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jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.


Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)
izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr
la- 473] ubZ fnYyh] eaxyokj] tqykbZ 28] 2015@Jko.k 6] 1937
No. 473] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2015/SRAVANA 6, 1937

आवास और शहरी गरीबी उपशमन

उपशमन मंालय
नई दली, 27 जुलाई, 2015

िन. 586
(अ).—कीय सरकार, पथ िवेता (जीिवका संरण और पथ िवय िविनयमन) अिधिनयम,

2014 (2014 का 7) क धारा 2 क उप-धारा (1) के खंड (क) के उपखंड (i) के साथ प#ठत धारा 36 'ारा (द)त शि+तय,

का (योग करते /ए, चंडीगढ़ संघ रा2ये3 के िलए िन5निलिखत िनयम बनाती है, अथा<त् :—

अयाय 1
ारं िभक
1. (1) संि नाम और ारंभ - इन िनयम, का संि@त नाम चंडीगढ संघ रा2ये3, पथ िवेता (जीिवका संरण

और पथ िवय िविनयमन) िनयम, 2015 है ।

(2) ये राजप3 म (काशन क तारीख से (वृ)त ह,गे ।

2. परभाषा - (1) इन िनयम, म जब तक क संदभ< से अEयथा अपेित न हो,-

(क) “अिधिनयम” से, पथ िवेता (जीिवका संरण और पथ िवय िविनयमन) अिधिनयम, 2014 (2014

का 7) अिभ(ेत है ;

(ख) ‘‘उपिनयम” से अिधिनयम क धारा 37 के अधीन बनाए गए उपिनयम अिभ(ेत हG ;

(ग) ‘‘(Hप” से इन िनयम, से उपाबI (Hप अिभ(ेत है ;

(घ) ‘‘सरकार” से संघ रा2ये3 का (शासक अिभ(ेत है ;

(ङ) ‘‘िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित’’ से िशकायत, के िनपटान या िववाद, के समाधान के

िलए अिधिनयम क धारा 20 क उपधारा (1) के अधीन सरकार 'ारा ग#ठत सिमित अिभ(ेत है ;

3244 GI/2015 (1)


(च) ‘‘Kथानीय (ािधकारी’’ से अिधिनयम क धारा 2 क उपधारा (1) के खंड (ग) के अधीन यथा प#रभािषत

Kथानीय (ािधकारी अिभ(ेत है ;

(छ) “नगरपािलका आयु+त” से कसी नगर िनगम या नगर प#रषद् का आयु+त या मुPय अिधकारी अिभ(ेत है

और इसके अंतग<त, यथािKथित, संघ रा2ये3 िवकास (ािधकरण, यद कोई हो, का उपाSय या छावनी बोड< का

काय<पालक अिधकारी अिभ(ेत है ;

(ज) “िनयम” से अिधिनयम क धारा 36 के अधीन बनाए गए िनयम अिभ(ेत हG ;

(झ) “अनुसूची” से, यथािKथित, इन िनयम, या अिधिनयम से उपाबI अनुसूची अिभ(ेत है ;

(ञ) “Kक म” से अिधिनयम क धारा 38 के अधीन कीय सरकार 'ारा िवरिचत Kक म अिभ(ेत है ;

(ट) “धारा” से अिधिनयम क धारा अिभ(ेत है ।

(2) वे शWद और पद, िजनका इसम उपयोग कया गया है और इसम प#रभािषत नहX है कEतु अिधिनयम म

प#रभािषत हG, का मश: वही अथ< होगा जो उनका अिधिनयम म हG ।

अयाय 2
पथ िवय का िविनयमन
3. िवय का माणप जारी करने के िलए आयु िविहत करना कोई पथ िवेता, िजसने चौदह वष< क
- आयु पूरी कर

ली है, धारा 4 के अधीन उपबंिधत रीित म िवय का (माणप3 जारी करने के िलए पा3 होगा ।

अयाय 3
िववाद समाधान तं
4. िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमितय* का गठन- (1) अिधिनयम क धारा 20 क उपधारा (1) के

अधीन सरकार 'ारा ()येक Kथानीय (ािधकरण के िलए एक िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित का गठन कया

जाएगा, जो एक अSय, जो िसिवल Eयायाधीश या Eयाियक मिजKZेट रहा हो या तथा सदKय, के Hप म दो अEय

[यवसाियय, से िमलकर बनेगी ।

(2) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित के अSय और सदKय, क िनयुि+त सरकार 'ारा पांच वष< क

अविध के िलए क जाएगी :

परं तु कोई अSय उस Hप म 67 वष< क आयु (ा@त करने के प\चात् पद धारण नहX करे गा ।

5. िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित के सद-य के .प म/ िनयुि0त के िलए अह1ताएं

ताएं और अनुभव- कोई
[यि+त िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित म [यवसाियक सदKय के Hप म िनयुि+त के िलए पा3 होगा, यद


(i) पैतीस वष< से अिधक आयु का है कEतु पGसठ वष< से कम आयु का है ; और

(ii) कसी माEयता(ा@त िव\विव]ालय से Kनातक िड^ी रखता है ; और

(iii) यो_यता, स)यिन`ठा का िवPयात [यि+त है और उसके पास पया<@त जानकारी या कम से कम दस वष< का

समािजक काय< का या पथ िवेताa क समKयाa से िनपटने का या साव<जिनक मामल, या नगरपािलका या लोक

(शासन का अनुभव है ;

6. िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित के अय

य और सद-य* का वेतन और अ2य भ3े तथा अ2य
िनबंधन और शत1 - (1) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित का अSय और सदKय, समय-समय पर सरकार

'ारा अिधसूिचत वेतन, भ)ते और अEय प#रलिWधयां (ा@त कर गे ।

(2) सरकार, िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित के अSय और सदKय, को पद से हटा सकेगी, यद वह

(क) दवािलया Eयायिनणbत कया गया है ;

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3

(ख) ऐसे कसी अपराध के िलए दोषिसI कया गया है , िजसम कीय सरकार क राय म नैितक अधमता

अंतव<िलत है ;

(ग) शारी#रक Hप से या मानिसक Hप से अSय या सदKय के Hप म काय< करने म असमथ< हो गया है ;

(घ) उसने ऐसा िव)तीय और अEय िहत अdजत कर िलया है िजससे, यथािKथित, अSय या सदKय के Hप म

उसके कृ)य, पर (ितकूल (भाव पड़ने क संभावना है ;

(ङ) उसने अपनी हैिसयत का इस (कार दुHपयोग कया है िजससे उसका पद पर बने रहना लोक िहत के

(ितकूल हो गया है

परं तु अSय या सदKय को उसके पद से उपिनयम (2) के खंड (घ) और खंड (ड़़) म िविनgद`ट आधार, पर

िसवाय सरकार 'ारा इस िनिम)त िविनgद`ट (या के अनुसरण म क गई जांच के नहX हटाया जाएगा ।

(3) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित के अSय और सदKय, क सेवा के िनबंधन, और शतh म उनक

पदाविध के दौरान उनके अलाभ(द Hप म प#रवत<न नहX कया जाएगा ।

7. िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित को आवेदन करने का .प और रीित- (1) अिधिनयम क धारा

20 क उपधारा (2) के अधीन िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित को ()येक आवेदन (Hप 'क' म कया

जाएगा ।

(2) आवेदन पर आवेदक 'ारा हKतार कए जाएंगे और उसे उसके 'ारा या उसके (ािधकृत (ितिनिध 'ारा

िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित को या ऐसे [यि+त को (Kतुत कया जाएगा िजसे सिमित 'ारा इस िनिम)त

(ािधकृत कया जाए

(3) आवेदन तीन सेट, म फाइल कया जाएगा और उसके साथ एक सौ kपए क फ स संल_न होगी ।

(4) आवेदन के साथ आदेश या सूचना, यद कोई हो, िजसके िवkI आवेदन कया गया है और सुसंगत दKतावेज

संल_न ह,गे ।

(5) पथ िवेता 'ारा ऐसा आवेदन िशकायत या िववाद का#रत करने वाली कसी घटना के होने क तारीख से तीस

दन के भीतर कया जाएगा :

परं तु िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित िवलंब को माफ कर सकेगी यद उसका यह समाधान हो जाता

है क आवेदक को िविहत समय के भीतर आवेदन न करने से पया<@त कारण, 'ारा िनवा#रत कया गया था ।

8. आवेदन के स7यापन
यापन क8 रीित और जांच- (1) िशकायत िनपटान के ()येक आवेदन के (ा@त होने पर िशकायत

िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित 'ारा इस िनिम)त (ािधकृत [यि+त 'ारा इस (योजन के िलए रखे गए रिजKटर म

दज< क जाएगी और म संPयांक Hप से संPयांकत क जाएगी ।

(2) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित 'ारा इस िनिम)त (ािधकृत [यि+त रिजKटर म (िव`ट करने के

प\चात् आवेदन को सिमित के सम रखेगा ।

(3) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित आवेदन क सुनवाई के िलए एक तारीख िनयत करे गी जो

आवेदन फाइल करने क तारीख से पEह दन से परे नहX होगी और पकार, को सुनवाई क सूचना जारी करे गी या सूचना

जारी करना का#रत करे गी ।

(4) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित उपिनयम (2) के अधीन सूचना जारी करते समय ()यथb को

एक िलिखत कथन (Kतुत करने के िलए कहेगी और सूचना म इस (भाव का एक कथन अंतिव`ट होगा ।

(5) पकार, क हािजरी के िलए इस (कार िनयत तारीख को िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित

आवेदक को 3ु#टय,, यद कोई हो, को ठीक करने के िलए कह सकेगी या पकार, को सुसंगत अिभलेख (Kतुत करने को या

ऐसे अEय दKतावेज या साmय, जो वह ठीक और समुिचत समझे, उसके 'ारा यथािविनgद`ट अविध के भीतर (Kतुत करने के

िलए कह सकेगी ।

(6) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित आवेदक और ()यथb 'ारा कए गए (ितिवरोध के संबंध म तथा

उसके (Kतुत अिभलेख, के िनदoश के िलए भी एक फ ड जांच का भी आदेश कर सकेगी ।


(7) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित दोन, पकार, को सुनने और मामले के अिभलेख क जांच करने

के प\चात् आवेदन (Kतुत करने के साठ दन के भीतर, आवेदन का िविन\चय करे गी और ऐसा आदेश पा#रत करे गी जो वह

ठीक और समुिचत समझे :

परं तु मामले क सुनवाई के दौरान यद सिमित का समाधान हो जाता है क ऐसी प#रिKथित िव]मान है, जो यह मांग

करती है क कोई अंत#रम अनुतोष दया जाना चािहए तो सिमित ऐसे मामले के समा@त होने तक और अगले आदेश तक

ऐसा अंत#रम आदेश पा#रत कर सकेगी जो वह आव\यक समझे ।

(8) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित दोन, पकार, के बीच समझौते क संभावना का भी पता

लगाएगी और पकार, के बीच समझौता हो जाने क दशा म सिमित समझौते को अिभिलिखत करे गी िजस पर दोन,

पकार, 'ारा या (ािधकृत (ितिनिधय, 'ारा या अिधका#रय, 'ारा हKतार कए जाएंगे और ऐसे समझौते के िनबंधन, म

आवेदन का िनपटारा कया जाएगा ।

(9) िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित कसी आवेदन को ^हण नहX करे गी जहां,--

(क) आवेदन अनाम है या उसम साधारण और अKप`ट आरोप है ;

(ख) मामला कसी िविध के Eयायालय, अिधकरण या Eयाियक या अध<-Eयाियक (ािधकारी के पास िवचाराधीन

है ;

(ग) मामला अिधिनयम के े3ािधकार के परे है ;

(घ) आवेदक को आवेदन फाइल करने का अिधकार नहX है ।

अयाय 4
9. िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित के आदेश या िविन:चचयय के िव;< अपील - (1) िशकायत िनपटान

’ ’
और िववाद समाधान सिमित के आदेश या िविन\चय के िवkI कसी [यिथत [यि+त 'ारा (Hप ख म संबंिधत Kथानीय

(ािधकरण 'ारा Kथानीय (ािधकरण के मेयर या अSय चेयरपस<न के Hप म और 2 सदKय, के जैसा क साधारण बोड< बैठक

म िविन\चय कया जाए, से िमलकर बनने वाले अपील (ािधकरण को उस आदेश या िविन\चय, िजसके िवkI अपील क

गई है, क संसूचना के 30 दन के भीतर अपील कर सकेगा :

परं तु अपील (ािधकरण िवलंब को माफ कर सकेगा यद उसका यह समाधान हो जाता है क अपीलाथb को िविहत

समय के भीतर आवेदन करने से िनवा#रत करने के पया<@त कारण थे ।

(2) अपील एक qापन के Hप म होगी और इस पर अपीलाथb 'ारा हKतार कए जाएंगे तथा वह इसे वैयि+तक Hप

से या अपने (ािधकृत (ितिनिध के माSयम से संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकारी को (Kतुत करे गा ।

(3) अपील qापन के साथ उस आदेश क मूल (ित या आदेश क (मािणत (ित होगी िजसके िवkI अपील क गई है ।

(4) अपील तीन सेट, म क जाएगी और उसके साथ 200 kपए क फ स संल_न होगी ।

(5) ऐसी कसी अपील को तब तक ^हण नहX कया जाएगा जब तक उसक एक (ित क , यथािKथित, ()यथb या

()यdथय, को तामील न कर दी गई हो और ऐसी तामील का सबूत फाइल न कर दया गया हो ।

(6) कसी अपील को वहां ^हण नहX कया जाएगा जहां आदेश िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित 'ारा

पकार, के बीच /ए समझौते के िनबंधन, म पा#रत कया गया है ।

10. नगर िवय सिमित के िविन:चय से अपील

अपील : (1) िवय (माणप3 को जारी करने या िवय (माणप3 को

िनरKत या रr करने क बाबत नगर िवय सिमित के िविन\चय के िवkI धारा 11 के अधीन अपील Kथानीय (ािधकरण

'ारा Kथानीय (ािधकरण के मेयर या अSय चेयरपस<न के Hप म और 2 सदKय, के जैसा क साधारण बोड< बैठक म

िविन\चय कया जाए, से िमलकर बनने वाले अपील (ािधकरण को उस आदेश या िविन\चय, िजसके िवkI अपील क गई

है, क संसूचना के 30 दन के भीतर (Hप ग म अपील कर सकेगा :

पंरतु अपील (ािधकरण िवलंब को माफ कर सकेगा, यद उसका यह समाधान हो जाता है क अपीलाथb को िविहत

समय के भीतर अपील न करने से पया<@त कारण, से िनवा#रत कया गया था :

परं तु यह और क अSय क अनुपिKथित म अSय 'ारा नामिनgद`ट कसी एक सदKय 'ारा अपील (ािधकरण क

बैठक क अSयता क जा सकेगी ।

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5

(2) अपील एक qापन के Hप म (Hप ग म होगी और इस पर अपीलाथb 'ारा हKतार कए जाएंगे तथा वह इसे

वैयि+तक Hप से या अपने (ािधकृत (ितिनिध के माSयम से अं^ेजी या िहEदी या Kथानीय भाषा म, जैसा क अपीलाथb

'ारा चयन कया जाए, (Kतुत करे गा ।

(3) अपील qापन के साथ उस आदेश क मूल (ित या आदेश क (मािणत (ित होगी िजसके िवkI अपील क गई है ।

(4) अपील तीन सेट, म क जाएगी और उसके साथ 200 kपए क फ स संल_न होगी ।

(5) ऐसी कसी अपील को तब तक ^हण नहX कया जाएगा जब तक उसक एक (ित क , ऐसी अपील फाइल करने से

पूव< नगर िवय सिमित को तामील न कर दी गई हो और ऐसी तामील का सबूत अपील के साथ फाइल न कर दया गया

हो ।

11. -थानीय
थानीय ािधकरण =ारा अपील* के िनपटान क8 >या.- (1) संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा इस िनिम)त

(ािधकृत अिधकारी या [यि+त Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा इस िनिम)त रखे गए रिजKटर म उस तारीख को, िजसको अपील

(Kतुत क गई है, अपील क (िवि`ट करे गा ।

(2) संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा ग#ठत अपील (ािधकरण के सम अपील को पेश कया जाएगा, जो अपील क

सुनवाई के िलए आवेदन फाइल क जाने क तारीख से 15 दन से पूव< सुनवाई क तारीख िनयत करे गा और पकार, को

सुनवाई क सूचना क तामील करे गा ।

(3) अपील (ािधकरण पकार, 'ारा उसके सम क गई दलील, के आधार पर और मामले के अिभलेख, और फ ड

जांच, यद कोई ह,, िजसके संचालन का अपील (ािधकरण 'ारा आदेश कया गया हो, के आधार पर कारण, को लेखबI

करते /ए अपील कए गए आदेश क पुि`ट करते /ए, उपांत#रत करते /ए या उसे िनरKत करते /ए Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा

अपील क (ाि@त के 60 दन के भीतर ऐसा आदेश पा#रत करे गा जैसा वह ठीक समझे :

परं तु मामले क सुनवाई के दौरान यद अपील अिधकरण का यह समाधान हो जाता है क ऐसी िKथित िव]मान है

िजसम अंत#रम अनुतोष (दान कया जाना चािहए तो अपील (ािधकरण ऐसे मामले क समाि@त तक यह और आदेश करने

तक ऐसा अंत#रम आदेश पा#रत कर सकेगा जैसा वह आव\यक समझे ।

अयाय 5
नगर िवय सिमित
12. नगर िवय सिमित का गठन- (1) ()येक Kथानीय (ािधकरण म सरकार 'ारा एक नगर िवय सिमित का गठन

कया जाएगा :

परं तु सरकार यद आव\यक समझे तो संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकरण के अनुरोध पर ()येक Kथानीय (ािधकरण के िलए

उनक अिधका#रता िविनgद`ट करने के प\चात् एक से अिधक नगर िवय सिमित का गठन कर सकेगी ।

(2) नगर िवय सिमित का गठन नीचे दए अनुसार होगा, अथा<त् :- -
म सं. सरकारी िवभाग और अय िनकाय सदय क संया
(क) सरकारी िवभाग

(i) अय (नगरपािलका आयुत या मुय कायपालक अिधकारी) 01

(ii) पुिलस का ितिनिध (अिधमानत: यातायात भाग से) 01

(iii) वा य िच"क#सा अिधकारी, नगर िनगम चंडीगढ़ 01

(iv) शहरी आयोजना ािधकरण का ितिनिध, संघ रा,य े- चंडीगढ़ 01

(v) पुिलस अधीक, संघ रा,य े- चंडीगढ़ 01

(ख) अ0य िनकाय

(i) पथ िव2े ता (अनुसूिचत जाितय4, अनुसूिचत जनजाितय4, अ0य िपछड़े वग7, अ8पसंयंक4 और 05

िन:शतता :त ;यितय4 को स<यक् ितिनिध#व के साथ उनम? एक ितहाई मिहला िव2े ता ह4गी)
(ii) गैर-सरकारी संगठन और समुदाय आधाDरत संगठन 01

(iii) िनवासी क8याण संगम 01

योग 12

(3) चयन कए गए सदKय, से िभEन नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय सरकार 'ारा नामिनgद`ट कए जाएंगे :

परं तु सरकारी सदKय, के नामिनदoशन म उन [यि+तय, म से अिधमानत: दी जाएगी, जो पथ िवेताa से संबंिधत

काय<कलाप, से sवहार कर रहे हG :

परं तु यह और क गैर-सरकारी संगठन, का (ितिनिध)व कर रहे सदKय, या समुदाय आधा#रत संगठन, या िनवासी

कयाण संगम, का नामिनदoशन सरकार 'ारा ऐसे मानदंड के आधार पर जो अिधकिथत कया जाए कम से कम दो Kथानीय

समाचार प3, म उसे (कािशत कर या कसी अEय रीित म िवqािपत करने के प\चात् आवेदन आमंि3त कए जाएंगे ।

13. नगर िवय सिमित के सद-य* का िनवा1चन पथ िवे ता? म/ से >कया जाना - (1) Kथानीय (ािधकरण

अिधसूचना 'ारा संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकरण क अिधका#रता के अधीन पथ िवेताa का (ितिनिध)व करने के िलए नगर

िवय सिमित के सदKय, का िनवा<चन संचािलत करने के अपने आशय को अिभ[य+त करे गा ।

(2) संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकरण िनवा<चन, का संचालन करने के िलए एक #रटtनग आफसर क िनयुि+त करे गा ।

14. पथ िवे ता? म/ से नगर िवय सिमित के सद-य* का िनवा1चन करने क8 रीित - (1) िनयम 13 के उपिनयम (2)

के अधीन िनयुि+त #रटtनग आफसर इन िनयम, से उपाबI अनुसूची म उपबंिधत रीित म िनवा<चन, का संचालन करे गा ।

(2) कोई पथ िवेता नगर िवय सिमित म िनवा<चन के िलए िनरdहत होगा यद वह,--

(i) ऐसे कसी अपराध के िलए दोषिसI कया गया है, िजसम नैितक अधमता अंतव<िलत है ;

(ii) शारी#रक Hप से और या मानिसक Hप से नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय के Hप म काय< करने म असमथ< हो

गया है ।

(3) ()येक Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा िनवा<िचत सदKय, के नाम, को सरकार को संसूिचत कया जाएगा, जो ऐसे नाम,

क (ाि@त पर उसके 'ारा नामिनgद`ट अEय नाम, के साथ ()येक (ािधकरण म नगर िवय सिमित के गठन को अिधसूिचत

करे गी ।

15. नगर िवय सिमित के सद-य* क8 पदाविध- (1) सरकारी अिधका#रय, के अित#र+त, जो पदेन मता सदKय

ह,गे, नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय, क पदाविध, यथािKथित, उनके िनवा<चन या नामिनदoशन क तारीख से पांच वष<

होगी ।

(2) यथािKथित, सदKय, के िनवा<चन या नामिनदoशन क (या उनक पदाविध क समाि@त से पूव< पूरी कर ली

जाएगी ।

16. नगर िवय सिमित के सद-य का पद से हटाया जाना -(1) नगर िवय सिमित के कसी सदKय को सरकार 'ारा

पद से हटाया जा सकेगा, यद वह,--

(क) अिधिनयम और इन िनयम, के अधीन उस पर अिधरोिपत कत<[य, का िनव<हन करने म लगातार [यितम

