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Exam 1 M|BO3500 Fall2010 {_?--; ){.

(35 pts possible on exam; Percentage recorded in eLC) l_'^,. '-l -\

{ r :i 'L{-* }
Put your name and your 810 number on BOTH the Scantron sheet (bubble in number
and 810 or it will not be
number graded!) AND on the short answer sheet.
- 2e I 7C, l-1 a q '
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Multiple choice: Bubble your answers in on
the Scantron sheet. (20 pts total for the section)

L. Which of the following scientists is directly associated with the development of the Germ Theory of disease?

2 Pasteur
{-}, Liste r
lA\ Koch J

2. An archaeological team was digging on the site of a lost tribal civilization in the Arizona desert. Evidence
exists which indicates that more than 150 years ago, the entire population was wiped out by a bacterial
plague. The team has stumbled upon a collection of small rooms which they think was the tribe's primitive
hospital, and have discovered human remains inside. These remains were found about 30 feet below the
current soil surface, completely encased in sand. The lead archaeologist aseptically removed samples of
desiccated skin tissue from one sample and sent it to a microbiologist colleague for analysis. The
microbiologist was able to isolate a strain of bacteria which was phylogenetically similar to the species that
was thought to cause the original plague. Which of the following characteristics of this ancient disease
causing agent might be attributed to its survival?

a. presence of carboxysomes
I L,
b. existence of mycolic acids in the cell wall )'
A ability to produce endospores 'ol
d. presence of a thick polysaccharide capsule

lf you're interested in describing basal bodies in a recently discovered bacterialstrain, which of the following
L- #3.
microscopy techniques will BEST suit the needs of your study?
a. brightfield lightmicroscopyf. -- fi.t i,.^f i , i : '' ':.''\ "f ii- i" ii l I i i rt-'r. I il

b. scanning electron microscopy[

(3,\ transmission electron microscopy -+ {';t". i.. i'".., i. ,
I ': r; r
d. more than one of the above answers (a, b, or c) would be successful to observe the structure
Exam 1 MlBO3500 Fall2010
(35 pts possible on exam ; Percentage recorded in eLC) -
&te,ti t -*
4. You have isolated a pure culture of an unknown bacterial species and have detected high levels oflgl$gg.
?cidsandI'Lqlgq.lgg duringanalysisofthecellwallcomponents. Whatcolorwouldyouexpectthese
bacterial cells to be after correctly performing a Gram stain?

a. Clear
?#r i'i i',f"t'
' r,ilfi\1 rr *? tS l.{t i'h
b. Red/pink 7'
purpte t/
d. Green

5. ln protein secretion, which of the following secretion pathways do Gram negative bacteria use to shuttle
exoenzymes from their cytoplasm to their periplasmic space?

a. Typelsecretionsystem *f f C'\,ri i;i.{ I }i'l'*-i i i !i;

b. Type lV secretion system * t\ f -? $\"3* Y-!'\t"tr-!'l '

G SecBsecretionsystemr/'
d. All of the above secretion svstems are utilized bv these bacteria for this function

6. The concentration of phosphate (POq-) inside the cell is 20 nM The concentration of phosphate in the
environment is4 nM. Phosphate transport ,.qrir"riEfffi"nce of a permease. Which of the following
forms of transporffi the cell employ to IMPORT phosphate from the environmentFtcytoplasm?
a. facititated diffusion {, wi [* '1vl"r { ti { s't ? ["U,.htl,tLC,u\
b group translocation f, 1,,{ r I vqi {t'" E" --i \--/
(9) activetransport#t,tt'] , i{li*',ii' I i_r,ilc\r'+'tI'ii di
d. passive diffusion X $"r'rlir !i-t !t:tt.r;,
7. A stain process that uses a single dye and stains the cells but not the-"Fa93-Cfpjld is called
a. different$alanc positivJi'\-\rnFF-.-*
* 1
b. -difFerenthland neg€tive} fr
ftr) simpte and positive /
d. simple andaegfiive X
Exam 1 M|BO3500 Fall2010
(35 pts possible on exam; Percentage recorded in eLC)

8. The tree below is based on an organirr'r gly!g*.!ylj!y!s. Which of the following MOST accurately
describes the information found in this tree? Y nol- r"v slu*ifl'naru{
d The phenetic relationship of these bacteria to their comni €stqr:is spqf. x
V b The-p.bylegen€++€ relationship of this of these bacteria to one another is shown. X
r:\ -' /
(dJ The phenetic relationship of these bacteria to one another is shown. r'
\-/ 1

Capsule uY1{s*f tc"\' ilfi***ot"

Sheath Slime layer

x 9. lf an organism requires growth factors to be supplemented in the groMh medium, it is considered a/an:

V auxotroph // ft\)XStVOpkrte,:
b. autotroph
c. heterotroph
d. prototroph

10. WhichofthefollowingtransportmechanismsrequiresapermeaseANDtheadditionof aphosphatemoiety

B to the chemical to be transported?

/ facilitated diffusion
/@ crouotranslocation'/
c. active transport ---" nt CY\&nqt CAi e,V\fut\*$-
y' Oassive diffusion
Exam 1 MlBO3500 Fall 2010
(35 pts possible on exam ; Percentage recorded in eLC)
CIl c'\\iLt[t
f, l-1. lf an organism possesses a single circular chromosome, has cell walls that contain pseudopgptidggly!?n, an

external to the EJ$il-$g;gng:lyllini!19yl9p_!g:n, and undergoes binary fission, which of the \

following taxonomic pairs should it be placed in? \t'

Kingdom Monera, Domain Archaea '"/
Kingdom Monera, Domain gaeteria-
c. Kingdom Protista, Domain Archaea
d. Kingdom Protista, Domain"fukanya* , r --),'
..,-\ 4ttr1
F (tz.)An organism gets its energy for metabolism by breaking down organic molecules which it synthesizes itself.
- The synthesis of this organic carbon occurs whether light is present or absent. KzNO: is required a! q scllfce
@{aot ele*ctr_o_ns in order for thii organism to grow. Which of the following terms BEST describes this
organism? '
'. a \

UnLtri(' L\i'iiii
r'ln r'o' 'r

(9) chemolithoautotroph (--

d. chemolithoheterotroph (-

+XrftZ.'' In which of the following would you expect to find dipicolinic acid?

