong-Pilipino ang kanilang mga anak,
na rin siyang inaabangan du’n ng mga kababayan nating niloko pero ang totoo, e, napakalaki ng problemang iniwan nila sa
niya, in one way or another?” simula ng source ng Gossip Amerika!” mahabang simula ng source ng Gossip Tabloid.151
Tabloid. VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 151
Niliwanag ng naturang source na ang dahilan ng biglaang pag- Fermin vs. People
uwi ng pamilya Gutierrez sa bansa ilang taon na ang Masamang-masama diumano ang loob ng mga Pilipinong
nakararaan ay may kinalaman sa malaking halagang hindi kinatalo roon nina Eddie at Annabelle, lalo na si Annabelle, na
nabayaran nina Eddie at Annabelle sa ilang kababayan natin sa bukod sa mataray na ay may kayabangan pa.
Amerika. “Dati nang ganyan si Annabelle! Mataray siya na wala sa lugar.
“Naaalala pa ba ninyo ‘yung mga kalderong ibinebenta noon Nu’ng nasa Amerika pa silang mag-anak, e, ‘yun din ang
nina Eddie at Annabelle sa States? madalas nilang pag-awayan du’n ni Eddie!
“Mga mamahaling kaldero ‘yun, hindi basta-basta kaldero ang “Madalas silang magkagalit, kaya si Eddie, para lang
ibinebenta nila du’n, kaya talagang ang ganda-ganda na sana makapagpalipas ng mga sama niya ng loob, e, du’n nag-i-stay
ng buhay nilang mag-anak du’n hanggang sa dumating ‘yung sa bahay ng mga kaibigan niyang Pinoy!
point na sinisingil na sila nu’ng mismong kompanya ng kaldero! “Grabe ang naging problema nila du’n, kaya wala silang choice
“Malaki ang halagang involved, milyon-milyon, kaya nu’ng that time kung di ang umuwi na lang sa Pilipinas!
kinasuhan na sila, e kinailangan nilang umalis sa Amerika para “Ang halagang involved sa pagbebenta nila ng kaldero, e, hindi
bumalik na dito. basta-basta, milyunan ‘yon!
“Isa si Bert Leroy, Jr. sa mga Pilipinong nagkaroon ng “Kaso ‘yung pinagbebentahan nila, ‘yung halagang dapat sana,
malaking problema kina Eddie at Annabelle, alam ba n’yo yun? e, ibigay nila sa kompanya dahil porsiyentuhan lang naman sila
“Ang ganda-ganda ng samahan nila nu’ng una sa Amerika, du’n, nagastos nila!
yumaman sila nang dahil sa mga mamahaling kaldero na “Nawala ang pera, at ang balita nga sa States, e, si Annabelle
ibinebenta nila, kaso, sumabit sina Eddie at Annabelle du’n sa ang dahilan kung bakit nalubog sila noon sa utang sa States!
mismong company na pinagkukunan nila ng produkto! “Nag-casino pala si Annabelle! Grabe raw kung magpatalo siya,
“Bukod sa napakarami na nilang isinabit na Pinoy sa Amerika kaya pati ‘yung kinita nila sa pagbebenta ng mamahaling
dahil sa mga kalderong ‘yun, e sumabit pa sila nang malaking kaldero, e, natunaw!” sabi uli ng source ng Gossip Tabloid.

Maraming Pilipino ang sinabitan doon ng mag-asawa, ayon pa Ligaya Santos at ang sintensiya sa kanya ni Judge Palattao!”
sa source ng Gossip Tabloid, kaya ngayong may asunto naman madiin pang pahayag ng mapagkakatiwalaang source
si Annabelle dito sa Pilipinas ay napaka-imposibleng sa ng Gossip Tabloid.”30
Amerika pa rin siya tatakbo. A libel is defined as a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or
imaginary; or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause the
“Paano siya magpupunta du’n para tuluyan nang manirahan, e, dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of
ang dami-dami ring Pinoy na naghihintay sa kanya du’n para one who is dead.31 In determining whether a statement is defamatory, the words used are to be
construed in their entirety and should be taken in their plain and ordinary meaning as they
maningil sa kanya? would naturally be understood by persons reading them, unless it appears that they were used
“Alam n’yo ba, bukod sa galit na galit na sa kanila ang mga and understood in another sense.32
To say that the article, in its entirety, is not libelous disturbs one’s sensibilities; it would
Pinoy na nandu’n, e, may mga nakaabang na ring asunto para certainly prick one’s conscience. There is evident imputation of the crime of malversation (that
kay Annabelle. the complainants converted for their personal use the money paid to them by fellow Filipinos
in America in their business of distributing high-end cookware); of vices or de-
“So, malabong sa Amerika pa siya tumuloy ngayong
napapabalitang nasa abroad siya dahil sa mga naghihintay na _______________
kaso sa kanya du’n.
“Ang alam namin, e, sa Europe nagbabalak pumunta ang 30 Records, p. 59.
pamilya ni Eddie.152 31 Revised Penal Code, Art. 353.
152 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED 32 Novicio v. Aggabao, 463 Phil. 510, 516; 418 SCRA 138,
Fermin vs. People 143 (2003).
“Di ba’t ilang beses nang nagpapabalik-balik du’n sina Ruffa.
Noon pa, e, pinag-aralan na nina Eddie at Annabelle ang VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 153
posibilidad ng mga gagawin nila! Fermin vs. People
fects for being fugitives from the law (that complainants and their family returned to the
“Alam nila na hindi sila puwedeng mag-stay sa States dahil Philippines to evade prosecution in America); and of being a wastrel (that Annabelle Rama
kalat din ang asunto nila du’n, bukod pa sa napakaraming Gutierrez lost the earnings from their business through irresponsible gambling in casinos). The
attribution was made publicly, considering that Gossip Tabloid had a nationwide circulation.
Pinoy na huma-hunting sa kanila! The victims were identified and identifiable. More importantly, the article reeks of malice, as it
“Kaya kung totoong nakalusot na nga si Annabelle ngayon tends to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of the complainants.
Petitioner claims that there was no malice on her part because, allegedly, the article was merely
para makatakas siya sa pagkakulong, imposibleng sa States a fair and honest comment on the fact that Annabelle Rama Gutierrez was issued a warrant of
siya nagpunta! arrest for her conviction for estafa before then Judge Palattao’s court. She even cited as proof
of her lack of malice the purported absence of any ill will against complainants, as shown by
“Mas malaking problema ang kailangan niyang harapin sa the article she wrote about complainants’ daughter Sharmaine Ruffa Gutierrez in the June 15,
States dahil sa perang nadispalko nila, bukod pa sa asuntong 1995 issue of the same tabloid where she expressed her sympathy and admiration for the latter.
Notably, however, the complainants successfully refuted the imputations during the trial.
iniwan nilang nakatiwangwang du’n! Complainants proved that they could return anytime to the United States of America after the
“Naghahanap ng sakit ng katawan si Annabelle kung sa States publication of the article,33 and that they remained on good terms with the manufacturing
nga niya maisipang pumunta ngayon para lang malusutan si

company of the cookware.34 To the contrary, both petitioner and Tugas failed to adduce Q: When you say hard, you wanted your candidates to win, is it not?
evidence to show the truth of the allegations in the article despite the opportunity to do so.
Further worthy of mention is the admission of petitioner before the trial court that she had very
close association with then Congressman Golez and mayoralty candidate Joey Marquez, and A: Yes, Sir.
that she would use her skills as a writer to campaign for them. Complainant Eddie Gutierrez
ran against Q: Who was the opponent of Joey Marquez at that time?

_______________ A: The former Mayor Olivares, Sir.

Q: How about the opponent of Congressman Golez?

33 Exhibits “E-4” to “E-8”; Records, pp. 75-76.
34 Testimony of Eddie Gutierrez; TSN, January 15, 1996, pp. A: One of them is Eddie Gutierrez, Sir.
66-68, 85-87.
154 Q: And the tandem of Marquez and Golez versus the tandem of Olivares and
154 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Eddie Gutierrez, am I correct?
Fermin vs. People
then incumbent Golez for the congressional seat in Parañaque City. Petitioner testified in this A: Actually, that was the situation at that time, Sir.
Q: Of course, the tandem of Joey Marquez was working hard to win over their
Q: When you acted as writer during the campaign, as you said, for Joey Marquez opponent, is it not?
and Golez, of course you did not give your services for free to these candidates,
were you paid? A: Whatever their problems were, I am out.

A: I was not paid, Sir. Q: As a hard campaigner, you wanted your team to win over the other, is this
Q: You just wanted to help them, am I correct?
A: Yes, Sir.
A: Yes, because they are my friends, Sir.
Q: Of course you understand what PRO work is, it includes propaganda, is that
Q: And you wanted them to win the election, thru your being a writer, is that correct?
A: I am sorry I don’t accept PR work, Sir.155
A: Yes, Sir.
VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 155
Q: You were campaigning hard for Golez and Marquez, right?
Fermin vs. People
A: Right, Sir.
Q: Do you understand PRO work?

A: Yes, Sir, I know. willful disregard of the cumbrous responsibilities inherent in it,
is the eventual self-destruction of the right and the regression
Q: In propaganda, for your side, you promote it as against the other, right?
of human society into a veritable Hobbesian state of nature
A: Yes, Sir.35 where life is short, nasty and brutish. Therefore, to recognize
that there can be no absolute “unrestraint” in speech is to truly
It can be gleaned from her testimony that petitioner had the motive to make defamatory comprehend the quintessence of freedom in the marketplace of
imputations against complainants. Thus, petitioner cannot, by simply making a general denial,
convince us that there was no malice on her part. Verily, not only was there malice in law, the social thought and action, genuine freedom being that which is
article being malicious in itself, but there was also malice in fact, as there was motive to talk ill limned by the freedom of others. If there is freedom of the
against complainants during the electoral campaign.
Neither can petitioner take refuge in the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech and of press, ought there not also be freedom from the press? It is in
the press. Although a wide latitude is given to critical utterances made against public officials this sense that self-regulation as distinguished from self-
in the performance of their official duties, or against public figures on matters of public interest,
such criticism does not automatically fall within the ambit of constitutionally protected speech. censorship becomes the ideal mean for, as Mr. Justice
If the utterances are false, malicious or unrelated to a public officer’s performance of his duties Frankfurter has warned, “[W]ithout x x x a lively sense of
or irrelevant to matters of public interest involving public figures, the same may give rise to
criminal and civil liability.36 While complainants are considered public figures for being responsibility, a free press may readily become a powerful
personalities in the entertainment business, media people, including gossip and intrigue writers instrument of injustice.
and commentators such as petitioner, do not have the unbridled license to malign their honor
and dignity by indiscriminately airing fabricated Lest we be misconstrued, this is not to diminish nor constrict
that space in which expression freely flourishes and operates.
_______________ For we have always strongly maintained, as we do now, that
freedom of expression is man’s birthright—constitutionally
35 Cross-examination of Cristinelli Fermin; TSN, May 2, 1996, protected and guaranteed, and that it has become the singular
pp. 54-59. role of the press to act as its “defensor fidei” in a democratic
36 Brillante v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. 118757 & 121571, society such as ours. But it is also worth keeping in mind
October 19, 2004, 440 SCRA 541, 574. that the press is the servant, not the master, of the citizenry,
156 and its freedom does not carry with it an unrestricted hunting
156 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED license to prey on the ordinary citizen.”38
Fermin vs. People In view of the foregoing disquisitions, the conviction of petitioner for libel should be upheld.
and malicious comments, whether in broadcast media or in print, about their personal lives. 37
“We must however take this opportunity to likewise remind _______________
media practitioners of the high ethical standards attached to
and demanded by their noble profession. The danger of an 37 Soriano v. Intermediate Appellate Court, No. L-72383,
unbridled irrational exercise of the right of free speech and November 9, 1988, 167 SCRA 222, 231 (1988).
press, that is, in utter contempt of the rights of others and in

38 Borjal v. Court of Appeals, 361 Phil. 1, 28; 301 SCRA 1, politician, but maintained the penalty of fine of P4,000.00, with
31-32 (1999). subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, in each of the
157 five (5) cases of libel, on the ground that the intensely feverish
VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 157 passions evoked during the election period in 1988 must have
Fermin vs. People agitated petitioner into writing his open letter, and that
With respect to the penalty to be imposed for this conviction, we note that on January 25, 2008,
the Court issued Administrative Circular No. 08-2008, entitled Guidelines in the Observance of
incomplete privileged communication should be appreciated in
a Rule of Preference in the Imposition of Penalties in Libel Cases. The Circular expresses a favor of petitioner, especially considering the wide latitude
preference for the imposition of a fine rather than imprisonment, given the circumstances
attendant in the cases39 cited therein in which
traditionally given to defamatory utterances against public
officials in connection with or relevant to their performance of
_______________ official duties or against public figures in relation to matters of
public interest involving them.
39 “In Sazon v. Court of Appeals (325 Phil. 1053, 1068; 255 In Buatis, Jr. v. People (G.R No. 142509, March 24, 2006, 485
SCRA 692, 703 [1996]), the Court modified the penalty SCRA 275, 292), the Court opted to impose upon petitioner, a
imposed upon petitioner, an officer of a homeowners’ lawyer,
association, for the crime of libel from imprisonment and fine
in the amount of P200.00, to fine only of P3,000.00, with
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, for the reason Fermin vs. People
only a fine was imposed by this Court on those convicted of libel. It also states that, if the
that he wrote the libelous article merely to defend his honor penalty imposed is merely a fine but the convict is unable to pay the same, the Revised Penal
against the malicious messages that earlier circulated around Code provisions on subsidiary imprisonment should apply.
However, the Circular likewise allows the court, in the exercise of sound discretion, the option
the subdivision, which he thought was the handiwork of the to impose imprisonment as penalty, whenever the imposition of a fine alone would depreciate
private complainant. the seriousness of the offense, work violence on the social order, or otherwise be contrary to
the imperatives of justice.
In Mari v. Court of Appeals (388 Phil. 269, 279; 332 SCRA In the case at bench, the Court considers the public’s speculations as to the whereabouts of
475, 483 [2000]), in which the crime involved is slander by Annabelle Rama Gutierrez with the issuance of the warrant of arrest after her initial conviction
for estafa. Petitioner fueled these speculations through her article. However, her article went
deed, the Court modified the penalty imposed on petitioner, an overboard and exceeded the bounds of fair comment. This warrants her conviction.
ordinary government employee, from imprisonment to a fine of Nonetheless, in light of the relatively wide latitude given to utterances against public figures
such as private complainants, and consonant with Administrative Circular No. 08-2008, the
P1,000.00, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, Court deems it proper to modify the penalty of imprisonment to a fine in the amount of
on the ground that the latter committed the offense in the heat P6,000.00, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, in each case. But the award of
moral damages for each of the private complainants in the amount of P500,000.00, as ordered
of anger and in reaction to a perceived provocation. by the trial court, should be restored on account of the serious anxiety and the wounded
In Brillante v. Court of Appeals (G.R. Nos. 118757 & 121571, feelings suffered by complainants from the libelous article, particularly taking into account the
fact that petitioner and the private complainants were on relatively good terms with each other,
November 11, 2005, 474 SCRA 480, 484), the Court deleted and complainants gave no cause or offense which could have provoked the malicious
the penalty of imprisonment imposed upon petitioner, a local publication.


the penalty of fine only for the crime of libel considering that it
was his first offense and he was motivated purely by his belief
that he was merely exercising a civic or moral duty to his client
when he wrote the defamatory letter to private complainant.”

VOL. 550, MARCH 28, 2008 159
Fermin vs. People
WHEREFORE, the Decision dated September 3, 2002 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR
No. 20890 is AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that in lieu of imprisonment, petitioner
Cristinelli S. Fermin is sentenced to pay a fine in the amount of P6,000.00, with subsidiary
imprisonment in case of insolvency, in each case. The award of moral damages, in the amount
of P300,000.00 each in favor of complainants Annabelle Rama Gutierrez and Eduardo
Gutierrez, is increased to P500,000.00. Costs against petitioner.
Austria-Martinez (Actg. Chairperson), Tinga,** Chico-Nazario and Reyes, JJ.,concur.
Judgment affirmed with modification.
Notes.—Reliance on the rule of privileged communication in a suit for malicious prosecution
is misplaced, such defense being peculiar to actions for libel. (Lao vs. Court of Appeals, 271
SCRA 477 [1997])
The filing by a dismissed employee of a criminal action for libel during the pendency of the
illegal dismissal case does not constitute forum-shopping. (Equitable Banking Corporation vs.
National Labor Relations Commission, 273 SCRA 352 [1997])

Appellant was convicted of mailing unsolicited sexually
explicit material in violation of a California statute that
approximately incorporated the obscenity test formulated
in Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 383 U. S. 413, 383 U. S.
418 (plurality opinion). The trial court instructed the jury to
evaluate the materials by the contemporary community
standards of California. Appellant's conviction was affirmed on
appeal. In lieu of the obscenity criteria enunciated by
U.S. Supreme Court the Memoirsplurality, it is held:

1. Obscene material is not protected by the First

Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973)
Amendment. Roth v. United States, 354 U. S. 476, reaffirmed.
A work may be subject to state regulation where that work,
Miller v. California
taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in sex;
portrays, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct
No. 70-73
specifically defined by the applicable state law; and, taken as a
Argued January 18-19, 1972 whole, does not have serious literary, artistic, political, or
scientific value. Pp. 413 U. S. 23-24.
Reargued November 7, 1972
2. The basic guidelines for the trier of fact must be: (a) whether
Decided June 21, 1973 "the average person, applying contemporary community
standards" would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals
413 U.S. 15 to the prurient interest, Roth, supra, at 354 U. S. 489, (b)
whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive
APPEAL FROM THE APPELLATE DEPARTMENT, way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state
SUPERIOR COURT law, and (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious
literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. If a state
OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE obscenity law is thus limited, First Amendment values are
adequately protected by ultimate independent appellate review
Syllabus of constitutional claims when necessary. Pp. 413 U. S. 24-25.

3. The test of "utterly without redeeming social value" Appellant conducted a mass mailing campaign to advertise the
articulated in Memoirs, supra, is rejected as a constitutional sale of illustrated books, euphemistically called "adult"
standard. Pp. 413 U. S. 24-25. material. After a jury trial, he was convicted of violating
California Penal Code § 311.2(a), a misdemeanor, by
4. The jury may measure the essentially factual issues of knowingly distributing obscene matter, [Footnote 1]
prurient appeal and patent offensiveness by the standard that
prevails in the forum community, and need not employ a Page 413 U. S. 17
"national standard." Pp. 413 U. S. 30-34.
and the Appellate Department, Superior Court of California,
Vacated and remanded. County of Orange, summarily affirmed the judgment without
opinion. Appellant's conviction was specifically
Page 413 U. S. 16
Page 413 U. S. 18
BURGER, C.J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which
WHITE, BLACKMUN, POWELL, and REHNQUIST, JJ., based on his conduct in causing five unsolicited advertising
joined. DOUGLAS, J., filed a dissenting opinion, post, p. 413 brochures to be sent through the mail in an envelope addressed
U. S. 37. BRENNAN, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which to a restaurant in Newport Beach, California. The envelope was
STEWART and MARSHALL, JJ., joined, post, p. 413 U. S. opened by the manager of the restaurant and his mother. They
47. had not requested the brochures; they complained to the police.

MR. CHIEF JUSTICE BURGER delivered the opinion of the The brochures advertise four books entitled "Intercourse,"
Court. "Man-Woman," "Sex Orgies Illustrated," and "An Illustrated
History of Pornography," and a film entitled "Marital
This is one of a group of "obscenity-pornography" cases being Intercourse." While the brochures contain some descriptive
reviewed by the Court in a reexamination of standards printed material, primarily they consist of pictures and
enunciated in earlier cases involving what Mr. Justice Harlan drawings very explicitly depicting men and women in groups
called "the intractable obscenity problem." Interstate Circuit, of two or more engaging in a variety of sexual activities, with
Inc. v. Dallas, 390 U. S. 676, 390 U. S. 704(1968) (concurring genitals often prominently displayed.
and dissenting).

I Page 413 U. S. 20

This case involves the application of a State's criminal on to define the standards which must be used to identify
obscenity statute to a situation in which sexually explicit obscene material that a State may regulate without infringing
materials have been thrust by aggressive sales action upon on the First Amendment as applicable to the States through the
unwilling recipients who had in no way indicated any desire to Fourteenth Amendment.
receive such materials. This Court has recognized that the
States have a legitimate interest in prohibiting dissemination or The dissent of MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN reviews the
exhibition of obscene material [Footnote 2] background of the obscenity problem, but since the Court now
undertakes to formulate standards more concrete than those in
Page 413 U. S. 19 the past, it is useful for us to focus on two of the landmark
cases in the somewhat tortured history of the Court's obscenity
when the mode of dissemination carries with it a significant decisions. In Roth v. United States, 354 U. S. 476 (1957), the
danger of offending the sensibilities of unwilling recipients or Court sustained a conviction under a federal statute punishing
of exposure to juveniles. Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U. S. the mailing of "obscene, lewd, lascivious or filthy . . ."
557, 394 U. S. 567(1969); Ginsberg v. New York, 390 U. S. materials. The key to that holding was the Court's rejection of
629, 390 U. S. 637-643 (1968); Interstate Circuit, Inc. v. the claim that obscene materials were protected by the First
Dallas, supra, at 390 U. S. 690; Redrup v. New York, 386 U. S. Amendment. Five Justices joined in the opinion stating:
767, 386 U. S. 769 (1967); Jacobellis v. Ohio,378 U. S.
184, 378 U. S. 195 (1964). See Rabe v. Washington, 405 U. S. "All ideas having even the slightest redeeming social
313, 405 U. S. 317 (1972) (BURGER, C.J., importance -- unorthodox ideas, controversial ideas, even ideas
concurring); United States v. Reidel, 402 U. S. 351, 402 U. S. hateful to the prevailing climate of opinion -- have the full
360-362 (1971) (opinion of MARSHALL, J.); Joseph Burstyn, protection of the [First Amendment] guaranties, unless
Inc. v. Wilson, 343 U. S. 495, 343 U. S. 502 (1952); Breard v. excludable because they encroach upon the limited area of
Alexandria, 341 U. S. 622, 341 U. S. 644 645 (1951); Kovacs more important interests. But implicit in the history of the First
v. Cooper, 336 U. S. 77, 336 U. S. 88-89 (1949); Prince v. Amendment is the rejection of obscenity as utterly without
Massachusetts, 321 U. S. 158, 321 U. S. 169-170 (1944). Cf. redeeming social importance. . . . This is the same judgment
Butler v. Michigan, 352 U. S. 380, 352 U. S. 382-383 expressed by this Court in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315
(1957); Public Utilities Comm'n v. Pollak, 343 U. S. 451, 343 U. S. 568, 315 U. S. 571-572: "
U. S. 464-465 (1952) It is in this context that we are called

". . . There are certain well defined and narrowly limited or representation of sexual matters; and (c) the material is
classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which utterly without redeeming social value."
have never been thought to raise any Constitutional
problem. These include the lewd and obscene. . . . It has been Id. at 383 U. S. 418. The sharpness of the break
well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any with Roth, represented by the third element of the Memoirs test
exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social and emphasized by MR. JUSTICE WHITE's dissent, id. at 383
U. S. 460-462, was further underscored when
Page 413 U. S. 21 the Memoirs plurality went on to state:

value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived "The Supreme Judicial Court erred in holding that a book need
from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order not be 'unqualifiedly worthless before it can be deemed
and morality. . . ." obscene.' A book cannot be proscribed unless it is found to
be utterlywithout redeeming social value."
[Emphasis by Court in Roth opinion.]
Id. at 383 U. S. 419 (emphasis in original).
"We hold that obscenity is not within the area of
constitutionally protected speech or press." While Roth presumed "obscenity" to be "utterly without
redeeming social importance," Memoirsrequired
354 U.S. at 354 U. S. 48 85 (footnotes omitted).
Page 413 U. S. 22
Nine years later, in Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 383 U. S.
413 (1966), the Court veered sharply away from that to prove obscenity it must be affirmatively established that
the Roth concept and, with only three Justices in the plurality the material is "utterly without redeeming social value." Thus,
opinion, articulated a new test of obscenity. The plurality held even as they repeated the words of Roth, the Memoirs plurality
that, under the Roth definition, produced a drastically altered test that called on the prosecution
to prove a negative, i.e., that the material was "utterly without
"as elaborated in subsequent cases, three elements must redeeming social value" -- a burden virtually impossible to
coalesce: it must be established that (a) the dominant theme of discharge under our criminal standards of proof. Such
the material, taken as a whole, appeals to a prurient interest in considerations caused Mr. Justice Harlan to wonder if the
sex; (b) the material is patently offensive because it affronts "utterly without redeeming social value" test had any meaning
contemporary community standards relating to the description at all. See Memoirs v. Massachusetts, id. at 383 U. S.

459 (Harlan, J., dissenting). See also id. at 383 U. S. II
461(WHITE, J., dissenting); United States v. Groner, 479 F.2d
577, 579581 (CA5 1973). This much has been categorically settled by the Court, that
obscene material is unprotected by the First Amendment. Kois
Apart from the initial formulation in the Roth case, no majority v. Wisconsin, 408 U. S. 229 (1972); United States v.
of the Court has at any given time been able to agree on a Reidel, 402 U.S. at 402 U. S. 354; Roth v. United States,
standard to determine what constitutes obscene, pornographic supra, at 354 U. S. 485. [Footnote 5] "The First and Fourteenth
material subject to regulation under the States' police Amendments have never been treated as absolutes [footnote
power. See, e.g., Redrup v. New York, 386 U.S. at 386 U. S. omitted]." Breard v. Alexandria,341 U.S. at 341 U. S. 642,
770-771. We have seen "a variety of views among the and cases cited. See Times Film Corp. v. Chicago, 365 U. S.
members of the Court unmatched in any other course of 43, 365 U. S. 47-50 (1961); Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v.
constitutional adjudication." Interstate Circuit, Inc. v. Wilson, 343 U.S. at 343 U. S. 502. We acknowledge, however,
Dallas,390 U.S. at 390 U. S. 704-705 (Harlan, J., concurring the inherent dangers of undertaking to regulate any form of
and dissenting) (footnote omitted). [Footnote 3] This is not expression. State statutes designed to regulate obscene
remarkable, for in the area materials must be

Page 413 U. S. 23 Page 413 U. S. 24

of freedom of speech and press the courts must always remain carefully limited. See Interstate Circuit, Inc. v. Dallas,
sensitive to any infringement on genuinely serious literary, supra, at 390 U. S. 682-685. As a result, we now confine the
artistic, political, or scientific expression. This is an area in permissible scope of such regulation to works which depict or
which there are few eternal verities. describe sexual conduct. That conduct must be specifically
defined by the applicable state law, as written or authoritatively
The case we now review was tried on the theory that the construed. [Footnote 6] A state offense must also be limited to
California Penal Code § 311 approximately incorporates the works which, taken as a whole, appeal to the prurient interest
three-stage Memoirs test, supra. But now the Memoirs test has in sex, which portray sexual conduct in a patently offensive
been abandoned as unworkable by its author, [Footnote 4] and way, and which, taken as a whole, do not have serious literary,
no Member of the Court today supports artistic, political, or scientific value.
the Memoirs formulation.
The basic guidelines for the trier of fact must be: (a) whether
"the average person, applying contemporary community

standards" would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals examples of what a state statute could define for regulation
to the prurient interest, Kois v. Wisconsin, supra, at 408 U. S. under part (b) of the standard announced in this opinion, supra:
230, quoting Roth v. United States, supra, at 354 U. S. 489; (b)
whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive (a) Patently offensive representations or descriptions of
way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated.
law; and (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious
literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. We do not adopt (b) Patently offensive representations or descriptions of
as a constitutional standard the "utterly without redeeming masturbation, excretory functions, and lewd exhibition of the
social value" test of Memoirs v. Massachusetts, genitals.

Page 413 U. S. 25 Sex and nudity may not be exploited without limit by films or
pictures exhibited or sold in places of public accommodation
383 U.S. at 383 U. S. 419; that concept has never commanded any more than live sex and nudity can
the adherence of more than three Justices at one time.
[Footnote 7] See supra at 413 U. S. 21. If a state law that Page 413 U. S. 26
regulates obscene material is thus limited, as written or
construed, the First Amendment values applicable to the States be exhibited or sold without limit in such public places.
through the Fourteenth Amendment are adequately protected [Footnote 8] At a minimum, prurient, patently offensive
by the ultimate power of appellate courts to conduct an depiction or description of sexual conduct must have serious
independent review of constitutional claims when literary, artistic, political, or scientific value to merit First
necessary. See Kois v. Wisconsin, supra, at 408 U. S. Amendment protection. See Kois v. Wisconsin, supra, at 408
232; Memoirs v. Massachusetts, supra, at 383 U. S. 459-460 U. S. 230-232; Roth v. United States, supra, at 354 U. S.
(Harlan, J., dissenting); Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U.S. at 204 487; Thornhill v. Alabama, 310 U. S. 88, 310 U. S. 101-102
(Harlan, J., dissenting); New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 (1940). For example, medical books for the education of
U. S. 254, 376 U. S. 284-285 (1964); Roth v. United States, physicians and related personnel necessarily use graphic
supra, at 354 U. S. 497-498 (Harlan, J., concurring and illustrations and descriptions of human anatomy. In resolving
dissenting). the inevitably sensitive questions of fact and law, we must
continue to rely on the jury system, accompanied by the
We emphasize that it is not our function to propose regulatory safeguards that judges, rules of evidence, presumption of
schemes for the States. That must await their concrete innocence, and other protective features provide, as we do with
legislative efforts. It is possible, however, to give a few plain

rape, murder, and a host of other offenses against society and "hard core" sexual conduct specifically defined by the
its individual members. [Footnote 9] regulating state law, as written or construed. We are satisfied
that these specific prerequisites will provide fair notice to a
MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN, author of the opinions of the Court, dealer in such materials that his public and commercial
or the plurality opinions, in Roth v. United States, supra; activities may bring prosecution. See Roth v. United States,
Jacobellis v. Ohio, supra; Ginzburg v. United supra, at 354 U. S. 491-492. Cf. Ginsberg v. New York, 390
U.S. at 390 U. S. 643. [Footnote 10] If
Page 413 U. S. 27
Page 413 U. S. 28
States, 383 U. S. 463 (1966), Mishkin v. New York, 383 U. S.
502 (1966); and Memoirs v. Massachusetts, supra, has the inability to define regulated materials with ultimate, god-
abandoned his former position and now maintains that no like precision altogether removes the power of the States or the
formulation of this Court, the Congress, or the States can Congress to regulate, then "hard core" pornography may be
adequately distinguish obscene material unprotected by the exposed without limit to the juvenile, the passerby, and the
First Amendment from protected expression, Paris Adult consenting adult alike, as, indeed, MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS
Theatre I v. Slaton, post, p. 413 U. S. 73 (BRENNAN, J., contends. As to MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS' position, see
dissenting). Paradoxically, MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN United States v. Thirty-seven Photographs, 402 U. S. 363, 402
indicates that suppression of unprotected obscene material is U. S. 379-380 (1971) (Black, J., joined by DOUGLAS, J.,
permissible to avoid exposure to unconsenting adults, as in this dissenting); Ginzburg v. United States, supra, at 383 U. S.
case, and to juveniles, although he gives no indication of how 476, 383 U. S. 491-492 (Black, J., and DOUGLAS, J.,
the division between protected and nonprotected materials may dissenting); Jacobellis v. Ohio, supra, at 378 U. S. 196 (Black,
be drawn with greater precision for these purposes than for J., joined by DOUGLAS, J., concurring); Roth, supra, at 354
regulation of commercial exposure to consenting adults only. U. S. 508-514 (DOUGLAS, J., dissenting). In this belief,
Nor does he indicate where in the Constitution he finds the however, MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS now stands alone.
authority to distinguish between a willing "adult" one month
past the state law age of majority and a willing "juvenile" one MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN also emphasizes "institutional
month younger. stress" in justification of his change of view. Noting that "[t]he
number of obscenity cases on our docket gives ample
Under the holdings announced today, no one will be subject to testimony to the burden that has been placed upon this Court,"
prosecution for the sale or exposure of obscene materials he quite rightly remarks that the examination of contested
unless these materials depict or describe patently offensive

materials "is hardly a source of edification to the members of [Footnote 11] "Such an abnegation of judicial supervision in
this Court." Paris Adult this field would be inconsistent with our duty to uphold the
constitutional guarantees." Jacobellis v. Ohio, supra, at 378 U.
Page 413 U. S. 29 S. 187-188 (opinion of BRENNAN, J.). Nor should we remedy
"tension between state and federal courts" by arbitrarily
Theatre I v. Slaton, post, at 413 U. S. 92, 413 U. S. 93. He depriving the States of a power reserved to them under the
also notes, and we agree, that "uncertainty of the standards Constitution, a power which they have enjoyed and exercised
creates a continuing source of tension between state and federal continuously from before the adoption of the First Amendment
courts. . . ." to this day. See Roth v. United States, supra, at 354 U. S. 482-
"The problem is . . . that one cannot say with certainty that
material is obscene until at least five members of this Court, "Our duty admits of no 'substitute for facing up
applying inevitably obscure standards, have pronounced it so."
Page 413 U. S. 30
Id. at 413 U. S. 93, 413 U. S. 92.
to the tough individual problems of constitutional judgment
It is certainly true that the absence, since Roth, of a single involved in every obscenity case.' [Roth v. United States,
majority view of this Court as to proper standards for testing supra, at 354 U. S. 498]; see Manual Enterprises, Inc. v.
obscenity has placed a strain on both state and federal courts. Day, 370 U. S. 478, 370 U. S. 488 (opinion of Harlan, J.)
But today, for the first time since Roth was decided in 1957, a [footnote omitted]."
majority of this Court has agreed on concrete guidelines to
isolate "hard core" pornography from expression protected by Jacobellis v. Ohio, supra, at 378 U. S. 188 (opinion of
the First Amendment. Now we may abandon the casual BRENNAN, J.).
practice of Redrup v. New York, 386 U. S. 767(1967), and
attempt to provide positive guidance to federal and state courts III
Under a National Constitution, fundamental First Amendment
This may not be an easy road, free from difficulty. But no limitations on the powers of the States do not vary from
amount of "fatigue" should lead us to adopt a convenient community to community, but this does not mean that there are,
"institutional" rationale -- an absolutist, "anything goes" view or should or can be, fixed, uniform national standards of
of the First Amendment -- because it will lighten our burdens. precisely what appeals to the "prurient interest" or is "patently

offensive." These are essentially questions of fact, and our standards of decency," it was to apply "contemporary
Nation is simply too big and too diverse for this Court to community standards of the State of California."
reasonably expect that such standards could be articulated for
all 50 States in a single formulation, even assuming the During the trial, both the prosecution and the defense assumed
prerequisite consensus exists. When triers of fact are asked to that the relevant "community standards" in making the factual
decide whether "the average person, applying contemporary determination of obscenity were those of the State of California,
community standards" would consider certain materials not some hypothetical standard of the entire United States of
"prurient," it would be unrealistic to require that the answer be America. Defense counsel at trial never objected to the
based on some abstract formulation. The adversary system, testimony of the State's expert on community standards
with lay jurors as the usual ultimate factfinders in criminal [Footnote 12] or to the instructions of the trial judge on "state-
prosecutions, has historically permitted triers of fact to draw on wide" standards. On appeal to the Appellate Department,
the standards of their community, guided always by limiting Superior Court of California, County of Orange, appellant for
instructions on the law. To require a State to structure the first time contended that application of state, rather than
obscenity proceedings around evidence of national, standards violated the First and Fourteenth
a national "community standard" would be an exercise in Amendments.
We conclude that neither the State's alleged failure to offer
As noted before, this case was tried on the theory that the evidence of "national standards," nor the trial court's charge
California obscenity statute sought to incorporate the tripartite that the jury consider state community standards, were
test of Memoirs. This, a "national" standard of First constitutional errors. Nothing in the First Amendment requires
Amendment protection enumerated by a plurality of this Court, that a jury must consider hypothetical and unascertainable
was correctly regarded at the time of trial as limiting state "national standards" when attempting to determine whether
prosecution under the controlling case certain materials are obscene as a matter

Page 413 U. S. 31 Page 413 U. S. 32

law. The jury, however, was explicitly instructed that, in of fact. Mr. Chief Justice Warren pointedly commented in his
determining whether the "dominant theme of the material as a dissent in Jacobellis v. Ohio, supra, at 378 U. S. 200:
whole . . . appeals to the prurient interest," and, in determining
whether the material "goes substantially beyond customary "It is my belief that, when the Court said in Roth that obscenity
limits of candor and affronts contemporary community is to be defined by reference to 'community standards,' it meant

community standards -- not a national standard, as is standards" is to be certain that, so far as material is not aimed
sometimes argued. I believe that there is no provable 'national at a deviant group, it will be judged by its impact on an average
standard.' . . . At all events, this Court has not been able to person, rather than a particularly susceptible or sensitive person
enunciate one, and it would be unreasonable to expect local -- or indeed a totally insensitive one. See Roth v. United States,
courts to divine one." supra, at 354 U. S. 489. Cf.the now discredited test in Regina
v. Hicklin, [1868] L.R. 3 Q.B. 360. We hold that the
It is neither realistic nor constitutionally sound to read the First requirement that the jury evaluate the materials with reference
Amendment as requiring that the people of Maine or to "contemporary
Mississippi accept public depiction of conduct found tolerable
in Las Vegas, or New York City. [Footnote 13] Page 413 U. S. 34

Page 413 U. S. 33 standards of the State of California" serves this protective

purpose and is constitutionally adequate. [Footnote 14]
See Hoyt v. Minnesota, 399 U.S. at 524-525 (1970)
(BLACKMUN, J., dissenting); Walker v. Ohio, 398 U.S. at IV
434 (1970) (BURGER, C.J., dissenting); id. at 434-435 (Harlan,
J., dissenting); Cain v. Kentucky, 397 U. S. 319 (1970) The dissenting Justices sound the alarm of repression. But, in
(BURGER, C.J., dissenting); id. at 397 U. S. 319-320 (Harlan, our view, to equate the free and robust exchange of ideas and
J., dissenting); United States v. Groner, 479 F.2d at 581-583; political debate with commercial exploitation of obscene
O'Meara & Shaffer, Obscenity in The Supreme Court: A Note material demeans the grand conception of the First Amendment
on Jacobellis v. Ohio, 40 Notre Dame Law. 1, 6-7 (1964). See and its high purposes in the historic struggle for freedom. It is a
also Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 383 U.S. at 383 U. S. "misuse of the great guarantees of free speech and free
458 (Harlan, J., dissenting); Jacobellis v. Ohio, supra, at 378 U. press. . . ." Breard v. Alexandria, 341 U.S. at 341 U. S. 645.
S. 203-204 (Harlan, J., dissenting); Roth v. United States, The First Amendment protects works which, taken as a whole,
supra, at 354 U. S. 505-506 (Harlan, J., concurring and have serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value,
dissenting). People in different States vary in their tastes and regardless of whether the government or a majority of the
attitudes, and this diversity is not to be strangled by the people approve of the ideas these works represent.
absolutism of imposed uniformity. As the Court made clear
in Mishkin v. New York, 383 U.S. at 383 U. S. 508-509, the "The protection given speech and press was fashioned to assure
primary concern with requiring a jury to apply the standard of unfettered interchange of ideasfor the bringing about of
"the average person, applying contemporary community

Page 413 U. S. 35 forestalled." Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, post, at 413 U. S.
110 (BRENNAN, J., dissenting). These doleful anticipations
political and social changes desired by the people," assume that courts cannot distinguish commerce in ideas,
protected by the First Amendment, from commercial
Roth v. United States, supra, at 354 U. S. 484 (emphasis exploitation of obscene material. Moreover, state regulation of
added). See Kois v. Wisconsin, 408 U.S. at 408 U. S. 230- hard-core pornography so as to make it unavailable to
232; Thornhill v. Alabama, 310 U.S. at 310 U. S. 101-102. But nonadults, a regulation which MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN finds
the public portrayal of hard-core sexual conduct for its own constitutionally permissible, has all the elements of
sake, and for the ensuing commercial gain, is a different matter. "censorship" for adults; indeed even more rigid enforcement
[Footnote 15] techniques may be called for with such dichotomy of
regulation. See Interstate Circuit, Inc. v. Dallas, 390 U.S.
There is no evidence, empirical or historical, that the stern 19th at 390 U. S. 690. [Footnote 17] One can concede that the
century American censorship of public distribution and display "sexual revolution" of recent years may have had useful
of material relating to sex, see Roth v. United States, byproducts in striking layers of prudery from a subject long
supra, at 354 U. S. 482-485, in any way limited or affected irrationally kept from needed ventilation. But it does not follow
expression of serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific that no regulation of patently offensive "hard core" materials is
ideas. On the contrary, it is beyond any question that the era needed or permissible; civilized people do not allow
following Thomas Jefferson to Theodore Roosevelt was an unregulated access to heroin because it is a derivative of
"extraordinarily vigorous period" not just in economics and medicinal morphlne.
politics, but in belles lettres and in "the outlying fields of social
and political philosophies." [Footnote 16] We do not see the In sum, we (a) reaffirm the Roth holding that obscene material
harsh hand is not protected by the First Amendment; (b) hold that such
material can be regulated by the States, subject to the specific
Page 413 U. S. 36 safeguards enunciated

of censorship of ideas -- good or bad, sound or unsound -- and Page 413 U. S. 37

"repression" of political liberty lurking in every state regulation
of commercial exploitation of human interest in sex. above, without a showing that the material is "utterly without
redeeming social value"; and (c) hold that obscenity is to be
MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN finds "it is hard to see how state- determined by applying "contemporary community
ordered regimentation of our minds can ever be standards," see Kois v. Wisconsin, supra, at 408 U. S. 230,

and Roth v. United States, supra, at 354 U. S. 489, not "(a) 'Obscene' means that to the average person, applying
"national standards." The judgment of the Appellate contemporary standards, the predominant appeal of the matter,
Department of the Superior Court, Orange County, California, taken as a whole, is to prurient interest, i.e., a shameful or
is vacated and the case remanded to that court for further morbid interest in nudity, sex, or excretion, which goes
proceedings not inconsistent with the First Amendment substantially beyond customary limits of candor in description
standards established by this opinion. See United States v. 12 or representation of such matters and is matter which is utterly
200-ft. Reels of Film, post at 413 U. S. 130 n. 7. without redeeming social importance."