करता है या अपनी शि+तय, से परे काय< करता है या उनका दुkपयोग करता है ;

(ख) अSय क अनुqा के िबना सिमित क तीन लगातार बैठक, म अनुपिKथत रहता है ;

(ग) कसी िविध के Eयायालय 'ारा कसी दांिडक मामले म िसIदोष है :

परं तु ऐसे सदKय को उसको हटाए जाने से पूव< सुने जाने का युि+तयु+त अवसर (दान कया जाएगा ।

17. र0त -थान*

थान* को भरने क8 रीित --(1) यद नगर िवय सिमित म कसी पथ िवेता से िभEन कसी सदKय के

)यागप3, मृ)यु, पद से हटाने या अEयथा कोई #रि+त उ)पEन होती है तो ऐसी #रि+त को भरने के िलए िनयम 12 म

िविनgद`ट उसी (या का अनुसरण कया जाएगा और इस (कार नामिनgद`ट सदKय उस सदKय, िजसके Kथान पर उसे

नामिनgद`ट कया गया है, क पदाविध क शेष अविध के िलए सदKय बना रहेगा ।
¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 7

(2) यद नगर िवय सिमित म कसी सदKय, जो पथ िवेता है, के )यागप3, मृ)यु, पद से हटाने या अEयथा कोई

#रि+त उ)पEन होती है तो Kथानीय (ािधकरण ऐसी #रि+त को िनयम 14 के अनुसार संचािलत िनवा<चन, के आधार पर

भरे गा और इस (कार िनवा<िचत सदKय उस सदKय, िजसके Kथान पर उसे िनवा<िचत कया गया है, क पदाविध क शेष

अविध के िलए सदKय बना रहेगा ।

18. नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय, को संदेय भ)ते- जो कोई लाभ का पद धारण नहX कर रहे हG, नगर िवय सिमित

क ()येक बैठक म भाग लेने के िलए केवल एक हजार kपए क दर से संदेय ह,गे या जैसा संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा

समय-समय पर िनयत कया जाए ।

19. नगर िवय सिमित क8 बैठक/ —(1) साधारणतया नगर िवय सिमित तीन मास क अविध म या ऐसे अंतराल,

पर, जो नगर िवय सिमित के अSय 'ारा िविन\चय कया जाए, उसके कारबार के संचालन के िलए कम से कम एक बैठक

आयोिजत करे गी :

परं तु नगर िवय सिमित क पहली बैठक अSय 'ारा उसके गठन के 45 दन के भीतर बुलाई जाएगी :

परं तु यह और क सिमित के एक ितहाई से अEयून सदKय, के अनुरोध पर कसी िविनgद`ट मुrे पर अSय 'ारा

अSयापेित बैठक बुलाई जा सकेगी और बैठक इस (कार कए गए अनुरोध के (ा@त होने के प\चात् 72 घंट के भीतर बुलाई

जाएगी ।

(2) नगर िवय सिमित क बैठक Kथानीय (ािधकरण के मुPयालय म या Kथानीय (ािधकरण क अिधका#रता के

भीतर ऐसे Kथान पर जैसा अSय 'ारा िविन\चय कया जाए, आयोिजत क जाएंगी ।

(3) नगर िवय सिमित क अनुसूिचत बैठक के 7 दन पूव< बैठक के एंजेडा सिहत सूचना जारी क जाएगी ।

(4) बैठक क गणपूdत नगर िवय सिमित क कुल संPय के दो ितहाई सदKय, से होगी ।

(5) गणपूdत क अनुपिKथित म कोई बैठक आयोिजत नहX क जाएगी और गणपूdत न होने पर बैठक Kथिगत कर दी

जाएगी ।

20. नगर िवय सिमित के कारबार के संAयवहार

यवहार क8 >या --(1) नगर िवय सिमित अपने कारबार के सं[यवहार

के िलए ऐसी (या का अनुसरण करे गी जैसा सदKय, के परामश< से अSय 'ारा िविन\चय कया जाए ।

(2) अिधिनयम और इन िनयम, के उपबंध, के अधीन रहते /ए और उप िविधय, म अंतdव`ट कसी बात के होते /ए

भी संकप, नगर िवय सिमित क बैठक म उपिKथत और मत देने वाले दो ितहाई से अEयून सदKय, 'ारा पा#रत कया

जाएगा ।

(3) अSय यह सुिनि\चत करे गा क ()येक बैठक का काय<वृ)त अिभिलिखत कया जाए िजस पर उसके 'ारा

हKता#रत कए जाएंग,े उसे सदKय, के बीच प#रचािलत कया जाएगा और वेबसाइट पर, यद उपलWध हो तो सिमित क

बैठक के एक मास के भीतर (कािशत कया जाएगा ।

21. नगर िवय सिमित के कृ 7य --अिधिनयम के कEहX अEय उपबंध, पर (ितकूल (भाव डाले िबना नगर िवय

सिमित िन5निलिखत कृ)य, को करे गी, अथा<त् :--

(क) े3 म पथ िवेताa क पहचान करने के िलए अपनी अिधका#रता के भीतर सवoण संचािलत करना

और मानक,, योजना और अपनी अिधका#रता के े3 के भीतर धारण मता के अनुसार उनका वास सुिनि\चत

करना ;

(ख) कसी प3 पथ िवेता को उसे उन िनबंधन, और शतh का अनुपालन करने का वचनबंध अिभ(ा@त करने

के प\चात्, िजनके अधीन िवय के िलए (माणप3 जारी कया जाएगा, िवय (माणप3 जारी करना, नगर िवय

सिमित अिधिनयम क धारा 38 क उपधारा (1) के अधीन िवरिचत Kक म म िविनgद`ट मानदंड का अनुसरण

करे गी ;

(ग) कसी पथ िवेता के िवय (माणप3 और रr या िनरKत करने िजसने िवय क कEहX शतh का या

अिधिनयम या इन िनयम, या अिधिनयम के अधीन बनाई गई Kक म के अधीन पथ िवय को िविनयिमत करने के


िलए िविनgद`ट कEहX अEय िनबंधन, और शतh का उलंघन कया है या जहां नगर िवय सिमित का यह समाधान

हो जाता है क ऐसा िवय (माणप3 पथ िवेता 'ारा दुप<[यपदेशन या कपट 'ारा हािसल कया गया है :

परं तु नगर िवय सिमित 'ारा िवय के कसी (माणप3 को रr या िनरKत करने के कसी आदेश म ऐसे रr या

िनरस्त करने के कारण, को िवेता को संसूिचत िलिखत आदेश म िविनgद`ट कया जाएगा ;

(घ) अपनी अिधका#रता म Kथानीय (ािधकारी को कसी े3 को गैर िवय े3 घोिषत करने के िलए

िसफा#रश करना ;

(ङ) िवय के िलए Kथल, और Kथान, क पहचान करना ;

(च) साव<जिनक Kथल, पर भीड़-भाड़ रोकने का सुिन\चय करने के िलए िवय के समय का िविनयमन करना ;

(छ) पथ िवेताa 'ारा अवहेलना के िवkI सुधारकारी तं3 के (वत<न का सुिन\चय करना ;

(ज) िववाद िनपटान सिमित और Kथानीय (ािधकारी के सम लंिबत िववाद के मामल, का अनुसरण करना ;

(झ) पथ िवेताa के [यवसाय का संवध<न करने के िलए योजना तैयार करने के संबंध म Kथानीय (ािधकरण

को िसफा#रश (Kतुत करना ;

(ञ) अपनी बैठक करना और अपने कृ)य, के (भावी िनव<हन का सुिन\चय करने के िलए समुिचत िविन\चय

करना ;

(ट) Kवयं के साथ अKथायी आधार पर सरकारी या अEय गैर-सरकारी संगठन, से तकनीक और [यवसाियक

[यि+तय, को अिधिनयम के कसी भी उपबंध को पूरा करने के िलए सहायता या परामश< अिभ(ा@त करने के िलए

सहबI करना ;

(ठ) पथ िवेता चाट<र को कम से कम एक Kथानीय भाषा, िहEदी और अं^ेजी म िवPयात समाचार प3, म

(कािशत करवाना और उसे नगर िवय सिमित के काया<लय और यथा अपेित यूएलवी के अEय काया<लय, म (दdशत

करना, उसम उस समय को िविनgद`ट करना, िजसके भीतर िवय (माणप3 पथ िवेताa को जारी कए जाएंगे

और वह समय िजसके भीतर ऐसे िवय (माणप3, का नवीकरण कया जाएगा तथा उनम िविनgद`ट समय-सीमा के

भीतर िन`पादत कए जाने वाली अEय गितिविधयां ;

(ड) रिजKZीकृत पथ िवेताa तथा उन पथ िवेताa, िजनको अिधिनयम के उपबंध, के अनुसार िवय

(माणप3 जारी कए गए हG, के अ]तन अिभलेख, को रखना और वेबसाइट पर (कािशत करना, यद उपलWध हो तो ;

(ढ) अिधिनयम या इन िनयम, या उनके अधीन बनाई गई Kक म के अधीन अपने काय<कलाप, क सामािजक

संपरीा करना ;

(ण) समय-समय पर सरकार और Kथानीय (ािधकरण को अिधिनयम और इन िनयम, के अधीन िविहत #रटन<

(Kतुत करना ;

(त) पथ िवेताa को ()यय, बीमा और सामािजक सुरा क अEय कयाणकारी Kक म उपलWध कराने के

िलए कयाणकारी उपाय हाथ म लेने के िलए सरकार को #ट@पिणयां (Kतुत करना ;

(थ) अथ<[यवKथा म पथ िवेताa क भूिमका के िवषय म जनता म जागkकता उ)पEन करने के िलए सरकार

को सहायता देना ; और

(द) अिधिनयम और इन िनयम, के (भावी काया<Eवयन के िलए ऐसे अEय कृ)य करना, जो Kथानीय (ािधकरण

तथा सरकार 'ारा नगर िवय सिमित को ()यायोिजत कए जाएं ।

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 9

22. िवशेषC Aयि0

तय* को अ-थायी
थायी .प से सहब< करने क8 नगर िवय सिमित क8 शि0त --(1) इस अिधिनयम के

उपबंध, के अधीन रहते /ए नगर िवय सिमित इस े3 म पया<@त जानकारी और अनुभव रखने वाले िवPयात उपयु+त

[यि+त को पथ िवेताa से संबंिधत मामल, पर तकनीक या [यावसाियक परामश< अिभ(ा@त करने के िलए एक िवशेषq के

Hप म सहबI कर सकेगी ।

(2) उपिनयम (1) के अधीन सहबI कए जाने वाले [यि+तय, का चयन एक Eयायोिचत और पारदशb रीित म

सरकारी िवभाग, म परामश<दाताa और िवशेषq, के तकनीक या [यावसाियक िवशेषq, के Hप म िनयोिजत करने क

(या का अनुसरण करते /ए कया जाएगा ।

(3) उपिनयम (1) के अधीन िवशेषq के Hप म सहबI [यि+तय, को Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा यथा अवधा#रत भ)त,

का संदाय कया जाएगा ।

(4) उपिनयम (1) के अधीन िवशेषq के Hप म सहबI [यि+त नगर िवय सिमित के बैठक, म भाग ले सकगे uकतु

ऐसे [यि+तय, को बैठक म मत देने का अिधकार नहX होगा ।

23. नगर िवय सिमित के कम1चारी- संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकरण जब नगर िवय सिमित 'ारा अपेा क
- जाए तो

सिमित को ऐसे कम<चारी उपलWध कराएगा जैसा Kथानीय (ािधकरण सिमित पर इन िनयम, के िनयम 21 के अधीन (द)त

कृ)य, के िनव<हन के िलए आव\यक समझे ।

अयाय 6
24. नगर िवय सिमित =ारा पथ िवे ता? के अिभलेख* का अनुर ण करने क8 रीित --()येक नगर िवय सिमित

अिधिनयम क धारा 26 क उपधारा (2) के अधीन Kक म म यथा िविनgद`ट अ]तन अिभलेख, को इलै+Zािनक Hप म या

मैEयुली या दोन, Hप, म जैसा क Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा िविन\चय कया जाए, रखेगी ।

25. नगर िवय सिमित =ारा रटन1 -तुत करना --(1) ()येक नगर िवय सिमित (Hप घ म यथा अपेित Wयौर, के

साथ ()येक वष< के िलए आविधक िववरिणयां तैयार करे गी और सरकार तथा Kथानीय (ािधकरण को (Kतुत करे गी ।

(2) यथािKथित, सरकार या Kथानीय (ािधकरण नगर िवय सिमित से ऐसे #रटन< या िववरिणयां ऐसे (ोफामा< म

समय-समय पर (Kतुत करने क अपेा कर सकगी ।

26. अिधसूिचत -क8म

क8म के सारांश का समाचार प आ>द म/ कािशत करना --(1) अिधिनयम क धारा 38 क

उपधारा (1) के अधीन दूसरी अनुसूची म सरकार 'ारा अिधसूिचत Kक म का सारांश Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा दो (मुख

दैिनक समाचार प3, म दी गई लोक सूचना के माSयम से (कािशत कया जाएगा और उसक अिधका#रता के े3 या उस

े3 म [यापक Hप से जाने जाने के िलए, िजसके उससे (भािवत होने क संभावना है, म सरकार 'ारा अिधसूिचत Kक म क

तारीख से 7 दन के भीतर (कािशत कया जाएगा ।

(2) सूचना पर, यथािKथित, Kथानीय (ािधकरण के नगरपािलका आयु+त या मुPय काय<पालक अिधकारी या इस

िनिम)त उसके 'ारा (ािधकृत कसी अिधकारी 'ारा हKतार कए जाएंगे ।

(3) सूचना ऐसी भाषा या भाषाa म होगी जैसा, यथािKथित, Kथानीय (ािधकरण का नगरपािलका आयु+त या मुPय

काय<पालक अिधकारी इस िनिम)त िविनgद`ट करे ।

ू ी
(िनयम 14 देख)/
पथ िवेताa का (ितिनिध)व करने के िलए उस े3 क अिधका#रता के नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय, के िनवा<चन का

संचालन करने क (या

1. संबंिधत Kथानीय (ािधकरण अपनी अिधका#रता म पथ िवेताa का (ितिनिध)व करने के िलए नगर िवय

सिमित के सदKय, के िनवा<चन, का संचालन का पय<वेण, िनदेश और िनयं3ण करे गी ।


2. िनयम 13 के उपिनयम (1) के अधीन पथ िवेताa का (ितिनिध)व करने के िलए नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय,

के िनवा<चन का संचालन करने के िलए Kथानीय (ािधकरण के आशय को अिभ[य+त करने वाली अिधसूचना के यथाशीw

और उस िनयम के उपिनयम (2) के अधीन िनवा<चन, का संचालन करने के िलए #रटtनग आफसर क िनयुि+त करने पर

Kथानीय (ािधकरण संकप 'ारा िनवा<चन, के संचालन के िलए तारीख, समय और Kथान अवधा#रत करे गी ।

3. संकप क सूचना, Kथानीय (ािधकरण का िविन\चय नगर िवय सिमित क अिधका#रता के े3 म पथ िवेता के

[यवसाय म लगे /ए पथ िवेताa के बीच िन5निलिखत म से कसी एक ढंग 'ारा प#रचािलत क जाएगी, अथा<त् :--

(क) िहEदी, अं^ेजी या Kथानीय भाषा म, जैसा क Kथानीय (ािधकरण ठीक समझे, दो (मुख दैिनक समाचार

प3, म (कािशत लोक सूचना 'ारा ;

(ख) Kथानीय प#रदान 'ारा ;

(ग) डाक म डालने के डाक (माणप3 के अधीन ;

(घ) Kपीड पोKट या सम (ािधकारी के पास स5यकता रिजKZीकृत कु#रयर सेवाa के साथ #रटtनग आफसर के

सूचना पट पर और ऐसी सूचना म िन5निलिखत के संबंध म जानकारी अंतdव`ट होगी ;

(i) िनवा<िचत कए जाने वाले सदKय, क संPया, िजसके अंतग<त अनुसूिचत जाितयां, अनुसूिचत

जनजाितयां, अEय िपछड़े वगh, अपसंPयक,, मिहलाa, िन:श+त [यि+तय, या कसी अEय िविनgद`ट (वग< के

िलए आरित Kथान भी हG ;

(ii) वह तारीख, Kथान और समय, िजसके बीच नामिनदoशन पेपर फाइल कए जाएंग,े ऐसी तारीख

िनवा<चन के िलए िनयत तारीख से 7 Kप`ट दन से पूव< नहX होनी चािहए या वह दन साव<जिनक अवकाश है तो

अगला उ)तरवतb दन, जो साव<जिनक अवकाश नहX है ;

करण- -"साव<जिनक अवकाश" से कोई दन अिभ(ेत है, जो परामय िलखत अिधिनयम, 1881

(1881 का कीय अिधिनयम 26) क धारा 25 के अधीन साव<जिनक अवकाश है या कोई दन िजसे सरकार

'ारा सरकार के अधीन काया<लय, के िलए साव<जिनक अवकाश अिधसूिचत कया गया है ;

(iii) नामिनदoशन पेपर, क संवीा के िलए तारीख और समय ;

(iv) मतदान क तारीख, Kथान और समय ।

4. Kथानीय (ािधकरण नगर िवय सिमित क अिधका#रता के े3 म नामिनदoशन आमंि3त करने क तारीख से

30 दन पूव< को पथ िवय के [यवसाय म लगे /ए पथ िवेताa क सूची तैयार करे गी और उ+त सूची क (ितय, को नगर

िवय सिमित के काया<लय म नामिनदoशन आमंि3त करने के िलए िनयत तारीख से 10 दन पूव< से अEयून सूचना पy पर

चKपा करे गी । सूची म रिजKZीकरण संPया या िवय के (माणप3 क संPया और पथ िवेता का नाम, यथािKथित, िपता

या पित का नाम और पथ िवेता का पता िविनgद`ट होगा । यह, यथािKथित, नगर िवय सिमित या Kथानीय (ािधकरण

का कत<[य होगा क वह पथ िवेताa का अ]तन रिजKटर और ऐसा अEय रिजKटर तैयार कर , िजसक #रटtनग आफसर

'ारा अपेा क जाए और ऐसे अिभलेख,, रिजKटर या रिजKटर, को #रटtनग आफसर को िनवा<चन के (योजन के िलए

िनयत तारीख से 30 दन पूव< सुपुद< कर । सूची क एक (ित क यथािKथित, नगर िवय सिमित या Kथानीय (ािधकरण या

#रटtनग आफसर 'ारा ऐसी फ स का संदाय करने पर, जो Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा िविनgद`ट क जाएं, पथ िवेता को

आपूdत क जाएगी ।

5. अzयdथय, का िनवा<चन के िलए नामिनदoशन इस अनुसूची से उपाबI (Hप 1 म कया जाएगा, िजसक आपूdत

#रटtनग आफसर 'ारा कसी पथ िवेता को िन:शुक क जाएगी ।

6. अzयथb दो हजार kपए का (ितभूित जमा अपने नामिनदoशन पेपर, के साथ नकद या बGक {ा|ट या पे-आड<र के

माSयम से करे गा । यद कोई अzयथb डाले गए मत, का 1/6 से कम (ा@त करता है तो Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा (ितभूित

जमा का (ितसं}ण कर िलया जाएगा ।

7. ()येक नामिनदoशन पेपर को अzयथb 'ारा Kवयं वैयि+तक Hप से या उसके (Kतावक या ि'तीयक 'ारा #रटtनग

आफसर को (Kतुत कया जाएगा । #रटtनग आफसर नामिनदoशन पेपर पर उसक म सं. दज< करे गा और उस तारीख तथा

समय को (मािणत करे गा िजस पर उसके 'ारा नामिनदoशन (ा@त कया गया है और तुरंत नामिनदoशन पेपर क एक िलिखत
¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 11

अिभKवीकृत (दान करे गा िजस पर नगर िवय सिमित या #रटtनग आफसर क मुहर लगी होगी । कोई नामिनदoशन पेपर,

जो उसके िलए िनयत तारीख और समय को या उससे पूव< नहX (ा@त होता है, को अKवीकार कर दया जाएगा ।

8. (i) नामिनदoशन पेपर, क (ाि@त के िलए िनयत तारीख के प\चात् दन को #रटtनग आफसर नामिनदoशन पेपर,

क संवीा करे गा ;

(ii) #रटtनग आफसर नामिनदoशन पेपर, क जांच करे गा और आेप, का िविन\चय करे गा, जो कसी नामिनदoशन

क बाबत कसी [यि+त 'ारा कए जाएं और या तो ऐसे आेप, पर या Kवयं ऐसी संि@त जांच, यद कोई हो, जैसा

#रटtनग आफसर आव\यक समझे, कसी नामिनदoशन अKवीकार कर सकेगा :

परं तु कसी अzयथb का नामिनदoशन केवल उसके नाम या उसके (Kतावक या ि'तीयक या अzयथb या उसके

(Kतावक या ि'तीयक, जैसा क पैरा 4 म िनgद`ट पथ िवेताa क सूची म दज< है, के नाम के गलत िववरण के आधार पर

ही अKवीकार नहX कया जाएगा, यद, यथािKथित, अzयथb, (Kतावक या ि'तीयक क पहचान कसी युि+तयु+त संदेह के

परे Kथािपत हो जाती है ।

(iii) #रटtनग आफसर, यथािKथित, िनवा<चन लड़ने वाले अzयdथय, या (Kतावक या ि'तीयक को नामिनदoशन पेपर,

क जांच करने क और Kवयं का यह समाधान करने के िलए सभी युि+तयु+त सुिवधाएं (दान करे गा क िनवा<चन लड़ने वाले

अzयdथय, के नाम को शािमल करना िविध पूण< है ;

(iv) #रटtनग आफसर ()येक नामिनदoशन पेपर पर, यथािKथित, उसे Kवीकार करने या अKवीकार करने के अपने

िविन\चय को पृ`ठांकत करे गा और यद नामिनदoशन पेपर अKवीकार कर दया जाता है तो वह ऐसे अKवीकार करने के

कारण, का एक संि~ िववरण िलिखत म अिभिलिखत करे गा ;

(v) #रटtनग आफसर काय<वािहय, के Kथगन के िसवाय जब ऐसी काय<वािहय, को दंग, या कलह या उसके िनयं3ण से

परे कारण, के अKथिगत या बािधत कया गया हो, अनुqात नहX करे गा ;

