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€xar\ #3

(2 Pts each)
il;i"ao"t'e an Hfr * conjugation
BEST represents the order of gene transfer in L'g*
the following
' patnng?
the entire chromosome' '
The entire F factor followedb-y rder of the
F factor.
follou'ed b'v the complete F factor'
The complete chromosome
b-v part oithe ch-romosome' i'
Part of the F factor i"ff"t":tO

is typicaily carried out by

Generalized transduction
, I | 1.,
t''l '"':'
, z a r'\ -f 'uz-"'
i i a. A cell which Possesses a Pilus 14inL-t'c-l
-l 't
;,rr,,*liaiJ - b. Aprophage
.i t.;,: \ -t \'i'r' 1'-')'
' "' ' '
., : it . o.l, t,'l 771 4_b1tg*-b-ry-t-"f1"9p-nagp
:: ]J "


Y offrt tYPe donor cells

2) encoding
*ory 1) a gene encoding transposas'e, ?'F"n"
3. Which of the following lgntaininverted repeat ,"q.,"n"", on either side of the transposase
streptomycj.n resistanc., ANo 3) fwo
gene? s *- 31t
--d en insertion sequence t '/'

b., A simPle transPoson

n{Ametabolic \l\ _--
@:::il.':::,': \- * 'r-''l-:"., ^* * rj
.,i" .-, -,1

rliii)j#:- for the Production of

between a-Hfr donor and a recipient cell that i4gEqgenes
4, In a successfui mating be:
u ti,e o''tcomt
pJlr, titt end of conjugation of would most likely
f would F*
a. The donor would be F-' the recipient *oliqP'tbe F+
b. fft. Oono' would be Hfr' the recipientwould Hft
c. Th" d;;;; would be F-' the recipient 9.t
woutd be Hfr' the recipient would
& il; ;;;;;
regarding genetic recombination?
5. Which of the follorving is FALSE
a new host bacterium, recombination is considered
,."n1 on""foreign DNA has entered
\15 successful'
- b. Competency can be created artifrcially in the 1ab' a lysogenic viral infectron'
- c. Defpctive phages ur. ,o*Jri*",
ltost celt while stiliundergoing DNA
roiling circle
d, plasmid DNA enters tn.
,r5A0 Exam 3 (100pts)
,,ditman Summer 2004

(Q\unich of rhe following is FALSE regarding viruses?

*',& Viruses like those that cause pox have layers of lipoproteins surrounding their genetic
'.u.{+ttRNA viruses are capable of using that material as both genetic material as well as
t, ,--r,.dtrectly reading it as mRI.IA.
Viruses contain their orvn ribosornes, but no other intemal machinery for protein synthesis.
flbt, ' g
'-d Most viruses have a geometric shape to iheir structure.

7. Viruses may NOT be cultivaied inlon

a. Embryonated eggs
b. Bacterial cuitures :l
r-Tl Blood asar It>
-,-- culture K |

d. Tissue

8. The proteins which make up bacteriophage capsids and tail fibers are

a. Encoded by bacterial nucleic acids and translated by the bacterial cell ribosomes.
{e Pt.oded by viral nucleic acids and translated by thi bacterial cell ribosomes.
c. Encoded by viral nucleic acids and translated by viral ribosomes.
d. Alreadypresent in the bacterial cell's cl4oplasm and simpiy await instructions for
processing from the viral nucleic acids.

9. During infection by a prophag€, _.

a' The phage replicates its nucleic acid in the host ceil cytoplasm, is packaged to form
new infectious particles, and then causes the host cell to die. i ,L
b' "
The phage can transfer some genetic material to another uia geheEtized transduction.
(9 nucleic acid incorporates into the host bacterial chromosome, then replicates as
the host chromosome is duplicated.
d. The infection is considered to be productive,
_:jir:.' :r i:i..jir_::*.!

