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Reprod Dom Anim 42, 583–589 (2007); doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2006.00825.

ISSN 0936-6768

Protocol of the Caesarean Section as Performed in Daily Bovine Practice in Belgium

I Kolkman1,2, S De Vliegher1, G Hoflack1, M Van Aert1, J Laureyns1, D Lips2, A de Kruif1 and G Opsomer1
Department of Reproduction, Obstetrics and Herd Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Merelbeke; 2Department of Agro- and
Biotechnology, Catholic High School Sint-Lieven, Sint Niklaas, Belgium

Contents extremely valuable. Nowadays, almost 50% of the

In the early part of the 20th century, veterinarians began to Belgian farmers own cows of the BB breed.
perform Caesarean section (CS) in cows. At first, it was a final However, selection towards hypermuscularity had the
remedy to save the calf and/or the cow in more complicated drawback that the hypermuscled calves could no longer
obstetrical cases. As in Belgium, the Belgian Blue (BB) breed be born per vias naturales. In their enthusiasm to select
has become the predominant beef breed, CS are currently double-muscled animals, farmers did not include selec-
performed on a routine basis in daily practice. The over- tion criteria on calving ease which resulted in a high
whelming success of the breed is based on its hypermuscularity
prevalence of dystocia cases. Both the narrow birth
and exceptional carcass characteristics with high killing out
(>70%). These and other characteristics made the breed canal of the mothers and the calves being oversized
popular and newborn animals valuable. Consequently, farm- caused this phenomenon. Because of the high value of
ers do not want to take any risk of losing the calf during birth. the calf, farmers were not willing to take any risk and
This, together with the fact that bovine practitioners perform asked veterinarians to perform a Caesarean section (CS)
CS successfully on a routine basis, has made CS an elective in case of any doubt during parturition. As a result,
operation. It is, however, important to remember that CS is Belgian bovine practitioners became well trained in
still a major abdominal operation and that complications are performing this operation.
not uncommon both during and after the operation. To end Because Western society nowadays pays more atten-
up with a good success rate, it is very important to follow a tion towards animal welfare, there is some aversion
high-quality and sterile surgical procedure. The current paper
present in Europe towards the purebred BB breed and CS.
describes the standard protocol by which CS are performed by
the veterinarians of the Ambulatory Clinic of the Department However, in Belgium, only few ethical objections exist
of Reproduction, Obstetrics, and Herd Health of the Faculty against the BB breed because, first, CS is generally
of Veterinary Medicine in Ghent (Belgium). The aim of the performed by well-educated and trained veterinarians –
article is to provide a successful protocol as regards CS. We who get more experience to perform other surgical
especially focus on those factors which are known to be procedures as well – and secondly, the farmers in Belgium
limiting for the success of the surgery and highlight the most are skilled in detecting parturition at an early stage. There
recent recommendations to optimize the outcome of the are also hardly any practical objections as the distances to
operation. be covered between the farms and the practice are short,
the weather is not a limiting factor and veterinarians
Introduction perform the CS for a lower price because of the high
competition. For this reason, in Belgium the CS is
The success of the Belgian Blue (BB) breed in Belgium performed on a routine basis without major constraints.
has grown since the introduction of the milk quota in It is, however, important to keep in mind that CS is
1984. To increase their income, many cattle farmers still a major abdominal operation performed in a
included beef production in their business. Because of contaminated environment and hence cannot be con-
the advantages of the BB breed, such as the quantity and sidered to be a sterile surgical procedure. This is one of
quality of the meat, Belgian farmers prefer the BB to the reasons why CS is not always without complications
other beef breeds such as Blonde d’Aquitaine or both during and after the operation. It is very important
Limousin. As the selection of these animals was merely for the veterinarian to know which factors are associ-
based on their phenotypic appearance, Belgian farmers ated with complications (Hoeben et al. 1997) and, as the
finally selected the ‘double-muscled animals’, as we success rate of a CS mainly depends on the operation
know them at present. technique (Mijten 1994), it is imperative to perform the
The hypermuscularity that characterizes this breed surgical procedure secundum artem. The present article
originates from an abnormality in the myostatin gene, a describes in detail the surgical procedure currently used
single autosomal recessive gene that is located on by the veterinary practitioners of the Ambulatory Clinic
chromosome 2 (Grobet et al. 1998). In BB animals, this of the Department of Reproduction, Obstetrics, and
gene misses a segment of 11 nucleotides which causes the Herd Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in
gene to be switched off, resulting in a deficiency of Ghent (Belgium) and the way it is taught to the students.
genetic restraint on muscular development. The original On a yearly basis, approximately 850 CS are performed
double-purpose breed of Middle and Upper Belgium – in the ambulatory practice and approximately 300 in the
the origin of the BB – gradually evolved into a pure beef clinic. The protocol described here summarizes the
breed. Farmers were furthermore encouraged to support procedure which has – based on considerable practical
this breed because of the price the Belgian wholesaler experience – proven to give the most successful results in
was willing to pay. All the aforementioned characteris- practice.
tics made the breed popular and newborn animals

