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BR #17

Reading Survey

On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions in complete answer form
and provide at least one explanatory statement. You should have at least two statements in
all for each question:

1. When you are reading, and you get confused do you

a. keep reading in hopes that things will start to make sense?
b. go back to the last place that I understood and re-read from there?
c. put the book down and come back to it later?
d. put the book down and never come back to it again?

2. How difficult is it for you to create a mental picture of what you read? 1 = easy; 10 =

3. When you read, do you ever go back and re-read parts of the book/article/poem/etc?

4. If you come across a word that you do not know or how to pronounce, do you
a. look it up and figure it out?
b. try to use the context to figure it out?
c. keep reading because you don’t feel like you need to understand every word to
understand the story?
d. skip over it because you are not paying attention to the text anyway?

5. Do you agree or disagree that authors give you all of the information that you need to
understand the story?

6. Do you agree or disagree that sometimes the author requires a reading to understand subtext,
or “read between the lines?”

7. How much does reading aloud help you understand what you are reading? 1 = not at all; 10 = I
have to read out loud to understand

8. Do you understand better when you have someone to talk to about what you read?

9.Do you prefer reading books below your reading level, at your reading level, or above your
reading level?

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