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Electrically Small Microstrip Patch

Antenna Loaded with Spiral Resonator for

Wireless Applications

Rajni Rajni & Anupma Marwaha

Wireless Personal Communications

An International Journal

ISSN 0929-6212

Wireless Pers Commun

DOI 10.1007/s11277-017-4315-z

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Wireless Pers Commun
DOI 10.1007/s11277-017-4315-z

Electrically Small Microstrip Patch Antenna Loaded

with Spiral Resonator for Wireless Applications

Rajni Rajni1 • Anupma Marwaha2

 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017

Abstract This paper focuses on a new dual turn spiral resonator (DTSR) loaded electri-
cally small microstrip patch antenna. The proposed DTSR loaded antenna is mounted on
Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 tm substrate and numerically analyzed with electromagnetic
solver. The resonant frequency of the antenna gets lowered with improved magnetic
permeability of dielectric materials through metamaterial loading. The DTSR loaded
antenna resonates at 14.76 GHz compared to unloaded simple microstrip patch antenna
resonating at 27.44 GHz. The proposed antenna also satisfies the condition of Chu limit for
being electrically small antenna with appreciable return loss and gain of 7.17 dB and
fractional bandwidth is 7.96%. This antenna can be used for satellite communications. The
full wave simulated resonant frequency of DTSR is compared with frequency derived from
equivalent circuit of model. It is observed that the analytically calculated resonant fre-
quency is in close agreement with full wave numerically analyzed frequency. The negative
permeability of the DTSR is also plotted to depict the metamaterial behavior.

Keywords High frequency structure simulator (HFSS)  Metamaterial 

Spiral resonator (SR)  Microstrip patch antenna (MPA) 
Electrically small antenna (ESA)

& Rajni Rajni
Anupma Marwaha
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Shaheed Bhagat Singh State
Technical Campus, Ferozepur, Punjab, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sant Longowal Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Sangrur, Punjab, India

Author's personal copy
R. Rajni, A. Marwaha

1 Introduction

Metamaterials is a thrilling topic in electromagnetism and antenna applications. The idea

of metamaterials possessing exotic properties was given by Victor Veselago in 1968 who
investigated wave propagation in a material medium assuming its permittivity e, and
magnetic permeability l, to be negative at same time. The magnetic field, electric field and
wave vector form a left hand system in these materials. Hence these materials are also
termed as Left-handed materials (LHM) [1, 2]. The direction of Poynting vector of a plane
wave is reverse to direction of its phase velocity in these material medium [1]. To realize
these materials, addition of specific inclusions like split ring resonators (SRRs) and thin
wires (TWs) in medium (generally substrate) is done to inculcate in the magnetic prop-
erties in a naturally nonmagnetic material [3]. Metamaterials have potential to reduce
antenna size [4, 5], improve gain and directivity [6, 7], reduce side lobes and control beam
width and enhance the magnetic permeability of nonmagnetic materials [3]. So the per-
formance of antennas can be improved by metamaterial loading and the resultant trans-
formed material reveals desired performance.
The electrically small antenna (ESA) design has always been a challenge for the
researchers because of the fact that the antennas experience poor efficiency at a size below
Chu limit in terms of the operating wavelength. According to Wheeler, An ESA dimension
can be fit inside an imaginary sphere, termed as ‘radian sphere’ whose radius ‘a’ is equated
to 1/k = k0/2p (where k0 is free space wavelength) [8, 9] such that
ka\1 ð1Þ

