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Queene 25/08/2017

English 11
Identifying Poem Devices in Music

And win a slugfest, I get physical like physicians

Invisible like magicians with mystical mic traditions
Wicked wizardry like a sorcerer, no remorse for you
When I torture you throughout the course of my orchestra
- Eminem “Open Mic” on Infinite

Metaphor: ​“And in a slug fest i get physical like physicians”

Slug fest is challenging someone to a battle, and getting physical

Denotation:​ ​“I get physical like physicians”

They do physical examination

“Wicked wizards like a sorcerer”

Wizards are sorcerer.

Internal Rhyme:​ ​“Invisible like magicians with mystical mic traditions”

The ​magicians​ and​ traditions

End Rhyme: ​“…physicians…traditions…”

Simile: ​“Invisible like magicians with mystical mic traditions”

Like a magician that’s able to disappear yet leave people with illusions/in awe.

Idioms:​ ​“When I torture you throughout the course of my orchestra”

Orchestra could also mean the audience that is being “tortured” (entertained).
Player, I grind, my focus is crime
Raw with the rhyme, I'm slick with the slime
My words are diamonds dug out a mine
Spit 'em, polish, look how they shine
- Big Boi “The Whole World”

Rhythm Scheme: ​“crime-slime” “mine-shine”

Goes AA-BB

Near Rhyme: ​“Player, I grind, my focus is crime”

grind​ and ​crime ​sounds almost the same

“Raw with the rhyme, I’m slick with the slime”

rhyme​ and ​slime​ sounds almost the same

End Rhyme:​ ​“…crime…slime…”


Connotation/Metaphor/Idiom: ​“My words are diamonds dug out a mine”

His words needs to be taken seriously (diamonds) since he was there during the situation (mine).

My rhymes never ricochet needless to say

I'm just like the word kill only minus the K
If you hear my track play close your eyes and pray
I'm just like the word basic only minus B-A
- Benefit ”Exact”

Rhymes Scheme/End Rhyme: ​“...say...K...pray...B-A”

Goes A-B-A-B

Connotation: ​“My rhymes never ricochet needles to say”

Figuratively speaking, their rhyming words don’t bounce off or flows well.

Simile/Mentions: ​“I’m just the word kill minus the K” “I’m just like the word basic, minus B-A”
This makes the listeners think back for a bit, since most things we hear just goes in and out
through our heads.
The usage of “like” and “as” earned them the simile tag.
If the game shakes me or breaks me
I hope it makes me a better man,
Take a better stand
Put money in my mom's hand
- The Notorious B.I.G ‘Sky’s the Limit”

Rhymes Scheme/End Rhyme/Consonance: ​“…”

The scheme goes A-BBB
Consonance as the words “man, stand, hand” the ​an’s

Idioms: ​Put money in my mom’s hand

Paying parents back with your success after they’ve raised you

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