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What’s New, Installation and Program

What's new in Engineer Pro 2014 R2 SP1
If you are upgrading from 2013R1 or older you should read the section on 2014R1, especially ‘Priorty

Installation notes are here.

o Radii on Notches - Instead of simply not adding one, the program now adjusts the value of the
radius until a value is found that fits at the base of notches, in support of the global radius value
that can be applied from the radius function tool bar. This is the first stage in a broader change
that where radii in other locations are to be adjusted in this way. The change here is added to
this service pack to assist where lack of radii at the base of notches causes problems with single
point cutting systems.

o Collective Assessment Extension - At the request of a customer a modification to the collective

assessment process has been made. The capability to duplicate selected parts has been added
before calculating the material consumption. Because it is in a service pack there is no visible
change to the user interface and the prompt contains no reference to the new option. While you
are placing parts for your initial nest, you can select any or all of them and tap the D key to
duplicate them and then position this duplicate set. You can use the D key as many times as you
need to get the desired quantity of pairs into the final calculation. Ctrl+A selects all the parts and
while holding the A you can still ‘box select’.

o Data corruption - Some additional causes of data corruption have been identified from
submissions of problem patterns from customers and the necessary changes to prevent the
problems occurring in the future have been made.

o Part Thumbnails - When boundary lines were blanked it could disrupt the appearance of the
thumbnails in the parts list. This has been corrected.

Version 2014R2
o Select All Like - Introduced at version 2014R1 this function has been extended to allow other
characteristics of lines, such as colour, to be used instead of just line type. Use of these extra
characteristics is a new option (Advanced Match) and adds a small dialog to the process for
selection of the additional details.

o Notches - If a boundary has NO added notches at all, when you select the function Add/Remove
notch, ALL viable notches are automatically added to the boundary and you can just right-click to
accept them all. This can be VERY useful when you have a lot of notches to add, in a strobel sock
for example. If you do not want all the notches then you can deselect those you do not need.
When a boundary already includes one or more notches it behaves as it did previously.

o Trim - A new function, for Engineer Pro & Ortho only, added to a fly-out with Split. Use this to
trim back selected lines to the nearest intersection. The function makes use of the 'partial line'
code and has similar restrictions.
o Flip Horizontally - The entire pattern is 'flipped' end to end horizontally so that a toe left layout
can be switched to a toe right layout, and vice-versa.

o Markers - The way the placement of markers on a line is calculated has changed. The
distribution is now based on a specified gap and nominal slot length; these values are then used
to calculate the number of marker slots that best fit along the line while holding to the gap size.
It's important to note that this has not changed the resulting marker dependant in anyway and
they can still be freely edited. Also the gap and length values can be changed for individual
markers to change the quantity of markers, so you can still simulate stitches if you wish (1mm
gap, 2mm long). The concept of setting a quantity of markers is dropped. The changes also apply
to Edge Templates and the Constrained action.

o Margin - Improvements to the margin function, ‘interactive edit’ facility, where points are now
displayed on the margin line itself, which is more intuitive. Includes adding a step increment (in
Options) for interactive margins when holding 'S', instead of it being completely free.

o Parts Activity Removed - To streamline the work-flow (and remove function duplication) the
Parts activity is removed. Only two functions in this activity were not duplicated elsewhere and
these; Print Boxes and Size Codes are moved back to the Grade activity, where they were up to
version 2.8.

o Auto-parts On/Off - As part of the changes relating to removing the Parts activity the option of
turning auto-parts on or off is moved to the display (Master) tool bar, normally at the right of
the workspace. The state of the icon is saved between sessions and the option is repeated in the
View menu.

o Configure Auto-parts - To create or change an auto-part, you can now pick the line types you
wish to include in it and then use the menu option; Tools > Save Auto-Parts. You can save a new
one or choose from a drop-down list and update an existing one. The intention is to remove the
need to use the Display dialog, but for the time being this is retained. You can now delete an
auto-part in the same way as a regular part.

o Fill On/Off - There is now a single Fill On/Off option on the display (Master) tool bar, normally at
the right of the workspace. The state of the icon is saved between sessions. The check boxes for
this, previously in Options and on the display dialog have been removed. This currently shows
the boundary filled from the option in the pop-up menu. The fill created by adding a material in
Part Properties is still controlled from the properties dialogue.