,j00 Exam 3 (100 pts)

.;trfidrl Summer 2004
,1io.7vnichof theroiio*ing,iSf, f -qg-rlgardingbacteriophage?
\--:--' -i
/ -/
,tgflSome bacteriophage are capabie of releasing,neg infectious particies without causing the
,{ death of the host ceil. Lr tAc^ i c- e^f olC-l
b. Tail fibers and pins of some bacteriophage contain enzynes that aid in penetration of their
bacterial host's cell wall.
\ c. Bacteriophage can be enumerated after dilution in a growing bacterial culture and counting
the number of plaques fonned.
During a lytic infection, all proteins necessary for the complete replication and packaging
-**4@r' of the new virions are produced before the actual replication of the viral nucleic acid
. -oc-qurs, rp.atJnaaJr.rl g.oLeJ.S, Sy.^*huIae) et Io{-?-"4u^s
t 1..ti; i-\t i/u'"
11. Which 6itfr" followine is TRUE of bacterial viruses?

(_u When a plephgge undergoes induction, it triggers the production and release of many new
through a lytic pathway.

ey can also infect plant tissues.

In the lytic cycle, a single phage enters the cell and incorporates into its host genome
before initiating massive repiication of itself,

T2, Enveloped viruses typically obtain their envelope _.

a, By synthesizing the envelope after they have been released from their host celi.
4p from their host membranes as they undergo exocytosis.
c. They direct the host to produce envelope proteins and package their nucleic acid inside
before lysing the cell to release the new infectious particles.
d. None of the above are true.

lJ, Which of the following describes the enfry of animal viruses into their host cells?

J a. Enveloped and naked animal viruses are taken into the cell by endocytosis and then release
their capsid into the host cell cytoplasm,
J b. Animal viruses can fuse their envelope into the host cell's plasma membrane, releasing
their capsid into the host cell.
{' c. Naked animal viruses can directly penetrate animal celis and inject their nucleic acid inside
a host ceii.
d. More than one of the above is true.
(9 All of the above are tnre.
,sSAAExam 3 (100 Pts)
rstman Summer 2004

14. Which of the following is TRUE regarding release of viruses from animal cells?

'r{ z--\
ce1ls can die and be triggered to lyse themselves, releasing new
Naked viruses exit the host cell via budding'
The release of enveloped viruses is a direct cause of host celt lysis-
infectious particles.

fr. Newly released naked viruses are cailed proviruses'

15. Prions are smaii proteins which cause degeneration of tissues in the system.

a. Gastrointestinal
G Nervous
c. Respiratory
d. Immune

t'16.'V/hich of the foilowing is TRUE regarding antibiotic action?

p:An antibiotic which interferes with translation of bacteria will aiso interfere
h. An antibiotic which interferes with transc.iptt^oi9ib::Tria would be considered a narrow
sPectrum antibiotic. ?(ac{a 174 '
ua- */fl)
j,, antibiotic which interferes with translation of fungi wiil also interfere with translation
l- 6t-'*-- jn human patients taking the medication.
/ l*antibiotic which is effective against peptidoglycan synthesis will be equally detrimental
,/ to bacteria and fungi. ,,i(,,I,,t "
/-\ tLi"h^
an effective mode of antimicrobial action against prokaryotes?
1J7'lilhich of the following is NOT
a. inhibition of transcriPtion
b. inhibition of DNA gyrase'
c. Biockage of folic acid biosynthesis
G) Inhibition of reverse transcriptase

1g. in the video on genetic exchange, the scientist was using transformation techniques to produce an
anti-viral vaccine against mosaic virus which infected

tobacco plants
L-14/ cassava plants
hcnanc nlanfs
d. whiteflies
Agrobacterium cells
,o Exarn 3 (100 pts)
-,an Summer 2044

. ln the video on antibiotics, the effectiveness in humans was first demonstrated on a human patient

was suffering from tuberculosis

had a case ofpediatric Scarlet fever
{d had been systemically infected through a skin wound
u^ had consumed contaminated shellfish
was suffering from infected battle worurds

Matching I (2 pts each) Some answers may be used more tlan once, and others not at all.

