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Semester Plan 2017/ 2018

Class/Level: 5 grade Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Are there any lentils? Pages: 40-43 Number of Classes: 7
Time: February Unit: 10

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To express likes about Pupil's Direct Performance- Check list I feel content with
food and acquire Book Teaching based assessment ...………………………
awareness of kinds of ...………………………
food Activity Matching items
Book with
2. To listen to a words\pictures
conversation C.D. Activity –
based Communication Rubric
Wall Chart learning Writing Challenges
A paragraph ...………………………
3. To describe what is in a ...………………………
fridge or a cupboard Chalkboard ...………………………
4. To use countable and
uncountable nouns Flashcards Observation Playing Games
Suggestions for
Group Work Rating
5. To use infinitive of Scale
purpose in asking and ...………………………
answering ...………………………

General information about students: School principal Date:……………….. signature…………………….

……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

Semester Plan 2017/ 2018
Class/Level: 5 grades Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: The meal tastes delicious! Pages: 44-47 Number of Classes: 7
Time: February Unit: 11

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To use sequencing Pupil's Group work Observation Check list Singing a song I feel content with
words (first , then ,next , Book
…) ...………………………
Activity Matching items ...………………………
Book with
2. To combine adjectives Problem- Pencil and Paper words\pictures
with verbs C.D. Solving &
Induction Rubric Challenges
3. To give instructions for Wall Chart Writing
a recipe (dictation) ...………………………
Chalkboard ...………………………
4. To ask and answer ...………………………
questions about food Activity-
based Communication
5. To read conversation in Flashcards learning. Learning Playing Games Suggestions for
a short story Log improvement
6. To
.……………………ral information about students: School principal Date:……………….. signature

……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

Semester Plan 2017/ 2018
Class/Level:5 grades Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Why is Kareem excited ? Pages: 48-51 Number of Classes: 7
Time: March Unit: 12

No General Resources Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes & Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To give reasons for Pupil's Group work Observation Check list I feel content with
actions and share Book Matching items
information with ...………………………
Activity words\pictures ...………………………
2. To ask using “why” then Book
answer using “because” Problem-
Cassette Solving & Writing
Recorder Induction Pencil and Paper Rating (dictation)
3. To show appreciation for Scale Challenges
the value of Jordanian Wall
symbols Chart ...………………………
4. To complete dialogues Chalkboar Activity- Playing Games ...………………………
,complete sentences and d based
copy words learning.
Communication Learning Doing extra Suggestions for
To write a paragraph Log exercises improvement
ral ne
.……………………ormation about students: School principal Date:……………….. signature

……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

Semester Plan 2017/ 2018
Class/Level: 5 grades Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Review Pages:52-55 Number of Classes: 7
Time: March Unit: 13

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To use adverbs of order Pupil's Direct Performance- Check list I feel content with
Book Teaching based assessment Matching items ...………………………
with ...………………………
2. To use infinitive of Activity words\pictures
purpose Book

Cassette Writing
3. To use countable and Recorder Group work Observation Rubric (dictation) Challenges
uncountable nouns
Wall Chart ...………………………
4. To give reasons with Chalkboard ...………………………
because Playing Games

Activity- Learning Suggestions for

4. To sense verbs with Flashcards based Log Doing extra improvement
adjectives learning. Communication exercises
5. ...………………………
To retell events in a ...………………………
story .
.……………………neral information about students: School principal Date:……………….. signature

……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

Semester Plan 2017/ 2018

Class/Level: 5th grades Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: You should play sports Pages:56-59 Number of Classes: 7
Time: April Unit: 14

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To use modal verb Pupil's Direct Performance- Check list I feel content with
should for advice Book Teaching based assessment Matching items ...………………………
with ...………………………
Activity words\pictures
2. To use so ,because to Activity-
indicate cause and effect based Communication Learning Writing
Cassette learning. Log (dictation) Challenges
3. To talk about things you ...………………………
have always wanted to Wall Chart ...………………………
do ...………………………
Playing Games
4 To listen to words Suggestions for
with /z/ sound Group work Observation Rubric Doing extra improvement
5. To write a short Flashcards ...………………………
paragraph using ...………………………
should /shouldn’t

.……………………ral information about students: School principal Date:……………….. signature
……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

Semester Plan 2017/ 2018
Class/Level:6 grades Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: There was a great celebration! Pages: 60-63 Number of Classes: 7
Time: April Unit: 15

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To use past simple of Pupil's Direct Performance- Check list I feel content with
the verb to be with there Book Teaching based assessment Matching items ...………………………
with ...………………………
To use the present and Activity words\pictures
2. past continuous in Book
writing Activity-
based Communication Learning Writing
To sing a song about Cassette learning. Log (dictation) Challenges
3. Independence Day Recorder
Sing a song ...………………………
To ask short, simple Wall Chart ...………………………
4. questions to answers ...………………………
Playing Games
To share information Suggestions for
5. about ones experiences Group work Observation Rubric Doing extra improvement
Flashcards exercises
...……………………… Ge
ral ne
.……………………ormation about students: School principal Date:……………….. signature

……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

Semester Plan 2017/ 2018
Class/Level:5 grades Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Life will be different Pages: 64-67 Number of Classes: 7
Time: April Unit: 16

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To use the modal verb Pupil's Direct Performance- Check list I feel content with
will to make predictions Book Teaching based assessment Matching items ...………………………
with ...………………………
Activity words\pictures
2. To share information Book
about future career Activity-
based Communication Learning Writing
3. To listen to words Cassette learning. Log (dictation) Challenges
with /ai/ sound Recorder
4. To describe pictures Wall Chart ...………………………
about ones career ...………………………
Playing Games
5. To complete a text Suggestions for
about oneself Group work Observation Rubric Doing extra improvement
Flashcards exercises
...……………………… Ge
ral ne
.……………………ormation about students: School principal Date:……………….. signature

……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

Semester Plan 2017/ 2018
Class/Level: 5 grades Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Have you ever climbed a mountain ? Pages: 68-71 Number of Classes: 7
Time: May Unit: 17

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To use present perfect Pupil's Direct Performance- Check list I feel content with
tens in asking and Book Teaching based assessment Matching items ...………………………
answering with ...………………………
Activity words\pictures
2. To talk about the recent Book
past Activity-
based Communication Learning Writing
3. To listen to a story Cassette learning. Log (dictation) Challenges
4. To sing a song about Wall Chart ...………………………
places ...………………………
Playing Games
5. To complete a Chalkboard
conversation asking and Suggestions for
answering Group work Observation Rubric Doing extra improvement
Flashcards exercises

General information about students: School principal Date:………………..

……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

Semester Plan 2017/ 2018
Class/Level: 5 grades Semester: Second
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Review Pages:72-75 Number of Classes:7
Time: May Unit: 18

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
1. To use present perfect Pupil's Direct Performance- Check list Singing a song I feel content with
in asking and answering Book Teaching based assessment ...………………………
2. To use conjunctions ( so, Activity Matching items
because) to indicate Book with
cause Activity- words\pictures
based Communication Learning
3. To use will in Cassette learning. Log Challenges
predictions Recorder Writing
(dictation) ...………………………
4. To use the past simple of Wall Chart ...………………………
the verb to be ...………………………
5. To use there is /are Chalkboard
There was/were Playing Games Suggestions for
Group work Observation Rubric improvement
Doing extra
exercises ...………………………
...……………………… Ge
ral ne
.……………………ormation about students: School principal Date:……………….. signature

……………………Supervisor Date:………………...signature

Prepared by: Moath Alnimrat

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