o Edge Templates - With the changes to markers the quantity value for markers is dropped and a
single marker is used just to show that the template includes them. The actual number of
markers applied is calculated as described above. This means that you need fewer separate edge
templates and normally less editing of the applied markers.

o Calculate Grade - The dialog used to calculate custom grade rules, typically for custom boots,
has been simplified to minimise errors, and now also grades the selected size to the calculated

o Custom Boots - This option, based on a structure of dependant construction lines, has been
updated so that the created back curve retains its dependency for editing.

o Cross-hair cursor - Several display and performance issues when the cross-hair cursor is used
have been addressed.
o Synchronise with 3D (ShoeMaker) – Normally the assumption is that once a model has been
created in 3D in ShoeMaker, any changes to the 3D will automatically synchronise with the 2D ,
that is, cause the 2D to update. However, if a line in the pattern is altered in 2D by Engineer then
it could be that this change has been done for pattern engineering reasons. For example, to
spring a pattern or add more material to improve the drape, and so should break the
associativity for this line only. Thereafter changes to the 3D line will not update the 2D line,
which would otherwise overwrite the pattern engineering change you made to the 2D line.

o Synchronise in 3D – This function sends the selected line back to ShoeMaker, to be

rewrapped back on the last in 3D. However it leaves ShoeMaker as the master, such that
subsequent changes to the 3D line will continue to synchronise and update the 2D line
automatically. This is useful when changes are done in 2D for design reasons, for
example, to straighten a line.

o Update in 3D - This function sends the selected line back to ShoeMaker, to be

rewrapped back on the last in 3D. However it leaves the associativity broken, such that
subsequent changes to the 3D line will not update the 2D automatically.

o Graphics and line selection problem – Modern laptops may have a mix of Intel (on-board) and
nVidia graphics cards, where the Intel graphics doesn’t support OpenGL 2. In such circumstances
sometimes the Intel graphics would come into play and Engineer would not work correctly when
selecting lines. The solution on those laptops, where the option existed, was to disable the
switching of the graphics. In other cases this hasn’t worked and to confuse matters further
sometimes the Intel graphics worked fine. This problem has been resolved by building checks
and tests into Engineer, though there may be instances where the problem could still occur.
Please report these occurrences, if there are any, giving as much detail as possible.

o File handling and recovery – The way Engineer handles poorly constructed legacy data has been
improved and in many cases now problems previously reported with boundaries and so on are
fixed when the pattern is loaded. If errors remain check boundaries for good intersections with
parent lines, fix if necessary and save the pattern to a new name after deleting the ‘checkit’ part
and reload the pattern.

o Integrity checking – In connection with the above the improved checking of the data can be
extended by setting the LOGSTATUS keyword to 0 (it is normally 2 – off). It is not on by default
because it adds an overhead and can be intrusive. However, it will catch and warn you about
problems with your pattern each time an undo file is created.

What's new in Engineer Pro 2014 R1 SP2

o Base Line Edit – If the right mouse button down and pan action was used after selecting points,
but not moving them, using this ‘pan’ action prevented any further edit activity. Shift+RMB and
Shift+MMB for panning were not affected. Fixed.
o Duplication of Parts – When switching menus (with one selected) moving ‘into’ or ‘out of’ the
Assessment menu caused any active part or parts to be duplicated without names. Fixed.
o Change Task Flicker – When switching tasks, worse when using menus, the display would
redraw as the left tool tray was replaced. An additional change is that the workspace is no longer
‘blanked’ on first selection of the Assessment Task by icon or menu. The workspace is only
changed, and other options are activated, when one of the main functions is used. Fixed.
o Assesment – The above correction means that you must explicitly select Auto Assessment from
the tool tray or menu when you use this facility.
o PDF Export – When exporting to PDF with the ‘Grade to..’ option set the sizes of the graded
parts were not included in the output. Fixed. While working on this the overly thick lines drawn
for markers has been changed and now adopts the value set for boundaries in the Engineer
colour options. The related direct printed output has also been improved.
o Collective Report Printed Text – Though unable to repeat the problem ‘in house’ the few lines of
text in the collective assessment report were being printed in a font size too tiny to read. To
make the function consistent with similar actions in Engineer and avoid any issues with printer
set-up the report is now displayed in the system text editor (Notepad/Wordpad). From here it
can be printed with full control of the result and at the same time provides for adding any
comments before printing.
o DXF Export – Additional underscore characters were being added to part (block) names on
export preventing the Atom DXF to DIE converter performing properly. The export now also
exports data in layer 8 by default instead of 0, but this is unlikely to be a problem in most places
and, with the Atom DXF to DIE converter, can be accounted for. In future the AAMA format is
likely to be used by the converter as a simpler means to separate line types for tool assignments,
than the existing one of setting specific colours.
o Grade Increments Crash – It was possible to crash the program when entering new increment
values. Fixed.
o Splash screens – In any other language than English the splash screen showed version 2013
instead of 2014. Fixed.