9. #रटtनग आफसर 'ारा यथािविनि\चत वै] नामिनदoशन, क सूची को अं^ेजी वण<मानुसार और नामिनदoशन

पेपर, म अzयdथय, 'ारा दए गए पते को (दdशत कया जाएगा या उसी दन िजस दन नामिनदoशन पेपर, क संवीा पूरी

होती है, (कािशत कया जाएगा ।

10. कोई भी अzयथb उसके 'ारा पूव< नगर िवय सिमित के #रटtनग आफसर को हKता#रत सूचना 'ारा और

उसके नामिनदoशन पेपर को (Kतुत करने के प\चात् कसी भी समय उस दन के प\चात् िजसको वैध नामिनदoशन, को

(कािशत कया जाता है, पांच बजे अपरान से पूव< अपने नाम को वापस ले सकेगा और अzयथb 'ारा नाम वािपस लेने क

एक बार दी गई सूचना अ(ितसंहरणीय होगी ।

11. यद उन अzयdथय, क संPया िजनके नामिनदoशन पेपर, को वैध घोिषत कया गया है, िनवा<िचत कए जाने

वाले अzयdथय, क संPया से अिधक नहX है तो #रटtनग आफसर ऐसे सभी अzयdथय, के नाम, क ऊपर पैरा 10 म नाम

वािपस लेने के दन अंितम घंट के प\चात् घोषणा करे गा और घोिषत करे गा क वे नगर िवय सिमित म स5यकता

िनवा<िचत हो गए हG । यद अzयdथय, क संPया, िजनके नाम वैध हG, िनवा<िचत कए जाने वाले अzयdथय, क संPया से

अिधक हG तो #रटtनग आफसर इस (योजन के िलए िनयत तारीख को िनवा<चन संचािलत करने का (बंध करे गा । #रटtनग

आफसर िनवा<चन, के संचालन के िलए यथा आव\यक एक या अिधक मतदान अिधका#रय, क िनयुि+त कर सकेगा ।

इKतेमाल कए जाने वाले मतप3 इस अनुसूची से उपाबI (Hप 2 म यथािविहत ह,गे ।

12. Kथानीय (ािधकरण #रटtनग आफसर को मतदान पेटी, मतप3, पथ िवेताa क सूची या मतदाताa क सूची

और ऐसी अEय वKतुa, जो िनवा<चन, का संचालन करने के िलए आव\यक ह,, उपलWध कराएगा । मत पे#टय, का संिनमा<ण

इस (कार कया जाएगा क मतप3 उसम डाले जा सक uकतु मत पे#टय, का ताला खोले िबना उसम से िनकाले नहX जा सके

। िनवा<चन लड़ने वाला कोई अzयथb #रटtनग आफसर को प3 'ारा दोन, Kथान, पर उसका (ितिनिध)व करने के िलए,

जहां मतदान कया जा रहा है, मतदाताa क पहचान करने और मतदान के अिभलेखन को देखने के िलए कसी अिभकता<

क िनयुि+त कर सकेगा । ऐसे प3 म संबंिधत अिभकता< क िलिखत सहमित इस अनुसूची से उपाबI (Hप 3 म अंतdव`ट

होगी ।

13. कसी [यि+त 'ारा उस Kथान पर, जहां िनवा<चन, का संचालन कया जा रहा है, मत, के िलए संयाचना करना

(ितिषI है ।

14. मतदान (ारं भ से तुरंत पूव< #रटtनग आफसर #र+त मतपे#टय, को ऐेसे [यि+तय, को, जो उस समय उपिKथत ह,,

दखाएगा और तब उन पर ताला लगा देगा तथा अपनी मुहर चKपा करे गा । अzयथb या उसका अिभकता< भी Kवयं क

अपनी मुहर चKपा कर सकेगा यद वह ऐसी वांछा करे ।

15. ()येक पथ िवेता या मतदाता, जो अपने मत देने के अिधकार को उपयोग करना चाहता है, को अं^ेजी

वणा<नुम म िलखे गए मत लड़ने वाले अzयdथय, के नाम, को अंतdव`ट करने वाले मतप3 क या तो मुत, टाइप िलिखत

या साइ+लोKटाइल Hप म सुिवधानुसार आपूdत क जाएगी । मत प3 पर नगर िवय सिमित क भी मुहर होगी और उस

पर #रटtनग आफसर के अ]ार ह,गे और उसम एक और Kतंभ होगा िजसम मतदाता उन [यि+तय, के नाम, के आगे [x]

का िचन लगाएगा िजEह वह मत देना चाहता है ।

16. ()येक मतदान क और जहां कसी क पर एक से अिधक मतदान बूथ हG, ऐसे ()येक बूथ पर एक पृथक् क

होगा िजसम पथ िवेता या मतदाता अपने मत गु@त Hप से अिभिलिखत कर सकेगा ।

17. कसी पथ िवेता या मतदाता को तब तक कोई मतप3 जारी नहX कया जाएगा जब तक क िनवा<चन

अिधकारी का यह समाधान नहX हो जाता है क संबंिधत पथ िवेता या मतदाता वही [यि+त है, जो उसे (Kतुत क गई

सूची म नोट कया गया है । ऐसे मतप3 क (ाि@त पर पथ िवेता या मतदाता इस (योजन के िलए अलग रखे गए मतदान

क क ओर बढ़ेगा तथा, यथािKथित, उस [यि+त या [यि+तय, के नाम के आगे [x] उपदdशत करे गा, िजनके प म वह मत

देना चाहता है और मत प3 को इस (योजन के िलए रखी गई मतपेटी म अ)यंत गोपनीयता के साथ डाल देगा यद अंधता

या अEय शारी#रक दुबल

< ता या अिशा के कारण पथ िवेता या मतदाता या मतप3 पर िचन लगाने म असमथ< है तो

िनवा<चन अिधकारी और जहां ऐसा कोई िनवा<चन अिधकारी िनयु+त नहX कया गया है, #रटtनग आफसर उससे उस

अzयथb या अzयdथय, का पता लगाएगा, िजनके प म वह मत देने क वांछा रखता है, उसक ओर से मतप3 पर [x] का

िचन लगाएगा और मतप3 पर मत पेटी म डाल देगा ।

18. यद मत देने के कसी (म पर काय<वािहय, म sवधान पड़ता है या कसी दंगे या हंगाम के कारण बाधा

उ)पEन होती है या ऐसे िनवा<चन, म कसी पया<@त कारण से मतदान कराना संभव नहX है तो #रटtनग आफसर को मतदान

रोकने क शि+त होगी, ऐसी कार< वाई के िलए कारण, को नगर िवय सिमित क काय<वृ)त पुिKतका म अिभिलिखत करे गा ।

19. कसी पथ िवेता या मतदाता को मतदान के िलए िनयत समय के प\चात् अनुqात नहX कया जाएगा कEतु

कोई मतदाता, जो उस प#रसर म मतदान के िलए िनयत समय के पूरा हो जाने से पूव< (िव`ट हो जाता है, जहां मतप3 जारी

कए जा रहे हG उसे मतप3 जारी कया जाएगा और मत डालने के िलए अनुqात कया जाएगा ।

20. मत प3, क मतदान समा@त होने के तुरंत पूव< िगनती क जाएगी । यद ऐसा करना संभव नहX है तो मत पे#टय,

को #रटtनग आफसर या िनवा<चन लड़ने वाले अzयdथय, या उनके अिभकता<a क मुहर से सील कर दया जाएगा, यद वे

ऐसी वांछा कर तो, और उEह सुरित अिभरा के िलए Kथानीय (ािधकरण के पास जमा कर दया जाएगा, #रटtनग

आफसर तब मतगणना के िलए अगले दन क घोषणा करे गा । मतप3, क #रटtनग आफसर 'ारा या उसके अधीण के

अधीन गणना क जाएगी । ()येक अzयथb और उसके (ािधकृत अिभकता< को मतगणना के दौरान उपिKथत रहने का

अिधकार होगा । कEतु मतगणना के समय कसी अzयथb या उसके अिभकता< क अनुपिKथित से मतगणना और प#रणाम,

क #रटtनग आफसर 'ारा उ…ोषणा पर (ितकूल (भाव नहX होगा । ()येक अzयथb 'ारा (ा@त कए गए मत और

िनवा<चन, के प#रणाम क उ…ोषणा #रटtनग आफसर 'ारा मतगणना के पूरा होने के यथाशीw क जाएगी ।

21. िनवा<चन, के प#रणाम को नगर िवय सिमित क काय<वृ)त पुिKतका म भी अिभिलिखत कया जाएगा तथा

#रटtनग आफसर 'ारा स)यािपत कया जाएगा और उEह नगर िवय सिमित के सूचना पट पर भी तुरंत अिधसूिचत कया

जाएगा ।

22. समान संPया म मत (ा@त होने क दशा म #रटtनग आफसर िस+का उछालकर िनवा<चन, के प#रणाम क

उ…ोषणा करे गा ।

23. मतप3 को #रटtनग आफसर 'ारा अKवीकार कर दया जाएगा यद-

(i) इसके ऊपर ऐसा कोई िचEह लगा िजससे पथ िवेता के मत क पहचान हो सकती है;

(ii) इस पर नगर िवय सिमित क मुहर नहX है या #रटtनग आफसर के अ]ार नहX है;
¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 13

(iii) उस पर मत को उपदdशत करने वाला िचEह ऐसे Kथान पर ऐसी रीित म लगाया गया है िजससे यह संदेहाKपद हो

गया है क कस अzयथb को मत दया गया है;

(iv) इस (कार न`ट या िवHिपत है क एक असली मत प3 के Hप म उसक पहचान Kथािपत नहX क जा सकती है ।

24. िनवा<चन का प#रणाम घोिषत करने के प\चात् िनवा<चन का प#रणाम और उस पर एक #रपोट< को Kथानीय (ािधकरण

के साथ-साथ सरकार को #रटtनग आफसर 'ारा प#रणाम घोिषत करने के प\चात् तीन दन के भीतर संसूिचत कया

जाएगा ।

25. िनवा<चन का प#रणाम घोिषत करने के प\चात्, #रटtनग आफसर नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय, के िनवा<चन से

संबंिधत मत प3 और अिभलेख, को Kथानीय (ािधकरण को एक मुहरबंद िलफाफे म देगा और उसे Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा

अगले िनवा<चन के प#रणाम, के उपलWध होने तक प#ररित रखा जाएगा और त)प\चात् Kथानीय (ािधकरण 'ारा पुन: न`ट

कर दया जाएगा और िनवा<चन, के अिभलेख को सुपुद< करने और लेने को सरकार के साथ- साथ Kथानीय (ािधकरण को

#रटtनग आफसर को अपनी #रपोट< के साथ भेजा जाएगा ।

ू ी
.प 1
ू ी का पैरा 5)
नगर िवय सिमित के सद-य* के िनवा1चन के िलए नामिनदJशन .प
सेवा म,

#रटtनग आफसर


नगर िवय सिमित



मG ............प)नी/पु3/पु3ी......................‡ी/‡ीमती/सु‡ी..................पथ िवेता, नगर िवय सिमित क अिधका#रता

के े3 म िवय कर रहा ˆँ (िवय रिजKZीकरण (माणप3 संPया.....................) एतद् 'ारा ‡ी/‡ीमती/सु‡ी ..............

प)नी/पु3/पु3ी..................... और जो उ+त नगर िवय सिमित के पथ िवेता हG (िवय/रिजKZीकरण (माण प3

संPया...............) के नाम क उ+त सिमित के सदKय के पद के के िलए तारीख...................को होने वाले िनवा<चन के

िलए (Kताव करता ˆँ ।

(Kतावक का नाम और हKतार............

िवय रिजKZीकरण/(माण प3 संPया................

मG, ......................प)नी/पु3/पु3ी......................‡ी/‡ीमती/सु‡ी.................. नगर िवय सिमित का िवय

रिजKZीकरण/(माणप3 संPया.....................उŠ (Kताव का समथ<न करता ˆँ।

समथ<नकता< का नाम और हKतार............

िवय रिजKZीकरण/(माण प3 संPया................


अKयथL =ारा घोषणा

मG, ......................प)नी/पु3/पु3ी......................‡ी/‡ीमती/सु‡ी.................. नगर िवय सिमित का िवय

रिजKZीकरण/(माणप3 संPया..................... नगर िवय सिमित के िनवा<चन म, अपने नामिनदoशन के िलए सहमित

(दान करता ˆँ।

मG यह और घोषणा करता ˆँ क –

(i) मG नगर िवय सिमित का कम<चारी नहX ˆँ ;

(ii) मG मत देने के िलए पा3 ˆँ ;

(iii) मGने, पथ िवेता (जीिवका संरण और पथ िवय िविनयमन) अिधिनयम, 2014 (2014 का 7) के अधीन

बनाए गए दादरा और नागर हवेली संघ रा2ये3 , पथ िवेता (जीिवका संरण और पथ िवय िविनयमन)

िनयम, 2015 के उपबंध, के अधीन उ+त नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय के Hप म िनवा<चन के िलए कोई

िनरह<ता उपगत नहX क है ।

अzयथb का नाम और हKतार............

िवय रिजKZीकरण/(माण प3 संPया................

(केवल काया<लय उपयोग के िलए)

...................पूवा<न/अपरान................ को नाम िनदoशन (Hप (ा@त कया ।

#रटtनग आफसर के हKतार............


अिभ-वीकृ ित

...............‡ी/‡ीमती/सु‡ी 'ारा (Kतुत................ अzयथb/(Kतावक/समथ<क का नाम िनदoशन (Hप ..............को

पूवा<न/अपरान को होने वाले िनवा<चन के िलए (ा@त कया |

#रटtनग आफसर के हKतार............

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 15

ू ी
.प 2
ू ी का पैरा 11)
नगर िवय सिमित के सद-य के िनवा1चन के िलए मत प
नगर िवय सिमित के सदKय, के िनवा<चन के िलए मत प3 िजसका दादरा और नागर हवेली संघ रा2ये3, पथ िवेता

(जीिवका संरण और पथ िवय िविनयमन) िनयम, 2015 के िनयम 14 से उपाबI अनुसूची 1 के अधीन संचािलत कया

जाना है ।

सेवा म,

..................नगर िवय सिमित




....................पद के िलए मत प3

िनवा<चन क तारीख....................

म संPया..................

िवय (माण प3 संPया....................

कसी एक अzयथb के सामने (X) का िचन लगाएं

म संPया अzयथb का नाम िवय (माण प3 संPया मत देने का िचन


अनुसचू ी
.प 3
ू ी का पैरा 12)
िनवा1चन अिभकता1/गणना अिभकता1 का नाम िनदJशन
मG ......................पु3/प)नी/पु3ी/‡ीमती/सु‡ी.....................पथ िवेता ................. नगर िवय सिमित (िवय

संPया का (माण प3....................) क अिधका#रता के े3 म िवय कर रहा ˆँ उ+त सिमित के सदKय के िलए िनवा<चन

लड़ रहा ˆँ, िन5निलिखत [यि+त को ..............को आयोिजत होने वाले (तारीख िविनgद`ट कर ) नगर िवय सिमित के

सदKय, के िनवा<चन म अपना िनवा<चन अिभकता</गणना अिभकता< नामिनgद`ट करता ˆँ :-

अzयथb का नाम और हKतार....................

िवय संPया का (माण प3

मG .................. पु3/प)नी/पु3ी/‡ीमती/सु‡ी.....................पता..............िनवा<चन अिभकता</गणना अिभकता< बनने के

िलए सहमत ˆँ |

अिभकता< का नाम और हKतार

.प “क”
[िनयम 7 देख]/
िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित को पथ िवे ता? क8 िशकायत, के िनपटान या िववाद, के समाधान के

िलए आवेदन

1. आवेदक का नाम और पता :

2. रिजKZीकरण संPया/मामला संPया/आईडी :


3. िवय का Kथान :

(अवKथान, जोनवार आद के पूरे Wयौरे द)

4. िवय क (कृित (समुिचत पर सही का िनशान :


(क) लेखन साम^ी

(ख) मोबाइल

(ग) कोई अEय ‡ेणी (यद अEय है तो

‡ेणी को िविनgद`ट कर )

5. िवय (माण प3 को जारी करने क तारीख :

(िवय (माण प3 क (ित संल_न कर , यद

जारी कया गया हो तो)

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 17

6. िशकायत िनपटान या िववाद के समाधान के :

आधार (पूरा Wयौरा द और और पृ`ठ संल_न कर

यद अपेित हो तो )

आवेदक के हKतार....................

मG................आवेदक स)यिन`ठा से घोषणा करता ˆँ क ऊपर कया गया कथन मेरी सवŒ)तम जानकारी और िव\वास के

अनुसार स)य है ।



आवेदक के हKतार.......................

टPपण: कृपया आवेदन के साथ सभी सुसंगत दKतावेज संल_न कर ।

.प “ख”
[िनयम 9 देख]/
िशकायत िनपटान और िववाद समाधान सिमित के िविन:चय
चय के िव;< -थानीय
थानीय ािधकरण को अपी ल

1. आवेदक का नाम और पता :

2. रिजKZीकरण संPया/मामला संPया/आईडी :


3. िवय का Kथान :

(अवKथान, जोनवार आद के पूरे Wयौरे द)

4. िवय क (कृित (समुिचत पर सही का िनशान :


(क) लेखन साम^ी

(ख) मोबाइल (ख)

(ग) कोई अEय ‡ेणी (यद अEय है तो

‡ेणी को िविनgद`ट कर ) (ग)

5. सिमित का िविन\चय :

िववाद समाधान सिमित के िविन\चय क

िन5निलिखत को (दान करते /ए (ित संल_न

कर -

(क) िविन\चय, क संPया ; और

(ख) िविन\चय, क तारीख)

6. अपील के आधार (पूरा Wयौरा द और पृ`ठ :

संल_न कर यद अपेित हो तो )

आवेदक के हKतार....................

मG................आवेदक स)यिन`ठा से घोषणा करता ˆँ क ऊपर कया गया कथन मेरी सवŒ)तम जानकारी और िव\वास के

अनुसार स)य है ।



आवेदक के हKतार.......................

टPपण: कृपया आवेदन के साथ सभी सुसंगत दKतावेज संल_न कर ।

.प “ग”
[िनयम 10 देख]/
नगर िवय सिमित के िविन:चय
चय के िव;< -थानीय
थानीय ािधकरण को अपील

1. आवेदक का नाम और पता :

2. रिजKZीकरण संPया/मामला संPया/आईडी :


3. िवय का Kथान :

(अवKथान, जोन वार आद के पूरे Wयौरे द)

4. िवय क (कृित (समुिचत पर सही का िनशान :


(क) लेखन साम^ी

(ख) मोबाइल

(ग) कोई अEय ‡ेणी (यद अEय है तो

‡ेणी को िविनgद`ट कर )

5. िवय (माण प3 को जारी करने क तारीख :

(िवय (माण प3 क (ित संल_न कर , यद

जारी कया गया हो तो)

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 19

6. उस आदेश क (कृित िजसके िवkI अपील क :

गई है) समुिचत पर सही का िनशान लगाएं)


(क) िवय (माण प3 का जारी करना ;

(ख) िवय (माण प3 को रr करना ; या

(ग) िवय (माण प3 को िनलंिबत

करना ।

7. अपील के आधार (पूरा Wयौरा द और और पृ`ठ

संल_न कर यद अपेित हो तो )

आवेदक के हKतार....................


मG................आवेदक स)यिन`ठा से घोषणा करता ˆँ क ऊपर कया गया कथन मेरी सवŒ)तम जानकारी और िव\वास के

अनुसार स)य है ।



आवेदक के हKतार.......................