Vacated and remanded. "(b) 'Matter' means any book, magazine, newspaper, or other
printed or written material or any picture, drawing, photograph,
[Footnote 1] motion picture, or other pictorial representation or any statue or
other figure, or any recording, transcription or mechanical,
At the time of the commission of the alleged offense, which chemical or electrical reproduction or any other articles,
was prior to June 25, 1969, §§ 311.2(a) and 311 of the equipment, machines or materials."
California Penal Code read in relevant part:
"(c) 'Person' means any individual, partnership, firm,
"§ 311.2 Sending or bringing into state for sale or distribution; association, corporation, or other legal entity."
printing, exhibiting, distributing or possessing within state"
"(d) 'Distribute' means to transfer possession of, whether with
"(a) Every person who knowingly: sends or causes to be sent, or without consideration."
or brings or causes to be brought, into this state for sale or
distribution, or in this state prepares, publishes, prints, exhibits, "(e) 'Knowingly' means having knowledge that the matter is
distributes, or offers to distribute, or has in his possession with obscene."
intent to distribute or to exhibit or offer to distribute, any
obscene matter is guilty of a misdemeanor. . . ." Section 311(e) of the California Penal Code, supra, was
amended on June 25, 1969, to read as follows:
"§ 311. Definitions"
"(e) 'Knowingly' means being aware of the character of the
"As used in this chapter: " matter."

Cal. Amended Stats.1969, c. 249, § 1, p. 598. Despite "1a: disgusting to the senses . . . b: grossly repugnant to the
appellant's contentions to the contrary, the record indicates that generally accepted notions of what is appropriate . . . 2:
the new § 311(e) was not applied ex post facto to his case, but offensive or revolting as countering or violating some ideal or
only the old § 311(e) as construed by state decisions prior to principle."
the commission of the alleged offense. See People v.
Pinkus, 256 Cal.App.2d 941, 948-950, 63 Cal.Rptr. 680, 685- The Oxford English Dictionary (1933 ed.) gives a similar
686 (App. Dept., Superior Ct., Los Angeles, 1967); People v. definition, "[o]ffensive to the senses, or to taste or refinement;
Campise, 242 Cal.App.2d 905, 914, 51 Cal.Rptr. 815, 821 disgusting, repulsive, filthy, foul, abominable, loathsome."
(App.Dept., Superior Ct., San Diego, 1966). Cf. Bouie v. City
of Columbia, 378 U. S. 347 (1964). Nor did § 311.2, supra, as The material we are discussing in this case is more accurately
applied, create any "direct, immediate burden on the defined as "pornography" or "pornographic material."
performance of the postal functions," or infringe on "Pornography" derives from the Greek (porne, harlot, and
congressional commerce powers under Art. I, § 8, cl. 3. Roth v. graphos, writing). The word now means
United States, 354 U. S. 476, 354 U. S. 494 (1957),
quoting Railway Mail Assn. v. Corsi, 326 U. S. 88, 326 U. S. "1: a description of prostitutes or prostitution 2: a depiction (as
96 (1945). See also Mishkin v. New York, 383 U. S. 502, 383 in writing or painting) of licentiousness or lewdness: a
U. S. 506 (1966); Smith v. California,361 U. S. 147, 361 U. S. portrayal of erotic behavior designed to cause sexual
150-152 (1959). excitement."

[Footnote 2] Webster's Third New International

Dictionary, supra. Pornographic material which is obscene
This Court has defined "obscene material" as "material which forms a sub-group of all "obscene" expression, but not the
deals with sex in a manner appealing to prurient interest," Roth whole, at least as the word "obscene" is now used in our
v. United States, supra, at 354 U. S. 487, but language. We note, therefore, that the words "obscene
the Rothdefinition does not reflect the precise meaning of material," as used in this case, have a specific judicial meaning
"obscene" as traditionally used in the English language. which derives from the Roth case, i.e., obscene material "which
Derived from the Latin obscaenus ob, to, plus caenum, filth, deals with sex." Roth, supra, at 354 U. S. 487. See also ALI
"obscene" is defined in the Webster's Third New International Model Penal Code § 251.4(1) "Obscene Defined." (Official
Dictionary (Unabridged 1969) as Draft 1962.)

[Footnote 3]

In the absence of a majority view, this Court was compelled to There must be a rule of reason in this as in other areas of the
embark on the practice of summarily reversing convictions for law, and we have attempted in the Roth case to provide such a
the dissemination of materials that, at least five members of the rule."
Court, applying their separate tests, found to be protected by
the First Amendment. Redrup v. New York, 386 U. S. [Footnote 6]
767 (1967). Thirty-one cases have been decided in this manner.
Beyond the necessity of circumstances, however, no See, e.g., Oregon Laws 1971, c. 743, Art. 29, §§ 255-262, and
justification has ever been offered in support of Hawaii Penal Code, Tit. 37, §§ 1210-1216, 1972 Hawaii
the Redrup "policy." See Walker v. Ohio, 398 U.S. at 398 U. Session Laws, Act 9, c. 12, pt.. II, pp. 126-129, as examples of
S. 434-435 (1970) (dissenting opinions of BURGER, C.J., and state laws directed at depiction of defined physical conduct, as
Harlan, J.). The Redrup procedure has cast us in the role of an opposed to expression. Other state formulations could be
unreviewable board of censorship for the 50 States, equally valid in this respect. In giving the Oregon and Hawaii
subjectively judging each piece of material brought before us. statutes as examples, we do not wish to be understood as
approving of them in all other respects nor as establishing their
[Footnote 4] limits as the extent of state power.

See the dissenting opinion of MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN We do not hold, as MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN intimates, that
in Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, post, p. 413 U. S. 73. all States other than Oregon must now enact new obscenity
statutes. Other existing state statutes, as construed heretofore or
[Footnote 5] hereafter, may well be adequate. See United States v. 12 200-ft.
Reel of Film, post, at 413 U. S. 130n. 7.
As Mr. Chief Justice Warren stated, dissenting, in Jacobellis v.
Ohio, 378 U. S. 184, 378 U. S. 200(1964): [Footnote 7]

"For all the sound and fury that the Roth test has generated, it "A quotation from Voltaire in the flyleaf of a book will not
has not been proved unsound, and I believe that we should try constitutionally redeem an otherwise obscene
to live with it -- at least until a more satisfactory definition is publication. . . ." Kois v. Wisconsin, 408 U. S. 229, 408 U. S.
evolved. No government -- be it federal, state, or local -- 231 (1972). See Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 383 U. S.
should be forced to choose between repressing all material, 413, 383 U. S. 461 (1966) (WHITE, J., dissenting). We also
including that within the realm of decency, and allowing reject, as a constitutional standard, the ambiguous concept of
unrestrained license to publish any material, no matter how vile.

"social importance." See id. at 383 U. S. 462(WHITE, J., "it is common experience that different juries may reach
dissenting). different results under any criminal statute. That is one of the
consequences we accept under our jury system. Cf. Dunlop v.
[Footnote 8] United States, 165 U. S. 486, 165 U. S. 499-500."

Although we are not presented here with the problem of [Footnote 10]
regulating lewd public conduct itself, the States have greater
power to regulate nonverbal, physical conduct than to suppress As MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN stated for the Court in Roth v.
depictions or descriptions of the same behavior. In United United States, supra at 354 U. S. 491-492:
States v. O'Brien, 391 U. S. 367, 391 U. S. 377 (1968), a case
not dealing with obscenity, the Court held a State regulation of "Many decisions have recognized that these terms of obscenity
conduct which itself embodied both speech and nonspeech statutes are not precise. [Footnote omitted.] This Court,
elements to be however, has consistently held that lack of precision is not
itself offensive to the requirements of due process. '. . . [T]he
"sufficiently justified if . . . it furthers an important or Constitution does not require impossible standards;' all that is
substantial governmental interest; if the governmental interest required is that the language 'conveys sufficiently definite
is unrelated to the suppression of free expression; and if the warning as to the proscribed conduct when measured by
incidental restriction on alleged First Amendment freedoms is common understanding and practices. . . .' United States v.
no greater than is essential to the furtherance of that interest." Petrillo, 332 U. S. 1, 332 U. S. 7-8. These words, applied
according to the proper standard for judging obscenity, already
See California v. LaRue, 409 U. S. 109, 409 U. S. 117-118 discussed, give adequate warning of the conduct proscribed
(1972). and mark"

[Footnote 9] ". . . boundaries sufficiently distinct for judges and juries fairly
to administer the law. . . . That there may be marginal cases in
The mere fact juries may reach different conclusions as to the which it is difficult to determine the side of the line on which a
same material does not mean that constitutional rights are particular fact situation falls is no sufficient reason to hold the
abridged. As this Court observed in Roth v. United States, 354 language too ambiguous to define a criminal offense. . . ."
U.S. at 354 U. S. 492 n. 30,
"Id. at 332 U. S. 7. See also United States v. Harriss, 347 U. S.
612, 347 U. S. 624, n. 15; Boyce Motor Lines, Inc. v. United

States, 342 U. S. 337, 342 U. S. 340; United States v. place. Id. at 378 U. S. 193-195 (opinion of BRENNAN, J.,
Ragen, 314 U. S. 513, 314 U. S. 523-524; United States v. joined by Goldberg, J.). The use of "national" standards,
Wurzbach, 280 U. S. 396; Hygrade Provision Co. v. however, necessarily implies that materials found tolerable in
Sherman, 266 U. S. 497; Fox v. Washington, 236 U. S. some places, but not under the "national" criteria, will
273; Nash v. United States, 229 U. S. 373." nevertheless be unavailable where they are acceptable. Thus, in
terms of danger to free expression, the potential for suppression
[Footnote 11] seems at least as great in the application of a single nationwide
standard as in allowing distribution in accordance with local
We must note, in addition, that any assumption concerning the tastes, a point which Mr. Justice Harlan often emphasized. See
relative burdens of the past and the probable burden under the Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. at 354 U. S. 506.
standards now adopted is pure speculation.
Appellant also argues that adherence to a "national standard" is
[Footnote 12] necessary "in order to avoid unconscionable burdens on the
free flow of interstate commerce." As noted supra at 413 U. S.
The record simply does not support appellant's contention, 18 n. 1, the application of domestic state police powers in this
belatedly raised on appeal, that the State's expert was case did not intrude on any congressional powers under Art. I,
unqualified to give evidence on California "community § 8, cl. 3, for there is no indication that appellant's materials
standards." The expert, a police officer with many years of were ever distributed interstate. Appellant's argument would
specialization in obscenity offenses, had conducted an appear without substance in any event. Obscene material may
extensive state-wide survey and had given expert evidence on be validly regulated by a State in the exercise of its traditional
26 occasions in the year prior to this trial. Allowing such expert local power to protect the general welfare of its population
testimony was certainly not constitutional error. Cf. United despite some possible incidental effect on the flow of such
States v. Augenblick, 393 U. S. 348, 393 U. S. 356 (1969). materials across state lines. See, e.g., Head v. New Mexico
Board, 374 U. S. 424(1963); Huron Portland Cement Co. v.
[Footnote 13] Detroit, 362 U. S. 440 (1960); Breard v. Alexandria, 341 U. S.
622 (1951); H. P. Hood & Sons v. Du Mond, 336 U. S.
In Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U. S. 184 (1964), two Justices 525 (1949); Southern Pacific Co. v. Arizona, 325 U. S.
argued that application of "local" community standards would 761 (1945); Baldwin v. G.A.F. Seelig, Inc., 294 U. S.
run the risk of preventing dissemination of materials in some 511 (1935); Sligh v. Kirkwood, 237 U. S. 52(1915).
places because sellers would be unwilling to risk criminal
conviction by testing variations in standards from place to [Footnote 14]

Appellant's jurisdictional statement contends that he was believe that the State and Federal Governments can
subjected to "double jeopardy" because a Los Angeles County constitutionally punish such conduct. That is all that these
trial judge dismissed, before trial, a prior prosecution based on cases present to us, and that is all we need to decide."
the same brochures, but apparently alleging exposures at a
different time in a different setting. Appellant argues that, once Roth v. United States, supra, at 354 U. S. 496 (concurring
material has been found not to be obscene in one proceeding, opinion).
the State is "collaterally estopped" from ever alleging it to be
obscene in a different proceeding. It is not clear from the [Footnote 16]
record that appellant properly raised this issue, better regarded
as a question of procedural due process than a "double See 2 V. Parrington, Main Currents in American Thought ix et
jeopardy" claim, in the state courts below. Appellant failed to seq. (1930). As to the latter part of the 19th century, Parrington
address any portion of his brief on the merits to this issue, and observed
appellee contends that the question was waived under
California law because it was improperly pleaded at trial. Nor "A new age had come and other dreams -- the age and the
is it totally clear from the record before us what collateral dreams of a middle-class sovereignty. . . . From the crude and
effect the pretrial dismissal might have under state law. The vast romanticisms of that vigorous sovereignty emerged
dismissal was based, at least in part, on a failure of the eventually a spirit of realistic criticism, seeking to evaluate the
prosecution to present affirmative evidence required by state worth of this new America, and discover if possible other
law, evidence which was apparently presented in this case. philosophies to take the place of those which had gone down in
Appellant's contention, therefore, is best left to the California the fierce battles of the Civil War."
courts for further consideration on remand. The issue is not, in
any event, a proper subject for appeal. See Mishkin v. New Id. at 474. Cf. 2 S. Morison, H. Commager & W.
York, 383 U. S. 502, 383 U. S. 512-514 (1966). Leuchtenburg, The Growth of the American Republic 197-233
(6th ed.1969); Paths of American Thought 123-166, 203-290
[Footnote 15] (A. Schlesinger & M. White ed.1963) (articles of Fleming,
Lerner, Morton & Lucia White, E. Rostow, Samuelson, Kazin,
In the apt words of Mr. Chief Justice Warren, appellant in this Hofstadter); and H. Wish, Society and Thought in Modern
case was America 337-386 (1952).

"plainly engaged in the commercial exploitation of the morbid [Footnote 17]

and shameful craving for materials with prurient effect. I

"[W]e have indicated . . . that, because of its strong and abiding been said, could not be determined by one standard here and
interest in youth, a State may regulate the dissemination to another standard there, Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U. S. 184, 378
juveniles of, and their access to, material objectionable as to U. S. 194, but "on the basis of a national standard." Id. at 378
them, but which a State clearly could not regulate as to U. S. 195. My Brother STEWART, in Jacobellis, commented
adults. Ginsberg v. New York, . . . [390 U.S. 629 (1968)]." that the difficulty of the Court in giving content to obscenity
was that it was "faced with the task of trying to define what
Interstate Circuit, Inc. v. Dallas, 390 U. S. 676, 390 U. S. may be indefinable." 378 U. S. 197.
690 (1968) (footnote omitted).
In Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 383 U. S. 413, 383 U. S. 418,
MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS, dissenting. the Roth test was elaborated to read as follows:

I "[T]hree elements must coalesce: it must be established that (a)

the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to
Today we leave open the way for California [Footnote 2/1] to a prurient interest in sex; (b) the material is patently offensive
send a man to prison for distributing brochures that advertise because it affronts contemporary community standards relating
books and a movie under freshly written standards defining to the description or representation of sexual matters; and (c)
obscenity which until today is decision were never the part of the material is utterly without redeeming social value."
any law.
In Ginzburg v. United States, 383 U. S. 463, a publisher was
The Court has worked hard to define obscenity and concededly sent to prison, not for the kind of books and periodicals he sold,
has failed. In Roth v. United States, 354 U. S. 476, it ruled that but for the manner in which the publications were advertised.
"[o]bscene material is material which deals with sex in a The "leer of the sensualist" was said to permeate the
manner appealing to prurient interest." Id. at 354 U. S. 487. advertisements. Id. at 383 U. S. 468. The Court said,
Obscenity, it was said, was rejected by the First Amendment
because it is "utterly without redeeming "Where the purveyor's sole emphasis is on the sexually
provocative aspects of his publications, that fact may be
Page 413 U. S. 38 decisive in the determination of obscenity."

social importance." Id. at 354 U. S. 484. The presence of a Id. at 383 U. S. 470. As Mr. Justice Black said in dissent,
"prurient interest" was to be determined by "contemporary
community standards." Id. at 354 U. S. 489. That test, it has

". . . Ginzburg . . . is now finally and authoritatively Today we would add a new three-pronged test:
condemned to serve five years in prison for distributing printed
matter about sex which neither Ginzburg nor anyone else could "(a) whether 'the average person, applying contemporary
possibly have known to be criminal." community standards,' would find that the work, taken as a
whole, appeals to the prurient interest, . . . (b) whether the work
Id. at 383 U. S. 476. That observation by Mr. Justice Black is depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual
underlined by the fact that the Ginzburg decision was five to conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law, and (c)
four. whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary,
artistic, political, or scientific value."
Page 413 U. S. 39
Those are the standards we ourselves have written into the
A further refinement was added by Ginsberg v. New York, 390 Constitution. [Footnote 2/5] Yet how under these vague tests
U. S. 629, 390 U. S. 641, where the Court held that "it was not can
irrational for the legislature to find that exposure to material
condemned by the statute is harmful to minors." Page 413 U. S. 40

But even those members of this Court who had created the new we sustain convictions for the sale of an article prior to the time
and changing standards of "obscenity" could not agree on their when some court has declared it to be obscene?
application. And so we adopted a per curiam treatment of so-
called obscene publications that seemed to pass constitutional Today the Court retreats from the earlier formulations of the
muster under the several constitutional tests which had been constitutional test and undertakes to make new definitions.
formulated. See Redrup v. New York, 386 U. S. 767. Some This effort, like the earlier ones, is earnest and well intentioned.
condemn it if its "dominant tendency might be to deprave or The difficulty is that we do not deal with constitutional terms,
corrupt' a reader." [Footnote 2/2] Others look not to the content since "obscenity" is not mentioned in the Constitution or Bill of
of the book, but to whether it is advertised "`to appeal to the Rights. And the First Amendment makes no such exception
erotic interests of customers.'" [Footnote 2/3] Some condemn from "the press" which it undertakes to protect nor, as I have
only "hard-core pornography," but even then a true definition is said on other occasions, is an exception necessarily implied, for
lacking. It has indeed been said of that definition, "I could there was no recognized exception to the free press at the time
never succeed in [defining it] intelligibly," but "I know it when the Bill of Rights was adopted which treated "obscene"
I see it." [Footnote 2/4] publications differently from other types of papers, magazines,
and books. So there are no constitutional guidelines for

deciding what is and what is not "obscene." The Court is at "The upshot of all this divergence in viewpoint is that anyone
large because we deal with tastes and standards of literature. who undertakes to examine the Court's decisions
What shocks me may since Roth which have held particular material obscene or not
obscene would find himself in utter bewilderment."
Page 413 U. S. 41
Interstate Circuit, Inc. v. Dallas, 390 U. S. 676, 390 U. S. 707.
be sustenance for my neighbor. What causes one person to boil
up in rage over one pamphlet or movie may reflect only his In Bouie v. City of Columbia, 378 U. S. 347, we upset a
neurosis, not shared by others. We deal here with a regime of conviction for remaining on property after being asked to leave,
censorship which, if adopted, should be done by constitutional while the only unlawful act charged by the statute was entering.
amendment after full debate by the people. We held that the defendants had received no "fair warning, at
the time of their conduct"
Obscenity cases usually generate tremendous emotional
outbursts. They have no business being in the courts. If a Page 413 U. S. 42
constitutional amendment authorized censorship, the censor
would probably be an administrative agency. Then criminal while on the property "that the act for which they now stand
prosecutions could follow as, if, and when publishers defied convicted was rendered criminal" by the state
the censor and sold their literature. Under that regime, a statute. Id. at 378 U. S. 355. The same requirement of "fair
publisher would know when he was on dangerous ground. warning" is due here, as much as in Bouie. The latter involved
Under the present regime -- whether the old standards or the racial discrimination; the present case involves rights earnestly
new ones are used -- the criminal law becomes a trap. A brand urged as being protected by the First Amendment. In any case -
new test would put a publisher behind bars under a new law - certainly when constitutional rights are concerned -- we
improvised by the courts after the publication. That was done should not allow men to go to prison or be fined when they had
in Ginzburg, and has all the evils of an ex post facto law. no "fair warning" that what they did was criminal conduct.

My contention is that, until a civil proceeding has placed a tract II

beyond the pale, no criminal prosecution should be sustained.
For no more vivid illustration of vague and uncertain laws If a specific book, play, paper, or motion picture has in a civil
could be designed than those we have fashioned. As Mr. proceeding been condemned as obscene and review of that
Justice Harlan has said: finding has been completed, and thereafter a person publishes,
shows, or displays that particular book or film, then a vague

law has been made specific. There would remain the compelled to look or to listen. Those who enter newsstands or
underlying question whether the First Amendment allows an bookstalls may be offended by what they see. But they are not
implied exception in the case of obscenity. I do not think it compelled by the State to frequent those places; and it is only
does, [Footnote 2/6] and my views state or governmental action against which the First
Amendment, applicable to the States by virtue of the
Page 413 U. S. 43 Fourteenth, raises a ban.

on the issue have been stated over and over again. [Footnote The idea that the First Amendment permits government to ban
2/7] But at least a criminal prosecution brought at that juncture publications that are "offensive" to some people puts an
would not violate the time-honored "void for vagueness" test. ominous gloss on freedom of the press. That test would make it
[Footnote 2/8] possible to ban any paper or any journal or magazine in some
benighted place. The First Amendment was designed "to invite
No such protective procedure has been designed by California dispute," to induce "a condition of unrest," to "create
in this case. Obscenity -- which even we cannot define with dissatisfaction with conditions as they are," and even to stir
precision -- is a hodge-podge. To send "people to anger." Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 U. S. 1, 337 U.
S. 4. The idea that the First Amendment permits punishment
Page 413 U. S. 44 for ideas that are "offensive" to the particular judge or jury
sitting in judgment is astounding. No greater leveler of speech
men to jail for violating standards they cannot understand, or literature has ever been designed. To give the power to the
construe, and apply is a monstrous thing to do in a Nation censor, as we do today, is to make a sharp and radical break
dedicated to fair trials and due process. with the traditions of a free society. The First Amendment was
not fashioned as a vehicle for
Page 413 U. S. 45
While the right to know is the corollary of the right to speak or
publish, no one can be forced by government to listen to dispensing tranquilizers to the people. Its prime function was to
disclosure that he finds offensive. That was the basis of my keep debate open to "offensive" as well as to "staid" people.
dissent in Public Utilities Comm'n v. Pollak, 343 U. S. The tendency throughout history has been to subdue the
451, 343 U. S. 467, where I protested against making streetcar individual and to exalt the power of government. The use of the
passengers a "captive" audience. There is no "captive standard "offensive" gives authority to government that cuts
audience" problem in these obscenity cases. No one is being the very vitals out of the First Amendment. [Footnote 2/9] As

is intimated by the Court's opinion, the materials before us may Id. at 402 U. S. 614.
be garbage. But so is much of what is said in political
campaigns, in the daily press, on TV, or over the radio. By How we can deny Ohio the convenience of punishing people
reason of the First Amendment -- and solely because of it -- who "annoy" others and allow California power to punish
speakers and publishers have not been threatened or subdued people who publish materials "offensive" to some people is
because their thoughts and ideas may be "offensive" to some. difficult to square with constitutional requirements.

The standard "offensive" is unconstitutional in yet another way. If there are to be restraints on what is obscene, then a
In Coates v. City of Cincinnati, 402 U. S. 611, we had before constitutional amendment should be the way of achieving the
us a municipal ordinance that made it a crime for three or more end. There are societies where religion and mathematics are the
persons to assemble on a street and conduct themselves "in a only free segments. It would be a dark day for America if that
manner annoying to persons were our destiny. But the people can make it such if they
choose to write obscenity into the Constitution and define it.
Page 413 U. S. 46
We deal with highly emotional, not rational, questions. To
passing by." We struck it down, saying: many, the Song of Solomon is obscene. I do not think we, the
judges, were ever given the constitutional power to make
"If three or more people meet together on a sidewalk or street definitions of obscenity. If it is to be defined, let the people
corner, they must conduct themselves so as not to annoy any debate and decide by a constitutional amendment what they
police officer or other person who should happen to pass by. In want to ban as obscene and what standards they want the
our opinion, this ordinance is unconstitutionally vague because legislatures and the courts to apply. Perhaps the people will
it subjects the exercise of the right of assembly to an decide that the path towards a mature, integrated society
unascertainable standard, and unconstitutionally broad because requires
it authorizes the punishment of constitutionally protected
conduct." Page 413 U. S. 47

"Conduct that annoys some people does not annoy others. Thus, that all ideas competing for acceptance must have no censor.
the ordinance is vague not in the sense that it requires a person Perhaps they will decide otherwise. Whatever the choice, the
to conform his conduct to an imprecise but comprehensive courts will have some guidelines. Now we have none except
normative standard, but rather in the sense that no standard of our own predilections.
conduct is specified at all."

[Footnote 2/1] At the conclusion of a two-year study, the U.S. Commission on
Obscenity and Pornography determined that the standards we
California defines "obscene matter" as have written interfere with constitutionally protected materials:

"matter, taken as a whole, the predominant appeal of which to "Society's attempts to legislate for adults in the area of
the average person, applying contemporary standards, is to obscenity have not been successful. Present laws prohibiting
prurient interest, i.e., a shameful or morbid interest in nudity, the consensual sale or distribution of explicit sexual materials
sex, or excretion; and is matter which taken as a whole goes to adults are extremely unsatisfactory in their practical
substantially beyond customary limits of candor in description application. The Constitution permits material to be deemed
or representation of such matters; and is matter which taken as 'obscene' for adults only if, as a whole, it appeals to the
a whole is utterly without redeeming social importance." 'prurient' interest of the average person, is 'patently offensive'
in light of 'community standards,' and lacks 'redeeming social
Calif. Penal Code § 311(a). value.' These vague and highly subjective aesthetic,
psychological and moral tests do not provide meaningful
[Footnote 2/2] guidance for law enforcement officials, juries or courts. As a
result, law is inconsistently and sometimes erroneously applied,
Roth v. United States, 354 U. S. 476, 354 U. S. 502 (opinion and the distinctions made by courts between prohibited and
of Harlan, J.). permissible materials often appear indefensible. Errors in the
application of the law and uncertainty about its scope also
[Footnote 2/3] cause interference with the communication of constitutionally
protected materials."
Ginzburg v. United States, 383 U. S. 463, 383 U. S. 467.
Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography 53
[Footnote 2/4] (1970).
Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U. S. 184, 378 U. S. 197 (STEWART, [Footnote 2/6]
J., concurring).
It is said that "obscene" publications can be banned on
[Footnote 2/5] authority of restraints on communications incident to decrees
restraining unlawful business monopolies or unlawful restraints
of trade, Sugar Institute v. United States, 297 U. S. 553, 297 U.

S. 597, or communications respecting the sale of spurious or 78; Smith v. California, 361 U. S. 147, 361 U. S.
fraudulent securities. Hall v. Geier-Jones Co.,242 U. S. 167; Kingsley Pictures Corp. v. Regents, 360 U. S. 684, 360 U.
539, 242 U. S. 549; Caldwell v. Sioux Falls Stock Yards S. 697; Roth v. United States, 354 U. S. 476, 354 U. S.
Co., 242 U. S. 559, 242 U. S. 567; Merrick v. Halsey & 508; Kingsley Books, Inc. v. Brown, 354 U. S. 436, 354 U. S.
Co., 242 U. S. 568, 242 U. S. 584. The First Amendment 446; Superior Films, Inc. v. Department of Education, 346 U. S.
answer is that, whenever speech and conduct are brigaded -- as 587, 346 U. S. 588; Gelling v. Texas, 343 U. S. 60.
they are when one shouts "Fire" in a crowded theater -- speech
can be outlawed. Mr. Justice Black, writing for a unanimous [Footnote 2/8]
Court in Giboney v. Empire Storage Co., 336 U. S. 490, stated
that labor unions could be restrained from picketing a firm in The Commission on Obscenity and Pornography has advocated
support of a secondary boycott which a State had validly such a procedure:
outlawed. Mr. Justice Black said:
"The Commission recommends the enactment, in all
"It rarely has been suggested that the constitutional freedom for jurisdictions which enact or retain provisions prohibiting the
speech and press extends its immunity to speech or writing dissemination of sexual materials to adults or young persons, of
used as an integral part of conduct in violation of a valid legislation authorizing prosecutors to obtain declaratory
criminal statute. We reject the contention now." judgments as to whether particular materials fall within
existing legal prohibitions. . . ."
Id. at 336 U. S. 498.
"A declaratory judgment procedure . . . would permit
[Footnote 2/7] prosecutors to proceed civilly, rather than through the criminal
process, against suspected violations of obscenity prohibition.
See United States v. 12 200-ft. Reels of Film, post, p. 413 U. S. If such civil procedures are utilized, penalties would be
123; United States v. Orito, post, p. 413 U. S. 139; Kois v. imposed for violation of the law only with respect to conduct
Wisconsin, 408 U. S. 229; Byrne v. Karalexis, 396 U. S. 976, occurring after a civil declaration is obtained. The Commission
977; Ginsberg v. New York, 390 U. S. 629, 390 U. S. believes this course of action to be appropriate whenever there
650; Jacobs v. New York, 388 U. S. 431, 388 U. S. is any existing doubt regarding the legal status of materials;
436; Ginzburg v. United States, 383 U. S. 463, 383 U. S. where other alternatives are available, the criminal process
482; Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 383 U. S. 413, 383 U. S. should not ordinarily be invoked against persons who might
424; Bantam Books, Inc. v. Sullivan, 372 U. S. 58, 372 U. S. have reasonably believed, in good faith, that the books or films
72; Times Film Corp. v. Chicago, 365 U. S. 43, 365 U. S. they distributed were entitled to constitutional protection, for

the threat of criminal sanctions might otherwise deter the free MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN, with whom MR. JUSTICE
distribution of constitutionally protected material." STEWART and MR. JUSTICE MARSHALL join, dissenting.

Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography 63 In my dissent in Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, post, p. 413 U.
(1970). S. 73, decided this date, I noted that I had no occasion to
consider the extent of state power to regulate the distribution of
[Footnote 2/9] sexually oriented material to juveniles or the offensive
exposure of such material to unconsenting adults. In the case
Obscenity law has had a capricious history: before us, appellant was convicted of distributing obscene
matter in violation of California Penal Code § 311.2, on the
"The white slave traffic was first exposed by W. T. Stead in a basis of evidence that he had caused to be mailed unsolicited
magazine article, 'The Maiden Tribute.' The English law did brochures advertising various books and a movie. I need not
absolutely nothing to the profiteers in vice, but put Stead in now decide whether a statute might be drawn to impose, within
prison for a year for writing about an indecent subject. When the requirements of the First Amendment, criminal penalties
the law supplies no definite standard of criminality, a judge, in for the precise conduct at issue here. For it is clear that, under
deciding what is indecent or profane, may consciously my dissent in Paris Adult Theatre I, the statute under which the
disregard the sound test of present injury, and proceeding upon prosecution was brought is unconstitutionally overbroad, and
an entirely different theory may condemn the defendant therefore invalid on its face. *
because his words express ideas which are thought liable to
cause bad future consequences. Thus, musical comedies enjoy "[T]he transcendent value to all society of constitutionally
almost unbridled license, while a problem play is often protected expression is deemed to justify allowing 'attacks on
forbidden because opposed to our views of marriage. In the overly broad statutes with no requirement that the person
same way, the law of blasphemy has been used against making the attack demonstrate that his own conduct could not
Shelley's Queen Mab and the decorous promulgation of be regulated by a statute drawn with the requisite narrow
pantheistic ideas on the ground that to attack religion is to specificity."
loosen the bonds of society and endanger the state. This is
simply a round-about modern method to make heterodoxy in Gooding v. Wilson, 405 U. S. 518, 405 U. S. 521 (1972),
sex matters and even in religion a crime." quoting

Z. Chafee, Free Speech in the United States 151 (1942). Page 413 U. S. 48

from Dombrowski v. Pfister, 380 U. S. 479, 380 U. S.
486 (1965). See also Baggett v. Bullitt, 377 U. S. 360, 377 U.
S. 366 (1964); Coates v. City of Cincinnati, 402 U. S. 611, 402
U. S. 616 (1971); id. at 402 U. S. 619-620 (WHITE, J.,
dissenting); United States v. Raines, 362 U. S. 17, 362 U. S.
21-22 (1960); NAACP v. Button, 371 U. S. 415, 371 U. S.
433 (1963). Since my view in Paris Adult Theatre Irepresents a
substantial departure from the course of our prior decisions,
and since the state courts have as yet had no opportunity to
consider whether a "readily apparent construction suggests
itself as a vehicle for rehabilitating the [statute] in a single
prosecution," Dombrowski v. Pfister, supra, at 380 U. S. 491, I
would reverse the judgment of the Appellate Department of the
Superior Court and remand the case for proceedings not
inconsistent with this opinion. See Coates v. City of Cincinnati,
supra, at 402 U. S. 616.