What's new in Engineer Pro 2014 R1 SP1

o Priority Select – A minor problem with the double-click action when the Alt key was held down
has been fixed.
o DXF – The DXF export failed when part names included Chinese characters. This has been
o Notches - A small fix was needed in respect of correctly including some notches into boundaries
of old patterns.
o Procam – An update to the DLL for this import function.
o Grade Centres - An extra test has been put into to catch a ‘cyclic error’ that prevented a pattern
from grading.
o Trace – Aborting the trace function before completing the loading of the image could make it
impossible to remove the image from the pattern. This has been corrected.
o Middle button zoom - The zoom function using the middle button thumbwheel wasn’t quite
correct when used on a second monitor. This has been corrected.
o Digitiser – Support for a three button stylus with a Drawingboard VI has been added.

What's new in Engineer Pro 2014 R1

o Priority Select – IMPORTANT - A significant change, please read the help. A new option that is
active by default and adds some intelligence to the selection of data. Full details in the help, but
an example is that if you make the effort to position your cursor where there is a small detail like
a notch, then it's reasonable to assume that is what you want to select, and the program picks it
without displaying the 'ambiguity' dialog. The action can be overridden by holding down the Alt
key while picking. This works both ways, when the option is 'on', holding the Alt key inhibits
'priority select', when the option is 'off' holding the Alt key down invokes it.
o Pattern Corruption - A fix was included in 2013R1SP2 that should have stopped the corruption
of patterns when saved. In the 2014R1 version additional changes have been done that will,
much of the time, allow Engineer to open and make the best it can of these corrupted files.
However, full recovery is impossible and the loss of 'top level' dependants like boundaries can't
be eliminated.
o Quick Chain - A new function that adds some intelligence to the process of making a chain,
anticipating the chain you want and highlighting it. Making a chain with 3 lines with ends off
takes just 2 clicks. The new process is designed to work ONLY with 'real' intersections, if you
need to create a chain using 'projected' intersections use the standard function. Note also that
this is a way to CREATE a chain QUICKLY; the existing function is used to edit the chain later if
o Constrained Functions - The new 'quick chain' function now forms the basis of the three
constrained functions making the use of these functions faster. In addition if a part with a
mirrored boundary is active the new features will also be mirrored automatically.
o Margin - If you need to change the value of an allowance (margin) as a part grades you can now
select a range of sizes.
o Select All Like - A new function and addition to the Edit menu. If you select a particular line type
and use the menu option or press Shift+Ctrl+A, you pick all the lines of the selected type. You
can pick more than one line type and do the same thing. An example of using this would be to
pick one boundary, press Shift+Ctrl+A, and then Ctrl+J to hide them all.
o Boundaries - The 'Single Click' boundary function of selecting by 'zones' has been rolled into the
single boundary option. Whichever process continues to be used to make a new boundary
depends on whether your initial selection is a line or zone.
o Radius/Chamfer - The action of being able to step around all the intersections and apply radii by
using the left/right arrows keys is now 'circular' and not just start to end. The function still copies
and applies a radius or chamfer at each intersection but skips notches when the origin
intersection is a chamfer, since it makes no sense to apply a chamfer to a notch. Also although
there are actually two intersections at a notch it is treated as a single intersection. If the current
radius value cannot be fitted at a notch the notch is quietly skipped.
o Copy Radius/Chamfer - A couple of small bugs have been fixed in this function and at the same
time some improvements have been made and picking the desired intersection or radius is now
easier. In common with the Radius/Chamfer function it is not possible to copy a chamfer to a
notch intersection.
o DXF – IMPORTANT - A new option is added to the General panel, 'Exchange'. When set, the
program uses PSExchange as the default processor for DXF imports, as is currently used for
'Open DXF'. The reasoning behind this is to take advantage of the separate development
resources to handle development and bug fixing of the import processes. Using the 'Exchange'
option may also improve import results from some sources, because it has the feature of
selecting a 'configuration file' that sets conditions for a particular DXF export. However, typically
the existing 'native' import function is currently faster and you can turn 'Exchange' off if you
prefer. Note though that this part of the program will now only receive bug fixes, future
improvements will be made only to the PSExchange based process.
o AAMA DXF - This export option has been added to the outputs for better support of cutting
o ISO/CNC - In support of the Orimill pallet milling machine from Orisol this output has been
extended at 2014R1, and the extension changed from .iso to .cnc.
o StitchTec - SXF/PGS - When the Orisol SXF format is exported from StitchTec it is now converted
to a PGS file at the same time, creating two files. The PGS file is required by more recent models
of Orisol auto stitching machines. The PGS file in this version lacks the newer 'directives' that can
be used on the newer Orisol auto stitching machines; these will be added as part of the next
o Grade Centres - An extra parameter to set the size of the label has been added to the
keyword GCENTER in the 'engineer.env' file. The first parameter is the colour of the GC
cross, normally 5 (magenta) and after a space a new value, default 1, is added to set the
scale of the label text. The value can only be an integer, so 2 doubles the size of the label
to make it more visible.
Installation and Configuration changes introduced with version 2013 R1