टPपण: कृपया आवेदन के साथ सभी सुसंगत दKतावेज संल_न कर ।

.प “घ”
[िनयम 25 देख]/
नगर िवय सिमित =ारा
=ारा -तुत क8 जाने वाली रटन1

(I) सवoण- :

(क) वष< के दौरान सवoण कए गए पथ

िवेताa क संPया ;

(ख) े3 और वाड< का नाम जहां सवoण काय<

पूरा कया गया है सिहत सवoण पूरा करने क


(ग) े3 और वाड< का नाम जहां सवoण काय<

चल रहा है सिहत सवoण आरं भ करने क तारीख

और उसके संभवत: पूरा होने क तारीख ;

(घ) वाड< वार रिजKZीकृत पथ िवेताa क वष<

के अंितम दन क संPया ;


(II) िवय (माण प3 को जारी करने के िलए आवेदन, :

क (ाि@त और िनपटान-

(क) वष< के दौरान िवय का (माण प3 जारी

करने के िलए (ा@त आवेदन, क संPया (वाड<

वार) ;

(ख) वष< के दौरान िनपटान क गई आवेदन, क

संPया (वाड< वार) िजसम से-

(i) Kवीकार कए गए आवेदन, क संPया ;

(ii) नामंजूर कए गए आवेदन, क संPया ;

(iii) वष< के अंितम दन क िKथित के अनुसार

लंिबत आवेदन, क संPया

(III) िवय (माण प3 के िनलंबन के मामले- :

(क) ऐसे मामल, क संPया िजनम वष< के दौरान

िवय के (माण प3 को िनलंिबत करने के िलए

कार< वाई आरं भ क गई

(ख) वष< के दौरान िनलंबन के िनपटान कए गए

मामले िजनम-

(i) िनलंिबत कए गए िवय के (माण प3 क

संPया ;

(ii) बंद कए गए मामल, क संPया और जारी

कए गए िवय के (माण प3 ;

(iii) वष< के अंितम दन क िKथित के अनुसार

लंिबत मामले

(IV) िवय (माण प3 के िनलंबन का (ितसं}ण करने :

के िलए आवेदन-

(क) वष< के दौरान िवय (माण प3 के िनलंबन

का (ितसं}ण करने के िलए आवेदन, क संPया ;

(ख) ऊपर (क) म (ा@त आवेदन, क संPया

िजनका वष< के दौरान िनपटान कया गया

िजनम -

(i) ऐसे आवेदन, क संPया िजनम िनलंबन का

(ितसं}ण कया गया और िवय (माण प3 को

पुन: िविधमाEय कया गया ;

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 21

(ii) बंद कए गए मामल, क संPया और जारी

रखा गया िनलंबन ;

(ग) ) वष< के अंितम दन क िKथित के अनुसार

(ितसंण के िलए आवेदन, क संPया;

(V) िवय (माण प3 रr करने के मामले- :

(क) ऐसे मामल, क संPया िजनम वष< के दौरान

िवय (माण प3 रr करने के िलए कार< वाई

आरं भ क गई;

(ख) वष< के दौरान िवय (माण प3 रr करने के

िनपटाए गए मामल, क संPया िजनम –

(i) रr कए गए िवय (माण प3, क संPया ;

(ii) बंद कए गए मामल, क संPया और जारी

रखे गए (माण प3 ;

(ग) ) वष< के अंितम दन क िKथित के अनुसार

लंिबत मामल, क संPया;

(VI) वष< के दौरान आयोिजत नगर िवय सिमित क :

बैठक, क संPया

(VII) वाड<, े3/कालोनी/माग<, िवय जोन के मानिच3 :

सिहत पहचाने गए िवय जोन, क वाड<वार सूची

तथा उनक धारण मता

(VIII) वाड< वार रिजKZीकृत पथ िवेताa क संPया :

िजEह अिधसूिचत िवय जोन, म शािमल कया

गया है

(IX) अEय काय<कलाप- :

(1) (क) वष< के दौरान उसके काय<कलाप, क

संचािलत क गई सामािजक संपरीा ;

(ख) वष< के दौरान ()यय, बीमा और सामािजक

सुरा क पथ िवताa के िलए अEय

कयाणकारी Kक म, को उपलWध कराने के िलए

कए गए संवध<नकारी उपाय ;

(ग) वष< के दौरान लोग, म पथ िवेताa क

अथ<[यवKथा म भूिमका के िवषय म जागHकता

उ)पEन करने के िलए उठाए गए कदम ।


(2) यथािKथित, सरकार या Kथानीय (ािधकरण

नगर िवय सिमित से ऐसे #रटन< ऐसे (Hप म

िजसक समय-समय पर मांग क जाए (Kतुत

करने क अपेा कर सकेगी ।

[फा.सं. 11028/3/2011-यूएसडी]

बी. के. अ^वाल, संयु+त सिचव


New Delhi, the 27th July, 2015
G.S.R. 586(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 36 read with sub-clause (i) of clause (a) of
sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act,
2014 (7 of 2014), the Central Government, hereby makes the following rules for the Union Territory of Chandigarh,
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the ‘Union Territory of Chandigarh’
Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Rules, 2015.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -
(a) “Act” means the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act,
2014 (7 of 2014);
(b) “Bye-laws” mean the bye-laws made under section 37 of the Act;
(c) “Form” means a form appended to these rules;
(d) “Government” means the Administrator of the Union Territory;
(e) “Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee” means a committee constituted by the
Government under sub-section (1) of Section 20 of the Act for the redressal of grievances or
resolution of disputes;
(f) “local authority” means the local authority as defined under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of Section 2
of the Act;
(g) “Municipal Commissioner” means the Commissioner of a Municipal Corporation or Chief Officer of
a Municipal Council and includes the Vice Chairman of the Union Territory Development Authority,
if any; or as the case may be, the Chief Executive Officer of the Cantonment Board ;
(h) “rule” means rules made under section 36 of the Act;
(i) “Schedule” means a schedule appended to these rules or the Act, as the case may be;
(j) “scheme” means a scheme framed by the Central Government under section 38;
(k) “section” means a section of the Act;

(2) Words and expressions used herein and not defined, but defined in the Act, shall have the meanings
respectively assigned to them in the Act.
¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 23

3. Prescription of age for issue of certificate of vending.- A street vendor who has completed the age of fourteen
years shall be issued a certificate of vending in the manner provided under section 4.
4. Constitution of Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committees.- (1) There shall be a Grievance
redressal and dispute resolution committee for each local authority, constituted by the Government under sub-
section (1) of Section 20 of the Act, comprising of a Chairperson, who has been a civil judge or a judicial
magistrate and two other professionals as members.
(2) The Chairperson and members of a Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee shall be appointed
by the Government, for a period of five years:
Provided that no Chairperson shall hold office as such after he has attained the age of sixty-seven years.
5. Qualifications and experience for appointment as member in a Grievance redressal and dispute resolution
committee.- A person shall be qualified to be appointed as a professional member in a Grievance redressal and
dispute resolution committee, if he,-
(i) is above thirty five years but is not more than sixty five years of age; and
(ii) possesses a Bachelor's degree from a recognised University; and
(iii) is a person of ability, integrity and standing and has adequate knowledge or experience of, at least, ten years in
social work or in dealing with the problems relating to street vendors or of public affairs or of municipal or
public administration;
6. Salaries and other allowances and terms and conditions of Chairperson and member of Grievance
redressal and dispute resolution committee.- (1) The Chairperson and members of the Grievance redressal and
dispute resolution committee shall receive salary, allowances and other perquisites as may be notified by the
Government from time to time
(2) The Government may remove from the office, the Chairperson and members of a Grievance redressal and
dispute resolution committee if he,-
(a) has been adjudged an insolvent; or
(b) has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the Government, involves moral turpitude; or
(c) has become physically or mentally incapable of action as such Chairperson or member, as the case may
be; or
(d) has acquired such financial other interests as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as the
chairperson or a member, as the case may be; or
(e) has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to the public interest:
Provided that the Chairperson or member shall not be removed from his office on the grounds specified in
clauses (d) and (e) of sub-rule (2) except on an inquiry held by the Government in accordance with such
procedure as it may specify in this behalf.
(3) The terms and conditions of the service of the Chairperson and members of the Grievance redressal and
dispute resolution committee shall not be varied to their disadvantage during their tenure of office.
7. Form and manner of making application to Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee.- (1)
Every application for redressal of a grievance or resolution of a dispute under sub-section (2) of Section 20 of the Act
shall be in Form ‘A’.
(2) The application shall be signed by the applicant and presented by him in person or through his authorised
representative to the Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee or such other person as may be authorised
by the committee in this behalf.
(3) The application shall be filed in three sets and shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees one hundred.
(4) The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the order or notice, if any, against which the application is made
and other relevant documents.

(5) Such application shall be filed by the street vendor within thirty days from the date of occurrence of any incident
causing the grievance or dispute:
Provided that the Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee may condone the delay in case it is
satisfied that the applicant was prevented by sufficient cause from preferring the application within the prescribed time.
8. Manner of verification of application and enquiry.- (1) Every application for grievance redressal, on
receipt, shall be entered and numbered in seriatum by the person authorised in this behalf by the Grievance redressal
and dispute resolution committee in a register to be kept for this purpose.
(2) The person authorised in this behalf by the Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee, after making an
entry in the register shall put up the application before the committee.
(3) The Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee shall fix a date for hearing of the application, which shall
not be later than fifteen days from the date of filing of the application, and shall issue notice of the hearing to the parties
or shall cause a notice to be issued.
(4) The Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee while issuing a notice under sub-rule (2) shall call upon
the respondent to submit a written statement and the notice shall contain a statement to this effect.
(5) On the date so fixed for the appearance of the parties, the Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee may
call upon the applicant to remedy the defects, if any, or may call upon the parties to furnish relevant records or such
other documents or evidence as it may deem fit and proper within such period as may be specified by it.
(6) The Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee may also order for a field enquiry in connection with the
contentions made by the applicant and respondent and also with reference to the records submitted before it.
(7) The Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee, after hearing both the parties and examining the record
of the case shall decide the application and pass such orders as it may deem fit and proper within sixty days from the
date of presentation of the application:
Provided that during the hearing of the case if the Committee is satisfied that a situation exists which warrants that
an interim relief should be provided, the Committee may, until the conclusion of such case or until further orders, pass
such interim orders as it deems necessary.
(8) The Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee may also explore the possibility of a settlement between
the parties and in case the parties arrive at a settlement, the committee shall record the settlement, which shall be signed
by the parties or the authorised representatives or officers and shall dispose of the application in terms of such
(9) The Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee shall not entertain an application where,-
(a) the application is anonymous or it contains general and vague allegations;
(b) the matter is sub-judice in any court of law, tribunal or a judicial or quasi-judicial authority;
(c) the matter is beyond the purview of the Act;
(d) the applicant has no locus standi to file the application.
9. Appeal against order or decision of Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee.- (1) An
appeal against an order or decision of a Grievance redressal and dispute resolution committee may be preferred by an
aggrieved person, in Form ‘B’, to the appellate authority constituted by the concerned local authority, comprising of the
Mayor or President as the Chairperson and two other members of the local authority as decided in the General Board
meeting, within thirty days from the date of communication of such order or decision appealed against:
Provided that the appellate authority may condone the delay in case it is satisfied that the applicant was
prevented by sufficient cause from preferring the application within the prescribed time.
(2) The appeal shall be in the form of a memorandum and shall be signed by the appellant and presented by him in
person or through his authorised representative to the concerned local authority.
(3) The memorandum of appeal shall be accompanied by original order or certified copy of the order, if any, against
which appeal is preferred.
(4) The appeal shall be filed in three sets and accompanied by a fee of rupees two hundred.
(5) No such appeal shall be entertained unless a copy thereof has been served upon the respondent or respondents, as
the case may be, and proof of such service has been filed.
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(6) No appeal shall be entertained where the order has been passed by the Grievance redressal and dispute resolution
Committee in terms of the settlement arrived between the parties.
10. Appeal from decision of Town Vending Committee.- (1) An appeal under section 11 against any decision of
a Town Vending Committee with respect to issue of certificate of vending or cancelation or suspension of certificate of
vending shall be preferred before the appellate authority constituted by the concerned local authority comprising of the
Mayor or President as the Chairperson and two other members of the local authority as decided in the General Board
meeting, in Form ‘C’ within thirty days from the date of communication of the order appealed against:
Provided that the appellate authority may condone the delay in case it is satisfied that appellant was prevented
by sufficient cause from preferring the appeal within the prescribed time:
Provided further that in the absence of Chairperson any one of the members designated by the Chairperson
may chair the meeting of the appellate authority.
(2) The appeal shall be in the form of a memorandum in Form ‘C’ and shall be signed by the appellant and presented
by him in person or through his authorised representative, either in English, Hindi or the local language, as preferred by
the appellant .
(3) The memorandum of appeal shall be accompanied by the original or certified copy of the order against which
appeal is preferred.
(4) The appeal shall be filed in three sets and accompanied by a fee of rupees two hundred.
(5) No appeal shall be entertained unless a copy thereof has been served upon the Town Vending Committee which had
made the order appealed against, prior to filing of such appeal and proof of such service has been filed along with the
11. Procedure for disposal of appeals by the local authority.- (1) The officer or the person authorised in this
behalf by the concerned local authority shall make an entry of the appeal in the register kept for the purpose by the
concerned local authority with the date on which it was presented.
(2) The appeal shall be put up before the Appellate Authority constituted by the concerned local authority which shall
fix a date for hearing of the appeal, which shall not be later than fifteen days from the date of filing of the application,
and shall cause a notice of the hearing to be served upon the parties.
(3) The appellate authority shall on the basis of submissions made before it by the parties and the records of the case
and on the basis of field enquiry, if any, ordered to be conducted by the appellate authority, pass such order, as it thinks
fit, with reasons to be recorded in writing, confirming, modifying or annulling the order appealed against within sixty
days from the date of receipt of the appeal by the local authority:
Provided that during the hearing of the case, if the appellate authority is satisfied that a situation exists which
warrants that an interim relief should be provided, the appellate authority may, until the conclusion of such case or until
further orders, pass such interim orders as it deems necessary.
12. Constitution of Town Vending Committee.- (1) In each local authority one Town Vending Committee shall
be constituted by the Government:
Provided that the Government, if it considers necessary, on the request of the concerned local authority may
provide for constitution of more than one Town Vending Committee for each local authority after specifying their
(2) The constitution of a Town Vending Committee shall be as follows, namely:-
Sl. No. Government Department and other Bodies No. of members
(a) Government Department –
(i) Chairperson (Municipal Commissioner or 01
Chief Executive Officer)
(ii) Representative of Police (preferably from 01
the Traffic Division)
(iii) Medical Officer of Health, Municipal Corporation Chandigarh 01
(iv) Representative of Urban Planning Authority, Union Territory 01
administration, Chandigarh
(v) Superintendent of Police, Union Territory administration, 01

(b) Other Bodies –

(i) Street vendors (one-third of whom shall be women 05
vendors, with due representation of the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, minorities
and persons with disabilities)
(ii) Non-government organisations and community based 01
(iii) Resident Welfare Associations 01
Total 12

(3) The members of the Town Vending Committee other than the elected members shall be nominated by the
Provided that nomination of Government members shall be preferred from amongst persons who are dealing
with street vendors or related activities:
Provided further that nomination of members representing non-governmental organisations or community
based organisations or resident welfare associations shall be carried out on the basis of such criteria as may be laid
down by the Government, after inviting applications, as such, by publishing the same in at least two local newspapers
or publicising in any other manner.

13. Election of members of Town Vending Committee from amongst street vendors.-(1) The local authority
shall by a notification express its intention to conduct elections for the members of a Town Vending Committee
representing the street vendors of the area under the jurisdiction of the concerned local authority.
(2) The concerned local authority shall appoint a returning officer for conducting the election under its jurisdiction.
14. Manner of election of members of Town Vending Committee from amongst street vendors.- (1) The
returning officer appointed under sub-rule (2) of rule 13 shall, conduct the elections in the manner provided under the
Schedule appended to these rules.

(2) A street vendor shall be disqualified to be elected to a Town Vending Committee if, he is,-
(i) a convict of an offence involving moral turpitude;
(ii) is physically and, or, mentally incapable of discharging his duties as a member of a Town Vending
(3) The names of the elected members shall be intimated by each local authority to the Government which shall upon
receipt of such names along with other members nominated by it notify the constitution of the Town Vending
Committee in each local authority.
15. Term of members of Town Vending Committee.-(1) The term of the members of the Town Vending
Committee, other than the Government officials who shall be members in ex-officio capacity, shall be five years from
the date of their election or nomination, as the case may be.
(2) The process of electing or nominating, as the case may be, of the members shall be completed before the expiry of
their term.

16. Removal of a member of Town Vending Committee.- Any member of a Town Vending Committee may be
removed by the Government from the committee, if he,
(a) persistently makes defaults in the performance of his duties imposed on him under the Act and these rules or
exceeds or abuses its powers;
(b) remains absent for three consecutive meetings of the Committee without the permission of the Chairperson;
(c) is convicted of any criminal case by any court of law:
Provided that such member shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard before his removal.
17. Method of filling vacant post.- (1) Where any vacancy occurs in a Town Vending Committee due to
resignation, death, removal or otherwise of any member, other than a street vendor, the same procedure as specified in
rule 12 shall be followed to fill up such vacancy and the member so nominated shall continue to be a member for the
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remaining period of term of that member in whose place he has been nominated.
(2) Where any vacancy occurs in a Town Vending Committee due to resignation, death, removal or otherwise of any
member who is a street vendor, the local authority shall fill up that vacancy based on the election results conducted as
per rule 14 and the member so elected shall continue to be a member for the remaining period of term of that member
in whose place he has been elected.
18. Allowances to members of Town Vending Committee.- The allowances payable to the members of a Town
Vending Committee, who do not hold any office of profit, shall be at the rate of rupees one thousand only for attending
each meeting of the Town Vending Committee, or as may be fixed by the concerned local authority from time to time.
19. Meetings of Town Vending Committee.- (1) A Town Vending Committee shall ordinarily hold at least one
meeting within a period of three months or at any such intervals as the Chairperson of the Town Vending Committee
may decide for the transaction of its business:
Provided that the first meeting of a Town Vending Committee shall be convened by the Chairperson within forty
five days of its constitution:
Provided further that a requisition meeting may be called by the Chairperson on a specific issue on the request of
not less than one-third of the members of the Committee, and the meeting shall be convened within seventy-two hours
after receiving the request so made.
(2) The meetings of a Town Vending Committee shall be held at the headquarters of the local authority or at such place
within the jurisdiction of the local authority as may be decided by the Chairperson.
(3) A notice shall be issued before seven days of a scheduled meeting to all the members of the Town Vending
Committee, along-with the agenda of the meeting.
(4) The quorum for the meeting shall be two-third members of the total strength of the Town Vending Committee.
(5) No meeting shall be held in the absence of the quorum and where there is no quorum, the meeting shall be
20. Procedure for transaction of business of Town Vending Committee.- (1) The Town Vending Committee
may follow such procedure for transaction of its business as may be decided by the Chairperson in consultation with
the members.
(2) Subject to the provisions of the Act and these rules and notwithstanding anything contained in the bye-laws, the
resolution passed in a meeting of a Town Vending Committee shall be by not less than two-thirds of the members
present and voting in the meeting.
(3) The Chairperson shall ensure that the minutes of each meeting are recorded which shall be signed by him, circulated
amongst the members and published on its website, if available, within one month of the meeting of the Committee.
21. Functions of Town Vending Committee.- Without prejudice to any other provisions of the Act, a Town
Vending Committee shall perform the following functions, namely:-
(a) to conduct surveys within the area of its jurisdiction to identify street vendors in the area and ensure their
accommodation in accordance with the norms, plan and the holding capacity within the area of its jurisdiction;
(b) to issue certificate of vending to an eligible street vendor after obtaining an undertaking from him to comply with
the terms and conditions subject to which the certificate of vending is issued for issue of certificate of vending, the
Town Vending Committee shall follow the criteria as specified in the scheme framed under sub-section (1) of section
38 of the Act;
(c) to cancel or suspend certificate of vending of street vendors who commit breach of any of the conditions thereof or
any other terms and conditions specified for regulating street vending under the Act or these rules or scheme made
under the Act or where the Town Vending Committee is satisfied that such certificate of vending has been secured by
the street vendor through misrepresentation or fraud:
Provided that any order for cancellation or suspension of a certificate of vending by the Town Vending Committee
shall specify the reasons for such cancellation or suspension in the written order communicated to the vendor;
(d) to recommend to the local authority an area in its jurisdiction for declaration of the same to be a non-vending area;
(e) to identify sites and spaces for vending;
(f) to regulate timings for vending to ensure non-congestion of public spaces;
(g) to ensure enforcement of corrective mechanism against defiance by street vendors;
(h) to follow up cases of dispute pending before the dispute redressal committee and the local authority;

(i) to furnish recommendations to the local authority in relation to the preparation of plan to promote the vocation of
street vendors;
(j) to hold its meetings and take appropriate decisions to ensure efficient discharge of its functions;
(k) to associate technical and professional persons from the Government or other non-government organisations with
itself on temporary basis for obtaining assistance or advice in carrying out any of the provisions of the Act;
(l) to publish the street vendor's charter in at least one local language, Hindi and English newspapers of repute and
displayed in the office of Town Vending Committee and other offices of the Urban Local Bodies as required,
specifying therein the time within which the certificate of vending shall be issued to the street vendors and time within
which such certificate of vending shall be renewed and other activities to be performed within the time limit specified
(m) to maintain up to date records of registered street vendors and street vendors to whom certificate of vending has
been issued in accordance with the provisions of the Act and publish on the website, if available;
(n) to carry out social audit of its activities under the Act or these rules or the scheme made thereunder;
(o) to furnish from time to time to the Government and the local authority such returns as prescribed under the Act and
these rules;
(p) to furnish comments to the Government for undertaking promotional measures of making available credit, insurance
and other welfare schemes of social security for the street vendors;
(q) to assist the Government to raise awareness among the public about the role of the street vendors in the economy;
(r) to perform such other functions for effective implementation of the Act and these rules as may be delegated to the
Town Vending Committee by the local authority and by the Government.
22. Power of Town Vending Committee for temporary association of expert persons.-(1) Subject to the
provisions of the Act, a Town Vending Committee may associate any suitable person of repute having adequate
knowledge and experience in the field, as expert to obtain technical or professional advice on matters relating to the
street vendors.
(2) The person to be associated as expert under sub-rule (1) shall be selected in a fair and transparent manner and by
following the procedure for engagement of consultants and experts as technical or professional experts in Government
(3) The person associated as expert under sub-rule (1) shall be paid allowances as determined by the local authority.
(4) The person associated as expert under sub-rule (1) may take part in the meetings of the Town Vending Committee,
but such persons shall not have a right to vote in the meetings.
23. Employees of Town Vending Committee - The local authority concerned shall, when so requested by a
Town Vending Committee, make available to that Committee such employees as the local authority considers
necessary for discharge of the functions conferred or imposed on the Committee under rule 21 of these rules.
24. Manner of maintenance of records of street vendors by Town Vending Committee.- Every Town
Vending Committee shall maintain up to date records as specified in the scheme under sub-section (2) of section 26 of
the Act in electronic form or manually or in both forms, as may be decided by the local authority.
25. Town Vending Committee to furnish returns.- (1) Every Town Vending committee shall prepare and
furnish to the Government and local authority periodical returns for each year with details as required in Form ‘D’.
(2) The Government or the local authority, as the case may be, may require a Town Vending Committee to furnish such
other return or returns in such proforma as demanded from time to time.
26. Publication of summary of notified scheme in newspapers, etc.- (1) A summary of the scheme notified by
the Government in the second schedule under sub-section (1) of section 38 of the Act shall be published by the local
authority by means of a public notice given in two prominent daily newspapers and circulated in the area for being
widely known in the area or locality of its jurisdiction which is likely to be affected thereby, within seven days from the
date the scheme is notified by the Government.
(2) The notice shall be signed by the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Executive Officer of the local authority, as
the case may be, or by an officer authorised by him in this behalf.
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(3) The notice shall be in such language or languages as the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Executive Officer of
the local authority, as the case may be, may specify in this behalf.
[See rule 14]
1. The local authority concerned shall supervise, direct and control the conduct of elections of the members of a Town
Vending Committee representing the street vendors in the area of its jurisdiction.
2. As soon as the notification expressing the intention of the local authority to conduct elections for members of a
Town Vending Committee representing the street vendors has been issued under sub-rule (1) of rule 13 and a returning
officer has been appointed for conducting the elections under sub-rule (2) of that rule, the local authority shall by a
resolution determine the date, time and place for conduct of elections.
3. The notice of the resolution or decision of the local authority shall be circulated among the street vendors engaged in
the vocation of street vending in the area of jurisdiction of the Town Vending Committee, by any of the following
modes, namely:-
(a) by public notice to be published in two prominent daily newspapers in Hindi, English or such other language as the
local authority thinks fit;
(b) by local delivery;
(c) by post under certificate of posting;
(d) by speed post or courier services, duly registered with competent authority as well as on the notice board of the
returning officer and such notice shall contain information regarding-
(i) the number of members to be elected including seats reserved for representatives of the Scheduled Castes, the
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, minorities, women, persons with disabilities or any other specified
(ii) the date on which, the place at which and the hours between which nomination papers shall be filed, such date
being not less than seven clear days before the date fixed for election or if that day happens to be public holiday, the
next succeeding day which is not a public holiday;
Explanation.- the term “public holiday” means any day which is a public holiday under section 25 of the Negotiable
Instruments Act, 1881 [Central Act XXVI of 1881] or any day which has been notified by the Government to be a
public holiday for offices under the Government;
(iii) the date and the hour for scrutinisation of the nomination papers;
(iv) the date, place, hours of polling.
4. The local authority shall prepare a list of street vendors engaged in the vocation of street vending in the area of
jurisdiction of the Town Vending Committee as it stood on thirty days before the date fixed for inviting the
nominations, and publish copies of the said list by affixing them upon the notice board at the office of the Town
Vending Committee, not less than ten days prior to the date fixed for inviting nominations. The list shall specify the
registration number or number of certificate of vending and the name of the street vendor, the name of the father or
husband, as the case may be, and the address of the street vendor. It shall be the duty of the Town Vending Committee
or the local authority, as the case may be, to bring up-to-date register of street vendors and such other register as the
returning officer may require and hand over such records, register or registers to the returning officer thirty days prior
to the date fixed for the purpose of election. A copy of the list shall be supplied by the Town Vending Committee or the
local authority, or returning officer, as the case may be, to any street vendor on payment of such fee as specified by the
local authority.
5. The nominations of the candidates for election shall be made in Form-1 annexed to this Schedule which shall be
supplied by the returning officer to any street vendor, free of cost.
6. The candidate shall make a security deposit of rupees two thousand in cash or bank draft or pay order along with the
nomination papers. If a candidate fails to get less than one-sixth of the votes polled, the security deposit shall be
forfeited to the local authority.
7. Every nomination paper shall be presented in person by the candidate himself or by his proposer or seconder to the
returning officer. The returning officer shall enter on the nomination paper its serial number and certify the date and
hour at which the nomination is received by him and shall immediately give a written acknowledgement for the receipt