* Cal. Penal Code § 311.2(a) provides that

"Every person who knowingly: sends or causes to be sent, or

brings or causes to be brought, into this state for sale or
distribution, or in this state prepares, publishes, prints, exhibits,
distributes, or offers to distribute, or has in his possession with
intent to distribute or to exhibit or offer to distribute, any
obscene matter is guilty of a misdemeanor."

should rightly be on freedom from censorship. It is, beyond question, a well-settled principle in
our jurisdiction. As early as 1909, in the case of United States v. Sedano, a prosecution
No. L-69500. July 22, 1985.*




Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
LINO BROCKA, JOSE F. for libel, the Supreme Court of the Philippines already made clear that freedom of the press
consists in the right to print what one chooses without any previous license.
Same; Same; The power of the Board of Review for Motion Pictures and Television (BRMPT)
LACABA, and DULCE Q. is limited to the classification of films.—It is the opinion of this Court, therefore, that to avoid
an unconstitutional taint on its creation, the power of respondent Board is limited to the

SAGUISAG, classification of films. It can, to safeguard other constitutional objections, determine what
motion pictures are for general patronage and what may require either parental guidance or be
limited to adults only. That is to abide by the principle that freedom of expression is the rule
petitioners, vs. CHAIRMAN and restrictions the exemption. The power to exercise prior restraint is not to be presumed,
rather the presumption is against its validity.
Same; Same; The test to determine whether a motion pictures exceeds the bounds of
MARIA KALAW KATIGBAK, permissible exercise of free speech and, therefore, should be censored, is the clear and danger
test.—The test, to repeat, to determine whether freedom of expression may be limited is the

GENERAL WILFREDO C. clear and present danger of an evil of a substantive character that the State has a right to
prevent. Such danger must not only be clear but also present. There should be no doubt that
what is feared may be traced to the expression complained of. The causal connection must be
ESTRADA (Ret.), and THE evident. Also, there must be reasonable apprehension about its imminence. The time element
cannot be ignored. Nor does it suffice if such danger be only probable. There is the
requirement of its being well-nigh inevitable. The basic postulate, therefore, as noted earlier, is
BOARD OF REVIEW FOR that where the movies, theatrical productions, radio scripts, television programs, and other such
media of expression are concerned—included as they are in freedom of expression—

MOTION PICTURES AND censorship, especially so if an entire production is banned, is allowable only under the clearest
proof of a clear and present danger of a substantive evil to public safety, public morals, public
health or any other legitimate public interest. There is merit to the observation of Justice
TELEVISION (BRMPT), Douglas that “every writer, actor, or producer, no matter what medium of expression he may
use, should be freed from the censor.”
Same; Same; The law frowns on obscenity.—The law, however, frowns on obscenity—and
respondents. rightly so. As categorically stated by Justice Brennan in Roth v. United States, speaking of the
free speech and press guarantee of the United States Constitution: “All ideas
Constitutional Law; Motion Pictures; Censorship is, in extreme cases, a sine qua non to the
meaningful exercise of the rights to free speech and press.—Censorship or previous restraint
certainly is not all there is to free speech or free press. If it were so, then such basic rights are VOL. 137, JULY 22, 1985 719
emasculated. It is, however, except in exceptional circumstances a sine qua non for the
meaningful exercise of such right. This is not to deny that equally basic is the other important Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
aspect of freedom from liability. Nonetheless, for the purposes of this litigation, the emphasis having even the slightest redeeming social importance—unorthodox ideas, controversial ideas,
even ideas hateful to the prevailing climate of opinion—have the full protection of the

guaranties, unless excludable because they encroach upon the limited area of more important an option to have the film reclassified to For-General-Patronage if it would agree to remove
interests. But implicit in the history of the First Amendment is the rejection of obscenity as the obscene scenes and pare down the violence in the film.” Petitioners, however, refused the
utterly without redeeming social importance.” Such a view commends itself for approval. “For Adults Only” classification and instead, as noted at the outset, filed this suit for certiorari.
Same; Same; There is difficulty in determining what is obscene.—There is, however, some Same; Same; Radio and Television; This ruling is limited to motion pictures. Television is
difficulty in determining what is obscene. There is persuasiveness to the approach followed in subject to a less liberal approach as it reaches its audience freely regardless of age.—All that
Roth: “The early leading standard of obscenity allowed material to be judged merely by the remains to be said is that the ruling is to be limited to the concept of obscenity applicable to
effect of an isolated excerpt upon particularly susceptible persons. Regina v. Hicklin [1868] LR motion pictures. It is the consensus of this Court that where television is concerned, a less
3 QB 360. Some American courts adopted this standard but later decisions have rejected it and liberal approach calls for observance. This is so because unlike motion pictures where the
substituted this test: whether to the average person, applying contemporary community patrons have to pay their way, television reaches every home where there is a set. Children
standards, the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient interest. The then will likely will be among the avid viewers of the programs therein shown. As was
Hicklin test, judging obscenity by the effect of isolated passages upon the most susceptible observed by Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerome Frank, it is hardly the concern of the law
persons, might well encompass material legitimately treating with sex, and so it must be to deal with the sexual fantasies of the adult population. It cannot be denied though that the
rejected as un-constitutionally restrictive of the freedoms of speech and press. On the other State as parens patriae is called upon to manifest an attitude of caring for the welfare of the
hand, the substituted standard provides safeguards adequate to withstand the charge of young.
constitutional infirmity.”
Same; Same; Sex and obscenity are not synonymous.—It is quite understandable then why in
PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Board of Review for Motion Pictures
the Roth opinion, Justice Brennan took pains to emphasize that “sex and obscenity are not
and Television.
synonymous.” Further: “Obscene material is material which deals with sex in a manner
appealing to prurient interest. The portrayal of sex, e.g., in art, literature and scientific works, is
not itself sufficient reason to deny material the constitutional protection of freedom of speech The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
and press. Sex, a great and mysterious motive force in human life, has indisputably been a 721
subject of absorbing interest to mankind through the ages; it is one of the vital problems of VOL. 137, JULY 22, 1985 721
human interest and public concern.”
Same; Same; Certiorari; The BRMPT abused its discretion in classifying the movie “Kapit sa Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
Patalim” as “For Adults Only,” but there are not enough votes to maintain that such an abuse Irene R. Cortes, Perfecto V Fernandez, Haydee Yorac and Joker P. Arroyo for petitioners.
can be considered grave. The classification serves as a warning that Kapit is not fit for the The Solicitor General for respondents.
young.—This being a certiorari petition, the question before the Court is whether or not there
was a grave abuse of discretion. That there was an abuse of discretion by respon-
720 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED In this case of first impression, a certiorari proceeding filed on January 10, 1985, there is a
Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak persuasive ring to the invocation of the constitutional right to freedom of expression1 of an
dent Board is evident in the light of the difficulty and travail undergone by petitioners artist—and for that matter a man of letters too—as the basis for a ruling on the scope of the
before Kapit sa Patalim was classified as “For Adults Only,” without any deletion or cut. power of respondent Board of Review for Motion Pictures and Television and how it should be
Moreover its perception of what constitutes obscenity appears to be unduly restrictive. This exercised. The dispute between the parties has been narrowed down. The motion picture in
Court concludes then that there was an abuse of discretion. Nonetheless, there are not enough question, Kapit sa Patalim was classified “For Adults Only.” There is the further issue then,
votes to maintain that such an abuse can be considered grave. Accordingly, certiorari does not also one of first impression, as to the proper test of what constitutes obscenity in view of the
lie. This conclusion finds support in this explanation of respondents in its Answer to the objections raised. Thus the relevance of this constitutional command: “Arts and letters shall be
amended petition: “The adult classification given the film serves as a warning to theater under the patronage of the State.”2
operators and viewers that some contents of Kapit are not fit for the young. Some of the scenes The principal petitioner is Jose Antonio U. Gonzalez,3 President of the Malaya Films, a movie
in the picture were taken in a theater-club and a good portion of the film shots concentrated on production outfit duly registered as a single proprietorship with the Bureau of Domestic Trade.
some women erotically dancing naked, or at least nearly naked, on the theater stage. Another The respondent is the Board of Review for Motion Pictures and Television, with Maria Kalaw
scene on that stage depicted the women kissing and caressing as lesbians. And toward the end Katigbak as its Chairman and Brig. Gen. Wilfredo C. Estrada as its Vice-Chairman, also
of the picture, there exists scenes of excessive violence attending the battle between a group of named respondents.
robbers and the police. The vulnerable and imitative in the young audience will misunderstand In a resolution of a sub-committee of respondent Board of October 23, 1984, a permit to
these scenes.” Further: “Respondents further stated in its answer that petitioner company has exhibit the film Kapit sa Patalim under the classification “For Adults Only,” with certain
changes and deletions enumerated was granted. A motion for

________________ 4 Petition, par. 3.33.
5 Ibid, par. 3.35.
1 The Constitution provides: “No law shall be passed abridging 6 Answer, 9-10.
the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people 7 Ibid, 10.
peaceably to assemble and petition the Government for redress 723

of grievances.” VOL. 137, JULY 22, 1985 723

2 Article XV, Section 9, par. (2) reads in full: “Filipino culture Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
shall be preserved and developed for national identity. Arts and tion.”8 There was an answer to the amended petition filed on February 18, 1985. It was therein
asserted that the issue presented as to the previous deletions ordered by the Board as well as the
letter shall be under the patronage of the State.” statutory provisions for review of films and as to the requirement to submit the master negative
3 The other petitioners are Lino Brocka, Jose F. Lacaba and have been all rendered moot. It was also submitted that the standard of the law for classifying
films afford a practical and determinative yardstick for the exercise of judgment. For
Dulce Q. Saguisag. respondents, the question of the sufficiency of the standards remains the only question at issue.
722 It would be unduly restrictive under the circumstances to limit the issue to one of the
sufficiency of standards to guide respondent Board in the exercise of its power. Even if such
722 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED were the case, there is justification for an inquiry into the controlling standard to warrant the
Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak classification of “For Adults Only.” This is especially so, when obscenity is the basis for any
reconsideration was filed by petitioners stating that the classification of the film “For Adults alleged invasion of the right to the freedom of artistic and literary expression embraced in the
free speech and free press guarantees of the Constitution.
Only” was without basis.4 Then on November 12, 1984, respondent Board released its decision:
1. Motion pictures are important both as a medium for the communication of ideas and the
“Acting on the applicant’s Motion for Reconsideration dated 29 October 1984, the Board, after
expression of the artistic impulse. Their effects on the perception by our people of issues and
a review of the resolution of the sub-committee and an examination of the film, Resolves to
public officials or public figures as well as the prevailing cultural traits is considerable. Nor as
affirm in toto the ruling of the subcommittee. Considering, however, certain vital deficiencies
pointed out in Burstyn v. Wilson 9 is the “importance of motion pictures as an organ of public
in the application, the Board further Resolves to direct the Chairman of the Board to Withheld
opinion lessened by the fact that they are designed to entertain as well as to inform.”10 There
the issuance of the Permit to exhibit until these deficiencies are supplied.”5 Hence this petition.
is no clear dividing line between what involves knowledge and what affords pleasure. If such a
This Court, in a resolution of January 12, 1985, required respondent to answer. In such
distinction were sustained, there is a diminution of the basic right to free expression. Our recent
pleading submitted on January 21, 1985, as one of its special and affirmative defenses, it was
decision in Reyes v. Bagatsing 11 cautions against such a move. Press freedom, as stated in the
alleged that the petition is moot as “respondent Board has revoked its questioned resolution,
opinion of the Court, “may be identified with the liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully any
replacing it with one immediately granting petitioner company a permit to exhibit the
matter of public
film Kapit without any deletion or cut [thus an] adjudication of the questions presented above
would be academic on the case.”6Further: “The modified resolution of the Board, of course,
classifies Kapit as for-adults-only, but the petition does not raise any issue as to the validity of ________________
this classification. All that petitioners assail as arbitrary on the part of the Board’s action are
the deletions ordered in the film.”7 The prayer was for the dismissal of the petition.
An amended petition was then filed on January 25, 1985. The main objection was the 8 Amended Petition, 20.
classification of the film as “For Adults Only.” For petitioners, such classification “is without
legal and factual basis and is exercised as impermissible restraint of artistic expression. The 9 343 US 495 (1942).
film is an integral whole and all its portions, including those to which the Board now offers 10 Ibid, 501.
belated objection, are essential for the integrity of the film. Viewed as a whole, there is no
basis even for the vague speculations advanced by the Board as basis for its classifica- 11 G.R. No. 65366, November 9, 1983, 125 SCRA 553. Cf.
Winters v. New York, 333 US 507 (1948).
________________ 724

the State has a right to prevent. Such danger must not only be dear but also present.
Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
There should be no doubt that what is feared may be traced to the expression
concern without censorship or punishment.”12 This is not to say that such freedom, as is the
complained of. The causal connection must be evident. Also, there must be
freedom of speech, absolute. It can be limited if “there be a ‘clear and present danger of a
reasonable apprehension about its imminence. The time element cannot be ignored.
substantive evil that [the State] has a right to prevent.’ ”13
Nor does it suffice if such danger be only probable. There is the requirement of its
2. Censorship or previous restraint certainly is not all there is to free speech or free press. If it
were so, then such basic rights are emasculated. It is, however, except in exceptional being well-nigh inevitable. The basic postulate, therefore, as noted earlier, is that
circumstances a sine qua non for the meaningful exercise of such right. This is not to deny that where the movies, theatrical productions, radio scripts, television programs, and
equally basic is the other important aspect of freedom from liability. Nonetheless, for the other such media of expression are concerned—included as they are in freedom of
purposes of this litigation, the emphasis should rightly be on freedom from censorship. It is, expression—censorship, especially so if an entire production is banned, is allowable
beyond question, a well-settled principle in our jurisdiction. As early as 1909, in the case only under the clearest proof of a clear and present danger of a substantive evil to
of United States v. Sedano,14 a prosecution for libel, the Supreme Court of the Philippines public safety, public morals, public health or any other legitimate public
already made clear that freedom of the press consists in the right to print what one chooses interest.17There is merit to the observation of Justice Douglas that “every writer,
without any previous license. There is reaffirmation of such a view in Mutuc v. Commission on actor, or producer, no matter what medium of expression he may use, should be
Elections,15 where an order of respondent Commission on Elections giving due course to the freed from the censor.”18
certificate of candidacy of petitioner but prohibiting him from using jingles in his mobile units
equipped with sound systems and loud speakers was considered an abridgment of the right of
. 4.The law, however, frowns on obscenity—and rightly so. As
the freedom of expression amounting as it does to censorship. It is the opinion of this Court, categorically stated by Justice Brennan in Roth v. United States,19 speaking of the
therefore, that to avoid an unconstitutional taint on its creation, the power of respondent Board free speech and press guarantee of the United States Constitution: “All ideas having
is limited to the classification of films. It can, to safeguard other constitutional objections, even the slightest redeeming social importance—unorthodox ideas, controversial
determine what motion pictures are for general patronage and what may require either parental ideas, even ideas hateful to the prevailing climate of opinion—have the full
guidance or be limited to adults only. That is to abide by the principle that freedom of protection of the guaranties, unless excludable because they encroach upon the
expression is the rule and restrictions the exemption. The power to exercise prior restraint is limited area of more important interests. But implicit in the history of the First
not to be presumed, rather the presumption is against its validity.16 Amendment is the rejection of obscenity as utterly without redeeming social
importance.”20 Such a view commends itself for approval.

12 Ibid, 560.
13 Ibid, 561. 17 Cf. Reyes v. Bagatsing, 125 SCRA 553, 562.
14 14 Phil. 338. Cf. US v. Sotto, 38 Phil. 666 (1918). 18 Superior Films v. Regents of University of State of New
15 L-32717, November 26, 1970, 36 SCRA 228. York, 346 US 587, 589 (1954), Douglas, J., concurring.
16 Cf. Bantam Books, Inc. v. Sullivans, 372 US 19 354 US 476 (1957).
58 (1962); Organization for Better Austria v. Keafe, 402 US 20 Ibid, 484-485. There was reference to international
415 (1971). agreements of over 50 nations and the obscenity laws of all the
725 then
VOL. 137, JULY 22, 1985 725 726

Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak 726 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED

Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
. 3.The test, to repeat, to determine whether freedom of expression may
be limited is the clear and present danger of an evil of a substantive character that

. 5.There is, however, some difficulty in determining what is obscene. Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
There is persuasiveness to the approach followed in Roth: “The early leading material which deals with sex in a manner appealing to prurient interest. The portrayal of sex,
standard of obscenity allowed material to be judged merely by the effect of an e.g., in art, literature and scientific works, is not itself sufficient reason to deny material the
isolated excerpt upon particularly susceptible persons. Regina v. Hicklin [1868] LR constitutional protection of freedom of speech and press. Sex, a great and mysterious motive
3 QB 360. Some American courts adopted this standard but later decisions have force in human life, has indisputably been a subject of absorbing interest to mankind through
rejected it and substituted this test: whether to the average person, applying the ages; it is one of the vital problems of human interest and public concern.”25
contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material taken as a 8. In the applicable law, Executive Order No. 876, reference was made to respondent Board
whole appeals to prurient interest. The Hicklin test, judging obscenity by the effect “applying contemporary Filipino cultural values as standard,”26words which can be construed
of isolated passages upon the most susceptible persons, might well encompass in an analogous manner. Moreover, as far as the question of sex and obscenity are concerned, it
material legitimately treating with sex, and so it must be rejected as un- cannot be stressed strongly that the arts and letters “shall be under the patronage of the
constitutionally restrictive of the freedoms of speech and press. On the other hand, State.”27 That is a constitutional mandate. It will be less than true to its function if any
the substituted standard provides safeguards adequate to withstand the charge of government office or agency would invade the sphere of autonomy that an artist enjoys. There
is no orthodoxy in what passes for beauty or for reality. It is for the artist to determine what for
constitutional infirmity.”21
him is a true representation. It is not to be forgotten that art and belleslettres deal primarily
. 6.The above excerpt which imposes on the judiciary the duty to be ever with imagination, not so much with ideas in a strict sense. What is seen or perceived by an
on guard against any impermissible infringement on the freedom of artistic artist is entitled to respect, unless there is a showing that the product of his talent rightfully
expression calls to mind the landmark ponencia of Justice Malcolm in United States may be considered obscene. As so well put by Justice Frankfurter in a concurring opinion, “the
v. Bustos,22 decided in 1918. While recognizing the principle that libel is beyond widest scope of freedom is to be given to the adventurous and imaginative exercise of the
the pale of constitutional protection, it left no doubt that in determining what human spirit”28 in this sensitive area of a man’s personality. On the question of obscenity,
constitutes such an offense, a court should ever be mindful that no violation of the therefore, and in the light of the facts of this case, such standard set forth in Executive Order
right to freedom of expression is allowable. It is a matter of pride for the Philippines No. 878 is to be construed in such a fashion to avoid any taint of unconstitutionally. To repeat,
that it was not until 1984 in New York Timer v. Sullivan,23 thirty-six years later, what was stated in a recent decision29citing the language of Justice
that the United States Supreme Court enunciated a similar doctrine.
. 7.It is quite understandable then why in the Roth opinion, Justice ________________
Brennan took pains to emphasize that “sex and obscenity are not
synonymous.”24 Further: “Obscene material is
25 Ibid.
26 Executive Order No. 876, Section 3(c) (1963).
27 Article XV, Section 9, par. (2), last sentence of the
48 States of the Union as well as 20 obscenity laws enacted by Constitution.
the Congress of the United States from 1842 to 28 Kingsley v. Regents, 360 US 684, 695 (1959).
1956. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 US 568 (1942) was 29 Lopez, Jr. v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 65022,
also cited. May 31, 1985.
22 37 Phil. 731.
Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
23 376 US 254. Malcolm in Yu Cong Eng v. Trinidad,30 it is “an elementary, a fundamental, and a universal
24 Roth v. United States, 354 US 476, 487 (1957). role of construction, applied when considering constitutional questions, that when a law is
727 susceptible of two constructions one of which will maintain and the other destroy it, the courts
will always adopt the former.”31 As thus construed, there can be no valid objection to the
VOL. 137, JULY 22, 1985 727 sufficiency of the controlling standard and its conformity to what the Constitution ordains.

9. This being a certiorari petition, the question before the Court is whether or not there was a ruling that there was a grave abuse of discretion in the classification of Kapit sa Patalim as
grave abuse of discretion. That there was an abuse of discretion by respondent Board is evident “For Adults Only.”
in the light of the difficulty and travail undergone by petitioners before Kapit sa Patalim was Teehankee, Makasiar, Concepcion, Jr., Melencio-
classified as “For Adults Only.” without any deletion or cut. Moreover its perception of what Herrera, Plana, Escolin, Relova, Gutierrez, Jr., Cuevas and Alampay, JJ., concur.
constitutes obscenity appears to be unduly restrictive. This Court concludes then that there was Aquino, J., in the result. Petitioner has no cause of action for certiorari.
an abuse of discretion. Nonetheless, there are not enough votes to maintain that such an abuse De la Fuente, J., did not take part.
can be considered grave. Accordingly, certiorari does not lie. This conclusion finds support in Abad Santos, J., is on official leave.
this explanation of respondents in its Answer to the amended petition: “The adult classification Petition dismissed.
given the film serves as a warning to theater operators and viewers that some contents Notes.—The request of a school head for a review of student organ’s publication policies does
of Kapit are not fit for the young. Some of the scenes in the picture were taken in a theater-club not constitute an impairment of freedoms of speech and press. (Laxamana vs. Borlata, 47
and a good portion of the film shots concentrated on some women erotically dancing naked, or SCRA 29.)
at least nearly naked, on the theater stage. Another scene on that stage depicted the women The Constitution frowns upon disorder or tumult attending a public rally. Peaceable assembly
kissing and caressing as lesbians. And toward the end of the picture, there exists scenes of is guaranteed, but not
excessive violence attending the battle between a group of robbers and the police. The
vulnerable and imitative in the young audience will misunderstand these scenes.”32 Further:
“Respondents further stated in its answer that petitioner company has an option to have the
film reclassified to For-General-Patronage if it would agree to remove the obscene scenes and
pare down the violence in the film.”33 Petitioners, however, 34 Cf. United States v. Roth, 237 F 2d 796 (1956).


De Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
resort to force. (Reyes vs. Bagatsing, 125 SCRA 553.)
30 47 Phil. 385 (1925). Litigations involving permits to stage a rally are better started at the trial court level. (Ruiz vs.
31 Ibid, 415. Gordon, 126 SCRA 233.)
The curtailment of the freedoms of speech and press of radio and TV stations is permissible for
32 Answer to Amended Petition, 4. election purposes. (United Democratic Opposition (UNIDO) vs. COMELEC, 104 SCRA 17.)
33 Ibid, 4-5. Remarks made at a board meeting are privileged in nature as a valid exercise of one’s
729 constitutional freedom of expression. An employee cannot be dismissed for making such
remarks alleged to be libelous. (Union of Supervisors (R.B.)—NATU vs. Sec. of Labor, 109
VOL. 137, JULY 22, 1985 729 SCRA 139.)
Gonzales vs. Kalaw Katigbak
refused the “For Adults Only” classification and instead, as noted at the outset, filed this suit
for certiorari.
10. All that remains to be said is that the ruling is to be limited to the concept of obscenity
applicable to motion pictures. It is the consensus of this Court that where television is
concerned, a less liberal approach calls for observance. This is so because unlike motion
pictures where the patrons have to pay their way, television reaches every home where there is
a set. Children then will likely will be among the avid viewers of the programs therein shown.
As was observed by Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerome Frank, it is hardly the concern of
the law to deal with the sexual fantasies of the adult population.34 It cannot be denied though
that the State as parens patriae is called upon to manifest an attitude of caring for the welfare
of the young.
WHEREFORE, this Court, in the light of the principles of law enunciated in the opinion,
dismisses this petition for certiorari solely on the ground that there are not enough votes for a

LEO PITA, doing business under
the name and style of PINOY
PLAYBOY, petitioner, vs. THE
CABRERA, respondents.
Constitutional Law; Press Freedom; Whether the tendency of the matter charged as obscene is
to deprave or corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences and into whose
hands a publication or other article charged as being obscene may fall is the test in
determining the existence of obscenity.—The Court states at the outset that it is not the first
time that it is being asked to pronounce what “obscene” means or what makes for an obscene
or pornographic literature. Early on, in People vs. Kottinger, the Court laid down the test, in
determining the existence of obscenity, as follows: “whether the tendency of the matter
charged as obscene, is to deprave or corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral
influences and into whose hands a publication or other article charged as being obscene may
fall.” “Another test,” so Kottinger further declares, “is that which shocks the ordinary and
common sense of men as an indecency.”
Same; Same; Same; If the pictures here in question were used not exactly for art’s sake but
rather for commercial purposes, the pictures are not entitled to any constitutional
protection.—As the Court declared, the issue is a complicated one, in which the fine lines have
neither been drawn nor divided. It is easier said than done to say, indeed, that if “the pictures
here in question were used not exactly for art’s sake but rather for commercial purposes,” the
pictures are not entitled to any constitutional protection.
Same; Same; There is no challenge on the right of the State in the legitimate exercise of police
power to suppress smut—provided it is smut.—In the case at bar, there is no challenge on the
right of the State, in the legitimate exercise of police power, to suppress smut—provided it is
smut. For obvious reasons, smut is not smut simply because one insists it is smut. So is it
equally evident that individual tastes develop, adapt to wide-ranging influences, and keep in
step with the rapid advance of civilization. What shocked our forebears, say, five decades ago,
is not necessarily repulsive to the present generation. James Joyce and D.H. Lawrence were
G.R. No. 80806. October 5, 1989.* censored in the thirties yet their works are considered important literature today.



right to due process of law and the right against unreasonable searches and seizures,
VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 363 specifically.
Pita vs. Court of Appeals Same; Same; Searches and Seizures; Searches and seizures may be done only through a
Goya’s La Maja desnuda was once banned from public exhibition but now adorns the world’s judicial warrant otherwise they become unreasonable and subject to challenge.—It is basic
most prestigious museums. that searches and seizures may be done only through a judicial warrant, otherwise, they
Same; Same; Obscenity is not a bare matter of opinion.—But neither should we say that become unreasonable and subject to challenge. In Burgos v. Chief of Staff, AFP, We
“obscenity” is a bare (no pun intended) matter of opinion. As we said earlier, it is the divergent countermanded the orders of the Regional Trial Court authorizing the search of the premises of
perceptions of men and women that have probably compounded the problem rather than We Forum and Metropolitan Mail, two Metro Manila dailies, by reason of a defective warrant.
resolved it. We have greater reason here to reprobate the questioned raid, in the complete absence of a
Same; Same; Immoral lore or literature comes within the ambit of free expression although not warrant, valid or invalid. The fact that the instant case involves an obscenity rap makes it no
its protection; Burden to show the existence of grave and imminent danger that would justify different from Burgos, a political case, because, and as we have indicated, speech is speech,
adverse action lies on the authorities.—Undoubtedly, “immoral” lore or literature comes whether political or “obscene”.
within the ambit of free expression, although not its protection. In free expression cases, this Same; Same; Same; Same; Court not ruling out warrantless searches.—The Court is not ruling
Court has consistently been on the side of the exercise of the right, barring a “clear and present out warrantless searches, as the Rules of Court (1964 rev.) (the Rules then prevailing), provide:
danger” that would warrant State interference and action. But, so we asserted in Reyes v. SEC. 12. Search without warrant of person arrested.—A person charged with an offense may
Bagatsing, “the burden to show the existence of grave and imminent danger that would justify be searched for dangerous weapons or anything which may be used as proof of the commission
adverse action . . . lies on the . . . authorit[ies].” of the offense. But as the provision itself suggests, the search must have been an incident to a
Same; Same; Clear and Present Danger Rule; There must be objective and convincing, not lawful arrest, and the arrest must be on account of a crime committed. Here, no party has been
subjective or conjectural, proof of the existence of such clear and present danger.—“There charged, nor are such charges being readied against any party, under Article 201, as amended,
must be objective and convincing, not subjective or conjectural, proof of the existence of such of the Revised Penal Code.
clear and present danger.” “It is essential for the validity of . . . previous restraint or censorship Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Argument that there is no constitutional nor legal provision
that the . . . authority does not rely solely on his own appraisal of what the public welfare, which would free the accused of all criminal responsibility because there had been no warrant
peace or safety may require.” “To justify such a limitation, there must be proof of such weight and that violation of penal law must be punished, rejected.—We reject outright the argument
and sufficiency to satisfy the clear and present danger test.” that “[t]here is no constitutional nor legal provision which would
Same; Same; Same; Same; Court not convinced that private respondents have shown the 365
required proof to justify a ban and to warrant confiscation of the literature for which VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 365
mandatory injunction had been sought.—The Court is not convinced that the private
respondents have shown the required proof to justify a ban and to warrant confiscation of the Pita vs. Court of Appeals
literature for which mandatory injunction had been sought below. First of all, they were not free the accused of all criminal responsibility because there had been no warrant,” and that
possessed of a lawful court order: (1) finding the said materials to be pornography, and (2) “violation of penal law [must] be punished.” For starters, there is no “accused” here to speak of,
authorizing them to carry out a search and seizure, by way of a search warrant. who ought to be “punished”. Second, to say that the respondent Mayor could have validly
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Police Power; Fact that the former respondent Mayor’s act ordered the raid (as a result of an anti-smut campaign) without a lawful search warrant because,
was sanctioned by police power is no license to seize property in disregard of due process; in his opinion, “violation of penal laws” has been committed, is to make the respondent Mayor
Police power judge, jury, and executioner rolled into one. And precisely, this is the very complaint of the
364 petitioner.
PETITION to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.
Pita vs. Court of Appeals
defined.—The fact that the former respondent Mayor’s act was sanctioned by “police power” is
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
no license to seize property in disregard of due process. In Philippine Service Exporters, Inc. v.
William C. Arceno for petitioner.
Drilon, we defined police power as “state authority to enact legislation that may interfere with
Casibang, Perello and De Dios for private respondent.
personal liberty or property in order to promote the general welfare.” Presidential Decrees Nos.
960 and 969 are, arguably, police power measures, but they are not, by themselves, authorities
for high-handed acts. They do not exempt our law enforcers, in carrying out the decree of the SARMIENTO, J.:
twin presidential issuances (Mr. Marcos’), from the commandments of the Constitution, the

The petitioner, publisher of Pinoy Playboy, a “men’s magazine”, seeks the review of the and/or restrain said defendants and their agents from
decision of the Court of Appeals,1 rejecting his appeal from the decision of the Regional Trial
Court, dismissing his complaint for injunctive relief. He invokes, in particular, the guaranty confiscating plaintiff’s magazines or from otherwise preventing
against unreasonable searches and seizures of the Constitution, as well as its prohibition the sale or circulation thereof claiming that the magazine is a
against deprivation of property without due process of law.
There is no controversy as to the facts. We quote: decent, artistic and educational magazine which is not per se
On December 1 and 3, 1983, pursuing an Anti-Smut Campaign obscene, and that the publication is protected by the
initiated by the Mayor of the City of Manila, Ramon D. Constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and of the press.
Bagatsing, elements of the Special Anti-Narcotics Group, By order dated December 8, 1983 the Court set the hearing on
Auxilliary Services Bureau, Western Police District, INP of the the petition for preliminary injunction on December 14, 1983
Metropolitan Police Force of Manila, seized and confiscated and ordered the defendants to show cause not later than
from dealers, distributors, news-stand owners and peddlers December 13, 1983 why the writ prayed for should not be
along Manila sidewalks, magazines, publications and other granted.
reading materials believed to be obscene, pornographic and On December 12, 1983, plaintiff filed an Urgent Motion for
indecent and later burned the seized materials in public at the issuance of a temporary restraining order against indiscriminate
University belt along C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila, in the seizure, confiscation and burning of plaintiff’s “Pinoy Playboy”
presence of Mayor Bagatsing and several officers and members Magazines, pending hearing on the petition for preliminary
of various student organizations. injunction in view of Mayor Bagatsing’s pronouncement to
Among the publications seized, and later burned, was “Pinoy continue the Anti-Smut Campaign. The Court granted the
Playboy” magazines published and co-edited by plaintiff Leo temporary restraining order on December 14, 1983.
Pita. In his Answer and Opposition filed on December 27, 1983
defendant Mayor Bagatsing admitted the confiscation and
_____________ burning of obscence reading materials on December 1 and 3,
1983, but claimed that the said materials were voluntarily
1 Gonzaga-Reyes, Minerva, J., Javellana, Luis A. and Ramirez, surrendered by the vendors to the police authorities, and that
Pedro A., JJ., Concurring. the said confiscation and seizure was (sic) undertaken pursuant
to P.D. No. 960, as amended by P.D. No. 969, which amended
366 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code. In opposing the
Pita vs. Court of Appeals plaintiff’s application for a writ of preliminary injunction,
On December 7, 1983, plaintiff filed a case for injunction with defendant pointed out that in that anti-smut campaign
prayer for issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction against conducted on December 1 and 3, 1983, the materials
Mayor Bagatsing and Narcisco Cabrera, as superintendent of confiscated belonged to the magazine stand owners and
Western Police District of the City of Manila, seeking to enjoin

peddlers who voluntarily surrendered their reading materials, On January 16, 1984, the Court issued an order granting
and that the plaintiff’s establishment was not raided. plaintiff’s motion to be given three days “to file a reply to
The other defendant, WPD Superintendent, Narcisco Cabrera, defendants’ opposition dated January 9, 1984, serving a copy
filed no answer. thereof to the counsel for the defendants, who may file a
On January 5, 1984, plaintiff filed his Memorandum in support rejoinder within the same period from receipt, after which the
of the issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction, raising the issue of Preliminary Injunction shall be resolved”.
issue as to “whether or not the defendants and/or their agents Plaintiff’s supplemental Memorandum was filed on January 18,
can without a court order confiscate or seize plaintiff’s 1984. Defendant filed his Comment on plaintiff’s supplemental
magazine before any judicial finding is made on whether said Memorandum on January 20, 1984, and plaintiff filed his
magazine is obscene or not”. “Reply-Memorandum” to defendants’ Comment on January 25,
The restraining order issued on December 14, 1983 having 1984.
lapsed on January 3, 1984, the plaintiff filed an urgent motion On February 3, 1984, the trial court promulgated the Order
for issuance of another restraining order, which was opposed appealed from denying the motion for a writ of preliminary
by defendant on the ground that issuance of a second injunction, and dismissing the case for lack of merit.2
restraining order would violate the The Appellate Court dismissed the appeal upon the grounds, among other things, as follows:
367 We cannot quarrel with the basic postulate suggested by
VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 367 appellant that seizure of allegedly obscene publications or
Pita vs. Court of Appeals materials deserves close scrutiny because of the constitutional
Resolution of the Supreme Court dated January 11, 1983, guarantee protecting the right to express oneself in print (Sec. 9,
providing for the Interim Rules Relative to the Implementation Art. IV), and the protection afforded by the constitution against
of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, which provides that a temporary unreasonable searches and seizure (Sec. 3, Art. IV). It must be
restraining order shall be effective only for twenty days from equally conceded, however, that freedom of the press is not
date of its issuance. without restraint, as the state has the right to protect society
On January 9, 1984 defendant filed his Comment and/or from pornographic literature that is offensive to public morals,
Rejoinder Memorandum in support of his opposition to the as indeed we have laws punishing the author, publishers and
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction. sellers of obscene publications (Sec. 1, Art. 201, Revised Penal
On January 11, 1984, the trial court issued an Order setting the Code, as amended by P.D. No. 960 and P.D. No. 969). Also
case for hearing on January 16, 1984 “for the parties to adduce well settled is the rule that the right against unreasonable
evidence on the question of whether the publication ‘Pinoy searches
Playboy Magazine’ alleged (sic) seized, confiscated and/or
burned by the defendants, are obscence per se or not”. _____________

2 Rollo, 30-31. 6 Supra, 356
368 7 Supra, 357.
Pita vs. Court of Appeals 9 Supra, 359.
and seizures recognizes certain exceptions, as when there is 369

consent to the search or seizure, (People vs. Malesugui, 63 Phil. VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 369
22) or search is an incident to an arrest, (People vs. Veloso, 48 Pita vs. Court of Appeals
Phil. 169; Alvero vs. Dizon, 76 Phil. 637) or is conducted in a Yet Kottinger, in its effort to arrive at a “conclusive” definition, succeeded merely in
generalizing a problem that has grown increasingly complex over the years. Precisely, the
vehicle or movable structure (See Papa vs. Magno, 22 SCRA question is: When does a publication have a corrupting tendency, or when can it be said to be
857).3 offensive to human sensibilities? And obviously, it is to beg the question to say that a piece of
literature has a corrupting influence because it is obscene, and vice-versa.
The petitioner now ascribes to the respondent court the following errors:
Apparently, Kottinger was aware of its own uncertainty because in the same breath, it would
leave the final say to a hypothetical “community standard”—whatever that is—and that the
. 1.The Court of Appeals erred in affirming the decision of the trial court question must supposedly be judged from case to case.
and, in effect, holding that the police officers could without any court warrant or About three decades later, this Court promulgated People v. Go Pin,10 a prosecution under
Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code. Go Pin was also even hazier:
order seize and confiscate petitioner’s magazines on the basis simply of their
determination that they are obscene. x x x We agree with counsel for appellant in part. If such
. 2.The Court of Appeals erred in affirming the decision of the trial court pictures, sculptures and paintings are shown in art exhibits and
and, in effect, holding that the trial court could dismiss the case on its merits art galleries for the cause of art, to be viewed and appreciated
without any hearing thereon when what was submitted to it for resolution was
merely the application of petitioner for the writ of preliminary injunction.4 by people interested in art, there would be no offense
committed. However, the pictures here in question were used
The Court states at the outset that it is not the first time that it is being asked to pronounce what not exactly for art’s sake but rather for commercial purposes.
“obscene” means or what makes for an obscene or pornographic literature. Early on, in People
vs. Kottinger,5 the Court laid down the test, in determining the existence of obscenity, as In other words, the supposed artistic qualities of said pictures
follows: “whether the tendency of the matter charged as obscene, is to deprave or corrupt those were being commercialized so that the cause of art was of
whose minds are open to such immoral influences and into whose hands a publication or other
article charged as being obscene may fall.”6 “Another test,” so Kottinger further declares, “is secondary or minor importance. Gain and profit would appear
that which shocks the ordinary and common sense of men as an to have been the main, if not the exclusive consideration in
indecency.”7 Kottinger hastened to say, however, that “[w]hether a picture is obscene or
indecent must depend upon the circumstances of the case,”8 and that ultimately, the question is their exhibition; and it would not be surprising if the persons
to be decided by the “judgment of the aggregate sense of the community reached by it.”9 who went to see those pictures and paid entrance fees for the
privilege of doing so, were not exactly artists and persons
____________ interested in art and who generally go to art exhibitions and
galleries to satisfy and improve their artistic tastes, but rather
3 Id., 41. people desirous of satisfying their morbid curiosity and taste,
4 Id., 12-13. and lust, and for love for excitement, including the youth who
5 45 Phil. 352 (1923), per Malcolm, J.

because of their immaturity are not in a position to resist and a corrupting influence specially on the youth of the land. x x
shield themselves from the ill and perverting effects of these x14
pictures.11 Padan y Alova, like Go Pin, however, raised more questions than answers. For one thing, if the
exhibition was attended by “artists and persons interested in art and who generally go to art
xxx xxx xxx exhibitions and galleries to satisfy and improve their artistic tastes,”15 could the same
As the Court declared, the issue is a complicated one, in which the fine lines have neither been legitimately lay claim to “art”? For another, suppose that the exhibition was so presented that
drawn nor divided. It is easier “connoisseurs of [art], and painters and sculptors might find inspiration,”16 in it, would it
cease to be a case of obscenity?
Padan y Alova, like Go Pin also leaves too much latitude for judicial arbitrament, which has
____________ permitted an ad lib of ideas and “two-cents worths” among judges as to what is obscene and
what is art.

