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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709

Analysis of stress measurements using a numerical model methodology

S.D. McKinnon*
Department of Mining Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6
Accepted 12 July 2001


A method is described that enables the boundary conditions of numerical models to be calibrated to individual or groups of stress
measurements. The method was developed to interpret stress measurements made in mines where it is not possible to locate the
measurement points far enough away from excavations to obtain a direct measurement of the pre-mining stress field. It can also be
used to analyze measurements that are influenced by surface topography. The stress field at any point is assumed to be comprised of
gravitational and tectonic components. The tectonic component is assumed to act entirely in the horizontal plane in the far-field and
at the model boundary. Unit normal and shear tractions are applied to the model boundaries and the response is computed at the
location of the measurement points in the model. An optimization procedure is used to compute the proportions of each unit
response tensor that is required, in addition to the gravitational stress, to reproduce the measured stress at the measurement point in
the model. Scaling of the measured stress tensor can be included in the optimization to account for incorrect rock modulus scaling of
the measured strains. The method is demonstrated using a synthetic set of stresses from a numerical model in which the
measurements are influenced by a nearby excavation and topography. r 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction far from the sidewall of the tunnel from which the
measurement is being made to minimize the effect of
There are many purposes for which stress measure- stresses induced by the tunnel. However, the stress field
ments are made. One important reason is the estimation in which the tunnel is located may, in turn, be influenced
of the pre-mining stress fieldFi.e., the state of stress by other factors such as topography or nearby large
that would exist prior to any excavations being made. excavations. Some correction for these other sources of
This is a useful quantity to know, as it can be used to induced stress is therefore necessary in order to extract
compute tractions that should be applied to the the pre-mining state of stress from the measured stresses.
boundaries of numerical models or used in closed-form In certain situations, it is possible to compute the
solutions to calculate stress concentrations around effects of these additional sources of induced stress and
excavations of specific geometries. A major difficulty remove them from the measurements. Analytical solu-
that often arises when interpreting measurement results tions that could be used in this process are available for
is to know how representative they are of the pre-mining simple two- and three-dimensional openings [2], or for
stress field. The measured stresses may be a combination more complex geometries such as ridges and cliffs [3–5].
of the pre-mining state of stress plus components In practice, however, the geometries of these solutions
induced by other sources. seldom match those of real excavation.
In mining, the most common method of determining Using numerical models, it is possible to compute the
stresses in rock is to overcore a strain cell cemented onto stress field around more complex-shaped excavations,
the surface of a borehole [1]. The strain cell measures but this requires calibration of the model boundary
deformation of the borehole walls resulting from stress conditions to the stress measurements. Fig. 1 shows a
relief, from which in situ stresses can be computed. For cross-section through a mine located in mountainous
underground measurements, it is usually possible to terrain, illustrating potential difficulties in calibration. In
locate the measurement point in a borehole sufficiently this example, the stress field measured at each site could
be different due to the varying influences of mine
*Tel.: +1-613-533-6553; fax: +1-613-533-6597. excavations and topography, even with a constant
E-mail address: (S.D. McKinnon). far-field stress regime. Determination of appropriate

1365-1609/01/$ - see front matter r 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 6 5 - 1 6 0 9 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 3 7 - 5
700 S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709