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584 I Kolkman, S De Vliegher, G Hoflack, M Van Aert, J Laureyns, D Lips, A de Kruif and G Opsomer

Indications for CS Obstetrical Examination

There are different indications to perform a CS. Being confronted with an obstetrical case, the veteri-
Through the development of the BB, the most important narian always starts with the anamnesis, followed by an
indication nowadays is the oversize of the (living) calf inspection of the cow and a thorough obstetrical
(Frazer and Perkins 1995; de Kruif 2003). This can be examination by vaginally probing. The latter consists
caused by muscular hypertrophy (especially in breeds of a vaginal examination during which the vagina, vulva
with characteristic muscular hypertrophy, as in the case and the uterus are checked for possible injuries. He/she
of the BB breed), prolonged gestation, inappropriate also verifies the dilatation of the cervix and the vagina.
crossbreeding or premature breeding of (dairy) heifers Besides that, the viability, the position and the size of
(Frazer and Perkins 1995). Dystocia may be caused by the calf (relative to the size of the birth canal) are
the size of the calf (absolutely oversized calf) or may be carefully checked. To ascertain whether the cow can be
caused by the cow, in case of a narrow birth canal delivered per viam naturalem, the veterinarian can try to
(relatively oversized calf). Other indications for CS in extract the calf. If a normal delivery is impossible or too
cows are the presence of an irreducible uterine torsion risky, a CS is indicated.
and an incomplete cervical dilatation (Mijten 1994; de
Kruif 2003; Newman and Anderson 2005). Indications
that occur less frequently are: serious anomalies in Left Flank Surgical Procedure with the Cow in
presentation, foetal malformation, uterine rupture, the Standing Position
fracture of the pelvis, and tumours of the vagina, cervix Preparation and anaesthesia
or uterus (Frazer and Perkins 1995; de Kruif 2003; When the veterinarian decides to perform a CS, the cow
Newman and Anderson 2005). A previous CS is a is moved to a clean and brightly lit place in the stable.
significant risk factor for a CS in dairy cows (Barkema The cow’s head is tied to the left to prevent it from
et al. 1992). falling on the wound in question during the operation.
An assistant or the farmer is positioned by the head of
Choice of Surgical Approach the cow to distract/restrain it and to help in case of an
emergency situation (e.g. to keep the head on the left
The choice of the surgical approach mainly depends on when the cow falls down). Standing with its right against
the experience of the veterinarian. However, sometimes a wall or barrier will avoid the cow from swinging back
other factors such as the physical condition of the cow and forth. The most ideal way is to place the cow in a CS
and its calf and the facilities available may be even more box. This is a specially designed box made of a few metal
determining in deciding the appropriate surgical ap- bars with one bar protecting the veterinarian from
proach. The very first CS were emergency operations getting kicked (Fig. 1).
and were performed with the cow in the standing Initially, tocolyticum (clenbuterol-hydrochloride,
position (Mijten 1994). However, after the Second 0.15 mg) is injected in the tail vein to relax the uterus.
World War, veterinarians preferred the recumbent The tail is tied up to the right hind limb to prevent the
position which can be explained by the fact that most cow from contaminating the surgical area. At no time,
CS took place in clinics (Mijten 1994). For the past should the tail be tied to anything else but the animal
30 years, the standing flank procedure is favoured, in itself, as the tail could be torn off if attached to, e.g. the
case no overwhelming uterine contamination is present, CS box, when the animal flees . If necessary, the left hind
and in case the cow is not in the recumbent position. The limb can be fastened with a rope to prevent the cow
advantages of the flank procedure are that sedation is from kicking the surgeon. This is however not always
only seldom necessary and that the cow is tractable
(Andrews et al. 2004). The flank procedure can be
performed at the left or the right side. In general, the left
flank procedure is preferred, because surgery on the
right side entails a greater risk of eventration of the
intestines during the operation and is difficult for right-
handed people.
In case of an emphysematous calf, heavily contam-
inated uterine fluids, or a recumbent cow, should be
performed with the animal in lateral decubitus. In this
position, there are different options to open the
abdominal cavity: the flank incision, incision along
the linea alba (median incision), incision between linea
alba and mammary vein (paramedian incision), inci-
sion parallel to the groin pleat (incision of Merkt) and
the ventro-lateral incision (de Kruif 2003). At our
department, the last technique is preferred, because
compared with the linea alba technique there is less
risk of postoperative hernia and in comparison with
other techniques exteriorization of a contaminated
uterus is easier. Fig. 1. A Caesarean section box