10 97 Phil. 418 (1955), per Montemayor, J.

11 Supra, 419. ____________
Pita vs. Court of Appeals 13 101 Phil. 749 (1957).
said than done to say, indeed, that if “the pictures here in question were used not exactly for 14 Supra, 752.
art’s sake but rather for commercial purposes,”12 the pictures are not entitled to any
constitutional protection.
15 Go Pin, supra.
It was People v. Padan y Alova,13 however, that introduced to Philippine jurisprudence the 16 Padan y Alova, supra.
“redeeming” element that should accompany the work, to save it from a valid prosecution. We 371
VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 371
x x x We have had occasion to consider offenses like the
Pita vs. Court of Appeals
exhibition of still or moving pictures of women in the nude,
In a much later decision, Gonzalez v. Kalaw Katigbak,17 the Court, following trends in the
which we have condemned for obscenity and as offensive to United States, adopted the test: “Whether to the average person, applying contemporary
morals. In those cases, one might yet claim that there was standards, the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient
interest.”18 Kalaw-Katigbak represented a marked departure from Kottinger in the sense that it
involved the element of art; that connoisseurs of the same, and measured obscenity in terms of the “dominant theme” of the work, rather than isolated
painters and sculptors might find inspiration in the showing of passages, which were central to Kottinger (although both cases are agreed that “contemporary
community standards” are the final arbiters of what is “obscene”). Kalaw-Katigbak undertook
pictures in the nude, or the human body exhibited in sheer moreover to make the determination of obscenity essentially a judicial question and as a
nakedness, as models in tableaux vivants. But an actual consequence, to temper the wide discretion Kottinger had given unto law enforcers.
It is significant that in the United States, constitutional law on obscenity continues to journey
exhibition of the sexual act, preceded by acts of lasciviousness, from development to development, which, states one authoritative commentator (with ample
can have no redeeming feature. In it, there is no room for art. sarcasm), has been as “unstable as it is unintelligible.”19
Memoirs v. Massachusettes,20 a 1966 decision, which characterized obscenity as one “utterly
One can see nothing in it but clear and unmitigated obscenity, without any redeeming social value,”21 marked yet another development.
indecency, and an offense to public morals, inspiring and The latest word, however, is Miller v. California,22 which expressly
abandoned Massachusettes, and established “basic guidelines,”23 to wit: “(a) whether ‘the
causing as it does, nothing but lust and lewdness, and exerting average person, applying contemporary standards’ would find the work, taken as a whole,
appeals to the prurient interest . . .; (b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently

offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law; and (c) whether considered important literature today.29Goya’s La Maja desnuda was once banned from public
the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.”24 exhibition but now adorns the world’s most prestigious museums.
(A year later, the American Supreme Court decided Hamling But neither should we say that “obscenity” is a bare (no pun

______________ _____________

17 No. 69500, July 21, 1985, 137 SCRA 717, per 25 418 US 87 (1974).
Fernando, C.J. 26 418 US 153 (1974).
18 Supra, 726, citing Roth v. United States, 354 US 476 (1957). 27 TRIBE, id.
19 TRIBE, AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 656 28 Id., 661-662; emphasis in the original.
(1978 ed.). 29 See Kingsley Pictures v. N.Y. Regents, 360 US 684 (1959).
20 383 US 410 (1966). The case involved the movie version in Lady Chatterley’s
21 See TRIBE, id., 661. Lover. See also United States v. One Book called “Ulysses”, 5
22 413 US 15 (1973). F. Supp. 182 (1934).
23 Supra, 24. 373

24 Supra. VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 373

372 Pita vs. Court of Appeals
372 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED intended) matter of opinion. As we said earlier, it is the divergent perceptions of men and
women that have probably compounded the problem rather than resolved it.
Pita vs. Court of Appeals What the Court is impressing, plainly and simply, is that the question is not, and has not been,
v. United States,25 which repeated Miller, and Jenkins v. Georgia,26 yet another reiteration an easy one to answer, as it is far from being a settled matter. We share Tribe’s disappointment
of Miller. Jenkins, curiously, acquitted the producers of the motion picture, Carnal over the discouraging trend in American decisional law on obscenity as well as his pessimism
Knowledge, in the absence of “genitals” portrayed on screen, although the film highlighted on whether or not an “acceptable” solution is in sight.
contemporary American sexuality.) In the final analysis perhaps, the task that confronts us is less heroic than rushing to a “perfect”
The lack of uniformity in American jurisprudence as to what constitutes “obscenity” has been definition of “obscenity”, if that is possible, as evolving standards for proper police conduct
attributed to the reluctance of the courts to recognize the constitutional dimension of the faced with the problem, which, after all, is the plaint specifically raised in the petition.
problem.27 Apparently, the courts have assumed that “obscen-ity” is not included in the However, this much we have to say.
guaranty of free speech, an assumption that, as we averred, has allowed a climate of opinions Undoubtedly, “immoral” lore or literature comes within the ambit of free expression, although
among magistrates predicated upon arbitrary, if vague theories of what is acceptable to society. not its protection. In free expression cases, this Court has consistently been on the side of the
And “[t]here is little likelihood,” says Tribe, “that this development has reached a state of rest, exercise of the right, barring a “clear and present danger” that would warrant State interference
or that it will ever do so until the Court recognizes that obscene speech is speech nonetheless, and action.30 But, so we asserted in Reyes v. Bagatsing,31“the burden to show the existence of
although it is subject—as in all speech—to regulation in the interests of [society as a whole]— grave and imminent danger that would justify adverse action . . . lies on the . . .
but not in the interest of a uniform vision of how human sexuality should be regarded and authorit[ies].”32
portrayed.”28 “There must be objective and convincing, not subjective or conjectural, proof of the existence
In the case at bar, there is no challenge on the right of the State, in the legitimate exercise of of such clear and present danger.”33 “It is essential for the validity of . . . previous restraint or
police power, to suppress smut—provided it is smut. For obvious reasons, smut is not smut censorship that the . . . authority does not rely solely on his own appraisal of what the public
simply because one insists it is smut. So is it equally evident that individual tastes develop, welfare, peace or safety may require.”34
adapt to wide-ranging influences, and keep in step with the rapid advance of civilization. What “To justify such a limitation, there must be proof of such weight and sufficiency to satisfy the
shocked our forebears, say, five decades ago, is not necessarily repulsive to the present clear and present danger test.”35
generation. James Joyce and D.H. Lawrence were censored in the thirties yet their works are

____________ 36 Rollo, id., 41.
37Id., The question whether or not Presidential Decrees Nos.
30 Gonzales vs. COMELEC, No. L-27833, April 18, 1969, 27 960 and 969 are unconstitutional is another thing; we will deal
SCRA 835; Reyes v. Bagatsing, No. 65366, November 9, with the problem in the proper hour and in the appropriate case.
1983, 125 SCRA 553. Judicial restraint is a bar to a consideration of the problem that
31 Supra. does not exist, or if it exists, it exists but in the abstract.
32 Supra, 572 per Teehankee, J., Concurring; emphasis in the 375

original. VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 375

33 Supra, emphasis in the original. Pita vs. Court of Appeals
34 Supra, emphasis in the original. The fact that the former respondent Mayor’s act was sanctioned by “police power” is no
license to seize property in disregard of due process. In Philippine Service Exporters, Inc. v.
35 Supra, emphasis in the original. Drilon,38 We defined police power as “state authority to enact legislation that may interfere
374 with personal liberty or property in order to promote the general welfare.”39 Presidential
Decrees Nos. 960 and 969 are, arguably, police power measures, but they are not, by
374 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED themselves, authorities for high-handed acts. They do not exempt our law enforcers, in
Pita vs. Court of Appeals carrying out the decree of the twin presidential issuances (Mr. Marcos’), from the
The above disposition must not, however, be taken as a neat effort to arrive at a solution—so commandments of the Constitution, the right to due process of law and the right against
unreasonable searches and seizures, specifically. Significantly, the Decrees themselves lay
only we may arrive at one—but rather as a serious attempt to put the question in its proper
down procedures for implementation. We quote:
perspective, that is, as a genuine constitutional issue.
It is also significant that in his petition, the petitioner asserts constitutional issues, mainly, due Sec. 2. Disposition of the Prohibited Articles.—The disposition
process and illegal search and seizure.
As we so strongly stressed in Bagatsing, a case involving the delivery of a political speech, the
of the literature, films, prints, engravings, sculptures, paintings,
presumption is that the speech may validly be said. The burden is on the State to demonstrate or other materials involved in the violation referred to in
the existence of a danger, a danger that must not only be: (1) clear but also, (2) present, to
justify State action to stop the speech. Meanwhile, the Government must allow it (the speech).
Section 1 hereof (Art. 201), RPC as amended) shall be
It has no choice. However, if it acts notwithstanding that (absence of evidence of a clear and governed by the following rules:
present danger), it must come to terms with, and be held accountable for, due process.
The Court is not convinced that the private respondents have shown the required proof to
justify a ban and to warrant confiscation of the literature for which mandatory injunction had . (a)Upon conviction of the offender, to be forfeited in
been sought below. First of all, they were not possessed of a lawful court order: (1) finding the favor of the Government to be destroyed.
said materials to be pornography, and (2) authorizing them to carry out a search and seizure, by
way of a search warrant. . (b)Where the criminal case against any violator of
The Court of Appeals has no “quarrel that . . . freedom of the press is not without restraint, as this decree results in an acquittal, the obscene/immoral
the state has the right to protect society from pornographic literature that is offensive to public
morals.”36 Neither do we. But it brings us back to square one: were the “literature” so literature, films, prints, engravings, sculptures, paintings or
confiscated “pornographic”? That “we have laws punishing the author, publisher and sellers of other materials and articles involved in the violation referred
obscence publications (Sec. 1, Art. 201, Revised Penal Code, as amended by P.D. No. 960 and
P.D. No. 969),”37 is also fine, but the question, again, is: Has the petitioner been found guilty to in Section 1 (referring to Art. 201) hereof shall
under the statute? nevertheless be forfeited in favor of the government to be
destroyed, after forfeiture proceedings conducted by the
_____________ Chief of Constabulary.

. (c)The person aggrieved by the forfeiture action of such other responsible officer as may be authorized by law,
the Chief of Constabulary may, within fifteen (15) days after after examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant
his receipt of a copy of the decision, appeal the matter to the and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing
Secretary of National Defense for review. The decision of the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be
the Secretary of National Defense shall be final and seized.42
unappealable. (Sec. 2, PD No. 960 as amended by PD No. It is basic that searches and seizures may be done only through a judicial warrant, otherwise,
they become unreasonable and subject to challenge. In Burgos v. Chief of Staff, AFP,43 We
969.) countermanded the orders of the Regional Trial Court authorizing the search of the premises
of We Forum and Metropolitan Mail, two Metro Manila dailies, by reason of a defective
warrant. We have greater reason here to reprobate the questioned raid, in the complete absence
Sec. 4. Additional Penalties.—Additional penalties shall be of a warrant, valid or invalid. The fact that the instant case involves an obscenity rap makes it
imposed as follows: no different from Burgos, a political case, because, and as we have indicated, speech is speech,
whether political or “obscene”.
1.In case the offender is a government official or employee The Court is not ruling out warrantless searches, as the Rules of Court (1964 rev.) (the Rules
then prevailing), provide:
______________ SEC. 12. Search without warrant of person arrested.—A
person charged with an offense may be searched for dangerous
38 G.R. No. 81958, June 30, 1988. weapons or anything which may be used as proof of the
39 Supra, at 3. commission of the of-
Pita vs. Court of Appeals
40 Pres. Decree No. 960, sec. 2 as amended by Pres. Decree
. who allows the violations of Section 1 hereof, the No. 969.
penalty as provided herein shall be imposed in the maximum 41 CONST. (1973), the Charter then in force.
period and, in addition, the accessory penalties provided for 42 Supra, art. IV, sec. 3.
in the Revised Penal Code, as amended, shall likewise be 43 No. 64266, December 26, 1984, 133 SCRA 800.
imposed.40 377
VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 377
Under the Constitution,41 on the other hand: Pita vs. Court of Appeals
SEC. 3. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, fense.44
houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and but as the provision itself suggests, the search must have been an incident to a lawful arrest,
seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose shall not be and the arrest must be on account of a crime committed. Here, no party has been charged, nor
are such charges being readied against any party, under Article 201, as amended, of the
violated, and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue Revised Penal Code.
except upon probable cause to be determined by the judge, or

We reject outright the argument that “[t]here is no constitutional nor legal provision which . 5.The proper suit is then brought in the court under Article 201 of the
would free the accused of all criminal responsibility because there had been no warrant,”45 and
Revised Penal Code;
that “violation of penal law [must] be punished.”46 For starters, there is no “accused” here to
speak of, who ought to be “punished”. Second, to say that the respondent Mayor could have . 6.Any conviction is subject to appeal. The appellate court may assess
validly ordered the raid (as a result of an anti-smut campaign) without a lawful search warrant whether or not the properties seized are indeed “obscene”.
because, in his opinion, “violation of penal laws” has been committed, is to make the
respondent Mayor judge, jury, and executioner rolled into one. And precisely, this is the very
These do not foreclose, however, defenses under the Constitution or applicable statutes, or
complaint of the petitioner.
remedies against abuse of official power under the Civil Code47 or the Revised Penal code.48
We make this resumé.

. 1.The authorities must apply for the issuance of a search warrant from a
judge, if in their opinion, an obscenity rap is in order;
. 2.The authorities must convince the court that the materials sought to be 47 CIVIL CODE, art. 32. The provision states:
seized are “obscene”, and pose a clear and present danger of an evil substantive “ART. 32. Any public officer or employee, or any private
enough to warrant State interference and action;
individual, who directly or indirectly obstructs, defeats,
. 3.The judge must determine whether or not the same are indeed
“obscene:” the question is to be resolved on a case-to-case basis and on His Honor’s violates or in any manner impedes or impairs any of the
sound discretion. following rights and liberties of another person shall be liable
. 4.If, in the opinion of the court, probable cause exists, it to the latter for damages:

_______________ . (1)Freedom of religion;

. (2)Freedom of speech;
44 RULES OF COURT (1964), Rule 126, sec. 12. As amended, . (3)Freedom to write for the press or to maintain a
the provision now reads as follows: “SEC. 12. Search incident periodical publication;
to lawful arrest.—A person lawfully arrested may be searched . (4)Freedom from arbitrary or illegal detention;
for dangerous weapons or anything which may be used as . (5)Freedom of suffrage;
proof of the commission of an offense, without a search . (6)The right against deprivation of property without
warrant.” [RULES ON CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (1985 rev.), due process of law;
Rule 126, sec. 12.]
. (7)The right to a just compensation when private
45 Rollo, id., 51.
property is taken for public use;
46 Id.
. (8)The right to the equal protection of the laws;
378 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED . (9)The right to be secure in one’s person, house,
papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and
Pita vs. Court of Appeals
. (10)The liberty of abode and of changing the same;
. may issue the search warrant prayed for;

. (11)The privacy of communication and in accordance with a statute which has not been judicially
correspondence; declared unconstitutional; and
. (12)The right to become member of associations or . (19)Freedom of access to the courts.
societies for purposes not contrary to law;
. (13)The right to take part in a peaceable assembly to In any of the cases referred to in this article, whether or not the
petition the Government for redress of grievances; defendant’s act or omission constitutes a criminal offense, the
. (14)The right to be free from involuntary servitude aggrieved party has a right to commence an entirely separate
in any form; and distinct civil action for damages, and for other relief. Such
. (15)The right of the accused against excessive bail; civil action shall proceed independently of any criminal
. (16)The right of the accused to be heard by himself prosecution (if the latter be instituted), and may be proved by a
and counsel, to be informed of the nature and cause of the preponderance of evidence.
accusation against him, to have a speedy and public trial, to The indemnity shall include moral damages. Exemplary
meet the witnesses face to face, and to have compulsory damages may also be adjudicated.
process to secure the attendance of witness in his behalf; The responsibility herein set forth is not demandable from a
. (17)Freedom from being compelled to be a witness judge unless his act or omission constitutes a violation of the
against one’s self, or from being forced to confess guilt, or Penal Code or other penal statute.
from being induced by a 48 REV. PEN. CODE, arts. 129, 130. The provisions state:
“ART. 129. Search warrants maliciously obtained and abuse
379 in the service of those legally obtained.—In addition to the
VOL. 178, OCTOBER 5, 1989 379 liability attaching to the offender for commission of any other
Pita vs. Court of Appeals offense, the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision of the respondent court is prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. It appearing, however, that the magazines subject of the search
and seizure exceeding P1,000 pesos shall be imposed upon any public
officer or employee who shall procure a search warrant without
_______________ just cause, or, having legally procured the same, shall exceed
his authority or use unnecessary severity in executing the same.
. promise of immunity or reward to make such The acts, committed by a public officer or employee,
confession, except when the person confessing becomes a punishable by the above article are:
State witness;
. (18)Freedom from excessive fines, or cruel and . (1)Procuring a search warrant without just cause;
unusual punishment, unless the same is imposed or inflicted

. (2)Exceeding one’s authority or using unnecessary
severity in the execution of a legally procured search

“ART. 130. Searching domicile without witnesses.—The

penalty of arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods
shall be imposed upon a public officer or employee who, in
cases where a search is proper, shall search the domicile,
papers or other belongings of any person, in the absence of the
latter, any member of his family, or in their default, without the
presence of two witnesses residing in the same locality.
Avedana vs. Court of Appeals
have been destroyed, the Court declines to grant affirmative relief. To that extent, the case is
moot and academic.
Melencio-Herrera, Cruz, Paras, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin, Cortés, Griño-
Aquino, Medialdea and Regalado, JJ., concur.
Fernan (C.J.), Narvasa and Feliciano, JJ., In the result.
Gutierrez, Jr., J., On leave.
Petition granted. Decision reversed and set aside.
Note.—General search warrants are outlawed because they place the sanctity of the domicile
and the privacy of communication and correspondence at the mercy of the whims, caprice or
passion of peace officers. (Stonehill vs. Diokno, L-19550, June 19, 1967, 20 SCRA 383.)

U.S. Supreme Court

Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U.S. 560 (1991)

Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc.

No. 90-26 904 F.2d 1081 (CA9 1990), reversed.

Argued Jan. 8, 1991 The CHIEF JUSTICE, joined by JUSTICE O'CONNOR and
JUSTICE KENNEDY, concluded that the enforcement of
Decided June 21, 1991 Indiana's public indecency law to prevent totally nude dancing
does not violate the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom
501 U.S. 560 of expression. Pp. 501 U. S. 565-572.

CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF (a) Nude dancing of the kind sought to be performed here is
APPEALS expressive conduct within the outer perimeters of the First
Amendment, although only marginally so. See, e.g., Doran v.
FOR THE SEVENTH CIRCUIT Salem Inn, Inc., 422 U. S. 922, 422 U. S. 932. Pp. 501 U. S.
(b) Applying the four-part test of United States v. O'Brien, 391
Respondents, two Indiana establishments wishing to provide U. S. 367, 391 U. S. 376-377 -- which rejected the contention
totally nude dancing as entertainment and individual dancers that symbolic speech is entitled to full First Amendment
employed at those establishments, brought suit in the District protection -- the statute is justified despite its incidental
Court to enjoin enforcement of the state public indecency law - limitations on some expressive activity. The law is clearly
- which requires respondent dancers to wear pasties and a G- within the State's constitutional power. And it furthers a
string -- asserting that the law's prohibition against total nudity substantial governmental interest in protecting societal order
in public places violates the First Amendment. The court held and morality. Public indecency statutes reflect moral
that the nude dancing involved here was not expressive disapproval of people appearing in the nude among strangers in
conduct. The Court of Appeals reversed, ruling that public places, and this particular law follows a line of state
nonobscene nude dancing performed for entertainment is laws, dating back to 1831, banning public nudity. The States'
protected expression, and that the statute was an improper traditional police power is defined as the authority to provide
infringement of that activity because its purpose was to prevent for the public health, safety, and morals, and such a basis for
the message of eroticism and sexuality conveyed by the legislation
Page 501 U. S. 561
Held: The judgment is reversed.

has been upheld. See, e.g., Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, 413 concluded that the State's interest in preventing the secondary
U. S. 49, 413 U. S. 61. This governmental interest is unrelated effects of adult entertainment establishments -- prostitution,
to the suppression of free expression, since public nudity is the sexual assaults, and other criminal activity -- is sufficient
evil the State seeks to prevent, whether or not it is combined under O'Brien to justify the law's enforcement against nude
with expressive activity. The law does not proscribe nudity in dancing. The prevention of such effects clearly falls within the
these establishments because the dancers are conveying an State's constitutional power. In addition, the asserted interest is
erotic message. To the contrary, an erotic performance may be plainly substantial, and the State could have concluded that it is
presented without any state interference, so long as the furthered by a prohibition on nude dancing, even without
performers wear a scant amount of clothing. Finally, the localized proof of the harmful effects. See Renton v. Playtime
incidental restriction on First Amendment freedom is no Theatres, Inc., 475 U. S. 41, 475 U. S. 50. Moreover, the
greater than is essential to the furtherance of the governmental interest is unrelated to the suppression of free expression, since
interest. Since the statutory prohibition is not a means to some the pernicious effects are merely associated with nude dancing
greater end, but an end itself, it is without cavil that the statute establishments and are not the result of the expression inherent
is narrowly tailored. Pp. 501 U. S. 566-572. in nude dancing. Id. at 475 U. S. 48. Finally, the restriction is
no greater than is essential to further the governmental interest,
JUSTICE SCALIA concluded that the statute -- as a general since pasties and a G-string moderate expression to a minor
law regulating conduct and not specifically directed at degree when measured against the dancer's remaining capacity
expression, either in practice or on its face -- is not subject to and opportunity to express an erotic message. Pp. 501 U. S.
normal First Amendment scrutiny, and should be upheld on the 581-587.
ground that moral opposition to nudity supplies a rational basis
for its prohibition. Cf. Employment Division, Oregon Dept. of Page 501 U. S. 562
Human Resources v. Smith, 494 U. S. 872. There is no
intermediate level of scrutiny requiring that an incidental REHNQUIST, C.J., announced the judgment of the Court and
restriction on expression, such as that involved here, be delivered an opinion in which O'CONNOR and KENNEDY,
justified by an important or substantial governmental interest. JJ., joined. SCALIA, J., post, p. 501 U. S. 572, and SOUTER,
Pp. 501 U. S. 572-580. J., post, p. 501 U. S. 581, filed opinions concurring in the
judgment. WHITE, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which
JUSTICE SOUTER, agreeing that the nude dancing at issue MARSHALL, BLACKMUN, and STEVENS, JJ.,
here is subject to a degree of First Amendment protection, and joined, post, p. 501 U. S. 587.
that the test of United States v. O'Brien, 391 U. S. 367, is the
appropriate analysis to determine the actual protection required,

CHIEF JUSTICE REHNQUIST delivered the opinion of the supplying so-called adult entertainment through written and
Court. printed materials, movie showings, and live entertainment at an
enclosed "bookstore." The live entertainment at the
Respondents are two establishments in South Bend, Indiana, "bookstore" consists of nude and seminude performances and
that wish to provide totally nude dancing as entertainment, and showings of the female body through glass panels. Customers
individual dancers who are employed at these sit in a booth and insert coins into a timing mechanism that
permits them to observe the live nude and seminude dancers
Page 501 U. S. 563 for a period of time. One of Glen Theatre's dancers, Gayle Ann
Marie Sutro, has danced, modeled, and acted professionally for
establishments. They claim that the First Amendment's more than 15 years, and in addition to her performances at the
guarantee of freedom of expression prevents the State of Glen Theatre, can be seen in a pornographic movie at a nearby
Indiana from enforcing its public indecency law to prevent this theater. App. to Pet. for Cert. 131-133.
form of dancing. We reject their claim.
Respondents sued in the United States District Court for the
The facts appear from the pleadings and findings of the District Northern District of Indiana to enjoin the enforcement of the
Court, and are uncontested here. The Kitty Kat Lounge, Inc. Indiana public indecency statute, Ind.Code § 35-45-4-1
(Kitty Kat) is located in the city of South Bend. It sells
alcoholic beverages and presents "go-go dancing." Its Page 501 U. S. 564
proprietor desires to present "totally nude dancing," but an
applicable Indiana statute regulating public nudity requires that (1988), asserting that its prohibition against complete nudity in
the dancers wear "pasties" and a "G-string" when they dance. public places violated the First Amendment. The District Court
The dancers are not paid an hourly wage, but work on originally granted respondents' prayer for an injunction, finding
commission. They receive a 100 percent commission on the that the statute was facially overbroad. The Court of Appeals
first $60 in drink sales during their performances. Darlene for the Seventh Circuit reversed, deciding that previous
Miller, one of the respondents in the action, had worked at the litigation with respect to the statute in the Supreme Court of
Kitty Kat for about two years at the time this action was Indiana and this Court precluded the possibility of such a
brought. Miller wishes to dance nude because she believes she challenge, [Footnote 1] and remanded to the District Court in
would make more money doing so. order for the plaintiffs to pursue their claim that the statute
violated the First Amendment as applied to their dancing. Glen
Respondent Glen Theatre, Inc., is an Indiana corporation with a Theatre, Inc. v. Pearson, 802 F.2d 287, 288-290 (1986). On
place of business in South Bend. Its primary business is remand, the District Court concluded that

Page 501 U. S. 565 "[A]lthough the customary 'barroom' type of nude dancing may
involve only the barest minimum of protected expression, we
"the type of dancing these plaintiffs wish to perform is not recognized in California v. LaRue, 409 U. S. 109, 409 U. S.
expressive activity protected by the Constitution of the United 118 (1972), that this form of entertainment might be entitled to
States," and rendered judgment in favor of the First and Fourteenth Amendment protection under some
defendants. Glen Theatre, Inc. v. Civil City of South circumstances."
Bend, 695 F.Supp. 414, 419 (ND Ind.1988). The case was
again appealed to the Seventh Circuit, and a panel of that court In Schad v. Borough of Mount Ephraim, 452 U. S. 61, 452 U.
reversed the District Court, holding that the nude dancing S. 66 (1981), we said that "[f]urthermore, as the state courts in
involved here was expressive conduct protected by the First this case recognized, nude dancing is not without its First
Amendment. Miller v. Civil City of South Bend, 887 F.2d 826 Amendment protections from official regulation" (citations
(CA7 1989). The Court of Appeals then heard the case en banc, omitted). These statements support the conclusion of the Court
and the court rendered a series of comprehensive and of Appeals
thoughtful opinions. The majority concluded that nonobscene
nude dancing performed for entertainment is expression Page 501 U. S. 566
protected by the First Amendment, and that the public
indecency statute was an improper infringement of that that nude dancing of the kind sought to be performed here is
expressive activity because its purpose was to prevent the expressive conduct within the outer perimeters of the First
message of eroticism and sexuality conveyed by the Amendment, though we view it as only marginally so. This, of
dancers. Miller v. Civil City of South Bend, 904 F.2d 1081 course, does not end our inquiry. We must determine the level
(CA7 1990). We granted certiorari, 498 U.S. 807 (1990), and of protection to be afforded to the expressive conduct at issue,
now hold that the Indiana statutory requirement that the and must determine whether the Indiana statute is an
dancers in the establishments involved in this case must wear impermissible infringement of that protected activity.
pasties and a G-string does not violate the First Amendment.
Indiana, of course, has not banned nude dancing as such, but
Several of our cases contain language suggesting that nude has proscribed public nudity across the board. The Supreme
dancing of the kind involved here is expressive conduct Court of Indiana has construed the Indiana statute to preclude
protected by the First Amendment. In Doran v. Salem Inn, nudity in what are essentially places of public accommodation
Inc., 422 U. S. 922, 422 U. S. 932 (1975), we said: such as the Glen Theatre and the Kitty Kat Lounge. In such
places, respondents point out, minors are excluded and there
are no nonconsenting viewers. Respondents contend that, while

the state may license establishments such as the ones involved rejected his contention that symbolic speech is entitled to full
here and limit the geographical area in which they do business, First Amendment protection, saying:
it may not in any way limit the performance of the dances
within them without violating the First Amendment. The "[E]ven on the assumption that the alleged communicative
petitioner contends, on the other hand, that Indiana's restriction element in O'Brien's conduct is sufficient to bring into play the
on nude dancing is a valid "time, place or manner" restriction First Amendment, it does not necessarily follow that the
under cases such as Clark v. Community for Creative Non- destruction of a registration certificate is constitutionally
Violence, 468 U. S. 288 (1984). protected activity. This Court has held that, when 'speech' and
'nonspeech' elements are combined in the same course of
The "time, place, or manner" test was developed for evaluating conduct, a sufficiently important governmental interest in
restrictions on expression taking place on public property regulating the nonspeech element can justify incidental
which had been dedicated as a "public forum," Ward v. Rock limitations on First Amendment freedoms. To characterize the
Against Racism, 491 U. S. 781, 491 U. S. 791 (1989), quality of the governmental interest which must appear, the
although we have on at least one occasion applied it to conduct Court has employed a variety of descriptive terms: compelling;
occurring on private property. See Renton v. Playtime substantial; subordinating; paramount; cogent; strong.
Theatres, Inc., 475 U. S. 41 (1986). In Clark, we observed that Whatever imprecision inheres in these terms, we think it clear
this test has been interpreted to embody much the same that a government regulation is sufficiently justified if it is
standards as those set forth in United States v. O'Brien, 391 U. within the constitutional power of the Government; if it
S. 367 (1968), and we turn, therefore, to the rule enunciated furthers an important or substantial governmental interest; if
in O'Brien. the governmental interest is unrelated to the suppression of free
expression; and if the incidental restriction on alleged First
O'Brien burned his draft card on the steps of the South Boston Amendment freedoms is no greater than is essential to the
courthouse in the presence of a sizable crowd, and furtherance of that interest."

Page 501 U. S. 567 Id. at 391 U. S. 376-377 (footnotes omitted).

was convicted of violating a statute that prohibited the knowing Applying the four-part O'Brien test enunciated above, we find
destruction or mutilation of such a card. He claimed that his that Indiana's public indecency statute is justified despite its
conviction was contrary to the First Amendment because his incidental limitations on some expressive activity. The public
act was "symbolic speech" -- expressive conduct. The court indecency statute is clearly within the constitutional power of
the State, and furthers substantial governmental interests. It is

impossible to discern, other than from the text of the statute, held that the court could sustain a conviction for exhibition of
exactly what governmental interest the Indiana legislators had "privates" in the presence of others. The court traced the
in mind when they enacted offense to the Bible story of Adam and Eve. Id. at 329-330. In
1881, a statute was enacted that would remain essentially
Page 501 U. S. 568 unchanged for nearly a century:

this statute, for Indiana does not record legislative history, and "Whoever, being over fourteen years of age, makes an indecent
the state's highest court has not shed additional light on the exposure of his person in a public place, or in any place where
statute's purpose. Nonetheless, the statute's purpose of there are other persons to be offended or annoyed thereby, . . .
protecting societal order and morality is clear from its text and is guilty of public indecency. . . ."
history. Public indecency statutes of this sort are of ancient
origin, and presently exist in at least 47 States. Public 1881 Ind.Acts, ch. 37, § 90.
indecency, including nudity, was a criminal offense at common
law, and this Court recognized the common law roots of the Page 501 U. S. 569
offense of "gross and open indecency" in Winters v. New
York, 333 U. S. 507, 333 U. S. 515(1948). Public nudity was The language quoted above remained unchanged until it was
considered an act malum en se. Le Roy v. Sidley, 1 Sid. 168, simultaneously repealed and replaced with the present statute
82 Eng.Rep. 1036 (K.B.1664). Public indecency statutes such in 1976. 1976 Ind.Acts, Pub.L. 148, Art. 45, ch. 4, § 1.
as the one before us reflect moral disapproval of people [Footnote 2]
appearing in the nude among strangers in public places.
This and other public indecency statutes were designed to
This public indecency statute follows a long line of earlier protect morals and public order. The traditional police power of
Indiana statutes banning all public nudity. The history of the States is defined as the authority to provide for the public
Indiana's public indecency statute shows that it predates health, safety, and morals, and we have upheld such a basis for
barroom nude dancing, and was enacted as a general legislation. In Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, 413 U. S.
prohibition. At least as early as 1831, Indiana had a statute 49, 413 U. S. 61 (1973), we said:
punishing "open and notorious lewdness, or . . . any grossly
scandalous and public indecency." Rev.Laws of Ind., ch. 26, § "In deciding Roth [v. United States, 354 U. S. 476 (1957)], this
60 (1831); Ind.Rev.Stat., ch. 53, § 81 (1834). A gap during Court implicitly accepted that a legislature could legitimately
which no statute was in effect was filled by the Indiana act on such a conclusion to protect 'the social interest in order
Supreme Court in Ardery v. State, 56 Ind. 328 (1877), which and morality.' [Id.] at 354 U. S. 485."

(Emphasis omitted.) And in Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U. S. "It is possible to find some kernel of expression in almost every
186, 478 U. S. 196 (1986), we said: activity a person undertakes -- for example, walking down the
street or meeting one's friends at a shopping mall -- but such a
"The law, however, is constantly based on notions of morality, kernel is not sufficient to bring the activity within the
and if all laws representing essentially moral choices are to be protection of the First Amendment. We think the activity of
invalidated under the Due Process Clause, the courts will be these dance-hall patrons coming together to engage in
very busy indeed." recreational dancing -- is not protected by the First
Thus, the public indecency statute furthers a substantial
government interest in protecting order and morality. 490 U.S. 19, 490 U. S. 25.

