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a close reading of Marx’s Das Kapi-
CXjmˆXj[\cX tal and to writing an academic trea-
\dXeZ`gXZ`e\e9fc`m`X1 tise on the letters of Vera Zasulich,
:fem\ijXZ`fe\jZfe a late-nineteenth-century Russian
ÝcmXif>XiZˆXC`e\iX anarchist leader who won fame for
her attempted assassination of the
GXYcfJk\]Xefe`#=iXebc`e Czarist governor of St. Petersburg. Za-
IXdˆi\qXe[DXi`jk\ccX sulich later rejected terror tactics and
JmXdgX converted to Marxism. She became a
FZ\XeGi\jjXe[FZ\XeJli# key leader of the movement to trans-
late Marx’s works into Russian and
spread his views. What drew García
Lineras’ attention to Zasulich? What
lessons, if any, did he find in these
 works for Bolivia’s future political
development? Unfortunately, the
I<M@<N<;9PD@>L<C:<EK<CC8J interviewers leave these questions


olivia captured international at- In particular, they offer a fascinat- However, the conversations do of-
tention with the 2005 election ing portrait of one of Bolivia’s most fer a glimpse of the intellectual roots
of President Evo Morales, the prominent leftist intellectuals. of García Linera’s political philosophy
country’s first indigenous president. García Linera is given the freedom which, as he describes it, merges Marx-
Since then, many books and articles to provide his perspectives on the ism with an “indigenous vision” in
have explored Bolivia’s place in the goals and objectives of his country’s which “symbols (and) narratives that
regional turn toward new-left poli- newest “revolution in democracy”—a permit the unification of [national]
tics—with some defining the election catchphrase first used by former Bo- identity around the Aymara” can be
as part of a broader global struggle livian President Gonzalo Sánchez de constructed. According to García
against the excesses of neoliberal- Lozada during his first government Linera, a Bolivian political-cultural
ism, and others celebrating the rise of (1993 to 1997). But this freedom is identity must be built upon Aymara (a
indigenous political power as a new also one of the book’s shortcomings. “nation”) rather than Quechua (only a
form of postcolonial liberation. Much The non-adversarial approach of the “proto-nation”) ethnicity. Among the
of the literature, written by outsiders, interviewers leaves many of García prominent left-wing thinkers invoked
rarely focuses on the ideas, principles Linera’s arguments unchallenged, during the conversations are British
and choices of those actually shaping and as a result, Las vías de la eman- historians E. P. Thompson and Eric
Bolivia’s new politics. cipación fails to fully explore impor- Hobsbawm; U.S. sociologist Charles
Las vías de la emancipación: Con- tant developments such as the 2008 Tilly, who explored social movements;
versaciones con Álvaro García Linera recall referendum, the autonomy Italian neo-Marxist philosopher An-
(The Paths of Liberation: Conversa- movement in eastern Bolivia and tonio Negri; and French sociologist
tions with Álvaro García Linera) is any contradictions or tensions in the Pierre Bourdieu, who pioneered the
an exception. This small volume “revolution in democracy.” field of cultural hegemony.
is the record of nine conversations The book offers a succinct intellec- The conversations are mostly
(held between September 2005 and tual portrait of García Linera himself, undated. They often allude to, but
August 2008) with Álvaro García Lin- who emerged as the public voice of rarely explain, specific events, forcing
era, Bolivia’s vice president and the Bolivia’s indigenous movement in the even readers familiar with Bolivian
intellectual architect of Evo Morales’ 1990s after an early career as a student political history to wonder whether
Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) radical, labor activist and community they occurred before, during or after
government. The conversations, con- organizer. His radicalization deep- particular events. The single dated
ducted by Argentine journalist Pablo ened when he became involved in the conversation took place on August
Stefanoni, Ecuadorian sociologist Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army, a Marx- 10, 2008—the day after autonomy
Franklin Ramírez and Argentine so- ist-indigenous guerrilla group active referendums were held in the inde-
ciologist Maristella Svampa, reveal from 1990 to 1992, and for which he pence-minded eastern regions, and
the thinking of Bolivia’s new politi- was imprisoned for five years. the election of an opposition indig-
cal elite in a way that other books While in prison, Bolivia’s future enous female prefect (governor) in
on the new regime have failed to do. vice president dedicated himself to Chuquisaca. On August 10, there was

