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Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12 pt.
Spacing: Double
Paper size: Short
Page margin: 1 inch x 1 inch
Citation Style: ASA 4th ed. (2010)

Title Page
Abstract Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
I. Introduction
A. Background of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem (main and specific research questions)
C. Purpose of the Study
D. Significance of the Study (theoretical/contribution to literature and practical
E. Scope and Delimitation
II. Review of Related Literature and Theoretical Framework
A. Research Literature (Include an introductory paragraph about how you organized
the literature e.g., thematic review or foreign vs. local lit.)
1. Foreign Literature (or Theme 1)
2. Local Literature (or Theme 2, Theme 3, etc.)
3. Summary of the research literature (State the gaps that your study would fill
B. Theoretical Framework (Thoroughly discuss the theory/concept you tested, if any)
C. Conceptual Framework (Draw the relationship of your variables/concepts.)
D. Definition of Terms (according to the literature)
A. Paradigm (Postpositivist)
B. Research Approach (Quantitative) and Methodology (Survey, Experiment, etc.)
C. Statement of Hypotheses (Enumerate your null and alternative hypotheses. Please
refer closely to what your theory says.)
D. Operationalization of Variables (How did you measure your variables?)
E. Research Instrument (How did you come up with your questionnaire, etc.?)
F. Research Site, Population, and Sampling (Sampling Frame, Random Sampling)
G. Data Collection Procedures
H. Data Analysis Procedures
I. Ethical Issues
III. Methodology (QUALITATIVE)
A. Paradigm (Constructivist, etc.)
B. Research Approach (Qualitative), Methodology (Life-story, etc.), and Method
(Interview, Participant Observation, Visual Methods, Document Analysis, etc.)
C. Role of Researcher/Reflexivity
D. Research Site, Population, and Sampling (Criterion, Snow-ball, Theoretical, Quota,
Key Informant, etc.)
E. Data Collection Procedures
F. Data Analysis Procedures
G. Ethical Issues
IV. Data Presentation and Analysis
QUANTITATIVE: Present data and relevant SPSS output, reject or declare failure to
reject the null hypothesis, explain result using your theory or literature.

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QUALITATIVE: Cases, Life-stories, themes, categories, concepts, conceptual map,
pictures, etc. Relate these to your theory or literature.
V. Conclusion
A. Summary of Findings
B. Conclusion
C. Recommendations
VI. Bibliography
A. Published
B. Unpublished
C. Internet Sources
VII. Appendices
A. Blank Research Instrument

Produce three copies of your draft. Clip each copy then put it inside a long brown envelope.
Submit them to the Department on or before FEBRUARY 16, 2018.

Other dates to remember:

February 9: Submission of suggested panel members for defense.

February 10–16: Notifying faculty members that they are chosen to sit as panelists.

February 16: Deadline of manuscript for defense. Posting of defense schedule.

If you can’t submit your draft 1 week before your scheduled defense, consider yourself to get a
rating of INC in Thesis Writing. The panelists are given 1 week to review your manuscript so they can
prepare for your defense, hence, we can’t rush the process. If you get an INC rating, you will have an
additional 1 whole year to finish your thesis. There is nothing wrong with that.

February 17–25: Manuscript review by panelists.


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