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Caesarean Section 585

possible and mainly depends on the situation and the intramuscularly. The authors prefer procaine hydrochlo-
nature of the cow . The use of a CS box should always ride adrenaline to minimize bleeding during the incision.
be aimed for, as this significantly improves the circum- After injection of the local anaesthetic, the operation site
stances in which the operation has to be performed and is rewashed with a disinfecting (iodine) soap, the hair
hence contributes to the success of the operation to a around is dried again and the area is disinfected with
large extent. alcohol and povidone–iodine solution. If possible, a
Sedation by means of a2 agonists is used in case of an plastic folio is placed over the crossbeam of the CS box to
agitated cow. The authors however realize that the prevent contamination of the uterus and the suture
activity of these products is low when they are injected material.
at the time of agitation. Known side effects of a2 The relaxing effect of clenbuterol (Dawson and
agonists are rumen atony and uterine contractions as Murray 1992; Mijten 1994; Frazer and Perkins 1995)
well as certain effects on the calf (Andrews et al. 2004). and isoxsuprine which is not available in Belgium at
The oxygen supply to the foetus can be affected through present (Mijten 1994), is because of their effect on the
bradycardia, hypotension and uterine contractions b2-receptors on the myometrium of the uterus. On the
caused by the a2 agonists (Mijten 1994). A 6–10 mg other hand, when the uterus is already contracted,
dose of xylazin is used (0.01–0.016 mg/kg) (Frazer and the effect of these drugs is low. The use of a sedative in
Perkins 1995). the form of phenothiazine, xylazine, detomidine, ace-
Epidural anaesthesia is applied when the cow is promazine and butorphanol tartrate is described (Mijten
pressing heavily. However, this should be administered 1994). Phenothiazine, however, induces vasodilatation
with care as a slight overdose might cause unsteadiness which may lead to foetal hypoxemia and bleeding
and even recumbency, which is unwanted. For that (Mijten 1994).
reason, we never administer more than 2 ml (80 mg) of a Besides the use of procaine 4% for local anaesthesia,
procaine solution containing 4% adrenaline. When the lidocaı̈ne 2% is also described (Nuyten 1996; Newman
cow has been in labour for a longer time, it is better to and Anderson 2005). Other techniques besides line block
avoid epidural anaesthesia or to give it in a very low as described here are the L-block (Mijten 1994; Newman
dose. and Anderson 2005) and the paravertebral block of the
Next, the operation site on the left flank is washed T13, L1 L2 and L3 spinal nerves (Frazer and Perkins
(from 10 cm cranially of the last rib till after the tuber 1995; Andrews et al. 2004; Newman and Anderson
coxae), an ample surgical area is shaved (Fig. 2) and the 2005). Paravertebral anaesthesia is rather difficult to
area above the transversal vertebrae is thoroughly dried achieve in hypermuscled BB animals and can cause
to prevent contamination by moisture that is running hyperaemia of the muscle, leading to bleeding (Mijten
down. Subsequently, the region is disinfected with alco- 1994).
hol. Local anaesthesia is achieved by a line block about
5 cm behind from the most caudal part of the last rib or
5 cm caudal from the incision of a previous CS with 80– Surgical tools
120 ml of a local anaesthetic (procaine hydrochloride The standard surgical material consists of a scalpel and
containing 4% of adrenaline, 3200–4800 mg of procaine) a disposable scalpel blade, a pair of tissue scissors for
over a length of 40–50 cm, partly subcutaneously, partly blunt dissection of the soft tissues, a pair of suture