these gravitational and tectonic components,

ij ¼ sgrav
ij þ stect
ij : ð1Þ
Excavation geometry, topography and material den-
sities are usually fairly well known, so it is possible to
build a numerical model and compute the gravitational
stresses at the location corresponding to the measure-
ment point. Knowing both the measured and gravita-
tional stress tensors, the tectonic stress tensor at the
Fig. 1. The purpose of stress field calibration is to determine boundary measurement point can be computed from Eq. (1) by
conditions that reproduce stress measurements. Stress measurements tensor subtraction.
used to determine the boundary conditions may be influenced by
factors such as mining induced stresses and topography. stect meas
ij ¼ sij  sgrav
ij : ð2Þ
To regenerate the total stress field throughout a
boundary tractions that would regenerate the measured numerical model, however, it is necessary to determine
stresses would not be simple in this case. the far-field tectonic stresses as opposed to the local
The objective of this paper is to describe a technique value determined using Eq. (2). The objective of the
to calibrate boundary tractions for numerical models analysis, therefore, is to determine the tractions that
using stress measurements. The technique was devel- must be applied to the model boundary (the far-field) in
oped specifically to remove the types of difficulties order to reproduce the computed tectonic stress
mentioned in the previous example, and is easily evaluated at the measurement points.
implemented in spreadsheet programs. Once numerical
model boundary conditions have been determined, it is a 2.1. Tectonic component of stress field constant with
simple matter to compute a variety of useful quantities depth
at any point in the model, such as total stress, pre-
mining stress, mining-induced stress, and the stress field For analysis purposes, it is assumed that the tectonic
for any sequence of excavations made in the interior of component of the far-field stress tensor can be expressed
the model. The technique will be demonstrated using a as a constant plus a vertical gradient. The simplest case
numerical model of a hypothetical mine in a mountai- of depth independence will be addressed first. This is
nous region. applicable to cases in which there is insufficient depth
variation in stress measurement locations to accurately
resolve vertical gradients. It is also assumed that all
2. Analysis technique vertical components of the far-field tectonic stress tensor
are zero. This is the normal assumption made in
It is common practice to divide the stress field in the numerical analysis, and follows from the assumption
earth’s crust into vertical and horizontal components [6]. that in the far-field, principal stresses lie in vertical and
This is particularly convenient when specifying bound- horizontal planes. In the following analyses, all tensor
ary tractions for numerical models since model bound- manipulations are carried out in a common Cartesian
aries are generally vertical and horizontal planes. The reference frame with x and z in the horizontal plane and
vertical component is generally equal to the weight of y vertical. The sign convention for stress follows that of
the overlying material and is gravitational in origin [7]. elasticity with compression negative.
Departures from gravitational stress in the vertical Tractions applied to the model boundary to account
direction have been observed [8,9] but these are rare for the tectonic component of the total stress field can be
and thought to be due to specific geological circum- expressed as
stances. In the horizontal direction, there is a larger ti ¼ ffstect ð3Þ
ij nj :
variation in magnitude with depth [7]. As described by
Amadei & Stephansson [6] and Herget [10] this variation The superscript ff refers to the far-field tectonic stress
can be attributed to many sources. For convenience, all tensor, whose components are unknown. Using a
non-gravitational sources of far-field stresses are numerical model, it is possible to compute the stresses
grouped together in what is referred to as the ‘‘tectonic’’ induced at the measurement points due to the applica-
component of the stress field. Furthermore, it is assumed tion of unit tractions applied to the model boundary.
that in the far-field, i.e. at the boundaries of numerical For convenience, the lateral boundaries of the model are
models, the horizontal and vertical stresses are principal taken to be parallel to the global coordinate axes. If a
stresses. unit normal traction is applied in the x-direction, it will
Since a stress measurement always samples the total result in a state of stress described by the tensor m sxij at
stress field, the measured tensor can be decomposed into the measurement point. The superscripts m and x refer
S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709 701