of the nomination paper which shall bear the seal of the Town Vending Committee or returning officer. Any
nomination paper which is not received on or before the date and time fixed for its receipt shall be rejected.
8. (i) On the day following the date fixed for the receipt of nomination papers, the returning officer shall take up the
scrutiny of the nomination papers;
(ii) The returning officer shall examine the nomination papers and decide objections, which may be made by any
person in respect of any nomination and may, either on such objection, or on his own motion and after such summary
inquiry, if any, as the returning officer thinks necessary, reject any nomination:
Provided that the nomination of a candidate shall not be rejected merely on the ground of an incorrect description
of his name or the name of his proposer or seconder, or any other particulars relating to the candidate or his proposer or
seconder, as entered in the list of street vendors referred to in paragraph 4 if the identity of the candidate, the proposer
or seconder, as the case may be, is established beyond reasonable doubt.
(iii) the returning officer shall give all reasonable facilities to the contesting candidates or the proposer or seconder as
the case may be, to examine all the nomination papers and to satisfy themselves that the inclusion of the name of the
contesting candidate is valid;
(iv) the returning officer shall endorse on each nomination paper his decision accepting or rejecting the same as the
case may be, and if the nomination paper is rejected, he shall record in writing a brief statement of his reasons for such
(v) the returning officer shall not allow any adjournment of the proceedings except when such proceedings are
interrupted or obstructed by riots or affray or by causes beyond his control;
9. The list of valid nominations as decided by the returning officer with names in English alphabetical order and
addresses of the candidates as given in the nomination papers will be displayed or published on the same day on which
the scrutiny of the nomination papers is completed.
10. Any candidate may withdraw his candidature by notice in writing signed by him and submitted in person, at any
time after the presentation of his nomination paper but before 05.00 pm on the day following the day on which the valid
nominations are published, to the returning officer of the Town Vending Committee and a notice of withdrawal of
candidates once given shall be irrevocable.
11. If the number of candidates whose nomination papers have been declared valid, does not exceed the number of
candidates to be elected, the returning officer shall announce the names of all such candidates and declare them to have
been duly elected to the Town Vending Committee after the closing hour of the day of withdrawal of candidatures
fixed under paragraph 10 above. If the number of candidates whose nominations are valid exceeds the number to be
elected, the returning officer shall arrange for conducting a poll on the date fixed for the purpose. The returning officer
may appoint one or more polling officers as may be necessary for conducting the poll. Ballot paper to be used shall be
as prescribed in Form-2 annexed to this Schedule.
12. The local authority shall provide the returning office with ballot boxes, ballot papers copy of list of street vendors
or voters and such other articles as may be necessary for the conduct of elections. The ballot box shall be so constructed
that ballot papers can be inserted therein but cannot be taken out there from without the boxes being unlocked. A
candidate contesting the election may, by a letter to the returning officer appoint an agent to represent him both where
polling is held to identify the voters and to watch the recording of votes and such letter shall contain the consent in
writing of the agent concerned in Form-3 annexed to this Schedule.
13. Canvassing for votes by any person at the place where elections are to be conducted shall be prohibited.
14. Immediately before the commencement of the poll, the returning officer shall show the empty ballot box to such
persons as may be present at the time and shall then lock it up and fix his seal. The candidate or his agent may also
affix his own seal, if he so desires.
15. Every street vendor or voter who desires to exercise his right to vote shall be supplied with a ballot paper containing
the names of contesting candidates arranged in the English alphabetical order either printed, type written or cyclostyled,
according to convenience, on the ballot paper. The ballot paper shall also bear the seal of the Town Vending
Committee and also the initials of the returning officer, and further contain a column, for the voter to inscribe a mark
[x] against the names of persons to whom he wants to vote.
16. Each polling station and where there is more than one polling booth at a station, each such booth shall contain a
separate compartment in which the street vendors or voters can record their votes in secrecy.
17. No ballot paper shall be issued to a street vendor or voter unless the polling officer is satisfied that the street vendor
or voter concerned is the same person as noted in the list furnished to him. On receipt of such ballot paper the street
vendor or voter shall proceed to the polling compartment set apart for the purpose and indicate the person or persons in
whose favour he exercises his vote by inscribing a mark [x] against the names of the candidate or candidates, as the
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case may be, and put the ballot paper in the ballot box kept for the purpose with utmost secrecy. If owing to blindness
or other physical infirmity or illiteracy, the street vendor or voter is unable to inscribe the mark on the ballot paper, the
polling officer and where no such polling officer is appointed, the returning officer shall ascertain from him the
candidate or candidates in whose favour he desired to vote, inscribe the mark [x] on his behalf and put the ballot paper
in the ballot box.
18. If at any stage of the polling, the proceedings are interrupted or obstructed by any riot or affray or if at such
elections, it is not possible to take the poll for any sufficient cause, the returning officer shall have the power to stop the
poling, recording his reasons for such action in the minute book of the Town Vending Committee.
19. No street vendor or voter shall be admitted after the hours fixed for the poll but a voter, who enters the premises
where ballot papers are being issued before the close of the polling hour shall be issued the ballot paper and allowed to
20. The counting of votes shall take place immediately after close of the poll. If this is not possible, the ballot box shall
be sealed with the seal of the returning officer and the contesting candidates or their agents, if they so desire, and
deposit with the local authority for safe custody, the returning officer shall then announce the next day of counting. The
votes shall be counted by or under the supervision of the returning officer. Each candidate and his authorised agent
shall have a right to be present at the time of counting. But absence of any candidate or his agent at the time of counting
shall not vitiate counting and announcement of results by returning officer. The number of votes secured by each
candidate and the result of the elections shall be announced by the returning officer as soon as the counting is over.
21. The result of the elections shall also be recorded in the minute book of the Town Vending Committee and attested
by returning officer and shall also be notified immediately on the notice board of the Town Vending Committee.
22. In case of equality of votes, the returning officer shall declare the election result by tossing coin.
23. The ballot paper shall be rejected by the returning officer if,-
(i) it bears any mark by which the street vendor's vote can be identified;
(ii) it does not bear the seal of the Town Vending Committee or the initials of the returning officer;
(iii) the mark indicating the vote thereon is placed in such a manner as to make it doubtful to which candidate
the vote has been cast;
(iv) is so damaged or mutilated that its identity as a genuine ballot paper cannot be established.
24. After the result of election has been announced, the result of the election and a report thereon shall be
communicated to the local authority as well as to the Government by the returning officer within three days after the
declaration of result.
25. After the declaration of the result of the election, the returning officer shall handover the ballot paper and records
relating to the elections of the members of the Town Vending Committee to the local authority in a sealed cover and
the same shall safely be preserved by the local authority till the next election results are available and shall thereafter be
destroyed by the local authority and a copy of the handing over and taking over record of elections shall be sent to the
Government as well as local authority by the returning officer along with his report.
(paragraph 5 of Schedule)
The Returning Officer,
Town Vending Committee
I, ......................................., wife/son/daughter of Shri/Smt./Ms. ..................................., street vendor vending in the area
of jurisdiction of the Town Vending Committee, (Registration Certificate of Vending No. ....................) hereby propose
the name of Shri/Smt./Ms. .................................. wife/son/daughter of Shri/Smt./Ms. .............................. and a street
vendor of the said Town Vending Committee (Registration/Certificate of Vending No. ................................) as a
candidate for the post of Member of the said Committee for the election to be held on ..................................

Name and signature of the proposer ………..................

Registration/Certificate of Vending No. ..........................

I, ..............................., wife/son/daughter of Shri/Smt./Ms. ..................................... Registration/Certificate of Vending

No. ......................... of ........................ Town Vending Committee, hereby second the above proposal.

Name and Signature of the Seconder ………………….

Registration/Certificate of Vending No. ...........................


I, ..............................., wife/son/daughter of Shri/Smt./Ms. ................................. Registration/Certificate of Vending No.
.................... of ....................... Town Vending Committee, hereby agree to my nomination for the election as Member
of the ........................ Town Vending Committee.
I further declare that-
(i) I am not an employee of the said Town Vending Committee;
(ii) I am eligible to vote;
(iii) I do not incur any disqualification for election as Member of the said Town Vending Committee under the
provisions of the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014 (Central Act 7
of 2014) and the ‘Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli’ Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation
of Street Vending) Rules, 2015 made thereunder.

Name and Signature of the Candidate ……………….

Registration/Certificate of Vending No. .........................


Received the nomination form at .......................... a.m./p.m. on ....................................

Signature of the Returning Officer .........................


Received the nomination form of .....................................presented by Shri/Smt./Ms. ...............................
candidate/proposer/seconder for election at .......... a.m./p.m. on ................

Signature of the Returning Officer ...............................

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 33

Form- 2
(paragraph 11 of Schedule)
Ballot paper of elections of Members of a Town Vending Committee whose elections are to be conducted under
Schedule I appended to rule 14 of the ‘Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli’ Street Vendors (Protection of
Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Rules, 2015.
The ..........................................
Town Vending Committee
............................................. (Address)
Ballot paper for the Post of ............................
Date of Election..............................................
Sl. No. ................................................
Certificate of Vending No. ...................................................
Please mark [x] against one of the candidate
Sl. No. Name of candidate Certificate of Vending No. Mark of casting vote

Form- 3
(Paragraph 12 of Schedule)
I, ......................................., son/wife /daughter of Shri/Smt./Ms. ......................................., street vendor vending in the
area of jurisdiction of the Town Vending Committee, (Certificate of Vending No. .....................) contesting for election
of Member of the said Committee, hereby nominate the following person as my election agent/counting agent in the
election of Members of the said Town Vending Committee to be held on ............................ (specify the date):-

Name and Signature of the Candidate ………….

Certificate of Vending No. ............................

I, ......................................., son/wife/daughter of Shri/Smt./Ms. ……........................................., address

………………………………………………………………………………………………………… am willing to be
the election agent/counting agent.

Name and Signature of the Agent ………………


[See rule 7]
1. Name and address of the applicant :
2. Registration number/ case number/ ID number :
3. Place of vending - :
(give full details of location, zone ward, etc.)
4. Nature of vending (Tick the appropriate) - :
(a) stationary (a)
(b) mobile (b)
(c) any other category (if other, please specify the category) (c)
5. Date of issue of certificate of vending (attach a copy of :
certificate of vending, if issued)
6. Grounds of redressal of grievance or resolution of dispute (give :
full details and attach more pages, if required)

Signature of applicant ………………..

I, ……………………………….., the applicant, do hereby solemnly declare that what is stated above is true to the best
of my information and belief.
Signature of applicant ………………………….
Note.- Please attach all the relevant documents along with the application.

[See rule 9]
1. Name and address of the appellant :
2. Registration number/ case number/ ID number :
3. Place of vending - :
(give full details of location, zone ward, etc.)
4. Nature of vending (Tick the appropriate) - :
(a) stationary (a)

(b) mobile (b)

(c) any other category (if other, please specify the category)
5. Decision of the Committee :
(attach the copy of the decision of the Dispute Redressal
Committee, giving-
¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 35

(a) the number of decisions; and

(b) the date of the decisions.)
6. Grounds of appeal (give full details and attach more pages, if :
Signature of appellant ………………..
I, ……………………………….., the appellant, do hereby solemnly declare that what is stated above is true to the best
of my information and belief.
Signature of appellant ………………………….
Note.- Please attach all the relevant documents along with the application.
[See rule 10]
1. Name and address of the appellant :
2. Registration number/ case number/ ID number :
3. Place of vending - :
(give full details of location, zone ward, etc.)
4. Nature of vending (Tick the appropriate) - :
(a) stationary (a)
(b) mobile (b)
(c) any other category (if other, please specify the category) (c)
5. Date of issue of certificate of vending (attach a copy of :
certificate of vending, if issued)
6. Nature of the order appealed against (Tick the appropriate) :
(a) issuance of certificate of vending; (a)
(b) cancellation of certificate of vending; or (b)
(c) suspension of certificate of vending. (c)
7. Grounds of appeal (give full details and attach more pages, if :
Signature of appellant ………………..
I, ……………………………….., the appellant, do hereby solemnly declare that what is stated above is true to the best
of my information and belief.
Signature of appellant ………………………….

Note.- Please attach all the relevant documents along with the application.

[See rule 25]
[I] Survey- :
(a) the number of street
vendors surveyed during
the year;
(b) name of area and wards
where survey work has
been completed along with
date of completion of
(c) name of area and wards
where survey work is in
progress along with the date
of start of survey and the
date of likely completion;
(d) the number of registered
street vendors ward wise as
on the last day of the year;
[II] Receipt and disposal of :
applications for issue of
certificate of vending-
(a) the number of
applications (ward wise)
received for issue of
certificate of vending
during the year;
(b) the number of
applications (ward wise)
disposed of during the year
of which-
(i) the number of
applications accepted;
(ii) the number of
applications denied;
(iii) the number of
applications pending as
on the last day of the
[III] Cases of suspension of :
certificate of vending-
(a) the number of cases in
which action for suspension
of certificate of vending
initiated during the year;
(b) the number of cases of
suspension disposed of
during the year of which-
(i) the number of certificate
of vending were
(ii) the number of cases
closed and the
¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 37

certificate of vending
(iii) the number of cases
pending as on the last
day of the year;
[IV] Applications for :
revocation of suspension
of certificate of vending-
(a) the number of
applications for the
revocation of suspension of
certificate of vending
received during the year;
(b) the number of
applications received at (a)
above disposed of during
the year of which-
(i) the number of
applications where
suspension revoked
and the certificate of
vending revalidated;
(ii) the number of cases
closed and
(c) the number of
applications for revocation
of suspension pending as on
the last date of the year;
[V] Cases of cancellation of :
certificate of vending-
(a) the number of cases in
which action for
cancellation of certificate of
vending initiated during the
(b) the number of cases of
cancellation of certificate of
vending disposed of during
the year of which-
(i) the number of
certificates of vending
(ii) the number of cases
closed and certificate
(c) the number of cases
pending on the last day of
the year;
[VI] The number of meetings of :
Town Vending Committee

held during the year;

[VII] Ward wise list of vending :
zones identified along with
the details such as ward,
area/colony, road, map of
the vending zone, and the
holding capacity;
[VIII] Ward wise number of :
registered street vendors
that have been
accommodated in the
notified vending zones;
[IX] Other activities- :
(1) (a) the social audit of its
activities conducted during
the year;
(b) promotional measures
taken for making available
credit, insurance and other
welfare schemes of social
security of the street
vendors during the year;
(c) steps taken during the
year to raise awareness
among the public about the
role of street vendors in the
(2) The Government or the
local authority, as the case
may be, may require a
Town Vending Committee
to furnish such other return
or returns in such proforma
as demanded from time to
[F. No. N-11028/3/2011-USD]
B. K. AGARWAL, Jt. Secy.

Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.
jftLVªh lañ Mhñ ,yñ—(,u)04@0007@2003—14 REGISTERED NO. DL—(N)04/0007/2003—14

Hkkx II — [k.M 1
PART II — Section 1
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Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation.


(Legislative Department)
New Delhi, the 5th March, 2014/Phalguna 14, 1935 (Saka)
The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the
4th March, 2014, and is hereby published for general information:—


(NO. 7 OF 2014)
[4th March, 2014.]

An Act to protect the rights of urban street vendors and to regulate street vending
activities and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as

1. (1) This Act may be called the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation Short title,
of Street Vending) Act, 2014. extent,
(2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. and

(3) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification
in the Official Gazette, appoint; and different dates may be appointed for different States and
any reference in any provision to the commencement of this Act shall be construed in
relation to any State as a reference to the coming into force of that provision in that State.
(4) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to any land, premises and trains owned
and controlled by the Railways under the Railway Act, 1989. 24 of 1989.
Definitions. 2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) “appropriate Government” means in respect of matters relating to,—
(i) a Union territory without Legislature, the Central Government;
(ii) the Union territories with Legislature, the Government of the National
Capital Territory of Delhi or, as the case may be, the Government of Union
territory of Puducherry;
(iii) a State, the State Government;
(b) “holding capacity” means the maximum number of street vendors who can be
accommodated in any vending zone and has been determined as such by the local
authority on the recommendations of the Town Vending Committee;
(c) “local authority” means a Municipal Corporation or a Municipal Council or a
Nagar Panchayat, by whatever name called, or the Cantonment Board, or as the case
may be, a civil area committee appointed under section 47 of the Cantonment Act, 2006 41 of 2006.
or such other body entitled to function as a local authority in any city or town to
provide civic services and regulate street vending and includes the “planning authority”
which regulates the land use in that city or town;
(d) “mobile vendors” means street vendors who carry out vending activities in
designated area by moving from one place to another place vending their goods and
(e) “natural market” means a market where sellers and buyers have traditionally
congregated for the sale and purchase of products or services and has been determined
as such by the local authority on the recommendations of the Town Vending Committee;
(f) “notification” means a notification published in the Official Gazette and the
term “notify” shall be construed accordingly;
(g)“planning authority” means an Urban Development Authority or any other
authority in any city or town designated by the appropriate Government as responsible
for regulating the land use by defining the precise extent of areas for any particular
activity in the master plan or development plan or zonal plan or layout plan or any
other spatial plan which is legally enforceable under the applicable Town and Country
Planning Act or the Urban Development Act or the Municipal Act, as the case may be;
(h) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act by the
appropriate Government;
(i) “Schedule” means the Schedule annexed to this Act;
(j) “scheme” means a scheme framed by the appropriate Government under
section 38;
(k) “stationary vendors” means street vendors who carry out vending activities
on regular basis at a specific location;
(l) “street vendor” means a person engaged in vending of articles, goods, wares,
food items or merchandise of everyday use or offering services to the general public,
in a street, lane, side walk, footpath, pavement, public park or any other public place or
private area, from a temporary built up structure or by moving from place to place and

includes hawker, peddler, squatter and all other synonymous terms which may be local
or region specific; and the words “street vending” with their grammatical variations
and cognate expressions, shall be construed accordingly;
(m) “Town Vending Committee” means the body constituted by the appropriate
Government under section 22;
(n) “vending zone” means an area or a place or a location designated as such by
the local authority, on the recommendations of the Town Vending Committee, for the
specific use by street vendors for street vending and includes footpath, side walk,
pavement, embankment, portions of a street, waiting area for public or any such place
considered suitable for vending activities and providing services to the general public.
(2) Any reference in this Act to any enactment or any provision thereof, shall, in
relation to an area in which such enactment or such provision is not in force be construed as
a reference to the corresponding law, if any, in force in that area.


3. (1) The Town Vending Committee shall, within such period and in such manner as Survey of
may be specified in the scheme, conduct a survey of all existing street vendors, within the street vendors
area under its jursidiction, and subsequent survey shall be carried out at least once in every and protection
from eviction
five years. or relocation.
(2) The Town Vending Committee shall ensure that all existing street vendors, identified
in the survey, are accommondated in the vending zones subject to a norm conforming to two
and half per cent. of the population of the ward or zone or town or city, as the case may be,
in accordance with the plan for street vending and the holding capacity of the vending
(3) No street vendor shall be evicted or, as the case may be, relocated till the survey
specified under sub-section (1) has been completed and the certificate of vending is issued
to all street vendors.
4. (1) Every street vendor, identified under the survey carried out under sub-section Issue of
(1) of section 3, who has completed the age of fourteen years or such age as may be certificate of
prescribed by the appropriate Government, shall be issued a certificate of vending by the vending.
Town Vending Committee, subject to such terms and conditions and within the period specified
in the scheme including the restrictions specified in the plan for street vending:
Provided that a person, whether or not included under the survey under sub-section
(1) of section 3, who has been issued a certificate of vending before the commencement of
this Act, whether known as licence or any other form of permission (whether as a stationary
vendor or a mobile vendor or under any other category) shall be deemed to be a street vendor
for that category for the period for which he has been issued such certificate of vending.
(2) Where, in the intervening period between two surveys, any person seeks to vend,
the Town Vending Committee may grant a certificate of vending to such person, subject to
the scheme, the plan for street vending and the holding capacity of the vending zones.
(3) Where the number of street vendors identified under sub-section (1) or the number
of persons seeking to vend under sub-section (2) are more than the holding capacity of the
vending zone and exceeds the number of persons to be accommodated in that vending zone,
the Town Vending Committee shall carry out a draw of lots for issuing the certificate of
vending for that vending zone and the remaining persons shall be accommodated in any
adjoining vending zone to avoid relocation.

