Service Control News - Feb 2018

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Every Job Matters

Changes to your current job role are under attack

On Monday 8th February 2018, our RMT will not stand for manipulation of
service control grades committee took the machinery to shed Rep numbers.
place and was very well attended.
Considering most of those who attended According to them, Managers do not get
were members going to Hammersmith, local representation. We refute SCL
this gave Reps absolute confidence on graded as “Managers” in this sense. We Equal Pay - PRP
representing the issues at hand. also have LIS’s to represent locally.
This divisive system of discrimination
As Reps, we got an excellent must stop. Members no longer want PRP
The Machinery also states that 2 Reps
understanding of concerns of members to manipulate members and demand
per Service Delivery Area are
and the what “will and won’t” be Equal Pay for Equal work for all!
nominated and must meet with SCM’s 4
accepted from the move to times a year at least.
Hammersmith and changes
4LM – Hammersmith SCC
Management are asking for! The Company Council have agreed for a Members in SSR are putting up a strong
Directors meeting with RMT to hear our unified fight to protect their conditions
“concerns.” and secure a safe approach to
Rep Numbers & Release for transition, whilst demanding
Representation remuneration for more responsibility.
SO1-3 Signalling Secondees
Release - Management have continued Attack on RMT Reps
to oppose the release of the Functional Since our last Newsletter: Recently your
LU continues to attack your right to
Council Reps to undertake local level RMT Reps have successfully demanded
Representation. Reps in the workplace
representation and negotiation with that Secondees are given the contracts
are reducing with management
SCM’s. as per the 2012 agreement.
changing job titles and release is
Around 20 Secondees have been given persistently denied to Council Reps.
This negatively impacts the ability of the
union to represent member’s interests permanent contracts so far and more
Update Your Details
in the workplace and is deliberate to will follow.
It is of the upmost importance that
prevent local issues from being raised.
This is despite management refusing you CONTACT RMT HQ NOW so any
Rep Numbers - The Machinery is clear: initially to honour an ACAS agreement. ballot for industrial action is upheld.
6 local Reps should be recognised. This
was the case before Management
started to bring In 2 Tier.
We continue to monitor this.
CALL: 0800 376 3706
Check all your details are correct
SERVICE CONTROL NEWS | February 2018 2

The fight begins..

Our big success was the agreement to

keep the 3-tier structure as opposed to
the 2-tier structure that now exists on the
other lines.

Training for Hammersmith should only

be to learn the equipment! Failing CTBC
for your current role will put at risk your
place at Hammersmith. Thanks to hard
negotiation, Protection is in place for
this, if it should happen!

Non SCL1’s will be familiarised in the 1. Unanimous view that members will We are using to PRP model but one they
Signaller function but not to carry out not tolerate ANY threat of being ‘moved’ actually pay out. To pay out upon “Time
that function in anger! This must be if they refuse to do cross line working. and Knowledge” achieved. This is why
clearly understood. As expected, this is a red line. So no it’s affordable, THE MONEY HAS BEEN
forced moves out for ANY grade whom HELD BACK BY PRP, therefore they can
Controller is a Controller only (SCL2). agrees to move to Hammersmith. right that wrong.
We have not agreed to cover up/down
at all. 3-tier was agreed and 3-tier is 2. If no remuneration is available then We are suggesting a level 1-4 graded
how it will work as things stand! development pay scale that falls with
our members will not be expected to do
the banding of each grade as it is now.
anything other than EXACTLY the same
It is very clear the SSR members are not Then adding the percentage increase
roles and responsibility as they do now
going to do anything more than they are for a Hammersmith employee rate.
with no detriment. No cross-role or line
required. It is bad enough that 140+ staff working either.
have to be uprooted and then expected This applies for all grades! This is what you the members
to Manage 40% of the railway in TFL’s asked for and are prepared to
3. Any attempt to introduce new FIGHT FOR!
The Service Control Grades Committee responsibilities/roles MUST involve
(on 8th February 2018) was a great additional remuneration and be clearly It is a much safer model and
success. defined. remunerates fairly.
Management have allegedly
The room was packed out with members
from all grades, with a good distribution
from Controllers, Signallers, Service
approached SCL2s already to see if they
would be prepared to accept a
Managers - proving there is an appetite
for a Service Control centred Grades
supplement’ to settle – despite
persistently say there is no money. The
RMT don’t do “bungs”!
Committee. Don’t get involved
Although this was a meeting for all This is protecting members form extra
Change Champions continue to be used
Service Control staff, as expected, the responsibility, changes to their roles
to bypass the Machinery of Negotiation
primary focus for discussion was the and safeguarding an Safer, easier,
and consultation despite RMT
move to Hammersmith with the broader slower introduction for Signaller
vehemently opposing the role.
standing items such as Rep numbers, becoming Controllers. To expect a
PRP etc being of secondary interest on Signaller who operates a Cabin to then
We advise staff not to engage with
this occasion. become a proficient Controller on 4
Change Champion programmes as we
different lines is madness. They are
believe they harm the process of
being set up for a fall. What is the point
Our issues with of a few grand pay rise to a higher
grade only to be overwhelmed and at
negotiating agreements and undermine
your Reps. We have reason to believe,
recent misinformation has been spread
Hammermsith.. risk of losing their job.