to stresses sampled at the measurement point in the point in the model. All terms on the right-hand side of
model due to a unit traction applied in the x-direction Eq. (6) are known except for the three unit-response
on the model boundary. The tensor m sxij is referred to as tensor coefficients A; B; and C; which will be solved for
the unit response tensor in the x-direction, and its com- numerically.
putation is illustrated in Fig. 2. Similarly, the remaining The error tensor serror
ij has six independent compo-
normal and shear traction unit response tensors m szij and nents. Ideally, a good solution will result in error that is
m xz
sij can be computed using the same model. uniformly distributed among the tensor components
Assuming the rock mass to be linearly elastic and rather than being concentrated in only one or two
isotropic, the tectonic stress estimated from the stress components. This is because there is no a priori physical
measurement, Eq. (2), can be described as a linear reason to suspect that the measurement process leads to
combination of the unit response tensors in the a higher error in any particular component of strain. A
following manner: least-squares approach was chosen to control the
c tect distribution of error. Therefore, the sum of the squares
sij ¼ A m sxij þ B m szij þ C m sxz
ij ; ð4Þ
of the components of the error tensor must be
where the coefficients A; B; and C are as yet unknown. minimizedFi.e.,
The superscript c on the left-hand side of (4) refers to the C ¼ Sðserror Þ2 ; ð7Þ
fact that this is a computed value of tectonic stress,
derived entirely from the numerical model. Eq. (4) is a where C will be referred to as the error value. The form
set of six equations, one for each tensor component, of Eq. (7) is similar to a two-norm error estimate; a true
each with three unknowns. Coefficients A; B; and C two-norm estimate is the square root of (7) [11]. A one-
must be found such that the computed tectonic stress norm method, such as summing the absolute values of
tensor components equal those determined from the the components of the error tensor, may lead to a lower
measurements using Eq. (2). Since there are more overall error estimate in certain cases, but individual
equations than unknowns, a unique solution cannot component errors could be high, which is physically
be guaranteed. The solution strategy is therefore to undesirable.
minimize the error between the tectonic component of The scheme for computing the boundary tectonic
the measured stress tensor and that computed from the stress field is, therefore, to vary the values of coefficients
numerical model A; B; and C in Eq. (6) in order to minimize C according
to Eq. (7). The magnitude of the boundary tectonic
ij ¼ stect c tect
ij  sij ; ð5Þ
tractions, Eq. (3), are determined by multiplying the unit
where serror
ij is an error tensor. Substitution of Eqs. (2) tractions by the appropriate coefficient A; B; or C
and (4) into (5) yields determined from the error minimization. The far-field
tectonic stress tensor is related to the boundary tractions
ij ¼ smeas
ij  sgrav
ij  ðA m sxij þ B m szij þ C m sxz
ij Þ: ð6Þ
by Eq. (3). Once the components of the far-field tectonic
This is also identical to the difference between the stress tensor have been determined, tensor transforma-
measured and computed total stress at the measurement tion can be used to determine the corresponding
principal stress orientations and magnitudes.

2.2. Variation of tectonic component of stress field with

depth plus constant

Data from stress measurements worldwide, Brown

and Hoek [7], show a trend for the ratio of horizontal to
vertical stress (k ratio) to decrease nonlinearly with
depth, while the vertical component of stress tends to
vary linearly with depth. Stress measurements made
over a large enough range of depth at a site could
therefore have a variation in the tectonic component of
stress that would not be well represented by the constant
tectonic stress assumption described above.
This variation can be accounted for in the analysis
methodology by including coefficients for unit vertical
gradient response tensors. These tensors are computed
Fig. 2. Definition of unit response tensor, determined at measurement
point due to application of unit traction to boundary. Result is a by applying unit tractions with magnitude 0.0 at the top
tensor with components as shown, computed at the location in the and 1.0 at the bottom of the side boundaries of the
model corresponding to the measurement point. model. The computed response at the measurement
702 S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709

