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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering

Vol:7, No:4, 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages of Business

Continuity Management
K. Venclova, H. Urbancova, and H. Vostra Vydrova

that need to have access to those functions. These activities

Abstract—In current global economics the application of include many daily routine tasks. Business Continuity is not
Business Continuity Management is the prerequisite for sustainable something implemented at the time of a disaster; it refers to
competitive advantage in an organization. Business Continuity those activities performed daily to maintain service,
Management is a managerial which identifies the potential impact of
consistency and recoverability. The British Standards
losses in an organization. The aim of this paper is to identify and
critically evaluate the relative advantages and disadvantages of Institution (BSI) produced BCM Standards in two parts. The
deploying Business Continuity Management in an organization on the first, BS 25999-1:2006 Business Continuity Management.
basis of seven criteria. The strongest advantage of Business Code of Practice, takes the form of general guidance and seeks
Continuity Management is in its capacity to identify a crisis situation to establish processes, principles and terminology for BCM.
and help the organization to flexibly and also to keep the critical The second, BS 25999-2:2007 Specification for Business
knowledge within the organization. By contrast the main
Continuity Management, specifies requirements for
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

disadvantage is that establishing Business Continuity Management in

an organization is time-consuming and its implementation as an implementing, operating and improving a documented BCM
integral part of the organizational culture present significant System (BCMS), describing only those requirements that can
difficulties. be objectively and independently audited [8].
BCM involves managing the recovery or continuation of
Keywords—Business continuity management, criteria, business activities in the event of a business disruption, and
advantages, disadvantages, organisations, survey. involves management of the overall programme through
training, exercises and reviews, to ensure the business
I. INTRODUCTION continuity plan(s) stays current and up-to-date [9].

I T is considered that people are the most important asset of

an organisation [1]–[3], but to achieve business objectives,
there has to be a management process that addresses the
Based on the above mentioned definitions, it is possible to
claim that BCM is a managerial process which identifies
possible events threatening organizational activities and which
people as well as the processes [4] that are vital for the ensures the basic frame of improvement of an organization’s
survival of the organization. This approach to ensuring the ability to successfully and appropriately react to these events
continuity of critical processes is called Business Continuity [2], [5], [10]-[12]. The aim of BCM is primarily to protect
Management (BCM) [5]. business continuity activities and keep an organization’s
BCM itself has its roots in disaster recovery, which critical processes safe against the impact of aggressive,
emerged in the 1950s and 1960s as companies began to store criminal and terrorist activities directed at the organization
backup copies of their critical paper or electronic data at [13], [14].
alternate sites. The functions of security and disaster recovery
systems rely on the continuity of information technology (IT) II. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY
systems. National and international disasters together As noted above, the aim of this paper is to identify the
reinforced the need for organizations to rethink their processes relative advantages and disadvantages of using BCM within
and systems along the lines of BCM principles [5]. an organisation. The paper consists of two parts, practical and
Global factors and competitive pressures require theoretical. The practical part is based on an analysis of
organizations to take measures to assure the continuity of their scientific sources concerned with BCM. The practical part
business. Business continuity has become a topic of high presents this critical evaluation of the advantages and
interest to organizations striving to overcome negative forces disadvantages of using BCM. Comparison is based on the
[6]. Tammineedi [7] states that business enterprises are following seven criteria: time, finance, place, structure,
increasingly realizing the importance of BCM. application, human resources and Corporate Social
Business Continuity is the activity performed by Responsibility (CSR).
organizations to ensure that critical business functions will be The results of the quantitative research carried out in Czech
available to customers, suppliers, regulators, and other entities organizations are presented in the Discussion below. This
work was sponsored by the Czech University of Life Sciences
K. Venclova is with the Department of Management, Faculty of Internal Grant Agency (CIGA) focusing on Business
Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,
Kamycka 129, 165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol, (e-mail:
Continuity Management. Primary data were obtained via
H. Urbancova is with the Department of Management, Faculty of questionnaire survey, which took place in the period from
Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, August to October 2012. Questionnaires were distributed to
Kamycka 129, 165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol, (e-mail:
Czech organizations using the LimeSurvey software. The
H. Vostra Vydrova is with the Department of Statistics, Faculty of
Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, questionnaires were duly completed by specialists and
Kamycka 129, 165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol, (e-mail:

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(4) 2013 895
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

managers concerned with Business Continuity Management.

779 organizations were contacted and the questionnaire was
completed by 106 respondents. The overall questionnaire
return rate was 13.5 %. The results are expressed in absolute
and relative frequency.