Conditions for 5. (1) Every street vendor shall give an undertaking to the Town Vending Committee
issue of
prior to the issue of a certificate of vending under section 4, that—
certificate of
vending. (a) he shall carry on the business of street vending himself or through any of his
family member;
(b) he has no other means of livelihood:
(c) he shall not transfer in any manner whatsoever, including rent, the certificate
of vending or the place specified therein to any other person.
(2) Where a street vendor to whom a certificate of vending is issued dies or suffers
from any permanent disability or is ill, one of his family member in following order of priority,
may vend in his place, till the validity of the certificate of vending—
(a) spouse of the street vendor;
(b) dependent child of the street vendor:
Provided that where a dispute arises as to who is entitled to vend in the place of the
vendor, the matter shall be decided by the committee under section 20.
Categories of 6. (1) The certificate of vending shall be issued under any of the following categories,
certificate of namely:—
vending and
issue of (a) a stationary vendor;
identity cards.
(b) a mobile vendor; or
(c) any other category as may be specified in the scheme.
(2) The certificate of vending issued for the categories specified in sub-section (1)
shall be in such form, and issued in such manner, as may be specified in the scheme and
specify the vending zone where the street vendor shall carry on his vending activities, the
days and timings for carrying on such vending activities and the conditions and restrictions
subject to which he shall carry on such vending activities.
(3) Every street vendor who has been issued certificate of vending under sub-section
(1) shall be issued identity cards in such form and manner as may be specified in the scheme.
Criteria for 7. The criteria to be followed by the Town Vending Committee for issuing certificate of
issuing vending to a street vendor shall be as specified in the scheme, which may, apart from other
certificate of
things, provide for preference to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward
Classes, women, persons with disabilities, minorities or such other categories as may be
specified in the scheme.
Vending fees. 8. Every street vendor who has been issued certificate of vending shall pay such
vending fees as may be specified in the scheme.
Validity and 9. (1) Every certificate of vending shall be valid for such period as may be specified in
renewal of the scheme.
certificate of
vending. (2) Every certificate of vending shall be renewable for such period, in such manner,
and on payment of such fees, as may be specified in the scheme.
Cancellation 10. Where a street vendor who has been issued a certificate of vending under this Act
or suspension commits breach of any of the conditions thereof or any other terms and conditions specified
of certificate
for the purpose of regulating street vending under this Act or any rules or schemes made
of vending.
thereunder, or where the Town Vending Committee is satisfied that such certificate of vending
has been secured by the street vendor through misrepresentation or fraud, the Town Vending
Committee may, without prejudice to any other fine which may have been incurred by the
street vendor under this Act, cancel the certificate of vending or suspend the same in such
manner as may be specified in the scheme and for such period as it deems fit:
Provided that no such cancellation or suspension shall be made by the Town Vending
Committee unless an opportunity of hearing has been given to the street vendor.

11. (1) Any person who is aggrieved by any decision of the Town Vending Committee Appeal from
with respect to issue of certificate of vending under section 6 or cancellation or suspension decision of
Town Vending
of certificate of vending under section 10 may prefer an appeal to the local authority in such
form, within such period, and in such manner, as may be prescribed.
(2) No appeal shall be disposed of by the local authority unless the appellant has been
given an opportunity of hearing.

12. (1) Every street vendor shall have the right to carry on the business of street vending Rights of
activities in accordance with the terms and conditions mentioned in the certificate of vending. street vendor.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where any area or space,
as the case may be, has been earmarked as no-vending zone, no street vendor shall carry out
any vending activities in that zone.
13. Every street vendor, who possesses a certificate of vending, shall, in case of his Right of
street vendor
relocation under section 18, be entitled for new site or area, as the case may be, for carrying
for a new site
out his vending activities as may be determined by the local authority, in consultation with or area on
the Town Vending Committee. relocation.

14. Where a street vendor occupies space on a time sharing basis, he shall remove his Duty of street
goods and wares every day at the end of the time-sharing period allowed to him. vendors.

15. Every street vendor shall maintain cleanliness and public hygiene in the vending Maintenance
zones and the adjoining areas. of cleanliness
and public
16. Every street vendor shall maintain civic amenities and public property in the vending Maintenance
zone in good condition and not damage or destroy or cause any damage or destruction to the of civic
amenities in
vending zone
in good

17. Every street vendor shall pay such periodic maintenance charges for the civic Payment of
amenities and facilities provided in the vending zones as may be determined by the local maintenance

18. (1) The local authority may, on the recommendations of the Town Vending Relocation or
Committee, declare a zone or part of it to be a no-vending zone for any public purpose and eviction of
relocate the street vendors vending in that area, in such manner as may be specified in the
(2) The local authority shall evict such street vendor whose certificate of vending has
been cancelled under section 10 or who does not have a certificate of vending and vends
without such certificate, in such manner as may be specified in the scheme.
(3) No street vendor shall be relocated or evicted by the local authority from the place
specified in the certificate of vending unless he has been given thirty days’ notice for the
same in such manner as may be specified in the scheme.
(4) A street vendor shall be relocated or evicted by the local authority physically in
such manner as may be specified in the scheme only after he had failed to vacate the place
specified in the certificate of vending, after the expiry of the period specified in the notice.

(5) Every street vendor who fails to relocate or vacate the place specified in the
certificate of vending, after the expiry of the period specified in the notice, shall be liable to
pay for every day of such default, a penalty which may extend up to two hundred and fifty
rupees, as may be determined by the local authority, but shall not be more than the value of
goods seized.
Seizure and 19. (1) If the street vendor fails to vacate the place specified in the certificate of
reclaiming of vending, after the lapse of the period specified in the notice given under sub-section (3) of
section 18, the local authority, in addition to evicting the street vendor under section 18, may,
if it deems necessary, seize the goods of such street vendor in such manner as may be
specified in the scheme:
Provided that where any such seizure is carried out, a list of goods seized shall be
prepared, as specified in the scheme, and a copy thereof, duly signed by the person authorised
to seize the goods, shall be issued to the street vendor.
(2) The street vendor whose goods have been seized under sub-section (1) may,
reclaim his goods in such manner, and after paying such fees, as may be specified in the
Provided that in case of non-perishable goods, the local authority shall release the
goods within two working days of the claim being made by the street vendor, and in case of
perishable goods the local authority shall release the goods on the same day of the claim
being made by the street vendor.


Redressal of 20. (1) The appropriate Government may constitute one or more committees consisting
grievances or of a Chairperson who has been a civil judge or a judicial magistrate and two other professionals
resolution of
disputes of
having such experience as may be prescribed for the purpose of deciding the applications
street received under sub-section (2):
Provided that no employee of the appropriate Government or the local authority shall
be appointed as members of the committee.
(2) Every street vendor who has a grievance or dispute may make an application in
writing to the committee constituted under sub-section (1) in such form and manner as may
be prescribed.
(3) On receipt of grievance or dispute under sub-section (2), the committee referred to
in sub-section (1) shall, after verification and enquiry in such manner, as may be prescribed,
take steps for redressal of such grievance or resolution of such dispute, within such time and
in such manner as may be prescribed.
(4) Any person who is aggrieved by the decision of the committee may prefer an
appeal to the local authority in such form, within such time and in such manner as may be
(5) The local authority shall dispose of the appeal received under sub-section (4)
within such time and in such manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that the local authority shall, before disposing of the appeal, give an
opportunity of being heard to the aggrieved person.
Plan for 21. (1) Every local authority shall, in consultation with the planning authority and on
the recommendations of the Town Vending Committee, once in every five years, prepare a
plan to promote the vocation of street vendors covering the matters contained in the First

(2) The plan for street vending prepared by the local authority shall be submitted to
the appropriate Government for approval and that Government shall, before notifying the
plan, determine the norms applicable to the street vendors.
22. (1) The appropriate Government may, by rules made in this behalf, provide for the Town Vending
term and the manner of constituting a Town Vending Committee in each local authority: Committee.

Provided that the appropriate Government may, if considers necessary, provide for
constitution of more than one Town Vending Committee, or a Town Vending Committee for
each zone or ward, in each local authority.
(2) Each Town Vending Committee shall consist of:—
(a) Municipal Commissioner or Chief Executive Officer, as the case may be, who
shall be the Chairperson; and

(b) such number of other members as may be prescribed, to be norminated by the

appropriate Government, representing the local authority, medical officer of the local
authority, the planning authority, traffic police, police, association of street vendors,
market associations, traders associations, non-governmental organisations, community
based organisations, resident welfare associations, banks and such other interests as
it deems proper;
(c) the number of members nominated to represent the non-governmental
organisations and the community based organisations shall not be less than ten per
(d) the number of members representing the street vendors shall not be less than
forty per cent. who shall be elected by the street vendors themselves in such manner
as may be prescribed:
Provided that one-third of members representing the street vendors shall be from
amongst women vendors:
Provided further that due representation shall be given to the Scheduled Castes, the
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, minorities and persons with disabilities from
amongst the members representing street vendors.
(3) The Chairperson and the members nominated under sub-section (2) shall receive
such allowances as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government.
23. (1) The Town Vending Committee shall meet at such times and places within the Meetings of
jurisdiction of the local authority and shall observe such rules of procedure in regard to the Town Vending
transaction of business at its meetings, and discharge such functions, as may be prescribed.
(2) Every decision of the Town Vending Committee shall be notified along with the
reasons for taking such decision.
24. (1) The Town Vending Committee may associate with itself in such manner and for Temporary
such purposes, as may be prescribed, any person whose assistance or advice it may desire, association of
persons with
in carrying out any of the provisions of this Act. Town Vending
(2) A person associated under sub-section (1) shall be paid such allowances as may Committee for
be prescribed. purposes.

25. The local authority shall provide the Town Vending Committee with appropriate Office space
office space and such employees as may be prescribed. and other
employees for
Town Vending

Publication 26. (1) Every Town Vending Committee shall publish the street vendor's charter
of street specifying therein the time within which the certificate of vending shall be issued to a street
charter and vendor and the time within which such certificate of vending shall be renewed and other
data-base and activities to be performed within the time limit specified therein.
carrying out
of social (2) Every Town Vending Committee shall maintain up to date records of registered
audit. street vendors and street vendors to whom certificate of vending has been issued containing
name of such street vendor, stall allotted to him, nature of business carried out by him,
category of street vending and such other particulars which may be relevant to the street
vendors, in such manner as may be prescribed.
(3) Every Town Vending Committee shall carry out social audit of its activities under
the Act or the rules or the schemes made thereunder in such form and manner as may be
specified in the scheme.
Prevention 27. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force,
of no street vendor who carries on the street vending activities in accordance with the terms
by police and and conditions of his certificate of vending shall be prevented from exercising such rights by
other any person or police or any other authority exercising powers under any other law for the
authorities. time being in force.


Penalty for 28. If any street vendor—

(a) indulges in vending activities without a certificate of vending;
(b) contravenes the terms of certificate of vending; or
(c) contravenes any other terms and conditions specified for the purpose of
regulating street vending under this Act or any rules or schemes made thereunder,
he shall be liable to a penalty for each such offence which may extend up to rupees two
thousand as may be determined by the local authority.

Provisions of 29. (1) Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed as conferring upon a street
this Act, not
to be
vendor any temporary, permanent or perpetual right of carrying out vending activities in the
construed as vending zones allotted to him or in respect of any place on which he carries on such vending
conferring activity.
rights, etc. (2) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall apply to any stationery vendor, if a
temporary leasehold or ownership right has been conferred on him by a lease deed or
otherwise, in respect of a place at specific location where he carries on such vending activity
in accordance with the provisions of any law for the time being in force for carrying out such
vending activity.
Returns. 30. Every Town Vending Committee shall furnish, from time to time, to the appropriate
Government and the local authority such returns as may be prescribed.
Promotional 31. The appropriate Government may, in consultation with the Town Vending
measures. Committee, local authority, planning authority and street vendors associations or unions,
undertake promotional measures of making available credit, insurance and other welfare
schemes of social security for the street vendors.

32. The appropriate Government may, to the extent of availability of financial and other Research,
resources,— training and
(a) organise capacity building programmes to enable the street vendors to exercise
the rights contemplated under this Act;
(b) undertake research, education and training programmes to advance knowledge
and understanding of the role of the informal sector in the economy, in general and the
street vendors, in particular and to raise awareness among the public through Town
Vending Committee.
33. The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsis- Act to have
tent therein contained in any other law for the time being in force or in any instrument having overriding
effect by virtue of any law other than this Act.
34. The appropriate Government may, by general or special order in writing, delegate Powers to
such of its powers and functions under this Act (excluding the power to frame scheme under delegate.
section 38 and power to make rules under section 36), as it may deem necessary, to the local
authority or the Town Vending Committee or any other officer, subject to such conditions, if
any, as may be specified in that order.
35. (1) On the recommendations made by the appropriate Government or otherwise, if Power to
the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by amend
notification, amend the Schedules and thereupon the First Schedule or the Second Schedule,
as the case may be, shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly.
(2) A copy of every notification issued under sub-section (1), shall be laid before each
House of Parliament as soon as may be after it is issued.
36. (1) The appropriate Government shall, within one year from the date of commence- Power to
ment of this Act, by notification, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act. make rules.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such
rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:—
(a) the age for street vending under sub-section (1) of section 4;
(b) the form, period and manner of filing appeal with the local authority under
sub-section (1) of section 11;
(c) the persons and the experience such person shall have under sub-section (1)
of section 20;
(d) the form and the manner of making application under sub-section (2) of
section 20;
(e) the manner of verification and enquiry on receipt of grievance or dispute, the
time within which and the manner in which steps for redressal of grievances and
resolution of disputes may be taken under sub-section (3) of section 20;
(f) the form, the time within which and the manner in which an appeal may be filed
under sub-section (4) of section 20;
(g) the time within which and the manner in which an appeal shall be disposed of
under sub-section (5) of section 20;
(h) the term of, and the manner of constituting, the Town Vending Committee
under sub-section (1) of section 22;
(i) the number of other members of the Town Vending Committee under
clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section 22;
(j) the manner of elections among street vendors under clause (d) of sub-section
(2) of section 22;
(k) the allowances to Chairperson and members under sub-section (3) of
section 22;

(l) the time and place for meeting, procedure for transaction of business at
meetings and functions to be discharged by the Town Vending Committee under
section 23;
(m) the manner and the purpose for which a person may be associated under
sub-section (1) of section 24;
(n) the allowances to be paid to an associated person under sub-section (2) of
section 24;
(o) the other employees of Town Vending Committee under section 25;
(p) the manner of maintaining up to date record of all street vendors under
sub-section (2) of section 26;
(q) the returns to be furnished under section 30;
(r) the manner of publishing summary of scheme under sub-section (2) of
section 38.
(3) Every rule and scheme made by the Central Government under this Act shall be
laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session,
for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more
successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the
session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification
in the rule or scheme or both Houses agree that the rule or scheme should not be made, the
rule or scheme shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the
case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule or scheme.
(4) Every rule or scheme made by the State Government under this Act shall, as soon
as may be after it is made, be laid before each House of the State Legislature where there are
two Houses, and where there is one House of the State Legislature, before that House.
Power to 37. Subject to the provisions of this Act or any rule or scheme made thereunder, the
make bye-
local authority may make bye-laws to provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:—

(a) the regulation and manner of vending in restriction-free-vending zones,

restricted-vending zones and designated vending zones;
(b) determination of monthly maintenance charges for the civic amenities and
facilities in the vending zones under section 17;
(c) determination of penalty under sub-section (5) of section 18 and section 28;
(d) the regulation of the collection of taxes and fees in the vending zones;
(e) the regulation of traffic in the vending zones;
(f) the regulation of the quality of products and services provided to the public
in vending zones and maintenance of public health, hygiene and safety standards;
(g) the regulation of civic services in the vending zones; and
(h) the regulation of such other matters in the vending zones as may be necessary.
Scheme for 38. (1) For the purposes of this Act, the appropriate Government shall frame a scheme,
street vendors. within six months from the date of commencement of this Act, after due consultations with
the local authority and the Town Vending Committee, by notification, which may specify all
or any of the matters provided in the Second Schedule.
(2) A summary of the scheme notified by the appropriate Government under sub-
section (1) shall be published by the local authority in at least two local news papers in such
manner as may be prescribed.

39. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Power to
Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions, not remove
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for
removing the difficulty:
Provided that no order shall be made under this section after expiry of three years from
the commencement of this Act.
(2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid
before each House of Parliament.


(See section 21)

(1) The plan for street vending shall,—

(a) ensure that all existing street vendors identified in the survey, subject to a
norm conforming to two and half per cent. of the population of the ward, zone, town or
city, as the case may be, are accommodated in the plan for street vending;
(b) ensure the right of commuters to move freely and use the roads without any
(c) ensure that the provision of space or area for street vending is reasonable
and consistent with existing natural markets;
(d) take into account the civic facilities for appropriate use of identified spaces
or areas as vending zones;
(e) promote convenient, efficient and cost effective distribution of goods and
provision of services;
(f) such other matters as may be specified in the scheme to give effect to the plan
for street vending.
(2) The plan for street vending shall contain all of the following matters, namely:—
(a) determination of spatial planning norms for street vending;
(b) earmarking of space or area for vending zones;
(c) determination of vending zones as restriction-free-vending zones, restricted-
vending zones and no-vending zones;
(d) making of spatial plans conducive and adequate for the prevalent number of
street vendors in that city or town and also for the future growth, by adopting such
norms as may be necessary;
(e) consequential changes needed in the existing master plan, development
plan, zonal plan, layout plan and any other plan for accommodating street vendors in
the designated vending zones.
(3) Declaration of no-vending zone shall be carried out by the plan for street vending,
subject to the following principles, namely:—
(a) any existing market, or a natural market as identified under the survey shall
not be declared as a no-vending zone;
(b) declaration of no-vending zone shall be done in a manner which displaces
the minimum percentage of street vendors;
(c) overcrowding of any place shall not be a basis for declaring any area as a
no-vending zone provided that restrictions may be placed on issuing certificate of
vending in such areas to persons not identified as street vendors in the survey;
(d) sanitary concerns shall not be the basis for declaring any area as a
no-vending zone unless such concerns can be solely attributed to street vendors and
cannot be resolved through appropriate civic action by the local authority;
(e) till such time as the survey has not been carried out and the plan for street
vending has not been formulated, no zone shall be declared as a no-vending zone.


(See section 38)

Matters to be provided in the Scheme for Street Vendors framed by the appropriate
(a) the manner of conducting survey;
(b) the period within which certificate of vending shall be issued to the street
vendors identified under the survey;
(c) the terms and conditions subject to which certificate of vending may be
issued to a street vendor including to those persons who wish to carry on street
vending during the intervening period of two surveys;
(d) the form and the manner in which the certificate of vending may be issued to
a street vendor;
(e) the form and manner of issuing identity cards to street vendors;
(f) the criteria for issuing certificate of vending to street vendors;
(g) the vending fees to be paid on the basis of category of street vending, which
may be different for different cities;
(h) the manner of collecting, through banks, counters of local authority and
counters of Town Vending Committee, vending fees, maintenance charges and penalties
for registration, use of parking space for mobile stalls and availing of civic services;
(i) the period of validity of certificate of vending;
(j) the period for which and the manner in which a certificate of vending may be
renewed and the fees for such renewal;
(k) the manner in which the certificate of vending may be suspended or cancelled;
(l) the categories of street vendors other than stationery vendors and mobile
(m) the other categories of persons for preference for issue of certificate of
(n) the public purpose for which a street vendor may be relocated and the
manner of relocating street vendor;
(o) the manner of evicting a street vendor;
(p) the manner of giving notice for eviction of a street vendor;
(q) the manner of evicting a street vendor physically on failure to evict;
(r) the manner of seizure of goods by the local authority, including preparation
and issue of list of goods seized;
(s) the manner of reclaiming seized goods by the street vendor and the fees for
the same;
(t) the form and the manner for carrying out social audit of the activities of Town
Vending Committee;
(u) the conditions under which private places may be designated as restriction-
free-vending zones, restricted-vending zones and no-vending zones;

(v) the terms and conditions for street vending including norms to be observed
for up keeping public health and hygiene;
(w) the designation of State Nodal Officer for co-ordination of all matters relating
to street vending at the state level;
(x) the manner of maintenance of proper records and other documents by the
Town Vending Committee, local authority, planning authority and State Nodal Officer
in respect of street vendors;
(y) the manner of carrying out vending activities on time-sharing basis;
(z) the principles for determination of vending zones as restriction-free-vending
zones, restricted-vending zones and no-vending zones;
(za) the principles for determining holding capacity of vending zones and the
manner of undertaking comprehensive census and survey;
(zb) principles of relocation subject to the following:—
(i) relocation should be avoided as far as possible, unless there is clear
and urgent need for the land in question;
(ii) affected vendors or their representatives shall be involved in planning
and implementation of the rehabilitation project;
(iii) affected vendors shall be relocated so as to improve their livelihoods
and standards of living or at least to restore them, in real terms to pre-evicted
(iv) livelihood opportunities created by new infrastructure development
projects shall accommodate the displaced vendors so that they can make use of
the livelihood opportunities created by the new infrastructure;
(v) loss of assets shall be avoided and in case of any loss, it shall be
(vi) any transfer of title or other interest in land shall not affect the rights
of street vendors on such land, and any relocation consequent upon such a
transfer shall be done in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
(vii) state mechinery shall take comprehensive measures to check and
control the practice of forced evictions;
(viii) natural markets where street vendors have conducted business for
over fifty years shall be declared as heritage markets, and the street vendors in
such markets shall not be relocated;
(zc) any other matter which may be included in the scheme for carrying out the
purposes of this Act.


