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13.2 Objective

Problem 1: A pendulum has time period T in air. When it is made to oscillate in

water, it acquired a time period T =  2T . The specific gravity of the
pendulum bob is equal to
(A)  2 (B) 2
(C) 2 2 (D) None of these

 d
Solution: The effective acceleration of a bob in water = g = g  1   where d
 D
& D are the density of water & the bob respectively.
= specific gravity of the bob.
Since the period of oscillation of the bob in air & water are given as
 
T= 2 & T = 2
g g

g g(1  d / D)
 T/T = =
g g

d 1
= 1 = 1
D s
Putting T/T = 1/2, we obtain
1/2 = 1 – 1/s
1 1
 
s 2
 s=2

Problem 2 : A spring is loaded with two blocks m 1 and m2 where m1 is

rigidly fixed with the spring and m 2 is just kept on the
block m1 as shown in the figure. The maximum energy of
oscillation that is possible for the system having the
block m2 in contact with m1 is
m12 g 2 m22 g 2
(A) (B)
2k 2k
( m1 + m2 )2 g 2
(C) (D) None of these

Solution: Let the required amplitude be A. For this

amplitude of oscillation the normal contact force N
between the blocks can be given as
m2 g – N = m 2 a where a = 2A
m2 g
 m2g – N = m22 A
Putting N = 0 for just losing contact for maximum amplitude, we
A = 2 where  = angular frequency of oscillation of (m1 + m2 )

and the spring.
Putting 2 = , we obtain
m1 + m2
(m1 + m 2 )g
1 (m1 + m2 )2 g2
 Umax = kA2 = .
2 2k

Problem 3 : An object of mass 0.2 kg executes simple harmonic motion along X-

axis with frequency of 25/ Hz. At the position x = 0.04 m, the object has
kinetic energy of 0.5 J and potential energy of 0.4 J. The amplitude of
oscillation in meter is equal to
(A) 0.05 (B) 0.06
(C) 0.01 (D) None of these

Solution: E= m2 A2
 E= m(2f)2 A2
1 2E
 A=
2f m
1 2  (0.5 + 0.4)
Putting E = K + U we obtain, A = .
2 25 /   0 .2
 A = 0.06 m.

Problem 4 : A particle of mass m is executing oscillations about the origin on the x-

axis. Its potential energy is V(x) = k |x| 3, where k is a positive constant.
If the amplitude of oscillation is a, then its time period T is
(A) proportional to 1/ a (B) independent of a
(C) proportional to  a (D) proportional to a3/2

Solution: V = k|x|3
F= = 3k | x|2 . . . (1)
The equation of simple harmonic motion is given as
x = a sin t
d2 x
 m 2
= m(a2 sin t) = m2 x . . . (2)
Using (I) and (ii), we obtain
3k |x|2 = m2 x  = 3kx / m
m m
 T = 2  T = 2
3kx 3ka sin t
 T  .
Problem 5: The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of length  suspended
from the roof of a vehicle which moves without friction down an
inclined plane of inclination  , is given by
l l
(A) 2 (B) 2
g cos  g
l l
(C) 2 (D) 2
g sin  g tan 

Solution: Since the vehicle is moving down the g sin 

plane with an acceleration g sin  & T
and the bob moves with same
acceleration (because, each and
every particle of the system is
accelerating with same acceleration
down the plane) the string will
remain perpendicular to the plane.
 When the bob is released, it moves down perpendicular to the
base of the vehicle relative to vehicle with an acceleration
g = g2  g2 sin2  = g cos 
 The period of oscillation of the pendulum
 
= 2  2
g g cos 
The pendulum will oscillate about the mean position that is given by
the perpendicular position of the thread to the base of the vehicle.

