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Fisher College of Business

T he finance major is designed to prepare students for the
increasingly important area of financial management in all types
of businesses, firms, and financial institutions. The financial officer
• Core courses
Business Skills and Environment
has responsibility for activities such as raising and allocating funds, Legal Environment of Business
cost analysis, forecasting and budgeting, investment management, International Business
and formulating financial and credit operating policies. Intermediate Accounting
Students studying the field of finance take course work in corporate Management Sciences
finance in which they study the effects of projects and financial Management and Human Resources
policy on stockholder wealth. They study capital budgeting, project Marketing
cost of capital, dividend policy, debt policy, leasing policy, and Economics
option pricing. Students examine different types of investments and Senior Seminar in Business Policy
their relative merits and the role of financial institutions, including
the study of asset and liability management in commercial • Required major
banks and saving institutions. Students can also choose to Corporate Finance
study additional topics in investment analysis including portfolio Investment Management
management, the stock market, and opportunities and problems in Management of Financial Institutions
international finance. Selected Topics in Finance

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Pursuing Finance at Ohio State
Students interested in finance as a major should have a good The Fisher College of Business
high school background in mathematics and written and oral undergraduate finance program was recently
communication. Experience with computers is helpful.
ranked 13th in the nation according to US
Students who come to Ohio State to study business will be News and World Report 2009.
directly enrolled as pre-business students in the Fisher College of
Business if they meet one of the following criteria: a minimum ACT Members of the department have received
composite score of 25, SAT combined Critical Reading and Math numerous teaching awards and have
scores of 1150, or a rank in the top 20% of their high school class. introduced experiential learning with
As a pre-major, students will enter the pre-major advising program courses like the Student Investment
within the Fisher College of Business. Those students not eligible Management Program which manages over
to directly enroll in business may enroll in the Management and $9 million in University funds and offers trips
Industry Exploration Program. To learn more, visit exploration.osu. for students to major financial centers.

Acceptance into the major and degree candidacy within the college
Ohio State was home to the Journal of
is by application. Students may apply to a major program after Finance for twelve years, an outlet for high
completing a specified set of courses. Admission of students with impact research in finance.
an overall cumulative point-hour ratio (CPHR) of 3.00 or above
is guaranteed. College academic counselors can provide CPHR
information for the most recently admitted class.
Program Educational Objectives
New freshmen with high ACT or SAT test scores and a high school At graduation, Fisher College of Business graduates:
rank in the upper 10% or acceptance into the University Honors • will possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Program may be eligible for direct enrollment into business majors. to identify and critically assess problems facing
contemporary businesses.
Acceptance in the student’s major area of interest within the • will demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Finance.
College of Business is competitive on a space available basis. More • will possess a global perspective and can critically evaluate
information may be found at the international context a contemporary business operates in.
• can identify and assess ethical issues surrounding business
Finance Requirements decisions.
• Principles courses • are able to work effectively in a team-based environment.
Accounting Principles • can demonstrate professional deportment and effective oral
Economics Principles and written communication skills.

For more information, check these web sites:

Finance: Career Management:
Fisher College of Business: Majors:
Ohio State: Rankings:
Curriculum Sample Co-Curricular Opportunities
This is a sample list of classes a student may take to There are many opportunities for students in the Fisher College of Business to
pursue a degree in Finance. Since university students enrich and broaden their academic experience. Though internship and co-ops
need more than specific education in a narrow field, are not required for business students, 85% of students registered with Career
they also will take classes to complete the General Management have some kind of internship experience before they graduate.
Education Curriculum (GEC). The GEC will allow Many students receive an offer of full-time employment from their internship
students to develop the fundamental skills essential employer.
to collegiate success across major programs. Course
work options satisfying the GEC often come from a In addition students are encouraged to explore other opportunities such as
variety of academic areas of study allowing students studying abroad. In coordination with the Fisher College of Business, the Office
of International Affairs offers several undergraduate exchanges for students
to tailor their GEC toward their interests. Note: This
wishing to study abroad in countries throughout the world.
sample represents one of several possible paths to a
degree in Finance. Consult the departmental web site,
Students interested in the area of Finance may wish to participate in the, for details on each Undergraduate Finance Association (UFA) whose mission is to provide finance
specific track.  majors with professional, social, and educational opportunities in the area of
Freshman Year: finance.
College Algebra 4
Calculus 9 Honors & Scholars Programs
Principles of Economics 5 Fisher College of Business honors students will enrich their academic
Business Survey 1 experience by participating in the Mitte Honors Program, which includes
Computer Problem Solving 5 the Accounting Honors Program, the Business Administration Honors Cohort
English Composition 5 Program, and the Business Administration Honors Contract Program. Honors
GEC (arts and humanities) 5 students who are selected for these programs and who successfully complete
GEC (social science) 10 the program requirements will graduate with honors.
Total hours 44
The Accounting Honors Program consists of a sequence of accounting courses
Sophomore Year: that students complete, beginning in their sophomore year and continuing into
Principles of Accounting 10 the senior year. The Honors Business Administration Cohort Program consists of
Principles of Economics 5 a set of sequenced business honors courses that students follow in a lockstep
Elements of Statistics 10 manner beginning in the junior year. The Honors Contract Program consists
Decision Theory 4 of an enriched academic plan that is designed by the student and detailed in
GEC (arts and humanities) 5 an honors contract. Honors students with strong research interests have the
GEC (natural science) 10 opportunity to pursue the Degree with Distinction, a program of research during
GEC (second writing course) 5 the senior year culminating in a thesis and oral defense.
Total hours 49
Career Prospects in Finance
Junior Year: Career opportunities for finance majors parallel the study and practice of
Business Skills and Environment 4 finance. Virtually all businesses, whether large or small, need help analyzing
Financial Accounting I and II 6 their financial needs and opportunities. Specific career opportunities include
Introduction to International Business 4 financial management in manufacturing and distributing firms, commercial
Legal Environment of Business 4 bank management, savings and loan management, stock brokerage, insurance,
Principles of Finance 4 security analysis, and trust management. Some jobs require special training
Principles of Marketing 4 and licensing such as stock brokers, certified financial analyst (CFA) or certified
Organizational Behavior 5 financial planner (CFP). A few jobs will require graduate school work such as an
Operations Management 4 MBA although most require the bachelor’s degree as essential for entry level
Economics Money and Banking 5 work.
Corporate Finance 4
GEC (natural science) 10
Beginning salaries for finance graduates in 2007–2008 averaged $48,037 or
Total hours 54
above depending on the candidate’s skills, previous work experience (gained
from part-time, co-op, and/or internship assignments), and type of employment.
Senior Year:
Investment Management 4
Revised September 2008. For the most up-to-date information on the finance
Management of Financial Institutions 4
program, visit
Finance options 8
Seminar in Business Policy 4
GEC (arts and humanities) 10
Electives 15
Total hours 45

Contact information:
Undergraduate Programs in Business Administration
Max M. Fisher College of Business | Schoenbaum Hall
210 West Woodruff Avenue | Columbus, Ohio 43210-1144
(614) 292-2715 |

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