If possible you should read these notes BEFORE you install the latest 2013R1 version of Engineer
because the default configuration and location of settings files for the program installation has

If you have already installed and configured version 2013R1 then these notes should not be required
as the 2014R1 installation or later will pick up the existing configuration fully and update it where

After the installation the new set-up will probably NOT be referencing your old configuration files or
data locations from versions that predate 2013R1. Having read these notes you may decide to move
your configuration files to the new locations or, more likely, you can change the paths to suit where
your files actually are. To gain this simplification this is a ‘one-time’ pain and future updates will
maintain your settings and data locations.

These notes contain a lot of detail to assist IT support and describe all the changes to an Engineer
installation. If you just want to update your data locations and avoid all the ‘techie’ details then the
new default locations for data are detailed here. Note in particular the Library changes and “Values”
become “General Configuration”. There is a graphical illustration of the changes at the end of this

The main changes are a simplified set-up, rationalisation of data locations and a very much reduced
reliance on the Windows™ ‘registry’ to store user preferences and settings. Settings have also been
rationalised into two new files ‘engineer.env’ and ‘eng_paths.env’. The former is an amalgamation of
the old registry entries with the previous two separate ‘global.env’ and ‘local.env’ files. The
‘eng_paths.env’ file recreates what was in the registry with some new properties.


• Engineer always requires 'administrator’ rights to install it.

• Engineer often needs to be run by users with very limited rights.
• Certain types of data may often need to be accessed via a shared server.
• It's not normally possible to write ANY environmental files created by the user in the
Engineer installation folder or any other restricted area.
• Sometimes restrictions imposed by IT departments severely limit access to the registry.
• The majority of the time it is now 'one person - one PC' and pretty unlikely that two users
will log on and use the same desktop PC. But these same users may need to share a laptop
into which they plug their dongle when they travel.

A choice is presented of where to install the program. The default presented follows normal
Windows™ and Delcam plc convention, something like:

Which is an installation for any 32 bit revision of Engineer 2014R1. The actual version installed
would be something like 14.1.78. Any updates to this as a ‘service patch’ will be installed in this
same folder.

The assumption above is that no other Delcam program has been installed which may already have
set the primary installation location overriding the default.

For the purposes of these notes the default is assumed.

The question of 32 or 64 bit installation plays a part too. It is normally easier and recommended to
just stick with the default location presented.

See Installation of 32 or 64 bit versions and Windows 8 Installation.

The way the installation works means that a previous installation can't ever be replaced or

You have to manually uninstall older versions. However, this means that you can retain the old
version to fall back to if anything happens or you do not like the new version.

Note 1: Data created by a new version is NOT normally readable by a previous version.

Note 2: Due to these significant changes your existing (pre-2013R1) environment is NOT
collected from the old setup so you will need to reset your preferences, such as line colours.
This will be a one-time pain because of the differences between the old and new set-ups.
Updates following 2013R1 WILL pick up your environment and preferences.