Problem 6 : A simple harmonic motion has an amplitude A & time period T. The
time required by it to travel from x =A to x = A/2 is –
(A) T/6 (B) T/4
(C) T/3 (D) T/2

Solution: Time required to travel from x = A to x = 0 is T/4 & time required to

travel from x = A/2 to x = 0 is equal to the time required to travel from x
= 0 to x = A/2 which is obtained from
y = A sin (2/T)t
A/2 = A sin (2/T)t
 sin (/6) = sin (2/T)t
 t = T/12.
Time required to travel from x = A to x = A/2 will be
T/4 – T/12 = T/6
 (A)
Problem 7: One end of a spring of force constant
k is fixed to a vertical wall and the x0
other to a block of mass m resting on
a smooth horizontal surface. There is A B
another wall at a distance x 0 from the 2x0
block. The spring is then compressed
by 2x0 and released. The time taken to
strike the wall is
1 k k
(A)  (B)
6 m m
2 m  k
(C) (D)
3 k 4 m

Solution : The total time from A to C B C

= tAC = tAB + tBC = (T/4) + tBC
where T = time period of oscillation
of spring -mass system
tBC can be obtained from, BC = AB sin (2/T) tBC
BC 1 T
putting  we obtain tBC 
AB 2 12
T T 2 m
 tAC = + = .
4 12 3 k

Problem 8 : Two bodies M and N of equal masses are suspended from two separate
spring of the spring s constant k 1 and k2 respectively. If the two bodies
oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocities are equal, the
ratio of the amplitude of vibration of M to that on N is
k2 k2
(A) (B)
k1 k1
k1 k1
(C) (D)
2 k2
Solution : vmax1 = vmax2
 1 A1 = 2 A2
k1 k2
 A1  A2
m m
A1 k2
 
A2 k1
Problem 9 : Two blocks A and B each of mass m are connected by a massless
spring of natural length L and spring constant k. The blocks are
initially resting on a smooth horizontal floor with the spring as its
natural length, as shown in figure.
v L
A third identical block C, also of mass m moves on the floor with a
speed v along the line joining A and B collides with A, elastically, then
(A) the kinetic energy of AB system at maximum compression of the
spring is zero.
(B) The kinetic energy of the AB system at maximum of the spring is
mv 2
(C) The maximum compression of the spring is v m k .
(D) The maximum compression of the spring is v m 2k .

Solution : Due to equal mass, C transfers A B

C v
its total momentum to A.
therefore A has the velocity v. m
At max. compression the
velocity of both the bodies are
equal say, v'. Conservation of
linear momentum yields
mv = (m + m)v'
 v' = (v/2). v B
 The K.E. of the system
= (m + m)v '2 v' v'
1 v2 mv 2
= ( 2m) 
2 4 4
1 2 mv 2 mv 2
kx  KE  
2 2 4
 m 
 x =   v.

 2k 

Problem 10 : A particle moves on x-axis according to the equation x = x 0 sin2  t, the

motion is simple harmonic
(A) with amplitude x0 (B) with amplitude 2x0
(C) with time period (2 / ) (D) with time period ( / )
Solution: x = x0 sin t2

x0 x x
= (1 – cos 2t) = 0 – 0 cos 2t
2 2 2
Frequency ' = 2
 2/T' = 2 
 T' = ( / )
Amplitude =

Problem 11 : A pendulum clock that keeps correct time on the earth is taken to the
moon it will run
(A) at correct rate (B) 6 time faster
(C)  6 times faster (D)  6 times slowly

Solution : The time period of a simple pendulum is

T = 2 g is lesser on moon
Te gm g /6 1
 T will be greater    e 
Tm ge ge 6
 Tm = 6 Te .

Problem 12 : A disc of radius R and mass M is pivoted at the rim and is set for small
oscillations. If simple pendulum has to have the same period as that of
the disc, the length of the simple pendulum should be
(A) (5/4) R (B) (2/3) R
(C) (3/4)R (D) (3/2) R

Solution : Time period of a physical pendulum : O

1 
I0  mR 2 + mR 2  d=R
T = 2 = 2 
mgd 2

= 2 . . . (a)

Tsimple pendulum = 2 . . . (b)
Equating (a) & (b),  = R.
Problem 13 : A block of mass m compresses a k
spring of stiffness k through a
distance  /2 as shown in the
figure. If the block is not fixed to
 /2 /2
the spring, the period of motion
of the block is
m m
(A) 2 (B) ( + 4)
k k
(C) (1 +  ) (D) none of these.

Solution : The period of oscillation = 2
 The period of motion till the block is in contact with the spring is
T m
t = = then it leaves the spring with a speed v = A
2 k
 k   
v =   

 m  2 
Then it moves with constant velocity v for a distance D =  +  = 2
 The corresponding time of motion = t2 = 2/v
2 m
 t2 =  k k
2 m
 The time period of motion = t = t1 + t2
m m m
 +4 = [ + 4].
k k k
 B.