point would be the unit gradient response tensor. A total no control over the magnitude of the vertical compo-
of three additional unit response tensors are required, nents of stresses in these tensors.
one for the horizontal shear traction and one for each of Of the gravitational and measured stress tensors, the
the two horizontal normal tractions. They are computed measured tensor is assumed to be more prone to error
in a similar manner to the unit response tensors for the than the estimate of gravitational stresses. This is
constant component of the far-field tectonic stress, because the gravitational component of the stress field
illustrated in Fig. 2. is controlled by physical geometry and material den-
Eq. (4), the computed tectonic stress at the measure- sities, both of which should be reasonably well known
ment site in the model, can be re-written to include the (there are exceptions [8,9] which will be addressed later).
unit gradient response tensors and their coefficients as Conversely, the measured stresses are calculated from
follows: measured strains multiplied by the Young’s modulus of
c tect the rock, which is generally determined from indepen-
sij ¼ A m sxij þ B m szij þ C m sxz
ij dent tests. The consequence of an erroneous Young’s
þ A0 m sxijg þ B0 m szijg þ C 0 m sxz
ijg : ð8Þ modulus is a scaling of all stress tensor components by
an unknown factor. This is believed to be one of the
The gradient coefficients in the x; z and xz directions main factors contributing to the larger error in the
are A0 ; B0 and C 0 ; respectively. The addition of the vertical direction detected in the error tensor. Since there
subscript g to the tensors implies a unit gradient is no way in advance of knowing the accuracy of the
response tensor. Eqs. (6) and (7) would be modified experimentally determined modulus, a scaling factor
accordingly in the solution process. applied to the measured stress tensor is introduced into
The introduction of three additional variables results the optimization procedure to account for this source of
in a set of six equations with six unknowns. Ideally, this error. This coefficient, D; was incorporated into Eq. (6)
would result in there being a unique solution, but in as follows:
reality, stress measurements are not error free and the
task is to find the best approximate solution. Experience
in applying this method stress measurement data [12] serror
ij ¼ Dsmeas
ij  sgrav
ij  ðA m sxij þ B m szij þ C m sxz
ij Þ:
has shown that the task of finding an absolute, as ð9Þ
opposed to a local, minimum solution to the error tensor
is difficult due to the greatly expanded solution space. In In an ideal case, where Young’s modulus is exact, the
some cases, it may be possible on either a practical or a value of D will be 1.0. Since there are six tensor
geological basis to reduce the number of independent components and four independent coefficients, this
variables. For example, it could be assumed that the method will always lead to a lower error estimate than
gradient coefficients in the horizontal plane are equal in the use of Eq. (6), which has only three independent
which case A0 ¼ B0 : It could also be assumed that the coefficients. This may imply that a better mathematical
far-field horizontal stresses are isotropic in which case solution has been reached, but there may be physical
A ¼ B: For brevity, the remainder of the paper will reasons why a particular stress measurement may be a
focus on the case in which these gradients are assumed poor estimator of the real stress field. Before a solution
to be zero. is accepted, several indicators of the solution scheme
should be examined, including (1) the magnitude of the
2.3. Modification to account for error in Young’s modulus error value, (2) the magnitude of the error tensor
determination components and the distribution of error, (3) the degree
of departure of D from a value of 1.0, (4) consistency of
Because the components of the error tensor corre- the measurement with other data, and (5) comparison
spond to the misfit between the measured and computed with what would be reasonable to expect (a subjective
tensor components at the measurement site, their but important practical constraint).
magnitudes provide a useful assessment of which tensor
components have the greatest error in the optimum 2.4. Pre-mining and mining-induced stresses
solution. When applying the procedure to stress
measurement data from various mines [12], there tended The response tensors must be computed using a
to be more error in the vertical component of stress than numerical model whose geometry is representative of the
in any other component. The procedure enables the time when the measurements were made in order to
magnitude of the horizontal components of the error capture the correct local influences of the excavations. If
tensor to be controlled by adjusting the coefficients of the boundaries of the model are sufficiently far from
the tectonic boundary tractions. However, there is no excavations such that mining-induced effects are negli-
such adjustment applied to either the gravitational or gible, the calibrated boundary tractions remain constant
the measured tensors in Eq. (6) and, therefore, there is for modest changes to the mining geometry. Therefore,
S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709 703

the geometry of the excavations may be changed in Substituting (12) into (10) and rewriting in terms of the
order to compute the state of stress at various stages of induced stresses
mining using the same calibrated boundary tractions. By
numerically ‘‘filling in’’ the mine and summing com- sind meas
ij ¼ Dsij  ½u sgrav
ij þ ðA u sxij þ B u szij þ C u sxz
ij Þ:
puted tectonic and gravitational stresses, pre-mining ð13Þ
stresses anywhere in the model can be determined.
Mining-induced stress can be computed by subtracting Note that Eq. (13) has been written in terms of the
the pre-mining stress at any point from the post-mining scaled measurement analysis coefficients. If this scaling is
stress. not desired, the values of A; B and C must be derived
The measured total stress is composed of the pre- from an unscaled measurement analysis because, in
mining stresses plus mining-induced stress general, they will not be equal to the coefficients from a
scaled measurement analysis. Use of scaled measurement
ij ¼ spre ind
ij þ sij : ð10Þ coefficients in this analysis is not only physically mean-
Modifying Eq. (1) an expression can be written for ingful, but it is consistent with the origin of all other
the pre-mining stress tensor in terms of the gravita- tensors in Eq. (13), which are computed numerically.
tional and tectonic stress tensors at the measurement
u grav 3. Example analyses
ij ¼ sij þustect
ij : ð11Þ
The superscript u (unmined) refers to the stress field at 3.1. Description of the stress measurements
the measurement point prior to mining. Gravitational
stresses are computed by numerically ‘‘filling in’’ the To illustrate how numerical model boundary tractions
excavations with solid rock and determining the are calibrated using the above procedure, a set of
equilibrium gravitational stresses at each measurement ‘‘numerical’’ stress measurements is analyzed. Use of
point. The tectonic stresses are obtained using a model stresses from a numerical model has the advantage that
with the pre-mining geometry and computing the unit boundary conditions are known exactly, whereas they
response tensors at each measurement point. Eq. (11) are not known for real data. Verification is therefore
can then be written as simple.
u grav
Fig. 3 shows a perspective view of a rock mass with a
ij ¼ sij þ ðA u sxij þ B u szij þ C u sxz
ij Þ: ð12Þ hill and an adjacent depression in the central region. The

Fig. 3. Perspective view of a three-dimensional numerical model with surface topography. The mine is located centrally beneath the surface of the
704 S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709

Fig. 4. Cross-section through the model showing the location of the mine relative to the surface.