Note 3: You can rename your old ‘local.env’ to replace the ‘engineer.env’. Engineer will
read this partial file on restart and update it. This can only be done after the program has
been run for the first time and the new structure has been set-up. However, it is
recommended to let Engineer create a new file to ensure that default values are set-up

Assuming a new installation, when Engineer is started for the first time, the first issue is in respect of
the location of the configuration and data. This is "%USERPROFILE%\Crispin\" and the required
structure is built automatically below this, without asking any questions.

Note 4: “%ProgramFiles%” is a system variable, ‘pointing’ to something like “C:\Program

Files”. “%USERPROFILE%” is another system variable, ‘pointing’ to something like
“C:\Users\user_name\” (in Vista and higher).

Note 5: While you can install Engineer in them, officially Delcam plc no longer supports
Windows XP™ or Vista™ so these notes assume at least W7.

In addition, default data like the Report format files, Edge Templates and Increments are copied in to
place from an ‘Examples’ folder in the Engineer installation location.

To keep it simple for new installations it is typical of Windows™ applications to assume a structure in
the users 'home' (%USERPROFILE%) directory.
If this is an upgrade to a version older than 2013R1 and your data is NOT normally in this location or
it’s a new installation and you do NOT want your data to be in this location, then the FIRST thing you
should do, on running the program, is to set or reset your data paths, then copy or move your
existing data if any.

Because of the new 'consolidation of paths', described below, changing the set-up using the
Engineer options dialog for paths is now simpler and easier, there being just 5 paths to set.

Usually, the only configuration files that Engineer may need to share, relate to part names and
properties so they have a separate path. However, the same path could be set for 'General Config'
and 'PartsConfig' to share both if necessary.

In the event that you REALLY want to control each and every directory then you can edit the paths
file (eng_paths.env). In a corporate environment IT staff would normally do this, editing the file
directly with a text editor, and then copy it so that they could then propagate the same set-up
through all the systems. This assumes that each PC for each user in a corporate environment is set-
up the same, not always the case.

32 and 64 bit Installations

Engineer is available in both 32 and 64 bit compilations. During the installation, on a PC running a 64
bit version of the operating system older than Windows 7 you can choose to install either the 32 or
64 bit version or both versions. On a PC running a 32 bit version of the operating system you can
only install the 32 bit version.

During the installation a choice is presented of where to install the program. The default presented
follows normal Windows and Delcam convention, something like "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Delcam\Engineer1301\sys\exec", which is a 32bit installation of Engineer 2013R1.

A 64 bit install is something like, "C:\Program Files\Delcam\Engineer1301\sys\exec64".

If you can install the 64 bit version performance should be better, especially if the PC has a lot of

As part of the installation are options to install PSExchange, PAFWizard and ShoeCloud. You should
install PSExchange because it provides the means to import and convert other CAD file formats. You
do not need PAFWizard but it can be very useful for resolving license problems.

ShoeCloud is optional and you only need to install this if you plan to use it.

If you install both 64bit and 32bit versions of Engineer do not install PSExchange or PAFWizard
again. But you WILL need to install a matching 32bit version of ShoeCloud.

As part of the process a version of the MS Visual C runtime is also installed. If it already exists you
are prompted to Repair or Skip. Repair is usually the best option.

The required Sentinel drivers for the licencing dongle are installed as part of the process it is
normally best to plug your dongle in once the driver is installed.
Note 6: It is Delcam plc policy to only officially support the 64bit version of Windows 8™
and long term plans are to only support 64bit versions of Windows™ 7 and higher by the
start of 2015. But you can install to Windows 8 32bit by running the installer using the
right-click ‘Troubleshoot Compatibility’ option and choosing an older version of Windows.
See below.
Windows 8 Installation

Normally when installing Engineer into a Windows 8 64bit PC the Delcam installer defaults to the
64bit installation and you are not given the option of a 32bit install.

As noted above it is company policy to only officially support programs in Windows 8 64bit version.
However this does NOT mean that you cannot install the 32bit version of Engineer, especially if you
need it to connect to a digitiser, for example.

For the DrawingBoard range of digitisers the ‘Tableworks’ driver (version TW10.10.4448) installs
without any trouble in Windows 8 64bit (or Vista or W7), but ONLY installs a 32bit version of the
‘wintab.dll’ that Engineer uses. So, in order to use this digitiser the 32bit version of Engineer is
needed to match it.