Problem 14 : A block of mass m rigidly attached with a spring k is compressed

through a distance A. If the block is released, the period of oscillation of
the block for a complete cycle is equal to

4π m B
3 k k m A O

π m
2 k
2π m A/2
3 k
(D) None of these.

Solution : The period of motion from A to O is equal to quarter of the time period
T of oscillation of mass spring system.
T 1 m  m
 tAO =  2  .
4 4  k  2 k
Since the motion is simple harmonics
OB = OA sin tOB, where tOB is the time of motion from O to B.
T A/2 T  T 2 m  m
 tOB = sin1     
2 A 2  6  12 12 k 6 k
 The total time of motion for a complete cycle = t = 2 (tAO + tOB)
 m  m  4 m
 t = 2 +  .
 2 k 6 k  3 k

Problem 15: Time period of a block when suspended from the

upper plate of a parallel plate capacitor by a spring k
of stiffness k is T. When block is uncharged. If a
charge q is given to the block them, the new time E q
period of oscillation will be
(A) T (B) > T
(C) < T (D)  T

Solution : The forces that act on the block are qE and mg. Since qE & mg are
constant forces, the only variable elastic force changes by kx. Where
x is the elongation in the spring
 Unbalanced (restoring) force = F =  kx
  m2 x =  kx
 = = T.
(Subjective Problems)

1. The equation of a simple harmonic motion is given by x = 6 sin 10 t + 8 cos 10 t,

where x is in cm, and t is in seconds. Find the resultant amplitude.

2. A particle of mass 4 g performs S.H.M. between x = - 10 cm and x = + 10 cm

along x-axis with frequency 60 Hz, initially the particle starts from x = +5 cm. Find
(a) equation of motion of the particle.
(b) the initial phase, amplitude and time period of the particle.
(c) velocity- displacement and acceleration displacement curve of this motion.
(d) plot the graphs of (i) KE vs displacement
(ii) PE vs displacement
(iii) Total energy vs displacement

3. A cubical body (side .1 m and mass 0. 02 kg) floats in water. It is pressed and
then released so that it oscillates vertically. Find the time period. (density of
water = 1000 kg/m3).

4. Find the time period of the motion of a particle shown

in figure. Neglecting the small effect of the bend near
the bottom.

5. Consider a situation shown in the figure. Show that if

the blocks are displaced slightly in opposite directions
and released, they will execute S.H.M. calculate the
time period.

6. A uniform rod of mass m and length  is pivoted at one end. It is free to rotate in a
vertical plane. Find the time period of oscillation of rod if it is slightly displaced
from vertical and released.

7. A particle is executing SHM. A and B are the two points at which its velocity is
zero. It passes through a certain point P at intervals of 0.5 and 1.5 sec with a
speed of 3 m /s. Determine the maximum speed and also the ratio AP/PB.

8. A ball is suspended by a thread of length L at the point O

on the wall PQ which is inclined to the vertical by a small
angle  to the thread with the ball is now displaced
through a small angle  away from the vertical and also
from the wall if the ball is released, find the period of
oscillation of the pendulum when
(a)  < 
(b)  > . Assume the collision on the wall to be perfectly elastic.
9. A small solid cylinder of mass M attached to a horizontal
massless spring can roll without slipping along a
horizontal surface. Show that if the cylinder is displaced
and released, if executes S.H.M. Also find its time

10. The friction coefficient between the two blocks shown in

figure is  and the horizontal plane is smooth (a) If the
system is slightly displaced and released find the
magnitude of the frictional force between the blocks when
the displacement from the mean position is x. (b) what
can be the maximum amplitude if the upper block does not
slip relative to the lower block ?

1. Determine the period of oscillation of

mercury of mass m = 200g poured into a x

bent tube whose right arm forms an angle  

= 300 with the vertical. The cross-sectional x

area of the tube S = 0.50 cm2. The viscosity
of mercury is to be neglected.

2. A disk of mass m is connected to k2

two springs of stiffness k1 and k2
as shown in the figure. Find the
angular frequency of the system
for small oscillation. Disc can roll
on the surface without slipping.

