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Edited by Seraz Hilal Mir

Hazrat Umar Farooq says,” Man was born free, but why you have kept him in chains of slavery?”

Freedom has been the watchword and rallying point in Kashmir for many decades. Certainly it is not everybody’s
privilege to sing the song of freedom. Only those hearts throb for it that actually see the claws of oppression in
a human society and have courage to speak for the welfare of mankind. A freedom loving heart is full of affection
for humanity and is always ready to take risks for the freedom of the suffering people.

Article 1 of the Indian constitution: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are
endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Every country, state want to remain free and they don’t like if another country or state try to make them
their slaves. If you see the history of world especially India they too were slaves of the British and they achieved
freedom from the slavery of the British raj on 1947. British kingdom ruled over India for about 100 years and
when India felt that the British violates the Human Rights, killed thousands of innocent people thus they started
insurrection against this all.

When Indian leaders like Gandhi ji, Nehru, Ali Mohammad Jinnah, Subash Chander Bose and other
freedom leaders united and they started rebellion against British government and when people understand that
their leaders are really leading them towards freedom they equally supported them in the freedom struggle.
This freedom for India was possible only when all people supported by hearts. The people boycott everything of
British government (civil disobedience moment). After all the hardships together of the people and the well
determined leaders, finally they saw the morning of desired freedom and this freedom sunshine appeared on
15th of August 1947.

Unfortunately after independence India got divided into two separate countries like India and Pakistan,
where majority of the Muslims moved to Pakistan and the Hindus decided to live with Hindustan. But it is not
equally good for the Jammu and Kashmir, where majority of the people are Muslims. It was the darkest chapter
in the History of Kashmir when Indian troops landed in the valley of Kashmir on account of protection of Kashmir.
But they had promised to the Kashmiri leadership to let the people to decide their will whether they would
remain free or would choose to go with either of the two nations Pakistan or Hindustan. But unfortunately India
played the same role like that of British government they broke the promise and started cruel attempts to get
Kashmir forcefully merge into indai. Since then the freedom movement in Kashmir stared that is still on move
vigorously till date.

With the passage of time the Kashmiris tries to live a peaceful life and they were unaware of the cruel
policies of India regarding Kashmir issue. The India started progress in their development, after independence
they forget the promises which they made with Kashmiris leaders. When India learnt how to extract the natural
resources for their development and saw that valley Jammu and Kashmir is full of Natural resources and they
started to exploit these resources lavishly for the benefit of their greed.
KASHMIR (Jan. 1989 to Total Killings: 94,332
March 31, 2016)
Custodial Killings 7,043

Civilians Arrested 133,387

Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 106,063

Women Widowed 22,810

Children Orphaned 107,556

Women gang-raped/-Molested 10,176

Table shows killings of Kashmiri people by Indian forces from 1989 to 2016

Here it is not indai who are responsible for making Kashmiri people as their slaves, but the Kashmiris
themselves. On one occasion when Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and Gh. Mohammad Bakshi were discussing
the support and majority of Kashmiris, Bakshi sahib has rightly said out of one lakh population at that time one
lakh is with me (Bakshi Sahib) and one lakh with sheik sahib means the total one Lakh are trying to make fools
to both of them by raising their hands in support to both of them But in reality supported to none. This proves
the Brahman Nature of Kashmiris. This Brahman nature is still retained in the Kashmiris and this dual nature of
Kashmiris will never let them to get success in the present freedom movement against Brutal and cruel Indian
policies of indai government.

This is not the first case when people of Kashmir cheated the freedom movement, all of us are aware about
the 2008, 2010 riots in Kashmir, when Indian army kills Hundreds of People, hundreds of innocents are buried
in mass unknown graves and hundreds of innocents are booked under PSA and Hanged. And after a long unrest
when indai feels that they have to leave now from the land of Kashmir, they decided to do elections in the valley
of Kashmir as their last hope. But when election campaigns start and the Politicians distributed checks they all
gets shocked. They see the same people who were throwing stones on them are now participating in campaigns
for election moment. The Indian are aware about the dual nature of Kashmiris of which they got benefited to
do elections smoothly. And thus got succeeded in their policy with ease.