Fig. 2. Shaved surgical area with

the position of the incision

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586 I Kolkman, S De Vliegher, G Hoflack, M Van Aert, J Laureyns, D Lips, A de Kruif and G Opsomer

scissors, a pair of disserting forceps, a number of blood severely. If prolongation of the uterine incision is
vessel clamps, calving chains and handles, a number of necessary, it should be done in the ventral direction
cutting and round needles, a needle holder and a uterine away from the corpus uteri. The hind limbs are freed
forceps. from foetal membranes and the loops of the calving
chains are placed around either the hind limbs (anterior
positioning of the calf) or forelimbs (posterior position-
Surgical technique ing of the calf), and at that time the calf can be pulled
The incision of the skin and dermis runs from approxi- out of the uterus. When dragging the calf out of the
mately 10 cm below the lumbar transverse processes in uterus, the obstetrician carefully massages the uterus
the mid-paralumbar fossa to 30–45 cm lower and is over the hind or forelimbs of the calf in an attempt to
situated 5 cm caudally from the most caudal part of the prevent the uterus from tearing. Attention is paid to
last rib, or 5 cm caudally from the scar of the previous prevent placentomes from being torn off. The surgeon
CS (Fig. 2). The subcutaneous tissues, the m. obliquus should at all times be ready to extend the abdominal
abdominis externus and m. obliquus abdominis internus wall incision because excessive stretching of the sur-
are vertically incised one by one with the scalpel. rounding tissues may cause postoperative seroma for-
Squirting blood vessels are clamped or sutured. The mation (Frazer and Perkins 1995). When lifting the calf
m. transversus abdominis is cut with tissue scissors or out of the uterus, pulling is stopped at the moment both
cleaved in the direction of the muscle fibres. Then, the hind limbs and the backside of the calf are delivered. At
peritoneum is lifted with a dissecting forceps to avoid the same time, the veterinarian grips the umbilicus
cutting of the underlying rumen and is cut with blunt 10 cm from its base by his left hand. While this hand
tissue scissors. The abdominal cavity is opened and the strongly holds the umbilicus, the amnion sheet is torn
veterinarian can locate the pregnant uterine horn. towards the calf. Thereafter, the calf can be completely
When the calf is in anterior presentation, the calf may delivered.
be located with its back or its hind limbs towards the When the calf is alive at the start of the operation, and
operational wound. In this case, the hock of the nearest the operation performed at an early stage of parturition,
hind limb is used to locate the calf and to manoeuvre the the amniotic fluid is generally minimally contaminated
pregnant horn in the abdominal wound. To do so, the and a leakage of uterine fluids into the abdomen during
right hand is placed around the claws and the left hand the operation is of no risk. If the operation is performed
under the tarsus of the nearest hind limb so that the foot in a later stage of parturition, mostly in the case of dairy
can be ‘locked’ into the dorsal end of the skin incision. cows, uterine fluids may be (heavily) infected and in this
Straight grasping of the calf’s extremities through the case, an attempt should be made to avoid uterine fluids
uterine wall should be avoided because of the risk of from entering the abdominal cavity in order to avoid
perforating the uterus with the fingers. peritonitis. In case the uterus is excessively infected,
The procedure is totally different when the calf is in preference should be given to perform the operation in a
posterior presentation. Then, the veterinarian is con- recumbent position. Performing the operation in this
fronted with the head and the forelimbs of the calf in the position significantly reduces the risk of contamination
uterine horn and should carefully grasp one forelimb of the abdomen and hence of peritonitis. Once the calf is
through the uterine wall and guide it towards the born, its vitality is checked and it is brought to a box on
incision site. Through a small incision in the uterine wall clean straw bedding. The umbilical cord is disinfected
the veterinarian grasps one of the metacarpi. After with tincture of iodine.
extending the incision, the first forelimb is exteriorized
from the uterus followed by the head and finally the
other forelimb. It is important to get one forelimb out Suturing
first before the head and then the other forelimb, to After ensuring the absence of a second calf, the
prevent the head from turning backwards, potentially veterinarian exteriorizes the complete uterine horn and
causing a tear in the uterine wall. immobilizes it with a uterine forceps, which is held by an
When the calf is presented with its back towards the assistant. To facilitate suturing, it is often helpful to cut
surgeon (Fig. 3), in anterior as well as posterior pres- the foetal membranes which are hanging out of the
entation, the uterus and calf should be turned around uterus. Before closing the uterine incision, the surgeon
their longitudinal axis. To do so, the surgeon puts his thoroughly examines the uterine wall for bleeding
left hand and arm under the pregnant uterine horn, and (caused by squirting blood vessels, scattered bleeding
pulls the metatarsus/carpus towards him. Meanwhile, in the wall or bleeding placentomes). Bleeding vessels
he/she pushes the back of the calf away with his right are tied off individually and in case of diffuse bleeding of
hand, finally rotating the uterus around its longitudinal the uterine wall, it should be sutured continuously. Then
axis. Twisting the calf should be done calmly to prevent the uterus is closed with a synthetic absorbable mono-
the cow from falling down. filament using a round needle starting well above the
In case of an anterior presentation of the calf, and incision and using an inverting pattern without penet-
after rotating the calf, if necessary, the uterus is cut ration of the wall. We use a single modified Cushing
along its curvatura major with tissue scissors carefully suture pattern (Figs 4 and 5), paying special attention
avoiding cutting the placentomes. The incision should not to expose any suture material, in particular, the
be long enough to avoid uterine tears when pulling out knots. Both the use of the synthetic absorbable mono-
the calf. Too large an incision reaching the cervix filament and the single modified Cushing suture pattern
should, however, be avoided as this complicates suturing are nowadays recommended in order to avoid peri-