The largest dimension of an antenna must be enclosed by this sphere. L. J. Chu showed
that size reduction of antenna beyond Chu limit increases quality factor leading to poor
bandwidth [9–11]. But metamaterials with improved magnetic permeability can circum-
vent this problem as these materials are helpful in miniaturization of the antennas without
affecting the bandwidth.
In 2001, Smith introduced the first prototype structure of LHM with SRRs and TWs
[12]. Many new structures have been proposed by researchers like rectangular [13], cir-
cular, omega, symmetrical ring and S-shaped structure [14, 15], triangular SRR [16] to
improve the properties of the microwave devices including antennas and microstrip lines.
Siddiqui et al. [17] reported SRR loaded coplanar waveguide fed ultra wideband circular
monopole antenna to exhibit frequency notch characteristics. Authors analyzed the
geometry of resonators in symmetrical configuration in [18–20] and asymmetrical con-
figuration in [21] in terahertz applications and concluded that by control of these
embedding structures, magnetic resonance of antenna can be tailored for desired
In this work, a planar dual turn spiral resonator (DTSR) of square shape is presented to
load the rectangular microstrip patch antenna (MPA) to operate in Ku-band for satellite
applications. The antenna geometry and DTSR structure parameters are optimized to
achieve electrically small antenna. In the proposed antenna, we used a different SRR
geometry from the work done in [13] as the novel antenna is loaded with single planar
square shaped SR in place of rectangular SRRs. Beside this, loading of SR is preferred for
design of ESA because conventional LC resonator uses unit cell area inadequately and so
SR loading could be a right choice to design electrically small antenna [3].
This paper is planned in four sections. Following introduction in Sect. 1, the method of
modeling and simulation of proposed DTSR structure and DTSR loaded antenna along

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Electrically Small Microstrip Patch Antenna Loaded with…

with materials used within are presented in Sect. 2. Then negative permeability of DTSR is
evaluated to show its metamaterial behavior. The numerically analyzed results of the
proposed antenna design are presented and discussed in the Sect. 3. Finally the conclusion
of the work done is given in Sect. 4.

2 Modeling and Simulation Method of Proposed Antenna

2.1 Modeling of Proposed Antenna

In the design, the rectangular MPA is loaded by planar square spiral resonator of two turns.
The antenna is modeled on Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 tm substrate of permittivity, er = 2.2,
loss tangent = 0.0009 and thickness (h) of 2.6 mm. The patch antenna is displaced at a
distance (d) of 0.5 mm from DTSR as shown in Fig. 1a, b. The coaxial feed is used to
excite patch at a position optimized for best impedance matching. The resonator gets
excited due to mutual induction of microstrip patch antenna. Hence the complete proposed
antenna structure consists of MPA with DTSR unit cell. The proposed model has been
numerically analyzed with Finite Element Method (FEM) based High Frequency Structure
Simulator (HFSS).
Various dimensions of MPA and spiral resonator are tabulated in Table 1.

2.2 Simulation Method of Proposed Antenna

In the present work, Firstly equivalent circuit is analyzed to find transmission minimum
frequency of resonator. Then numerical analysis of the DTSR unit cell is done to evaluate
the S parameters in order to prove metamaterial behavior of DTSR. Then MPA is loaded
with DTSR and its performance is evaluated and compared with unloaded MPA.

2.2.1 Analytical Studies of DTSR

The equivalent circuit associated to the DTSR is depicted in Fig. 1c. The expressions of the
inductance and the distributed capacitances of proposed model can be derived by assuming
that the strip width, the separation between two adjacent turns, and the length of the split
do not vary from a ring to another [22]. The inductance,LSR is given only by the self

Fig. 1 a Cross sectional view of planar square DTSR loaded MPA; b top view of planar square DTSR
loaded MPA; c LC analogous circuit of Spiral resonator

Author's personal copy
R. Rajni, A. Marwaha

Table 1 Dimensions of DTSR

S. no. Parameters Value (mm)
loaded MPA
1. Length of patch (Lp) 4
2. Width of patch (Wp) 0.5
3. Length of outermost turn of SR (L) 4
4. Width of outermost turn of DTSR (W) 4
5. Gap or split of turn (g) 0.2
6. Spacing between inner turn and outer turn (s) 0.2
7. Width of ring (Wt) 0.2
8. Distance Between DTSR and MPA 0.5

inductance of the spiral and is proportional to the magnetic energy stored in the inclusion
while CSR is the total distributed capacitance between two adjacent turns of the spiral. The
presence of a dielectric substrate does not have an effect on the inductance [23]. So it is
given by
" !#
l0 SR 1 lSR
LSR ¼ lavg þ ln ð2Þ
2p 2 2Wt

where lSR
avg is average total length for ‘N’ no. of turns considering the self-inductance of a
single turn and is given by