All processes taking place in a company can be said to take
place between two extremes, characterized by periods of crisis
and periods of stability. The success of an organization in the
Fig. 1 The development of Business Continuity Management –
marketplace depends among other things on their ability to periods, drivers and practices
adapt to these swings. According to Garcia [15] crises and
disasters create serious problems for employers, leading to B. Business Continuity Management Components
massive losses in profits, time and other resources during the As in all the operations of an organization, the respective
crisis period. elements are present in the operational flow and involve
business processes, participants, infrastructure and resources
A. Business Continuity Management
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

BCM is a topic that is currently being widely discussed by a A business is termed as “an integrated set of activities and
broad spectrum of organizations [13]. The development of assets that is capable of being conducted and managed for the
BCM dates from the last half of the previous century and purpose of providing either a return to investors or dividends,
results from different drivers and practices (Fig. 1). lower costs, or other economic benefits directly and
As discussed in [16] to achieve operational and business proportionally owners, members or participants” [19].
continuity, there needs to be a management process that The business continuity approach has three fundamental
addresses the processes and employees that are critical for the aspects that can be viewed in a systemic way: technology,
survival of the organization. This approach to ensuring the people and process. Technology refers to the recovery of
continuity of critical processes is called “Business Continuity mission-critical data and applications contained in the disaster
Management” (BCM). recovery plan (DRP). It establishes technical and
BCM involves managing the recovery or continuation of organizational measures in order to face events or incidents
business activities in the event of a business disruption, and with potentially huge impact that in a worst case scenario
management of the overall programme through training, could lead to the loss of data centers. Its development ought to
exercises and reviews, to ensure the business continuity ensure that IT emergency procedures intervene and protect the
plan(s) stays current and up-to-date [9]. data in question at company facilities [20].
BCM is not only a professional specialist discipline but also People refer to the recovery of the employees and physical
an issue that is business-owned and driven, unifying a broad workspace. Also the managers of these teams should possess
spectrum of business and management processes. These general skills and they should be partially drawn from
include the following: management of risk, facilities, supply business areas other than IT departments. Nowadays this is
chain and quality; disaster recovery; security; crisis perceived as essential to real survival with more emphasis on
communication and public relations; and health and safety human assets and value, rather than on those hardware and
[16]. software resources that in most cases are probably protected
It is crucial to establish a good connection between by backup systems [20].
organizational resource management and the result. The To summarize, the components of BCM include the
success of organizations (in terms of profit) depends on following:
decisions about the implementation of the strategies chosen. Understanding the organization – using business impact and
To achieve the required outcomes, some essential investment risk assessment to identity the critical deliverables, evaluate
into material or non-material (human) resources is required recovery priorities and evaluate the risks that may lead to a
[9], [17]. disruption in service delivery.
Some important features of BCM identified from the Determining BCM strategy – identifying alternative
existing definitions include: strategies available to mitigate loss, and determine their
1) BCM activities should be prioritised with major attention potential effectiveness to deliver its critical function.
directed towards critical business processes [16]. Developing and implementing BCM response – developing
2) BCM covers both the prevention of disasters/disruption a response to business continuity challenges and plans
as well as reduction of risk and reduction of the impact on underpinning it.
business in cases when disaster/disruption strikes [14], [18]. Maintaining and auditing BCM – ensuring that BCM plans
Hence, it has a preventive and corrective function [5]. are fit for use, kept up to date and quality assured.
3) BCM is an ongoing management process – not a one-off Establishing a BCM culture in the organization – the need
project [16]. to ensure that a continuity culture is embedded in the company
by raising awareness throughout the key stakeholders, and

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(4) 2013 896
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

offfering training to key staff members on BCM

B issues [19]. orgganizations [225].
Maintaining a business coontinuity mannagement proggram is In addition too the two Britiish standards currently
c usedd in the
ann ongoing proocess of corpoorate discoverry, risk manaagement Czzech Republiic, BS 259999-1 and BS2 25999-2, the other
evvaluation, strrategy implementation, testing and review. intternational standards useed are for example IS SO/IEC
Innternational standards, likee BS 25999,, can help business
b 277001:2005 Maanagement Syystems Stand dards – Inform mation
coontinuity implementers sett out guidelinnes to achievve these Seecurity and CO OBIT – Contrrol Objectives for informaation &
prrocesses (Fig. 2) To help select
s an apprropriate standaard that rellated technology 4.1 andd ITIL v.3 (international)
( ) – IT
beest suits a company
c andd its sharehoolders, the business
b Inffrastructure Library,
L as refeerred to in thee Discussion section
coontinuity teamm should ask abbout the abovve issues [15]. below.
It is not posssible to use every standaard in all couuntries,
because the usee of BCM deppends on sevveral factors such s as
corporate goveernance, cenntral governm ment, existingg and
pootential custom mers, legislattion, and regu ulations in a given
country [21]. A suitable stanndard (with regard r to the above
meentioned facttors) should be utilized when w developping a
sysstem for BCM M in order to eensure its succcess [7].
BCM has thee closest connection to busiiness. This giv ves the
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