Fig. 6. Location of numerical stress measurement points around the

mine. Distances are in meters.

Fig. 5. Boundary tectonic stress field applied to the model.

Several measurement points were chosen, the location
of which are shown in Fig. 6. The total stress at each of
program 3DEC [13] was used in this analysis, but any the measurement points is shown in Table 1. The
three-dimensional stress analysis code could be used differences in magnitude and orientation of the principal
provided that boundary conditions can be adequately stresses at these locations show the combined effects of
controlled. The external dimensions of the model are topography and mining induced stresses.
1800 m 1800 m in plan and 800 m high at the Application of the measurement analysis technique
boundary. The topography reaches a high of 980 m showed that the boundary stresses could be determined
and a low of 680 m and is contained within a exactly, as would be expected from an analysis of
1000 m 1000 m central region of the model. Fig. 4 measurements derived from the same numerical model
shows a vertical section through the model looking in used to compute the unit response tensors. Since this is
the –x direction. The ‘‘mine’’ is a cubic-shaped open not a particularly interesting case pedagogically, it will
excavation with side dimensions of 200 m. The rock not be described further. To show a more realistic
mass is isotropic, homogeneous and linearly elastic, with application of the analysis method, a test was devised in
a density of 2500 kg/m3, a Young’s modulus of 20 GPa which random errors plus a scaling factor were applied
and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.25. to the stresses measured in the model. Table 2 shows the
The stress field in the model was formed by gravity stress tensor components at the measurement points
plus the far-field tectonic stresses shown in Fig. 5. (corresponding to the stresses shown in Table 1), the
S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709 705

Table 1
Stresses computed in the model at the measurement point locations

Point s1 Dip Dip Dir. s2 Dip Dip Dir. s3 Dip Dip Dir.

1 9.19 87.02 62.64 4.78 0.35 325.96 0.08 2.96 235.94

2 9.06 86.05 13.62 6.15 2.23 137.96 0.10 3.26 228.09
3 8.27 83.76 337.91 6.33 5.67 132.96 0.26 2.62 223.22
4 7.37 1.08 129.95 3.51 80.27 33.65 0.09 9.66 220.14
5 10.98 60.74 119.28 5.89 27.01 323.81 0.28 10.41 228.43
6 11.92 83.47 93.93 7.20 4.99 314.20 0.84 4.20 223.83

Table 2
Calculation of ‘‘distorted’’ measurements

Point sxx szz syy sxz syz sxy

Measured stress tensor components

1 1.46 3.26 9.16 2.25 0.25 0.41
2 2.81 3.47 9.02 2.99 0.42 0.30
3 3.50 3.14 8.24 3.03 0.40 0.11
4 4.32 3.06 3.41 3.62 0.41 0.44
5 3.78 3.79 9.58 3.22 0.40 2.64
6 4.23 3.91 11.82 3.16 0.30 0.85

Random number multipliers ðMean=1:0; s ¼ 0:1Þ

1 0.903 0.998 0.917 1.073 0.979 1.196 1.011
2 0.979 1.186 1.102 0.969 0.952 1.202 1.065
3 0.972 1.027 0.883 0.988 1.054 1.133 1.009
4 1.004 0.983 1.046 0.977 1.022 0.830 0.977
5 1.058 0.943 0.969 0.883 0.889 1.091 0.972
6 0.980 0.938 0.945 0.912 0.957 1.040 0.962