3. A uniform bar with mass m lies symmetrically

across two rapidly rotating fixed rollers, A and B
with distance '  ' between the bars centre of
mass and each roller. The rollers whose direction
of rotation are shown in figure slip against the bar
with coefficient of friction . Suppose the bar is
displaced horizontally by a small distance 'x' and
then released, find the time period of oscillation.

4. A rod of length L, cross-sectional area A and density  is hanging from a rigid

support by spring of stiffness k. A small sphere of mass m is rigidly attached at
the bottom of the rod. The rod is partially immersed in a liquid of density . Find
the period of small oscillations.

5. A vertical uniform tube of length , density  is floating in a system of two

immiscible liquids of densities 1 and 2. Its bottom end is at the interface of the
liquids. Find the period of small oscillation.

6. Find the angular frequency of

small oscillation of block m in the
arrangement shown. Rod is
massless. [Assume gravity to be

7. A disc is free to rotate with an angular velocity , about an axis

passing through centre and perpendicular to the plane. A
massless spring of force constant k = 10 N/m is attached to a
particle of mass m = 0.1 kg which can slide without friction,
initially at the centre of the disc and spring in its natural length.
Find the period of the particle is  is (a)10 rad/sec (b) 6 rad/sec
8. A string of natural length 2 and modulus of elasticity Y is stretched between two
fixed points A and B on a smooth horizontal table such that AB = 3. A mass m is
attached to the mid point of the string and makes a small oscillation in a
horizontal line perpendicular to AB. Find the frequency of oscillation of m.
9. A system consisting of a smooth movable wedge of
angle  and a block A of mass m are connected
together with a massless spring of spring constant k, m
as shown in the figure. The system is kept on a
frictionless horizontal plane. If the block is displaced
slightly from equilibrium and left to oscillate, find the 
frequency of small oscillations.

10. Find out the angular frequency of m

small oscillations of the system
shown. The T - structure is b
massless. The springs are initially
relaxed. a a

k k
15. Assignment (Objective Problems)

1. A particle moves in x-y plane according to the equation r  ( î + 2 ĵ )A cos t the
motion of the particle is
(A) on a straight line (B) on an ellipse
(C) periodic (D) simple harmonic

2. Which of the following quantities are always positive in a simple harmonic motion?
   
(A) F. a (B) v. r
   
(C) a. r (D) F. r

3. The magnitude of average acceleration in half time period in a simple harmonic

motion is
2 A2 A2
(A) (B)
 2
(C) (D) Zero
2 

4. A small block oscillates back and forth on a smooth concave surface of radius R.
The time period of small oscillation is
R 2R
(A) T = 2 (B) T = 2
g g
(C) T = 2 (D) None of these

5. A particle of mass 10 gm lies in a potential field v = 50 x 2 + 100. The value of

frequency of oscillations in Hz is
(A) 5 Hz (B) Hz

(C) Hz (D) none of these.

6. When two mutually perpendicular simple harmonic motions of same frequency,

amplitude and phase are superimposed
(A) the resulting motion is uniform circular motion.
(B) the resulting motion is a linear simple harmonic motion along a straight line
inclined equally to the straight lines of motion of component ones.
(C) the resulting motion is an elliptical motion, symmetrical about the lines of
motion of the components.
(D) the two S.H.M. will cancel each other.
7. The angular frequency of small oscillations of the system
shown in the figure is
K 2K K = s p rin g c o n sta n t
(A) (B)
2m m M a s s le s s
K 4K s m o o th
(C) (D)
4m m p u lle y

8. A particle executes SHM with a frequency f. The frequency with which it's KE
oscillates is
(A) f/2 (B) f
(C) 2f (D) 4f

9. A simple pendulum has some time period T. What will be the percentage change
in its time period if its amplitudes is decreased by 5 % ?
(A) 6 % (B) 3 %
(C) 1.5 % (D) 0 %

10. The work done by the string of a simple pendulum during one complete
oscillation is equal to
(A) total energy of the pendulum (B) KE of the pendulum
(C) PE of the pendulum (D) Zero