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Caesarean Section 587


Fig. 3. Position of the calf in the

uterus and the method of turning it
(Illustration by G. Verhoeven & I.

uterine adhesions optimally. Care is taken not to there is a risk of leakage, a two-layer closure is
incorporate the foetal membranes into the suture. When indicated. To ensure an adequate inverting closure, the
uterine fluids are excessively contaminated or in case modified Cushing suture is followed by a normal

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588 I Kolkman, S De Vliegher, G Hoflack, M Van Aert, J Laureyns, D Lips, A de Kruif and G Opsomer

Fig. 4. Sutering technique of the uterus – the modified Cushing (de Kruif 2003)

Cushing pattern. If a ‘Y’ or ‘T’ tear has occurred and always sutured separately with a simple continuous
there is no clear overview of the uterine incision, an pattern.
initial closure can be performed by a continuous suture Before closing the abdominal cavity, penicillin
with interlocking pattern, subsequently followed by a (12 000 IE/kg ) is sprayed intra-abdominally. In case
Cushing pattern. A more regular tear can also be of excessive contamination of the abdominal cavity, a
sutured with the modified or simple Cushing pattern broad-spectrum antibiotic is used (usually a combina-
alone. Before closing the uterus, 1 g of oxytetracycline is tion of penicillin and neomycin). Penicillin is also
let into the lumen. After suturing, the uterine incision is sprayed between each separate muscle layer before
carefully checked for leakage. If no leakage is present, closure. Next, the subcutaneous tissues are sutured
the uterus is put back into the abdominal cavity. If using a continuous mattress pattern. Finally, the skin is
leakage is present, a second layer is applied and the closed with a continuous interlocking suture. For all the
incision is once more checked. layers – muscles, subcutaneous tissues and the skin – a
Superfluous blood and fluids are further removed synthetically absorbable polyfilament (USP 2) and a
from the abdominal cavity after which it is closed. In cutting needle are currently used. After closure of the
heifers, the peritoneum and m. transversus abdominis skin, aluminium or plastic spray is applied on the wound
are sutured together with the m. obliquus abdominis to protect it against insects and dust. Penicillin (6–
internus using a simple continuous everting suture 12 million IE) and oxytocin (50–100 IE), to provoke
pattern to strictly appose the peritoneum at both sides uterine contractions, are injected intramuscularly. After
of the wound. In older cows with thicker muscle layers, the operation, the cow is taken to a clean maternity pen
the m. obliquus abdominis internus needs to be sutured and made to fast for 1 day. The farmer meticulously
separately. The m. obliquus abdominis externus is observes the cow and in case of disease (retained

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Caesarean Section 589

layers,Dawson and Murray (1992), Frazer and Perkins

(1995) and Newman and Anderson (2005) advise closing
the peritoneum and the m. transversus abdominis
together and the two oblique muscle layers together
using one single, continuous layer. Interrupted sutures
can also be used (Cattel and Dobson 1990). To prevent
the incidence of seroma, some postulate that it is better
to include the underlying layer in every second or third
stitch of the suture (Hoeben et al. 1997).