Stress tensor components multiplied by random number and each tensor scaled by constant
Scaling factor
1 1.78 4.40 11.34 3.26 0.32 0.66 1.35
2 3.66 5.48 13.22 3.86 0.54 0.48 1.33
3 4.45 4.22 9.52 3.92 0.55 0.17 1.31
4 6.29 4.36 5.16 5.13 0.60 0.53 1.45
5 5.84 5.22 13.56 4.15 0.52 4.20 1.46
6 5.72 5.06 115.42 3.98 0.39 1.23 1.38

random multipliers applied to the respective tensor analyzing noisy signals, in which repeated measurements
components, and the resulting tensor after multiplying are summed. Coherent ‘‘signal’’ is additive whereas
the components at each site by a scaling factor. These random ‘‘noise’’ is canceled out. The analysis technique
distorted measurements are a better reflection of the can make use of this in analyzing groups of data that are
quality of data likely to be obtained from measure- randomly distorted (coherent errors are not examined).
By applying a different random multiplier to each 3.2. Analysis of measurements without using coefficient
component of the measurement tensors, there is a loss of for measurement tensor scaling
information so that it is not theoretically possible to
reconstruct the original tensor. This is because six In this case, each measurement is analyzed separately
additional unknowns have been introduced into each with no provision for scaling of the measurement tensor.
measurement tensor but no additional information is To generate the unit response tensors at each measure-
available from which to recover these factors. However, ment location, normal tractions of 1 MPa and a shear
there is some part of the original tensor still present in traction of +1 MPa were applied to the model
the distorted measurement, and use can be made of the boundary (sign of these is arbitrary). The original
fact that each additional measurement provides more boundary tractions, Fig. 4, are computed by multiplying
information with which to recover the original stress the magnitude of the unit traction by the value of the
field. An analogy is made to the technique used in appropriate coefficient from the solution. The sign of the
706 S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709

Table 3
Analysis of measurements without using coefficient for measurement tensor scaling

Point Unit stress tensor coefficients Error value Error tensor=estimated tectoniccomputed tectonic
A B C R sxx szz syy sxz syz sxy

1 0.03 4.31 4.49 3.28 1.127 0.014 1.277 0.069 0.249 0.557
2 4.94 5.45 4.27 18.59 0.613 0.161 4.242 0.338 0.210 0.193
3 6.63 4.73 4.00 2.28 0.153 0.060 1.484 0.106 0.137 0.129
4 6.62 5.05 4.25 2.77 0.048 0.048 1.645 0.001 0.224 0.109
5 6.92 5.11 3.79 17.65 0.109 0.020 3.893 0.023 0.010 1.577
6 5.98 4.95 3.91 14.36 0.439 0.061 3.749 0.127 0.155 0.253
Average=5.19 4.93 4.12

original boundary tractions can, therefore, be recovered detected by comparing the magnitude of individual
correctly. error values to the mean error value.
The solution process was implemented on a spread- Applied to the numerical measurements, the results of
sheet [14], making use of built-in analysis tools. Tensor this calculation are shown in Table 4. The error tensor is
manipulations are well suited to the cell oriented computed using Eq. (9) and the error value for each
calculation scheme of spreadsheets and their almost tensor is computed using Eq. (7). Eq. (14) is the
universal availability makes implementation of the objective of the error minimization and a single set of
method a relatively simple and rapid task since no values for A; B; C; and D are varied. As shown in
programming is required. Table 3 shows the calculation Table 4, the resulting error tensor components and the
results. The components of the error tensor are individual error values are significantly smaller than in
assembled using Eq. (6) and the column of Error Values the previous example. While a perfect recovery of the
shows the sum of the squares of the error tensor original boundary tractions has not been made, the
components, Eq. (7). The values of A; B; and C; are coefficients from the solution are relatively close. Also, a
varied until a minimum error value is reached. In these reasonable approximation of the average scaling factor
examples, the SOLVER function of Excel [14] was used is computed, 1.35 as opposed to the original 1.38. This
in the minimization process. example shows that the method is capable of recovering
When analyzing the measurements separately, none of the original stress field even if measurements contain
the computed unit influence tensor coefficients agreed errors, provided use is made of a number of measure-
with the tractions originally applied to the model ments that sample the same stress field.
boundaries. An average of the coefficients provided In practice [12], it has been found that the scaled-
some improvement, but it still contained relatively large measurement analysis method yields more consistent
errors. Since there is no coefficient that strongly estimates of the far-field tectonic stress tensor. This
influences the tensor components in the vertical direc- seems reasonable considering the physical basis for this
tion, syy ; this component of the error tensor has a analysis. It has also been found that within groups of
significantly higher magnitude than other components. measurements, there exists a high probability that at
This is a useful diagnostic that measurement tensor least one measurement will not be consistent with the
scaling may be beneficial. remaining measurements. In general, therefore, it is
recommended that first, a scaled-measurement analysis
3.3. Analysis of measurements simultaneously, with be carried out for each measurement. The error value
scaling coefficient and the values of the coefficients can then be compared.
An inconsistent measurement will likely have a widely
Scaling of the measurement tensor is accounted for different set of coefficients and possibly a higher error
using Eq. (9). Additionally, error minimization is carried value than the other measurements. This measurement
out on all measurements simultaneously and by can then be removed from the solution in which the
modifying Eq. (7) remaining measurements are grouped as in the example
shown in Table 4.
Cgroup ¼ SC=N: ð14Þ
In this example, it can be shown that the optimum
Since any particular measurement could be an outlier coefficient values of the grouped measurements are very
from a cluster of relatively good measurements, the similar to the mean values of the individual coefficients.
solution should not be heavily influenced by any one This is because the stress field in the model is truly
measurement. The simple average used in minimizing homogeneous once the effects of topography and mining
Eq. (14) accomplishes this, which is essentially a one- geometry are removed. For real data sets, this is unlikely
norm estimate [11]. Outlier measurements can be to be the case since various factors such as material
S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709 707

