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10 Warning Signs of

Pancreatic Cancer Top Risk Factor of

Pancreatic Cancer

 Age (55+)
1 .Jaundice  Gender
(Male due
to lifestyle)
2. Diabetes  Family
3. Abdominal and  Excess body
Lower Back pain weight
 Smoking
A 4. Weight Loss
Tips in Preventing Pancreatic Cancer
What is Pancreatic
5. Nausea and
Cancer? Vomiting

6. Grease or light
Cancer is a word for cells that grow and divide colored Stool
uncontrollably. Usually, cells in your body
grow, divide, and organize in an orderly way 7. Lack of Pancreatic Cancer is difficult to detect
which the body can control Appetite (find) and diagnose early
8. Changes in
But when cancer happens, cells divide over Reason:
Urine Color
and over again. They grow out of control, live
 There aren’t any noticeable signs or symptoms in
longer than normal and lose their normal
9. Fatigue and the early stages of pancreatic cancer.
function. When they clump together in a mass
Weakness  The signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer,
these rapidly dividing cells are called a tumour,
when present, are like the signs and symptoms of
or cancer. Pancreatic cancer is when this process
10. Bloating many other illnesses.
happens to cells in the pancreas.
 The pancreas is hidden behind other organs such
as the stomach, small intestine, liver, gallbladder,
spleen, and bile ducts.

 Treatment for pancreatic cancer depends on the References:

type, location and stage of your cancer (how far
it's spread).
 Your age, general health and personal
preferences will also be taken into consideration College of Nursing
when deciding on your treatment plan. nt/pancreatic-treatment-pdq#section/_162
 The first aim will be to completely remove the
tumour and any other cancerous cells in your
body. cancer/pancreatic-cancer/treatment
 If this isn't possible, the focus will be on
preventing the tumour growing and causing
further harm.
 Sometimes it's not possible to get rid of the
cancer or slow it down, so treatment will aim to
relieve your symptoms and make you as
comfortable as possible. Submitted by:
 Cancer of the pancreas is very difficult to treat. In
its early stages, this type of cancer rarely causes Aragon, John Cedric B.
symptoms, so it's often not detected until it's
Pedernal, Sarah Jane
quite advanced. If the tumour is large or has
spread, treating or curing the cancer is much BSN 4A

Five types of standards of treatment are CANCER

used: submitted to:

Ms. Aiza Alfaro AWARENESS

 Surgery
 Radiation therapy
July 2017
 Chemotherapy
 Chemoradiation therapy
 Targeted therapy

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