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May Day Eve By Nick Joaquin

(Script Adaptation of Sabrina A. Ventigan’s work)


Agueda (young & old)


Badoy Montiya (young & old)

Mugoy (aka Grandson)




Scene One: Party at the Mansion

**Typical party set-up. Some chatting, some dancing, and some just drinking. Everyone is

**Dance number ala musical then freeze, Anastasia appears on the sidelines and began

Anastasia: And it was May again. It was the first day of May and witches were abroad in the
night. For it was a night of divination, a night of lovers, // and those who cared might peer in a
mirror and would there behold the face of whoever it was they were fated to marry.

At one side:

Boy 1: (flirtatious) Ay mi amor, how cruel it is for us to part without sharing our love

Girl 1: (flirtatious) Oh, we'll be able to see each other again, surely?

At the other side:

Boy 2: What a night! Right on May eve as well! Why do we need to go this early?

Boy 3: I know, pity! How can we go without even hanging out with these fair ladies?

Boy 4: (Slightly drunk) Ay dios mio! Don’t worry they will come looking for us! I know! We’re
too great not to be remembered! (Calls out to girls on the other side and chase them)

Boy 5: He's drunk.

Boy 2: Terribly drunk. Should we stop him?

Boy 3: Oh, let him be. The guards will take care of him.
Boy 2: What a drunkard. I worry for him though.

(Anastasia appears in the background, swatting the girls away)

Boy 2: Oh, crap. The old witch is here!

Anastasia: (waves the boys away) Get out! Leave! Leave! Return to where you came from! //

(looks at the girls then grabs their hairs gently) And you, to your rooms NOW!

At one side:

Girl 2: Being a fair maiden is just too sad! What a horrid world it is!

Girl 3: Look at how carefree those rambunctious young freemen are! And here we are, caged
inside the four corners of our home, and never we are to--(the bell suddenly sounded)

Watchman: Guardia sereno-o-o! Alas doce han dado-o-o!

Scene Two: Anastasia's Story

** In the girls' room, Anastasia is picking up piled crinolines and folding up shawls and raking
slippers to a corner.

Girl 1: Enough, Anastasia! Enough! We want to sleep!

Girl 2: Yes! Go and scare the boys instead, you old witch!

Girl 3: (to the other girls) She's not a witch, she's a maga! Born on Christmas eve, the maga!

Girl 4: (grabs a shawl and mimics Anastasia look) St. Anastasia, Virgin and Martyr!

Girl 5: Huh? Impossible! She has conquered seven husbands! (to Anastasia, puzzled) Are you
still a virgin, Anastasia?

Anastasia: No! But I am seven times a martyr because of you girls! (grabs Girl 4's shawl and
hits the girls with it) Now get to sleep! It is late!

Girl 1: Let her prophesy! Prophesy for me old witch!

Agueda: Prophesy for me! Whom will I marry, old gypsy? Come on, tell me!

Anastasia: (quiet for a while, before breaking into a smile) You may learn in a mirror, if you are
not afraid.

Agueda: (very excited) Alright! I am not afraid! I will go. (jumps off the bed)

Girl 1: Girls, girls! We are making too much noise! My mother will hear and she'll come just to
pinch all of us! Agueda, get back here! And you Anastasia, I command you to shut your trap and
go away!

Anastasia: (completely sarcastic) Your mother told me to stay here all night, my grand lady!

Agueda: And I will not go to sleep! Not until this old woman tell me about this mirror! So now,
tell me what I have to do.

Girl 2-5: Tell her! Tell her!

Girl 1: Oh, you have got to be kidding me!

Anastasia: (stares at the girls with a grin for awhile, then drops whatever she's holding) Well
young lady, what you need to do is to take a candle, go into a room that is dark and that has a
mirror in it, and you must be alone in the room. Alone. Go up to the mirror, close your eyes and

“mirror, mirror, show to me, him whose woman I will be.” //

If all goes right, then just above your left shoulder will appear the face of the man you will

(← make this very intimidating and convincing; very important)

(complete silence)

Agueda: (very meek) And what if all does not go right?

Anastasia: Then may the Lord have mercy on you!

Agueda: Why?

Anastasia: Because you may see the devil! (breaks out into a creepy cackle)

(girls 1-5 screamed and embraced one another, face full of fear)

Agueda: Nonsense! This is the year 1847 already. There is no such thing as devil anymore!
(Stuttering then suddenly gathered up confidence) But where could I go? // Yes, I know! Down
to the sala! It has that big mirror and no one is there right now.

Girl 1: Are you out of your mind, Agueda?! Don’t do this! It's a mortal sin! You will see the

Agueda: The devil, you say? Nonsense! And besides, I am not afraid. I'm going!

Anastasia: (mad, evil witch laugh again) Oh, you wicked girl! You mad girl!

Girl 1: Agueda, if you don't come back to bed, I will call my mother!

Agueda: And if you do, I will tell her who came to visit you at the convent last March. Come,
old woman. Give me that candle. It's best for me to go.