Table 4
Analysis of measurements using measurement scaling coefficient

Point Unit stress tensor coefficients Error value Error tensor=estimated tectoniccomputed tectonic
A B C D R sxx szz syy sxz syz sxy

1 5.23 4.00 2.95 0.74 0.50 0.223 0.148 0.614 0.216 0.003 0.037
2 1.04 0.293 0.410 0.881 0.081 0.019 0.023
3 1.09 0.081 0.239 1.009 0.063 0.038 0.056
4 0.25 0.015 0.118 0.408 0.255 0.047 0.050
5 0.51 0.247 0.019 0.471 0.078 0.007 0.474
6 0.22 0.268 0.205 0.288 0.151 0.004 0.007
Inverse of D ¼ 1:35

property variations and geological structures would lead measurements in complex structural environments has
to heterogeneities in the stress field. Hence, for real data shown that it is possible to locally calibrate the model
sets, individually computed coefficient values may boundary stresses in this manner. However, in some
differ from the values determined for the group of complex locations, the stress field may, in fact, be
measurements. discontinuous.

4.2. Omission of geological features from the model

4. Discussion
It may be desirable to omit many geological features
4.1. Effect of inhomogeneities and discontinuities in the from the model altogether, simply because there is no
rock mass way of adequately determining their effect on the
state of stress. In this case, the boundary stresses
Rock masses are rarely well represented by a computed using the analysis procedure might not
homogeneous isotropic continuum, as was used in the correspond to the true tectonic stress field in terms of
examples above. Mineral deposits generally occur as a magnitude or orientation. The result will be a local
result of complex geological conditions which may calibration of an idealized model. This is important
include structural processes such as faulting, volcanism, to note for cases in which the locally computed tectonic
plutonism and processes of hydrothermal alteration stress field may differ in orientation from what might
which modify the physical properties of the rock mass. have been expected on the basis of regional compilations
Furthermore, the mechanical, erosion and thermal of major horizontal principal stress orientations,
histories of the site under investigation may be complex, such as from the World Stress Map Project [16] or that
leading to additional path dependent sources of distor- of Herget [17]. For application purposes, the local
tion to the in situ stress field known as locked-in stresses. calibration using a simplified numerical model is
These factors do not make it impossible to interpret acceptable with the constraint that stresses computed
stress measurements in a practical manner, but they are far from the region of calibration in the model may be
factors of which one should be aware when using this or unreliable.
any other interpretive method.
The main effect of these potential sources of local 4.3. Comparison of measurements and graphical
distortion to the stress field is that the assumptions of presentation of tectonic stresses
homogeneity and possibly isotropy are no longer valid.
Stress measurements become true-point estimators of Because stress measurements are susceptible to small-
the stress field. The methods described above can be scale local effects, it is common practice to make
used, but, instead of searching for an optimum measurements at more than one location. Measurements
boundary tectonic-stress field to fit all measurements, are usually compared to determine if the stress field is
the data should be grouped to search for stress domains. the same at each location or whether there is an
The choice of the groupings and, therefore, the domain identifiable variation. Since stress measurements are
boundaries, should be made on some realistic geological relatively expensive to perform, typical measurement
basis, particularly structural domains, Reba.ı et al. [15], programs are limited in scope and the problem is one of
and possibly regions of contrasting mechanical char- determining a representative uniform stress field. How-
acteristics. These physically based domain boundaries ever, even if the far-field tectonic stresses are constant
are more likely to correspond to stress domains. across a site, topographic influences alone can cause the
Experience in applying the method to groups of total stress field to vary in a complex manner from point
708 S.D. McKinnon / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 38 (2001) 699–709