10. Two uniform rods are welded together to form a letter T as l

shown in the figure. Each rod is of mass M and length ‘l’. If this A B
combination is hinged at ‘A’ and kept in vertical plane then time
period of small oscillations about A is equal to
l 3l l
(A) 2 (B) 2
6 3g 2 2g
(C) 2 (D) C
( 6 5 )(g )

2. A cylindrical piston of mass M slides smoothly M
inside a long cylinder closed at one end, enclosing P A
a certain mass of a gas.
The cylinder is kept with its axis horizontal. If the piston is slightly compressed
isothermally from its equilibrium position, it oscillates simple harmonically, the
period of oscillation will be
(A) T = 2 (B) T = 2
(C) T = 2 (D) T = 2 MPhA
3. The period of the free oscillations of the system shown here if
mass M1 is pulled down a little and force constant of the spring is
k and masses of the fixed pulleys are negligible, is
M1 + M2 M1 + 4M2
(A) T = 2 (B) T = 2
k k
M2 + 4M1 M2 + 3M1
(C) T = 2 (D) T = 2
k k

4. The period of small oscillations of a simple pendulum of length l if its point of

suspension O moves a with a constant acceleration  = 1 î +2 ĵ with respect
to earth is
 
(A) T = 2 (B) T = 2
{(g   2 ) + 12 }1 / 2 {(g + 1) +  22 }1 / 2

 
(C) T = 2 (D) T = 2
g {g + 12 }1 / 2

5. A particle moves along the X-axis according to the equation x = 10 sin 3(t). The
amplitudes and frequencies of component SHMs are
(A) amplitude 30/4, 10/4 ; frequencies 3/2, 1/2
(B) amplitude 30/4, 10/4 ; frequencies 1/2, 3/2
(C) amplitude 10, 10 ; frequencies 1/2, 1/2
(D) amplitude 30/4, 10 ; frequencies 3/2, 2

6. A pendulum makes perfectly elastic collision with block

of m lying on a frictionless surface attached to a spring
of force constant k. Pendulum is slightly displaced and
released. Time period of oscillation of the system is
�l m� �l m�
(A) 2 � + � (B)  � + �
�g k � �g k �
l m
(C) 2 (D) 2
g k

7. Three springs of each force constant k are connected as

shown figure. Point mass m is slightly displaced to compress A
and released. Time period of oscillation
m m
(A) 2 (B) 2
2k 3k
m m
(C) 2 (D) 2
k k + 2  k + 1

8. Two blocks each of mass m are connected with

springs of force constant k. Initially springs are
relaxed. Mass A is displaced to left and B is displaced
towards right by same amount and released then time
period of oscillation of any one block (Assume
collision to be perfectly elastic)
m m
(A) 2 (B) 2
k 2k
m m
(C)  (B) 
k 2k

9. If for a particle moving in SHM, there is a sudden increase of 1% in restoring

force just as particle passing through mean position, percentage change in
amplitude will be
(A) 1% (B) 2%
(C) 0.5% (D) zero.

10. S1 and S2 are two identical springs. The oscillation

frequency is f. If one spring is removed, frequency
will be
(A) f (B) 2f
(C) 2 f (D) f 2


1. Equation of SHM is x = 10 sin 10t. Find the distance between the two points
where speed is 50  cm/sec. x is in cm and t is in seconds.
(A) Zero (B) 20 cm
(C) 17.32 cm (D) 8.66 cm.

2. A simple pendulum of length L and mass M is oscillating in a plane about a

vertical line between angular limits  and +. For an angular displacement
(|| < ) the tension in the string and velocity of the bob are T and v respectively.
The following relations hold good under the above condition.
(A) T cos  = Mg
Mv 2
(B) T + Mg cos  =
(C) The magnitude of tangential acceleration of he bob | aT | = g sin 
(D) T = Mg (3 cos   2 cos )

3. A coin is placed on a horizontal platform, which undergoes vertical simple harmonic

motion of angular frequency . The amplitude of oscillation is gradually increased. The
coin will leave contact with the platform for the first time
(A) at the highest position of the platform (B) at the mean position of the platform
(C) for an amplitude of g/2 (D) for an amplitude of g / 