a. transformation d. transduction g. Epstein Barr

b. transposon e. HW h. hemagglutinin

c. conjugation f. lnfluenza i. neuramindase


{: 20. cell to cell contact required for genetic exchange ^ ; ,
4orr J*14fTo.-r
I: q tg can involve the transfer of F' plasmid.s
l-i 22. uptake of DNA directly &om the environment
23. avirus associated with human cancers
iq_ l
H 24. requires competent cells +'*rrf,-,*4i'
'^ A

. V ZS. a specific retrovirus
Y 26. example of a virus with a segmented genome
27. spikeprotein believed to be involved in the penetration of mucus tissues X'
-J3500 Exam 3 (100 Pts)
,ustman Summer 2004
Matching II (2 pts each) Use each answer only once, sorne may not be used at all.

'u{ ,4,
o IFlemino
rvrlrrflD --f. Erlich K, AZT

/+. F' r'I.


-b. amantadine 4:. Prontosil

c. bacitracin h. lytic m. Hfr

-d: lysogenic nt. cephalosporin -E t-


e. Domagk j. chloramphenicoi o. F+

{- 28. found the first antibiotic (Salvarsan) effective against organism causing syphilis €'1;.I
virus 'B
l-r .Lv. acweagainst influenza
NA30. discovered
rl penicillin

-1- ,^ll
peniciliin Gf t:- lr r:"r'1
+ ? 1 in place of penigillin to patients who have an allergy to
nfren oiwsn -- 1'

Ti; ;;l'}I^c^ '4- t /*"''-"'""i'k-,'' *

3 32. lrghlyroxic, 'rlrl"rt.,,lf.orffi ;;r{ *ir"n orher anribiorics fail .' l',

1,-) ::. viral replication cycle in which the phage is considered temperate ),/, ",ih'' c
.;''*".*'.pl ^
L :S. designation given to a cell which carries al'plasmid containing-'pihp*genes as well as some
previously chlomosomal genes E- #
s 36. actas anti-metabolites s*[{,r-, .}a ,i
"^l I

f- 37. biologically altered by patient after administration to active antimicrobial agent y /^tr '-r.1t: s

38. designaticn given to a prokaryotic cell which is incapable of producing a pilus F

(^ 4. *: C--
{ Llr rqru,PL "..'
" ilu{€ *zT-
Short answer (see each question for point value) e *,'nc 5
39. Nystantin is an antimicrobial agent which is selectively toxic against fungi (eukaryotes).

a) Why are bacteria unaffected by this drug? (3 pts) Jv^1, 'r{( *'-(, l^'t A'*l'
b) Why are humans (also eukaryotes) unaffected by this drug? (3 pts) n u . ,ll ,u"*( [
'' '' "'"'-'""'*':l:l'


. /1 nn ntc)
J EXam J trvw r--l
/ 2004
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,'I803500 Eram3 (100 Pts):'r/ ', '-: ) l{a
Dustman Summer 2004 SSN

/e N'tultipte choiee (2 Pts each)

l-: 5.
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u\ .I 11
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llatching I (2 Pts each)

t) A/ +-.
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illatching II (2 pts each)

28. tr 3i. \4 i a1
3/. VT

rU an aa
t J6. F)
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30. t1 33. lJ 36. !-x

Short ansryer (See each question for point value)

i9 ,...-rli
a. (Jptsj
I ^lf-^,!ll v't a *t-rlc-.'.
hlv e=f' A n{l,n .a 4 $ fr*r n a r''€- sF ei h.- ./ 5 Pipo?7ut*

j'". *i^*"- f+:*:-iaa

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na AzE.-

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5[6-4-e-ia. I cg- il ue lis ero .ro 4.
39b. (3pts

*o;. i ,* oJ €+ ti *{ €.t^'hg*7u+oa /1 r'fr *'t n Ai-'{r- ,* ***j t -*r-Au j f_

io n €fltu,
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.,,J500 Exam3 (100 prs)

: Dustman Summer 2004 SS

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42. (3 pts)

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44. (4 pts)
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