1X N
4lN  ½2N ð1 þ N Þ  3ðs þ Wt Þ
avg ¼ ln ¼ ð3Þ
N n¼1 N

The dielectric substrate has an effect on the distributed capacitance only. Since all
distributed capacitance connected in parallel, the total CSR is given by
N 1   
L N2 X 1
CSR ¼ C0  2 L  n þ ðWt þ sÞ ð4Þ
4ðWt þ sÞ ðN þ 1Þ n¼1 2

where C0 is per unit- length capacitance and can be computed as below [23]:
K 1  k2
C0 ¼ eo erdc ð5Þ
K ðk Þ
e0 is dielectric constant of free space and erdc is effective dielectric constant of substrate
and can be calculated from relative permittivity of substrate, er . The value of C0 is sim-
plified from [24] and shown as
erdc ¼ ð1 þ er Þ=2 ð6Þ
K ðkÞ is known as the complete elliptical integral of the first kind and
k¼ ð7Þ
Wt þ 2s

Based on the above equations, the equivalent circuit component values can be calcu-
lated depending on the geometry, layout and material of the spiral. Once the circuit

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Electrically Small Microstrip Patch Antenna Loaded with…

component values are obtained, they can be used to for transmission frequency, fr
fr ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð8Þ

2.2.2 Numerical Studies of DTSR

The characteristics of DTSR structure are investigated by considering DTSR unit cell in a
waveguide and assigning appropriate boundaries and excitations. The perfect magnetic
conductor boundary is assigned on the faces perpendicular to the base plane of DTSR and
perfect electric conductor boundary is applied on faces parallel to the base plane of SR in
order to excite negative permeability behavior in SR. The wave ports 1 and 2 are assigned
along each of the substrate line.

2.2.3 Extraction of the Effective Electromagnetic Parameters for DTSR Structure

The value of permeability, lr can be retrieved from effective medium theory using
Nicolson Ross-Weir (NRW) method [13]. This method is used to evaluate the effective
permeability from reflection coefficient, S11 and transmission coefficient, S21 . The NRW
method introduces two complex terms, V1 and V2 , obtained on adding and subtracting

V1 ¼ S21 þ S11 ð9Þ

V2 ¼ S21  S11 ð10Þ

2 1  V2
lr ¼ ð11Þ
jk0 h 1 þ V2
k0 is free space wave number and is equal to xc and x = 2pf, lr is effective permeability, c
is speed of light = 3 9 108 m/s, h is thickness of substrate

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Analytically and Numerically Analyzed Results of DTSR

To evaluate the inductance and capacitance of DTSR, the Eqs. (2)–(8) are implemented.
With implementation, calculated LSR is 11.5 nH, CSR is 94.52 9 10-15 Farad and calcu-
lated transmission minimum frequency is 3.2 GHz. It is found that when DTSR structure is
simulated in waveguide, it resonates at a frequency of 2.57 GHz with transmission min-
imum, S21 at 3.1 GHz. It is apparent from the simulated transmission minimum frequency
is nearly equal to calculated transmission minimum frequency from Eq. (8).
Figure 2 shows reflection coefficient, S11 and transmission coefficient, S21 plot of SR.
Spiral resonator shows the phase reversal of transmission coefficient and reflection coef-
ficient at resonant frequency due to magnetic coupling between DTSR and MPA shown in
Fig. 3. This phase reversal depicts metamaterial behaviour for DTSR.

