Eled 104a - 1

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Jacqueline Melgar


Assignment 2: SAMR / ISTE Paper

My personal technology goal is to familiarize myself with digital technology. I

know the basics of technology, for example I know how to use a laptop, tablet, and a

smart board. I what to gain a higher knowledge of the differ technology I could use in the

classroom and improve what I already know. What I expect to get from this course is to

gain the knowledge of the different types of technologies and incorporate them in the

classroom. I would like to familiarize myself with the different technologies that are

offered to use in the classroom and incorporate them into my future lessons. The goals I

set out for myself is learning about and receive a demonstration of all the technologies

that I don’t know about or the technology I don’t know how to use, for example, the

SMART notebook, 3D printer, AutoCAD, Tinker Cad, Digital Storytelling, etc.

The ISTE Standards are the multimodal approach of teaching. This widens your

horizons and challenge a new way of thinking for yourself and the students. One standard

that interested me is the leader. As educators you are the leader and need to seek

opportunities to improve your teaching and gain success in your curriculum. A leader is

“model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, creation, and adoption

of new digital resources and tools for learning.” As the leaders of the classroom we also

have to be the students. We need to familiarize ourselves with the technologies a new

ideas presented to facilitate the learning of he children. We need to adopt and explore the

new resources for learning. In my classroom I want to use as many resources as possible
for my students. You are creating more room for growth and more tools for learning in

the classroom. I want to be like an absorbent sponge and do all that I can to be the leader

of my classroom. It’s also important to be the facilitator for your classroom. Educators

should help facilitate the learning process by using technology. Teachers need to manage

and master the use of technology and student learning strategies in all platforms, such as

digital virtual environments, and hands on maker spaces. As teacher I would want to

encourage creativity to communicate ideas or connections. I would establish a culture

were students take ownership of their learning goals and the outcomes of their work.

It’s important for the students to have knowledge of the ISTE Standards. I

will give them the knowledge and prepare them in the technological landscape. It

would allow the students have their own voice and thoughts that will lead to a

student-driven learning process. With the ISTE Standards will allow the students to

use technology and apply it to their curriculum or learning science. They will build

different ways to use technology and also seek different ways to inform and improve

their learning. The students will understand and be able to master the current

technology, but also explore emerging technologies. It would also teach the students

their rights, responsibilities of the digital world. It would teach them to be

responsible, models and ethical. The students will be urged to be safe, positive, legal,

and ethical behavior with the use of technology. They will know their own rights

and respect the rights of others. The ISTE would engage the students in planning

and developing research strategies to find information and other sources in their

learning process. The students would also retreat accurate, credible and relevant

information through technology. It would motivate the students to come up with

new ideas, testing different theories, and aid them in problem solving. The students

will develop the capacity to work with and solve their open-ended problems. Now,

the students can also collect data and use the technology to analyze them and it

would facilitate them in their decision-making. The students will also develop the

ability to formulate problem definitions for technology assisted methods to find out

the possible solution, as well as, collecting data and analyzing them to represent

data in many ways to facilitate problem solving. It would also give the students the

platform and tools to meet their objectives and create original works in new

creations. The ISTE Standards will connect the student with others that may come

from different backgrounds and cultures, this will open their eyes to a mutual

understanding and learning. IT will encourage the students to contribute with

others and work with them to reach their goals. There are some of the benefits that

students need to know in the ISTE Standers, and for them to put in practice in the

classroom as well as outside the classroom.

The SAMR Model can be used for technology in the classroom. The model is

to help teachers and educators to infuse technology and learning. The technology

use allows for the creation of new tasks and those tasks that were inconceivable.

The use of tech would also allow for modification in redesign of tasks. A possible

using a substitution lesson is the students using IOS notes to take notes, instead of

using the traditional notebook. Using Augmentation, the students would use

Evernote to categorize and tag class notes. A step further, the students would use

their Evernote and share notebooks and create a collaborative effort. Hypothetically

speaking if we are talking about the American Revolution, the students would be
able to use their tablet and use evernote to take important information for a future

test or project. If they do a group project they can share and compare their notes to

complete their project. Using Evernote guarantees them to have saved notes and a

lesson a chance to loose their notes. Using this technology is beneficial for the

students and will motivate them to take notes and study them.

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