What we are proposing is a pay for

(and sometimes) using Change
Champions to justify it.
After Reps reports, the floor was opened contribution/experience model. This
will allow TIME to develop and progress Any information coming from HR and
up to questions and views, which we Management should be fed through
subsequently condensed and captured into a Controller fully fit to operate TFL’s
flagship. elected TU Reps via agreed process.
below as the main issues.
SERVICE CONTROL NEWS | February 2018 3

PRP Attendance
Equal Pay for Equal Work
PRP payments should have been made Rainbow Reports
regularly (since 2006) in order to close
the banding but payments were held Reps have challenged management that
back. According to sources, only 15% is
made available by LU, from what should
their members are being reviewed on
historical sickness. These items are
be 100%.

PRP is not suitable to our functions in

settled but the disciplinary process is
being wrongly used under the Fitness DETAILS
Service Control.
for Work channel! These rainbow Urgent action for all members
reports are usually 5 or 10 years
sickness record and are generally
PRP creates pay discrepancy. Equal
during January and June. To ensure any industrial action is
Pay for Equal Work!
upheld we need every member to
The Return to work interview settles double check their details are
Service Control is traditionally a male
items of sickness and the review is correctly registered with RMT Head
environment. As more women join
designed to judge what action to take. Office. This includes your work
our grade, they will earn less than
Some Managers are abusing this location, grade, home address and all
their male colleagues.
(possibly) using document “G1391 A4 your contact details.
PRP is a manipulation tool, used by Managing Train Operator Attendance.”
You will all be receiving a telephone
Management to dominate the call over the coming weeks from your
If any member is asked to attend any
individual. Functional Reps, to ensure we have
meeting (formal or otherwise) please
your correct details but we need you
PRP data is currently being reviewed by contact a Rep. DO NOT meet with any
to update and check them first!
Directors. This is because your Reps Manager without Rep advice.
have diligently fought to fight the unfair
system of manipulation and non All service control members
Ongoing must call RMT HQ Now:
We are now considering which 0800 376 3706
direction to go.

We have two options around gender

Actions Ensure all your details are up to date.

equality of pay. We can approach Mayor What we are currently

Sadiq Khan and advice him that the
“City Hall Directive” to employ more
working on for you. RETURN YOUR
females in Service Control will increase
the amount of females being paid less
than men. This can’t be avoided
- Provide all S/O Secondees
permanent contracts. Plus anyone BALLOT PAPER
who has been working in cabins for
because they will all be at the bottom of
over 2 years Ongoing!
The Trade Union Act
the band. We may simply give HR one
more chance to rectify this injustice for - Clarify roles of DRM’s. Ongoing! This malevolent and anti-democratic
all. Act requires (amongst many things) a
- Review PSCA to prevent SCM’s from 50% turnout of those balloted and 40%
We can also use the Employment blocking transfer and promotion. We of those balloted must vote in favour.
Tribunal to test a case in court. have made some inroads into this and For example, if 600 SC staff are
will feedback as and when we get balloted, 300 must vote.

DRM’s more clarification!

- Improve transparency in the

If this doesn’t happen the ballot is
dead! When (the minimum) 300 vote,
240 of those must vote in favour. This
Protecting our DRMs recruitment process. Simplify the equates to an 80% Yes vote!
promotional criteria and path for
At the Functional council we raised those who are already qualified in a Every Rep, Member and Activist are
concern about DRM’s being used to role but have not yet been given a urged to speak with their colleagues
carry out PGI’s.. PGI’s come under the permanent contract. Ongoing! to ensure that those balloted return
auspices of the TOM’s and also are not their ballot paper if there is action.
the responsibility of Service Control - More transparency on movements The higher the return and higher the
staff. with Reps. Improving and ongoing! vote for positive action will provide
the company with a clear indication
The next step will be to refer this issue - To consider flexible working and job
that any issues that need to be
to Company Council if this practice share for SC staff.
negotiated and provide for positive
outcomes for the membership.

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