(*+ ,XP]TNL^ <`L]_P]Wd 1, 7 7    $ , 8 0 = 4 . , > < @ , = ? 0 = 7D  : = 2

also a national recall referendum in
which both Morales and opposition
prefects won popular backing.
But these important events are not
mentioned. Instead, the bulk of the

August 10 conversation tackles class
theory and the role of intellectuals
in perpetuating neo-liberal ideology
and class structure.
Under prodding by the authors, K_\Y\jke\nXe[i\Z\ekYffbjfegfc`Zp#\Zfefd`Zj
García Linera does discuss his govern- Xe[Ylj`e\jj`ek_\_\d`jg_\i\%
ment’s limitations and shortcomings
in some of the later conversations.
But the prodding seems half-hearted: América Latina y el Caribe
one gets a clear sense that the authors ¿Fragmentación o Convergencia?
share their subject’s worldview. For Edited by Josette Altmann y Francisco Rojas Aravena
example, García Linera argues that =XZlckX[CXk`efXd\i`ZXeX[\:`\eZ`XjJfZ`Xc\j=C8:JF <ZlX[fi#\c
state intervention must “generate D`e`jk\i`f[\:lckliX[\<ZlX[fip=le[XZ`e:Xifc`eX#)''0#jf]kZfm\i#
wealth, because we need much eco- *(-gX^\j
nomic wealth to promote the other
modernizations,” but he is not pushed Atores com poder de veto—
to explain how that differs from the Como funcionam as instituições políticas
professed goals of previous develop- By George Tsebelis
ment-oriented regimes which, like =le[Xƒf>\k’c`fMXi^Xj=>M #)''0#jf]kZfm\i#++'gX^\j
the present government, favored
Brasil-Estados Unidos: desencontros e afinidades
state-directed exploitation of hydro-
By Monica Hirst
carbon and mining resources.
=le[Xƒf>\k’c`fMXi^Xj=>M #)''0#jf]kZfm\i#)++gX^\j
In that same conversation, García
Linera is challenged on the apparent The Dictator’s Seduction: Politics and the Popular
contradiction that the MAS espouses Imagination in the Era of Trujillo
a “bottom-up” approach to politics, By Lauren Derby
yet continues the historical Bolivian ;lb\Le`m\ij`kpGi\jj#)''0#jf]kZfm\i#+*)gX^\j
tendency to centralize power. When
he is reminded that the Right also fa- Elecciones presidenciales en América Latina: el ascenso de
vored centralized power, he responds una izquierda heterogénea
that the current government is justi- By Ignacio Medina Núñez
fied because it has different goals: “re- <[`Z`fe\j@ejld`jfjCXk`efXd\i`ZXefj#)''0#jf]kZfm\i#*,+gX^\j
covering state enterprises” as opposed
to neoliberal privatization. Feminist Agendas and Democracy in Latin America
In an era when Bolivian politics is Edited by Jane S. Jaquette
deeply polarized, this book does little ;lb\Le`m\ij`kpGi\jj#)''0#jf]kZfm\i#).)gX^\j
to advance the debate needed for the
Kissinger e o Brasil
country’s development. Nevertheless,
By Matias Spektor
as an intellectual biography of a key
player in the nation’s new politics, it
makes an important contribution to New Languages of the State: Indigenous Resurgence and the
understanding Bolivia today. Politics of Knowledge in Bolivia
By Bret Gustafson
Miguel Centellas is adjunct pro- ;lb\Le`m\ij`kpGi\jj#)''0#jf]kZfm\i#*,)gX^\j
fessor of Latin American politics at
the University of Mississippi. His re- La sociedad de la información en América Latina y el Caribe:
search focuses on the effects of insti- Desarrollo de las tecnologías y tecnologías para el desarrollo
tutional reform on electoral politics Edited by Wilson Peres and Martin Hilbert
in Bolivia. :<G8C#)''0#jf]kZfm\i#)/'gX^\j

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