Secy. to the Govt. of India.


l ! j-2017
. H D / o | l2
R e s dN o C


€hflnaligsfi galninistrsti0n (55lzette

by Aulhotily
C H A N D I G A R H , W E D N E S DJAUYN E 7 ,2 0 1 7( J Y A I S T H 1A7 ,1 9 3 9 S A K A )

F,n+q{ltr{ E!n{
30 ltdq{, 2016

ridr 6/r,/ror -q6 n(a) ,oraurrce.--5rrt 14*m(dt{qcrs<(c 't"6t li+ff St{)

sffiffqr, rora6 !n{ 3s*3c !'RI (r) qBdlGd 1' i?rdc, ftn lr{6Rd dtu{R <@ \q.3n"
,3rs({), tu6 5 {dr$. 2016* s<trn F,iindr d 3q+n 51i $, +< lrtR'dltv nrehEtr
cffi 3i{ nF6 ** + ain, +{ {iin etu r.s.q * rt..n Basi + {qd } +ma {i{ |A6r
d ira ?,il i- Fl.riqtunrdsR? :

+cr $Sd Rj {68tld.-(rF{ +n A Ez6r Bfl ($'{{ c'q{ c{ 5cR ]idi' lfer)
+s?I,or6 * irq t lirr slq?r I
+. (, ) cr +s{ s0rdlR'6nf. I !6n1ad ftft i srffid dfl |
cR!ilqrg.-{ +s{ d, ifr vE ir6 ft ffr$ rft qfinern 3nsr{6it A,
(6) '3thffc{' 6I sf ? E'c6rBfl (*{{cF € 5.4. * Em fdE46l 3inj?4q,
,ora (.'tuF@7 !t ,o'a) |
{€) €drc' 6r s{ ? ctrir + Fiq !r'w irqrtdq I
'qr{ 6I fl{ e +fa + ln'a3:nql q,l ,
1r) €,fl
'firy' 61 3ldi 3rtrHqqd n'r{l36+ 3&1i-t
fl( n{ fica I
'u'r' Fr sd rEIh@ i6l 'm
F) iri{S 61 ffifiqc qrf&A + tuq dnl{ :ri lra{ii, +n S F'!r:r6'rl
JUNE7,20t7(JYSTt7, t939SAKA)

d qohtRs ry.'q q oFifi !ln&-difi j*s n! rclii 3rDficcE€Eii !9rr&d,j}l-e

- 1
sd nhffi arM, +{I $ Irjrdrn, } a :r{ lt\crs r.-iirI

{dellr 6{i 6r it-6r

3 {telqr 6d 6r di-6r.-0) :rI. d Hd {Rft l+{ !tf{ 6 w.q i}+ * d: rd}
3E 6+A 3i?Tt tr E{ rcrn. Eni Eri F..- ,i*"r ,a?c Rri. fl ,q, d j,|}6i
.4tuI.t +{
c {r d I F6d hq r}+ c| ni" € GRfl $} $r* , d ar qq .qF ,-ff, Es
dyFFdlr.rd{ 6 Rfir ,1 EB6 Em ,i cr }l d tsqa q. h Fa
flr, hF{ aqS . an
JcgiFliqil fiq, ftcr q{ g( i+ T(Tftqr q I
qni 1* @ n6 silrq d ff\ta, *R ffidi
sRR + nlq+sqn ra di sra .3ir€ i+ €6r
i{fi6.4, @ n6 €4!r:e-d qa rF qlq{ ,

(r) T,r{ffim rffli rcrncrqrqRT+ s {,qr+n

tFrqrs,rA qr n€( ft!-6r sI €lrq !n
RR,{f+ s€{-d fi+ lre +i, {i + +sF $tu6rfl,irr.aqa{ d ii& s i{c
ri ' iff n.l
il + W .)+ lr Rff + €ri r{A A ?rt{* *n1{6 ?Rrij s{RlER Es v('i , {{ar
(3)-q|r.:ffiir ueft nr&i (qq c{ {i 6i{r, R zrd
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qrd rrqE q +Fr f4 {E E FR }.firT
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dirq3n/Risiit,.1rR6rt xkfti dr iB{ i6r{dTt16{i]rfl
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^ .. !")^ T
ftsi T.nftftr, +fl El Fd riR I i ft ic ?, tn) 3,ir!lF-arj+r.,ni,
Ez6{ F*dr Eti++ Aqld\]n l
(6) sA+ ?]rl;rEe6.ffidrri dARdlId itu q*aq jiq,oqi
.tr;.d{ T{* ?m
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@$r Er ERi i.}fl |
17) ;rm Bii rRR 6d-r q Rr !]nc+ iitFr rs .tuR1rAA, Rr{i
y.s';{ t Fifiln €{ + +rr rdad r'lj t_{1 t+nr3l dt
frcilr rcr lrd d fttu E s{c eera *n+r ;t _; r,;q

andcq {6 ri}Rr r|ls++ tu E-Sr.d,ER+c

dE { El,i=q16f{ rtuRl EilEl,ri
(m, iE{ qE3r{or+q-{m-r A} * 16 r{ + drfl
+ rrfi Eq ,
Edfl qqrq Ei Grt 6.{
c.: E#*-T fd \'"rFrqf,. _lr.qi r. :3 Faaft, q rq., . e-r r._
-scF I G m q4r ?i
;| 3tu t +r Eni d jra arrau-ffrrn
r, rq+F": .1
la,r uw. cl tu 6d- i fu .I, srrl * rriir flI I
( !ZX I R A I . J U \ l ' , 2 0 r 7 ( r Y \7t , r o l o S q ( a r , j

wi ce *R ft;dr {Rft cr rtud €qA+ s{ 6l 6l{ ffiR;i} !1ftrA 91I!rc{dii4 E.$E

n,rd+F{qtcr *d*€uFt irt 6{ F6{i ?,+{r $ rr{drd I
(,)cr nOFq{+ sR{r+ dt +sn i e\ rs er{ tuf{ 6tr IFdrF6 A {+ r rlR
frd {h1i qdgffid qt$ f6{s En r i 1+qlrq{i + +{.rsr{,rft{ rq{'ff F$dr3i6l {6
?l GA{ dii t Fc q{ 0)* a*{({ vrs I
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qf€A d T(qrR ffidr ch+ qft{rc+ itc {@ri r.tu i i|! A c|RR+nlsRft r€ E|+ir
Sr + F'S + ftq ffEsqosqrr F{ i]n 6{+ + fts rI ffiff slr is eFrd 6} {,rd slff fttnr
ir n {{{Rd l+cl slll, tB fti-frF6R6r gqffiffi { d I
(a) rdl rl lr{sq * +{ r+ 3rco+ +{r r;ld qftd e{'r {r 6ft-d6@ rr} + A sr{rv
d €! srtq+ rrl{R s{+{{eEd6trll st rrRft-ff {R1i ii ak d fi-dr6r sqq c?rrn 6r {6fi
?, il fd +Fqr* qsttrrl + tr..c *.n s+.ffi +r n R! wi lre qkqi- d niqr A i,jEq

T{i Eri Ez6{ fr* +rrr + 3q€R3ft E.E fi-S qh d Sq' + iral i+ af-dii d
{tun i{ Rqscr A, clr(R+dr{fffr r€ Bn+iid {6 6rcq{n sr&i.Sc tr atn jinr qi c6
ri.4ts/$r{ a nllr ftr, ffrd lA qm 6l eRllr{ft n4{red +q, fti;r} dr+f{€r6R6l fts

!!ri l* G<€ff i{ ii i+ eGffidiql {iw ?+d +€ dns{ +4 A nl F( Ed-d{Fift

6qa{r.Gfi eqrq'n B!{ A rr{ eRqlqR A :.IsRwt 6tff r
rt.d .drarq$i Ri n qk, fti{6r or+{{ rRt6R Ba @ i, Ei Tft #iffi a
nq{r i 16A 6Rq {dti E( {fod f6a dR.r I
G) "*rl{GdnI{Ffd sr,[-v i€qrqlriq* ]rs]I 16 rtus( i.rl\.?, ffi -a tz6i
ffiiirlr + .alq l6q irqn, filT6i ill a t a Ti rfi€nah + nru{ R rc dir + r,i-fd

(6) ftff 6r r{"r ri r{+ srt 6{+ sii idtui fi4 c{ + ft( dn ftq irr,n, sri m rd

(7) € ft r.R Sir Rnii srf vr I As qs ]m a J3er ss G€r flrc,l, tuFl ic

.!.n Bfti * <ffi Rq slqn, ffFA Bfl sw q illt jA{ n{ ? |
s ffinI q1lllr BrA 6{i * ftq +rzrdr.-(r ) ffiar,r} d tui r@ F dfr E?+A Fig
frq 3rdff.+.2rff $ra{tr6? r

o rc6r im clR fr+dr shli a{ fr! rrssA i ]nfiid a cl r€+ li#dr rqlq [J 4 ft(
3n+.{ Bci il I
(ir scA lri $€ crrc 6r ri{ F mra { ?l I
(ii) s{+ Hir eqq!" Blil*+ +,rfuqd raaddl rq $ q1A e
512 JUNE7, 2017(IYST1?,1939SAKA)

(r) Ez6. Fd d T{ !r {qr ct nm i+ d RlR n, i{r ft ffilFcq sit !.r1rs ri

rlvr{l (r)ifrqr:ra*,rftEaFrft* wiRnakt{iffiTq113ncr crAqfl* sft}
T,RFd {hfr A {nd 6trr dk rlR ffidr {Fft ftddrc4q {{ n rnsrr6{rira 6t'i dlr !{r
oqsRc6 {fi{ qr nlt 6td I
6 €+dr qqllrqrr}Fc{ a rri.--ftr grcr €*m at fd cqq yr cfi fta d.dr + -
0 * Er6{ ft*nr d! 6rf cr A Ri at$ aq} li'clr + €F6Tes + ?RlI
(iD!P rl ftrd ffinr i A iry{ rFrar+ r'A &! rq E{r R iii cA a qd j+S-di?, i
st R! {q +d + s<{ * eariq3lh|6rta{rnc d d m{ ffi 6{+ + ft tri EI
irtfr t
(i;i) a r|r( Rff {RR + !]{ a& r{M {d vltr 6r+ + F4qnqs rr{ Fn ffc{ q rrd 6r
crd{6i$t, fc{+ {sr{, n1T{Er{"r+ Ri{q .:ii a1s!T6$strln 6r lrdr 6tff, f4dl
+ rd|Fd d+ lre *dl !6r{ {*Ii 3tuaa r€ra rra * srclT6TrdlE6ta I
(iv)Aefr!wrdqrsla.l{sadffi fiFift.{{Bdffi i.{ ak 61
ERr;Rt qfi r}lrll

0) d sdr. d zr{qlr6c( *€ T6r fi.turrA 6tn, s{ -6 i4 Rfi qqq rq + u<l<

W +t trlqrt{ a.r{ n r
(vi) + RS cqFr{d d €q rq iiFi q {qq + +Iffi ffi 6tn I
(eiDRff 6| {cq sfiR i+ rr $c} slflc 6} siie{ f,{d a E{ F,rdt ra +{lt.cA Tdi'{
i?n q{ ft{i S {qc * +{{ ffi 3ir + srq frr6i 6r{ 6inl B} I
(vilDa ir. fff ERfr + afl mn{ rri $fi ficil !r $fl 6r crfl{ +:lr, f6 \.6? ffi
?i tfrqrlqcqM'1"lard? | "l

7. q-n qr 6l q.6q.-0) !r ql qk, fiFa R ffi !@ q ?,6l FR ffi Efffi a

?w c.nr4 F{ 3ii ftcr lrqm I
(, ) E-6t €inl 61qrft Eqr Bri lrdr rcr qrr{iliqn {r!lr {r, +{I * .]l{dr d, qr.i 7i
€q :lc snc * .}!sR *|1l I
(3) qE{{ sr + ]{ A+ q €@ a+ !n tuR n, r@ Fdd m Har qfrF + dqle t
rq s{ d( d 16 sR T6lT tFra {.n qi !n gq*+ ehfdFi+ frr{ s}a d ffi ? 3toiF}
liq Rric a&qrt ft nc €i{ 1l<{ia En3rdqnda +,fi
ffi cqrgr{d 6r .&+d{!r, tqrFr ?i qq iFa{
0 Ml qqr!' v{ 5r Td-+6$r.,(r) ffinr eqlqFi F {i{ i{ @ edq riieFn * nFl
fif,kd id{ r{ !|s * Bilc6 !1 rfifi{d ftlr -!lrli6dr ?. FRr+fts +s{ n A rl' r,n d 'Ir si.a
;hn 3fuqi 3rftrBcqra 3s+ ildln F{s rs frc"} i €I Tt !Ta-"nl+ i€* ,
cHD.ADMN.CAZ.(EXTRA),[rN! ?, 2017(JYSf 17,l9]9 SArA) 'l

P) i-$ Ez6{ ffiir, ffi Rd c@ rJ d Jrstu{{lR *+ ql$ i}, + cqq sr di 3ranr

nqRilia{$+Frt i?RFd{hfrA $r{ vri ti?,r]lr.$nqA im€qr++r(Il +d nr+.{

(3) <{. €+dI{hfi 5..{t j}idBi d c6 {ft nIfr6'rfl, ffra+ iiSt s{q cr + {dii-6{!r
€ g6 srcrn firqra r
(a] a.Rf{fidrsRfi €{r fte qqi+* Ea+6llr {i6 + naq0 * ircft 16 T",it+ R{

(5) fS cnq {r d s-c&<n< d+ + h( 16 TA+a?, Rdi cnM{i d qdiftsrqd Fft

i{++6oi{6nqlqr*cdiar6lfr q{?t+iir.lrtr+6€-{+RsfiiRtqBd 3raqn6r+
cl vift ll{llr t4 6r i.fi4_6{!r ftcr vI rrfdr ? |
(6) qR+€ Ez6{ ffidr sc+ffi cnq ta d n<tuRiln ai + fi4 qat * ; 8,61
cqMTd6i r+STn q{sr+l ? A r?Rft'fr {Rfr Jtr* ffii lqm qd6}.\l" 6{ nFdi
? l

e. 1__{Erdrd d ffi qqlsr qd rarfrd qr .{< f6_crBr s6dr l.-0 ) qlR €_6 sFjR
ffi Eeqr Rdr 6r €:S cqM qd allhcq d ln{r D i €! ]l! fd$ $ 6R!r + 1qFidir .{c 6{

(r)qF c?RftffEFtrd, fttudn R! rlll EFft ln l1wl iqn + li{ {6 rFdl ? ti T€

?fiS@ f, r-FI E n Er ?iq€i4 d@ ) ?E laFr q'l dr <? lfr qi i, I q h+'r -' rr, I
{RRtud d i'S irstu,i} f6 30ei-n qrdi { a, + ft{ erfird.F{rl?rfl ?, A fs Hdr
6l 15?q e *lJl rc' 6l'q {dldl rlE€,rn r'ff F d T Bd q@ q, + RFlqar'C r a
d{q erfr-da} d fti} n6 BrAqr -dlqrdc L
Eri i6 trdrid ,!.qr B d$i+rlr {,R Gd sRIi 6rqd ft{rn tulR Edl sarq
q *.< 6{rl.4Bs, i a fian F{q rr d.{c 61+ 6r flis t ffiA t I
(3) ,rdrc'n R-SRfffd{.61 frd + B-dtq@ Fi 6t.("6,i6I ar*r t R ts Hir
$ci ffi sirlr Fd F.a{r{ri {i d tS 3r"tu,cl B.{aft.r },*r i a l1dA, + $-1 Tm frfi
qfffd + .r|<{ eKn a{ }.n ifu rF6r il{ l{ {dE i drR rn ftRr i 6r. faclv{n

{6, ol+{td iirr ri+eM

r0. Ad {i6.- {,R fi-S €RF y.s{ ffinritr d 'd] * 3na{ci iiff lE rq ciil, ;f
fr rlcr,{+ ?S.:ilrw d) c( ff.i( 6tn, + 1} *$.rd + FFrq8?ail ;rF{ ird{ Eln6nr? |
rr ffi {6 EqA, {€ r€rd {is a q,'iir a?ni 6T E1r.- (r) +i + qr:li n, r!* d rlej
1r ddr! n nt 6l{, d *v€ ir8ffsq s ffctl + 3rJnq+sa a r]{'ifl Ez6i fr*-dlii)+ sil A
;i. ,tr; Fq E4r i{,r{ ffi tra{i}d -ts6n s6 +6 im .;i+{. fti er4q sDan ; i+
$EFi0 ?nrrriftid 16cl.i\rr. Sfi ft Rn4c }Qr6Jfl+ fl fi-ir 1?'Jrp{ it r
534 CHD.ADMN,CAZ.(!XTRA),lLbll ?,20170YST17,l9l9 SAKA)

(a) E-a. Rdr {i6 nql 3.4ic {frrqi3n+rrqn 3ir 3+A:d ..$-ffq t ar + $q ti
Gr+nwR{fdlt $k rt <{ rF{" * Rc€}Ars FcnR er+c slffi + 6lci-dcn cI ftS
s;q qrr6r(, +sr 6 {{c wc caFl]ffq sllr6rt ?r{Ififtr ilcr ia dr, dll $ frqI qI {fdr ? |

' r2. ir&&{d.€-{€rd ifr{ d_d}eiq.--{d6nrR1iff {Ffd + G]+6i (<Rrd Rr4q

i}ri dlnt
sn'6lt + qFturd 6E{il Rslrqslif * $+rd 3rilBrd

E-6{ ffifliii A qf

13 EE6r A*md A df (scd BdI d qd HdI) * 3iRAft.--q'R R'd]sRfif rd

a srd ffiirai * 3iRfi'€ 5.61 6 S*ffi 3l{ sll6I fuftq ff6(Frdl?, d EFA
$e6R *r + 6rq {{i E] '

\-6a G-+drql 6r rqc d1aql c| r?rlqr"r& 6adrir

u rqrn €di 6r R-€ii---{.6r R'+ft?r+ €I{ {Ed} + Md dl {t.i, +fl E

sDnq t n$q irgsh* .as i* A) n e{ aR? |
15.E-6f ft'd-d 6r RIlq d.€n 6I E:r.-(r) vdr qm Efr {RR ffi srDliq f
lnr rsqls-im r + sditd€r{i€d d{qr K+ ffi lm d Rn Rtu *d dfrd FA dl totRlr
6cdri, 3ft{is !t{ i Ez6r fi+di 6l i-$r,16i} + fis ftA d Rn4clrltuEltTfr +r d 525{
" ffidr 6l Tsa6 il +t :r{ rd arfi. qi'rr
(r) Afril T( R-ffeRfdT{d 3difiq-{dr urdrs t1 nc-unr r + n<,tu h4l Gd d{
cl !"4 E {t !n44l fd fttu ea ifrd F{+ ?nft.nfi$ F,"r i, it gz6{ idfloii a fiq 3cgEn
q,.d * {dqq + 1is 16 i{ 6tr, il 1+ ill1lrffw+ ESq 3rd@t Firs (ft {i) + 3r-{'r

16.rtcf{ €dikjFRra f<di cr slE {crd 6{ari gdrft ?E{.-(r) 6+ E-6{

'ffi sli irrra{.d}!I Fra + ftc 0nar{6iR1l Tri 3rfifiaqd q'{l rs d nq-Ll{l 3 +
ird,td fifr nt !t qr rSEfl :16 + !m i]r6 €lA nn"r+i r6e $6r Bd + n R td m

(?) cR rff{r il6 fqr Aq aRs in qq a fin{ +i n F|+ff 6rq +rdr ?, !€i qi s&n vrrd
R iE{ fi!-6rcr fiq, n dr+ Ts nF{ + t{ id ai lircK n I
r. ffi r[-6{ f{d Er <qn {cdi qr ilr€ €rd 61"li 6r d{.-(') cii 6]{
" \-"51 IiAd -€ nE{ cF 6A + 30ri{ d {qc n i;E r,rd Elin 6i a tr€ ir. R { nq
* !]l( re + 3rn:k Isrfu i{}6rt :ri {6r t Ed irftr i, qe Jft$ 'd <rdrqdr
+) imlTder a niral
7,2017(JYST17,t939SAt!{) 5i5
S A qR dt a{ n{6i er+q flRrdrtffi irtu1ds,ftr6rti
+ d{ ii E 6r €*ar* an 6dl rr

(, ) +{ i"r qk n f6 fi'fi 9lr"r ci a &{ d.€ sE ffi 6lff

A cI ftif{i glv E _iR
fiEn{q d u]( D + irdli.d.{€ d g6r A,3i Rfud n ra !Z 6r itr tcr q6r
* ff.6rfl nl {4
? et {f. * ffidr 16 AFs qIft 6{+ + ,a !t t a rc tsre rA 6.dr *
Flric aiirffr Fffi nt
'n ri Tdri rcr F6fl t I cfi gfrs S ql nrft{f +AAlhasR I i{ R6l r"rfitc
dftrda ffi dftgd $e|6tt + air iA E 6. jid.ft + rRrE?,.1!1ic rm
rom i r
(s) F&{iEE?fr; +r6r{vwwnn3 Jk fi-frwrr rai A :r{qrd6l }(
i €+ir ai, dl I}:rq sRrr rc oir, + Eqrq *F{ } fte,€A, ift,tli,r;n,3iF+6
"l E'4tuii
Fr A ?n A ffi Fnnq ir0|6rn .I,rir ,^F
d 4{ 1r4f,n 4{. i a, ;ra l-q ll.l *


srqrr 6i dd { i{
13.R r*c arerdrt ?Rrrnqrr 6t 6d { ti al R&.___f,6ishfira
rn m D di 3c
LIRr-r 6 ird'in 6l Fd q fts vr+ * rrd i €,{lq 3rEi6ltlrn ffiF{d {rA si t{r{ rsr

0 s{d rqaq seffit ?Rrirfirqn rnl6ri S fl{,c al 6di n *.n I

{iD Fdi n di :r€ d {fl iar d q|Pn, il f6 rsn o,fr6rt .:,hF#m am;erdr
d drs0 I "E*

(ijD ft{ Rtdr 6r RlcrrFd i ftqr {ar ?, $ 6r{ i fr! rq !T5q ir$q
+ .A" F1fnc
dil6rn zRra cl* rrBrl
re. 6d; I frq:q RFFr 6r *.-.r 6.qr i*r ssdr
{6 ilsl 6.;n.<!. E n Eiih,
e66r sw ira t Rqric' ?, n 614€a{ + n<r s\i {RF d .ft *r
rrm A JitrR n-i g+
ilrr dr.n, dfl 1+Frnc afr6rfr Bn 6dl rrcrt I


20. 3 ir1+{q d sRr 26sc qr{I 3, t i,Ffd rrqftd *rdr_dinr6ri 6l
rrR ffi.frii {Fdatard 6l {m6i6 +ff-!}€r {rd,l +q i aq re qn
"i]t|i aFrc

tE-d{ E* 3A ER. Ffi qr!|ll!r d raRrra

" 2r. B+{ {, { n *,ciP.rn Fa{ n
rrJ.-ir) ernq rDsit qldi 6rt d H + ft,.3tu irrd !i
n4s qiIq, di.6 E-er i+tir ji
r{ rrdre.qR€!.rar{ 16r Fr* |
s36 CHD.ADMN.cAZ. (EXTM),JUN! 7,20t7(JYSTt?, 1939SAXr\)

