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Thermodynamics of Biological


Dr. Ang Geik Yong

Integrative Pharmacogenomics
Institute (iPROMISE),
Level 7, FF3, Universiti Teknologi
Puncak Alam Campus,
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lecture, students should
be able to:
• understand laws and principles of
• understand the correlations between
thermodynamic and biochemical events
 Differentiate between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Law
of thermodynamics
 Understand the free energy mechanism
What is the source of energy and how
cell use energy?
• Energy : the capacity to do work
• Cells require energy for a number of purposes
– Synthesis of large molecule
– Cell division (mitosis and meiosis)
– Uptake of nutrients
– Active transport in cells

Oxidation /
Oxidation/ reduction

is involved in
various situations

Formation/ ATP-
breakdown ADP cycle
of chemical

Catabolism/ anabolism
What is the source of energy and how
cell use energy?
• Light from the sun is the ultimate source of
energy for all life on earth
 photosynthetic organisms trap light as energy source
to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen and

 non-photosynthetic organisms consume food such as

carbohydrates and use them as energy sources.
Large molecules are to broken down into smaller
molecules and with the release of ATP

Energy Transfer
• Energy acquired from sunlight or food is needed to
drive endergonic (energy-requiring) processes in the
• Two classes of biomolecules are involved:
– Reduced coenzymes (NADH, FADH2)
• the high-energy electrons from these molecules are
passed along in an electron-transport chain to drive the
production of ATP
– High-energy phosphate compounds (ATP) –
• free energy of hydrolysis more negative than -25 kJ/mol

ATP + H2O → ADP + Pi ∆G = -30.5 kJ/mol

ATP production

• PEP (phosphoenolpyruvate) & 1,3-BPG (1,3 bis-phosphoglycerate)

are created in the course of glucose breakdown
• Their energy (and phosphates) are transferred to ADP to form ATP
• ATP is only a transient energy carrier - it quickly passes its energy to a
host of energy-requiring processes
The energetics of a chemical

• Free energy : the energy that is available in the

system that can be used to do work/motion
• Free energy is indicated by the symbol G (Gibbs
free energy)
• It is impossible to measure the absolute values of
energy. Only the change in free energy (ΔG) can be
• Spontaneity of a process is indicated by ΔG under 2
• (1) constant temperature
• (2) constant pressure 8
Spontaneity of a process
ΔG < 0 (negative)
• Spontaneous process (take place without outside
• exergonic (energy is released)
ΔG =0
• Process at equilibrium (no net change will occur)
ΔG > 0 (positive)
• Non-spontaneous process (require additional
energy from an external source)
• endergonic (energy is absorbed)
Time is not a part of the thermodynamic definition of a spontaneous process.
A spontaneous process may or may not happen immediately, or at all.
ΔG > 0 or ΔG < 0
What Are the Basic Concepts of
• The word thermodynamics includes the ideas of heat (thermo-)
and change (dynamics)
• Thermodynamics : a collection of laws and principles describing
the flow and interchange of heat, energy and mass in a system of
• The system : specific region in space chosen for study
• The surroundings : the region outside the system

Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
• Open system - can exchange both energy and matter
with its surroundings and hence, can undergo changes
in composition
• Closed system - can exchange energy but not matter
with its surrounding
• Isolated system : cannot exchange both matter and
energy with its surrounding

Bioenergetics is a study of the various types of
energy transformations that occur in living organism
o Chemical energy
– stored in chemicals bond of molecules (e.g. glucose)
o Nuclear energy
– within atomic nuclei
o Radiant / solar energy
– energy emitted from the sun in the form of electromagnetic
o Heat energy
– a form of thermal energy which transfers from a hotter object
to a colder one
o Electrical energy
– energy to move charged particles
o Mechanical energy
– energy in an object due to its motion or position, or both
Two alternate states of energy
Potential energy
– is the stored energy in an object by virtue of its
position or configuration
– e.g. rock perched on edge of cliff has potential to do
work since it exists in a field of force (a gravitational
Kinetic energy
- is the energy which a body posesses because of its
- e.g. rock falling over cliff edge
Internal energy (E) is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of
the particles of a system
Two factors must be considered in the
measurement of energy at work
1. Potential factor
- the ‘driving force’ factor
- proportional to the intensity of the force field
- e.g. - distance if rock will fall due to gravitational force
- voltage gradient when considering the movement
of charged ions

2. Capacity factor
- provides measurement of the capacity (size/mass) of the
matter and its movements
- e.g. - mass of rock
- The combined charge of particles when
considering movement of charged ions) 20
The Laws of Thermodynamics
• The laws summarize the interaction on how
different forms of energy can be interconverted
• 1st : Energy can neither be created or destroyed, it
can only be transferred
• 2nd : In any spontaneous process, the entropy of
the universe increases
• 3rd : Entropy must be zero when temperature
approaches 0 K

The First Law

Law of conservation of energy

• Energy can neither be created or destroyed but only changed from
one form into another or transferred from one object to another
• The internal energy of in an isolated system is constant
• The total amount of energy of the universe is constant
(∆Euniverse = ∆Esystem + ∆Esurrounding )
• The change in the energy of the universe is zero (∆Euniverse = 0)
• e.g.
– electrical, chemical and mechanical are different forms of energy
– potential energy of water in a dam can be turned into kinetic energy
which can then become electric energy
Enthalpy (H)
• Enthalpy (H), is a defined energy that is based on the
internal energy ( H = E + PV )
• Discussions of the first law focus on the change in
enthalpy (∆H) i.e. the heat of a reaction at constant
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
• The change in free energy (ΔG) is equal to the sum of
the changes in the enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) at
a constant temperature (T)

Enthalpy (H)
• Exothermic: reaction that
results in heat lost to the
• Spontaneous

• Endothermic: reaction
accompanied by or
requiring the absorption of
heat from the environment
• Non-spontaneous 24
Entropy (S)
• A measure of disorder or randomness
• The terms refer to the random molecular energy
within a system in the form of translational,
rotational, and vibrational motion of the particles
– e.g. Increasing the temperature increases the
random motion of the particles within a substance
and, thus, increases its entropy
– Ice or liquid water has a higher entropy?
• An ordered state has low entropy
• A disordered state has high entropy
Entropy (S)

The Second Law
Systems Tend Toward Disorder and Randomness
• In any spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe
• All physical and chemical changes occur such that the total
entropy of the universe increases
• Systems tend to proceed from ordered to disordered states
• Isolated systems always evolve toward thermal equilibrium
which is a state with maximum entropy
• The entropy of an isolated system that is not in equilibrium
will tend to increase until it the system reaches
thermodynamic equilibrium (minimum potential energy)
The Second Law
Systems Tend Toward Disorder and Randomness
• The consequence of a spontaneous reaction is that some
energy must always be discarded as heat
• Therefore, no process requiring
an energy conversion is ever
100% efficient because much of
energy is dispersed as heat,
resulting in an increase in

• e.g. food web

The Third Law

“Absolute Zero”
• Entropy must be zero when temperature approaches 0 K
• The entropy of a pure crystalline substance is zero at
absolute zero
• A pure crystalline substance is one in which the
molecules are in perfect alignment with one another
and every molecule is identical.
• As temperature ↑, the random motions of the particles
in a substance ↑and therefore entropy increases
• As temperature ↓, the random motions of the particles
in a substance ↓ and therefore entropy decreases 29
Thermodynamics in glucose metabolism

End of lecture


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