Author's personal copy
R. Rajni, A. Marwaha

Fig. 2 Reflection coefficient and

transmission coefficient of DTSR

Fig. 3 Magnitude and phase of 1.00 4.00

Curve Info Y Axis
S21 and S11 of DTSR
mag(S(2,1)) Y1 3.00
0.80 Setup1 : Sweep1

S(2,1)/S(1,1) [rad]
mag(S(1,1)) 2.00

Setup1 : Sweep1 Y1
0.60 ang_rad(S(2,1)) 1.00
Setup1 : Sweep1 Y2
ang_rad(S(1,1)) 0.00
0.40 Setup1 : Sweep1
0.00 -3.00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00
Frequency [GHz]

As SR has a minimum reflection coefficient at 2.57 GHz, the calculated value for this
frequency is k0d = 0.14 which is 1 for DTSR. We obtained S-parameters from simu-
lating DTSR in waveguide and put in above mathematical equations to verify the meta-
material characteristics. The Eqs. (9–11) are implemented in MATLAB. The DTSR
structure demonstrates real negative permeability shown in Fig. 4a which indicates that

Fig. 4 a Real part of retrieved permeability for DTSR; b a zoomed view of resonant behavior of DTSR

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Electrically Small Microstrip Patch Antenna Loaded with…

DTSR structure is mu negative (MNG) metamaterial. Figure 4b shows a zoomed view of

negative permeability region from 2.98 to 3.19 GHz.

3.2 Numerically Analyzed Results of Unloaded MPA Antenna and DTSR

Loaded MPA Antenna

The performance comparison has been carried out for the DTSR loaded MPA and unloaded
MPA and results are analyzed.
The loaded antenna resonates at 14.76 GHz with an impedance bandwidth of
1175 MHz. Figure 5 shows the reflection coefficient plot of proposed loaded patch
antenna. Its value is -49.7 dB at resonant frequency. The fractional bandwidth (FBW)
achieved with this is 7.96%. The unloaded antenna resonates at frequency of 27.44 GHz as
depicted in Fig. 6. The resonant frequency of SR loaded antenna shifts to low frequency
side because of change in capacitance due to geometrical parameters of DTSR i.e. intro-
duction of gap capacitance at the split, mutual capacitances between the two split rings and
mutual inductance of resonator [19].
The Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) value obtained for loaded antenna is plotted
for SR loaded antenna in Fig. 7. The value of VSWR obtained for DTSR loaded antenna is
1.0065 which indicates good matching of impedance whereas for unloaded antenna, it is
observed as 1.64. The 50 X impedance matching is achieved at this frequency and further
factor ka ¼ ð2p=kÞa ¼ 0:988 which is less than 1. Hence the proposed antenna satisfies the
condition of being ESA. An input impedance of 50 X is achieved at resonating frequency
and input impedance variation over frequency sweep is depicted in Fig. 8.
Figure 9 displays 3D polar plot of gain which is 7.17 dB at resonant frequency. The
elevation and azimuth gain radiation patterns are shown in Fig. 10 for proposed DTSR
loaded antenna. Figure 11 shows variation of gain versus frequency. The proposed antenna
is suitable for 12 GHz to 16 GHz as gain is more than 3 dB for this frequency range.
Chu derived the radiation quality to derive a relationship with minimum quality factor,
Qchu for an ESA [25] expressed in Eq. (12),
1 1
Qchu ¼ 3
þ ð12Þ
ðkaÞ ka

The minimum calculated radiation factor, Qchu from equation no. 12 is 2.049.
The radiation factor, Qrad of the ESA should be greater than 10 [23]. The value of Qrad
can be calculated from bandwidth (BW) as

Fig. 5 Return loss (S11 ) of 0.00

DTSR loaded MPA Curve Info

-10.00 dB(S(1,1))
Setup1 : Sweep1




12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00
Frequency [GHz]

Author's personal copy
R. Rajni, A. Marwaha

Fig. 6 Return loss (S11) of -3.75 Curve Info

unloaded rectangular MPA dB(S(1,1))

-5.00 Setup1 : Sweep1

20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 32.50 35.00 37.50 40.00
Frequency [GHz]