Although the people of Kashmir are well aware about the brutality of Indian forces still there are some
parents who send their daughter on army tours with the same forces who are responsible for the rapping of the
ASIA and Neelofar and the kunan Pushpora rape incident. The parents feel proud to see their daughters dancing
with the army personals and in front of media. Some people make their future in the cricket, some in the boxing,
some in the dancing some clamming and some become singers and some army informers and helping India in
the killings of thousands of youths in Kashmir and crushing the freedom moment. These are the same Kashmiri
people who want freedom from the slavery of India.

Another example is the 2016 Riots in Kashmir the highest shutdown and continue curfew of 4 months in
the history of world against the Indian Atrocities in Kashmir, Human Rights Violations and state terrorism of
India. The 4 months continue shutdown took lives of hundreds of Innocents, Blinded Hundreds of people and
thousands of people are injured by the Pellet guns, tear gas and Pova shells. Thousands are booked under PSA
and almost Property worth crores of rupees were damaged by the Indian forces in Kashmir. The Pakistani PM
Mr. Nawaz Sharief deliver his one hour Speech in the UNO in which he speaks about half an Hour on the Indian
Atrocities and Human rights violations in Kashmir. Here again the freedom moment takes turn when some areas
of Kashmir remain violence free and the only side that give fully support is the south Kashmiri people at the end
and they are still fighting for the freedom moment. The black marketing was in its peak instead of helping the
Kashmiri people they raise the price of the food and the grocery items.

Another reason of the failure of the 2016 freedom moment is the Exam policy by the Indian government.
The students all over Kashmir decided to raise their campaign against the atrocities in Kashmir and they said
that they Boycott the exams because they don’t want to sell the blood of their brothers and the Blinded youth.
They came out on roads with banners in their hands written as ‘they are equally in support with the blinded and
the innocents victims’ so they boycott these exams until justice is not done with them. When the government
saw this that they are failing in their policy, then Nayeem Akhter then the Education Minister launched a new
scheme named “The 50% syllabus scheme”, Where students of the Kashmir valley have to prepare only the 50%
syllabus for their exams, the teachers supervisors are also guided to help these students equally. After seeing
this scheme the same students who wanted justice for their brothers are now disappeared from the roads and
preparing for their exams and they are the people who make the 4 months continue shutdown to end in the
valley. After completion of the exams the Govt. declared the result after a short period of time, which was not
done so fast earlier. After seeing the results with such huge percentage the parents and their wards forget
everything as nothing was happened in the valley for last 4 months. All are passed with 70% above %age and
some receive 99.9 marks in such blinded marks checking option. They parents and the students forget that it is
not their hard work but it is the policy of the government to give such a huge percentage to them. This was all
done to check the unrest in Kashmir.

The people of Kashmir said that they equally support to the freedom movement of Kashmir, but I want to
say who make the exams, the election a successful are they the people of other states of indai? Don’t they forget
who are Molvis, emaams who are army informers, who are alcohol drinkers, who are election campaign
supporters, who sends their daughters on army tours, they are not the people of other states but the same
Kashmiri people who are responsible to make slavery mission continue under the mastery of India.

“Molvi be Tu Emaam be Tu, Army informer be tu, sharab peeneye wala be tu

Ae Kashmiri Ye Bata Asal Ma Kun Hai Tu”

(Bilal Bashir Bhat)

Both people and the separatists leaders of Kashmir don’t know where they go what they do, they are like the
ship in the sea without sailor and the direction of wind change the direction of the ship that never reach to its
destiny. What the separatists leaders want to prove by giving such protest clander and what the people of
Kashmir need? The Freedom or the Slavery of India.

After seeing this we are very much astonished what separatist’s leaders want to prove by giving such
protest clander and what the people of Kashmir actually need? On one side the people of Kashmir fully support
India by accepting the policies and schemes of India and on the other side the same people want freedom from
the slavery of India.

It is not India who is responsible for killing of thousands of innocents, rapes thousands of women’s blinded
hundreds of youth, thousands booked under PSA, thousands injured, but Kashmiri people are themselves
responsible for this all if they are able to understand their origin of fault.

We will never achieve our dream of freedom until we leave The dual nature policy and follow the same
path, in Kashmir there is a quotation by Sheikh ul Alam (R.A.W)“Sarie Semato akisee Raze Lamto adama
Rayehay Kahan Gaav” and a well English quotation “united we stand Divided we Fall”. If we can do this then
the time is not so far when the sun of freedom would rise in Kashmir.

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