Page 501 U. S. 570 Respondents contend that, even though prohibiting nudity in
public generally may not be related to suppressing expression,
This interest is unrelated to the suppression of free expression. prohibiting the performance of nude dancing is related to
Some may view restricting nudity on moral grounds as expression because the state seeks to prevent its erotic message.
necessarily related to expression. We disagree. It can be argued, Therefore, they reason that the application of the Indiana
of course, that almost limitless types of conduct -- including statute to the nude dancing in this case violates the First
appearing in the nude in public -- are "expressive," and in one Amendment, because it fails the third part of the O'Brien test,
sense of the word this is true. People who go about in the nude viz: the governmental interest must be unrelated to the
in public may be expressing something about themselves by so suppression of free expression.
doing. But the court rejected this expansive notion of
"expressive conduct" in O'Brien, saying: But we do not think that, when Indiana applies its statute to the
nude dancing in these nightclubs it is proscribing nudity
"We cannot accept the view that an apparently limitless variety because of the erotic message conveyed by the dancers.
of conduct can be labelled 'speech' whenever the person
engaging in the conduct intends thereby to express an idea." Page 501 U. S. 571

391 U.S. at 391 U. S. 376. Presumably numerous other erotic performances are presented
at these establishments and similar clubs without any
And in Dallas v. Stanglin, 490 U. S. 19, we further observed: interference from the state, so long as the performers wear a
scant amount of clothing. Likewise, the requirement that the

dancers don pasties and a G-string does not deprive the dance The fourth part of the O'Brien test requires that the incidental
of whatever erotic message it conveys; it simply makes the restriction on First Amendment freedom be no greater than is
message slightly less graphic. The perceived evil that Indiana essential to the furtherance of the governmental interest. As
seeks to address is not erotic dancing, but public nudity. The indicated in the discussion above,
appearance of people of all shapes, sizes and ages in the nude
at a beach, for example, would convey little if any erotic Page 501 U. S. 572
message, yet the state still seeks to prevent it. Public nudity is
the evil the state seeks to prevent, whether or not it is combined the governmental interest served by the text of the prohibition
with expressive activity. is societal disapproval of nudity in public places and among
strangers. The statutory prohibition is not a means to some
This conclusion is buttressed by a reference to the facts greater end, but an end in itself. It is without cavil that the
of O'Brien. An act of Congress provided that anyone who public indecency statute is "narrowly tailored;" Indiana's
knowingly destroyed a selective service registration certificate requirement that the dancers wear at least pasties and a G-
committed an offense. O'Brien burned his certificate on the string is modest, and the bare minimum necessary to achieve
steps of the South Boston Courthouse to influence others to the state's purpose.
adopt his anti-war beliefs. This Court upheld his conviction,
reasoning that the continued availability of issued certificates The judgment of the Court of Appeals accordingly is
served a legitimate and substantial purpose in the
administration of the selective service system. O'Brien's Reversed.
deliberate destruction of his certificate frustrated this purpose
and "for this noncommunicative aspect of his conduct, and for [Footnote 1]
nothing else, he was convicted." 391 U.S. at 391 U. S. 382. It
was assumed that O'Brien's act in burning the certificate had a The Indiana Supreme Court appeared to give the public
communicative element in it sufficient to bring into play the indecency statute a limiting construction to save it from a facial
First Amendment, 391 U.S. at 391 U. S. 382, but it was for the overbreadth attack:
noncommunicative element that he was prosecuted. So here
with the Indiana statute; while the dancing to which it was "There is no right to appear nude in public. Rather, it may be
applied had a communicative element, it was not the dancing constitutionally required to tolerate or to allow some nudity as
that was prohibited, but simply its being done in the nude. a part of some larger form of expression meriting protection,
when the communication of ideas is involved."

State v. Baysinger, 272 Ind. 236, 247, 397 N.E.2d 580, 587 [Footnote 2]
(1979) (emphasis added), appeals dism'd sub nom. Clark v.
Indiana, 446 U.S. 931, and Dove v. Indiana, 449 U.S. 806 Indiana Code § 35-451 (1988) provides:
"Public Indecency"
Five years after Baysinger, however, the Indiana Supreme
Court reversed a decision of the Indiana Court of Appeals "Sec. 1. (a) A person who knowingly or intentionally, in a
holding that the statute did "not apply to activity such as the public place:"
theatrical appearances involved herein, which may not be
prohibited absent a finding of obscenity," in a case involving a "(1) engages in sexual intercourse;"
partially nude dance in the "Miss Erotica of Fort Wayne"
contest. Erhardt v. State,468 N.E.2d 224 (Ind.1984). The "(2) engages in deviate sexual conduct;"
Indiana Supreme Court did not discuss the constitutional issues
beyond a cursory comment that the statute had been upheld "(3) appears in a state of nudity; or"
against constitutional attack in Baysinger, and Erhardt's
conduct fell within the statutory prohibition. Justice Hunter "(4) fondles the genitals of himself or another person;"
dissented, arguing that
"commits public indecency, a Class A misdemeanor."
"a public indecency statute which prohibits nudity in any
"(b) 'Nudity' means the showing of the human male or female
public place is unconstitutionally overbroad. My reasons for so
genitals, pubic area, or buttocks with less than a fully opaque
concluding have already been articulated in State v.
covering, the showing of the female breast with less than a
Baysinger,(1979) 272 Ind. 236, 397 N.E.2d 580 (Hunter and
fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple, or the showing
DeBruler, JJ., dissenting)."
of the covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state."
Id. at 225-226, 397 N.E.2d 580. Justice DeBruler expressed
JUSTICE SCALIA, concurring in the judgment.
similar views in his dissent in Erhardt. Ibid. Therefore, the
Indiana Supreme Court did not affirmatively limit the reach of
I agree that the judgment of the Court of Appeals must be
the statute in Baysinger, but merely said that, to the extent the
reversed. In my view, however, the challenged regulation must
First Amendment would require it, the statute might be
be upheld, not because it survives some lower level of First-
unconstitutional as applied to some activities.
Amendment scrutiny, but because, as a general law regulating

conduct and not specifically directed at expression, it is not Page 501 U. S. 573
subject to First-Amendment scrutiny at all.
does not regulate dancing. It regulates public nudity. . . .
I Almost the entire domain of Indiana's statute is unrelated to
expression, unless we view nude beaches and topless hot dog
Indiana's public indecency statute provides: vendors as speech."

"(a) A person who knowingly or intentionally, in a public Miller v. Civil City of South Bend, 904 F.2d 1081, 1120 (CA7
place:" 1990) (Easterbrook, J., dissenting). The intent to convey a
"message of eroticism" (or any other message) is not a
"(1) engages in sexual intercourse;" necessary element of the statutory offense of public indecency;
nor does one commit that statutory offense by conveying the
"(2) engages in deviate sexual conduct;" most explicit "message of eroticism," so long as he does not
commit any of the four specified acts in the process. [Footnote
"(3) appears in a state of nudity; or" 2/1]

"(4) fondles the genitals of himself or another person;" Indiana's statute is in the line of a long tradition of laws against
public nudity, which have never been thought to run afoul of
"commits public indecency, a Class A misdemeanor." traditional understanding of "the freedom of speech." Public
indecency -- including public nudity -- has long been an
"(b) 'Nudity' means the showing of the human male or female offense at common law. See 50 Am.Jur.2d 449, 472-474
genitals, pubic area, or buttocks with less than a fully opaque (1970); 93 A.L.R. 996, 997-998 (1934); Winters v. New
covering, the showing of the female breast with less than a York, 333 U. S. 507, 333 U. S. 515 (1948). Indiana's first
fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple, or the showing public nudity statute, Rev.Laws of Indiana, ch. 26, § 60 (1831),
of covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state." predated by many years the appearance of nude barroom
dancing. It was general in scope, directed at all public nudity,
Ind.Code § 35-45-4-1 (1988). On its face, this law is not and not just at public nude expression; and all succeeding
directed at expression in particular. As Judge Easterbrook put it statutes, down to
in his dissent below:
Page 501 U. S. 574

the present one, have been the same. Were it the case that Page 501 U. S. 575
Indiana in practice targeted only expressive nudity, while
turning a blind eye to nude beaches and unclothed purveyors of basis for thinking that our society has ever shared that
hot dogs and machine tools, see Miller, 904 F.2d at 1120, 1121, Thoreauvian "you may do what you like so long as it does not
it might be said that what posed as a regulation of conduct in injure someone else" beau ideal -- much less for thinking that it
general was in reality a regulation of only communicative was written into the Constitution. The purpose of Indiana's
conduct. Respondents have adduced no evidence of that. nudity law would be violated, I think, if 60,000 fully
Indiana officials have brought many public indecency consenting adults crowded into the Hoosierdome to display
prosecutions for activities having no communicative their genitals to one another, even if there were not an offended
element. See Bond v. State, 515 N.E.2d 856, 857 innocent in the crowd. Our society prohibits, and all human
(Ind.1987); In re Levinson, 444 N.E.2d 1175, 1176 societies have prohibited, certain activities not because they
(Ind.1983); Preston v. State, 259 Ind. 353, 354-355, 287 harm others but because they are considered, in the traditional
N.E.2d 347, 348 (1972); Thomas v. State, 238 Ind. 658, 659- phrase, "contra bonos mores," i.e., immoral. In American
660, 154 N.E.2d 503, 504-505 (1958); Blanton v. State, 533 society, such prohibitions have included, for example,
N.E.2d 190, 191 (Ind.App.1989); Sweeney v. State, 486 sadomasochism, cockfighting, bestiality, suicide, drug use,
N.E.2d 651, 652 (Ind.App.1985); Thompson v. State, 482 prostitution, and sodomy. While there may be great diversity of
N.E.2d 1372, 1373-1374 (Ind.App.1985); Adims v. State, 461 view on whether various of these prohibitions should exist
N.E.2d 740, 741-742 (Ind.App.1984); State v. Elliott, 435 (though I have found few ready to abandon, in principle, all of
N.E.2d 302, 304 (Ind.App.1982); Lasko v. State, 409 N.E.2d them) there is no doubt that, absent specific constitutional
1124, 1126 (Ind.App.1980). [Footnote 2/2] protection for the conduct involved, the Constitution does not
prohibit them simply because they regulate "morality." See
The dissent confidently asserts, post at 501 U. S. 590-591, that Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U. S. 186, 478 U. S. 196 (1986)
the purpose of restricting nudity in public places in general is (upholding prohibition of private homosexual sodomy enacted
to protect nonconsenting parties from offense; and argues that, solely on "the presumed belief of a majority of the electorate in
since only consenting, admission-paying patrons see [the jurisdiction] that homosexual sodomy is immoral and
respondents dance, that purpose cannot apply, and the only unacceptable"). See also Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, 413 U.
remaining purpose must relate to the communicative elements S. 49, 413 U. S. 68, n. 15 (1973); Dronenburg v. Zech, 239
of the performance. Perhaps the dissenters believe that "offense U.S.App.D.C. 229, 238, and n. 6, 741 F.2d 1388, 1397, and n.
to others" ought to be the only reason for restricting nudity in 6 (1984) (opinion of Bork, J.). The purpose of the Indiana
public places generally, but there is no statute, as both its text and the manner of its enforcement
demonstrate, is to enforce the traditional moral belief that

people should not expose their private parts indiscriminately, expression incidentally produced by a general law regulating
regardless of whether those who see them are disedified. Since conduct pass normal First Amendment scrutiny, or even -- as
that is so, the dissent has no basis for positing that, where only some of our cases have suggested, see e.g., United States v.
thoroughly edified adults are present, the purpose must be O'Brien, 391 U. S. 367, 391 U. S. 377 (1968) -- that it be
repression of communication. [Footnote 2/3] justified by an "important or substantial"

Page 501 U. S. 576 Page 501 U. S. 577

II government interest. Nor do our holdings require such

justification: we have never invalidated the application of a
Since the Indiana regulation is a general law not specifically general law simply because the conduct that it reached was
targeted at expressive conduct, its application to such conduct being engaged in for expressive purposes and the government
does not, in my view, implicate the First Amendment. could not demonstrate a sufficiently important state interest.

The First Amendment explicitly protects "the freedom of This is not to say that the First Amendment affords no
speech [and] of the press" -- oral and written speech -- not protection to expressive conduct. Where the government
"expressive conduct." When any law restricts speech, even for prohibits conduct precisely because of its communicative
a purpose that has nothing to do with the suppression of attributes, we hold the regulation unconstitutional. See, e.g.,
communication (for instance, to reduce noise, see Saia v. New United States v. Eichman, 496 U. S. 310 (1990) (burning
York, 334 U. S. 558, 334 U. S. 561 (1948), to regulate election flag); Texas v. Johnson, 491 U. S. 397 (1989) (same); Spence v.
campaigns, see Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U. S. 1, 424 U. S. Washington, 418 U. S. 405 (1974) (defacing flag); Tinker v.
16 (1976), or to prevent littering, see Schneider v. State, 308 U. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U. S.
S. 147, 308 U. S. 163 (1939)), we insist that it meet the high 503 (1969) (wearing black arm bands); Brown v.
First-Amendment standard of justification. But virtually every Louisiana, 383 U. S. 131 (1966) (participating in silent sit-
law restricts conduct, and virtually any prohibited conduct can in); Stromberg v. California, 283 U. S. 359 (1931) (flying a red
be performed for an expressive purpose -- if only expressive of flag). [Footnote 2/4] In each of the foregoing cases, we
the fact that the actor disagrees with the prohibition. See, e.g., explicitly found that suppressing communication was the
Florida Free Beaches, Inc. v. Miami, 734 F.2d 608, 609 (1984) object of the regulation of conduct. Where that has not been the
(nude sunbathers challenging public indecency law claimed case, however -- where suppression of communicative use of
their "message" was that nudity is not indecent). It cannot the conduct was merely the incidental effect of forbidding the
reasonably be demanded, therefore, that every restriction of conduct for other reasons -- we have allowed the regulation to

stand. O'Brien, 391 U.S. at 391 U. S. 377 (law banning "the only First Amendment analysis applicable to laws that do
destruction of draft card upheld in application against card- not directly or indirectly impede speech is the threshold inquiry
burning to protest of whether the purpose of the law is to suppress
communication. If not, that is the end of the matter so far as
Page 501 U. S. 578 First Amendment guarantees are concerned; if so, the court
then proceeds to determine whether there is substantial
war); FTC v. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Assn., 493 U. S. justification for the proscription."
411 (1990) (Sherman Act upheld in application against
restraint of trade to protest low pay); cf. United States v. Community for Creative Non-Violence v. Watt, 227
Albertini, 472 U. S. 675, 472 U. S. 687-688 (1985) (rule U.S.App.D.C.19, 55-56, 703 F.2d 586, 622-623 (1983) (en
barring petitioner from military base upheld in application banc) (Scalia, J., dissenting) (footnote omitted; emphasis
against entrance on base to protest war); Clark v. Community omitted), rev'd, 468 U. S. Community for Creative Non-
for Creative Non-Violence, 468 U. S. 288 (1984) (rule barring Violence, 468 U. S. 288 (1984). Such a regime ensures that the
sleeping in parks upheld in application against persons government does not act to suppress communication, without
engaging in such conduct to dramatize plight of homeless). As requiring that all conduct-restricting regulation
we clearly expressed the point in Johnson:
Page 501 U. S. 579
"The government generally has a freer hand in restricting
expressive conduct than it has in restricting the written or (which means in effect all regulation) survive an enhanced
spoken word. It may not, however, proscribe particular level of scrutiny.
conduct because it has expressive elements. What might be
termed the more generalized guarantee of freedom of We have explicitly adopted such a regime in another First
expression makes the communicative nature of conduct an Amendment context: that of Free Exercise. In Employment
inadequate basis for singling out that conduct for proscription." Division, Oregon Dept. of Human Resources v. Smith, 494 U.
S. 872 (1990), we held that general laws not specifically
491 U.S. at 491 U. S. 406 (internal quotations and citations targeted at religious practices did not require heightened First
omitted; emphasis in original). Amendment scrutiny even though they diminished some
people's ability to practice their religion.
All our holdings (though admittedly not some of our discussion)
support the conclusion that "The government's ability to enforce generally applicable
prohibitions of socially harmful conduct, like its ability to carry

out other aspects of public policy, 'cannot depend on measuring I do not believe such a heightened standard exists. I think we
the effects of a governmental action on a religious objector's should avoid wherever possible, moreover, a method of
spiritual development.'" analysis that requires judicial assessment of the "importance"
of government interests -- and especially of government
Id. at 494 U. S. 885, quoting Lyng v. Northwest Indian interests in various aspects of morality.
Cemetery Protective Assn., 485 U. S. 439, 485 U. S.
451 (1988); see also Minersville School District v. Gobitis, 310 Neither of the cases that the plurality cites to support the
U. S. 586, 310 U. S. 594-595 (1940) (Frankfurter, J.) "importance" of the State's interest here, see ante at 501 U. S.
("Conscientious scruples have not, in the course of the long 569, is in point. Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, 413 U.S.
struggle for religious toleration, relieved the individual from at 413 U. S. 61, and Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. at 478 U.
obedience to a general law not aimed at the promotion or S. 196, did uphold laws prohibiting private conduct based on
restriction of religious beliefs."). There is even greater reason concerns of decency and morality; but neither opinion held that
to apply this approach to the regulation of expressive conduct. those concerns were particularly "important" or "substantial,"
Relatively few can plausibly assert that their illegal conduct is or amounted to anything more than a rational basis for
being engaged in for religious reasons; but almost anyone can regulation. Slaton involved an exhibition which, since it was
violate almost any law as a means of expression. In the one obscene and at least to some extent public, was unprotected by
case, as in the other, if the law is not directed against the the First Amendment, see Roth v. United States, 354 U. S.
protected value (religion or expression) the law must be obeyed. 476 (1957); the State's prohibition could therefore be
invalidated only if it had no rational basis. We found that the
III State's "right . . . to maintain a decent society" provided a
"legitimate" basis for regulation -- even as to obscene material
While I do not think the plurality's conclusions differ greatly viewed by consenting adults. 413 U.S. at 413 U. S. 59-60.
from my own, I cannot entirely endorse its reasoning. The In Bowers, we held that, since homosexual behavior is not a
plurality purports to apply to this general law, insofar as it fundamental right, a Georgia law prohibiting private
regulates this allegedly expressive conduct, an intermediate homosexual intercourse needed only a rational basis in order to
level of First Amendment scrutiny: the government interest in comply with the Due Process Clause. Moral opposition to
the regulation must be "important or substantial,'" ante at 501 homosexuality, we said, provided that rational basis. 478 U.S.
U. S. 567, quoting O'Brien, 391 U.S. at 391 U. S. 377. As I at 478 U. S. 196. I would uphold the Indiana statute on
have indicated, precisely the same ground: moral opposition to nudity supplies
a rational basis for its prohibition, and since the First
Page 501 U. S. 580

Amendment has no application to this case, no more than that be claimed to contradict the first (though I think it does not);
is needed. but it certainly does not waive or abandon it. In any case, the
clear purpose shown by both the text and historical use of the
**** statute cannot be refuted by a litigating statement in a single
Indiana may constitutionally enforce its prohibition of public
nudity even against those who choose to use public nudity as a [Footnote 2/2]
means of communication. The State is regulating conduct, not
expression, and those who choose to employ conduct Respondents also contend that the statute, as interpreted, is not
content-neutral in the expressive conduct to which it applies,
Page 501 U. S. 581 since it allegedly does not apply to nudity in theatrical
productions. See State v. Baysinger, 272 Ind. 236, 247, 397
as a means of expression must make sure that the conduct they N.E.2d 580, 587 (1979). I am not sure that theater versus non-
select is not generally forbidden. For these reasons, I agree that theater represents a distinction based on content, rather than
the judgment should be reversed. format, but assuming that it does, the argument nonetheless
fails for the reason the plurality describes, ante at 501 U. S.
[Footnote 2/1] 564, n. 1.

Respondents assert that the statute cannot be characterized as a [Footnote 2/3]

general regulation of conduct, unrelated to suppression of
expression, because one defense put forward in oral argument The dissent, post at 501 U. S. 590, 501 U. S. 595-596 also
below by the attorney general referred to the "message of misunderstands what is meant by the term "general law." I do
eroticism" conveyed by respondents. But that argument seemed not mean that the law restricts the targeted conduct in all places
to go to whether the statute could constitutionally be applied to at all times. A law is "general" for the present purposes if it
the present performances, rather than to what was the purpose regulates conduct without regard to whether that conduct is
of the legislation. Moreover, the State's argument below was in expressive. Concededly, Indiana bans nudity in public places,
the alternative: (1) that the statute does not implicate the First but not within the privacy of the home. (That is not surprising,
Amendment because it is a neutral rule not directed at since the common law offense, and the traditional moral
expression, and (2) that the statute in any event survives First prohibition, runs against public nudity, not against all
Amendment scrutiny because of the State's interest in nudity. E.g., 50 Am.Jur.2d at 472-474.) But that confirms,
suppressing nude barroom dancing. The second argument can rather than refutes, the general nature of the law: one may not

go nude in public, whether or not one intends thereby to gives expression at least to generalized emotion or feeling, and
convey a message, and similarly one may go nude in private, where the dancer is nude or nearly so, the feeling expressed, in
again whether or not that nudity is expressive. the absence of some contrary clue, is eroticism, carrying an
endorsement of erotic experience. Such is the expressive
[Footnote 2/4] content of the dances described in the record.

It is easy to conclude that conduct has been forbidden because Although such performance dancing is inherently expressive,
of its communicative attributes when the conduct in question is nudity per se is not. It is a condition, not an activity, and the
what the Court has called "inherently expressive," and what I voluntary assumption of that condition, without more,
would prefer to call "conventionally expressive" -- such as apparently expresses nothing beyond the view that the
flying a red flag. I mean by that phrase (as I assume the Court condition is somehow appropriate to the circumstances. But
means by "inherently expressive") conduct that is normally every voluntary act implies some such idea, and the implication
engaged in for the purpose of communicating an idea, or is thus so common and minimal that calling all voluntary
perhaps an emotion, to someone else. I am not sure whether activity expressive would reduce the concept of expression to
dancing fits that description, see Dallas v. Stanglin, 490 U. S. the point of the meaningless. A search for some expression
19, 490 U. S. 24 (1989) (social dance group "do[es] not beyond the minimal in the choice to go nude will often yield
involve the sort of expressive association that the First nothing: a person may choose nudity, for example, for
Amendment has been held to protect"). But even if it does, this maximum sunbathing. But when nudity is combined with
law is directed against nudity, not dancing. Nudity expressive activity, its stimulative and attractive value certainly
is not normally engaged in for the purpose of communicating can enhance the force of expression, and a dancer's acts in
an idea or an emotion. going from clothed to nude, as in a strip-tease, are integrated
into the dance and its expressive function. Thus, I agree with
JUSTICE SOUTER, concurring in the judgment. the plurality and the dissent that an interest in freely engaging
in the nude dancing at issue here is subject to a degree of First
Not all dancing is entitled to First Amendment protection as Amendment protection.
expressive activity. This Court has previously categorized
ballroom dancing as beyond the Amendment's Page 501 U. S. 582
protection, Dallas v. Stanglin, 490 U. S. 19, 490 U. S. 24-25
(1989), and dancing as aerobic exercise would likewise be I also agree with the plurality that the appropriate analysis to
outside the First Amendment's concern. But dancing as a determine the actual protection required by the First
performance directed to an actual or hypothetical audience Amendment is the four-part enquiry described in United States

v. O'Brien,391 U. S. 367 (1968), for judging the limits of challenged application of the statute may be constitutional. Cf.
appropriate state action burdening expressive acts as distinct McGowan v. Maryland, 366 U. S. 420
from pure speech or representation. I nonetheless write
separately to rest my concurrence in the judgment, not on the Page 501 U. S. 583
possible sufficiency of society's moral views to justify the
limitations at issue, but on the State's substantial interest in (1961). At least as to the regulation of expressive conduct,
combating the secondary effects of adult entertainment [Footnote 3/1]
establishments of the sort typified by respondents'
establishments. "[w]e decline to void [a statute] essentially on the ground that it
is unwise legislation which [the legislature] had the undoubted
It is, of course, true that this justification has not been power to enact and which could be reenacted in its exact form
articulated by Indiana's legislature or by its courts. As the if the same or another legislator made a 'wiser' speech about it."
plurality observes, "Indiana does not record legislative history,
and the state's highest court has not shed additional light on the O'Brien, supra, 391 U.S. at 391 U. S. 384. In my view, the
statute's purpose," ante at 501 U. S. 568. While it is certainly interest asserted by petitioners in preventing prostitution,
sound in such circumstances to infer general purposes "of sexual assault, and other criminal activity, although
protecting societal order and morality . . . from [the statute's] presumably not a justification for all applications of the statute,
text and history," ibid., I think that we need not so limit is sufficient under O'Brien to justify the State's enforcement of
ourselves in identifying the justification for the legislation at the statute against the type of adult entertainment at issue here.
issue here, and may legitimately consider petitioners' assertion
that the statute is applied to nude dancing because such dancing At the outset, it is clear that the prevention of such evils falls
"encourag[es] prostitution, increas[es] sexual assaults, and within the constitutional power of the State, which satisfies the
attract[s] other criminal activity." Brief for Petitioners 37. first O'Brien criterion. See id. at 391 U. S. 377. The second
O'Brien prong asks whether the regulation "furthers an
This asserted justification for the statute may not be ignored important or substantial governmental interest." Ibid. The
merely because it is unclear to what extent this purpose asserted state interest is plainly a substantial one; the only
motivated the Indiana Legislature in enacting the statute. Our question is whether prohibiting nude dancing of the sort at
appropriate focus is not an empirical enquiry into the actual issue here "furthers" that interest. I believe that our cases have
intent of the enacting legislature, but rather the existence or not addressed this question sufficiently to establish that it does.
of a current governmental interest in the service of which the

In Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc., 475 U. S. 41 (1986), we say that live nude dancing of the sort at issue here is likely to
upheld a city's zoning ordinance designed to prevent the produce the same pernicious secondary effects as the adult
occurrence of harmful secondary effects, including the crime films displaying "specified anatomical areas" at issue
associated with adult entertainment by protecting in Renton. Other reported cases from the Circuit in which this
approximately 95% of the city's area from the placement of litigation arose confirm the conclusion. See, e.g., United States
motion picture theaters emphasizing "matter depicting, v. Marren, 890 F.2d 924, 926 (CA7 1989) (prostitution
describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or associated with nude dancing establishment); United States v.
"specified anatomical areas" . . . for observation by patrons Doerr, 886 F.2d 944, 949 (CA7 1989) (same). In light
therein.'" Id. at 475 U. S. 44. Of particular importance to the of Renton's recognition that legislation seeking to combat the
present enquiry, we held that the city of Renton was not secondary effects of adult entertainment need not await
compelled to justify its restrictions by studies specifically localized proof of those effects, the State of Indiana could
relating to the problems reasonably conclude that forbidding nude entertainment of the
type offered at the Kitty Kat Lounge and the Glen Theatre's
Page 501 U. S. 584 "bookstore" furthers its interest in preventing prostitution,
sexual assault, and associated crimes. Given our recognition
that would be caused by adult theaters in that city. Rather, that
"Renton was entitled to rely on the experiences of Seattle and
other cities," id. at 475 U. S. 51, which demonstrated the "society's interest in protecting this type of expression is of a
harmful secondary effects correlated with the presence "of wholly different, and lesser, magnitude than the interest in
even one [adult] theater in a given neighborhood." Id. at 475 U. untrammeled political debate,"
S. 50; cf. Young v. American Mini Theatres, Inc., 427 U. S.
50, 427 U. S. 71, n. 34 (1976) (legislative finding that "a American Mini Theatres, supra, 427 U.S. at 427 U. S. 70, I do
concentration of `adult' movie theaters causes the area to not believe that a State is required affirmatively to undertake to
deteriorate and become a focus of crime"); California v. litigate this issue repeatedly in every
LaRue, 409 U. S. 109, 409 U. S. 111 (1972) (administrative
findings of criminal activity associated with adult Page 501 U. S. 585
case. The statute as applied to nudity of the sort at issue here
The type of entertainment respondents seek to provide is therefore satisfies the second prong of O'Brien. [Footnote 3/2]
plainly of the same character as that at issue in Renton,
American Mini Theatres, and LaRue. It therefore is no leap to

The third O'Brien condition is that the governmental interest be adult entertainment locations results from the concentration of
"unrelated to the suppression of free expression," 391 U.S. crowds of men predisposed to such activities, or from the
at 391 U. S. 377, and, on its face, the governmental interest in simple viewing of nude bodies, regardless of whether those
combating prostitution and other criminal activity is not at all bodies are engaged in expression or not. In neither case would
inherently related to expression. The dissent contends, however, the chain of causation run through the persuasive effect of the
that Indiana seeks to regulate nude dancing as its means of expressive component of nude dancing.
combating such secondary effects
Because the State's interest in banning nude dancing results
"because . . . creating or emphasizing [the] thoughts and ideas from a simple correlation of such dancing with other evils,
[expressed by nude dancing] in the minds of the spectators may rather than from a relationship between the other evils and the
lead to increased prostitution," expressive component of the dancing, the interest is unrelated
to the suppression of free expression. Renton is again
post at 501 U. S. 592, and that regulation of expressive persuasive in support of this conclusion. In Renton, we held
conduct because of the fear that the expression will prove that an ordinance that regulated adult theaters because the
persuasive is inherently related to the suppression of free presence of such theaters was correlated with secondary effects
expression. Ibid. that the local government had an interest in regulating was
content-neutral (a determination similar to the "unrelated to the
The major premise of the dissent's reasoning may be correct, suppression of free expression" determination here, see Clark v.
but its minor premise describing the causal theory of Indiana's Community for Creative Non-Violence, 468 U. S. 288, 468 U.
regulatory justification is not. To say that pernicious secondary S. 298, and n. 8 (1984)) because it was "justified without
effects are associated with nude dancing establishments is not reference to the content of the regulated speech." 475 U.S.
necessarily to say that such effects result from the persuasive at 475 U. S. 48 (emphasis in original). We reached this
effect of the expression inherent in nude dancing. It is to say, conclusion without need to decide whether the cause of the
rather, only that the effects are correlated with the existence of correlation might have been the persuasive effect of the adult
establishments offering such dancing, without deciding what films that were being regulated. Similarly here, the "secondary
the precise causes of the correlation effects" justification means that enforcement of the Indiana
statute against nude dancing is "justified without reference to
Page 501 U. S. 586 the content of the regulated [expression]," ibid. (emphasis
omitted), which is sufficient, at least in the context of sexually
actually are. It is possible, for example, that the higher explicit expression, [Footnote 3/3] to satisfy the third prong of
incidence of prostitution and sexual assault in the vicinity of the O'Brien test.

Page 501 U. S. 587 open to question if the State were to seek to enforce the statute
by barring expressive nudity in classes of productions that
The fourth O'Brien condition, that the restriction be no greater could not readily be analogized to the adult films at issue
than essential to further the governmental interest, requires in Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc., 475 U. S. 41(1986). It is
little discussion. Pasties and a G-string moderate the expression difficult to see, for example, how the enforcement of Indiana's
to some degree, to be sure, but only to a degree. Dropping the statute against nudity in a production of "Hair" or "Equus"
final stitch is prohibited, but the limitation is minor when somewhere other than an "adult" theater would further the
measured against the dancer's remaining capacity and State's interest in avoiding harmful secondary effects, in the
opportunity to express the erotic message. Nor, so far as we are absence of evidence that expressive nudity outside the context
told, is the dancer or her employer limited by anything short of of Renton-type adult entertainment was correlated with such
obscenity laws from expressing an erotic message by articulate secondary effects.
speech or representational means; a pornographic movie
featuring one of respondents, for example, was playing nearby [Footnote 3/3]
without any interference from the authorities at the time these
cases arose. I reach this conclusion again mindful, as was the Court
in Renton, that the protection of sexually explicit expression
Accordingly, I find O'Brien satisfied, and concur in the may be of lesser societal importance than the protection of
judgment. other forms of expression. See Renton, supra, at 475 U. S. 49,
and n. 2, citing Young v. American Mini Theatres, Inc.,427 U.
[Footnote 3/1] S. 50, 427 U. S. 70 (1976).

Cf., e.g., Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U. S. 578 (1987) (striking JUSTICE WHITE, with whom JUSTICE MARSHALL,
down state statute on Establishment Clause grounds due to JUSTICE BLACKMUN, and JUSTICE STEVENS join,
impermissible legislative intent). dissenting.

[Footnote 3/2] The first question presented to us in this case is whether

nonobscene nude dancing performed as entertainment is
Because there is no overbreadth challenge before us, we are not expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment. The
called upon to decide whether the application of the statute Court of Appeals held that it is, observing that our prior
would be valid in other contexts. It is enough, then, to say that decisions permit no other conclusion. Not surprisingly, then,
the secondary effects rationale on which I rely here would be the Court now concedes that "nude dancing of the kind sought

to be performed here is expressive conduct within the outer the law's purpose is to protect "societal order and
perimeters of the First Amendment. . . ." Ante at 501 U. S. morality." Ante at 501 U. S. 568. The plurality goes on to
566. This is no more than recognizing, as the Seventh Circuit
observed, that dancing is an ancient art form and "inherently Page 501 U. S. 589
embodies the expression and communication of ideas and
emotions." Miller v. Civil City of South Bend, 904 F.2d 1081, conclude that Indiana's statute "was enacted as a general
1087 (1990) (en banc). [Footnote 4/1] prohibition," ante at 501 U. S. 568(emphasis added), on people
appearing in the nude among strangers in public places. The
Page 501 U. S. 588 plurality then points to cases in which we upheld legislation
based on the State's police power, and ultimately concludes
Having arrived at the conclusion that nude dancing performed that the Indiana statute "furthers a substantial government
as entertainment enjoys First Amendment protection, the Court interest in protecting order and morality." Ante at 569. The
states that it must plurality also holds that the basis for banning nude dancing is
unrelated to free expression, and that it is narrowly drawn to
"determine the level of protection to be afforded to the serve the State's interest.
expressive conduct at issue, and must determine whether the
Indiana statute is an impermissible infringement of that The plurality's analysis is erroneous in several respects. Both
protected activity." the Court and JUSTICE SCALIA in his concurring opinion
overlook a fundamental and critical aspect of our cases
Ante at 501 U. S. 566. For guidance, the plurality turns upholding the States' exercise of their police powers. None of
to United States v. O'Brien, 391 U. S. 367(1968), which held the cases they rely upon, including O'Brien and Bowers v.
that expressive conduct could be narrowly regulated or Hardwick, 478 U. S. 186 (1986), involved anything less than
forbidden in pursuit of an important or substantial truly general proscriptions on individual conduct.
governmental interest that is unrelated to the content of the In O'Brien, for example, individuals were prohibited from
expression. The plurality finds that the Indiana statute satisfies destroying their draft cards at any time and in any place, even
the O'Brien test in all respects. in completely private places such as the home. Likewise,
in Bowers, the State prohibited sodomy, regardless of where
The plurality acknowledges that it is impossible to discern the the conduct might occur, including the home, as was true in
exact state interests which the Indiana legislature had in mind that case. The same is true of cases like Employment Division,
when it enacted the Indiana statute, but the Court nonetheless Oregon Dept. of Human Resources v. Smith, 494 U. S.
concludes that it is clear from the statute's text and history that 872 (1990), which, though not applicable here because it did

not involve any claim that the peyote users were engaged in Thus, the Indiana statute is not a general prohibition of the type
expressive activity, recognized that the State's interests in we have upheld in prior cases. As a result, the Court's and
preventing the use of illegal drugs extends even into the home. JUSTICE SCALIA's simple references to the State's general
By contrast, in this case, Indiana does not suggest that its interest in promoting societal order and morality is not
statute applies to, or could be applied to, nudity wherever it sufficient justification for a statute which concededly reaches a
occurs, including the home. We do not understand the Court or significant amount of protected expressive activity. Instead, in
JUSTICE SCALIA to be suggesting that Indiana could applying the O'Brien test, we are obligated to carefully
constitutionally enact such an intrusive prohibition, nor do we examine the reasons the State has chosen to regulate this
think such a suggestion would be tenable in light of our expressive conduct in a less than general statute. In other words,
decision in Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U. S. 557, (1969), in which when the State enacts a law which draws a line between
we held that States could not punish the expressive conduct which is regulated and nonexpressive
conduct of the same type which is not regulated, O'Brien places
Page 501 U. S. 590 the burden on the State to justify the distinctions it has made.
Closer inquiry as to the purpose of the statute is surely
mere possession of obscenity in the privacy of one's own home. appropriate.