(,) 8 6. fr$ dnrr+?+!s€nrrRqldqii ril srF{enr{rri lrait,ffrr*l

3rd+-a€q9+tB il{:tr I
(3) sz6{ fr$-drf* rr} Rr|{ c{ {afl :rdtdffia iii Eqr{ di I
. ,r. E-6{ ffid'!fr t {5iFd $ qRfti i6r.Gr_.Grc :_
0) r1Rffi {Ffd dt H- d cisr rRldi * Frffi 6r c{{q

k) Fd 6l nAF(,r<lq Eqr {a qzlarl (R.ft.d.6Rtu+Brt.?R+s,n} h F6ql.rirtu.rdr

ds+r 6(+ + fts ts ftq rq) iii aR{ ftlu
(3) yzd. Ftarsl 6] irdr. d ld *. i{ a rr{ R.rir 6l Rdl,,rI

. (r) $Ah{ {hfr di 6.z 1?-dRq + $fr sA{

(s) drt fts ffi y{"r {d dr rrq-r r} 6r ftlrq I
(6) !r{ s$c si + vqard rRr+r I

Fe6(q.--+{ 6l rd}ita {a Q{.at#c-tr .}.]R Aqr r[I ,rt €fq-.c?lE]d rdrrtu,

r{lq ra 3+.{.ql{ 'n r.fl} qr+sl.,n I
(,) sfttc {fiiR.cA lrs ?ql d ?r{ affi + sFr+c d ra i@
(3) 6€ fiqRlr {Ff6 i{A q{ alr ft\r nr] ir{H + $Fra€6r
t€ r.qrs6tA I
(a) ernq $elFrfr.Ic6rH otri6diftq.l\lrqr{.Ftsd6r++qF
6] BA d rr€i{t{ 6 sfi st fc+flrtr t glF ind+ + 3lft&E6r I(ErGls
,3. qq die 6{ F616rt 6r d{.-4l ffi nEfr {dr ?i ir,r{rffflrji
* lE{r. Eqc
s.? Er ffdt Er+ d {RRe|di 6r Flrdq 6in I

,a. M et (ERrd fud._r"fi +, ?qF!,a tu€ri,rrrffFq! + Fddlira{i + i<c

,s. M +. al slt-d, aE F@rqr 3i. €J ? F<F?rd ftdia._,ftff

B_ qit lnifl,
qrq+ rflvr* ;ft sd t ipRfird tud r.Ir
R.ff {Fti + .r1lfa 6{ ;l(!} l

. ir.IFr $rf@, 3rd !: (l{r.

tRs, Fqr;iq {.6R,

r.iRu 'rF.{a
cHD.ADMN.CAZ.(EXTM),JUNE7,2017(JYST17,l']9 SAKA) i.t 7
The 30thSeplembe(
No. 5/1/203-Fll{3)-2015/9199.-tn oi Ihe powers
exercise conteredunder$Lsecton (l) or
-Seclion33 ol rhe StreelVendo€(p.otedionol Lvetjhood
and Regoarionof SlreetVendinQ)
Acl, 2014,readwlrhnori,i€tjonNo.S.O.2325(E) ot 6lh Jut, 2Oj6 by M nislrfot Hom€AfaiB,
Go{ernre. ol no'd, lhe Admin.slIo
Gd€Tre1r. s oecsedlo fEm. rheSchomcror rhe Srreervondo,sin rhe Un,o, re.itory oi
Chandiga|h, namely:-


shorr ritle.nd cohdenc€ment.- {1) This schemehay be ated lhe chandigarh

Vendo6 (Potection of Liverihoodand Regutarionot slrcet Vendns) scheme 2016
(2) n sh.rdne inlolbe oi the dareol ts pubticatoD
n rheoffca caze e
Delinitions-{1) In thtsSclreme,
unessthe conGnofie^viserequres,-
(a) 'Acl' meaE lhe sreel vendors(prolectonof Lrvethoodadd Resutaionoi srreel
V€ndins), Acr,201a(7 ot 201a)
(b) "anndue' neansan annexure
ro thtsscheme
(c) Fom' meadsa tom appeidedto thisSch€ire:
(d) 'rule'meansru€s nade onde.secton36 cJtheAcr l
(e) "seclion'mean.
a sectonot theAd ;
(r) "schedul6"
meais a schedute
lo lre Act or |16 rutes as rie case

2 Wordsand expGssions us€dhereinand not defned bol detinedin llre A.l 2nd rhe
resp*rvey assgnedIolhemif []sAcland lhe Rues asthe case


oF Comlcrrc Suafl

3 fiiannerol conducnnss!frey. 0) Tlre]orn vendingcohnllee (JVc) shai ,llrrin

a p€IiodoI six moirhstom lhe dateoi omhencemenlotschede,conducland codpelea sutucy
lo all exisrlng
slree(vendo6,wilhi.the areaunderls jurisdicion, spotyerticarodanC
by holding
collectpaniculaG as specmed tn Fom,,
rhalthe sury€ymzybe coidu.ledand, wiseor \!a.d!rs6 d, area
wse as is deehedapp.oprale by rheTowdVendn9 Commnee{TVCI:
P'oviJ€diddherlharrle sudeysh6l nol be
lntessr@ saire rs pa.€d
betore ltu TVC 6nd ts approwd by l
518 .Pp ADMN.CAZ.{L\] IL^, JL[.,rt..,0. ?,]\ s]
. 7. .ojo s \rA
(2) The TVC shattpubtid:serhbugh rocarnffpapeBandby norices prohnent
al placesm
ine marketsm€nlioninglhe date ot suoey, afear0 be covered,thenod6otficerot the sutoeydale
andttne ol commeicem€nt andendot rhesuruey, lne needro be p€senlat lhevendql silesalong
wrlh lhe necessaryd@ments eic.

(3) TheryC ahall@ndrclsuryey ar a sutableltmelo ensu@

tharaf streetvendors
m rie a.ea .r. corered in the sutoey

14)ThervC shan@nduct, nonilorandsupeBise

th€ surueyanderry tr outby urdedaking
@mri6hssre digitalized
phorebiomelc coN6 Gts nappingof rh6 t@arion ot er ding vendo;
of Municipatcoaoiatioi/pbtesdoid
as per n€€d.
(s) ThesuMy rom sha[ b€ computer
a.d dn acknowieogem€nt
e@,A@nran ! rheoeL . as,n FormNo.
rh€ sool b De slr@l vendol

i6r _h€
, "rrey s.t' oe videGgr.oneoa.d 5r onorog€pn\or .n. eli€., ,e1do, o1d t,5
h shdl to.T pa. o, .hr s^ey Tq>,€1or.
(7) The TVC shal nainbin a regisl€ras specitied in Form{ ave ng
vendoreideititiedin iho sotoeyincluding
rhe daleot sufrey:nd lDe placeot

Providedrhalunft a digir.fiomal tor mahhininq lhe rcqisler

is noravaitabie
be madlainedifl a hanuat rcgtsier,sh ch 6harnol belbr. periodmor€ rhedelats3ha[
or @frmencemenrot the scneme.

tssuEoF CERnF*rE oF V.NDnb

{ ced,ricar. or v€ndtnqio streel v€ndots.

sudey s\ar !e \qued c ce4t*le o vei,ng qrnl a pe,od
o, rre ,on.ns
pclTenror ree \oe! r.d b,

Providedrhatit theTVc deems

il I mayisue therenificate vendng zode!se or Mrd
wiseor are. qs€ afrerrhe @mptetion
or lhe srdeyfor thalzoie y€.d or area 3s the case

surueycodducled uid6r sub paE tj) arc ac@mnodaled ii rhe samevendtnOzone
(3) Wher€rheiumberot slreervendors, rdentified
. h th€ s0rey are moe lhanlhe ho rng
@pacity ot lh€ veidtngzoneandexceeds fie oumbe.of persulswnrcncai oe acdcmmodated ii
-9 @fryoura d€,eoI rorsto,,ssums
oi vendin-o
ve.cng .9' io, rh,p
""rrpersonsshal be accomdo&rcdn adyadjoiniie?end.tzofe
lhe remahms
"on€5d lo

{.1)Where,i. rhe inretoenino

p.riod beiweenr!. suryey5,afy pers.i seeks yend
mlke an appricaron lo h. sha
in rhenanneras seecitedin Fo.n_lva;d lhe TVC
nay gra.ra cortricard
cHD.ADMN.CAZ.€XrM). itNE 7,201?
SAi<,{l irt

vendingIo suchper$n, subj€.llolhe provision

nade ii Iheptanior slreellendingandthe holding
caPacitYof lhe v€ndinszones :
ltut wheresobjedto rh€ptanto. streetvendngandthe ot the
srEervendng zonas,ir s not possbeb a@nmod.le lhe saidpercons, lhe wc shauissuea
onpubr geneEted aokn@ledgement oi appticalion
wilha uniqlebarcode/to
waltnq sl
aunb€r10suchpeGonswho* spptication is aceoted:
Prcvdedfunherlhal whenthe@aisesa possbiryof accommodatinq
fie saidpereons
in a
vgndingzoderhe TVc shali$
specifiedunderrhe nFl prcvie:
Providedalsorhallhe peGonswh@ appl€lionis rej€ct€d
rejecllonalonq wlth c..ons lor such @j&rion.
(5) The WC shatlmEiniaina regisler
as specitied
n Fom-v wjlhdelaitsot sreet.vendo.s
whohav€be€nrcgbl€red as a n* vendorbasedotr lhewatng isl specjtied
uider pa€-4above.
(6) The edii€ie ol v€ndinoshafl b€ ]ssuedfor a pedodot thee yea.s trcm the dale ot

t7)The TVC shall naintaln a regtsleras speciiiedin Fom-Vt wilh

been issu€deni'i€le ot vendlng.
5. c'rlerla lor issu€of cen'ficareof vendng -, . -," o 0n.,,
cenili€l€of vending1ovendors, nam€ty:
(i) hisnameshould appearin rhesury€ycarii.dour by the
a ceni€Ie ot vendins
(i) rreh.s no othermeans
(ii) he has.ompleted
lheageor roudeen
y€a6 od lhe daleol isue of cadrri.are

(2) In .ase of dealhor diqabulyor the streetventroras specified

uadersub,secuon (2) or
secfon5 0f lhe Acl lhe nomineeot 0re streerveidor shai ntimatethe Tvc aboulsucrrdearh,
or InessandrheTVC shar hake necessary oj yend;ng
coredionsii lhe certiiicrle and
issuean denlit card.c@rdingty.

6. T.rhs and Conditionior ce jiicaie of vendino. Trrestreelvendo,lo 9hon a

cerlf€te or vendngis issued:-

lD srralrcary on the Susnessor sreel

Shallvendonlyf6h his._a.lGdspacen caseof slalonary vef,dojaid tom ris

rrea jn €se ot m'dbite
allolled vendoiandpayv€ndtng
lees.s oelerminedby

(irD Sherrabideb,yalr@ndirions
speotedbyllraTVCal thelme ot tssueoj c.diticale
or vendlngincludins
of dear inessafd puStjo
veididszore r qo.d coid,lon
?,20t7(JYST1?,t9l9 SAKA)
(iv) Shallnol tr nslerin any mannerdralsoeverincudingrcn(,the @rtiii@l€of vending
or $e p|a6 3pecilledlhecin to any olher person:
(v) shall nol ensrlct any pehanenl slrucrur€on a rofiedspsoe
lhe @rfth€t€ ot vendingl
(vi) Shall€iy on vendinsacrivilieson suchdal€andlime as spftified in the cerlricale

(viD Shallc@e he.goodsandwac everydayatlhe enoor oe

M6n she@uaes spac6on limeshalinsbass;
(vili) sh.ll Mply wirh slch olher condilionsas may be spedi€d
enil@te ol vondinoissuedlo the steet vendol
7. Fom.t ot tdonflt card.-11) Everyperconwtrois hording
a @nitical€
be issu6dan tdenlityed by fE TVC.
(2) The id€ntity€rd to be isued or rcnewd, as the €se may be lo the srreelvendo.

(3) ln case ol los6or damaoeot identy cad the sre€r vendor

dupli€teidentily€rd to theotfEeof tVC accompanied
bycopyof FtRand


3. Renewatof rhc ccnitic.teof vendtng._-11)

Thecenicat€of v€trdidg may be renered
afle. every3 yea6 on Dayheniot suchfee as specilied
by the o€l authorryandon futfmenlof
@ndilions specified
in lhe schemeandsubjecr
b lhe provisioiottheAcl andlhe Rutesmadethere

(2) Tho straatv6ndo6whosovaidly ot centfcale ot ve.dtno

for @n#ar of lhe c.ninele of vendno to rh€ TVC lwo modos pror ro lhe expiryoJ
lhe perodot
edir@te ol v6ndi.9in rh6hann€ra! speified n Fom.V l
(3) TheryO shal p|lbJish
a defarlrerhr ot sreel venooBwnoia]]Io paylhe renewat,ees

(4) The TvC mayOE.t onemoithgrae periodto/ rhepayrnenr

or rcneMl ree$illrourany

(5) Aftef ihe elpty or one honlh kon the timertre,enewat or lhe cenricareol vendng
becomes due, lhe cenmGteol vendingfray be renew€d on payme or suchrerewarr-Aes.nd
pen.rly ror every day ot the d€tayedpododas specifiedby the
(6) rt lh€ streetvehdd taitsto renewhs
or venoingw ri. lh@emonthso, the
Lpe ol Ihe .edtcate oi wnding rheiVC m:y 6fcel his ce,iiicareot vending
o $anaer in whtchcoafl(ar. of verd,ns ndv
- . "1" sLspen.r
rle efri
l 1.
", un!i..
specr:ed s$on t0 ot ihe Acl
i.HDA . A Z (. I X T R " Al,L. N l
. D M NC 0.'\JYsi l-. loroSAKA, 5.11

(2) Wherclhe TVC,lor €asonsIo be rsorded ln wting is salsied rharpendingrhe

or rheAcl,il is ne€sery lo suspe.dth€slJeetveidorsrron Ih6 vendins aclvil€sfor suchperod
nol exce€ding Ihirrydaysas speojfL€din ihe orderand rcquresuchstreetvendorto showcause
wlthinfffeen days fom lhe dale of i$@ ol Ihe order,as to whythe .uspensionoi vendingaclviries
shouldnot be enenden!l he deieminalion of rh€ queslionof can@tration
of suchc€nitieteol

ftovided wherc ihe TVc, upon hearinglhe slr€el vendor is oi re opn on lhal lhe cedili@te
of @ndingshouldbe @icelled,il mayoder €nerralionor suchceditcabor vendtnq
r Ji Wlerelhe rvc nasmadeanordprr6r*r.,o +e e 1 GF o' \ero rg o c sreer,eroo'
suchvandorshansurcnder hi. elilfi€le ol vendingand idenlily€rd L ihe rvc wirbinlhe perod
3s specjf€din such oder of enell.fon andhis nameshallbe slruckoif lrom the regislermaintalned


F.6, REoRos ANDAuotr

10 Vsndirg F€€s.-The Tdn V€id nq Cohdillee sh. rix vendiiq fees dependn9 oi the
6le9ory or sltel veido6, lhe slalus ot the ma*el and the fool fall oi Ih€ arca whch may be
diffeGnl for differonlareas in tha cj!, ot Chandigaft
vendinqfe6s, maintenanco charsesand pen.lties.
(1) Forlhe purposeof money,whelher as a lee o,line or penary payable
by the stre€lvendoG
underlh€ acl, Rul€sand ihe, MunioipalCorpoGlonsha opena b€nkac@unlI ary
peElenby s6h oncr ot rhe ocaraurhoriry as rhe oca aulirofiy

(2) The slreetv€ndo(maydeposillhe feesand suchoher duesln lhal amountwlh hs

nameand regstrationnumbd aliotledto hm and mayatsobe paidin a counte.ope.edfor the
purposein lhe otliceol tho loel.ulhoiv or sucholherplaceas the Lma aolhodtymay drecl

d audit.-Theaccounror eachTvC srrarrbe audiredin

a@.dancewlh lh€ provsions
of Ihe rel€vanl
law ol the ocalauthorlly


13 The calegories ot slr€el vendorsolher lhan stationary

vendor. Trre TVC may designal€any olher cltegoryot sl,eel vendor
verdoro' nobile vendoroperating
tr.h lhe areaunderlls llrs'rlcl@D

RtuoarbNNo EucroMoF SrR€€rVErooRs

relo€tlon.-The Principles ot steei b.
oi Rerocalian
lhe as plovidedunderEnlry(zb)ol lhe semid schedueol lhe Acr.
15. Mannerol relocallng sveet vendor-(1) wheie IlreTvc .emrnriends ro !'Jciare
. yendingzoi€ o. oan ol ll lo be io vending
zoneundersut"secon (1) o, secllori3.J lhe
542 cHp.ApMN.cAz. (EX.flrA),ILjtiE
rer@lion ot slreet wndo6 vendingin lhal
:one,lhe o€t auhorlysha, as ta as
rehatrilal€ th€ stret vendorwilhin rh.
same:rea or €lo€1. in or nea6yvendrng

(2) ThervC shal,.s soonas ( re@mmends

. n:x'::"r::llilh;t";J'r""j",#*;j+'*;:j:i,f
:: ;T"sil;:"t1
","". "t"t"""il "k *-
"v",is*"* ;-; ;-i ::1.",:
il ":l#
(2) In case Ihe .egjsts€d posl js

:,rx,r".:[ :]":j];l;i;"",';ff "i;,

jl"r elurned unde
17 tlt.nnor or rebc.Ulg o. evicrins

;""r";rfi j'i:
a sree

:,ll:"ff ""lg::i
ilT'#f: LT:;;;;1;:'::i:::::
;:';.nTfi ;:::l'"i
(2) Any pe6on who €hes on bus
nessor yend
;tl :;;' r";:':i";
a"'"","0 .., *,"; ;", ;; i":# ll:: ;",.:1 :;" 1.''"1
c,hcaood' o\ a :
;; ffi : *.:ff' ;";r #:,-- ""","".""u,.. ",,.^,,,r"."
--,*i ",';:,;l':?:J",lj"j-J1"", va(ce,Fepa.e.ere. " e
:"',ff :":t:"r
13. The mmnd of 3€t2ureot
soo s by the Iocaraulhorily,_tn
vendo.undersu6ed,on lt) ot sechn
hro cooside€rionby the tocat aurhody, 190t theA.l, lhe roriowina
shaI be rakpn
Onlyrhe ofr@r .uthorLedfor rhs purpose
/@mrie /ocaraulbortysh.l .ondlcr

n'i ,1. t'!l ot 9@ds,o .e,z4d.

di Dehdo. ci r e,oiel
sgFd by the vendor oy lhe said oltcer and co
0t) rhe srreetv€nco,whosegoods
se2e0shouldbe giyera D.or.r re4ep1iD
mennerspe.iaBdii Fo.mrX bl' lte
I - -,
CPD.ADI'OLCAz (EXTMj. ILNF . 201 lJYc | lola 5 \K{l

19. Mannerot Eclahhg s.ized goods and tees lhereot-The srcel vendorwhose
gools havebeon seiz€dmay rcclainseizedOoodsit slreetvendormakesa calm urilhinuo
rcrking days and pays su.h r* as may be specilie'l by rhe l@ aulhprity.

20 Mannerfor c.rrylng out 3oclalaudit undersub section(3) ot section26 or the

Act--The rvc shar €rry od 34i. audil .l ils acrrviliesal
2r. Terms and.otrditions for slre€l vendinqand norms lor up keeping public
shaldeslgnaGa properplaceio disposeoff Ihe
h€althand hyglene.ll) Th€ lo€l aulhority
waslemale,alsin orderlo mainl2inhyqienic
envnoineitby lhe slreelvendo6
(2) Thestr€errendoFshallue prop€r@voeddusrbnsIo disposeot fie wasleOaleials
and ls€d Mler should al$ be disposedofi ln a covered@nI3lneL
(3) Thesl66t vendoEshallnor ne.lhe venddgsiteandshanmainkn cleann€ssar rhe

22. Ll.lnt nancc ol prop€rrecor& .nd documentsln iespoclof slroet vendorc.-

(1) The TVC shel hainl2inlte @rds in respeclof lhe fo owingmatters.-

O derails p:persandminur*ol lhe meelings

ot aqenda ot rheTVc
(i) surueypr6edme, updaieddarabase (lncrudhsin dleilal
nrlv and add€ss)
(ii) detarsor the alldlhenland relocalion
ot siles|o rhe skeervondors
(v) a l h e d e c i s i o n so f l h e z p p e a t e c o m m i t l e ea d d 9 r e \ 3 n c e / e d r e s s a
(v) derailsol cenili€b ol vendingand dennyerds lssuedand
(vj) pape6 lor inlaling lve yeary s!ryey

Exptanatim.-Fot the pt'pose ol lhis slb pah he re.ods of lhe suBey oulcomesand rhe
a olhenlof sres,cedi,icales
or veidng :nd denrrycardsshallbe considered lo be or permanenl

(2) The appellalecomfrirteeshal na nrainrrrerecordsre al ng Io lre appeas lied

(3) Th€grevan@redressalconninee
sharrdaiilanlrrere.ordsrelalnglo rhetpp calcns

(4) The loGl authory shal mainlainlhe rscordsot seizuranf qoods'ion an/ slrcel
vendoGNunlerlo lol lhe receiplgivento llE slj*lveidorc afterseizuieot 0ood3,
paidfor lhe seizedqoodsand $e penarly€coverd
23. lranner ot carryirg ou1 vendinOaclirnies tlsis. Tr'€ r\,C
sM dereiiniie€nding .ciivilieson lirre sh?iirglasis d€penCing
^ 544 CHD.ADl4l. GAz.(EXTM),Jtll.rE (JYST1?,1939SAKA)

24. PinclprG ol d.t.rmininqvendingzones,- The pdnciples

lor detehnin! the
venningzonesshallbe bas€d!p on under (3)
Entry or lhe Fn{ Schedute
ol fte Acr.
25. Prlnclplefor d.leminlngholdlngcapacityot vcndltrg2on.s and und€rtakin!
conprehen.lve c.Nue .nd eudey.-Thep ndplestu deremining the holding
€paciryot lhe
vending zon*.nd und.daking@mp€hensivecensusandsuryey shallbesuchas mayd€rermined
- by lhs TM V€ndingCofroitlee.

The 30lh Seprember,
2016.,Loe Govemmeil,


62qsccul cort tuess,

u.f, chd

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