to point. Mining induced effects add further complica- analyzed, the distribution of error between individual
tions. In these cases it is impossible to directly compare measurements can be used to test whether measure-
the results of stress measurements at different locations ments form a consistent group or whether individual
in a meaningful manner. measurements should be rejected from the group.
To overcome this problem, all local effects must be 2. A scaling factor applied to the measured stress tensor
removed from the measurements. This includes effects of components can be incorporated into the analysis to
topography and mining geometry. There is also no real remove the effect of an incorrect rock modulus used
need to include the gravitational component of the stress in converting measured strains into stresses.
field for comparison purposes. This component is 3. The method can be used even if many known
certainly important for stability considerations, but for geological features have been omitted from the
simple comparison purposes it can complicate matters. model. In this case, the method will produce only a
On this basis it too should be removed from the local calibration specific to the idealized model, for
measurement. which the computed far-field tectonic stress tensor
The net result of removing these factors from the may not correspond to regional tectonic processes.
measurement is simply the far-field tectonic stresses, 4. When analyzing groups of stress measurements, the
which can be computed directly from the coefficients of locations of groups which appear to be generated by
the analysis method described. Multiplication of the the same combination of gravitational and tectonic
coefficients A; B; and C with the respective unit stresses may be used to establish stress domains.
boundary tractions yields the two normal and one shear Greater insight into the stress field can be obtained if
components of the far-field tectonic stresses. These links can be established between stress domains and
tensor components can be used to plot two-dimensional geological domains.
principal stress tensors. 5. Because the computed boundary tectonic stress
If the stress field composition is uniform, all tensor tensor should be constant for any stage of mining,
plots will be similar. If there are distinct domains or the model can be used to numerically compute the
coherent variations in the stress field, these changes pre-mining stress field. By subtracting the pre-mining
will show up as a scatter or flow of the stress field. stress field from the total measured stress, the mining-
Application of this simple graphical method of compar- induced stress field can be computed.
ing large numbers of stress measurements has proven to 6. Plotting of the computed far-field tectonic stresses as
be very useful in practice as in general it is much easier a principal stress tensor provides a simple means of
to visually grasp two rather than three-dimensional comparing stress measurements which may be
information. distorted by local effects such as topography and
excavations. The analysis method effectively enable
all of the local effects to be removed.
5. Summary and conclusions
7. The method is easy to implement in commercially
available spreadsheet programs.
The method described enables the boundary condi-
tions of numerical models to be calibrated to stress
measurements that may contain a variety of local
influences, including topographic and mining induced
stresses. The method is based on the assumption that the
Pedro Varona and Jonny Sjoberg are recognized for
stress field can be decomposed into gravitational and
their comments as the method was being developed.
tectonic components. This is not only convenient for the
Ivan Garrido de la Barra, consulting geologist in
analysis, but it has a strong physical basis. The far-field
Santiago, is acknowledged for sharing his geological
tectonic stresses (at the model boundaries) are assumed
insights and for many fruitful discussions regarding the
to act entirely within the horizontal plane even though
effects of structures in mining environments. Patricio
they may be reoriented at the measurement point due to
Gomez of Itasca S.A. in Santiago is gratefully acknowl-
the influence of various local factors. Because the
edged for his persistence in analyzing complex sets of
gravitational component of the stress field is relatively
stress measurements using this method. Working with
simple to compute, the objective of the analysis is to
Patricio led to important improvements to the applica-
determine the unknown far-field tectonic stresses. These
tion of the analysis method.
are found using a tensor fitting technique that compares
the tectonic components of the measured stress field the
with those computed from the numerical model. Specific
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