L ,*s, v
( ill Cram positive cellwall
' J/ t"Lt Lrt{l-Lt.
\4,\ il
b. Gram negative cell wall "
@ endosRor"/ Sf Ci\iti\/( ;'hli'\ t t ;{ '1
' '!. .-'i i ,
;. phospholipid bilayer X

14. Volutin (or metachromatic granules) are an important source of stored for bacterial cells.
a. organic carbon
b. nitrogen
c. inorganic carbon
li\ - ./
t' ,
lic:]" {'fi-...i.
Nr i
i ' i' '"1

L5. When trying to isolate a pure culture of a bacterium but not nicessarily needing to enumerate the cells,
which of the isolation techniques would achieve your goal?

a. streak plate /
b. pour plate n
, c. sPread Plate
,-i- \ 'more
r'd. than one of the above answers (a, b, or c)would be successful in the goal

Exam 1 MlBO3500 Fall 2010
(35 pts possible on exam ; Percentage recorded in eLC)

t I 16.$lex works in animal pathology research lab and has been asked to isolate a bacterium that had the
\-/following specific characteristics: 1) it must be Grgp negative and 2) it must break down hemoglobin (B-
-** hemolytic). The graduate student he's working with has given her the recipe for a general purpose medium
as follows: 10.0 tryptone, 5.0 gleqst g{jre-gt, 10.0 g Nacl, 50rlrn!9f qn!! coaFulale{sl ]s
g , 14 g
of agar, and LL of distilled water.{Which of the sets of terms below BEsTidescribes the medium based on
the recipe? .* v '--r1 V
, ri,- 'f{-'r;re"'vi'1:i'r'il
[} ({i\rrp,ii fgf"rri-'\ tf crr Cl"t
a. defi+ed+nd-sete*ive-
fblcomplexanddifferential 1i',{,j ;..i'\'i,,iii.u,..\,, efl*.i*1.'r'l.riri""*- t}ff0,
d. complex and selective

ZlUsinC the media made by the recipe provided above, will Alex be able to achieve the goal his boss gave him?
t X Yes, he can achieve both goals.
b.} No, but he can differentiate the hemoglobin breakdown.
K No, but he can isolate only Gram negative bacteria.
d. No, he can't achieve either of the goals.
{..1 yi-i ,L-
| .t'
18. In the endospore stain, vegetative cells will stain and endospores will stain d

a. purple, red ./,

i\/b. ) red, sreen V
c. red, purple
d. green, red

Bo'L 19. In ABC type active transport, which of the following statements is TRUE?

X Both ADP and GTP are required for successful solute transport.
(ffi The permease is a two-part complex, with both a t!:q!Upor!domain and a nucleotide binding domain.
(Xc.\ A solute binding protein interacts with the solute to form a complex; this complex binds within the
permease so that a conformationalchange occurs and the solute can pass into the cytoplasm.

K This mechanism can be used to transport solutes from high to low concentrations.

20. Which of the following scientists were crucial in the ultimate disproving the theory of spontaneous
a. HessE + t\!tt{
b. Bassi *t., tr \?, r-r-:t:t'r:'r *c";1-f"1t.i

(r) Pasteur Y;
d. van Leeuwenhoek 'v \u
:4 i,,1- :'' : :i
Exam 1 MlBO3500 Fall2010
(35 pts possible on exam ; Percentage recorded in eLC)

Short answer: Place your answers on the sheet provided. Write legibly and be sure to answer the question
within sentence limits. Wrong information will be counted against you. (15 pts total for the section)

2l. An undergraduate researcher needs to extract DNA from her culture of Craq ngqgtiue b . She treats a
pure culture of her bacteria with a solution of ethanoland lysozyme. Briefly explain how each of these two
chemicals will affect the cells, and whether or not she will successfully achieve her goal. Use no more than 3

.sentences. (3pts) {thitl.r;,l *[r:;r,iw*ii; ft-l*t1: lrr#-r [-lpt-) lV:i. Lit'v'tii lutet\4L'fr5
ftfrtrfi{:i}tJi iltt {.t,=y1 jL,('c [ :_, f Cxp\i..nrr(trrfi- ir,: -,
ZZ. gr'ieffi define the eirdosymbiont evolution theory and explain one type of evidence that supports this
theory. Use no more than three sentences. (2 pts)

23. Draw a bacillus that possesses amphilophotrichous flagella and indicate whether this is a polar or nonpolar
flagellar arrangement. {2pts)

24. Briefly explain one reason why agar is used in bacteriological media instead of gelatin as a solidifying agent?
Make sure you indicate what problem using agar instead of gelatin overcomes. Use no more than two
sentences. (2 pts)

25. Lister made significant contributions to medical microbiology through promoting aseptic technique. Define
the term and provide one example of how he implemented this technique. Use no more than two
sentences. (2 pts)

26. Usingthetableprovidedontheanswersheet,compareandcontrastthreecharacteristics(ofyourchoice)in
prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes in parallel. (Each row is worth 1pt;3 pts total) ._,
27. What advantage does a gas vacuole provide to a bacterial cell? Use no more than one sentence. (1 pt)

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