Andrews AH, Boyd H, Blowey RW, Eddy RG, 2004: Bovine
Medicine Diseases and Husbandry of Cattle. Blackwell
Science, Oxford , pp. 1115–1118.
Barkema HW, Schukken YH, Guard CL, Brand A, vander
Weyden GC, 1992: Cesarean section in dairy cattle: a study
of risk factors. Theriogenology 37, 489–506.
Busch W, 1993: Kaiserschnitt. In: Busch W, Schulz J (eds),
Geburtshilfe bei Haustieren. Gustav Fischer Verslag, Jena,
pp. 345–352.
Cattel JH, Dobson H, 1990: A survey of caesarean opera-
tions on cattle in general veterinary practice. Vet Rec 20,
Fig. 5. Close-up of a modified Cushing
Dawson JC, Murray R, 1992: Caesarean sections in cattle
placenta, fever, recumbency, etc.) immediately contacts attended by a practice in Cheshire. Vet Rec 131, 525–527.
De Wit F, Raymakers R, Westerbeek J, 1993: Een onderzoek
the veterinarian. naar vergroeiingen van de uterus na het hechten van de
Catgut is the material of choice for suturing the uterus uterus met catgut of vicrylÒ bij de section caesarea van het
(Cattel and Dobson 1990; Frazer and Perkins 1995; de rund. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 118, 478–488.
Kruif 2003; Andrews et al. 2004; Newman and Ander- Frazer G, Perkins N, 1995: Cesarean section. Vet Clin North
son 2005) next to polyglycolic acid, polyglactin (Frazer Am Food Anim Pract 11, 19–35.
and Perkins 1995) and nylon monofilament (Cattel and Grobet L, Poncelet D, Royo Martin LJ, Brouwers B,
Dobson 1990). Some reports describe that there is no Pirottin D, Micheaux C, Ménissier F, Zanotti M, Dunner
difference in the number and severity of adhesions S, Georges M, 1998: Molecular definition of an allelic series
observed when using catgut and polyglactin 910 (De Wit of mutations disrupting the myostatin function and causing
double-muscling in cattle. Mamm Genome 9, 210–213.
et al. 1993). A disadvantage of polyglycolic acid and
Hoeben D, Mijten P, de Kruif A, 1997: Factors influencing
polyglactin is that these materials are woven, giving complications during caesarean section on the standing cow.
them a cutting effect on the tissues (Mijten 1994). In Vet Q 19, 88–92.
Belgium, the use of catgut in veterinary medicine is still de Kruif A, 2003: Cursus Voortplanting en Verloskunde van
allowed in contrast to human medicine. It will, however, de Huisdieren. Faculteit Diergeneeskunde, Universiteit
most probably be banned in the near future because of Gent, Merelbeke, pp. 75–84.
the potential risk associated with transmissible spong- Mijten P, 1994: Complicaties van de Keizersnede bij the Rund.
iforme encephalopathy (TSE). The latter being another Proefschrift Doctor in de Diergeneeskundige Wetenschap-
important reason for preferring synthetic suture mater- pen. Faculteit Diergeneeskunde, Gent, pp. 5–220.
ial to catgut. Newman KD, Anderson DE, 2005: Cesarean section in cows.
Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 21, 73–100.
The technique of the modified Cushing suture pattern
Nuyten J, 1996: Operaties in de rundveepraktijk. 1. Laparo-
to close the uterus has been described (Frazer and tomie. Diergeneeskd Memo, 3, 2–15.
Perkins 1995; de Kruif 2003; Andrews et al. 2004), but Wolfe DF, Baird AN, 1993: Female urogenital surgery in
other techniques such as the Lembert suture (Cattel and cattle. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 9, 369–388.
Dobson 1990; Dawson and Murray 1992) or a simple
continuous pattern can also be considered. Some Submitted: 08.08.2006
authors advise using the double layer of the uterus at
all times (Dawson and Murray 1992; Busch 1993) Author’s address (for correspondence): Iris Kolkman, Department of
Reproduction, Obstetrics and Herd Health, Faculty of Veterinary
whereas others believe this is only necessary in case of Medicine, Ghent University, Salisburylaan 133, B-9820 Merelbeke,
a contaminated uterus and/or a dead calf (Wolfe and Belgium. E-mail:
Baird 1993; Mijten 1994), as we do. As for the muscle

Ó 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation Ó 2007 Blackwell Verlag

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