Fig. 7 VSWR of DTSR loaded 5.50

MPA 5.00
4.00 Curve Info

3.50 VSWR(1)
Setup1 : Sweep1
12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00
Frequency [GHz]

Fig. 8 Input impedance 200.00 Curve Info

characteristics of DTSR loaded 180.00 re(Z(1,1))

160.00 Setup1 : Sweep1

12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00
Frequency [GHz]

Qrad ¼ ð13Þ
The radiation factor from Eq. (13) is 12.6 for proposed antenna and is 2.049. Thus the
proposed ESA structure is practically feasible with stated parameters.
The DTSR loaded MPA metamaterial antenna offers better performance characteristics
while keeping smaller size than the design reported in [13] and [26] as summarized in
Table 2.

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Electrically Small Microstrip Patch Antenna Loaded with…

Fig. 9 3D polar plot gain of DTSR loaded MPA

Fig. 10 Azimuth (square) and elevation (circle) radiation gain patterns of proposed antenna

Fig. 11 Gain of DTSR loaded 7.50



Curve Info

-2.50 dB(GainTotal)
Setup1 : Sweep1
Phi='0deg' Theta='0deg'
10.00 11.25 12.50 13.75 15.00 16.25 17.50
Frequency [GHz]

Author's personal copy
R. Rajni, A. Marwaha

Table 2 Comparison of DTSR loaded MPA with ESA with previously reported results
S. no. Parameters Joshi et al. [13] Rajni et al. [26] DTSR loaded MPA

1. Return loss -34 dB -47 dB -49.8 dB

2. Gain 3.2 dB 7.09 dB 7.16 dB
3. Directivity 7.8 dB 7.17 dB 7.17 dB
4. Fractional bandwidth 512 MHz, 1056 MHz, 1175 MHz,
(FBW) FBW = 5.37% FBW = 7.96% FBW = 7.96%
5. Electrically small ka = (2p/k) ka = (2p/k) ka = (2p/k)
antenna a = 0.775 \ 1 a = 0.943 \ 1 a = 0.98 \ 1
6. Antenna dimensions 5 mm 9 6 mm 4 mm 9 5.5 mm 4 mm 9 5 mm

4 Conclusions

In this work, a planar DTSR loaded MPA of 0.197k 9 0.246k dimensions is presented
which resonates at 14.76 GHz in Ku band whereas the unloaded antenna was resonating at
a frequency of 27.44 GHz. It is observed that the resonant frequency of the antenna
decreases with improved magnetic permeability of dielectric materials by metamaterial
loading. Thus the magnetic resonance of antenna can be controlled according to the desired
application. The proposed antenna achieves appreciable return loss, high gain of 7.17 dB,
with fractional bandwidth of 7.96% (impedance bandwidth = 1175 MHz) and radiation
efficiency of 99%. This antenna satisfies the condition of being ESA.
Compliance with Ethical Standards

Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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Rajni Rajni is currently Professor at SBS State Technical Campus

Ferozepur, India. She has completed her M.E. from NITTTR,
Chandigarh, India and B. Tech from NIT, Kurukshetra India. She has
done her Ph.D. in metamaterial antennas in 2016. She has approx.
18 years of academic experience. She has authored a number of
research papers in International journals, National and International
conferences. Her areas of interest include Wireless communication and
Metamaterials Antenna design.

Author's personal copy
R. Rajni, A. Marwaha

Anupma Marwaha is currently Professor at Sant Longowal Institute

of Engineering and Technology, Longowal (Sangrur). She has done
her Ph. D. from GNDU, Amritsar, M. Tech. from REC Kurukshetra
(Now NIT, Kurukshetra), B.E from Punjab University, Chandigarh.
She has 22 years of academic experience. She has supervised 15 M.
Tech thesis, 05 Ph. D. thesis and 05 thesis are in progress. She has
authored 75 research papers in International and National Journals,
International and National conferences. Her research interests pri-
marily focus on developing bio-electromagnetic therapeutics at
microwave frequencies and to explore the possibility to manufacture
resonant structures in the microscale and nanoscale and enabling the
development of novel electromagnetic devices and antennas.


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