Newsletter February 12 1

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4th Grade’s

Peek at the next 2 weeks

February 12th - February 23rd


12 13 14 15 16

Love of Reading Library Books ERD ERD Friday Folders sent

Week Due Pajama Read In Day home
Dress like your favorite
for Love of Reading
book character for
Agua Caliente Spirit Day/Holiday
Jump for Heart parade for Love of
Field Trip Shirt Day
American Heart Reading week!
Association Fund
Teachers share their
Raiser Cardio Day!!
D.E.A.R. Day for love of reading with
Love of Reading other classes

19 20 21 22 23

Library Books Friday Folders sent Rodeo Holiday Rodeo Holiday

Due home Break Break

Wear Rodeo Wear Rodeo Wear Rodeo clothing

clothing all week! clothing all week! all week!
Upcoming Events
February 12- Love of Reading Week begins with Door Decorating!
February 13-DEAR Reading
February 14- ERD for Conferences, Pajama Read In and Jump Rope for Heart school wilde cardio activities in far
February 15 -ERD for Conferences! Dress Like your Favorite Book Character Day
February 16- Teacher Character Dress Up Day
February 22-23 RODEO BREAK

Important notes from the teachers:

● Students are allowed to wear western the entire week of Rodeo
● Our field trip to Agua Caliente Park for History Day is on. Drivers please be at school by 8:15 a.m.
● We encourage parents to sign up to read for Love of Reading Week. The students love to have their
parents come in and read a favorite book. We are happy to supply the books or you can bring in one from
● So many things are happening at this time of year! Book Fair, Dinner Night Out, Love of Reading, Open
Houses, Rodeo Week, Science Fun Fest, the list goes on, and on. We appreciate all that our parents do to
help support us here at Academy! We know these great activities do not get off the ground without parent
support and volunteers. Please, please, please help us out. Many hands make light work!

Curriculum Update

Language Arts: We are learning about how to write very persuasive essays in class. Don’t be surprised if your children get
much more effective at convincing you to see their side of events!

Reading: Our theme in our reading has been all about survival and life skills necessary to help survive. READ READ READ!!

Math: Continue to support your children on their nightly homework and reinforcing how important showing their work is.
Remember practicing Math facts is imperative to a successful transition to more difficult math concepts. If you are a parent
who checks family link for updated grades, you will need to know what teacher your child has for math. Your child should be able
to tell you this, but if you are unsure, check with your child’s homeroom teacher.

Science: Science Fair will be here before we know it! Make sure your child is conducting their experiments. They need to run
3 trials of their experiment. Do not delay!!

Social Studies: We are taking a break from the textbook, and will use that allotted time for AzMerit and
AIMS science test preparation, science fair, and a few other things along the way.
Grand Canyon:
Remember that if you are making monthly payments for the Grand Canyon trip, you can do this
at any time in the office via cash, check, or credit card.

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