You can run BOTH 64bit and 32bit versions of Engineer on the same PC with no difficulty BUT on
Windows 8 you need to use the right-mouse context menu option; ‘Troubleshoot Compatibility’ to
install the 32 bit version.

When this process starts choose the ‘Troubleshoot Program’ option. Next, check the first option ‘The
program worked in earlier….’.

Pick ‘Windows 7’ and next click ‘Test the program’. If asked about permitting the installation,
respond ‘Yes’.

In the installer dialogue you will now have the choice of 64 or 32bit to install, choose the 32bit
option and install as normal. IF you previously installed the 64bit versions of PAFWizard and
Exchange, you don’t to install them again. But, if you plan to use ‘ShoeCloud’, you need to install the
32bit version of it too.

When complete it doesn’t matter if you save the trouble shooter settings or not.

The 64bit and 32bit versions of the program install into completely different locations but will both
share EXACTLY the same environment when running. Not surprisingly, though you can run them
both at the same time, there may be conflicts if you do.

Basic Default Structure

The following simplified structure is used.

"%USERPROFILE%\Crispin\Config" is always created (and is ‘hard coded’ – can’t be changed) and

contains the user preferences file (engineer.env) for the program and the 'paths' file (eng_paths.env)
that points to the rest of the data. This location can't be changed from within the Engineer program
or any Delcam CRISPIN application. Removal of this directory would mean a new 'first run'.
From a support point of view because these files are ALWAYS here the question of where to find
them will no longer arise. In addition, simply deleting these two files is, in effect, a complete ‘factory
reset’ when Engineer next starts. Of course it will no longer be necessary to know whether a setting
is in the ‘global’ or ‘local’ file either, since there is now only ‘engineer.env’.

The system variable “%USERPROFILE%” is the same for all versions of Windows™, but the location

For Engineer user settings this variable makes:

• XP = "C:\Documents and Settings\{User}\Crispin\Config\*.env"

• Vista and above = "C:\Users\{User}\Crispin\Config\*.env"

Default Paths


As noted above this 'hard coded' fixed path contains the environment file "engineer.env" and the
paths file "eng_paths.env" and this location cannot be changed. If a consistent setup is required
across several systems configure the program and then copy these files to other PCs or users on the
same PC.

The five directories, that can be changed in Options > Paths, set up variables that are used to define
the various sub-folders. So you can edit the file with a text editor to change one of these paths and
the change applies to all the related sub-folders. If you replace the variable for any one of these sub-
folders with a full path, Engineer accepts it.

① %USERPROFILE%\Crispin\Projects\Patterns\

The top level folder for files, (*.shoe, *.pat or *.dpt if they exist). Typically you will change this to
another local drive or shared drive mounted from a server, for example; “Z:\Crispin\Patterns\”. In a
multi-user environment each user can set this to his or her folder on the server, such as
“Z:\Crispin\Patterns\Brian\” or “Z:\Crispin\Patterns\Season\Spring\” and change it regularly as
needed. This assumes that all users ‘mount’ the server to the same logically drive, you need to be
aware that on another PC the data may be “S:\Crispin\Patterns\Joe\”!

② %USERPROFILE%\Crispin\Libraries\

Contains sub-directories for Increments, Edges, Shapes, Templates, Parts Store, (StitchTec) Pallets,
Fittings and Report Templates (*.fmt). Default data will be copied here if Engineer has to make a
new folder structure.

You will probably need to copy or move your existing library folders like ‘Increments’ below the
‘Libraries’ folder and you may also wish that your library files are also the same drive and shared like
your patterns, for example: “Z:\Crispin\Libraries\”.

③ %USERPROFILE%\Crispin\Engineer\General
All the other Engineer configuration information, excluding parts settings, is all at this one level;
*.pck (auto-parts), *.val (value lists), 'quick.log' and so on, no other sub-folders. You can put this
folder on another drive if you wish but it’s not normally something you need to share.

Note 7: In older versions of the program this was referred to as the ‘Values’ path for some
of the files.

Note 8: The two old *.env files are NOT here, the equivalent to these is the single file;
"%USERPROFILE%\Crispin\Config\engineer.env". See Note 3.

