Newsletter 2-16-18

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The Popadince Press

Mrs. Popadince
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Dear Parents, slime! Ask your child to tell you all about
This week flew by! Especially since we it. Volume 1, Issue 20
had another snow day on Monday! For our Our Valentine’s party was fabulous!
alphabet work, we concentrated on the let- The students were able to pass out valen- Friday,
ter Q. Our popcorn word for this week was tines to their classmates, eat some yummy February 16, 2018
“love”. snacks and make a valentine bee craft to
In math we continued to practice sim- hang in our classroom. The kids really
ple addition and subtraction. We have also loved sharing their valentines with one
been focusing on making groups of tens and another and looking through their bags
and boxes.
extra ones to represent teen numbers. Upcoming Events
Writer’s Workshop has been amazing Our Positivity Trait this week was
this week! The students took a break from Fairness. We read several books and
pattern books and wrote about what they watched a few short video clips about the *February 19-20– NO
did during their snow days. I am very trait. We also had many class discussions SCHOOL– Mid-winter
pleased with the way the kids were able to about what it means to be fair. The stu-
dents sometimes struggle with the con- Break
remember to use spacing and punctuation in
their writing. You can see their work on the cept that fair doesn’t always mean equal. *March 9– Half Day
back wall of our classroom. Come and check We will continue to learn about fairness
it out! throughout the year. *March 30-April 6–
We will begin our new science unit next Next week we have our Mid-Winter NO SCHOOL –Spring
week called Force and Motion. The stu- Break, so there will be no school on Mon- Break
dents will be doing lots of hands on experi- day and Tuesday. I hope everyone is able
ments to learn about how things move. This to spend some quality time with their fam- *April 9– School Re-
unit is a lot of fun! ilies! Book bags can be returned on sumes
We had a very exciting assembly on Wednesday, when the kids return to
Tuesday, called Super U. It was all about school.
being respectful and working as a team. Enjoy your break!
The students were able to participate in
many fun challenges, some of which included

How to Contact Me
Phone: (248) 684-8130
Class Website:

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