Girl 1: Agueda! You're insane! Stop her, girls! Quick! Take hold of her! Block the door!

(other girls too frightened to move, so Agueda got out. Anastasia just look at her grinning)
Scene Three: Mirror, Mirror

Everything relies on the playing background music here as well as the acting. Agueda must be
very clear and precise with her actions. Must be very convincing as well. ( Agueda runs in from
the side then stops at the edge of the 'sala', panting for breath. The mirror (surrounded by
candles) at the other side of the stage. Five seconds after the music begins, with a candle on
hand, Agueda begins walking very slowly towards the mirror. Playing music as much as possible
but not at point of overbearing )

Agueda: (pulls off the cover and stares at it for around 10 seconds) (takes a deep breath then
exhale) (raises candle) (closes eyes) Mirror, mirror... (candles got blown away)

Agueda: Show to me... (half of the candles now off)

Agueda: Him whose woman I will be.

(all candles now off, with just those around the mirror and Agueda's alight)

(Badoy enters slowly) (creepy evil giggle)

Agueda: (scared eyes wide open then a gasp)

(all candle lights now gone)

(At the bed, Mommy Agueda hugging daughter)

Daughter: (excited) And what did you see, mama?

Agueda: I saw the devil. (Looking at nothing)

Daughter: The devil, mama?! Really?! (Scared)

Agueda: (closed eyes) The devil indeed. (open eyes) I open my eyes, and there in the mirror
smiling at me over my left shoulder was the devil.

Daughter: (cried) Oh, my poor little mama! Were you frightened?

Agueda: Of course, my child. You can imagine. You must stop this naughty habit, darling of
admiring yourself in every mirror you pass.

Daughter: But the devil mama. What did he look like? (Curious Face)

Agueda: Well, let me see... I remember he has curly hair and a scar on his cheek.

Daughter: A scar like papa's?

Agueda: Well, yes. But this scar of the devil was the scar of sin while that of your papa is a scar
of honour or so he says.

Daughter: And? And? What else about the devil, mama?

Agueda: He had a mustache...

Daughter: Like papa's too?

Agueda: Oh, no! Those of your papa are dirty and graying and smell horribly of tobacco! These
of the devil were very black and elegant.

Daughter: And did he have horns and a tail, mama? Like what the sisters say?

Agueda: (lips curled) Yes! Sure he has! But, I could not see them at that moment. All I could see
where his fine clothes, his flashing eyes, his curly hair and mustache.

Daughter: And did he speak to you, mama?

Agueda:(feelling recalling)…yes. (Act as if sure) Yes, he spoke to me.

Scene Four:

Agueda and the Devil Badoy (Back to Scene 3 setting, only with lights on and Badoy looking
very much like a happy idiot. Agueda now ready to kick some butt.),

Devil/Badoy: Charms like your shave no need for a candle, fair one! (smiles and gives a low
mocking bow)

Agueda: (turn around and stares at Badoy)

(Badoy bursts into a happy bully laugh)

Badoy: But I remember you! You are Agueda, whom I left, nothing but a mere infant and came
home to find a tremendous, splendid beauty, and I danced a waltz with you but you wouldn't give
me the polka!

Agueda: (annoys) I have enough of your foolishness. Let me pass.

Bado?y: (blocks) But I want to dance the polka with the fair one. (they stood before the mirror;
their breaths the only sound in the room)

Agueda: I told you, enough with your pranks! Now let me be! I will retire now, you insolent git!
(pushes Badoy)

Badoy: (grabs Agueda's wrist) No! Not until we have danced!

Agueda: Silence, you prat! You'll wake even the dead!

Badoy: I don't care about them! All I want is a dance! A dance with you!

Agueda: Oh, shut up! Go into the devil!

Badoy: (laughs) What a temper has my serrana!

Agueda: (shouts)

Badoy: Ah, ah! Now you'll wake the dead.

Agueda: I am not your serrana!

Badoy: Whose then? Someone I know? Someone I have offended much? Because you treat me
and all of my friends as if we're mortal enemies. Such i'll treatment I do not like at all, my fair

Agueda: And why not? You do not know how I dislikes you! Oh, I really dislike you, you feeler
young man!(Face like arguing to bida bida) You wear me! You bore me! You fastidious young
men! (Agueda here sounds really angry. She's basicallyout her anger, complete with angry
gestures. Just go wild with yourself. Be an angry, jealoaus lady, for once.)

Badoy: Now you jest, serrana. How do you know about us? How can you even be so sure?

Agueda: I heard about you talking among yourselves, and I despise the pack of you!

Badoy: But clearly you do not dislike yourself. You come to admire your charms in the mirror
even in the middle of the night!

Agueda: I was not admiring myself, sir! (Feeling nagmamaganda)

Badoy: What then? The moon, perhaps?