④ %USERPROFILE%\Crispin\Engineer\PartsConfig\

Part names, part properties, print boxes and so on, that may need to be shared, are on a separate
path to facilitate this. The plotter configuration files are also saved here because of the probable
need to share. The files are 'plot.cfg' for the plot title block and a sub-directory (Logo) containing the
plot logo. An example of a shared location would be: “Z:\Crispin\PartsConfig\” or perhaps

⑤ %USERPROFILE%\Crispin\Exports\

All the existing exports, with the same default sub-directory names, are below this directory. If they
don’t exist Engineer creates 25 sub-folders to where data such as DXF or IGES is exported. Note that
this also now includes Engineer generated 'Reports' by default.

Additional Comments

When viewed in Options > Paths the variable “%USERPROFILE%” is translated to the actual path to
make it clear what it actually is.

On the occasion when something different is needed the entire path can either be changed via the
option dialog in Engineer or the 'paths' environment file (eng_paths.env) can be edited in more

Often it’s necessary to share the Exports path so that a PC running a cutter or costing application can
access the data. Like the other examples the simplest way to do this is to use a shared drive so your
Exports path could be, for example: “Z:\Crispin\Exports\”. The computer running the cutting or
costing program would mount the ‘Z’ drive and then ‘look’ for the required exports folder. Taking
PatternCut as an example it would be looking for “Z:\Crispin\Exports\cutfiles\”.

Note 9: Changing any path does NOT relocate the data in it.

By default this folder contains the libraries (sub-folders) for (Grade) Increments, Edge Templates,
Shapes, Parts Store, (Pattern) Templates, Pallets, Fittings and Reports templates.

The path can be changed in the options panel, affecting the entire library and up to eight sub-
folders. To 'micro manage' this and put the Edge Templates in a different location, for example, edit
the paths file.
Note 10: Instead of editing the paths it’s recommended that you copy individual folders
that you may already have like ‘Increments’ or ‘Edges’ into this Libraries folder. If you
chose to move the data and want to be able to access them from an old version, change
the path settings for the old version. Having just the one ‘Libraries’ folder makes it easier
to share.

Library (folder) Description

Increments The location for Engineer grade increment files. Normally there are only a
few increment files and they are probably all in this one folder. Increment
files have the extension *.inc.

Edges Edge Templates are .pat files that can be dragged onto the edges of (part)
boundaries to add allowances and other details.

Shapes Shapes are .pat files that can be dragged onto the workspace (pattern) to
add frequently used detail such as punches. You can use File menu
template options to open or save shapes.

PartStore The Parts Store contains part definitions, as .pat files, for re-use in other

Templates You can use a File menu template option to store any pattern as a Pattern
Template and the starting point for new patterns.

Reports The *.fmt Report template files are stored here for use when an Engineer
HTML report function is used.

Pallets The various defined sewing machine pallets for use in StitchTec.

Fittings The various defined pallet fittings, like catches, for use in StitchTec.

Example and Library Data

Files such as Edge Templates and Report formats (*.fmt) are automatically copied into place by the
installation, if there are no existing files. Directory structures are created when Engineer is first run
and then, this one time, the data held in the 'Examples' folder in the Engineer installation location is
copied into place

The Libraries sub-folder names are not editable within the Engineer program so it’s advised that you
use these names and copy your files into them. If REALLY necessary the separate paths can be
changed by editing the ‘eng_paths,env’ file.


Data Locations
If you have just installed Engineer and you are happy with the default locations (paths) for the data
then you need do nothing.
If this is an update or you want to store your data somewhere else, another drive perhaps, then you
need to edit one or more of the 5 paths in options.

You are STRONGLY advised to have some form of regular back in in place.

For more detail read the rest of this document or Default Data and Libraries at least.

Paths Comparison

The image provides some idea how the old and new paths relate.

Do NOT change the Libraries path to just ‘Increments’. Establish where your increment files are from
the old path and move or copy the ‘Increments’ folder in to the ‘Libraries’ folder. Then either move
or copy the folders containing: Edge Templates (Edges), Shapes, (Pattern) Templates, PartStore,
(StitchTec) Pallets, Fittings and Report Templates (*.fmt) files.

Instead of a long list of separate paths you ONLY need the ‘top level’ exports path. You can simply
set this to your existing Exports path.

The list at the bottom of the old paths dialog also shows where items like ‘Pallets’ will have been
stored for the older versions. You should copy these folders into the new structure and if you wish to
continue using the old version you can leave the data where it is or set the ‘old paths’ to match the
new ones.

The new simplified default structure created by Engineer when it first starts is shown below.

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