orgganization thhe possibilityy to quickly react to cuustomer

demands [25]. This is also one of the reasons whyy some
cuustomers in thhis aggressivve and competitive enviroonment
preefer organizattions with guaaranteed servicce continuity [16].
Organizationns applying BCM via stand dards can utiliize this
competitive advvantage in thee long term. On the otherr hand,
auuthors mention n the time diisadvantage, which is con nnected
wiith the use of BCM [3], [5]. Another essential disadv vantage
Fig. 2 Businesss Continuity Management Lifee Cycle Diagram
m (BS
is slow return,, i.e. time-coonsuming imp plementation in an
orgganization [5]], [12].
IV. RESULTS Social responnsibility is vooluntary. It is not defined by b law
annd organizations can but doo not have too implement it. i This
BCM is coonsidered byy most organnizations to be an typpe of activityy involves a higher finanncial impact on an
immportant elem ment of an organizationn [21]. Theey also orgganization. The social advvantage of deeveloping and d using
reecognize know wledge as one of the most im mportant advaantages. BCCM is the suppport of new skills and knowledge acquuisition
A knowledge is involved inn all processess, it is also im
As mportant annd consequennt specialist motivation and environnmental
foor business coontinuity manaagement. Onee of the strateggies for prootection [3], [5], [12].
reetaining the crritical knowleedge in an orrganization iss to use
BCM [12], [22]].
It is necessarry to use the valuable
v know wledge of empployees ADVANT
annd specialists in particularr areas to succcessfully impplement
annd ensure BC CM. It is not possible
p to suupport BCM without
thhese people [5], [12]. Lonng-term experiennce in the Time-consuuming requiremennt to
appplication of BCM
M in an implement BCM
B in the organnization.
As already noted
n above, the British Standards
S Insstitution orgganization.
(BBSI) has prroduced Bussiness Contiinuity Manaagement Asssurance of rapid recovery
r of
standards in two parts [23]. norrmal operating functions
An ineffectiively designeed BCM system can reesult in FINANCIA
finnancial loss to an organiization. It caan also damaage the Com mpetitive advantaage given by Bad implem mentation of BCM M leads
orrganization’s image
i from thhe business annd personnel point
p of respponse to crisis sittuations and to financial losses. in the
preeservation of criticcal knowledge inn organizationn
viiew [5]. On the t other hannd, a well-dessigned BCM system the organization
leads to compettitive advantage in the form m of not only keeping
crritical knowledge in the orgganization [2]], [15], [21], but b also
Posssibility of mutuaal benefit in usingg
Problems arrising in less
ennsuring the basic framew work for im mprovement of the existing standards. economicallly strong organizaations
orrganization’s ability
a to react successfullyy and appropriately to and dependeence on the nationnal
crrisis situationss [2], [5], [10]-[12]. economic siituation.
BCM is becoming more important in various areass of the STRUCTUR
ecconomy, espeecially in the financial secctor [20], [244]. The Speecific BCM for eaach organization Uneven utiliization of BCM across
auuthors state thhat banks shouuld be more concerned
c witth risks in each
e sector. individual economic sectors. The
maximum utilization
u is in thee
annd threats thann other sectorss [6]. This illuustrates strongg sector
banking sector.
deependency onn technology, which suppoorts key proceesses in

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(4) 2013 897
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