We are told by the Attorney General of Indiana that, in State v. Legislators do not just randomly select certain conduct for
Baysinger, 272 Ind. 236, 397 N.E.2d 580 (1979), the Indiana proscription; they have reasons for doing so, and those reasons
Supreme Court held that the statute at issue here cannot and illuminate the purpose of the law that is passed. Indeed, a law
does not prohibit nudity as a part of some larger form of may have multiple purposes. The purpose of
expression meriting protection when the communication of
ideas is involved. Brief for Petitioners 25, 30-31; Reply Brief Page 501 U. S. 591
for Petitioners 9-11. Petitioners also state that the evils sought
to be avoided by applying the statute in this case would not forbidding people from appearing nude in parks, beaches, hot
obtain in the case of theatrical productions, such dog stands, and like public places is to protect others from
as Salome or Hair. Id. at 11-12. Neither is there any evidence offense. But that could not possibly be the purpose of
that the State has attempted to apply the statute to nudity in preventing nude dancing in theaters and barrooms, since the
performances such as plays, ballets or operas. "No arrests have viewers are exclusively consenting adults who pay money to
ever been made for nudity as part of a play or ballet." App.19 see these dances. The purpose of the proscription in these
(affidavit of Sgt. Timothy Corbett). contexts is to protect the viewers from what the State believes
is the harmful message that nude dancing communicates. This

is why Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence, 468 U. Page 501 U. S. 592
S. 288 (1984), is of no help to the State:
nudity, which may be prohibited despite any incidental impact
"In Clark, . . . the damage to the parks was the same whether on expressive activity. This analysis is transparently erroneous.
the sleepers were camping out for fun, were in fact homeless,
or wished by sleeping in the park to make a symbolic statement In arriving at its conclusion, the Court concedes that nude
on behalf of the homeless." dancing conveys an erotic message, and concedes that the
message would be muted if the dancers wore pasties and G-
904 F.2d at 1103 (Posner, J., concurring). That cannot be said strings. Indeed, the emotional or erotic impact of the dance is
in this case: the perceived damage to the public interest caused intensified by the nudity of the performers. As Judge Posner
by appearing nude on the streets or in the parks, as I have said, argued in his thoughtful concurring opinion in the Court of
is not what the State seeks to avoid in preventing nude dancing Appeals, the nudity of the dancer is an integral part of the
in theaters and taverns. There the perceived harm is the emotions and thoughts that a nude dancing performance
communicative aspect of the erotic dance. As the State now evokes. Id. at 1090-1098. The sight of a fully clothed, or even
tells us, and as JUSTICE SOUTER agrees, the State's goal in a partially clothed, dancer generally will have a far different
applying what it describes as its "content-neutral" statute to the impact on a spectator than that of a nude dancer, even if the
nude dancing in this case is "deterrence of prostitution, sexual same dance is performed. The nudity is itself an expressive
assaults, criminal activity, degradation of women, and other component of the dance, not merely incidental "conduct." We
activities which break down family structure." Reply Brief for have previously pointed out that "[n]udity alone' does not place
Petitioners 11. The attainment of these goals, however, otherwise protected material outside the mantle of the First
depends on preventing an expressive activity. Amendment." Schad v. Mt. Ephraim, 452 U. S. 61, 452 U. S.
66 (1981).
The plurality nevertheless holds that the third requirement of
the O'Brien test, that the governmental interest be unrelated to This being the case, it cannot be that the statutory prohibition is
the suppression of free expression, is satisfied, because, in unrelated to expressive conduct. Since the State permits the
applying the statute to nude dancing, the State is not dancers to perform if they wear pasties and G-strings, but
"proscribing nudity because of the erotic message conveyed by forbids nude dancing, it is precisely because of the distinctive,
the dancers." Ante at 501 U. S. 570. The plurality suggests expressive content of the nude dancing performances at issue
that this is so because the State does not ban dancing that sends in this case that the State seeks to apply the statutory
an erotic message; it is only nude erotic dancing that is prohibition. It is only because nude dancing performances may
forbidden. The perceived evil is not erotic dancing, but public generate emotions and feelings of eroticism and sensuality

among the spectators that the State seeks to regulate such That the performances in the Kitty Kat Lounge may not be
expressive activity, apparently on the assumption that creating high art, to say the least, and may not appeal to the Court, is
or emphasizing such thoughts and ideas in the minds of the hardly an excuse for distorting and ignoring settled doctrine.
spectators may lead to increased prostitution and the The plurality's assessment of the artistic merits of nude dancing
degradation of women. But generating thoughts, ideas, and performances should not be the determining factor in deciding
emotions is the essence of communication. The nudity element this case. In the words of Justice Harlan,
of nude dancing performances cannot
"it is largely because governmental officials cannot make
Page 501 U. S. 593 principled decisions

be neatly pigeonholed as mere "conduct" independent of any Page 501 U. S. 594

expressive component of the dance. [Footnote 4/2]
in this area that the Constitution leaves matters of taste and
That fact dictates the level of First Amendment protection to be style so largely to the individual."
accorded the performances at issue here. In Texas v.
Johnson, 491 U. S. 397, 491 U. S. 411-412 (1989), the Court Cohen v. California, 403 U. S. 15, 403 U. S. 25 (1971).
"[W]hile the entertainment afforded by a nude ballet at Lincoln
"Whether Johnson's treatment of the flag violated Texas law Center to those who can pay the price may differ vastly in
thus depended on the likely communicative impact of his content (as viewed by judges) or in quality (as viewed by
expressive conduct. . . . We must therefore subject the State's critics), it may not differ in substance from the dance viewed
asserted interest in preserving the special symbolic character of by the person who . . . wants some 'entertainment' with his beer
the flag to 'the most exacting scrutiny.' Boos v. Barry, 485 U.S. or shot of rye."
[312], 485 U. S. 321 [(1988)]."
Salem Inn, Inc. v. Frank, 501 F.2d 18, 21, n. 3 (CA2
Content-based restrictions "will be upheld only if narrowly 1974), aff'd in part, Doran v. Salem Inn, Inc., 422 U. S.
drawn to accomplish a compelling governmental 922 (1975).
interest." United States v. Grace, 461 U. S. 171, 461 U. S.
177 (1983); Sable Communications of California, Inc. v. The plurality and JUSTICE SOUTER do not go beyond saying
FCC, 492 U. S. 115, 492 U. S. 126 (1989). Nothing could be that the state interests asserted here are important and
clearer from our cases. substantial. But even if there were compelling interests, the

Indiana statute is not narrowly drawn. If the State is genuinely JUSTICE SCALIA's views are similar to those of the Court,
concerned with prostitution and associated evils, as JUSTICE and suffer from the same defects. The Justice asserts that a
SOUTER seems to think, or the type of conduct that was general law barring specified conduct does not implicate the
occurring in California v. LaRue, 409 U. S. 109 (1972), it can First Amendment unless the purpose of the law is to suppress
adopt restrictions that do not interfere with the expressiveness the expressive quality of the forbidden conduct, and that,
of nonobscene nude dancing performances. For instance, the absent such purpose, First Amendment protections are not
State could perhaps require that, while performing, nude triggered simply because the incidental effect of the law is to
performers remain at all times a certain minimum distance proscribe conduct that is unquestionably expressive. Cf.
from spectators, that nude entertainment be limited to certain Community for Creative Non-Violence v. Watt, 227
hours, or even that establishments providing such U.S.App.D.C. 19, 703 F.2d 586, 622-623 (1983) (SCALIA, J.,
entertainment be dispersed throughout the city. Cf. Renton v. dissenting). The application of the Justice's proposition to this
Playtime Theatres, Inc., 475 U. S. 41 (1986). Likewise, the case is simple to state: the statute at issue is a general law
State clearly has the authority to criminalize prostitution and banning nude appearances in public places, including barrooms
obscene behavior. Banning an entire category of expressive and theaters. There is no showing that the purpose of this
activity, however, generally does not satisfy the narrow general law was to regulate expressive conduct; hence, the First
tailoring requirement of strict First Amendment scrutiny. See Amendment is irrelevant, and nude dancing in theaters and
Frisby v. Schultz, 487 U. S. 474, 487 U. S. 485 (1988). barrooms may be forbidden irrespective of the expressiveness
Furthermore, if nude dancing in barrooms as compared with of the dancing.
other establishments, is the most worrisome problem, the State
could invoke its Twenty-first Amendment powers and impose As I have pointed out, however, the premise for the Justice's
appropriate regulation. New York State Liquor Authority v. position -- that the statute is a general law of the type our cases
Bellanca, 452 U. S. 714 (1981) (per curiam); California v. contemplate -- is nonexistent in this case. Reference to
LaRue, supra. JUSTICE SCALIA's own hypothetical makes this clear. We
agree with JUSTICE SCALIA that the Indiana statute would
Page 501 U. S. 595 not permit 60,000 consenting Hoosiers to expose themselves to
each other in the Hoosierdome. No one can doubt, however,
As I see it, our cases require us to affirm, absent a compelling that those same 60,000 Hoosiers would be perfectly free to
state interest supporting the statute. Neither the Court nor the drive to their respective homes all across Indiana and, once
State suggest that the statute could withstand scrutiny under there, to parade around, cavort, and revel in the nude for hours
that standard. in front of relatives and friends. It is difficult to see why the
State's interest in morality is any less in that situation,

especially if, as JUSTICE SCALIA seems to suggest, nudity is Accordingly, I would affirm the judgment of the Court of
inherently evil, but clearly the statute does Appeals, and dissent from this Court's judgment.

Page 501 U. S. 596 [Footnote 4/1]

not reach such activity. As we pointed out earlier, the State's JUSTICE SCALIA suggests that performance dancing is not
failure to enact a truly general proscription requires closer inherently expressive activity, see anteat 501 U. S. 577, n. 4,
scrutiny of the reasons for the distinctions the State has but the Court of Appeals has the better view:
drawn. See supra at 501 U. S. 590.
"Dance has been defined as 'the art of moving the body in a
As explained previously, the purpose of applying the law to the rhythmical way, usually to music, to express an emotion or
nude dancing performances in respondents' establishments is to idea, to narrate a story, or simply to take delight in the
prevent their customers from being exposed to the distinctive movement itself.' 16 The New Encyclopedia Britannica 935
communicative aspects of nude dancing. That being the case, (1989). Inherently, it is the communication of emotion or ideas.
JUSTICE SCALIA's observation is fully applicable here: At the root of all"
"Where government prohibits conduct precisely because of its
communicative attributes, we hold the regulation "[t]he varied manifestations of dancing . . . lies the common
unconstitutional." Ante at 501 U. S. 577. impulse to resort to movement to externalise states which we
cannot externalise by rational means. This is basic dance."
The O'Brien decision does not help JUSTICE SCALIA. Indeed,
his position, like the Court's, would eviscerate "Martin, J., Introduction to the Dance (1939). Aristotle
the O'Brien test. Employment Division, Oregon Dept. of recognized in Poetics that the purpose of dance is 'to represent
Human Resources v. Smith, 494 U. S. 872 (1990), is likewise men's character as well as what they do and suffer.' The raw
not on point. The Indiana law, as applied to nude dancing, communicative power of dance was noted by the French poet
targets the expressive activity itself; in Indiana, nudity in a Stephane Mallarme, who declared that the dancer 'writing with
dancing performance is a crime because of the message such her body . . . suggests things which the written work
dancing communicates. In Smith, the use of drugs was not could express only in several paragraphs of dialogue or
criminal because the use was part of or occurred within the descriptive prose.'"
course of an otherwise protected religious ceremony, but
because a general law made it so, and was supported by the 904 F.2d at 1085-1086. JUSTICE SCALIA cites Dallas v.
same interests in the religious context as in others. Stanglin, 490 U. S. 19 (1989), but that decision dealt with

social dancing, not performance dancing; and the submission in
that case, which we rejected, was not that social dancing was
an expressive activity, but that plaintiff's associational rights
were violated by restricting admission to dance halls on the
basis of age. The Justice also asserts that, even if dancing is
inherently expressive, nudity is not. The statement may be true,
but it tells us nothing about dancing in the nude.

[Footnote 4/2]

JUSTICE SOUTER agrees with the Court that the third

requirement of the O'Brien test is satisfied, but only because he
is not certain that there is a causal connection between the
message conveyed by nude dancing and the evils which the
State is seeking to prevent. See ante at 501 U. S. 585.
JUSTICE SOUTER's analysis is at least as flawed as that of the
Court. If JUSTICE SOUTER is correct that there is no causal
connection between the message conveyed by the nude dancing
at issue here and the negative secondary effects that the State
desires to regulate, the State does not have even a rational basis
for its absolute prohibition on nude dancing that is admittedly
expressive. Furthermore, if the real problem is the
"concentration of crowds of men predisposed to the"
designated evils, ante at 501 U. S. 586, then the First
Amendment requires that the State address that problem in a
fashion that does not include banning an entire category of
expressive activity. See Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc., 475
U. S. 41 (1986).

Argued April 18, 19, 1978

Decided July 3, 1978

438 U.S. 726





A radio station of respondent Pacifica Foundation (hereinafter

respondent) made an afternoon broadcast of a satiric
monologue, entitled "Filthy Words," which listed and repeated
a variety of colloquial uses of "words you couldn't say on the
public airwaves." A father who heard the broadcast while
driving with his young son complained to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), which, after forwarding
the complaint for comment to and receiving a response from
respondent, issued a declaratory order granting the complaint.
While not imposing formal sanctions, the FCC stated that the
U.S. Supreme Court order would be

FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, 438 U.S. 726 (1978) "associated with the station's license file, and, in the event
subsequent complaints are received, the Commission will then
Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica decide whether it should utilize any of the available sanctions it
Foundation has been granted by Congress."

No. 77-528

In its memorandum opinion, the FCC stated that it intended to or otherwise unprotected by the First Amendment. The third
"clarify the standards which will be utilized in considering" the judge, dissenting, concluded that the FCC had correctly
growing number of complaints about indecent radio broadcasts, condemned the daytime broadcast as indecent. Respondent
and it advanced several reasons for treating that type of speech contends that the broadcast was not indecent within the
differently from other forms of expression. The FCC found a meaning of the statute because of the absence of prurient
power to regulate indecent broadcasting, inter alia, in 18 U.S.C. appeal.
§ 1464 (1976 ed.), which forbids the use of "any obscene,
indecent, or profane language by means of radio Held: The judgment is reversed. Pp. 438 U. S. 734-741; 438
communications." The FCC characterized the language of the U. S. 748-750; 438 U. S. 761-762.
monologue as "patently offensive," though not necessarily
obscene, and expressed the opinion that it should be regulated 181 U.S.App.D.C. 132, 556 F.2d 9, reversed.
by principles analogous to the law of nuisance, where the "law
generally speaks to channeling behavior, rather than actually MR. JUSTICE STEVENS delivered the opinion of the Court
prohibiting it." The FCC found that certain words in the with respect to Parts I-III and IV-C, finding:
monologue depicted sexual and excretory activities in a
particularly offensive manner, noted that they were broadcast 1. The FCC's order was an adjudication under 5 U.S.C. § 554(e)
in the early afternoon, "when children are undoubtedly in the (1976 ed.), the character of which was not changed by the
audience," and concluded that the language, as broadcast, was general statements in the memorandum opinion; nor did the
indecent and prohibited by § 1464. A three-judge panel of the FCC's action constitute rulemaking or the promulgation of
Court of Appeals reversed, one judge concluding that the regulations. Hence, the Court's review must focus on the FCC's
FCC's action was invalid either on the ground that the order determination that the monologue was indecent as broadcast.
constituted censorship, which was expressly forbidden by § Pp. 438 U. S. 734-735.
326 of the Communications Act of 1934, or on the ground that
the FCC's opinion was the functional equivalent of 2. Section 326 does not limit the FCC's authority to sanction
licensees who engage in obscene, indecent, or profane
Page 438 U. S. 727 broadcasting. Though the censorship ban precludes editing
proposed broadcasts in advance, the ban does not deny the
a rule, and, as such, was "overbroad." Another judge, who felt FCC the power to review the content of completed broadcasts.
that § 326's censorship provision did not apply to broadcasts Pp. 438 U. S. 735-738.
forbidden by § 1464, concluded that § 1464, construed
narrowly as it has to be, covers only language that is obscene

3. The FCC was warranted in concluding that indecent 1. The FCC's authority to proscribe this particular broadcast is
language within the meaning of § 1464 was used in the not invalidated by the possibility that its construction of the
challenged broadcast. The words "obscene, indecent, or statute may deter certain hypothetically protected broadcasts
profane" are in the disjunctive, implying that each has a containing patently offensive references to sexual and
separate meaning. Though prurient appeal is an element of excretory activities. Cf. Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v.
"obscene," it is not an element of "indecent," which merely FCC, 395 U. S. 367. Pp. 438 U. S. 742-743.
refers to conconformance with accepted standards of morality.
Contrary to respondent's argument, this Court, in Hamling v. 2. The First Amendment does not prohibit all governmental
United States, 418 U. S. 87, has not foreclosed a reading of § regulation that depends on the content of speech. Schenck v.
1464 that authorizes a proscription of "indecent" language that United States, 249 U. S. 47, 249 U. S. 52. The content of
is not obscene, for the statute involved in that case, unlike § respondent's broadcast, which was "vulgar," "offensive," and
1464, focused upon the prurient, and dealt primarily with "shocking," is not entitled to absolute constitutional protection
printed matter in sealed envelopes mailed from one individual in all contexts; it is therefore necessary to evaluate the FCC's
to another, whereas § 1464 deals with the content of public action in light of the content of that broadcast. Pp. 438 U. S.
broadcasts. Pp. 438 U. S. 738-741. 744-748.

4. Of all forms of communication, broadcasting has the most MR. JUSTICE POWELL, joined by MR. JUSTICE
limited First Amendment protection. Among the reasons for BLACKMUN, concluded that the FCC's holding does not
specially treating indecent broadcasting is the uniquely violate the First Amendment, though, being of the view that
pervasive presence that medium of expression occupies in the Members of this Court are not free generally to decide on the
lives of our people. Broadcasts extend into the privacy of the basis of its content which speech protected by the First
home, and it is impossible completely to avoid Amendment is most valuable and therefore deserving of First
Amendment protection, and which is less "valuable" and hence
Page 438 U. S. 728 less deserving of protection, he is unable to join Part IV-B (or
IV-A) of the opinion. Pp. 438 U. S. 761-762.
those that are patently offensive. Broadcasting, moreover, is
uniquely accessible to children. Pp. 438 U. S. 747-750. STEVENS, J., announced the Court's judgment and delivered
an opinion of the Court with respect to Parts I-III and IV-C, in
MR. JUSTICE STEVENS, joined by THE CHIEF JUSTICE which BURGER, C.J., and REHNQUIST, J., joined, and in all
and MR. JUSTICE REHNQUIST, concluded in Part IV-A and but Parts IV-A and IV-B of which BLACKMUN and
IV-B: POWELL, JJ., joined, and an opinion as to Parts IV-A and IV-

B, in which BURGER, C.J., and REHNQUIST, J., joined. At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, October 30,
POWELL, J., filed an opinion concurring in part and 1973, a New York radio station, owned by respondent Pacifica
concurring in the judgment, in which BLACKMUN, J.,
joined, post, p. 438 U. S. 755. BRENNAN, J., filed a Page 438 U. S. 730
dissenting opinion, in which MARSHALL, J.,
joined, post, p. 438 U. S. 762. STEWART, J., filed a Foundation, broadcast the "Filthy Words" monologue. A few
dissenting opinion, in which BRENNAN, WHITE, and weeks later a man, who stated that he had heard the broadcast
MARSHALL, JJ., joined, post, p. 438 U. S. 777. while driving with his young son, wrote a letter complaining to
the Commission. He stated that, although he could perhaps
Page 438 U. S. 729 understand the "record's being sold for private use, I certainly
cannot understand the broadcast of same over the air that,
MR. JUSTICE STEVENS delivered the opinion of the Court supposedly, you control."
(Parts I, II, III, and IV-C) and an opinion in which THE CHIEF
JUSTICE and MR. JUSTICE REHNQUIST joined (Parts IV-A The complaint was forwarded to the station for comment. I n
and IV-B). its response, Pacifica explained that the monologue had been
played during a program about contemporary society's attitude
This case requires that we decide whether the Federal toward language, and that, immediately before its broadcast,
Communications Commission has any power to regulate a listeners had been advised that it included "sensitive language
radio broadcast that is indecent but not obscene. which might be regarded as offensive to some." Pacifica
characterized George Carlin as "a significant social satirist"
A satiric humorist named George Carlin recorded a 12-minute who,
monologue entitled "Filthy Words" before a live audience in a
California theater. He began by referring to his thoughts about "like Twain and Sahl before him, examines the language of
"the words you couldn't say on the public, ah, airwaves, um, ordinary people. . . . Carlin is not mouthing obscenities, he is
the ones you definitely wouldn't say, ever." He proceeded to merely using words to satirize as harmless and essentially silly
list those words and repeat them over and over again in a our attitudes towards those words."
variety of colloquialisms. The transcript of the recording,
which is appended to this opinion, indicates frequent laughter Pacifica stated that it was not aware of any other complaints
from the audience. about the broadcast.

On February 21, 1975, the Commission issued a declaratory "law generally speaks to channeling behavior more than
order granting the complaint and holding that Pacifica "could actually prohibiting it. . . . [T]he concept
have been the subject of administrative sanctions." 56 F.C.C.2d
94, 99. The Commission did not impose formal sanctions, but Page 438 U. S. 732
it did state that the order would be
of 'indecent' is intimately connected with the exposure of
"associated with the station's license file, and, in the event that children to language that describes, in terms patently offensive
subsequent complaints are received, the Commission will then as measured by contemporary community standards for the
decide whether it should utilize any of the available sanctions it broadcast medium, sexual or excretory activities and organs, at
has been granted by Congress. [Footnote 1] " times of the day when there is a reasonable risk that children
may be in the audience."
Page 438 U. S. 731
56 F.C.C.2d at 98. [Footnote 5]
In its memorandum opinion, the Commission stated that it
intended to "clarify the standards which will be utilized in Applying these considerations to the language used in the
considering" the growing number of complaints about indecent monologue as broadcast by respondent, the Commission
speech on the airwaves. Id. at 94. Advancing several reasons concluded that certain words depicted sexual and excretory
for treating broadcast speech differently from other forms of activities in a patently offensive manner, noted that they "were
expression, [Footnote 2] the Commission found a power to broadcast at a time when children were undoubtedly in the
regulate indecent broadcasting in two statutes: 18 U.S.C. § audience (i.e., in the early afternoon)," and that the prerecorded
1464 (1976 ed.), which forbids the use of "any obscene, language, with these offensive words "repeated over and over,"
indecent, or profane language by means of radio was "deliberately broadcast." Id. at 99. In summary, the
communications," [Footnote 3] and 47 U.S.C. § 303(g), which Commission stated: "We therefore hold that the language as
requires the Commission to "encourage the larger and more broadcast was indecent and prohibited by 18 U.S.C. [§] 1464.
effective use of radio in the public interest." [Footnote 4] [Footnote 6]" Ibid.

The Commission characterized the language used in the Carlin After the order issued, the Commission was asked to clarify its
monologue as "patently offensive," though not necessarily opinion by ruling that the broadcast of indecent words as part
obscene, and expressed the opinion that it should be regulated of a live newscast would not be prohibited. The Commission
by principles analogous to those found in the law of nuisance, issued another opinion in which it pointed out that
where the

Page 438 U. S. 733 the Constitution. He was persuaded that § 326's prohibition
against censorship is inapplicable to broadcasts forbidden by §
it 1464. However, he concluded that § 1464

"never intended to place an absolute prohibition on the Page 438 U. S. 734

broadcast of this type of language, but rather sought to channel
it to times of day when children most likely would not be must be narrowly construed to cover only language that is
exposed to it." obscene or otherwise unprotected by the First Amendment. 181
U.S.App.D.C. at 140-153, 556 F.2d at 24-30. Judge Leventhal,
59 F.C.C.2d 892 (1976). The Commission noted that its in dissent, stated that the only issue was whether the
"declaratory order was issued in a specific factual context," and Commission could regulate the language "as broadcast." Id. at
declined to comment on various hypothetical situations 154, 556 F.2d at 31. Emphasizing the interest in protecting
presented by the petition. [Footnote 7] Id. at 893. It relied on children not only from exposure to indecent language, but also
its from exposure to the idea that such language has official
approval, id. at 160, and n. 18, 556 F.2d at 37, and n. 18, he
"long-standing policy of refusing to issue interpretive rulings concluded that the Commission had correctly condemned the
or advisory opinions when the critical facts are not explicitly daytime broadcast as indecent.
stated or there is a possibility that subsequent events will alter
them." Having granted the Commission's petition for certiorari, 434
U.S. 1008, we must decide: (1) whether the scope of judicial
Ibid. review encompasses more than the Commission's
determination that the monologue was indecent "as broadcast";
The United States Court of Appeals for the District of (2) whether the Commission's order was a form of censorship
Columbia Circuit reversed, with each of the three judges on the forbidden by § 326; (3) whether the broadcast was indecent
panel writing separately. 181 U.S.App.D.C. 132, 556 F.2d 9. within the meaning of § 1464; and (4) whether the order
Judge Tamm concluded that the order represented censorship violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
and was expressly prohibited by § 326 of the Communications
Act. [Footnote 8] Alternatively, Judge Tamm read the I
Commission opinion as the functional equivalent of a rule, and
concluded that it was "overbroad." 181 U.S.App.D.C. at 141,
The general statements in the Commission's memorandum
556 F.2d at 18. Chief Judge Bazelon's concurrence rested on
opinion do not change the character of its order. Its action was

an adjudication under 5 U.S.C. § 554(e) (1976 ed.); it did not for the two statutory provisions have a common origin.
purport to engage in formal rulemaking or in the promulgation Nevertheless, we analyze them separately.
of any regulations. The order "was issued in a specific factual
context"; questions concerning possible action in other contexts Section 29 of the Radio Act of 1927 provided:
were expressly reserved for the future. The specific holding
was carefully confined to the monologue "as broadcast." "Nothing in this Act shall be understood or construed to give
the licensing authority the power of censorship over the radio
"This Court . . . reviews judgments, not statements in communications or signals transmitted by any radio station,
opinions." Black v. Cutter Laboratories, 351 U. S. 292, 351 U. and no regulation or condition shall be promulgated or fixed by
S. 297. That admonition has special force when the statements the licensing authority which shall interfere with the right of
raise constitutional questions, for it is our settled practice to free speech by means of radio communications. No person
avoid the unnecessary decision of such issues. Rescue Army v. within the jurisdiction of the United States shall utter any
Municipal Court, 331 U. S. 549, 331 U. S. 568 569. However obscene, indecent, or profane language by means of radio
appropriate communication."

Page 438 U. S. 735 44 Stat. 1172.

it may be for an administrative agency to write broadly in an The prohibition against censorship unequivocally denies the
adjudicatory proceeding, federal courts have never been Commission any power to edit proposed broadcasts in advance
empowered to issue advisory opinions. See Herb v. and to excise material considered inappropriate for the
Pitcairn, 324 U. S. 117, 324 U. S. 126. Accordingly, the focus airwaves. The prohibition, however, has never been construed
of our review must be on the Commission's determination that to deny the Commission the power to review the content of
the Carlin monologue was indecent as broadcast. completed broadcasts in the performance of its regulatory
duties. [Footnote 9]
Page 438 U. S. 736
The relevant statutory questions are whether the Commission's
During the period between the original enactment of the
action is forbidden "censorship" within the meaning of 47
provision in 1927 and its reenactment in the Communications
U.S.C. § 326 and whether speech that concededly is not
Act of 1934, the courts and the Federal Radio Commission
obscene may be restricted as "indecent" under the authority of
held that the section deprived the Commission of the power to
18 U.S.C. § 1464 (1976 ed.). The questions are not unrelated,

subject "broadcasting matter to scrutiny prior to its release," Entirely apart from the fact that the subsequent review of
but they concluded that the Commission's "undoubted right" to program content is not the sort of censorship at which the
take note of past program content when considering a licensee's statute was directed, its history makes it perfectly clear that it
renewal application "is not censorship." [Footnote 10] was not intended to limit the Commission's power to regulate
the broadcast of obscene, indecent, or profane language. A
Page 438 U. S. 737 single section of the 1927 Act is the source of both

Not only did the Federal Radio Commission so construe the Page 438 U. S. 738
statute prior to 1934; its successor, the Federal
Communications Commission, has consistently interpreted the the anti-censorship provision and the Commission's authority
provision in the same way ever since. See Note, Regulation of to impose sanctions for the broadcast of indecent or obscene
Program Content by the FCC, 77 Harv.L.Rev. 701 (1964). And, language. Quite plainly, Congress intended to give meaning to
until this case, the Court of Appeals for the District of both provisions. Respect for that intent requires that the
Columbia Circuit has consistently agreed with this construction. censorship language be read as inapplicable to the prohibition
[Footnote 11] Thus, for example, in his opinion in Anti- on broadcasting obscene, indecent, or profane language.
Defamation League of B'nai B'rith v. FCC, 131 U.S.App.D.C.
146, 403 F.2d 169 (1968), cert. denied, 394 U.S. 930, Judge There is nothing in the legislative history to contradict this
Wright forcefully pointed out that the Commission is not conclusion. The provision was discussed only in generalities
prevented from canceling the license of a broadcaster who when it was first enacted. [Footnote 12] In 1934, the anti-
persists in a course of improper programming. He explained: censorship provision and the prohibition against indecent
broadcasts were reenacted in the same section, just as in the
"This would not be prohibited 'censorship' . . . any more than 1927 Act. In 1948, when the Criminal Code was revised to
would the Commission's considering on a license renewal include provisions that had previously been located in other
application whether a broadcaster allowed 'coarse, vulgar, Titles of the United States Code, the prohibition against
suggestive, double-meaning' programming; programs obscene, indecent, and profane broadcasts was removed from
containing such material are grounds for denial of a license the Communications Act and reenacted as § 1464 of Title 18.
renewal." 62 Stat. 769 and 866. That rearrangement of the Code cannot
reasonably be interpreted as having been intended to change
131 U.S.App.D.C. at 150-151, n. 3, 403 F.2d at 173-174, n. the meaning of the anti-censorship provision. H.R.Rep. No.
3. See also Office of Communication of United Church of 304, 80th Cong., 1st Sess., A106 (1947). Cf. Tidewater Oil Co.
Christ v. FCC, 123 U.S.App.D.C. 328, 359 F.2d 994 (1966). v. United States, 409 U. S. 151, 409 U. S. 162.

We conclude, therefore, that § 326 does not limit the Page 438 U. S. 740
Commission's authority to impose sanctions on licensees who
engage in obscene, indecent, or profane broadcasting. written in the disjunctive, implying that each has a separate
meaning. Prurient appeal is an element of the obscene, but the
III normal definition of "indecent" merely refers to
nonconformance with accepted standards of morality.
The only other statutory question presented by this case is [Footnote 14]
whether the afternoon broadcast of the "Filthy Words"
Pacifica argues, however, that this Court has construed the
Page 438 U. S. 739 term "indecent" in related statutes to mean "obscene," as that
term was defined in Miller v. California, 413 U. S. 15. Pacifica
monologue was indecent within the meaning of § 1464. relies most heavily on the construction this Court gave to 18
[Footnote 13] Even that question is narrowly confined by the U.S.C. § 1461 in Hamling v. United States,418 U. S. 87. See
arguments of the parties. also United States v. 12 200-ft. Reels of Film, 413 U. S.
123, 413 U. S. 130 n. 7 (18 U.S.C. § 1462)
The Commission identified several words that referred to (dicta). Hamling rejected a vagueness attack on § 1461, which
excretory or sexual activities or organs, stated that the forbids the mailing of "obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecent,
repetitive, deliberate use of those words in an afternoon filthy or vile" material. In holding that the statute's coverage is
broadcast when children are in the audience was patently limited to obscenity, the Court followed the lead of Mr. Justice
offensive, and held that the broadcast was indecent. Pacifica Harlan in Manual Enterprises, Inc. v. Day, 370 U. S. 478. In
takes issue with the Commission's definition of indecency, but that case, Mr. Justice Harlan recognized that § 1461 contained
does not dispute the Commission's preliminary determination a variety of words with many shades of meaning. [Footnote 15]
that each of the components of its definition was present. Nonetheless, he thought that the phrase "obscene, lewd,
Specifically, Pacifica does not quarrel with the conclusion that lascivious, indecent, filthy or vile," taken as a whole, was
this afternoon broadcast was patently offensive. Pacifica's clearly limited to the obscene, a reading well grounded in prior
claim that the broadcast was not indecent within the meaning judicial constructions: "[T]he statute, since its inception, has
of the statute rests entirely on the absence of prurient appeal. always been taken as aimed at obnoxiously debasing portrayals
of sex." 370 U.S. at 370 U. S. 483. In Hamling, the Court
The plain language of the statute does not support Pacifica's agreed with Mr. Justice Harlan that § 1461 was meant only to
argument. The words "obscene, indecent, or profane" are regulate obscenity in the mails; by reading into it the limits set

by Miller v. California, supra, the Court adopted a construction if Pacifica's broadcast of the "Filthy Words" monologue is not
which assured the statute's constitutionality. itself protected by the First Amendment. Second, Pacifica
argues that, inasmuch as the recording is not obscene, the
Page 438 U. S. 741 Constitution forbids any abridgment of the right to broadcast it
on the radio.
The reasons supporting Hamling's construction of § 1461 do
not apply to § 1464. Although the history of the former A
revealed primary concern with the prurient, the Commission
has long interpreted § 1464 as encompassing more than the The first argument fails because our review is limited to the
obscene. [Footnote 16] The former statute deals primarily with question whether the Commission has the authority to
printed matter enclosed in sealed envelopes mailed from one proscribe this particular broadcast. As the Commission itself
individual to another; the latter deals with the content of public emphasized, its order was "issued in a specific factual context."
broadcasts. It is unrealistic to assume that Congress intended to 59 F.C.C.2d at 893. That approach is appropriate for courts as
impose precisely the same limitations on the dissemination of well as the Commission when regulation of indecency is at
patently offensive matter by such different means. [Footnote 17] stake, for indecency is largely a function of context -- it cannot
be adequately judged in the abstract.
Because neither our prior decisions nor the language or history
of § 1464 supports the conclusion that prurient appeal is an The approach is also consistent with Red Lion Broadcasting Co.
essential component of indecent language, we reject Pacifica's v. FCC, 395 U. S. 367. In that case, the Court rejected an
construction of the statute. When that construction is put to one argument that the Commission's regulations defining the
side, there is no basis for disagreeing with the Commission's fairness doctrine were so vague that they would inevitably
conclusion that indecent language was used in this broadcast. abridge the broadcasters' freedom of speech. The Court of
Appeals had invalidated the regulations because their
Page 438 U. S. 742 vagueness might lead to self-censorship of controversial
Page 438 U. S. 743
Pacifica makes two constitutional attacks on the Commission's
order. First, it argues that the Commission's construction of the content. Radio Television News Directors Assn. v. United
statutory language broadly encompasses so much States, 400 F.2d 1002, 1016 (CA7 1968). This Court reversed.
constitutionally protected speech that reversal is required even After noting that the Commission had indicated, as it has in this

case, that it would not impose sanctions without warning in preserve the vigor of patently offensive sexual and excretory
cases in which the applicability of the law was unclear, the speech.
Court stated:
Page 438 U. S. 744
"We need not approve every aspect of the fairness doctrine to
decide these cases, and we will not now pass upon the B
constitutionality of these regulations by envisioning the most
extreme applications conceivable, United States v. When the issue is narrowed to the facts of this case, the
Sullivan, 332 U. S. 689, 332 U. S. 694 (1948), but will deal question is whether the First Amendment denies government
with those problems if and when they arise." any power to restrict the public broadcast of indecent language
in any circumstances. [Footnote 19] For if the government has
395 U.S. at 395 U. S. 396. any such power, this was an appropriate occasion for its
It is true that the Commission's order may lead some
broadcasters to censor themselves. At most, however, the The words of the Carlin monologue are unquestionably
Commission's definition of indecency will deter only the "speech" within the meaning of the First Amendment. It is
broadcasting of patently offensive references to excretory and equally clear that the Commission's objections to the broadcast
sexual organs and activities. [Footnote 18] While some of these were based in part on its content. The order must therefore fall
references may be protected, they surely lie at the periphery of if, as Pacifica argues, the First Amendment prohibits all
First Amendment concern. Cf. Bates v. State Bar of governmental regulation that depends on the content of speech.
Arizona, 433 U. S. 350, 433 U. S. 380-381. Young v. Our past cases demonstrate, however, that no such absolute
American Mini Theatres, Inc., 427 U. S. 50, 427 U. S. 61. The rule is mandated by the Constitution.
danger dismissed so summarily in Red Lion, in contrast, was
that broadcasters would respond to the vagueness of the The classic exposition of the proposition that both the content
regulations by refusing to present programs dealing with and the context of speech are critical elements of First
important social and political controversies. Invalidating any Amendment analysis is Mr. Justice Holmes' statement for the
rule on the basis of its hypothetical application to situations not Court in Schenck v. United States, 249 U. S. 47, 249 U. S. 52:
before the Court is "strong medicine," to be applied "sparingly
and only as a last resort." Broadrick v. Oklahoma, 413 U. S. "We admit that, in many places and in ordinary times, the
601, 413 U. S. 613. We decline to administer that medicine to defendants, in saying all that was said in the circular, would
have been within their constitutional rights. But the character

of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is regulated because of its content. [Footnote 20] Obscene
done. . . . The most stringent protection of free speech would materials have been denied the protection of the First
not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and Amendment because their content is so offensive to
causing a panic. It does not even protect a man from an contemporary moral standards. Roth v. United States, 354 U. S.
injunction against uttering words 476. But the fact that society may find speech offensive is not a
sufficient reason for suppressing it. Indeed, if it is the speaker's
Page 438 U. S. 745 opinion that gives offense, that consequence is a reason for
according it constitutional protection. For it is a central tenet of
that may have all the effect of force. . . . The question in every the First Amendment that the government must remain neutral
case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances in the marketplace of
and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger
that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress Page 438 U. S. 746
has a right to prevent."
ideas. [Footnote 21] If there were any reason to believe that the
Other distinctions based on content have been approved in the Commission's characterization of the Carlin monologue as
years since Schenck. The government may forbid speech offensive could be traced to its political content -- or even to
calculated to provoke a fight. See Chaplinsky v. New the fact that it satirized contemporary attitudes about four-letter
Hampshire,315 U. S. 568. It may pay heed to the "common words [Footnote 22] -- First Amendment protection might be
sense differences' between commercial speech and other required. But that is simply not this case. These words offend
varieties." Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, supra at 433 U. S. for the same reasons that obscenity offends. [Footnote 23]
381. It may treat libels against private citizens more severely Their place in the hierarchy of First Amendment values was
than libels against public officials. See Gertz v. Robert Welch, aptly sketched by Mr. Justice Murphy when he said:
Inc., 418 U. S. 323. Obscenity may be wholly
prohibited. Miller v. California, 413 U. S. 15. And, only two "[S]uch utterances are no essential part of any exposition of
Terms ago, we refused to hold that a "statutory classification is ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that
unconstitutional because it is based on the content of any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly
communication protected by the First Amendment." Young v. outweighed by the social interest in order and morality."
American Mini Theatres, Inc., supra, at 427 U. S. 52.
Chaplinski v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. at 315 U. S. 572.
The question in this case is whether a broadcast of patently
offensive words dealing with sex and excretion may be