4. The position vector of a particle that is moving in three dimensions is given by

r  (1 + 2 cos 2t)iˆ + (3 sin2 t)jˆ + (3t)kˆ
in the ground frame. All units are in SI. Choose the correct statement (s) :
�3 �
(A) The particle executes SHM in the ground frame about the mean position � 1, ,3t �.
�2 �
(B) The particle executes SHM in a frame moving along the z–axis with a velocity of
3 m/s.
(C) The amplitude of the SHM of the particle is m .
�4 3 �
(D) The direction of the SHM of the particle is given by the vector � ˆi  ˆj �.
�5 5 �

5. Which of the following will have a different time period, if taken to the moon ?
(A) A simple pendulum.
(B) A spring mass system oscillating vertically in the gravitational field.
(C) A torsion pendulum.
(D) An hourglass clock, which is essentially a vessel filled with a liquid, emptying
through a hole in the bottom.

1. Select the correct alternatives

(A) A simple harmonic motion is necessarily periodic.
(B) A simple harmonic motion is necessarily oscillatory
(C) Oscillation motion may be periodic
(D) A periodic motion is necessarily oscillatory
2. Which of the following is/are essential for simple harmonic motion?
(A) Inertia (B) Restoring force
(C) Material Medium (D) gravity
3. Which of the following is/are the characteristics(s) of SHM?
(A) projection of uniform circular motion on any straight line
(B) periodic nature
(C) displacement time graph is a sine curve
(D) acceleration is zero at the mean position

5. Which of the following will change their time period if they are taken to moon ?
(A) a simple pendulum (B) a physical pendulum
(C) a torsional pendulum (D) a spring pendulum
6. Which of the following statements are true for the oscillations of the mass suspended
with a spring?
(A) Time period varies directly as the square root of the suspended mass.
(B) A stiffer spring gives lesser time period
(C) The mass can execute oscillations in the state of weightlessness
(D) The system will have the same time period both on the moon and earth

I. The physical pendulum is just a rigid body, of whatever P
shape, capable of oscillating about a horizontal axis
passing through it. For small oscillations the motion of a
physical pendulum is almost as easy as for a simple l  C M
pendulum. Figure shows a rigid body pivoted about point L
P and displaced from equilibrium through an angle . C M
The gravitational force provides a restoring torque of
magnitude mgl sin about point P and time period is
given by
T  2 S tic k

1. The period of oscillation for small angular displacement of a stick of length L pivoted
about an ends is
L 2L
(A) 2 (B) 2
2g 3g
L 3L
(C) 2 (D) 2
6g 4g

2. If the stick is pivoted about a point P, distance x from the center of mass, the period of
oscillation is
L2 + 12x 2 3L2 + 2x 2
(A) 2 (B) 2
12 gx 2gx
12L2 + x 2 2L2 + 3x 2
(C) 2 (D) 2
12gx 2gx

3. For what value of x period of oscillation is minimum

L 2
(A) (B) L
12 3
L 2L
(C) (D)
3 3

II. If a mass attached to a spring (massless) is pulled down twice as far, the force will be
twice as much, the resulting acceleration is twice as great, the velocity it acquires in a
given time is twice as great, the distance covered in a given time is twice as great, but it
has to cover twice as great a distance in order to get back to the origin. In a linear
equation the time pattern does not change. If there were no friction the oscillation stays
on with same amplitude. However when there exists a friction of magnitude smaller for
small oscillation and larger for larger oscillation the amplitude gets dropped by the same
fraction in every cycle.

4. When the displacement from the mean position is doubled, the quantity that will vary will
(A) time period only (B) velocity only
(C) acceleration only (D) both (B) and (C).

5. If amplitude of an oscillation is a relative to the preceeding one in a system with initial

maximum amplitude A0 oscillating in a damping media, the amplitude just after n
oscillations will be
a a
(A) A 0  (B) A 0 a  A 0
n n
(C) A0 a (n – 1) (D) A0 an.

6. To solve the S.H. equation with friction, one must consider each half cycle separately
(A) friction reverses its direction in each cycle
(B) the S.H. equation will not be linear
(C) friction is independent of the displacement
(D) all of these.