CRITERION OF APPLIED STANDARDS to adjust to low customer and client tolerance and loyalty;
Applications of BSI standards in the
Dependence on technological demands to fulfill financial commitments toward banks etc.
Czech Republic. support for BCM in the organization All of this increases the pressure on organizations in the area
– only available from valuable of BCM. Unless an organization is able to address a situation
specialists with knowledge in the
field. quickly and appropriately, this can develop into a crisis and
HUMAN RESOURCE CRITERION the organization can be forced to stop their operations. The
need for BCM is mostly ignored by the small and middle-
Retention of critical knowledge and Specialists leaving to join the
key employees in the organization. competition. sized organizations which are however considered to be the
Poor communications. most threatened by potential risks. These organizations form
CSR CRITERION the base of most world economics, therefore it is important to
National support for new skills and Higher financial burden. raise their awareness and motivate them to implement BCM.
knowledge. Environmental Protection.
The company appreciates and VI. CONCLUSION
motivates specialists in BCM.
BCM is not only a professional specialist discipline but also
Fig. 3 Critical evaluation of Business Continuity Management a business owned and driven issue that unifies a broad
spectrum of business and management processes. These
V. DISCUSSION include risk, facilities, supply chain and quality management;
International Science Index, Business and Economics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

Nowadays, BCM is considered a managerial discipline disaster recovery; security; crisis communication and public
which is focused on the identification of the potential impact relations; and health and safety [22]. In particular, BCM
which can appear as a consequence of negative events. These provides the strategic and operational framework to both
can mean a threat to the organization. BCM creates the review, and where appropriate, redesign the way an
framework for ensuring organizational resistance and an organization provides its products and services whilst
increased organization ability to react to unexpected events increasing its resistance to disruption, interruption or loss [16].
and thus protect not only key organization processes but also Only 11 countries have their own BCM standards suitable
their interests (e.g. market share value). for application in organizations under their conditions, the
Most Czech organizations (81.9%) are not focused on Czech Republic is not one of them and the international and
BCM. This figure is based on the results of the quantitative British standards are used there.
research carried out by the Authors (as already noted above, The advantages of implementing BCM are widely ignored
this was sponsored by the CULS University–wide Internal by many Czech organizations. A similar situation is occurring
Grant Agency focusing on Business Continuity Management in Singapore, where a survey was conducted among large
conducted in Czech organizations). Organizations which construction companies [19]. A large majority of the
implement BCM are mostly based in the tertiary sector, respondents (82%) did not have any form of BCM
especially in the IT, banking and financial areas. These implemented within their organizations
organizations use standards BS 25999-1 (47 %) and BS25999- Based on the theoretical approaches and evaluation of BCM
1 and 2 (37 %). Other norms used by Czech organizations are advantages and disadvantages it is possible to conclude that:
ISO 27001 (ISMS), which was used by all organizations of the ƒ Business continuity should be buffer for organizations
given sample, CobIT used in 16 % of the organizations and against drastic changes of circumstances.
ITIL in 53 % of the organizations. ƒ The application of business continuity has long-term
The most important disadvantages are insufficient advantages and opportunities.
justification of the need for BCM and low support from the ƒ BCM can positively influence the company image.
management which is linked with it, the high acquisition price ƒ BCM implementation is a time-consuming issue, which
of BCM and the need for qualified employees [16] who know requires financial resources and implementation specialists.
the organizational needs and factors influencing its processes. ƒ Business continuity should be an integral part of the
Small organizations which are dependent on the economic organisational culture.
situation in a particular country are disadvantaged. On the ƒ BCM implementation and sustainability is dependent on
other hand, support of new skills and knowledge acquisition is the level of IT within the organization.
viewed as an advantage of the BCM implementation. Other ƒ Moments of radical change can be seen as opportunities
strong competitive advantages of the BCM are a positive for business continuity to protect and steer the projects and
image of the organization and protection of its resources (both processes of an organization.
financial and human). ƒ Applying the principles of business continuity to ensure
While the percentage of organizations implementing BCM recovery and a return to normal.
is increasing every year in the Czech Republic as well as ƒ Long-term continuity includes ongoing post-recovery
worldwide, there are still some managers who fail to address activities such as amendments to the protection systems,
the need for the BCM despite the fact that the number of acknowledgment of key personnel and improvements to the
catastrophes is increasing. Given the fact that the external plans.
environment of an organization is constantly changing, the ƒ It is critically important to maintain and retain essential
importance of the use of BCM is growing. Organizations have business continuity resources.

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International Journal of Business and Economics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

ƒ Big threat is human factor. [25] V. Váňa, „Význam certifikace dle ISO/IEC 200000 pro obchod s ICT
službami [The importance of certification focused on business in the
area of ICT services according to ISO/IEC 200000]” in Proc. 5th Annual
ACKNOWLEDGMENT International Conference Systems Integration 2007, Prague, 2007, pp. 19
– 27.
This contribution is a follow-up to the project of the
University of Life Sciences Prague, University-wide Internal
Grant Agency (CIGA), number 20121001 – Business
continuity management contributing to higher performance in

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