Agueda: Oh! You! (drops the candle, covers face)

Badoy: (alarmed; touches Agueda) Oh, do not cry, little one! Forgive me, I said too much!
Please! Don't cry! It pains me too much to see your lovely face stained by such cruel tears
wrought by no one else other than me. Enough, Agueda! No more tears! If you seek to hurt me,
then such you have already accomplished! Now, please, I beg of you, and no one dares to beg
but I of your forgiveness! Too drunk of my own folly, I truly was! I knew not what I said, and
has truly said too much! (Sincere gameface) (Badoy grasped and found her hand and touched it
to his lips. She shut up, looking up timidly and cautiously)
Agueda: (shoves Badoy away again) Let me go! Badoy: No! No, Agueda! Not without your

Agueda: In your dreams, you scoundrel! Let me go! Away now!

Badoy: Such I cannot do! Say you forgive me, Agueda! (grabs her hands again)

Agueda: (—slaps Badoy then runs away; bites Badoy's hand)

Badoy:(acting rude, monologue) But Judas! What eyes she had, and what a pretty shade she
turns when angry! Son of a Turk, but she was truly quite the enchantress! How could she think
she had no fine nor grace (Singing like Prince Charming; walk to the window side while singing

Badoy: Never shall I forget this night! Never! (Last lightning outside window before lights off)

Scene One:

Grandpa Badoy and the Mugoy (Grandpa Badoy was walking home. Mugoy is in the sala, like in
Scene 3. Grandpa enters the dark sala then opens the light, he cried out when he saw his
grandson (in a frilly pink nightgown) standing before the mirror.) (Grandpa Badoy sounds very
much like an old man who needs to get into a nursing home)

Badoy: You foolish boy! What are you doing standing there like a—like a--(struggles to find the
right word)

Mugoy: Oh, grandpa! You frightened me, grandpa!

Badoy: Oh, you! So it was you all along, you young bandit! And what is all this? Oi! What are
you doing down here at this hour?!

Mugoy: (adorably innocent) Nothing, grandpa. I was only.. I was only...

Badoy: (very sarcastic) Yes you are. Yes, you are the great Signor Only, and how delighted I am
to make your acquaintance, great Signor Only. But if I break this cane on your head, you may
wish you were someone else, sir!

Mugoy: But it was just foolishness, grandpa. They told me I would see my wife if I look into the

Badoy: Wife? What wife? You got bluffed again, you little brat. Mugoy: But grandpa! The boys
at school said I would see her if I looked into a mirror tonight and say: “Mirror, mirror, show to
me, her whose lover I will be.”

(Badoy takes Mugoy and pulled him along to sit down on a chair)

Badoy: Why don't you put that candle down the floor, Mugoy, and let us talk over this. So you
want your wife already, eh? You want to see her in advance.

Mugoy: Well, the boys did warn me I might see a witch instead.

Badoy: Exactly! A witch so horrible you may die of fright! And she will bewitch you, she will
torture you, she will eat your heart and drink your blood!

Mugoy: Oh, come on now, grandpa. It's 1890 already. There are no witches anymore. Grow up,
grandpa! (Feeling mukhang natatawang napipikon sa pinagsasabe sa retarded na badoy)
Badoy: Oh, no, my young Voltaire! And what if I tell you that I myself have seen a witch? (in

Mugoy: (surprised,annoyed na medyo natatakot na pagmumukha) You? Really, grandpa?


Badoy: Right in this room... right in that mirror. (points at mirror)

Mugoy: When is this, grandpa?

Badoy: Not so long ago. When I was a bit older than you, oh, I was a villain fellow and though I
was feeling very sick that night, I merely wanted to lie down somewhere and die. I could not
pass the doorway of course, without stopping to see in the mirror what I looked like when dying.
But when I poke my head in, what I should see in the mirror is not me but... but...

Mugoy: (whisper) the witch?

Badoy: Exactly!

Mugoy: And did she bewitch you, grandpa?

Badoy: Bewitched me? Hah! She did more than just that, my young child! She bewitched me
and tortured me! She ate my heart and drank my blood!

Mugoy: Oh, my poor little grandpa! Why have you never told me so! Was she horrible? Oh,
please tell me no! (Scared intensely)

Badoy: Horrible? By the gods, no She was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen! Her eyes
were somewhat like yours, but her hair was like black waters and her golden shoulders were
bare. (silence as Mugoy continues looking up at grandpa in awe)

Mugoy: (glances at the mirror) What a horrid mirror this is, grandpa.

Badoy: What makes you say that, ei?

Mugoy: Well, you saw this witch in it. And mama once told me that Grandma once told her that
Grandma saw the devil in this mirror. Was it of fright that Grandma died? If so, then it truly is
such a horrid mirror. Don't you think we should be rid of it, grandpa?

Badoy: (only stares at the mirror with a wry smile, as if repeating Agueda) Who knows, kid.
Who knows... (another silence, broken by Badoy who carries his grandson off the chair)

Badoy: Well, that's enough story telling for today, Mugoy. Now get back to bed.

Mugoy: Okay, grandpa. G'nite (left alone, Badoy sits down again, shaking his head as well)

Badoy: Who knows indeed...

****young couples meet(mirror); old couples meet( bed)***



Ventigan, S. May Day Eve’s Script (Enlish). (2013). Retrieved from:

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