Monica TED Talk

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TED Talk

Monica Araya

1. Which energy sources does Costa Rica use to make electricity?

2. What dies Monica say is a “paradox”?

3. What does Monica assume EVERYONE knows about Costa Rica? Did you know this?
(I didn’t)

4. What did Jose Figueres’ decision mean for Costa Rican society?

5. What does Monica see as “empowering”?

6. What does Monica think should be the next step for Costa Rica? Why?

7. What 3 reasons does Monica give for the importance of making the change?

8. What began in 2014?

9. Why does Monica think that the voices of citizens are so important?

10. Does Monica have an optimistic view of the future of her country?

11. What do you think of Costa Rica’s policy?

12. Do you think it will be successful? Why? Why not?

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