Although these words ordinarily lack literary, political, or C
scientific value, they are not entirely outside the protection of
the First Amendment. Some uses of even the most offensive We have long recognized that each medium of expression
words are unquestionably protected. See, e.g., Hess v. presents special First Amendment problems. Joseph Burstyn,
Indiana, 414 U. S. 105. Indeed, we may assume, arguendo, that Inc. v. Wilson, 343 U. S. 495, 343 U. S. 502-503. And of all
this monologue would be protected in other contexts. forms of communication, it is broadcasting that has received
Nonetheless, the most limited First Amendment protection. Thus, although
other speakers cannot be licensed except under laws that
Page 438 U. S. 747 carefully define and narrow official discretion, a broadcaster
may be deprived of his license and his forum if the
the constitutional protection accorded to a communication Commission decides that such an action would serve "the
containing such patently offensive sexual and excretory public interest, convenience, and necessity." [Footnote 26]
language need not be the same in every context. [Footnote 24] Similarly, although the First Amendment protects newspaper
It is a characteristic of speech such as this that both its capacity publishers from being required to print the replies of those
to offend and its "social value," to use Mr. Justice Murphy's whom they criticize, Miami Herald Publishing Co. v.
term, vary with the circumstances. Words that are Tornillo, 418 U. S. 241, it affords no such protection to
commonplace in one setting are shocking in another. To broadcasters; on the contrary, they must give free time to the
paraphrase Mr. Justice Harlan, one occasion's lyric is another's victims of their criticism. Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v.
vulgarity. Cf. Cohen v. California, 403 U. S. 15, 403 U. S. 25. FCC, 395 U. S. 367.
[Footnote 25]
The reasons for these distinctions are complex, but two have
In this case, it is undisputed that the content of Pacifica's relevance to the present case. First, the broadcast media have
broadcast was "vulgar," "offensive," and "shocking." Because established a uniquely pervasive presence in the lives of all
content of that character is not entitled to absolute Americans. Patently offensive, indecent material presented
constitutional protection under all circumstances, we must over the airwaves confronts the citizen not only in public, but
consider its also in the privacy of the home, where the individual's right to
be left alone plainly outweighs the First Amendment rights of
Page 438 U. S. 748 an intruder. Rowan v. Post Office Dept.,397 U. S. 72. Because
the broadcast audience is constantly tuning in and out, prior
context in order to determine whether the Commission's action warnings cannot completely protect the listener or viewer from
was constitutionally permissible.

unexpected program content. To say that one may avoid further It is appropriate, in conclusion, to emphasize the narrowness of
offense by turning off the radio when he our holding. This case does not involve a two-way radio
conversation between a cab driver and a dispatcher, or a
Page 438 U. S. 749 telecast of an Elizabethan comedy. We have not decided that
an occasional expletive in either setting would justify any
hears indecent language is like saying that the remedy for an sanction or, indeed, that this broadcast would justify a criminal
assault is to run away after the first blow. One may hang up on prosecution. The Commission's decision rested entirely on a
an indecent phone call, but that option does not give the caller nuisance rationale under which context is all-important. The
a constitutional immunity or avoid a harm that has already concept requires consideration of a host of variables. The time
taken place. [Footnote 27] of day was emphasized by the Commission. The content of the
program in which the language is used will also affect the
Second, broadcasting is uniquely accessible to children, even composition of the audience, [Footnote 29] and differences
those too young to read. Although Cohen's written message between radio, television, and perhaps closed-circuit
might have been incomprehensible to a first grader, Pacifica's transmissions, may also be relevant. As Mr. Justice Sutherland
broadcast could have enlarged a child's vocabulary in an instant. wrote, a "nuisance may be merely a right thing in the wrong
Other forms of offensive expression may be withheld from the place, -- like a pig in the parlor instead of the
young without restricting the expression at its source. barnyard." Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U. S. 365, 272 U.
Bookstores and motion picture theaters, for example, may be S. 383. We simply hold that, when the Commission finds that a
prohibited from making indecent material available to children. pig has entered the parlor, the exercise
We held in Ginsberg v. New York, 390 U. S. 629, that the
government's interest in the "wellbeing of its youth" and in Page 438 U. S. 751
supporting "parents' claim to authority in their own household"
justified the regulation of otherwise protected expression. of its regulatory power does not depend on proof that the pig is
Page 438 U. S. 750
The judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed.
Id. at 390 U. S. 640 and 390 U. S. 639. [Footnote 28] The
ease with which children may obtain access to broadcast It is so ordered.
material, coupled with the concerns recognized
in Ginsberg, amply justify special treatment of indecent |438 U.S. 726app|

APPENDIX TO OPINION OF THE COURT compound word and it's another form of the word fuck.
(laughter) You want to be a purist it
The following is a verbatim transcript of "Filthy Words"
prepared by the Federal Communications Commission. Page 438 U. S. 752

Aruba-du, ruba-tu, ruba-tu. I was thinking about the curse doesn't really, it can't be on the list of basic words. Also,
words and the swear words, the cuss words and the words that cocksucker is a compound word and neither half of that is
you can't say, that you're not supposed to say all the time, really dirty. The word -- the half sucker that's merely
[']cause words or people into words want to hear your words. suggestive (laughter) and the word cock is a half-way dirty
Some guys like to record your words and sell them back to you word, 50% dirty -- dirty half the time, depending on what you
if they can, (laughter) listen in on the telephone, write down mean by it. (laughter) Uh, remember when you first heard it,
what words you say. A guy who used to be in Washington like in 6th grade, you used to giggle. And the cock crowed
knew that his phone was tapped, used to answer, Fuck Hoover, three times, heh (laughter) the cock -- three times. It's in the
yes, go ahead. (laughter) Okay, I was thinking one night about Bible, cock in the Bible. (laughter) And the first time you heard
the words you couldn't say on the public, ah, airwaves, um, the about a cock-fight, remember -- What? Huh? naw. It ain't that,
ones you definitely wouldn't say, ever, [']cause I heard a lady are you stupid? man. (laughter, clapping) It's chickens, you
say bitch one night on television, and it was cool like she was know, (laughter) Then you have the four letter words from the
talking about, you know, ah, well, the bitch is the first one to old Anglo-Saxon fame. Uh, shit and fuck. The word shit, uh, is
notice that in the litter Johnie right. (murmur) Right. And, uh, an interesting kind of word in that the middle class has never
bastard you can say, and hell and damn, so I have to figure out really accepted it and approved it. They use it like, crazy but
which ones you couldn't and ever and it came down to seven it's not really okay. It's still a rude, dirty, old kind of gushy
but the list is open to amendment, and in fact, has been word. (laughter) They don't like that, but they say it, like, they
changed, uh, by now, ha, a lot of people pointed things out to say it like, a lady now in a middle-class home, you'll hear most
me, and I noticed some myself. The original seven words were of the time she says it as an expletive, you know, it's out of her
shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits. Those mouth before she knows. She says, Oh shit oh shit, (laughter)
are the ones that will curve your spine, grow hair on your oh shit. If she drops something, Oh, the shit hurt the broccoli.
hands and (laughter) maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace Shit. Thank you. (footsteps fading away) (papers ruffling)
without honor (laughter) um, and a bourbon. (laughter) And
now the first thing that we noticed was that word fuck was Read it! (from audience)
really repeated in there because the word motherfucker is a

Shit! (laughter) I won the Grammy, man, for the comedy album. back, but a real shitty attitude. Heh, he had a shit-fit. (laughter)
Isn't that groovy? (clapping, whistling) (murmur) That's true. Wow! Shit-fit. Whew! Glad I wasn't there. (murmur, laughter)
Thank you. Thank you man. Yeah. (murmur) (continuous All the animals -- Bull shit, horse shit, cow shit, rat shit, bat
clapping) Thank you man. Thank you. Thank you very much, shit. (laughter) First time I heard bat shit, I really came apart. A
man. Thank, no, (end of continuous clapping) for that and for guy in Oklahoma, Boggs, said it, man. Aw! Bat shit. (laughter)
the Grammy, man, [']cause (laughter) that's based on people Vera reminded me of that last night, ah (murmur). Snake shit,
liking it man, yeh, that's ah, that's okay man. (laughter) Let's let slicker than owl shit. (laughter) Get your shit together. Shit or
that go, man. I got my Grammy. I can let my hair hang down get off the pot. (laughter) I got a shit-1oad full of them.
now, shit. (laughter) Ha! So! Now the word shit is okay for the (laughter) I got a shit-pot full, all right. Shit-head, shit-heel,
man. At work you can say it like crazy. Mostly figuratively, shit in your heart, shit for brains, (laughter) shit-face, heh
Get that shit out of here, (laughter) I always try to think how that could have originated;
the first guy that said that. Somebody got drunk and fell in
Page 438 U. S. 753 some shit, you know. (laughter) Hey, I'm shit-face. (laughter)
Shitface, today. (laughter) Anyway, enough of that shit.
will ya? I don't want to see that shit anymore. I can't colt that (laughter) The big one, the word fuck that's the one that hangs
shit, buddy. I've had that shit up to here. I think you're full of them up the most. [']Cause in a lot of cases that's the very act
shit myself (laughter) He don't know shit from Shinola. that
(laughter) you know that? (laughter) Always wondered how the
Shinola people felt about that (laughter) Hi, I'm the new man Page 438 U. S. 754
from Shinola. (laughter) Hi, how are ya? Nice to see ya.
(laughter) How are ya? (laughter) Boy, I don't know whether to hangs them up the most. So, it's natural that the word would, uh,
shit or wind my watch. (laughter) Guess, I'll shit on my watch. have the same effect. It's a great word, fuck, nice word, easy
(laughter) Oh, the shit is going to hit de fan. (laughter) Built word, cute word, kind of. Easy word to say. One syllable, short
like a brick shit-house. (laughter) Up, he's up shit's creek. u. (laughter) Fuck. (Murmur) You know, it's easy. Starts with a
(laughter) He's had it. (laughter) He hit me, I'm sorry. (laughter) nice soft sound -- fuh -- ends with a kh. Right? (laughter) A
Hot shit, holy shit, tough shit, eat shit, (laughter) shit-eating little something for everyone. Fuck (laughter) Good word.
grin. Uh, whoever thought of that was ill. (murmur laughter) Kind of a proud word, too. Who are you? I am FUCK.
He had a shit-eating grin! He had a what? (laughter) Shit on a (laughter) FUCK OF THE MOUNTAIN. (laughter) Tune in
stick. (laughter) Shit in a handbag. I always like that. He ain't again next week to FUCK OF THE MOUNTAIN. (laughter)
worth shit in a handbag. (laughter) Shitty. He acted real shitty. It's an interesting word too, [']cause it's got a double kind of a
(laughter) You know what I mean? (laughter) I got the money life -- personality -- dual, you know, whatever the right phrase

is. It leads a double life, the word fuck. First of all, it means, out the bird's ass. You wouldn't shit me, would you? (laughter)
sometimes, most of the time, fuck. What does it mean? It It's an eight-year-old joke but a good one. (laughter) The
means to make love. Right? We're going to make love, yeh, additions to the list. I found three more words that had to be put
we're going to fuck, yeh, we're going to fuck, yeh, we're going on the list of words you could never say on television, and they
to make love. (laughter) we're really going to fuck, yeh, we're were fart, turd and twat, those three. (laughter) Fart, we talked
going to make love. Right? And it also means the beginning of about, it's harmless. It's like tits, it's a cutie word, no problem.
life, it's the act that begins life, so there's the word hanging Turd, you can't say, but who wants to, you know? (laughter)
around with words like love, and life, and yet, on the other The subject never comes up on the panel, so I'm not worried
hand, it's also a word that we really use to hurt each other with, about that one. Now the word twat is an interesting word. Twat!
man. It's a heavy. It's one that you have toward the end of the Yeh, right in the twat. (laughter) Twat is an interesting word
argument. (laughter) Right? (laughter) You finally can't make because it's the only one I know of, the only slang word
out. Oh, fuck you man. I said, fuck you. (laughter, murmur) applying to the, a part of the sexual anatomy that doesn't have
Stupid fuck. (laughter) Fuck you and everybody that looks like another meaning to it. Like, ah, snatch, box and pussy all have
you, (laughter) man. It would be nice to change the movies that other meanings, man. Even in a Walt Disney movie, you can
we already have and substitute the word fuck for the word kill, say, We're going to snatch that pussy and put him in a box and
wherever we could, and some of those movie cliches would bring him on the airplane. (murmur, laughter) Everybody loves
change a little bit. Madfuckers still on the loose. Stop me it. The twat stands alone, man, as it should. And two-way
before I fuck again. Fuck the ump, fuck the ump, fuck the ump, words. Ah, ass is okay providing you're riding into town on a
fuck the ump, fuck the ump. Easy on the clutch Bill, you'll fuck religious feast day. (laughter) You can't say, up your ass.
that engine again. (laughter) The other shit one was, I don't (laughter) You can say, stuff it! (murmur) There are certain
give a shit. Like it's worth something, you know? (laughter) I things you can say -- its weird, but you can just come so close.
don't give a shit. Hey, well, I don't take no shit, (laughter) you Before I cut, I, uh, want to, ah, thank you for listening to my
know what I mean? You know why I don't take no shit? words, man, fellow, uh space travelers. Thank you man for
(laughter) tonight and thank you also. (clapping whistling)

Page 438 U. S. 755 [Footnote 1]

[']Cause I don't give a shit. (laughter) If I give a shit, I would 56 F.C.C.2d at 99. The Commission noted:
have to pack shit. (laughter) But I don't pack no shit cause I
don't give a shit. (laughter) You wouldn't shit me, would you? "Congress has specifically empowered the FCC to (1) revoke a
(laughter) That's a joke when you're a kid with a worm looking station's license (2) issue a cease and desist order, or (3)

impose a monetary forfeiture for a violation of Section 1464, [Footnote 4]
47 U.S.C. [§§] 312(a), 312(b), 503(b)(1) (E). The FCC can also
(4) deny license renewal or (5) grant a short term renewal, 47 Section 303(g) of the Communications Act of 1934, 48 Stat.
U.S.C. [§§] 307, 308." 1082, as amended, as set forth in 47 U.S.C. § 303(g), in
relevant part, provides:
Id. at 96 n. 3.
"Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the Commission
[Footnote 2] from time to time, as public convenience, interest, or necessity
requires, shall -- "
"Broadcasting requires special treatment because of four
important considerations: (1) children have access to radios and "* * * *"
in many cases are unsupervised by parents; (2) radio receivers
are in the home, a place where people's privacy interest is "(g) . . . generally encourage the larger and more effective use
entitled to extra deference, see Rowan v. Post Office Dept., 397 of radio in the public interest."
U. S. 728 (1970); (3) unconsenting adults may tune in a station
without any warning that offensive language is being or will be [Footnote 5]
broadcast; and (4) there is a scarcity of spectrum space, the use
of which the government must therefore license in the public Thus, the Commission suggested, if an offensive broadcast had
interest. Of special concern to the Commission, as well as literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, and were
parents, is the first point regarding the use of radio by preceded by warnings, it might not be indecent in the late
children." evening, but would be so during the day, when children are in
the audience. 56 F.C.C.2d at 98.
Id. at 97.
[Footnote 6]
[Footnote 3]
Chairman Wiley concurred in the result without joining the
Title 18 U.S.C. § 1464 (1976 ed.) provides: opinion. Commissioners Reid and Quello filed separate
statements expressing the opinion that the language was
"Whoever utters any obscene, indecent, or profane language by inappropriate for broadcast at any time. Id. at 102-103.
means of radio communication shall be fined not more than Commissioner Robinson, joined by Commissioner Hooks, filed
$10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." a concurring statement expressing the opinion:

"[W]e can regulate offensive speech to the extent it constitutes the Commission which shall interfere with the right of free
a public nuisance. . . . The governing idea is that 'indecency' is speech by means of radio communication."
not an inherent attribute of words themselves; it is, rather, a
matter of context and conduct. . . . If I were called on to do so, 48 Stat. 1091, 47 U.S.C. § 326.
I would find that Carlin's monologue, if it were broadcast at an
appropriate hour and accompanied by suitable warning, was [Footnote 9]
distinguished by sufficient literary value to avoid being
'indecent' within the meaning of the statute." Zechariah Chafee, defending the Commission's authority to
take into account program service in granting licenses,
Id. at 107-108, and n. 9. interpreted the restriction on "censorship" narrowly:

[Footnote 7] "This means, I feel sure, the sort of censorship which went on
in the seventeenth century in England -- the deletion of specific
The Commission did, however, comment: items and dictation as to what should go into particular
"'[I]n some cases, public events likely to produce offensive
speech are covered live, and there is no opportunity for 2 Z. Chafee, Government and Mass Communications 641
journalistic editing.' Under these circumstances, we believe that (1947).
it would be inequitable for us to hold a licensee responsible for
indecent language. . . . We trust that, under such circumstances, [Footnote 10]
a licensee will exercise judgment, responsibility, and
sensitivity to the community's needs, interests and tastes." In KFKB Broadcasting Assn. v. Federal Radio Comm'n, 60
App.D.C. 79, 47 F.2d 670 (1931), a doctor who controlled a
59 F.C.C.2d at 893 n. 1. radio station as well as a pharmaceutical association made
frequent broadcasts in which he answered the medical
[Footnote 8] questions of listeners. He often prescribed mixtures prepared
by his pharmaceutical association. The Commission
"Nothing in this Act shall be understood or construed to give determined that renewal of the station's license would not be in
the Commission the power of censorship over the radio the public interest, convenience, or necessity because many of
communications or signals transmitted by any radio station, the broadcasts served the doctor's private interests. In response
and no regulation or condition shall be promulgated or fixed by

to the claim that this was censorship in violation of § 29 of the "this does not mean that the government, through agencies
1927 Act, the Court held: established by Congress, may not refuse a renewal of license to
one who has abused it."
"This contention is without merit. There has been no attempt
on the part of the commission to subject any part of appellant's Id. at 312, 62 F.2d at 851.
broadcasting matter to scrutiny prior to its release. In
considering the question whether the public interest, [Footnote 11]
convenience, or necessity will be served by a renewal of
appellant's license, the commission has merely exercised its See, e.g., Bay State Beacon, Inc. v. FCC, 84 U.S.App.D.C. 216,
undoubted right to take note of appellant's past conduct, which 171 F.2d 826 (1948); Idaho Microwave, Inc. v. FCC, 122
is not censorship." U.S.App.D.C. 253, 352 F.2d 729 (1965); National Assn. of
Theatre Owners v. FCC, 136 U.S.App.D.C. 352, 420 F.2d 194
60 App.D.C. at 81, 47 F.2d at 672. In Trinity Methodist Church, (1969), cert. denied, 397 U.S. 922.
South v. Federal Radio Comm'n, 61 App.D.C. 311, 62 F.2d
850 (1932), cert. denied, 288 U.S. 599, the station was [Footnote 12]
controlled by a minister whose broadcasts contained frequent
references to "pimps" and "prostitutes" as well as bitter attacks See, e.g., 67 Cong.Rec. 12615 (1926) (remarks of Sen.
on the Roman Catholic Church. The Commission refused to Dill); id. at 5480 (remarks of Rep. White); 68 Cong.Rec. 2567
renew the license, citing the nature of the broadcasts. The (1927) (remarks of Rep. Scott); Hearings on S. 1 and S. 1754
Court of Appeals affirmed, concluding that First Amendment before the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, 69th
concerns did not prevent the Commission from regulating Cong., 1st Sess., 121 (1926); Hearings on H.R. 5589 before the
broadcasts that House Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries, 69th
Cong., 1st Sess., 26 and 40 (1926). See also Hearings on H.R.
"offend the religious susceptibilities of thousands . . . or offend 8825 before the House Committee on the Merchant Marine and
youth and innocence by the free use of words suggestive of Fisheries, 70th Cong., 1st Sess., passim (1928).
sexual immorality."
[Footnote 13]
61 App.D.C. at 314, 62 F.2d at 853. The court recognized that
the licensee had a right to broadcast this material free of prior In addition to § 1464, the Commission also relied on its power
restraint, but to regulate in the public interest under 47 U.S.C. § 303(g). We
do not need to consider whether § 303 may have independent

significance in a case such as this. The statutes authorizing Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1966).
civil penalties incorporate § 1464, a criminal statute. See 47
U.S.C. §§ 312(a)(6), 312(b)(2), and 503(b)(1)(E) (1970 ed. and [Footnote 15]
Supp. V). But the validity of the civil sanctions is not linked to
the validity of the criminal penalty. The legislative history of Indeed, at one point, he used "indecency" as a shorthand term
the provisions establishes their independence. As enacted in for "patent offensiveness," 370 U.S. at 370 U. S. 482, a usage
1927 and 1934, the prohibition on indecent speech was strikingly similar to the Commission's definition in this case.
separate from the provisions imposing civil and criminal 56 F.C.C.2d at 98.
penalties for violating the prohibition. Radio Act of 1927, §§
14, 29, and 33, 44 Stat. 1168 and 1173; Communications Act [Footnote 16]
of 1934, §§ 312, 326, and 501, 48 Stat. 1086, 1091, and 1100,
47 U.S.C. §§ 312, 326, and 501 (1970 ed. and Supp. V). The "'[W]hile a nudist magazine may be within the protection of the
1927 and 1934 Acts indicated in the strongest possible First Amendment . . . , the televising of nudes might well raise
language that any invalid provision was separable from the rest a serious question of programming contrary to 18 U.S.C. §
of the Act. Radio Act of 1927, § 38, 44 Stat. 1174; 1464. . . . Similarly, regardless of whether the '4-letter words'
Communications Act of 1934, § 608, 48 Stat. 1105, 47 U.S.C. and sexual description, set forth in 'Lady Chatterly's Lover,'
§ 608. Although the 1948 codification of the criminal laws and (when considered in the context of the whole book) make the
the addition of new civil penalties changes the statutory book obscene for mailability purposes, the utterance of such
structure, no substantive change was apparently intended. Cf. words or the depiction of such sexual activity on radio or TV
Tidewater Oil Co. v. United States, 409 U. S. 151, 409 U. S. would raise similar public interest and section 1464
162. Accordingly, we need not consider any question relating questions.'"
to the possible application of § 1464 as a criminal statute.
Enbanc Programming Inquiry, 44 F.C.C. 2303, 2307
[Footnote 14] (1960). See also In re WUHY-FM, 24 F.C.C.2d 408, 412
(1970); In re Sonderlin Broadcasting Corp., 27 R.R.2d 285, on
Webster defines the term as reconsideration, 41 F.C.C.2d 777 (1973), aff'd on other
grounds sub nom. Illinois Citizens Committee for Broadcasting
"a: altogether unbecoming: contrary to what the nature of v. FCC, 169 U.S.App.D.C. 166, 515 F.2d 397 (1974); In re
things or what circumstances would dictate as right or expected Mile High Stations, Inc., 28 F.C.C. 795 (1960); In re Palmetto
or appropriate: hardly suitable: UNSEEMLY . . . b: not Broadcasting Co., 33 F.C.C. 250 (1962), reconsideration
conforming to generally accepted standards of morality: . . . ." denied, 34 F.C.C. 101 (1963), aff'd on other grounds sub nom.

Robinson v. FCC, 118 U.S.App.D.C. 144, 334 F.2d 534 Pacifica's position would, of course, deprive the Commission
(1964), cert. denied,379 U.S. 843. of any power to regulate erotic telecasts unless they were
obscene under Miller v. California, 413 U. S. 15. Anything that
[Footnote 17] could be sold at a newsstand for private examination could be
publicly displayed on television.
This conclusion is reinforced by noting the different
constitutional limits on Congress' power to regulate the two We are assured by Pacifica that the free play of market forces
different subjects. Use of the postal power to regulate material will discourage indecent programming. "Smut may," as Judge
that is not fraudulent or obscene raises "grave constitutional Leventhal put it, "drive itself from the market and confound
questions." Hannegan v. Esquire, Inc., 327 U. S. 146, 327 U. Gresham," 181 U.S.App.D.C. at 158, 556 F.2d at 35; the
S. 156. But it is well settled that the First Amendment has a prosperity of those who traffic in pornographic literature and
special meaning in the broadcasting context. See, e.g., FCC v. films would appear to justify skepticism.
National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting, 436 U. S.
775; Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 395 U. S. [Footnote 20]
367; Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. v. Democratic
National Committee, 412 U. S. 94. For this reason, the Although neither MR. JUSTICE POWELL nor MR. JUSTICE
presumption that Congress never intends to exceed BRENNAN directly confronts this question, both have
constitutional limits, which supported Hamling's narrow answered it affirmatively, the latter explicitly, post at 438 U. S.
reading of § 1461, does not support a comparable reading of § 768 n. 3, and the former implicitly by concurring in a judgment
1464. that could not otherwise stand.

[Footnote 18] [Footnote 21]

A requirement that indecent language be avoided will have its See, e.g., Madison School District v. Wisconsin Employment
primary effect on the form, rather than the content, of serious Relations Comm'n, 429 U. S. 167, 429 U. S. 175-176; First
communication. There are few, if any, thoughts that cannot be National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 435 U. S. 765.
expressed by the use of less offensive language.
[Footnote 22]
[Footnote 19]
The monologue does present a point of view; it attempts to
show that the words it uses are "harmless," and that our

attitudes toward them are "essentially silly." See supra at 438 commercial speech). See also Young v. American Mini
U. S. 730. The Commission objects not to this point of view, Theatres, Inc., 427 U. S. 50, 427 U. S. 82 n. 6 (POWELL, J.,
but to the way in which it is expressed. The belief that these concurring).
words are harmless does not necessarily confer a First
Amendment privilege to use them while proselytizing, just as [Footnote 25]
the conviction that obscenity is harmless does not license one
to communicate that conviction by the indiscriminate The importance of context is illustrated by the Cohen case.
distribution of an obscene leaflet. That case arose when Paul Cohen entered a Los Angeles
courthouse wearing a jacket emblazoned with the words "Fuck
[Footnote 23] the Draft." After entering the courtroom, he took the jacket off
and folded it. 403 U.S. at 403 U. S. 19 n. 3. So far as the
The Commission stated: evidence showed, no one in the courthouse was offended by his
jacket. Nonetheless, when he left the courtroom, Cohen was
"Obnoxious, gutter language describing these matters has the arrested, convicted of disturbing the peace, and sentenced to 30
effect of debasing and brutalizing human beings by reducing days in prison.
them to their mere bodily functions. . . ."
In holding that criminal sanctions could not be imposed on
56 F.C.C.2d at 98. Our society has a tradition of performing Cohen for his political statement in a public place, the Court
certain bodily functions in private, and of severely limiting the rejected the argument that his speech would offend unwilling
public exposure or discussion of such matters. Verbal or viewers; it noted that "there was no evidence that persons
physical acts exposing those intimacies are offensive powerless to avoid [his] conduct did in fact object to
irrespective of any message that may accompany the exposure. it." Id. at 403 U. S. 22. In contrast, in this case, the
Commission was responding to a listener's strenuous complaint,
[Footnote 24] and Pacifica does not question its determination that this
afternoon broadcast was likely to offend listeners. It should be
With respect to other types of speech, the Court has tailored its noted that the Commission imposed a far more moderate
protection to both the abuses and the uses to which it might be penalty on Pacifica than the state court imposed on Cohen.
put. See, e.g., New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U. S. Even the strongest civil penalty at the Commission's command
254(special scienter rules in libel suits brought by public does not include criminal prosecution. See n 1, supra.
officials); Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U. S.
350 (government may strictly regulate truthfulness in [Footnote 26]

47 U.S.C. §§ 309(a), 312(a)(2); FCC v. WOKO, Inc., 329 U. S. [Footnote 28]
223, 329 U. S. 229. Cf. Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, 394 U.
S. 147; Staub v. Baxley, 355 U. S. 313. The Commission's action does not by any means reduce adults
to hearing only what is fit for children. Cf. Butler v.
[Footnote 27] Michigan, 352 U. S. 380, 352 U. S. 383. Adults who feel the
need may purchase tapes and records or go to theaters and
Outside the home, the balance between the offensive speaker nightclubs to hear these words. In fact, the Commission has not
and the unwilling audience may sometimes tip in favor of the unequivocally closed even broadcasting to speech of this sort;
speaker, requiring the offended listener to turn away. See whether broadcast audiences in the late evening contain so few
Erznoznik v. Jacksonville, 422 U. S. 205. As we noted children that playing this monologue would be permissible is
in Cohen v. California: an issue neither the Commission nor this Court has decided.

"While this Court has recognized that government may [Footnote 29]
properly act in many situations to prohibit intrusion into the
privacy of the home of unwelcome views and ideas which Even a prime time recitation of Geoffrey Chaucer's Miller's
cannot be totally banned from the public dialogue . . . , we have Tale would not be likely to command the attention of many
at the same time consistently stressed that "we are children who are both old enough to understand and young
often captives' outside the sanctuary of the home, and subject enough to be adversely affected by passages such as: "And
to objectionable speech."" prively he caughte hire by the queynte." The Canterbury Tales,
Chaucer's Complete Works (Cambridge ed.1933), p. 58, l.
403 U.S. at 403 U. S. 21. The problem of harassing phone 3276.
calls is hardly hypothetical. Congress has recently found it
necessary to prohibit debt collectors from "plac[ing] telephone MR. JUSTICE POWELL, with whom MR. JUSTICE
calls without meaningful disclosure of the caller's identity"; BLACKMUN joins, concurring in part and concurring in the
from "engaging any person in telephone conversation judgment.
repeatedly or continuously with intent to annoy, abuse, or
harass any person at the called number"; and from "us[ing] I join Parts I, II, III, and IV-C of MR. JUSTICE STEVENS'
obscene or profane language or language the natural opinion. The Court today reviews only the Commission's
consequence of which is to abuse the hearer or reader." holding that Carlin's monologue was indecent "as broadcast"
Consumer Credit Protection Act Amendments, 91 Stat. 877, 15
U.S.C. § 1692d (1976 ed., Supp. II). Page 438 U. S. 756

at two o'clock in the afternoon, and not the broad sweep of the First Amendment, could be punished for delivering the same
Commission's opinion. Ante at 438 U. S. 734-735. In addition monologue to a live audience composed of adults who,
to being consistent with our settled practice of not deciding knowing what to expect, chose to attend his performance. See
constitutional issues unnecessarily, see ante at 438 U. S. Brown v. Oklahoma, 408 U. S. 914 (1972) (POWELL, J.,
734; Ashwander v. TVA, 297 U. S. 288, 297 U. S. 345-348 concurring in result). And I would assume that an adult could
(1936) (Brandeis, J., concurring), this narrow focus also is not constitutionally be prohibited from purchasing a recording
conducive to the orderly development of this relatively new or transcript of the monologue
and difficult area of law, in the first instance by the
Commission, and then by the reviewing courts. See 181 Page 438 U. S. 757
U.S.App.D.C. 132, 158-160, 556 F.2d 9, 35-37 (1977)
(Leventhal, J., dissenting). and playing or reading it in the privacy of his own home. Cf.
Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U. S. 557(1969).
I also agree with much that is said in 438 U. S. JUSTICE
STEVENS' opinion, and with its conclusion that the But it also is true that the language employed is, to most people,
Commission's holding in this case does not violate the First vulgar and offensive. It was chosen specifically for this quality,
Amendment. Because I do not subscribe to all that is said in and it was repeated over and over as a sort of verbal shock
Part IV, however, I state my views separately. treatment. The Commission did not err in characterizing the
narrow category of language used here as "patently offensive"
I to most people regardless of age.

The issue, however, is whether the Commission may impose

It is conceded that the monologue at issue here is not obscene
civil sanctions on a licensee radio station for broadcasting the
in the constitutional sense. See56 F.C.C.2d 94, 98 (1975);
monologue at two o'clock in the afternoon. The Commission's
Brief for Petitioner 18. Nor, in this context, does its language
primary concern was to prevent the broadcast from reaching
constitute "fighting words" within the meaning of Chaplinsky v.
the ears of unsupervised children who were likely to be in the
New Hampshire, 315 U. S. 568 (1942). Some of the words
audience at that hour. In essence, the Commission sought to
used have been held protected by the First Amendment in other
"channel" the monologue to hours when the fewest
cases and contexts. E.g., Lewis v. New Orleans, 415 U. S.
unsupervised children would be exposed to it. See 56 F.C.C.2d
130 (1974); Hess v. Indiana, 414 U. S. 105 (1973); Papish v.
at 98. In my view, this consideration provides strong support
University of Missouri Curators, 410 U. S. 667 (1973); Cohen
for the Commission's holding. [Footnote 2/1]
v. California, 403 U. S. 15(1971); see also Eaton v. Tulsa, 415
U. S. 697 (1974). I do not think Carlin, consistently with the

The Court has recognized society's right to "adopt more "It is cardinal with us that the custody, care and nurture of the
stringent controls on communicative materials available to child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and
youths than on those available to adults." Erznoznik v. freedom include preparation for obligations the state can
Jacksonville, 422 U. S. 205, 422 U. S. 212 (1975); see also, neither supply nor hinder."
e.g., Miller v. California, 413 U. S. 15, 413 U. S. 36 n. 17
(1973); Ginsberg v. New York, 390 U. S. 629, 390 U. S. 636- "Prince v. Massachusetts, [321 U.S. 158, 321 U. S.
641 (1968); Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U. S. 184, 378 U. S. 166 (1944)]. The legislature could properly conclude that
195 (1964) (opinion of BRENNAN, J.). This recognition stems parents and others, teachers for example, who have this
in large part from the fact that "a child . . . is not possessed of primary responsibility for children's wellbeing are entitled to
that full capacity for individual choice which is the the support of laws designed to aid discharge of that
presupposition of First Amendment guarantees." Ginsberg v. responsibility."
New York, supra at 390 U. S. 649-650 (STEWART, J.,
concurring in result). Thus, children may not be able to protect Id. at 390 U. S. 639. The Commission properly held that the
themselves from speech which, although shocking to most speech from which society may attempt to shield its children is
adults, generally may be avoided by the unwilling not limited to that which appeals to the youthful prurient
interest. The language involved in this case is as potentially
Page 438 U. S. 758 degrading and harmful to children as representations of many
erotic acts.
through the exercise of choice. At the same time, such speech
may have a deeper and more lasting negative effect on a child In most instances, the dissemination of this kind of speech to
than on an adult. For these reasons, society may prevent the children may be limited without also limiting willing adults'
general dissemination of such speech to children, leaving to access to it. Sellers of printed and recorded matter and
parents the decision as to what speech of this kind their exhibitors of motion pictures and live performances may be
children shall hear and repeat: required to shut their doors to children, but such a requirement
has no effect on adults' access. See id. at 390 U. S. 634-635.
"[C]onstitutional interpretation has consistently recognized that The difficulty is that such a physical separation of the audience
the parents' claim to authority in their own household to direct cannot be accomplished in the broadcast media. During most of
the rearing of their children is basic in the structure of our the broadcast hours, both adults and unsupervised children are
society." likely to be in the broadcast audience, and the broadcaster
cannot reach willing adults without also reaching

Page 438 U. S. 759 "That we are often 'captives' outside the sanctuary of the home
and subject to objectionable speech and other sound does not
children. This, as the Court emphasizes, is one of the mean we must be captives everywhere."
distinctions between the broadcast and other media to which
we often have adverted as justifying a different treatment of the Rowan v. Post Office Dept., supra at 397 U. S. 738. The
broadcast media for First Amendment purposes. See Bates v. Commission also was entitled to give this factor appropriate
State Bar of Arizona, 433 U. S. 350, 433 U. S. weight in the circumstances of the instant case. This is not to
384 (1977); Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. v. say, however, that the Commission has an unrestricted license
Democratic National Committee, 412 U. S. 94, 412 U. S. to decide what speech, protected in other media, may be
101 (1973); Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 395 U. S. banned from the airwaves in order to protect
367, 395 U. S. 386-387 (1969); Capital Broadcasting Co. v.
Mitchell, 333 F.Supp. 582 (DC 1971), aff'd sub nom. Capital Page 438 U. S. 760
Broadcasting Co. v. Acting Attorney General, 405 U.S. 1000
(1972); see generally Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson, 343 U. S. unwilling adults from momentary exposure to it in their homes.
495, 343 U. S. 502-503 (1952). In my view, the Commission [Footnote 2/2] Making the sensitive judgments required in
was entitled to give substantial weight to this difference in these cases is not easy. But this responsibility has been reposed
reaching its decision in this case. initially in the Commission, and its judgment is entitled to
A second difference, not without relevance, is that broadcasting
-- unlike most other forms of communication -- comes directly It is argued that, despite society's right to protect its children
into the home, the one place where people ordinarily have the from this kind of speech, and despite everyone's interest in not
right not to be assaulted by uninvited and offensive sights and being assaulted by offensive speech in the home, the
sounds. Erznoznik v. Jacksonville, supra at 422 U. S. Commission's holding in this case is impermissible because it
209; Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. at 403 U. S. 21; Rowan v. prevents willing adults from listening to Carlin's monologue
Post Office Dept., 397 U. S. 728 (1970). Although the First over the radio in the early afternoon hours. It is said that this
Amendment may require unwilling adults to absorb the first ruling will have the effect of "reduc[ing] the adult
blow of offensive but protected speech when they are in public population . . . to [hearing] only what is fit for
before they turn away, see, e.g., Erznoznik, supra at 422 U. S. children." Butler v. Michigan, 352 U. S. 380, 352 U. S.
210-211, but cf. Rosenfeld v. New Jersey, 408 U. S. 901, 903- 383 (1957). This argument is not without force. The
909 (1972) (POWELL, J., dissenting), a different order of Commission certainly should consider it as it develops
values obtains in the home. standards in this area. But it is not sufficiently strong to leave

the Commission powerless to act in circumstances such as is most "valuable," and hence deserving of the most protection,
those in this case. and which is less "valuable" and hence deserving of less
protection. Compare ante at 438 U. S. 744-748; Young v.
The Commission's holding does not prevent willing adults American Mini Theatres, Inc., 427 U. S. 50, 427 U. S. 63-73
from purchasing Carlin's record, from attending his (1976) (opinion of STEVENS, J.), with id. at 427 U. S. 73 n. 1
performances, or, indeed, from reading the transcript reprinted (POWELL, J., concurring). [Footnote 2/3] In my view, the
as an appendix to the Court's opinion. On its face, it does not result in this case does not turn on whether Carlin's monologue,
prevent respondent Pacifica Foundation from broadcasting the viewed as a whole, or the words that constitute it, have more or
monologue during late evening hours, when fewer children are less "value" than a candidate's campaign speech. This is a
likely to be in the audience, nor from broadcasting discussions judgment for each person to make, not one for the judges to
of the contemporary use of language at any time during the day. impose upon him. [Footnote 2/4]
The Commission's holding, and certainly the Court's holding
today, does not speak to cases involving the isolated Page 438 U. S. 762