1. Match the Following :

Column A Column B
(A) A body is moving along a straight (p) This will may be a uniform linear
line and accelerating uniformly motion
(B) A body is moving along a straight (q) This will be a non-uniform linear
line. It covers a distance 72 m motion.
during the first six seconds of its
motion and another 72 m during
the next six seconds
(C) A body is thrown vertically upward. (r) During the motion, linear
It rises to some height and then momentum is not conserved.
falls down along the same line.
(D) A bullet is fired into air from a gun. (s) Position-time graph of the motion
will may be a straight line that is
parallel neither to x-axis nor the y-

2. A particle of mass 2 kg is moving on a straight line under the action of force

F = (8 – 2x) N.
Particle is released from x = 7 m
For the subsequent motion match the following (all values in Column II are in S.I. units)
Column II
Column I
(A) Amplitude of SHM is (p) 0.5
(B) Time taken to move from x = 2.5 m to (q) 3
x = 4 m (approx)
(C) Total energy of SHM system (r) 6
(D) Velocity of particle at x = 4m (s) 9

3. A block is executing SHM on a rough horizontal f ext

surface under the action of an external variable II
force. I
The external force (fext) is plotted against x
position (x) from mean position on shown in III
Match which graph is possible for different IV
Column II
Column I (Nature of graph)
x = position
v = velocity of particle
(A) x positive, v positive (p) I
(B) x positive, v negative (q) II
(C) x negative, v positive (r) III
(D) x negative, v negative (s) IV
16. HINTS (Subjective)

3. F = -Agx

4. The time of motion for one cycle = 2 [tAB+ tBC ]

5. The relative acceleration = ar =a1 + a2

6. When the rod is rotated through an angle  about O, the restoring torque about
the suspension point is 0 = mg(/2).

8. The motion of simple pendulum is angular simple harmonic, so its equation of

motion is given by  = 0 sin t, where  =

9. Total energy E = Krot + Ktrans + U

10. The acceleration of the upper block is

 kx
2 = M+m
a = - x


1. The difference of level in the two tubes is given by

= x + xcos  = x (1+cos)
2. Total energy = Kpot + Ktran + U

3. The net horizontal force acting on the rod is given as f1 and f2 will not be equal
F = f1 – f2 =  (N1 – N2)

4. When the block is pushed in by a distance x in the liquid, the net force acting on
the M and m system is
F = LAg + mg – kx – A(h0 + x) g

5. Initially the cylinder is just touching the liquid of density 2. When the cylinder is
dipped by a distance x1 further,
F = mg – x1 A2 g - 1 A1 g

7. Restoring force = (kx  m2x)

8. Y=
9. Apply COE & COM.
17. Answers to the Subjective Assignment

1. 10 cm.

2. (a) x = 10 sin (120 t + /6) (b) /6, 10 cm, sec.

3. 0.088 sec 4. 0.73 s

6m 2l
5. 2 6. 2
5k 3g

 2  1 
7. 3 2 m/sec ; 
 2 + 1

8. (a) T1 = 2 (b) [  + 2 sin1  /   ]
g g

3M mkx m(M + m)
9. 2 10. (a) (b)
2k m+M Mk


2(k1 + 4k 2 )
1. 0.8 sec 2.

 m + LA
3. 2 4. T 2
μg k + Ag

    4k 1k 3 + k 1k 2 + 4k 2k 3
5.   +  6.
 1g 2g   4k 3 + k 2 m
7. (a) 0.785 sec (b) no oscillation. 8.

k mM
9. where mred =
mred cos  + m sin2 

2ka 2 g
10. 
mb 2 b
18. Answers to the Objective Assignment

1. (A) 2. (A)
3. (A) 4. (A)
5. (B) 6. (B)
7. (C) 8. (C)
9. (D) 10. (D)
11. (D) 12. (A)
13. (C) 14. (A)
15. (B) 16. (B)
17. (A) 18. (C)
19. (C) 20. (C)


1. (A), (C) 2. (C), (D)

3. (A), (C) 4. (B), (C), (D)
5. (A), (D) 6. (A), (B), (C)
7. (A), (B) 8. (B), (C), (D)
9. (A), (B) 10. (A) (B), (C), (D)


1. (B) 2. (A)

3. (A) 4. (D)

5. (D) 6. (D)


1. (A) – (q), (r); (B) – (p), (s); (C) – (q), (r); (D) – (q), (r)

2. (A) – (q); (B) – (p); (C) – (s); (D) – (q)

3. (A) – (p); (B) – (s); (C) – (q); (D) – (r)

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