Page 438 U. S. 761 The result turns instead on the unique characteristics of the
broadcast media, combined with society's right to protect its
use of a potentially offensive word in the course of a radio children from speech generally agreed to be inappropriate for
broadcast, as distinguished from the verbal shock treatment their years, and with the interest of unwilling adults in not
administered by respondent here. In short, I agree that, on the being assaulted by such offensive speech in their homes.
facts of this case, the Commission's order did not violate Moreover, I doubt whether today's decision will prevent any
respondent's First Amendment rights. adult who wishes to receive Carlin's message in Carlin's own
words from doing so, and from making for himself a value
II judgment as to the merit of the message and words. Cf.
id. at 427 U. S. 77-79 (POWELL, J., concurring). These are
As the foregoing demonstrates, my views are generally in the grounds upon which I join the judgment of the Court as to
accord with what is said in Part IV-C of MR. JUSTICE Part IV.
STEVENS' opinion. See ante at 438 U. S. 748-750. I
therefore join that portion of his opinion. I do not join Part IV- [Footnote 2/1]
B, however, because I do not subscribe to the theory that the
Justices of this Court are free generally to decide on the basis
of its content which speech protected by the First Amendment

See generally Judge Leventhal's thoughtful opinion in the it has not in the past. See, e.g., Lewis v. New Orleans, 415 U.
Court of Appeals. 181 U.S.App.D.C. 132, 155-158, 556 F.2d 9, S. 130 (1974); Gooding v. Wilson, 405 U. S. 518 (1972).
32-35 (1977) (dissenting opinion).
As MR. JUSTICE STEVENS points out, however, ante at 438
[Footnote 2/2] U. S. 734, the Commission's order was limited to the facts of
this case; "it did not purport to engage in formal rulemaking or
It is true that the radio listener quickly may tune out speech that in the promulgation of any regulations." In addition, since the
is offensive to him. In addition, broadcasters may preface Commission may be expected to proceed cautiously, as it has
potentially offensive programs with warnings. But such in the past, cf. Brief for Petitioner 42-43, and n. 31, I do not
warnings do not help the unsuspecting listener who tunes in at foresee an undue "chilling" effect on broadcasters' exercise of
the middle of a program. In this respect, too, broadcasting their rights. I agree, therefore, that respondent's overbreadth
appears to differ from books and records, which may carry challenge is meritless.
warnings on their face, and from motion pictures and live
performances, which may carry warnings on their marquees. ME. JUSTICE BRENNAN, with whom MR. JUSTICE
MARSHALL joins, dissenting.
[Footnote 2/3]
I agree with MR. JUSTICE STEWART that, under Hamling v.
The Court has, however, created a limited exception to this rule United States, 418 U. S. 87 (1974), and United States v. 12
in order to bring commercial speech within the protection of 200-ft. Reels of Film, 413 U. S. 123 (1973), the word
the First Amendment. See Ohralik v. Ohio State Bar "indecent" in 18 U.S.C. § 1464 (1976 ed.) must be construed to
Assn., 436 U. S. 447, 436 U. S. 455-456 (1978). prohibit only obscene speech. I would, therefore, normally
refrain from expressing my views on any constitutional issues
[Footnote 2/4] implicated in this case. However, I find the Court's
misapplication of fundamental First Amendment principles so
For much the same reason, I also do not join Part IV-A. I had patent, and its attempt to impose its notions of propriety on the
not thought that the application vel non of overbreadth analysis whole of the American people so misguided, that I am unable
should depend on the Court's judgment as to the value of the to remain silent.
protected speech that might be deterred. Cf. ante at 438 U. S.
743. Except in the context of commercial speech, see Bates v.
State Bar of Arizona, 433 U. S. 350, 433 U. S. 380-381 (1977),

I speech, a majority of the Court [Footnote 3/1] nevertheless
finds that, on the facts of this case, the FCC is not
For the second time in two years, see Young v. American Mini constitutionally barred from imposing sanctions on Pacifica for
Theatres, Inc., 427 U. S. 50 (1976), the Court refuses to its airing of the Carlin monologue. This majority apparently
embrace the notion, completely antithetical to basic First believes that the FCC's disapproval of Pacifica's afternoon
Amendment values, that the degree of protection the First broadcast of Carlin's "Dirty Words" recording is a permissible
time, place, and manner regulation. Kovacs v. Cooper, 336 U.
Page 438 U. S. 763 S. 77(1949). Both the opinion of my Brother STEVENS and
the opinion of my Brother POWELL rely principally on two
Amendment affords protected speech varies with the social factors in reaching this conclusion: (1) the capacity of a radio
value ascribed to that speech by five Members of this broadcast to intrude into the unwilling listener's home,
Court. See opinion of MR. JUSTICE POWELL, ante at 438 U.
S. 761-762. Moreover as do all parties, all Members of the Page 438 U. S. 764
Court agree that the Carlin monologue aired by Station WBAI
does not fall within one of the categories of speech, such as and (2) the presence of children in the listening audience.
"fighting words," Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U. S. Dispassionate analysis, removed from individual notions as to
568 (1942), or obscenity, Roth v. United States, 354 U. S. what is proper and what is not, starkly reveals that these
476 (1957), that is totally without First Amendment protection. justifications, whether individually or together, simply do not
This conclusion, of course, is compelled by our cases expressly support even the professedly moderate degree of governmental
holding that communications containing some of the words homogenization of radio communications -- if, indeed, such
found condemnable here are fully protected by the First homogenization can ever be moderate given the preeminent
Amendment in other contexts. See Eaton v. Tulsa, 415 U. S. status of the right of free speech in our constitutional scheme
697 (1974); Papish v. University of Missouri Curators, 410 U. that the Court today permits.
S. 667 (1973); Brown v. Oklahoma, 408 U. S.
914 (1972); Lewis v. New Orleans, 408 U. S. A
913 (1972); Rosenfeld v. New Jersey, 408 U. S.
901 (1972); Cohen v. California, 403 U. S. 15 (1971). Yet Without question, the privacy interests of an individual in his
despite t.he Court's refusal to create a sliding scale of First home are substantial, and deserving of significant protection. In
Amendment protection calibrated to this Court's perception of finding these interests sufficient to justify the content
the worth of a communication's content, and despite our regulation of protected speech, however, the Court commits
unanimous agreement that the Carlin monologue is protected two errors. First, it misconceives the nature of the privacy

interests involved where an individual voluntarily chooses to to take part, if only as a listener, in an ongoing public
admit radio communications into his home. Second, it ignores discourse. See Note, Filthy Words, the FCC, and the First
the constitutionally protected interests of both those who wish Amendment: Regulating Broadcast Obscenity, 61 Va.L.Rev.
to transmit and those who desire to receive broadcasts that 579, 618 (1975). Although an individual's decision to allow
many -- including the FCC and this Court -- might find public radio communications into his home undoubtedly does
offensive. not abrogate all of his privacy interests, the residual privacy
interests he retains vis-a-vis the communication he voluntarily
"The ability of government, consonant with the Constitution, to admits into his home are surely no greater than those of the
shut off discourse solely to protect others from hearing it is . . . people present in the corridor of the Los Angeles courthouse
dependent upon a showing that substantial privacy interests are in Cohen who bore witness to the words "Fuck the Draft"
being invaded in an essentially intolerable manner. Any emblazoned across Cohen's jacket. Their privacy interests were
broader view of this authority would effectively empower a held insufficient to justify punishing Cohen for his offensive
majority to silence dissidents simply as a matter of personal communication.
Even if an individual who voluntarily opens his home to radio
Cohen v. California, supra, at 403 U. S. 21. I am in communications retains privacy interests of sufficient moment
wholehearted agreement with my Brethren that an individual's to justify a ban on protected speech if those interests are
right "to be let alone" when engaged in private activity within "invaded in an essentially intolerable manner," Cohen v.
the confines of his own home is encompassed within the California, supra at 403 U. S. 21, the very fact that those
"substantial privacy interests" to which Mr. Justice Harlan interests are threatened only by a radio broadcast precludes any
referred in Cohen, and is entitled to the greatest intolerable invasion of privacy; for unlike other intrusive
solicitude. Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U. S. 557(1969). However, modes of communication, such as sound trucks, "[t]he radio
I believe that an individual's actions in switching on can be turned off," Lehman v. Shaker Heights, 418 U. S.
298, 418 U. S. 302 (1974) -- and with a minimum of effort. As
Page 438 U. S. 765 Chief Judge Bazelon aptly observed below,

and listening to communications transmitted over the public "having elected to receive public air waves, the scanner who
airways and directed to the public at large do not implicate stumbles onto an offensive program is in the same position as
fundamental privacy interests, even when engaged in within the unsuspecting passers-by in Cohen and Erznoznik [v.
the home. Instead, because the radio is undeniably a public Jacksonville, 422 U. S. 205 (1975)]; he can avert his attention
medium, these actions are more properly viewed as a decision by changing channels or turning off the set."

181 U.S.App.D.C. 132, 149, 556 F.2d 9, 26 (1977). Whatever sending them lewd or offensive materials and remove their
the minimal discomfort suffered by a names from mailing lists. Unlike the situation here,
householders who wished to receive the sender's
Page 438 U. S. 766 communications were not prevented from doing so. Equally
important, the determination of offensiveness vel non under the
listener who inadvertently tunes into a program he finds statute involved in Rowan was completely within the hands of
offensive during the brief interval before he can simply extend the individual householder; no governmental evaluation of the
his arm and switch stations or flick the "off" button, it is surely worth of the mail's content stood between the mailer and the
worth the candle to preserve the broadcaster's right to send, and householder. In contrast, the visage of the censor is all too
the right of those interested to receive, a message entitled to discernible here.
full First Amendment protection. To reach a contrary balance,
as does the Court, is clearly to follow MR. JUSTICE Page 438 U. S. 767
STEVENS' reliance on animal metaphors, anteat 438 U. S.
750-751, "to burn the house to roast the pig." Butler v. B
Michigan, 352 U. S. 380, 352 U. S. 383 (1957).
Most parents will undoubtedly find understandable, as well as
The Court's balance, of necessity, fails to accord proper weight commendable, the Court's sympathy with the FCC's desire to
to the interests of listeners who wish to hear broadcasts the prevent offensive broadcasts from reaching the ears of
FCC deems offensive. It permits majoritarian tastes completely unsupervised children. Unfortunately, the facial appeal of this
to preclude a protected message from entering the homes of a justification for radio censorship masks its constitutional
receptive, unoffended minority. No decision of this Court insufficiency. Although the government unquestionably has a
supports such a result. Where the individuals constituting the special interest in the wellbeing of children, and consequently
offended majority may freely choose to reject the material "can adopt more stringent controls on communicative materials
being offered, we have never found their privacy interests of available to youths than on those available to
such moment to warrant the suppression of speech on privacy adults," Erznoznik v. Jacksonville, 422 U. S. 205, 422 U. S.
grounds. Cf. Lehman v. Shaker Heights, supra. Rowan v. Post 212 (1975); see Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, 413 U. S.
Office Dept., 397 U. S. 728 (1970), relied on by the FCC and 49, 413 U. S. 106-107 (1973) (BRENNAN, J., dissenting), the
by the opinions of my Brothers POWELL and STEVENS, Court has accounted for this societal interest by adopting a
confirms, rather than belies, this conclusion. In Rowan, the "variable obscenity" standard that permits the prurient appeal
Court upheld a statute, 39 U.S.C. § 4009 (1964 ed., Supp. IV), of material available to children to be assessed in terms of the
permitting householders to require that mail advertisers stop sexual interests of minors. Ginsberg v. New York, 390 U. S.

629 (1968). It is true that the obscenity standard 422 U.S. at 422 U. S. 213-214. [Footnote 3/3] The Court's
the Ginsberg Court adopted for such materials was based on refusal to follow its own pronouncements is especially
the then-applicable obscenity standard of Roth v. United lamentable, since it has the anomalous subsidiary effect, at
States, 354 U. S. 476 (1957), and Memoirs v. least in the radio context at issue here, of making completely
Massachusetts, 383 U. S. 413 (1966), and that "[w]e have not unavailable to adults material which may not constitutionally
had occasion to decide what effect Miller [v. California, 413 U. be kept even from children. This result violates in spades the
S. 15 (1973)] will have on principle of Butler v. Michigan, supra. Butler involved a
the Ginsbergformulation." Erznoznik v. Jacksonville, challenge to a Michigan statute that forbade the publication,
supra at 422 U. S. 213 n. 10. Nevertheless, we have made it sale, or distribution of printed material "tending to incite
abundantly clear that, "under any test of obscenity as to minors to violent or depraved or immoral acts, manifestly
minors . . . , to be obscene, such expression must be, in some tending to the corruption of the morals of youth." 352 U.S.
significant way, erotic.'" 422 U.S. at 422 U. S. 213 n. 10, at 352 U. S. 381. Although Roth v. United States, supra, had
quoting Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. at 403 U. S. 20. not yet been decided, it is at least arguable that the material the
statute in Butler was designed to suppress could have been
Because the Carlin monologue is obviously not an erotic constitutionally denied to children. Nevertheless, this Court
appeal to the prurient interests of children, the Court, for the
first time, allows the government to prevent minors from Page 438 U. S. 769
gaining access to materials that are not obscene, and are
therefore protected, as to them. [Footnote 3/2] It thus ignores found the statute unconstitutional. Speaking for the Court, Mr.
our recent admonition Justice Frankfurter reasoned:

Page 438 U. S. 768 "The incidence of this enactment is to reduce the adult
population of Michigan to reading only what is fit for children.
that It thereby arbitrarily curtails one of those liberties of the
individual, now enshrined in the Due Process Clause of the
"[s]peech that is neither obscene as to youths nor subject to Fourteenth Amendment, that history has attested as the
some other legitimate proscription cannot be suppressed solely indispensable conditions for the maintenance and progress of a
to protect the young from ideas or images that a legislative free society."
body thinks unsuitable for them."
352 U.S. at 352 U. S. 383-384. Where, as here, the
government may not prevent the exposure of minors to the

suppressed material, the principle of Butler applies a upbringing of their children. As surprising as it may be to
fortiori. The opinion of my Brother POWELL acknowledges individual Members of this Court, some parents may actually
that there lurks in today's decision a potential for "reduc[ing] find Mr. Carlin's unabashed attitude towards the seven "dirty
the adult population . . . to [hearing] only what is fit for words" healthy, and deem it desirable to expose their children
children,'" ante at 438 U. S. 760, but expresses faith that the to the manner in which Mr. Carlin defuses the taboo
FCC will vigilantly prevent this potential from ever becoming surrounding the words. Such parents may constitute a minority
a reality. I am far less certain than my Brother POWELL that of the American public, but the absence of great numbers
such faith in the Commission is warranted, see Illinois Citizens willing to exercise the right to raise their children in this
Committee for Broadcasting v. FCC, 169 U.S.App.D.C. 166, fashion does not alter the right's nature or its existence. Only
187-190, 515 F.2d 397, 418-421 (1975) (statement of Bazelon, the Court's regrettable decision does that. [Footnote 3/4]
C.J., as to why he voted to grant rehearing en banc); and even
if I shared it, I could not so easily shirk the responsibility C
assumed by each Member of this Court jealously to guard
against encroachments on First Amendment freedoms. As demonstrated above, neither of the factors relied on by both
the opinion of my Brother POWELL and the opinion of my
In concluding that the presence of children in the listening Brother STEVENS -- the intrusive nature of radio and the
audience provides an adequate basis for the FCC to impose presence of children in the listening audience -- can, when
sanctions for Pacifica's broadcast of the Carlin monologue, the taken on its own terms, support the FCC's disapproval of the
opinions of my Brother POWELL, ante at 438 U. S. 757-758, Carlin monologue. These two asserted justifications are further
and my Brother STEVENS, ante at 438 U. S. 749-750, both plagued by a common failing: the lack of principled limits on
stress the time-honored right of a parent to raise his child as he their use as a basis for FCC censorship. No such limits come
sees fit -- a right this Court has consistently been vigilant to readily to mind, and neither of the opinions constituting the
protect. See Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U. S. 205 (1972); Pierce Court serves to clarify the extent to which the FCC may assert
v. Society of Sisters, 268 U. S. 510 (1925). Yet this principle the privacy and "children in the audience" rationales as
supports a justification for expunging from the airways protected
communications the Commission finds offensive. Taken to
Page 438 U. S. 770 their logical extreme, these rationales would support the
cleansing of public
result directly contrary to that reached by the
Court. Yoder and Pierce hold that parents, not the government, Page 438 U. S. 771
have the right to make certain decisions regarding the

radio of any "four-letter words" whatsoever, regardless of their Page 438 U. S. 772
context. The rationales could justify the banning from radio of
a myriad of literary works, novels, poems, and plays by the Commission while my Brother STEVENS deems it prudent to
likes of Shakespeare, Joyce, Hemingway, Ben Jonson, Henry rely on this Court's ability accurately to assess the worth of
Fielding, Robert Burns, and Chaucer; they could support the various kinds of speech. [Footnote 3/6] For my own part, even
suppression of a good deal of political speech, such as the accepting that this case is limited to its facts, [Footnote 3/7] I
Nixon tapes; and they could even provide the basis for would place the responsibility and the right to weed worthless
imposing sanctions for the broadcast of certain portions of the and offensive communications from the public airways where
Bible. [Footnote 3/5] it belongs and where, until today, it resided: in a public free to
choose those communications worthy of its attention from a
In order to dispel the specter of the possibility of so unpalatable marketplace unsullied by the censor's hand.
a degree of censorship, and to defuse Pacifica's overbreadth
challenge, the FCC insists that it desires only the authority to II
reprimand a broadcaster on facts analogous to those present in
this case, which it describes as involving The absence of any hesitancy in the opinions of my Brothers
POWELL and STEVENS to approve the FCC's censorship of
"broadcasting for nearly twelve minutes a record which the Carlin monologue on the basis of two demonstrably
repeated over and over words which depict sexual or excretory inadequate grounds is a function of their perception that the
activities and organs in a manner patently offensive by its decision will result in little, if any, curtailment of
community's contemporary standards in the early afternoon communicative exchanges protected by the First Amendment.
when children were in the audience." Although the extent to

Brief for Petitioner 45. The opinions of both my Brother Page 438 U. S. 773
POWELL and my Brother STEVENS take the FCC at its word,
and consequently do no more than permit the Commission to which the Court stands ready to countenance FCC censorship
censor the afternoon broadcast of the "sort of verbal shock of protected speech is unclear from today's decision, I find the
treatment," opinion of MR. JUSTICE POWELL, ante at 438 U. reasoning by which my Brethren conclude that the FCC
S. 757, involved here. To insure that the FCC's regulation of censorship they approve will not significantly infringe on First
protected speech does not exceed these bounds, my Brother Amendment values both disingenuous as to reality and wrong
POWELL is content to rely upon the judgment of the as a matter of law.

My Brother STEVENS, in reaching a result apologetically "[W]e cannot overlook the fact, because it is well illustrated by
described as narrow, ante at 438 U. S. 750, takes comfort in the episode involved here, that much linguistic expression
his observation that "[a] requirement that indecent language be serves a dual communicative function: it conveys
avoided will have its primary effect on the form, rather than the
content, of serious communication," ante at 438 U. S. 743 n. Page 438 U. S. 774
18, and finds solace in his conviction that "[t]here are few, if
any, thoughts that cannot be expressed by the use of less not only ideas capable of relatively precise, detached
offensive language." Ibid. The idea that the content of a explication, but otherwise inexpressible emotions as well. In
message and its potential impact on any who might receive it fact, words are often chosen as much for their emotive as their
can be divorced from the words that are the vehicle for its cognitive force. We cannot sanction the view that the
expression is transparently fallacious. A given word may have Constitution, while solicitous of the cognitive content of
a unique capacity to capsule an idea, evoke an emotion, or individual speech, has little or no regard for that emotive
conjure up an image. Indeed, for those of us who place an function which, practically speaking, may often be the more
appropriately high value on our cherished First Amendment important element of the overall message sought to be
rights, the word "censor" is such a word. Mr. Justice Harlan, communicated."
speaking for the Court, recognized the truism that a speaker's
choice of words cannot surgically be separated from the ideas Id. at 403 U. S. 25-26.
he desires to express when he warned that
My Brother STEVENS also finds relevant to his First
"we cannot indulge the facile assumption that one can forbid Amendment analysis the fact that "[a]dults who feel the need
particular words without also running a substantial risk of may purchase tapes and records or go to theaters and
suppressing ideas in the process." nightclubs to hear [the tabooed] words." Ante at 438 U. S.
750 n. 28. My Brother POWELL agrees:
Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. at 403 U. S. 26. Moreover, even
if an alternative phrasing may communicate a speaker's "The Commission's holding does not prevent willing adults
abstract ideas as effectively as those words he is forbidden to from purchasing Carlin's record, from attending his
use, it is doubtful that the sterilized message will convey the performances, or, indeed, from reading the transcript reprinted
emotion that is an essential part of so many communications. as an appendix to the Court's opinion."
This, too, was apparent to Mr. Justice Harlan and the Court
in Cohen. Ante at 438 U. S. 760. The opinions of my Brethren display
both a sad insensitivity to the fact that these alternatives

involve the expenditure of money, time, and effort that many of financial, do not have access to, or cannot take advantage of,
those wishing to hear Mr. Carlin's message may not be able to these other means.
afford, and a naive innocence of the reality that, in many cases,
the medium may well be the message. Moreover, it is doubtful that even those frustrated listeners in a
position to follow my Brother POWELL's gratuitous advice
The Court apparently believes that the FCC's actions here can and attend one of Carlin's performances or purchase one of his
be analogized to the zoning ordinances upheld in Young v. records would receive precisely the same message Pacifica's
American Mini Theatres, Inc., 427 U. S. 50 (1976). For two radio station sent its audience. The airways are capable not
reasons, it is wrong. First, the zoning ordinances found to pass only of carrying a message, but also of transforming it. A
constitutional muster in Young had valid goals other than the satirist's monologue may be most potent when delivered to a
channeling of protected speech. Id. at 427 U. S. 71 n. 34 live audience; yet the choice whether this will in fact be the
(opinion of STEVENS, J.); id. at 427 U. S. 80 (POWELL, J., manner in which the message is delivered and received is one
concurring). No such goals are present here. Second, and the First Amendment prohibits the government from making.
crucial to the opinions of my Brothers POWELL and
STEVENS in Young -- opinions, which, as they do in this case, III
supply the bare five-person majority of the Court -- the
ordinances did not restrict the access of distributors or It is quite evident that I find the Court's attempt to unstitch the
exhibitors to the market or impair warp and woof of First Amendment law in an effort to reshape
its fabric to cover the patently wrong result the Court reaches
Page 438 U. S. 775 in this case dangerous, as well as lamentable. Yet there runs
throughout the opinions of my Brothers POWELL and
the viewing public's access to the regulated STEVENS another vein I find equally disturbing: a depressing
material. Id. at 427 U. S. 62, 427 U. S. 71 n. 35 (opinion of inability to appreciate that, in our land of cultural pluralism,
STEVENS, J.); id. at 427 U. S. 77 (POWELL, J., concurring). there are many who think, act, and talk differently from the
Again, this is not the situation here. Both those desiring to Members of this Court, and who do not share their fragile
receive Carlin's message over the radio and those wishing to sensibilities. It is only an acute ethnocentric myopia that
send it to them are prevented from doing so by the enables the Court to approve the censorship of communications
Commission's actions. Although, as my Brethren point out, solely because of the words they contain.
Carlin's message may be disseminated or received by other
means, this is of little consolation to those broadcasters and Page 438 U. S. 776
listeners who, for a host of reasons, not least among them

"A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the variety of reasons, including a conscious desire to flout
skin of a living thought, and may vary greatly in color and majoritarian conventions, express themselves using words that
content according to the circumstances and the time in which it may be regarded as offensive by those from different socio-
is used." economic backgrounds. [Footnote 3/8]

Towne v. Eisner, 245 U. S. 418, 245 U. S. 425 (1918) (Holmes, Page 438 U. S. 777
J.). The words that the Court and the Commission find so
unpalatable may be the stuff of everyday conversations in some, In this context, the Court's decision may be seen for what, in
if not many, of the innumerable subcultures that compose this the broader perspective, it really is: another of the dominant
Nation. Academic research indicates that this is indeed the culture's inevitable efforts to force those groups who do not
case. See B. Jackson, "Get Your Ass in the Water and Swim share its mores to conform to its way of thinking, acting, and
Like Me" (1974); J. Dillard, Black English (1972); W. Labov, speaking. See Moore v. East Cleveland, 431 U. S. 494, 431 U.
Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English S. 506-511 (1977) (BRENNAN, J., concurring).
Vernacular (1972). As one researcher concluded,
Pacifica, in response to an FCC inquiry about its broadcast of
"[w]ords generally considered obscene, like 'bullshit' and 'fuck' Carlin's satire on "the words you couldn't say on the public . . .
are considered neither obscene nor derogatory in the [black] airways,'" explained that "Carlin is not mouthing obscenities,
vernacular except in particular contextual situations and when he is merely using words to satirize as harmless and essentially
used with certain intonations." silly our attitudes towards those words." 56 F.C.C.2d at 95, 96.
In confirming Carlin's prescience as a social commentator by
C. Bins, "Toward an Ethnography of Contemporary African the result it reaches today, the Court evinces an attitude toward
American Oral Poetry," Language and Linguistics Working the "seven dirty words" that many others besides Mr. Carlin
Papers No. 5, p. 82 (Georgetown Univ. Press 1972). Cf. Keefe and Pacifica might describe as "silly." Whether today's
v. Geanakos, 418 F.2d 359, 361 (CA1 1969) (finding the use of decision will similarly prove "harmless" remains to be seen.
the word "motherfucker" commonplace among young radicals One can only hope that it will.
and protesters).
[Footnote 3/1]
Today's decision will thus have its greatest impact on
broadcasters desiring to reach, and listening audiences Where I refer without differentiation to the actions of "the
composed of, persons who do not share the Court's view as to Court," my reference is to this majority, which consists of my
which words or expressions are acceptable and who, for a

Brothers POWELL and STEVENS and those Members of the [Footnote 3/4]
Court joining their separate opinions.
The opinions of my Brothers POWELL and STEVENS rightly
[Footnote 3/2] refrain from relying on the notion of "spectrum scarcity" to
support their result. As Chief Judge Bazelon noted below,
Even if the monologue appealed to the prurient interest of "although scarcity has justified increasing the diversity of
minors, it would not be obscene as to them unless, as to them, speakers and speech, it has never been held to justify
"the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, censorship." 181 U.S.App.D.C. at 152, 556 F.2d at 29
political, or scientific value." Miller v. California, 413 U. S. (emphasis in original). See Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v.
15, 413 U. S. 24 (1973). FCC, 395 U. S. 367, 395 U. S. 396 (1969).

[Footnote 3/3] [Footnote 3/5]

It may be that a narrowly drawn regulation prohibiting the use See, e.g., I Samuel 25:22: "So and more also do God unto the
of offensive language on broadcasts directed specifically at enemies of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him by the
younger children constitutes one of the "other legitimate morning light any that pisseth against the wall"; II Kings 18:27
proscription[s]" alluded to in Erznoznik. This is so both and Isaiah 36:12: "[H]ath he not sent me to the men which sit
because of the difficulties inherent in adapting on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their
the Miller formulation to communications received by young own piss with you?"; Ezekiel 23:3: "And they committed
children, and because such children are "not possessed of that whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their
full capacity for individual choice which is the presupposition youth; there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised
of the First Amendment guarantees." Ginsberg v. New the teats of their virginity."; Ezekiel 23:21: "Thus thou calledst
York, 390 U. S. 629, 390 U. S. 649-650 (1968) (STEWART, to remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats
J., concurring). I doubt, as my Brother STEVENS by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth." The Holy Bible
suggests, ante at 438 U. S. 745 n. 20, that such a limited (King James Version) (Oxford 1897).
regulation amounts to a regulation of speech based on its
content, since, by hypothesis, the only persons at whom the [Footnote 3/6]
regulated communication is directed are incapable of
evaluating its content. To the extent that such a regulation is Although ultimately dependent upon the outcome of review in
viewed as a regulation based on content, it marks the outermost this Court, the approach taken by my Brother STEVENS would
limits to which content regulation is permissible. not appear to tolerate the FCC's suppression of any speech,

such as political speech, falling within the core area of First Under the approach taken by my Brother POWELL, the
Amendment concern. The same, however, cannot be said of the availability of broadcasts about groups whose members
approach taken by my Brother POWELL, which, on its face, constitute such audiences might also be affected. Both news
permits the Commission to censor even political speech if it is broadcasts about activities involving these groups and public
sufficiently offensive to community standards. A result more affairs broadcasts about their concerns are apt to contain
contrary to rudimentary First Amendment principles is difficult interviews, statements, or remarks by group leaders and
to imagine. members which may contain offensive language to an extent
my Brother POWELL finds unacceptable.
[Footnote 3/7]
Having insisted that it seeks to impose sanctions on radio BRENNAN, MR. JUSTICE WHITE, and MR. JUSTICE
communications only in the limited circumstances present here, MARSHALL join, dissenting.
I believe that the FCC is estopped from using either this
decision or its own orders in this case, 56 F.C.C.2d 94 (1975) The Court today recognizes the wise admonition that we
and 59 F.C.C.2d 892 (1976), as a basis for imposing sanctions should "avoid the unnecessary decision of [constitutional]
on any public radio broadcast other than one aired during the issues." Ante at 438 U. S. 734. But it disregards one important
daytime or early evening and containing the relentless application of this salutary principle -- the need to construe an
repetition, for longer than a brief interval, of Act of Congress so as to avoid, if possible, passing upon its
constitutionality. [Footnote 4/1] It is apparent that the
"language that describes, in term patently offensive as constitutional questions raised by the order of the Commission
measured by contemporary community standards for the in this case are substantial. [Footnote 4/2] Before deciding
broadcast medium, sexual or excretory activities and organs." them, we should be certain that it is necessary to do so.

56 F.C.C.2d at 98. For surely broadcasters are not now on Page 438 U. S. 778
notice that the Commission desires to regulate any offensive
broadcast other than the type of "verbal shock treatment" The statute pursuant to which the Commission acted, 18 U.S.C.
condemned here, or even this "shock treatment" type of § 1464 (1976 ed.), [Footnote 4/3] makes it a federal offense to
offensive broadcast during the late evening. utter "any obscene, indecent, or profane language by means of
radio communication." The Commission held, and the Court
[Footnote 3/8] today agrees, that "indecent" is a broader concept than
"obscene" as the latter term was defined in Miller v.

California, 413 U. S. 15, because language can be "indecent" clear holding of Hamling is that "indecent," as used in § 1461,
although it has social, political, or artistic value and lacks has the same meaning as "obscene" as that term was defined in
prurient appeal. 56 F.C.C.2d 94, 97-98. [Footnote 4/4] But this the Miller case. See also Marks v. United States,430 U. S.
construction of § 1464, while perhaps plausible, is by no means 188, 430 U. S. 190 (18 U.S.C. § 1465).
compelled. To the contrary, I think that "indecent" should
properly be read as meaning no more than "obscene." Since the Nothing requires the conclusion that the word "indecent" has
Carlin monologue concededly was not "obscene," I believe that any meaning in § 1464 other than that ascribed to the same
the Commission lacked statutory authority to ban it. Under this word in § 1461. [Footnote 4/5] Indeed, although the legislative
construction of the statute, it is unnecessary to address the history is largely silent, [Footnote 4/6] such indications as there
difficult and important issue of the Commission's constitutional are support the view that § 1461 and 1464 should be construed
power to prohibit speech that similarly. The view that "indecent" means no more than
"obscene" in § 1461 and similar statutes long
Page 438 U. S. 779 antedated Hamling. See United States v. Bennett, 24 F.Cas.
1093 (No. 14,571) (CC SDNY 1879); Dunlop v. United
would be constitutionally protected outside the context of States, 165 U. S. 486, 165 U. S. 500-501;
electronic broadcasting.
Page 438 U. S. 780
This Court has recently decided the meaning of the term
"indecent" in a closely related statutory context. In Hamling v. Manual Enterprises v. Day, 370 U. S. 478, 370 U. S. 482-
United States, 418 U. S. 87, the petitioner was convicted of 484, 370 U. S. 487 (opinion of Harlan, J.). [Footnote 4/7] And
violating 18 U.S.C. § 1461, which prohibits the mailing of although §§ 1461 and 1464 were originally enacted separately,
"[e]very obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecent, filthy or vile they were codified together in the Criminal Code of 1848 as
article." The Court part of a chapter entitled "Obscenity." There is nothing in the
legislative history to suggest that Congress intended that the
"construe[d] the generic terms in [§ 1461] to be limited to the same word in two closely related sections should have different
sort of "patently offensive representations or descriptions of meanings. See H.R.Rep. No. 304, 80th Cong., 1st Sess., A104-
that specific hard core' sexual conduct given as examples A106 (1947).
in Miller v. California.""
I would hold, therefore, that Congress intended, by using the
418 U.S. at 418 U. S. 114, quoting United States v. 12 200-ft. word "indecent" in § 1464, to prohibit nothing more than
Reels of Film, 413 U. S. 123, 413 U. S. 130 n. 7. Thus, the obscene speech. [Footnote 4/8] Under that reading of the

statute, the Commission's order in this case was not authorized, 303(g). Ante at 438 U. S. 739 n. 13. For one thing, the order
and on that basis, I would affirm the judgment of the Court of clearly rests only upon the Commission's interpretation of the
Appeals. term "indecent" in § 1464; the attempt by the Commission in
this Court to assert that § 303(g) was an independent basis for
[Footnote 4/1] its action must fail. Cf. SEC v. Chenery Corp., 318 U. S.
80, 318 U. S. 94-95; SEC v. Sloan, 436 U. S. 103, 436 U. S.
See, e.g., Johnson v. Robison, 415 U. S. 361, 415 U. S. 366- 117-118. Moreover, the general language of § 303(g) cannot be
367; United States v. Thirty-seven Photographs, 402 U. S. used to circumvent the terms of a specific statutory mandate
363, 402 U. S. 369; Rescue Army v. Municipal Court, 331 U. such as that of § 1464.
S. 549, 331 U. S. 569; Ashwander v. TVA, 297 U. S. 288, 297
U. S. 348 (Brandeis, J., concurring); Crowell v. Benson,285 U. "[T]he Commission's power in this respect is limited by the
S. 22, 285 U. S. 62. scope of the statute. Unless the [language] involved here [is]
illegal under § [1464], the Commission cannot employ the
[Footnote 4/2] statute to make [it] so by agency action."

The practice of construing a statute to avoid a constitutional FCC v. American Broadcasting Co., 347 U. S. 284, 347 U. S.
confrontation is followed whenever there is "a serious doubt'" 290.
as to the statute's constitutionality. E.g., United States v.
Rumely, 345 U. S. 41, 345 U. S. 45; Blodgett v. Holden, 275 [Footnote 4/4]
U. S. 142, 275 U. S. 148 (opinion of Holmes, J.). Thus, the
Court has construed a statute to avoid raising a doubt as to its The Commission did not rely on § 1464's prohibition of
constitutionality even though the Court later in effect held that "profane" language, and it is thus unnecessary to consider the
the statute, otherwise construed, would have been scope of that term.
constitutionally valid. Compare General Motors Corp. v.
District of Columbia, 380 U. S. 553, with Moorman Mfg. Co. v. [Footnote 4/5]
Bair,437 U. S. 267.
The only Federal Court of Appeals (apart from this case) to
[Footnote 4/3] consider the question has held that

The Court properly gives no weight to the Commission's

passing reference in its order to 47 U.S.C. §

"'obscene' and 'indecent' in § 1464 are to be read as parts of a "It is true . . . that these are not criminal cases, but it is a
single proscription, applicable only if the challenged language criminal statute that we must interpret. There cannot be one
appeals to the prurient interest." construction for the Federal Communications Commission and
another for the Department of Justice. If we should give §
United States v. Simpson, 561 F.2d 53, 60 (CA7). [1464] the broad construction urged by the Commission, the
same construction would likewise apply in criminal cases."
[Footnote 4/6]
FCC v. American Broadcasting Co., supra at 347 U. S. 296.
Section 1464 originated as part of § 29 of the Radio Act of
1927, 44 Stat. 1172, which was reenacted as § 326 of the
Communications Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 1091. Neither the
committee reports nor the floor debates contain any discussion
of the meaning of "obscene, indecent or profane language."

[Footnote 4/7]

When the Federal Communications Act was amended in 1968

to prohibit "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or indecent"
telephone calls, 82 Stat. 112, 47 U.S.C. § 223, the FCC itself
indicated that it thought this language covered only "obscene"
telephone calls. See H.R.Rep. No. 1109, 90th Cong., 2d Sess.,
7-8 (1968).

[Footnote 4/8]

This construction is further supported by the general rule of

lenity in construing criminal statutes. See Adamo Wrecking
Co. v. United States, 434 U. S. 275, 434 U. S. 285. The Court's
statement that it need not consider the meaning § 1464 would
have in a criminal prosecution, ante at 438 U. S. 739 n. 13, is
contrary to settled precedent:


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